Chap. VII: Helping Hands II

-3rd POV- Vale, 9:00 a.m.

After 30 minutes on the Bullhead. Y/n along with the Girls had finally arrived in Vale. Y/n then looked at the girls as they look back it him. "So whats the plan?" He said as he looked at the city. But the girls remain silent as Y/n came to the conclusion that they had made their way to Vale for nothing. He then turn to look at them. "You all don't have a plan, do you?" He asked but no response from the girls.

Weiss then spoke up. "Um... I guess we should go eat breakfast first. Anyone have a good plays to eat?" She asked as she look at the rest of the girls. But the girls simply shook their heads.

Y/n then sigh as it made everyone look at him. "Come on? I know of a place?" He said as he started walking away with the girls right behind him.

-Short Skip, 9:15 a.m.

The girls remain silent as they all looked up at a Cafe that they never heard of. But as they noticed that Y/n had walked in they went right after him. As soon as they got inside they looked at the aria and something about the atmosphere felt calm and relaxed.

As the girls looked across the cafe a maid approached them and greeted them with a smile. "Welcome to the Maid Cafe Mewon, Master and Madame's." The girls looked at her. But Weiss then started thinking to her self. "Cued this be what Y/n is in to?"

Y/n looked at her and responded to the Maid. "Do you have table for 5?"

The maid nodded her head. "Yes of cores please fallow me to the back, Master and Madame's?" She then turned around and started walking to the back as they fallowed behind her.

Blake looked around the cafe and she noticed several faunus working and having fun. She then looked at Y/n how had a calm look in his face. But something about him made her relax, and happy.

When they all took their seats Weiss and Blake seat close to Y/n with him in the middle. The Maid then started taking their orders. "What would you like to eat Madames?"

Momo glazed throw the menu until she found something she wanted. "I would like the Chocolate Parfait." The maid took her order, and moved on to the next person.

Weiss was next to respond. "I would like to try the Veil Special, with scrambled eggs." The maid took her order, and moved on to the next.

Blake was next as she looked over the menu until her eyes sparkled with a passion no one has seen. "I would like the Sea King Special." The Maid nodded to her, as she moved to the next person.

Koneko took her time until she found what she wanted to eat. "I would like the Special Breakfast Pancakes please." The Maid nodded at her.

The maid then turned her attention at Y/n. "And what would you like Master?" She said with a smile.

"Just Coffee with the Breakfast Special." He said as he looked at her.

The maid then nodded her head as she kept her smile. "Okay I will be right back with your coffee master." She then left as the girls looked at Y/n how had his eyes close.  

Aisha then materialized close to him. She also noticed that the girls were looking at Y/n. "What's wrong Aisha?" Y/n said as the girls looked at him. Aisha shook her head with a smile on her face. He tilted his head in confusion as a '?' appeared over his head. He then started to talk to Aisha as the rest of the girls looked at him. They didn't know what to say but they felt relaxed just being with him. Something about him made them relaxed as their chest started to run. All but Weiss of core as she was already with him.

Blake then responded to him. "Hey Y/n?" He looked at her. "I was wandering why can't we see Aisha?" He didn't know how to respond to that as he didn't know.

Aisha looked at her and she smiled as she placed her attention at Y/n again. "Hey Y/n can you do me a favor?" Said Aisha as he looked at her an He nodded his head.

The girls kept looking at him as he turned his attention at Blake and the girls. "If all you want to do is see Aisha then." He placed his left arm on the table. "All of you grab my arm and close your eyes." He said.

All of them felt a bit embarrassed but they quickly looked at each other and nodded. They then placed one hand over, Y/n's hand. They started to blush as they felt to embarrassed to talk to him. "Close your eyes and focus." He said as he looked at them. As they all close their eyes they started to concentrate, and as soon as they open their eyes again they looked at Y/n, and noticed a small black flame that floated at his side.

Blake looked at the flame. "Is that her?" She said as she held his arm. He nodded to her. "I see so that is the person that is with you." He nodded. Koneko, Weiss, and Momo looked at Y/n and his expression chowed a look of sadness, even if it wasn't noticeable.

When they all let go of his arm Blake frowned. "I'm sorry for causing you all so mush trouble. You all don't have to help someone like me... After all you all know right? That i'm just a no good faunus. A faunus that hates humans. So please you don't have to be nice to someone like me." Blake said as she looked like she was about to tear up.

But Weiss looked at her and she crossed her arms. "Come on no need for that Blake." Blake looked at her. "You are our friend so why wouldn't we help you. I don't care that you're a faunus. To me you're a human and faunus and that make me happy. But more then that you are not only my teammate but my friend. And that will never change." She said as she smiled at her.

"But i'm-" Blake was about to say something but was cut of by Momo. "Blake?" Blake looked at her. "You act all strong but in reality you are looking for people to except you. And I can tell you that crying over him wont change anything. If you feel hurt, or sadden it's okay to rely on us for support. Because to me it doesn't matter you will always me our friend. And friends help each other out." 

"....." Blake didn't respond as Koneko was the next person to speak. "They're right. Will always have your back trow thick and thin. If you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to. Will always be right at your side. Even if we're far away will always be right their. After all you and I are almost alike. So if you need to cry then cry. Will stay right hire with you no matter what." Koneko said as she started to smile at her.

A sudden a tear landed on Blake's hand and all of them looked at her. As Blake had tears in her eyes. "All of you. Why are all of you so nice to me? I'm just an idiot... I'm scared of being alone... But without him, I thought that it be better to just give up on my self. I thought that I wouldn't hurt anyone that way. Because I just wanted to run from it all. But in spite of that... You all keep helping me like this, why?... I'm an idiot aren't I? Even if i'm the one how decided to forget about him, why must you all be so kind, to someone like me." Everyone looked at her.

But Aisha looked at Y/n how was looking at his left arm. He then gave a low sigh and he petted Blake's head catching her off guard, along with everyone. "You say why are they so kind to you? You call you're self an idiot. But the reality of it all is that, they care for you. Even if your a faunus. Even if you wanted to run away. To them you are someone precious that tries her best everyday. You try to constantly find a way to help your people. Don't you see? To them you are more then just a friend, you are like a Sister to them... So stop crying and stop calling your self an idiot." He then stop petting her, and extended his arm towards her. "If it's to hard to handle it all. Then let us shoulder the burned that you carry. Let us take that wait of your chest and in to our. And trust me, together you won't have to be alone... trust me I know full well how it feels to be alone. So stop the tears and except the help of your friends, Blake Belladonna."

She looked at him without a wird to say to him, as she still had tears in her eyes. She looked at everyone and everyone nodded to her with a smile in their faces. She then turned to face Y/n and she slowly reached out to touch his hand , until she touched it. As she looked at him she felt as all her sadness was going away. She then surprised everyone as she suddenly buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry Weiss but can I barrow him for a moment?" She said as she started to cry. But Weiss smiled understandingly. "It's okay let it all out." Weiss said with a kind smile on her face.

After Blake had calm down she along with everyone smiled as Y/n went back to his cold uncaring self. But they cued tell that he was glad to help Blake. So after the Maid had brought their food they started to discus maters of the school and what to do next. Until Y/n got up and walked of somewhere. When he came back Momo looked at him and she wanted to try and win him over by paying for the food.

He then got back to his seat. But she started to blush as she looked at him. He look back at her with a confused look. "Is something wrong?"

Her blush darken as she noticed that he was looking at her. "W-W-Well Y/n I-I was wandering I-If you would l-l-like me to pay for our food." She said as she stuttered and look away.

Weiss noticed it. "T-Then i'll p-pay for our part." She said as she blushed.

Koneko the spoke up. "T-T-Then i'll pay for Y/n." She said as she looked away from Y/n.

Blake spoke. "No way you all help me so I should pay for the food. More Y/n if possible." She said with the last part being at a low tone that none cued hear her.

They all then started to reach in their pockets. But Y/n sigh and looked at them as he responded. "You don't have to do that. I already paid for everyone's food." When he said that they all blushed as they didn't expect him to pay for their part, more Momo, Koneko, and Weiss. But as they looked at him their hearts almost skip a beat. 

"U-Um do you n-need me to pay you back? I can do that." Momo said as she reached inside her purse. Weiss nodded as she reached for her card. But he was quick to stop them.

"Don't, I paid for it because I wanted to. It's not right for all of you to pay for my part of the food just because you have money." He then looked away as Aisha noticed that he blushed. "And besides... You all look good when you all smile." When he said that Koneko, Blake, Momo, and Weiss smiled as they looked at him.

After coming out of the cafe they all look at Y/n and Weiss responded. "So what's next?" 

".... I got nothing." Y/n said as he placed his arms in his pockets.

"I know!" They looked at Blake as she had a smile. "I heard that theirs a festival close to town. So why don't we go, and have some fun?"

Weiss nodded to her idea as she took out her scroll. "Great idea and not only that but I have my scroll so let's take some photos."

Everyone nodded as they looked at each other and smiled. Except for Y/n who still had his normal face. But Aisha cued tell that he was having fun, even if he didn't show it.

-Time Skip, 11:20 a.m.

 They all looked in amaze as their was ornaments across the buildings, with several booths across the streets. The people looked like they were having fun. As several faunus are also seen across the streets playing in the booths and even some with their family's. Weiss then looked at everyone and she smiled as she took her scroll out along with, Momo who did the same. "Okay everyone time to start operation having fun!" All of them nodded as Y/n look at them. They then all responded at the same time. "BONSAI!"

Aisha the floated close to Y/n as she smiled. "Looks like your going to have some fun." She said jokingly. "But play nice now Y/n. And remember have F-U-N. Oh Almost forgot BONSAI!" She said in a playful tone, but Y/n sigh. But just looking at the girls smile made him calm down and forget about his family.

-Photo Montage

Weiss looked at Y/n and she snaps a photo as it envelops everything in a bright light. It then shows a photo of all of then together as Blake is seen looking at some mask. Momo is seen talking to Y/n along side Koneko. And Weiss is scene taking a selfie as everyone is seen on the back ground.

The next photo is Weiss locking arms with Y/n as she takes a selfie with him. He is simply giving a peace sign.

The next photo reveals Weiss, Momo, and Koneko each trying to spoon feed Y/n as they had a look of anger as they looked at each other. Y/n was looking away in embarrassment. But even if Aisha wasn't seen she was laughing, and making fun of him, as she was floating close to him.

The next photo is Weiss, and Momo putting some make up on Y/n as he had a look or annoyance. Far to the edge of the photo Blake is seen looking at some fish with some drool going down her lips. Aisha was looking at Y/n and she was holding her laughter. Meanwhile Koneko was the one taking the photo.

The next one is a photo of Y/n along with the girls as he wins a price for Weiss and the rest of then. Momo is seen with a look of disbelief as she was never given a gift by a boy. But by her expression on the photo she still had deep feelings for him. As her face was compliantly red. And Koneko is seen playing with something that Y/n gave her. Meanwhile Blake is seen as her finger is seen sticking out of the photo.

The next photo revealed as Y/n was in a bench with Weiss at his side with her head resting on his shoulder, and her eyes close. Momo, and Koneko are seen on the back talking with each other. As the next photo reveals them getting close to him. And the next photo reveals them both Koneko sleeping on Weiss's laps, and Momo on the opposite side to Weiss with her head on Y/n's shoulder. Which then changes to one of Blake taking a selfie and smiling as they are sleeping.

Next photo reveals all of them talking and eating together with smiles on all their faces. And Aisha looking at Y/n with a sassy look in her face.

Next photo reveals all the girls playing a game with Weiss in the lead, Koneko second right behind her, Momo in fourth place as she didn't know how to play, and Blake eating some fish she bought in secret, and Aisha is seen floating close to them trying to figure out what they were doing. Meanwhile Y/n was the one taking the photo.

The last photo was taken as all of then were together with Y/n in the middle of the photo, Weiss holding his left arm and a smile over her face, Momo along with Koneko on the opposite direction of Weiss and smiling as they look at Y/n, and Blake is seen close to Weiss as she was hugging her. And last was Aisha how was behind Y/n as she smiled.

After sometime they finished having some fun and as Weiss, Momo, and Blake left for the bathroom. Y/n and Koneko are scene sitting in a bench. With Y/n's arms on his pocket. But Koneko had yet to talk to him as she still felt nervous to say anything. She then took a deep breath and she looked at Y/n. "Hey Y/n?"

He looked at her as Aisha materialized next to him. "Something on your mind?"

Koneko lowered her head in sadness. "... About what happen back in our old school... I... I'm sorry for believing Iseei over my own friend... I know that you Hate me. And I wouldn't blame you after all I'm just a poor excuse of a Demon. But not a day goes by that I don't regret everything... " She then covered her face as she held back her tears. "I'm such a failure. I should have believed you." She then started to cry.

As she kept crying Y/n didn't respond as he didn't know what to say. He then took out one of his arms out of his pockets, and he petted her head softly consoling her. She then looked at him as she still had tears in her eyes. "Stop calling your self a failure, stop bringing your self down, and stop blaming your self for the past. After all you have been a great help to not only me but to Yang and Momo to. Remember when Gina attacked us. Even if you were scared, you stood up and you fought along side us. Even if she was strong you stood your ground and protected us.... Can you tell me something?" He stopped petting her head, and looked to the ground. She had her gazed fixed on him. "Were you lonely?" She looked to the ground and nodded her head in sadness. "Was it fun coming with us today, or with me?" She nodded. "... I-I see... You know that I can't really express my self, or show emotions because of my semblance. But as your... As your friend I've only been ignoring you eversin enrolling into Beacon, I guess you could say that I was afraid to say anything. Look what I'm trying to say is would you forgive me? Would you forgive this stupid friend of yours?" Koneko's eyes widen as she looked at him, and she nodded her head with a smile. "Really?"

"Of cores more then anything?" She said as she smiled back at him. "... Y/n. Can I ask you for something? Is it okay not to hold it in anymore? I told my self that I didn't have to cry. Unless I was alone or in the arms of the person that I trusted the most." She said as tears started to for in her eyes. Y/n then nodded as he looked at her. She then buried her face in his chest as she started to cry. He petted her head as he calmed her down. On the distance Weiss, Momo, and Blake are scene looking at them with a smile in their faces.

 "Okay." He said as he dried the tears in her face. "... I'm sorry for the way I treated you. So stop crying and stop blaming your self okay, Koneko. Or should I say, Shirone Toujou."

"You know the answer to that." She said as she tilting her head to the side and she gave him a warm smile.

"Okay. It's good to have you back Shirone." He said as Aisha looked at them and she gave a gentle smile.

As everyone approached them Koneko waved at them with a smile.

Meanwhile in a different location, all the faunus we're gathered in one spot. The man with the mask then approached the town and looked at all the Atlas soldiers. He looked at his faunus comrades as he drew his sword. And pointed to the Town. As everything fades to black from the darkness he called out. "ATTACK MY COMRADES AND SHOW THEM THE POWER OF THE FAUNUS!" 

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