Chap. VII: Helping Hands I

-3rd POV, Salem's Castle

Inside a dark room the sound of explosion, and slashes fallowed by gunshots are heard. But soon fall's to silence as the light from the red moon shines through the window and reveals Salem being thrown to the wall as a red katana pierces through her heart, and gets stuck at the wall behind her. Knowing that she was losing she reached out to the katana and tried to pull it out. But that fell short as another set of arms reached out and grabbed the handle and stabbed it even deeper in her chest. She then coughed out blood and she got surprised as she never ones in her life have seen another human being with such strength.

"W-who are you?" She said in a weak tone as she started to notice that her immortal body started to lose life.

She then looked at the person as it revealed to be Gina covered in blood, and a look of boredom in her face. Gina didn't respond as she let go of the handle and grabbed Salem by her neck and slowly pulled her closer to her. As the blood from her body dripped from the blade to the ground.

"You actually believe that you can beat me. Their is only one person who has that potential and that is not you." Gina said as she hinted at Y/n.

Salem looked at her with great anger in her face, as her scarlet eyes started glowing to a more red color.

"Don't worry you will join your followers soon. But I have a question for you? And I would very much like an answer." She said as Salem not having much of a choice nodded her head. But with her anger still showing. "Good, but if you don't tell me what I want to know then." She said in a mocking tone, and turned to look at her dead servants.

"I'm looking for a crystal." She said, as it slowly revealed Tyrian covered in blood on his knees, without both his arms, looking to the ceiling, and his scorpion tail revealed to have been forced down his throat.

"It will help me with an experiment that I am doing. It goes by the name, The Vermilion Crystal?" Salem for being cold and uncaring she froze as she heard the name. It then revealed that next to Tyrian was Watts missing his left arm, and leg. Half of his face looked like it was sliced in half by her katana, and his jugular looked like it was torn open with bare hands.

"W-what are you planning? Do you want to kill all life on this planet!" Salem said as her body started to tremble out of fear. Far to the side of the room was Hazel with half of his body hanging from the window, and his lower torso on the opposite side of the room. He also had a look of Shook and Terror over his face. Like he saw something that was never meant to be seen.

"Funny coming from the Grimm Queen her self. But no I'm going to give this world a second chance." Gina responded back. But close to the door it revealed what came of Mercury as his body was covered in several stabs. His body was on the floor with one half of his body reaching for the door, an the other half missing, and both his legs were missing as well.

"Tell me where to find the Crystal and you may still prove useful to me." Salem didn't respond knowing that she had no chance against Gina. As it raveled that close to Mercury, was Emerald with her back against the wall, and a large gaping hole were her heart should bee, as blood dripped from her lip to the ground. Her heart looked like it was splatted across the wall behind her as she was killed.

"It's." Was all Salem said as she looked what happened to the last member of her inner circle. Cinder was in the middle of the room as her body was on the floor, her body showed several stab wounds all over her body, her chest looked like it was ripped open by force. But out of everything. What made Salem to cared to speak was the fact that much to her surprise and ruthlessness, Gina decapitate Cinder's head and stacked her head on a pole in the middle of the room. All the while realizing that Gina did it without a care in the world. "....."

Gina noticed how her heart started to raise and she smiled. "I see." Salem looked at her. "You know ware the Crystal is?"

"W-Why do you want THAT Crystal?" Salem said hopping for an answer, as her blood spilled to the ground.

"hmm. I plan to bring war to this world. I war ware only me, and him can fight. But if I can destroy part of this worlds huntsman, huntresses, heroes, and so on. I can make this world even better as most of the humans will simply disappear. After all I already killed one of your coworkers what was his name... Ah yes I think his name was All For One." She said with a smiled on her face.

Salem struggled as she looked at her. "If you use that Crystal. You won't just kill huntsman, and huntresses but you will kill life it's self?"

Gina pulled her closer and whispered to her left ear. "That is correct... But that is only if you know how to use it. I don't plan to kill all life, no. After all you use your Grimm to kill people, and All for One use to use his power to kill heroes. But with half of you ... I'll put it all under my control and create a better world. Heh, that is of course if he stops me." As she spoke a dark shadow started to for behind her. Salem looked in horror as she widen her eyes. "You can see it can you." Gina looked at her four head and noticed the small black diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead, and looked at her in the eyes.

"Are you planing to find the Gods of the old world." Salem said awaiting an answer from her.

"HeheheHAHAHAHA! I would like to say that it's for the grater good." Gina quickly removed the katana from Salem's chest and she released her by dropping her to the ground. Salem then simply looked in horror as her body started to tremble out of fear. "Gods. Hehe, GODS! You don't get it do you? Only me and him have the wisdom and clarity to embrace violence for its own sake... Equilibrium must be restored... And your death along with several others will redress the balance."

Salem gripped her arms as she looked at her with anger in her eyes. "I don't care who you are or what you want but-- But you will never win against the Gods! You will never win against Ozpina and his huntsman! This war will never be one by you. The burden of this world and its Gods are beyond you!"

"Hmph. 'Tis you, Woman, who have struggled with this burden. Simply holding Ozpina and your war together has occupied your limited faculties. But you may take comfort in knowing that I have no intention of pursuing tedious war, nor am I interested in ruling over Remnant. I came only to remove that which ruins my sport. I will not have my prey stolen by you, your petty wars, your Grimm, your Villains and your cowardly weapons." Gina gripped her katana and then slowly lifted it up, as Salem widen her eyes in shook. As the shadow looked over Salem, Gina's body darken by the shadow.

"Y-You would kill me just for that...?" She said as she gassed in to Gina's eyes in fear.

Gina's body was covered by a dark silhouette as she gassed at Salem. "I need no other reason. And any all who interfere in my hunt..." Her eyes then turned red. "... Will not do so twice!" She then with one good swing of her sword slashed Salem's head clean off.

As Salem's head fell to the ground, Gina smiled knowing that she had just killed the immortal witch. When the head stopped rolling a flame enveloped both the body and the head. When the flame disappeared a small crystal was left in it's stead were the head was. Gina then piked it up and she smiled as she looked to the sealing with pure ecstasy in her face and blood on her left cheek. The moon chine in the room as she put her weapon away. "Hehehe. The Crystal of Vermilion... So I was right you did have it. Hehe. Just one more piece to go." She then started to think about her 'Friend'. "We shall gorge upon their strength, and then, my friend, our contest shall begin anew. Both you and me shall tower above the Gods! HAHAHA!"

As she started to laugh to foot steps of a person walked up to her, and it spoke in a calm manner. "So what know? You have almost everything for your plan."

Gina then calm down as she turn to the direction of the door. "Mayhaps you should go and great them? After all they were... No, forget I said anything. I will leave it up to you." She then walked away, and the person turned to her direction. As it look at Gina it ponder the idea. As a secondary person revealed to be a female with long black hair, wrapped in a ponytail look it the person. "What do you think Master?"

".... I see maybe we should go say hello after all." It then started to walk away as the female disappeared. Leaving the room as it started to catch fire.

........... Time skip 3 Week, Beacon Academy.

After the event that occurred in Ozpina office. Things started to get more calm around the school as they notice that Y/n and Weiss started dating. Surprisingly their relation chip was more smoother then normal. But the one that change the most was Weiss, she would constantly be by his side. She enjoyed being with him at all times. They would do everything together as in homework, training with Yang, hanging out with Koneko, and they even went out with the student from 1-A, to the behest of Momo who wanted to hang out with her. 

But their were somethings that were different like Koneko still wanting to express her feelings to him. And Momo wanting nothing more then to be with him. Yang noticed those problems but she kept them to her self as she to had feelings for him.

Victor told his family to not interfere as he saw great potential in him. He even offered to help Y/n train but was always met with Y/n saying, No. Leon, and Sophi were told to leave him be, as Victor didn't want them to bother him.

-Yang POV, 9:30 p.m.

After a long day of training, I had decided to go back to the living room. Truth be told I just really wanted something to drink. I was really glad that Weiss was going out with Y/n but deep down I could tell that I was mostly hiding my feelings. Maybe if I had told him how I felt then.... No! What was I thinking. As if he would ever had fallen for me.

As I was getting close to the living room I noticed team JNPR, Ruby, and Nero we're peaking over the corner of the entrance of the kitchen. "Hey Guys, what are you doing?" They then got scared as they all turned to look at me.

"Hello Yang, come here look at this." Pyrrha said as she grabbed my arm and I peaked at what they were seeing. And what I saw was really cute for the most part.

"Okay that is so cute" I quickly took out my scroll and I took a picture of what I was looking at. 

(I take no credit for the photo. And just imagine that it's you, and Weiss.)

I looked at everyone as they look puzzled at what they were looking at. "Is something wrong?"

Jaune was the first to respond. "I was just wandering if it's okay to sleep in the living room?" He said as he was looking at the sleeping love birds.

"Is that a bad think?" I said to him. "After all they had a lot of work yesterday. I know I was with them." Ruby looked at me as if she wanted a response. "Let me guess. You want to know what happen yesterday... Fine." I then went into great details at what happen yesterday. "If memory serves correctly fist day had to finish a home work that took 9 hours, so they woke up early. They then had to go finish some work left by Y/n, that he had to do on a mission. And yes I did go with them. And after that we all went to train in the U.A High School with me, and All Might." 

Pyrrha smiled looking at the love birds, before turning to me, and responding. "I will admit Y/n looks a lot more happy." Nore and Ren simply smiled and nodded at the same time. I simply looked away trying my best not to get involved.

I didn't respond and simply looked at them with a smile on my face, before looking back at Y/n and Weiss. Truth be told Pyrrha was right. Y/n was more happy then normal even if he didn't show it, and I could tell that Weiss was the same. "Yeah. After all it's only been 3 weeks but they look happy. Even if he doesn't show it." When I finished what I was saying I walked over to the fridge and I grabbed some water and walked away. As I was going to go back to the dorm, I looked at Ruby, and Nero. Confused I then respond to the two of them as I found it strange that I hadn't seen Blake at all. "Have you seen Blake?" Both of them shook their head.

Nero then spoke. "Sorry but I haven't. But will let you know if we see her." I then nodded and walked away to take a shower.

-Small Time Skip 10:47 p.m. 3rd POV

After waking up both Y/n, and Weiss had noticed that they were sleeping in the leaving room. Sure enough Weiss felt embarrassed hinted by her red cheeks. Y/n then walked Weiss to her dorm and left. As he left Weiss smiled as she looked at him. She then walked inside and closed the door behind her. She looked around the room only to notice that Yang, and Ruby wasn't there. But she did notice that someone was with her. 

"Blake?" She said noticing that Blake was in her bed. When she got close she noticed that Blake was crying. So not wanting to leave her friend alone she walked over to her, and seat next to her. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Hey Weiss it's nothing..." Blake said trying her best to dry her tears.

Weiss trying her best to comfort her rubbed her back. "Come on you can tell me."

Blake looked at her and as she did, she took a moment to think about it. She then looked at Weiss and nodded. "It's just... Sun broke up with me."

"WHAT! But what happen! You two were so happy." She said as she looked at her. 

"It's just that after the incident with Neptune. Ozpina send them back to their own school, and after that, Sun came up to me and said that we shouldn't see each other anymore. I told him that it wasn't his fault with what happen with Neptune. But he simply said he was sorry and he left." When she finished explaining, she started to cry.

Weiss understanding Blake's feelings quickly pulled her in close and gave her a hug, and as she did she rubbed the back of her head to try and calm her down. "It's okay. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Weiss then lifted Blake's face and locked eyes with her, she dried the poor girl's tears and lightly smiled. "... I have an idea." Blake simply looks at her as her, as tears kept running down her cheeks.

-Beacon: Girl's Changing Room

We then cut to the girl's Changing Room, as we hear the sound of the shower running. Inside we see Yang facing the wall, and letting the hot water fall on her. She let's out a sigh before leaning her head to the wall. She waited in silence as the water simply kept on running. She closed her eyes trying her best to think of something else. But deep down all she could think about was, him. The one person she called a friend. Her heart raced at just the thought of him. The thought of someone else hurting him only fulled her with anger. But she quickly calmed down, and lets out a sigh.

"...Y/n... I... Damn it all."

She said as the front of her hair covered her eyes.

-Time Skip: Team RWBY's Dorm, Next Morning 7:30 a.m.

After being called by Weiss, Y/n made his way to team RWBY's dorm and walked inside. As the door closed behind him, he noticed that the only ones there were Weiss, and Blake. He had a confused look on his face as he looked at Weiss. "What is going on?"

Weiss looks at him as he scratched the back of his head. "Well you see um." Blake didn't say anything as she felt to sad to say anything. "Can you help Blake?" She then proceeded to explain what Blake told her. "And so since you help me with Neptune. I was wandering if you could help her out."

Y/n sigh. "Weiss do you even know what you're asking?" He said as he kept his composure.

Weiss nodded at him, and smiled. "Yes, I know but please. You help me out with Neptune and i'm sure you can help, Blake."

Before Y/n could respond, Blake spoke up, but didn't locked eyes with him. "It's okay you don't have to, if you don't want to. After all i'm just a faunus, you don't have to help some one like me."

Aisha was quick to materialize next to Blake. She noticed how Blake was on the verge of crying. So she turned her gaze at, Y/n with a worried expression. "Come on Y/n. Can't we help her? Pretty please." She pleaded and clasped her arm together. Blake simply avoided eye contact with Y/n as deep down she knew that he wouldn't help her.

Y/n looks at Aisha before taking a deep breath and sighing. "Fine... Looks like I have no choice. So what do you want me to do?" He said still confused at what to do.

Aisha smiles at him, before responding in a very happy tone. "That's my boy."

Weiss quickly smiles at him and responds. "Okay then! First of you go wait at the entrance to the Bullhead. And try getting something more comfortable." Y/n reluctant simply nodded and walked back to his dorm to get something more comfortable.

Alone Blake looks at Weiss, before she turns her gaze at Blake and responds. "It's okay. He may look all series, and cold. But deep down he is actually pretty kind. So trust me on this." Blake nodded her head as she had full trust in Weiss.

As they started to look for clothes they heard a knock on the door. "Can we come in?" Weiss heard a familiar female voice as she walked to the door, and open it.

-Time Skip, Beacon Docking Area, 8:10 a.m.

After putting his casual clothes, he waited for Weiss and Blake. (P.S: The clothes can be up to you. I couldn't think of anything.)

"Whats taking so long?" Y/n told himself as he looked at Aisha who was looking at him.

"Come on give them a moment. After all a girl has got to look her pretties after going out." Aisha said as she looked at Y/n with a smile.

Y/n lets out a sigh. "Why am I doing this again?"

"Because deep down you want to help them. Or is it that deep down you care?" Aisha responded back. "Well no mater."

"Dame it, Aisha! You know that I don't like hanging with to many people. Let alone my own family."

Aisha nodded. "I know, but please help her out, please." She pleaded as she put both her arms together.

"... Fuck, not like I can walk away now-"


Y/n then sigh as he new who that voice belong to. He then turned to face Nero who was looking at him. Surprisingly he was alone for the first time. No Ruby in sight. "What do you want Nero? What does the mighty Garo need from me? Didn't Victor tell you to stay away from me?"

Nero nodded. "Yes. I know but I just want to ask you a questions, and then I'll be on my way. That is all." He said in a calm and gentle tone.

Y/n sigh with great annoyance as he looked at him. "Fine. Just make it quick."

Nero nodded. "When we were in Ozpina's office. You said that I have the love of someone that you use to love. What did you meant by that?"

Y/n sigh again because of his stupidity. "Are you that stupid? Come on think about it for once."

Nero started thinking of the person until he realized what he meant. "... Ruby."

"......" Y/n closed his eyes and nodded his head.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't know." He said thinking that it was going to make thing better.

"Whoopty fucking do..." He sigh. "... Of cores you didn't, how could you possibly know. But if all you ever wanted to do was mock me. Then congratulations you fucking succeeded."

"Do you just hate me for not telling you about her? If I had known that you where in love with her then. I would have stayed away. But please you don't have to hate us, for my-"

Y/n quickly cut him off. "Hate you? Hah, Oh please you along with your family are to blame. And besides I don't hate you. No... I DESPISE you... them TO." Y/n said hinting at his parents. "So I want nothing to do with your family. So do me a favor. As of this moment onward you can tell the rest of them. That I disown the rest of you, and that I want nothing to do with them. Or anything close of a connection with the rest of you. She can have the Sword Dancer name back for all I care." He said with full knowledge of what he said, and what he meant. "So leave."

"BROTHER!" Nero said as he was going to say something, but Y/n stared daggers at him.

"I said to L E A V E. Or else." Y/n said in a threatening tone, he then synchronized with Aisha, and prepared himself to summon, Tsukomi. "Last warning."

Nero lowered his head. "I... I see. Sorry for bothering you." Nero then turned around and he ran away leaving Y/n alone.

"Are you sure that was wise?" Aisha said with a sad look on her face.

"It's okay... It's much easier this way. At list this way they won't..." He said as he lowered his voice. He then turned around to face the wall and punched it with great force, which cost him to bleed. He then looks at his arm and noticed as it quickly healed, he then lets out a sigh. "Yep can't even fill it..." He then clenched it in to a fist and kept looking at it. "... I'm one hell of a monster alright." Aisha remain silent as she looked at him.

-Small Time Skip, 8:30

Y/n sigh as he was leaning on a wall with his arms cross, and his eyes close. He started to get bored. "What is taking so long? I'm getting bored of waiting." Aisha smiled at him.

"Y/N!" A female voice said as he noticed that it came from Weiss.

He got of the wall and turned to the direction of Weiss. "About-" He stopped as he noticed that Weiss wasn't alone. "You have got to be kidding me." He told himself in his mind.

Aisha smirk as she remain at his side. "Ara Ara, today should be an interesting day, wouldn't you agree Y/n." She said with a smile all over her face.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

Weiss was the first to respond as she walked over to Y/n. "Sorry that it took so much time but come on were ready to go." She said as she had a full smile in her face. And she walked passed Y/n inside the Bullhead.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

Blake then walked to the front as she felt embarrassed. "Um... Sorry for the wait, but i'm ready. Weiss wouldn't stop bothering me to pick up a good pare of clothes." Blake said as she told Y/n with a smile over her face and as she walked inside the Bullhead.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

Momo walked close to Y/n and she blushed as she looked at him. "S-Sorry if this is sudden but we wanted to hangout with the rest of you. So sorry about all this." She bowed her head as she looked at him.

Y/n sigh. "It's fine..." He then turned to the last person that was with them.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

Koneko walked up to Y/n. And she greeted Y/n with a full smile. "H-Hey Y/n good to see you. I was just in the neighborhood. And I heard what happen with Blake so as a friend I told my self why not try to be with her, and help." She told him. But in her mind it was different. "OH! Y/n looking at you up close is so H-O-T~" She blushed as she locked eyes with him.

Weiss looked out the Bullhead and she looked at Y/n, Momo, and Koneko. "Hey come on the Bullhead is about to leave!" She called out to them with her smile still showing.

Aisha looked at Y/n with a grin all over her face. "Aren't you lucky Y/n." She said but deep down she was having more fun than everyone.

Y/n sigh as he was then grabbed by both his arms by Momo, and Koneko one on each side and was dragged to the Bullhead. "This is not funny." He told Aisha in his mind as the Bullhead close, and it lifted up.

On a cliff side over looking Vale a tall Faunus man with auburn hair that spikes backward in a windswept way. A mask that covered his both of his eyes, and two horns looks over the city. "I finally have found you." He said in a calm manner and he removes his mask. He then looks over his shoulder as several other Faunus walk up to him.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

"Start getting into position, our operation will begin shortly!" All the Faunus nodded at him as he look back to the city with a stern look in his face.

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