Chap. VI: Unforeseen Circumstances
-3rd POV- Beacon Tower
Over the tower clouds are seen forming as it looked like it was about to rain.
Meanwhile team RWBY, along with Y/n, and Nero were heading up to the tower. Inside the elevator, Weiss was looking at Y/n, who had his eyes closed. When the elevator stopped and the doors open Nero got surprised, but Y/n got agitated as he noticed that both Leon, and Sophi where there. Both of them then looked at their kids, but they both smiled and waved at Y/n, but he looked away from them. They then looked at Ozpina, and All Might. "Good day-" Ozpina didn't have time to finish what she was going to say as she was cut of by Y/n who looked at her.
"Why are they here?" Y/n said as he looked at Leon, and Sophi, and pointed at them.
Ozpina looked at him as she felt hesitant to respond to him. But she took a deep breath and responded to him. "W-Well you see Y/n. I would like for you, Nero, team RWBY, and several others to go on a mission." She then looked at Leon, and Sophi and turned her attention back at Y/n. "And they will be helping you on this mission. So please work together with them."
Y/n then responded. "So what your saying is their coming with us?" As she nodded. Summer, Tai, and Qrow appeared and got close they noticed what was going on. "I see... I refuse." Y/n said as he looked at Leon, and Sophi with a pissed of look.
Everyone except for Summer, Tai, Qrow, and Yang looked at him but didn't respond. Ozpina slammed her hands on her desk, and got up as she looked at Y/n with a worried expression. "But Y/n!" She said but Sophi was quick to respond to him. "Son please can't you see that were trying to make it up to you. Please every time I see you get hurt it breaks my heart."
Yang got close to Weiss and she whispered to her. "If you want to tell him, then you have to know what he went through." Weiss nodded and she kept her attention on Y/n.
Y/n responded with venom in his tone. "Heart. What heart? I didn't see that heart when I was left alone in the darkness. When you found out I had grandfathers semblance all you did was ignore me. Never ones did you care." Y/n then clenched his fist as he looked at her. "I don't have a mother. I never did, you mean nothing to me." As she heard that she started to cry, and she covered her eyes.
He then looked at Leon. "What! Am I not worthy of the armor! Am I just some tool to you! Was it so hard for you to just tell me the truth about my semblance! Instead of just ignoring me!" He then looked at both of them. "I was left in the dark, I was alone. I had no one at all. And besides all you ever cared for was my older brother. Never did you two look at my direction." As Sophi covered her face, Leon felt to ashamed of himself to look at him.
Sophi stepped forward and she tried to smiled at him. "I promise to treat you right. Just like a mother so please Son. Let's just go back to the way things were?" Y/n shook his head and looked at her. "It's to late I want nothing to do with the two of you, or you." He looked at Nero, but he looked at Leon, and Sophi again. "All I ever wanted was for the two of you to acknowledge me as your son. But that never happened! I wanted to be like him. I wanted to fight like him. But all you ever saw was a monster in your eyes." As every one looked at Y/n they noticed that he was starting to tear up. "Hell I bet that if I would have died back then! It would have been a blessing to the two of you!" None of them responded, not even Ozpina as the room was silent. "Well tell me! Am I still a monster! A worthless excuse of a human that can't even get the golden armor! You ignored me for what! A curse semblance that belonged to my grandfather! "
"Brother that's enough!" Nero said as he looked at his little brother with tears in his eyes. "Please stop... Just tell me why do you hate me so mush?"
Y/n sigh before responding. "You always had everything that I didn't."
"What do you mean?"
Y/n didn't wast any time in summoning Tsukomi and he quickly attacked Nero who was pushed back, but Nero managed to block the attack. "Fight me!" Y/n said as he pointed his blade at him. But Nero looked down and he shook his head. "I wont. As your older brother I'm constantly worried about you. So please tell me why do you hate me so mush?" Leon, and Sophi looked at him. He then sigh. "Unlike you, thanks to this semblance I can't feel pain."
Y/n got angry as he looked at him, but he then sigh as he dried his tears, but still held his sword. But Weiss could feel his sadness by just looking at him.
Meanwhile outside it started to rain.
Back inside Sophi stepped forward as she looked at her son with tears in her eyes, and clasping her arms, she then responded. "Son, please you shouldn't be fighting like that with your brother! And you're lying if you say it doesn't hurt." Tears then fell to the floor and she raised her voice at him. "It hurts just looking at you getting hurt! Please Son just because you can't feel pain! It doesn't mean it's okay to hurt you're self! So please stop using that semblance."
Y/n sigh as he turned away from her and her tears. He then looked out the window. "I don't have the knack for it. If I don't fight like that, then I can't win. And besides I don't have any natural talent like you, or Nero for this sort of thing."
Leon then stepped forward and looked at him. "Even if you fight like that and win every battle it's not good for you. Can't you see that my Son." He said as both Sophi, and Nero nodded.
Y/n then sigh and got annoyed at them. "Stop calling me your Son." He then put his hand on the window, and responded without looking at them. "Then what is good for me? Now that I've been turned to this THING, how can anything be good for me."
"Y/n..." Leon lowered his head, and averted his eyes.
Y/n smirk. "All I can do now is kill Grimm. That's my new purpose in life. If I don't kill Grimm then I'm useless otherwise i'm just a walking corpse pretending to still be alive" He then looked at Nero. "So tell me. How's going to help me, you? The way I am who'd want to. Why even think about it." Weiss looked at him as she was on the verge of tears but she held it back.
Nero then responded back at him."But Brother, W-We want to help. Can't you see that Mom, Dad, and me just want to make you happy. We just don't now what to do to make you happy again."
Y/n tilted his head as he looked over his shoulder at Nero. With shadows of his eyes. "Then why don't you fight for a change, and stop meddling in my life for ones." He then turned around to face him. "Wanna know what a little birdie told me? You have more potential then anyone, you can beat any Grimm, and you wouldn't even suffer like I do. Why?" He then slowly started to walk to him. "You know what's stupid. Your the golden knight, Garo, you have a semblance that can counter anything, and not only that but you have the love of someone I used to love. But you had to fuck that up for me."
Everyone looked in silenced as they tried to figure out who the person was. Sophi, and Leon stayed silent as they looked at Y/n, as he stop right in front of Nero, and then spoke. "You have more natural talent that anyone else, right? You can take out the Grimm with the golden armor in a single strike like this." He snapped his finger, and spoke. "Without having to suffer like I do, right?"
"I... That's not..." Nero said as he tried to talk. But as he looked at Y/n he stayed silent.
As It then started to rain as Y/n didn't break eye contact with Nero. "But all you ever do is get in my way and tell people to be my friend. It's like you're mocking me for something I don't have, and/or don't need."
Yang looked at him with a sad expression but she knew that he didn't meant it. Ruby was still thinking of the person he was in love with.
"I... I'm... I just." Was all that Nero said as he looked to the ground with a sad expression.
"If you really wanna help me. You should try putting you're self in my shoes, for a change? But you can't, can you?" Nero stayed silent as he lowered his head. "Of course not. You could't give up your humanity just because you pity me."
Nero quickly shook his head as he looked at him. He then raised his voice. "It's not pity! I..." He then went silent again, and averted his eyes.
Y/n then sigh, and responded. "You can do anything, but instead you sit there, and I'm the one who has to go through all of this alone. So don't try to act like you know what it's like when, you're not even willing to do it yourself... All three of you." He then calmed down.
The room was silent as no one even spoke or responded. Leon, and Sophi simply looked away, as Nero lowered his head with a sad look in his face.
Y/n then gripped his sword as he looked at Nero. He then pointed the sword at him. But Nero didn't move. Zaruba then spoke up. "Young Y/n don't you see? Your family are really concern about you. They really do love you."
Y/n stood back. "Why don't you shut up. Your only a ring so don't meddle in my life." Zaruba remain silent. "Fine then Nero, if you wont fight then I will." Everyone looked as he raised his sword up ward, and broth it down. But in that moment his sword was blocked. Y/n then looked at the person that stopped him, the person then spoke in a calm tone. "Now, now there's no need for that." Everyone looked as they noticed it was an elderly man, as he blocked Y/n's sword with a simple cane, and one arm behind his back. "Please young man, put your sword away?" He spoke in a calm tone, but Y/n gripped his sword. "Please." He said, but Y/n quickly got back.
"Who are you? Old man." Y/n said as he glared at the old man right in front of him.
"Oh that's right I forgot to introduce my self." He said as he smiled. "My name is Victor Von Einherjar, and it's good to see the son's of my disciple." When he said that everyone looked at him in silent. But Leon then walked to him and smiled. "Long time no see." He said.
Victor then smiled as he looked at him, and nodded to his head, but he was quick hit him over the head with his cane. Leon flinched as he then placed both his arms on his head. "You have some nerve, I thought I taught you better." Leon simply looked to the ground.
Y/n then looked at Ozpina with a confused look. "What's with the old man Ozpina?" Before Ozpina responded, Victor spoke as he looked at Y/n again. "I will be accompanying you on the mission so let's get along Y/n Sword Dancer." Y/n looked passed him, at Nero with anger in his eyes. But Victor noticed and responded. "Please let's get along."
Y/n gripped his sword. "Get out of my way old man!"
Victor sigh. "Tell you what, if you can land a hit on me. I'll let you go and you wont have to participate on the mission." Y/n raised one of his eyebrows. "But if I land a hit then you join me on the mission."
Y/n remained silent until he nodded, but Leon responded. "Wait Master?" Y/n, and Nero then got surprised and responded at the same time. "Master!?"
Victor started to laugh, and touched his mustache. "It's been a long time since someone has called me that." He then nodded. "But yes, his right you can say that I am the one that passed down the Golden Armor, Garo to you father. So you can say that I was the original owner of the armor. They used to call me Victor, the golden knight."
Every person in the room looked at him with a surprised look in their face. But they then started hearing chuckling and they noticed it came from Y/n. "I see." Y/n said as he held his sword with both hands. "Don't blame me if something happens to you old man."
Victor nodded and stayed still. "Come?"
Leon stood back as he looked what was going to happen. The room was silent as everyone looked at Y/n. Thinking that he had the edge...... At that moment Y/n gripped his sword and he charged at Victor, and got in front of him closing the gap. He then raised his sword and broth it down quickly. But Victor blocked the attack with his cane, as he quickly pushed the sword to the side. He saw and opening and with the end of the cane he hit Y/n, in the stocked with great forced that send him to one of the window's. Luckily the window didn't break it simply cracked, but Y/n then got on one knee. He then tried to catch his breath, but he felt an overwhelming pressure. And as he looked up he noticed that Victor was already in front of him raising his cane. Y/n looked at him but all he was seeing wasn't Victor, but right in front of him was the Golden Knight, Garo raising its sword.
His eyes widen as Garo broth the sword down, but he quickly closed his eyes, and awaited the attack.... He waited for it to end. He then thought to himself that maybe, just maybe the end wasn't so bad. But it never came. So he then started to slowly open his eyes and he looked up. Everyone in the room was speechless at what they were seeing. Y/n was surprised because right in front of him, was Weiss facing Victor, with both her arms outstretched, and standing between them protecting Y/n. Victor had his cane inches away from Weiss's head, but he stopped just in time. Meanwhile Weiss gave him a stern look, and she responded. "Don't hurt him!?" Yang looked with a sigh of relief.
Victor smiled as he stood back and looked at them. "I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. I'm sorry young man."
"Let me help you." Leon said as he walked to Y/n and he extended his left arm to him, but Y/n furiously slapped his arm away.
"Don't touch me!" Y/n said as he then calmed down and looked at Victor. "I lost so a promise, is a promise."
Victor looked at him and held the cane with both arms. "Tell me?" Y/n looked at Victor. "How would you like it if I trained you. Even if you have that semblance I see so much potential in you. And I can also help her." He said hinting at Aisha. "After all your the best of all of us. Of cures I would be training you, and you alone. So what do you think?"
Aisha materialize next to Y/n, and she looked at Victor. He then looked at her and gave her a gentle smile.
Leon looked at him hoping for him to accept. Sophi smiled as she cued tell that Victor was one of the strongest people she new. Y/n turned to the direction of the elevator. "I... I refuse." He said in a low pitched tone, and he started to walked away. Nero was going to go after him, but Y/n looked at him. "Don't fallow me." He then got to the elevator and left.
Leon was going to go after him but he looked at Victor as he shook his head in no. Victor then turned to look at Leon, and Sophi. "Okay. I would like for you to explain what you did, and why is it he has such hatred for you. But did it ever occur to you. That maybe if you weren't so scared of him, his semblance cued be used for good. Because you might not see it. But he has so much potential." Both of them looked to the ground to ashamed to say anything.
Weiss looked at Yang as she gave her a hint to fallow after him. Weiss quickly nodded and she left the tower running after Y/n.
-Beacon 1 Floor
Meanwhile as Y/n was walking it started to rain even more. He then looked to the sky as he tried to calm down. But he then lowered his head and responded. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." He then turned around, only to be met with. "Weiss."
Weiss smiled as she got close to him. "You're not causing me any trouble." She then stop right in front of him, and she placed both her arms on his chest, as she looked at his eyes. She then blushed. "Y/n I want to be close to you. I want you to trust me." She said as she moved closer to him.
"You don't want to be a part of what I am. It will only bring you pain, and sadness. So trust me you will only get hurt." He said, but she continued getting close to him.
As the rain hit both of them, Weiss simply smiled as she blushed. "You say that your cold to everyone but deep down, you try your best to help the people around you. Look at me. Even do you didn't have to help me, you did. When Neptune tried to bribe you, you stood your ground and protected me. Even when I felt weak, and frail you staid by my side, even do you didn't have to. So Y/n as long as I'm close to you I will be happy. I want nothing more then to stay close to you. I don't care what people think, I wont let you suffer alone... because I." She leaned even closer to his face.
He looked at her eyes. "Weiss you don't want this." He said but she didn't stop getting close.
"Y/n, I love you." They then leaned close and at that moment they kissed, with only the warmth of their leaps. Y/n wrapped his arms around her, and she did the same. They continued kissing regardless of the cold rain.
Unbeknownst to them Koneko was behind a tree eavesdropping, and curled up into a ball, with tears running down her face. "Y/n... I." She told her self in a low tone, as she didn't care that she was getting wet from the rain. She then looked at the sky as tears ran down her face. She then looked at them and she whispered to her self. "Y/n all I ever wanted was to be close to you. Why... why wont you look at me, and only me. Can't you see I..."
In the third floor of the school Momo cued see Y/n, and Weiss kissing. Her arms then started to twitch as she looked at them. Just knowing that her one chance was gone, she started to tear up. Luckily for her, she was alone. She then place one of her arms on the window. "Y/n why didn't I tell you sooner. Can't you see I... I..."
Both of them then responded in unison with only one person on their minds. "Can't you see that... I LOVE YOU."
-Unknown Location
Inside a long hallway Gina was walking throw the hallway. With only the sound of her footstep, echoing through the darkness. She then stopped as she maid it to a big door. "So this is ware that witch lives. I hope she is worthy of being hunted. Or will she bee a simple vermin to be stepped on under by my boots." She then smiled with excitement as her weapon holster stopped moving and she took a red katana. She then raised it up in the air, as a menacing dark aura started to emanate from it. As everything goes dark from within the darkness the sound of a slash, and the sound of explosions are heard.
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