Chap. VI: Dark Flames...
-3rd POV: Tanjiro's Home (Y/n's Room: 9:34 p.m.)
As the seen opens up we see Y/n tossing and turning in his bed, and looking like he was in great pain. As the event of yesterday still ran through his mind. As a flashback of the time Leon blocked the attack to protect him ran through his mind.
Leon then in a weaken tone spoke as he coughed out blood. He looked at his son and gave him a warm smile. "... A-are you... okay Y/n."
Y/n staring back at him responded. "Why?... Why would you?" Confused as to why would he protect him, after everything that has happened between them.
Leon then still smiling responded again. "... Because... your my... son. I-I don't... need a reason not to protect you... for you I would scarifies my own life..." The sword was then quickly pulled out, and he collapsed to the ground motionless.
The flashback then ends and Y/n is still seen tossing and turning. As several shadowy silhouettes comprised of what looked like body of flames stood close to him. They then started whispering.
"His dead because of you, hehehe."
"The poor fool couldn't make it in time."
"All because of you."
"All because of you!"
Just then as the voices continued cackling. Y/n's hair started turning from his normal (H/c), to one of white, along with two transparent horn-like wings that were bio-luminescent in nature, and had a turquoise color to them. As that happened some that over his head appeared that faded in and out of existence.
The scene then changes to a close up of Y/n's eyes. As he quickly opened them, with a surprised look on his face. As it revealed an endless landscape of blackened earth and black flames under a sickly pale-gray sky. As he looked at the world his arms began to tremble with a cold sweet running down his face. Trying to make sense of what the hell he was looking at.
"Where am I? What is this place?" As he spoke in his mind. He looked at his still trembling hands. "What is this felling? Why wont my arms stop trembling?"
He said as he then tried to calm down and shock his head as he pondered how did he get there. So as nothing but the sounds of flames crackling could be heard. He then looks as the flames in front of him started to take on a larger form, wrapped with reveal chains that bound it in place. It then took an all to families form.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
As it took on the form of Aisha's demon form. It looked down at Y/n and broke one of the chains that bound it in place. It then reached out to him, as he was frozen in place with his body not responding. But one's Aisha's arms was close it held his neck and started suffocating him.
"Ai--Aisha what are you doing?" He said as he struggled to stay conscious. But as Aisha didn't respond back it all started to fall silent as the world around him also fell silent. He then slowly started to close his eyes as he mustered up the remaining of his strength to reach out to her.
But he was then dropped on all fours as he started coughing, all the while holding his neck. It was then that he noticed that he was back in that endless landscape of blackened earth that was still unknown to him.
He got on one knee as he noticed that this time he wasn't alone. As right in front of him was standing a person that judging by her exposed lips one could tell she was a woman. Strangely, the majority of her facial features besides her eyes was exposed. And she was completely cloaked in a black as the night cloaked, which a pointy hood and conceals her entire body.
The woman then slowly lifts up her left arm and point to him. "Bearer of the Marking. You will be called to the other branded, and out of all of you only one will remain... You will be the one that will bring ruin to this world. Such is your destiny."
As Y/n looks at her for a moment she lowers her hand, and he responds back to her. All the while trying to hide the sense of unease he had about her. "Who are you? What are you talking about?"
The woman didn't respond as just then over her head appeared a small black flame, that took the form of a black halo with spikes around it. "... Your life will be filled hardship. Just the same as your Grandfathers. You will bring ruin to this world just like it was several millennia's ago." As the woman spoke in gibberish Y/n was only getting more annoyed by her. As the world and her didn't make sense to him.
Y/n having had enough get's up and raised his voice at her. "I'll say it again. Who or what are you?!" He asked again wanting answers. But the woman didn't respond to him as she remained silent, as the last thing she did was sprout two large black wings covered in black flames. The wings then wrapped around him covering him in complete darkness that had no end insight.
But as he opened his eyes he noticed that he was back in the strange world. He looked as nothing but silence hanged in the air. That is until footsteps could be heard, along with the sound of a heart rate monitor breaking the silence.
As he wondered were the sound was coming from. The world started to take on the form of a hospital room. As the footsteps came to a stop with a door that was right behind him opened up. His expression then changed to that of surprised as he lifted his guard revealing a familiar face.
(I take no credit for the photo)
As it revealed to be Hector, Y/n's Grandfather. Hector simply walked inside the room and closed the door behind him. "I'm here..." He then started to walk towards Y/n.
Y/n having no place to move he prepared himself to face him. But just then he passed right through his body life a ghost with no physical body. Revealing that he wasn't real.
"Your late Hector!" Just then a secondary voice that was in the room spoke in a playful tone. As Y/n then turned around revealing that it was a woman with long white hair, and blue eyes.
(I take no credit for the photo)
Hector with a gentle but series smile seat on a chair close to her bed. "I know. I know. Sorry about that I was busy with something."
"So did you get it?" He gave a sigh along with a smile as he then seemingly out of no ware pulled out a pare of chocolates. "Yay! Thank you Hector!"
He simply smiled as the woman grabbed the chocolates and slowly started eating them. As that was going on right next to them stood two more females: One with purple eyes, and dark purple hair. But as he looked at the other female he couldn't make out her face as she had a hood on, with short sleeves.
As he turned his attention at the hooded woman something about her, made him feel like she could see him. The woman simply stare back at the spot he was standing on. Strangest of all was that as he looked at her, he noticed that on the woman's right hand, she bared the same mark on her upper right forearm that Y/n had.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
Y/n looked at his mark, and then back at the woman that also looked back at him. And so as he was about to utter a word. The room that he stood on got consumed by dark flames that turned everything in to a pile of ashes that crumbled away. He covered himself as the flames felt all to real to him. But it all stopped and he then slowly opened his eyes. His expression then changed to that of shock. As it revealed a city completely engulfed in dark flames. The same flames of his power. Of his curse. Of his semblance.
As he looked around not to far ahead he saw it. Houses that got consumed by the flames, burn down tree's, dead animals, and dead people, all across the sea of flames that consumed all in it's wake. He saw as the flames consumed all living things.
Looking across the mountains of destroyed building he noticed two people, standing on top of the rubles. Revealing Victor with his Garo armor, and Hector with both of his swords drawn, consumed by the flames of his semblance. The two friends responded, but Y/n heard nothing as both of them clashed.
It then transitions to another part as a close up of Hector smiling is seen, with blood running down the side of his lip. As Victor in a weaken state, held the makai blade with both hands, as the sword was plunged across Hector's chest. Both of them then drop to their knees, with the makai blade still plunged across his chest.
Victor looked on as his friend smiled back at him, with empty eyes devoid of life. He then uttered some words to him, that Y/n couldn't also make out. As Victor then nod's back at him, he then get's up and held the makai blade as he then quickly took the blade out of Hector's chest with one arm. And lifted his sword to the side looking one last time at him.
Hector then gives one last sigh, as he lifted his face and lightly smiled back. "Thank you... my old friend." He then closed his eyes.
Victor simply nod's back at him, and quickly decapitates him. And so as blood gushed out to the floor, his body dropped to the floor and then combusted in to dark flames.
As everything is consumed by the flames. Y/n wakes up again in the same unknown world. Still thinking at what he just saw. "Was that?"
The world then changes to an unknown location covered in a dark forest, surrounded by large mountains, and a dark red sky. He then looked around as something caught his attention and that was a girl with orange hair with a head band, she had her hair tied back into a spiky up, ponytail, and pointy ears hidden in her hair. She was on her knees and her back was hunched to the front as something was on her thighs.
Y/n looked as he noticed that it was a boy with white hair, black stripes, and eyes crimson in color. But what stood off about the boy, was the fact that he had two horn-like wings on both sides of his head, that also were transparent in nature.
"NO PLEASE DON'T GO!" The girl shouted as tears dropped down to the boy's face. Revealing that the boys body slowly started to fade away also being consumed by the same dark flames.
As her tears landed on the boys cheek he reached out and dried her tears. "It's okay... I don't regret anything... so... come on smile for me..." The girl looking at him did as she was told and smiled at him. But she didn't want to smile. She just wanted to be with him. "Thank you. Thank you for everything." The boy then smiled one last time as his body was consumed by the flames.
Y/n looked on as the boy slowly closed his eyes. Before the boy vanished Y/n tried to reach out to him. But the boy and girl both disappeared. As just then rattling sounds are heard as he then didn't have time to react as an arm consumed in dark flames reached out to him. Then from the very-same darkness several chains reached out to him, and bound him forcing him on his knees, preventing him from fighting back.
He looked as his surroundings was nothing but a vast empty dark and red void as far as the eyes could see. With his body being a simply white silhouette.
"What is this...!? I can't move...!"
He said noticing that both his forearms and legs had sharp red spikes right through them. But just then as he tried desperately to move several voiced started speaking from inside that very same void in an agitated, hateful, fearful tone.
As the voices spoke spikes grow from that same void pierced him. As the last one went through his chest. The voices then intensified and grew louder, and louder.
As he tried to free himself from the very spikes that held him in place. The voices kept intensifying with great ferocity. But even with that he felt nothing. Only anger towards the voiced that didn't stop. To the very same voices he heard as a child.
So as the voices kept screaming at him, he tried to cover his ears blocking out their voices. But that didn't work as he then dropped on his knee's, and started breathing heavily. He then looked at the ground as his eyes started turning red. As the silhouette of a woman in black flames stood behind him without a response.
As the voices stopped the flames of the world started intensify, as several body's are then seen on the floor as far as the eyes could see. Y/n then lowered his arms with a series look still on his face, as from the very black flames several skeletal arms started to reach out to him.
"Where am I? Everything is so quiet." As he spoke the skeleton of a person came out of the flames, and gazed at Y/n. Which in return simply made him not even respond. As all of the body's simply stare at the direction of Y/n.
"Set everything ablaze." The voices spoke as Y/n didn't respond or even made a move. "Turn this world in to a pile of nothingness!" The voices shouted as Y/n still didn't respond. "BURN THIS WORLD TO ASHES! BRING CHAOS TO THIS FORSAKEN WORLD! MAKE THE WORLD VANISH! SET US FREE!"
As he looked at the skeleton he responded to it. "Who... no. What are you?" The skeleton didn't respond as several skeletal arms are then seen reaching out to him holding on to his arms, shirt, and even legs. As another set of arms then grabs him by his neck and lifted him up in the air. Trying to suffocate him.
As he was lifted up in the air everything was still silent as several chains then came out from the flames and held him in place. As another silhouette of a person stood in front of him. So as it looked at Y/n it started to take on a different forms. Y/n on the other hand kept looking at it, as the silhouette started taking on a different form. Y/n's eyes then widen as he was meet with a very familiar person.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
It was his older brother. I'll be it sporting a pare of different clothes then the usual one he wares. Nero then unsheathe the Makai Blade and pointed it at him. As the world around him shifted to a desolate wasteland. The place had several destroyed and decaying buildings that looked like they could crumble at any moment, crystal blue lakes as far as the eyes could see, blue skies, and darken clouds.
But what felt off was the fact that it looked somewhat familiar to Y/n. But he couldn't make out why. Why did it look familiar to him? But he quickly snapped out of it as he looked at Nero, still pointing his blade on him.
"What are you doing Nero?" Y/n said trying to move. "Just what's going on here!" Just when he shouted. But as he did he felt a strong backlash that intensified. "What the hell was that?" He said just as the pain subsided and he gasped for air.
Nero then spoke as he stood right in front of him. "Hello brother. Glad to see that the Demon is awake."
Y/n clenched his fist as he heard the name Demon from him. He then started to wander what he was going to do. As Nero then looked around the town and turn his gaze back at him, he then smirked. "Look at you. You were always a weakling. So you should be grateful that I took everything from you. The love and trust of our parents."
"..." Y/n didn't respond as his eyes were covered by a shadow. Nero then quickly pointed the blade close to Y/n's neck.
Nero then spoke in a mocking tone. "This is why I took Ruby from you. Why I took the armor from you. Why I took everything, and everyone from you."
As Y/n is kept lifted up from the ground he simply didn't feel like responding. As Nero then gets close to him and point the blade in his chest.
The silhouette of a woman in flames then spoke to Y/n in a relaxed and cynical tone. "What's wrong? He's ask for you to lose control, so do it."
Y/n simply gasps as he looks at Nero with one of his eyes turning red. "..."
"Use the power gifted to you. Scar his body. Slater him. Tear him apart. Burn his body till his nothing but a pile of ash." As the woman spoke Y/n simply looks at Nero.
"Tell me brother. Why do you oppose it? Why do you not simply lay down and let it take over? What is left for you now? Do you STILL believe that they can help you? If so then stop holding back!"
As Y/n tried not to let his words get the better of him, he responds back to him with a simple. "F-Fuck you..."
The woman then spoke again as she leaned her head close to Y/n's face. "Do it use your semblance to turn him to ash. I know your flames are craving to get out. Kill that horrible Demon right in front of you. He did say that he took everything from you. But what does it mater Family, Friends, Lovers to hell with all of it!" Y/n for a split moment grins as he really just wanted to turn Nero to ash. The odd part was the fact that Nero couldn't see the woman.
Nero gave a sigh as he shrugged his head. "Don't you see? Anything you do is completely useless. Everything will only turn to nothingness. I hope you realize that your life is of no use. Especially when the truth is that no one has ever loved or cared for you. Right from the very start. So brother you can do me one favor. As your older brother die you M O N S T E R." He said as he then prepared to finish him off.
The woman then spokes. "Come on wipe him from the face of the earth. He will only take everything if you let him live. So come on make him pay. Make his life a living hell on earth. Hehe, k-i-l-l him."
Y/n for a moment bites the side of his lip before responding back to him. "I... I won't..."
"Then what about all of your bloodlust you've been building up for the past several years? It won't just go away, you know." As she spoke several other voices started to be heard.
The woman then spoke again as she got even closer to him. "Back in the day you held back. You let those little insects say whatever they wanted. You told yourself ignoring them was the best option but in the end it was all for not. Deep down your rage was never quenched. So come on say to the world, "You're right. I am every bit the demon you say I am." Give up on the helping people crap. This world only keeps being built on a stinking bed of lies. Heroes never existed."
Just then an image of Hector, and Gina then appeared not to far in to the distance with their backs turned. Hector then looks back at Y/n with a cold look on his face. As the woman laughs and smiles. "He's the one you really wanna kill, huh? After all. All of this happen because of him. I mean, he passed his curse on to you. All of this is on him. So come on. Release your power and you'll feel much better. Come on. Be free to make your own destiny! Let go of all that anger and hatred you have."
"... Let go..." He said contemplating to do as she said.
"Come on set your power free. Set this world in to a sea of flames." As both of them looked at Nero. Nero looks back at him and prepared to kill him. "Come on this is your chance. If your brother want to kill you, then do the same to him. Come on Y/n kill him. Kill him! Kill him! Kill! Kill! Kill! KILL HIM!" Y/n stares back at him as he then clenched his fist. "You finally have a target for all of your anger, Y/n. So let it all out. K I L L H I M!"
Y/n looks at Nero with a look that felt like he was being controlled. As Y/n's emotions started to lose control and he smiles. "I always tried my best to ignore everything!"
As the chains and arms that held him in place broke. The voices kept calling him words like Demon, Devil, and Oni. But at this point Y/n no longer cared what the voices said to him.
"People like them always talked crap even though they knew nothing of me. Or maybe I was the one that new nothing about them. But like it matters. I've had enough." He looked as his brother all the while having his eyes covered by his hair slowly reached to kill him. Just then Nero stopped inches away from him. Y/n then grin as he spoke in a sinister tone "I promise you something brother. I will kill you." Y/n said exposing his red eyes which in return made Nero have an unease look on his face.
"*sigh*... So you let it control you. You disappoint me." As the voice spoke suddenly Nero was pushed back, as Y/n is then held by his neck and lifted up. Y/n then looks at the person and was surprised. As he was met with the last person he never expected to meet, face to face.
Y/n eyes widen as it revealed that it was that Man. "Have you forgotten? I'm the one that will take over." He then turn to face Nero. "I demand that you desist you filth..."
Just then Y/n all the while still being held by his neck spoke. "You..." When he spoke he was dropped to the floor.
"Stop acting so weak. Your life has always been this way. So stop acting like a fucking child. Beside why don't you come on out?"
Just then a white silhouette appeared behind Nero as it walked passed him. That Man then spoke as he held Y/n's shoulder, and forces him to stand on his own two feet. "Come on what am I your baby sitter."
Y/n turns to face him as he simply looks back at him with a look of anger. But that Man then spoke again in a playful tone. "Hey! Hey! Don't look at me that way. You should be glad that I came here to even save YOUR sorry ass. Heh."
Y/n confused responds at him. "What do you mean?"
Just then several chains reached out to the white figure and held it and Nero in place. As two unknown silhouette appeared standing behind Y/n.
"Look's like we made it in time." They spoke in a mixture of both male and female voices, as Y/n not noticing them quickly turned around. But one's he did he was quickly tapped over his four-head by one of them. "Take it and rest." One's it tapped his four-head. Y/n's body started to lose consciousness, and he closed his eyes.
That Man then spoke all the while giving a sigh. "You better take him out of here." He then facing the chained silhouette, that slowly started to break the chains gave a small sigh.
One of the unknown silhouette's looks back at him, and then back at Nero, and then back to him again. "Are you sure that you want to be left alone with it?" It spoke sounding somewhat concerning.
But That Man smirk and crossed his arms. "It doesn't matter. Even if it wanted to kill me, it won't be able to. So just take the dead-weight out of here..." The silhouettes with an understanding nod, picks up Y/n and turns to face away from him.
So as the unknown silhouettes slowly vanished. That Man walked over to the chained one, with his arms cross, and a smirk on his face. "So what will you do know?" He said getting face to face with it.
The scene then changes as Y/n wakes up in his room in a cold sweet, and breathing heavily. As he tries to calm down and looked around his room. Then noticing that he was alone he placed a hand on his head trying to understand what had just happen. But not wanting to stay in his room he get's up from his bed and walked out of the room.
-3rd POV: (Leon and Sophi's Room, 12:28 a.m.)
As he walked across the house he stopped right in front of Leon and Sophi's room. Then looking inside he noticed that Leon was still sleeping, as Sophi simply stayed sleeping on the edge of the bed waiting for the moment that Leon would wake up. Y/n noticed that she wasn't covered by a blanket. So having nothing else he placed a blanket over her as she then gently smiled.
"No more... pudding." She said in her sleep as she was dreaming of some food.
Y/n then giving a sigh turned around and slowly walked out of the room, trying to not make a sound. Unaware that as he slowly closed the door, Leon slowly started to open his eyes.
The scene then transitions to the back of Tanjiro's home. As the glow of the mood, chines throw a bunch of flowers, that were in the backyard of the house. Y/n was seen looking up at the moon lost in thought after what happened. As nothing made sense to him.
He then turned his gaze to a rose that was close to his feet. And as he looked at it memories of what the girl, Emiko said ran throw his mind. "You were the first to awaken to your power. Then it was Onee-san. But since you were the first then that makes you special."
"Special... Special in what?" He said contemplating what was so special about him. To him he was just an ordinary human. If he could call himself that. He pondered as he looked at the rose, with an uncaring look on his face.
He then lost himself as he remembered what the person that was with her said. "I just came to see what the bringer of the end would look like. And judging by the look of him. I can tell that he is worth it. I think we should bring him with us. She would be so happy if we did. Don't you think so?" The voice said as it's words kept running throw his mind. Wondering who was the 'she' they were talking about.
He then took a seat on the wooden floor and turned to look at the moon again. Remembering the moment when Leon shielded him from the girls attack. He wondered why? After everything that happened? After everything that he said? He would still call him, his son. Countless times did he argue with him. Countless time did he hated him. Countless time did he despise him. But in the end why care now.
"Damn it all.." Y/n said in a low tone. Not wanting to wake up everyone, or getting found out by everyone as he just wanted to be alone.
He remained silent as he just wanted to be alone. But unbeknownst to him the girls along with both Croix and Mia were hiding from just around the corner. As they didn't know how to approach him. Realizing that his grandfather was still alive only complicated everything for him.
Y/n then gave a sigh as he kept staring at the moon. Nothing but silence was heard that as until the tapping of someone walking over was heard, which actually got his attention.
(I take no credit for the video, i just thought it would fit.)
He remained silent as he noticed that it was Leon holing a cane, as his wound's weren't healed. But never the less he smiled as he walked over to Y/n. Holding in the fact that he was in great pain.
"Hey. Can't sleep." Y/n confused didn't know how to respond to him. So he simply nod's his head and looks away from him. "I see... Mind if I sit down?"
Y/n took a moment to respond before moving to the side, leaving an open space for him. Which he then seat next to him and looked up at the moon. "You must really like the moon if you just simply stare at it."
"Y-Yeah..." Y/n said trying not to look at the wounds Leon suffered.
"I heard great things about you from Master Victor."
"Yeah, but I still have to improve. If I don't get stronger I'll never be able to beat her."
"I see..." A small silence hang between them as he then spoke again. "Y/n, I want to apologize."
Y/n didn't even look at him as he turned his gaze at the rose that simply moved. "What for?"
"For everything. I know that I haven't tried anything to apologies to you. After all I left you alone and only focused on your brother, and for that I can't apologies enough."
Y/n then takes a moment before responding to him as he simply frowned. "... You.. don't need to apologize. Besides It was my fault that you got hurt." Leon with a surprised look turns to look at him. As he wasn't expecting for him to say something like that. "But I want to know... After everything that I told you. Why help me? Why risk your life for me? What was your reason in trying to protect me? I'm just a..."
"I'm your father I don't need a reason to protect you. I would risk my life for yours if it meant you would live. The same could be said for your older brother."
"But... I'm cursed."
"Curse or not. You are still my son. Let me tell something Y/n. The truth is I didn't want you to become a huntsmen, not because I didn't see potential in you. No far from it, you have the potential to go farther then me or your grandfather. Just look at you, you have friends, people that would stay with you even after everything that happened. But that's beside the point... Truth is I feared you turning like him. I feared that one day either me or Nero would have to put you down if you would have lost control... and then thinking of losing you. Was the one thing I didn't want to think of. So I pushed you away not realizing that I was pushing you, my Son away." He then gets up with his cane, as does Y/n but still faced the floor feeling to ashamed to look at him. "I know that I shouldn't have pushed you away and for that I can't stop apologizing. But it's okay, if you ever want to talk to me. Then I'll be right next to you. If you ever feel like you can't take on the world then me, your mother and even your brother will be at your side to help you as best we can. Will give you all the support we can muster."
Y/n didn't respond to him for a moment wandering what to say. Until he looks at him and noticed that his expression looked sad. "Anyway that's all I wanted to say. I should go back."
When Leon started to walk away. Y/n looks back at him took a deep breath before responding. "I promise you. I won't end up like him. I'll get stronger and then put an end to it all."
Leon turning to face him lightly smiled as she then nod's. "I know you will. After all your a Sword Dancer that lineage never quits. All I ask is that you stay safe. And I promise that if you ever need help. I won't hesitate to lend you a hand. Funny if your brother was here he would say the same." He said as he kept smiling.
Y/n then turned around so that Leon couldn't see his face. As he scratched the back of his head. "Um... when you heal up. Why don't you and I train. If that's okay with you."
Leon with eyes widen and a relaxed look on his face responds back. "I would very mush like that." He then turned around and started walking away.
But before he left Y/n responded one last time. "Um... For what it's worth. Thanks for protecting me... Father."
"... Yeah. Goodnight Son." As Leon started walking back to his room. He felt content as after a long time for the first time in several years. He felt like he was starting to actually reunited with his Son.
After Y/n was left alone he gave a sigh as he then seat back down on the floor. He then gives a sigh before speaking up. "... Old man?"
Just as he spoke Victor without anyone's awareness was already standing behind him. He smiles as he took a seat next to him.
"You got a lot on your mind." Victor said as he looks at the moon, but Y/n simply gave a nod. "I see... I want you to go with Ms.Blake."
Y/n confused he looks back at him. "What?"
"Truth is I don't think you'll be able to handle the last trial."
Y/n with an uncaring look on his face looks away. "Tch... So you think that i'm weak-"
"Oh shut up." As Victor spoke a surprised Y/n looks back at him. "I didn't say anything about you being weak. What I meant about it is that with everything that is going on you are confused. Your probably thinking to yourself. Why is Hector alive? What did they want with you? But if you let that same mind set eat at you. You will only be consumed if you let it get to you. I'm letting you go so that you can clear your mind and relax."
"..." Y/n then clenched his fist, as he then with a frustrated look on his face didn't respond.
He then started to lose himself in his own thoughts, but Victor placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Each of us must confront our own fears, we must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. Is what my old Master use to say. But truth is I don't believe in that. I would agree that eventually one will have to face their own fears, but you keep forgetting one thing." Victor then turns to look at the only people that stayed by Y/n's side regardless of everything that he did. "You aren't alone."
As he spoke everyone started to come out of hiding and walked over to the both of them. "They stood by you regardless of everything they saw. After you had lost control they still remained at your side." Y/n then looks at them as they all smiled.
Croix then stepped forward with Mia. As he then spoke with a smile on his face, he then placed his hand around Y/n shoulder. "That's right! The time that i got into that little fight on the city. You didn't have to help us, but you still did. So if you ask me I'll stick by your side up to the very end. You and I are friends after all." He then gives a thumbs up over to Mia. "Right Sister."
Mia nod's her head as she held Luna in her arms. "Y-Yeah, will help even if you don't want us to." As she spoke Luna started to wag her tail. As everyone simply smiled back at him.
Y/n thinks it over then gave a sigh as he looked at Croix and Mia. "You and I aren't friends. You were the one that started acting all buddy, buddy... But I guess I don't care anymore." He then stops for a moment and looks at Victor. "Anyway. Hey, Old man. Why are they here?" Said as he pointed at Croix and Mia.
"OH! That's right I almost forgot to tell you." Victor clears his throat before responding to him. "DRUM ROLL PLEASE!" Croix quickly lets go of Y/n, as he then starts drum rolling. "As of today onward they will be your team! With you as the team leader!" He then clapped his arms as he smiled.
Croix then spoke as he placed his arm around Y/n neck again and smiled. "Isn't this great Y/n! You'll see will become the greatest teams in the world! BANZAI!"
"Old man. You have got to be kidding me. I didn't ask to be part of a team!"
Victor then spoke as he touched his mustache. "Why not? It's not like you have a team back in school in the first place."
Weiss then walked over to him as she smiled. "Why don't you just try it Y/n. After all I didn't get along with Ruby the first time and look at me know."
Just then Yang and Blake both cut her off as they responded at the same time. "Still the same Ice Queen."
"Quiet you two." Weiss said as she crossed her arms and glared at the two of them. But Yang simply placed her arms behind her head and started whistling. Blake simply looked away to try and avoid eye contact with her.
Y/n having felt like this was a battle he wasn't going to win gave a sigh and took Croix arm away. He then looks back at Victor. "Okay fine you win. This time."
Victor with a smile nod's at him. As he actually felt happy that he had more people to train and help. "Okay. Anyway you all should go to sleep. You'll probably have to leave early to morrow. So come on go to bed."
As all of them nodded Croix and Mia headed to their respected room. As the girls started arguing on who would be the one that would spend the night at Y/n's side. After there was a winner they all headed back and awaited for the next day. (Who won you decide.)
-Time Skip: Port (8:03 a.m.)
The scene then transitions to a close up as Croix's as he is being dragged by one of his legs, by his sister inside a ship. "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GET INSIDE THAT DEATH TRAP! I WANT TO LIVVVVVEE!"
As Mia walked off the view of the reader. She responds back to her brother with anger in her tone. "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" I hitting sound is then heard as Croix then falls silent.
Meanwhile Y/n is seen with his huntsman clothes as he looks at both, Croix and Mia, with an annoyed look on his face as he wasn't expecting himself to be part of a team. Blake who was standing next to him wrapped her arms around his and smiled. "Come on Y/n let's go! Let's go!" She said dragging him inside the large ship.
"Y-Yeah." Having felt defeated he walks alongside her inside the ship, and everything then fades to black.
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