Chap. IX: White Fang Assault.
-3rd POV: Vale, City Square
The scene opens up as we see, the man with the mask on top of a rooftop. He looked down on Y/n and the girls, and held his weapon close to him. As he was about to take a step forward one of the White Fang members walked up to him. He then spoke to him without turning his back to him. "What is it?" The man with the mask said, in an annoyed tone.
The White Fang member then spoke. "We have prepared everything just like you asked. But it seems like their sending some Huntsmen to help. What should we do?"
The man looked over his shoulder at him. "Simple, go kill them? Today we make the world a better place for the Faunus." He then looked at Blake from the distance and smiled. "I'm going to go say hi to an old... Friend." He then jumped down the building.
Meanwhile as Victor was taking care of some White Fang members. He noticed that some of the people we hurt. But as he was going to help, he was surrounded by several White Fang members. He looked at all of them and he sigh. "If all possible I would like for all of you to surrender." He said as he looked at them. But they chuckled with smiles on their faces, and they pointed their guns at him. "I see." He said as he touched his mustache. As all of them were about to pull the trigger. Victor tapped the floor beneath him, with the heel of his cane. And in that moment all of them fell to the ground unconscious. He then looked down on them with a sad look on his face. "So mush potential wasted." He said in a sad tone. He then turned to the direction of several huntsmen that were closing in on him.
Meanwhile in one of the Bullheads we see Nero along with Ruby, team JNPR, team Hanzo, and Rias along with her team approaching the City. Ruby had a worried look in her face. She turned to look at Nero and noticed that he had an uneasy look in his face. Nero then thought to himself, as he gripped the Makai Blade in his left arm. "Please be okay." Ruby reached out to touch his arm, and he relaxed as he looked back at her. "I-I'm okay." He said as he smiled at her. But it was clear to her that he was worried, just by the look on his face.
Meanwhile Yang was already approaching the City with her bike. But as she got close she was getting an uneasy feeling. She then said in a worried tone. "Dame it why didn't I go with them!" She then noticed several explosions far to the distance.
As the explosions occurred people started worrying and panicking. And because of the panic and negative emotions, Grymm started appearing from a black tar that appeared from the ground.
It then cuts to Y/n as he along with Koneko, and Weiss are seen fighting some of the White Fang members. All the while protecting Momo, and Blake who were evacuating several of the people.
"Hurry come on!? This way!?" Momo shouted as she looked at the people.
"You have to move! Come on! Move it!?" Blake shouted as her attention kept going to Y/n and her friends.
It then turns to Y/n as tree of the White Fang members ran towards him. He noticed as two of them staid behind as they held guns in their arms. As they charged at him the first two Faunus attacked him, forcing him to block the first two attacks, forcing him to be pushed back. When he blocked the third attack. "STOP!" A man shouted from the back, as the fist two moved the side. Revealing that it was the man with the mask. Y/n raised his guard as he looked at him. He stood in front of Y/n and looked at him, with a smirk. "I would like for you to surrender & if possible give me, my Blake?"
"And if I refuse?" Y/n said as he gripped Tsukomi in his left arm.
"You don't have mush of a choice. Did you know? She will only use you, just as she did to me." He said as he slowly unsheathe his sword, and pointed it at him. "What do you say?"
Meanwhile Weiss is seen with Koneko holding their own against several of the White Fang members. As several of them open fire on Weiss, she used her semblance and created a wall of ice, that took the bullets. She then with her glyphs create several ice spikes and send them to the White Fang members. Freezing them in their place. She then turned her attention at Koneko who didn't notice that three White Fang members charged at her from the back. But as they tried to tackle her, they were frozen in their place.
Koneko turned to look at her attacker and she noticed three of the White Fang members frozen. She then turned to the direction of Weiss and she nodded her head. She then turned her attention back at the fight right in front of her. She then got close to one of the members and with one good punch she send them flying and crashing to three of the members. She then jumped as a gun shoot hit the floor she was standing on.
As she was airborne she turned to look at her attackers and she noticed several of them pointed their weapons at her. But as soon as she landed she charged at then avoiding the gun fire, by jumping behind them. And as they turned to look at her, she grabbed their weapons and smacked them across the face. She then turned to look at the next Faunus as she quickly jumped backward.
The faunus pointed their guns at her. But as soon as they did they were knockdown by Blake. Who wrapped them together with Gambol Shroud , forcing them to hit each other. Blake then got close to Koneko. But as she did she notice that Y/n was fighting the one person she never thought of seeing again. "Adam." She said with a shocked look in her face. "I'm going to go help Y/n!?" She said as everyone tried to go after her. But more White Fang members showed up, blocking their path.
Back with Y/n, we see as he is pushed back by the man who is know revealed to be Adam. "Tell me? Dose she trust you? What is your connection with her?" He said in an annoyed tone. Because just by looking at Y/n, he was getting annoyed. But Y/n didn't respond back.
"ADAM!" A female voice called out to him. As both Adam and Y/n turned to looked at the voice and they noticed that it was Blake. Blake stood at Y/n's side as she held her weapon in her arm.
As several of the White Fang members stood back. Adam smiled with excitement as he looked at Blake. But when she got close to Y/n, he gave her a look of disgust. "A human! A fucking HUMAN! It wasn't bad that you left me for a monkey! But know a Human!" He shouted as Y/n catch his breath.
"Why are you hurting the people of this city!?" Blake shouted at him. With a look of anger.
"Why? You know WHY! People kept using us as their own personal tolls. So today will change all that! No longer will the Faunus be treated with discrimination. No longer will we have to fight four our rights! Because today will kill them all even the huntsman, and heroes!" He shouted back at her.
Y/n stepped forward. "..." He stared at him and he sigh. "So i'm gessing that you are going to kill the huntsman and heroes?" Adam nodded his head. Y/n on the other hand shook his head. "You are fucking stupid. YOU actually believe that you can take care of heroes? Buddy sucks for you, but to them you are just a normal Faunus. You are going to accomplish nothing by attacking this city and it's people. So do us a favor and forget-"
"SHUT UP! YOU HUMAN!" They both looked at Adam. "You all think that you can just look down on me! I'm going to kill YOU!" He said as he looked at Y/n, he then turned his attention back to Blake. "But I wouldn't be doing this if you just staid with me and behaved! But all you did was leave me for some monkey! But know it's even fucking worse! Because know you are going with a human like him!" He kept shouting like a child.
Blake shook her head. "It's not like that Adam!-" She said but Y/n placed his hand on her shoulder an he walked passed her.
"People like him wont lessen... Son don't waste your breath on him." Adam got annoyed as both of them locked eyes at each other.
Adam looked at him and he gripped his weapon. But just as he was ready to attack. All of them got surprised as they noticed several Grimm approaching them. But Adam didn't care as he look out his sword and pointed it at Y/n. "I'm not going anywhere until I see your head on my feet. You stupid Human!" He said as Y/n walked passed Blake.
The two combatants stare each other down. Adam then makes the first move, delivering a series of quick slashes and Semblance clones that knock Y/n back a short distance, as he blocked them with Tsukomi. Y/n then synchronized with Aisha as he starts to strike back, and he managed to land some hits on Adam that he wasn't able to block.
Y/n knocks Adam back a good distance before a black flame at him. He blocks and absorbs the flame with his sword. Adam then quickly runs in circles around Y/n before letting out another Semblance attack that causes Y/n to slide back a short distance.
"You have to be more careful Y/n?" Aisha said as she looked at Adam with a series look. But Y/n nodded his head as he stared at Adam.
Blake then spoke up as she looked at him. "Y/n! Be careful!? His Semblance is like Yang's! He absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back when he's ready."
Y/n without turning away from Adam spoke. "He gets to dish out damage without having to feel it?" He sigh. "You are nothing but a weakling if you ask me." Y/n said as he looked at Adam with a disappointed look.
"You son of a!" Adam said as he gripped his weapon in his arms.
The two proceed to clash again with their weapons in hand. Y/n then got close to him and he lands a series of slashes and kicks on Adam, but Adam manages to send him back when he slashes at his sword. Y/n then gets knocked back next to Blake and the two share a glance with each other. Adam notices this and lets out an angered growl. As He readies his Semblance once again. With a loud yell, Adam lets out a devastating attack directly at Y/n with his Semblance enveloping the aria in smoke. When the smoke clears, Y/n is still standing, though he had some small scratches across his clothes, as he had raised his sword to defend him self. He then lowers Tsukomi and glares at Adam.
Suddenly the White Fang members that stood behind Adam walked passed him. "Leave him to us!? We can handle them!" One of the members said as all of them charged at them.
Y/n and Blake raised their guards ready to fight, but as they got close. They are consumed as Adam lets out a devastating attack directly at them with his Semblance enveloping, and killing them. Leaving Y/n and Blake speechless and shocked. Adam then walked on top of their dead body's as he points his weapon at Y/n. "I DON'T NEED HELP!" He shouted.
Y/n with a look of anger charged at Adam, and as he raised his guard to protect himself. He was meet with a quick punch to his jaw. He looked as he noticed that it was Y/n. As Adam tried to attack back with his sword, Y/n noticed the movement on his sword. And he quickly grabbed his arm, he then made a 180 turn and slammed Adam to the ground. Y/n then stabbed Tsukomi to the ground inches away from Adam's face. But before it cued reach him, Adam dogged it by moving to the side. Y/n then jumped back to Blake as she noticed his arms were trembling out of anger. But he had a relaxed look on his face. "Y/n." She told he self as she tried to reach out to him. But they then heard the sound of Adam coughing and she looked at him.
As Adam getting up they were met with an excision not to far in the distance. Both of them looked at the direction of the excision, as they saw several White Fang charging at them. But as they looked back at Adam they noticed that he was gone. Blake then looked at Y/n with worried look. "Y/n, are you okay?" She said as he stared at the dead body's of the White Fang's.
He looked at her and he nodded his head at her. "Yeah come on let's go. They are going to need our help?" Blake nodded as they turned to run at Koneko, Weiss, and Momo.
Back with the Girls Momo, Koneko, and Weiss are looking tired from the fighting. As they noticed far from the distance the Grimm approaching. "This doesn't look good!" Koneko said as she looked at the White Fang members, and the Grimm.
Just as a White Fang members was going to land a hit on her, Y/n quickly punched the member in the face. All of them then got back to back ready for a fight. They noticed as the White Fang are fighting not only the Huntsman, but the Grimm as well. "This is bad." Y/n said in a calm tone. Trying to control the mod of the fight.
"We managed to evacuate the people. But what do we do know?" Momo said as she maid a shield to defend her self.
Weiss looked around but she didn't see any openings. "No good at this rate!"
Y/n then spoke as he knockout a White Fang member. "I have a plan? I'll cut an opening so that you all can escape."
"WHAT!" The girls shouted at him, as they fought some Grimm. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! WERE NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE!" The Girls shouted again at the same time.
"No time to fight about this." He said as he blocked an incoming attack from a Grimm. But as he left his guard down, he was grabbed by the arms of a Grimm that reached out to him. And pulled him throw the ground. "Y/N!!" The girls shouted.
As he was being dragged by the Grimm he cut the arm of the Grimm and got free. He got up and he started to fight the Grimm along with the White Fang. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!" As he shouted the Grimm cued feel an unknown power coming from him. They stopped an took a moment until they started attacking again. He hack and slash at them like butter, but every time the White Fang attacked him, he would try to just knock then out. "There's too many." He said as he slashed at a Grimm that tried to attack him from the back. He then jumped up in the air as a Grimm jumped after him. And tackled him to the ground. But as soon as they hit the floor the Grimm is stabbed throw it's chest. He then punches and kicks two White Fang members and slashes the head of two Grimm.
The Girls looked as they tried to make an opening for him. But their were to many Grimm, and White Fang members getting in their way.
from the rooftop several of the White Fang members are seen opening several brief cases. One of them took out a rocket launcher and points it at the flying Grimm. Before he could pull the trigger he is stopped by Adam, who managed to get up in the building. He then looked at his members. "Don't waste it on the Grimm." He then pointed to the Grimm on the ground floor. The members looked at him with a nervous look on his face.
"B-But sir our brethren are down their?" He said.
Adam turned to look at the people down below and then turned to look at the member again. "Your right." He said as he quickly killed him, by stabbing him across his heart. The member then fell to the ground as blood gushed out of his wound. Adam then looked at him with a look of disgust. "You weakling." Adam then grabbed the rocket launcher and pointed it at the one person he hated to most. "Their you are you stinking human." He pointed it at Y/n, but as he was inches away from pressing the trigger he stopped with an evil grin over his face.
Back with the Girls as they are see getting close to Y/n. Y/n looked an he noticed then getting close. So he started getting close to then, as he slashed several Grimm in his way. When Koneko and Blake open a path for him, he reached out to them. But in that moment an explosion occurred inches away from them, and not only them but the Grimm, and White Fang members as well, as everything turned to white and got engulfed by a bright light. Everything went silent as everyone and everything was send flying.
Meanwhile back with Victor after dealing with the White Fang members. He was making his way back to Y/n and his friend. But just then the earth trembled and he looked to the distance, after getting his balance. "NO!"
He looked as the smoke reached out to the very heavens. "I have to hurry!"
From inside the Bullheads Nero, Ruby and the rest of their friends noticed the explosion. As all of them looked with shocked look in their faces.
With Yang she looked as she was getting close to the location and as she saw the explosion, she started to get even more worried. "Everyone please be okay!" She told her self as she approached the aria.
Back with Y/n the aria is seen as not only the building, but the aria around him are covered in flames. From the rooftop Adam is seen as he dropped the rocket launcher and he starts to laugh uncontrollably. "Hehehe. HAHAHAHAHA! SERVICE YOU RIGHT YOU HUMAN! HAHAHAHA!" He then jumped to ground level, and as he fell he told himself. "Now then where are you?"
Back on ground level as the aria was covered in a cloud of smoke and falling debris. From withing all the debris, Y/n is seen on the floor facing the sky unconscious. He had several cuts and burn marks all over his clothes and body. He then started to slowly open his eyes, and as he did his mind was fuzzy, and confused. But when he open his eyes he got up, but for ones in a long time he felt pain across his body. "A-Aisha..." He said in a low and weak tone as blood ran down from the side of his head, to his left eyes. He then slowly turned around and got up from the floor, as he did he took a moment for his mind to become clear. But as he did he locked in shock as he saw the City Square completely destroyed and in ruins. "W-Weiss! Blake!" He called out as he looked around himself. But no response. "Koneko! Momo!" He said as he looked around, but was met with the same thing silence. He started to walk around the place hoping to find the girls. But as he took a turn he noticed several Grimm already getting up. Several of them already dead. He avoided them and kept on looking for the Girls as he felt still to weak. But as the smoke started to cleared. He dropped to his knees, as he held his chest in pain.
When the smoke started clear he noticed that he was surrounded by the Grimm. But the pain in his body became worse just as he tried to summon Tsukomi. When the smoke cleared he looked right in front of him in shock as he noticed that Weiss was on the floor with blood on the floor, Koneko was not to far from her with her back against fallen debris, Blake was passed Weiss as she was on the ground with blood across her left arm and leg, and Momo was close to her with several burn marks across her body. Y/n looked in shock as he reached out to them. But he was met with a kick to the face by none other then Adam. "TELL ME? ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT!? WELL COME ON FIGHT!? FIGHT!?" Adam kept on kicking him as he was on the floor no stop. But Y/n simply kept on staring at the girls with a shocked look in his face, and lifeless eyes. But never the less Adam did not stop kicking him as he was down. "WHO'S WEAK KNOW!" Adam said with a smile all over his face.
The Grimm kept on looking at Adam almost as if they were looking at a show just for them.
Y/n simply kept looking at the Girls. Adam then stopped kicking him as he took out his sword and just as he was about to make the killing blow. He was punched in the face by an unknown force and send him directly to a building. The Grimm with their attention still on Y/n noticed as he slowly started to get up from the floor. "Weiss..." As he spoke it showed Weiss. "Koneko..." As he spoke it showed Koneko. "Momo..." As he spoke it showed Momo. "Blake..." As he spoke it showed Blake. He then got on his knees, as he touched his stomach in pain, he then slammed his head to the hard ground.
"KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL! KILL THEM ALL!!" A voice screams from inside his mind. Y/n then held his head in pain, as he started to shed tears, and breath heavily. Just as the Grimm surround him, they compliantly avoiding the Girls, as all their attention was on Y/n. His body started emanating a dark and red flame from his body. He then slowly started to get up with his eyes close, he then bit his lip, as his heart started thumping and held his chest in pain with both arms. "KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL!" The voice spoke as it got stronger.
From within the rooftop one of the figures is revealed to be Gina looking, as another one was standing behind her. Gina had a series look in her eyes as she looked at Y/n. "..."
Y/n with great pain summon Tsukomi an held it in his arms. But as soon as he did the flames became worse as they reached out to the sky. "RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed out as his eyes glowed red and his hair becomes a stark shade of white. Tsukomi then became darker as it was consumed by the flames. "KILL ALL OF YOU!" Y/n said as he looked at the Grimm. The sound of breaking chains are heard. As Aisha turned it to her demon form, and in that form she started to lose control as the chains holding her form broke one after the other. "KILL THEM ALL! LEAVE NO ONE STANDING!" Both Y/n and Aisha spoke at the same time.
Gina then sighs as she looked at him. "They've been consumed..." The person right behind her nodded his head.
Adam then started to move as he noticed and felt the evil aura emanating from Y/n's body. "The hell is that?" He said as he looked at Y/n with a shocked look.
Just then as one of the Grimm moved one step, it got cut to ribbons in the blink of an eye. Y/n then almost instantly with one swing of his sword killed all the Grimm, leaving Adam with no words left to speak. Y/n then turned to look at Adam and as he did he instantly appeared in front of him. Out of fear he tried to escape but he was quickly kicked in the face, and send crashing to some debris. As he quickly got up he noticed as Y/n had jumped at him, and attacked him. Adam took that moment to block the attack and absorb the strike. But as soon as that happen the sword absorb to much and shattered to pieces. "WHAT!? I-I'M POSSIBLE!" He shouted. He then fell face fist on the floor, as he then noticed Y/n walking towards him. He tried to crawl away from him. But as soon as Y/n got close he lifted his sword upward. Adam turned to look at him. "P-PLEASE MERCY! PLEASE SPARE ME!" He said as he looked like he was about to cry.
"DIE... YOU DON'T... DESERVE MERCY." Y/n said as he raised the sword and broth it down as he started bashing his sword on Adam's body. He continued hitting him with great violence over, and over, and over. All the while Y/n's body was covered in a shadow.
Adam not having a weapon did the only thing he cued do. He roll into a ball and protect himself. But he was starting to feel actual pain as Y/n kept on bashing his sword with his body. "PLEASE STOP IT HURTS! PLEASE STOP!" Adam cried out but Y/n didn't give a damn about his tears.
"HEHEHEHEHE!" Adam looked at him and he noticed a smile all over his face. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Y/n had a full smile as his eyes we're covered by a shadow. "YOU KILLED THEM SO I'LL KILL YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU KILLED THEM! SO I'LL TEAR YOU APART! HAHAHAH!" Y/n said as Adam's blood started to get splattered across the ground and the debris. All Adam wanted was for him to stop. But no amount of crying or begging was going to make him stop.
Meanwhile with the Girls it soon is revealed that they were okay, but to beaten up to even move. But as they all woke up they could heard the sound of someone bashing something. But as all of them looked, that's when they remain shocked as they looked at the direction of the sound.
They saw as Adam's blood was getting all over Y/n. They saw as the person that they love was lost in his emotion. "HEHEHEHE! COME ON NOT YET, WAKE UP! WERE NOT DONE! NOT EVEN BY A LONG SHOOT! HAHAHAHAHA! YOU SAID THAT I WAS ONLY A DISGUSTING HUMAN! YOU SAID I WAS ONLY A STUPID HUMAN! SO COME ON FIGHT! YOU STUPID BULL FAUNUS FREAK! HAHAHAHA! FIGHT!? FIGHT! FIGHT!? FIGHT!? HAHAHAHA!" Y/n said as he kept on laughing at Adam. But more then that he saw as Y/n was crying tears of blood, with a smile over his face.
"... Y-Y/n... Stop..." Weiss said as she tried to call out to him. As she tried to insure him that they were okay. But she felt to weak to even move, let alone talk.
"Y/n don't... lose your self..." Momo said as she started to cry. As she felt powerless to eve help the one person she had fall in love with.
"... Please stop... you're not a monster..." Koneko said as she tried to call to him. But she felt like Y/n was pushing everything and everyone away.
"Y/N don't let him win... you are better then this..." Blake said as she tried to mover her body. But all she could do was watch in pain and sadness.
Back with Y/n he kept on smiling as he continued bashing his sword over Adam's body. Adam tried many times to top him, but Y/n was out of control just by looking at him. In the perspective of Adam. He looked as Y/n looked down on him, with his own blood across his face, and a smile over his face.
"HEHEHE! WE'RE NOT DONE HERE! NOT BY A LONG SHOOT! HAHAHA! I'M GOING TO PAINT THIS FLOOR WITH YOU BLOOD! AND AFTER I'M DONE! I'LL KILL THE REST OF ALL YOUR FOLLOWERS! SO FIGHT ALL YOU WANT YOU STUPID, DISGUSTING, SICK BASTARD! HAHAHA!" Y/n said as Adam couldn't even make out his face. Y/n then with a smile grabbed Tsukomi with both arms and brought it down on him. And just like that everything fades to black.
From that darkness the girls spoke in a sad tone. "Y/n... Please stop... Please just stop."
From the empty darkness the sound of a boy screaming is heard. But from that darkness the screams turned to laughter.
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