Chap. IX: Meeting With The Belladonna

~{3rd POV: Nero's Dorm, (8:50 am)}~

We see as the sun's rays start emanating across window of the room. The sound of bird's chirping is heard, before we then see Nero covered by his bed sheets, all the while tossing and turning not wanting to wake up.

"Partner time to wake up." Zaruba said trying his best to wake up his partner. "Just because it's your day off. That doesn't mean you can start slacking off on your training."

Nero repeatedly moved, before then seating on his bed. He yawns, before letting his eyes get adjusted to the slight darkness in the room. "What time is it?"

"Can't say. I'm just a ring remember."

"Ah, right."

~{Nero's POV}~

As I glanced across my room, I couldn't help but worry over when my brother was going to come back. Truth be told I was already starting to get worried.... I let out a sigh, before my gaze fell to a person that was next to me covered in my sheets. I smiled thinking of only one person.

"Hey, Ruby come on time to wake up."

I said trying to wake her up. It was only after taking the bed sheets off of her, that my eyes widen as I noticed that it wasn't Ruby. No, it was Emily one of my new teammates in my bed and completely naked.


~{3rd POV}~

As Nero quickly backed himself to the wall. Teresa slowly woke up and yawn, she then turns to look at Nero, and exposing her body to him.

"Good morning cutey."

She said in an almost teasing tone. Nero seat their, trying his best to look away from her body. He only had eyes for one girl at that was Ruby.

"W-W-When did you get in h-h-here, Teresa?"

He stuttered with trembling hands, and a face that was as red as a tomato. Teresa giggled before leaning in, pressing her face close to his.

"Hey, come on you can look. After all what Ruby doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"Not happening." He shock his head and responded again while still looking away from her. "P-P-Please just put your clothes back on."

"Oh, come on cutey, don't be like that. After all doesn't your younger brother have other girls with him?"

She said pacing her finger across his shirt, and up to his lips.

"How did you?" He said trying to understand as to how did she new that. But not wanting to look at her, he quickly looked away again. "Look will talk later. Just please leave. I only have eyes for one girl, and that is Ruby."


For a brief moment a look of annoyance could be seen on her face. And so before Nero could even react, his hands were already tied behind his back. He had no idea how she'd done it so fast, or what she'd tied his arms with. But one thing was certain, he was at her mercy. She let's out a sigh before then slowly pacing her finger across his lips.

"Teresa! Let me go!" 

He said in a much more series tone, and glared at her.

"I tried doing this the easy way, but you didn't let me." She laughed as she kept ogling at Nero's body. "My just look at you. All defenseless and at my mercy." She licks the side of her lips. "I love it."

Zaruba trying to say something, couldn't do to the fact he had his face also covered. Teresa not wasting time, slowly laid Nero on his bed, facing the ceiling. She then laid on top of him with a warm smile on her face. She swirled her finger around his lip and down his shirt.

"Don't worry I won't say anything."

She said in a playful tone. Nero's heart then started to race, as she then touched the side of his cheeks. She slowly leaned close to try and kiss her defenseless pray.

"Don't fight it cutey. I'll make you feel good." She leaned close to his face, to the point that he could feel her breath. "And after were done. I'll let you play with me some more if you want. So what do you say?"

"I said to quit it. I only have eyes for one person, and that isn't you."

He glared at her. She found it strange. She didn't mind the fact that he rejected her advances, not ones, but multiple times. But the glare in his eyes was something that captivated her even more.

"I see. Well no mater." She leans closer to him. "I'll still have fun with y-o-u."

"This is bad. I have to get out of here." He said speaking to himself, and looking across the room in trying to find away to free himself. But that to was fruitless do to Teresa being on top of him, and having his arms tied. He then spoke again in his mind, as she slowly started to lean her face close to his. "Some one. Anyone!"

"You annoying pest."

Just then a hand was placed on Teresa's shoulder, and with great force she was thrown with her back against a wall. Nero was then released from whatever was holding his arm. He looks at his savior to only realize that it was Edna Ironwood.

"Edna? What are you doing here?"

He said in a confused tone. Edna sighs before then responding at him.

"Is that anyway to speak to the person that just saved your chastity?" Her words despite being cold held true. It was thanks to her, that she had saved his chastity.

"Oh, a right sorry. Thanks for the save."

The two of them turn their attention towards Teresa as she slowly started getting up. She cracks her neck before then placing a hand on her waist.

"Really Edna. And I was starting to get to the good part. Why did you have to bother us?"

Edna lets out a silent sigh. "Why don't you just leave." Just then a fears aura emanated from her body, to the point that it even made Nero unease. "Or would you prefer to face me?"

Teresa feeling unease from her aura, playfully lifted her arms up in the air.

"Okay. Okay I get it." Teresa lets out a sigh, before then slowly piking her clothes that where laying on the floor. "I won't do it again."

The sound of students could be heard walking out side the room. Teresa looks at the door, and not wanting to get caught by anyone she walks over the the window. She then opens it, and lifted her leg to the edge.

"Well I'll see you latter C-U-T-E-Y." She teased sticking her tongue out and winking at him. "And you to Edna-chan."

She then jumped out the wind, Edna walks over to the window, and sticks her head out side. Noticing that Teresa was gone, she lets out a sigh. As she walked to the door, Nero gets up, and cleans himself up.

"Thank you Edna."

He thanks her with a smile on his face.

"I didn't do this for you. I did it for one thing, and one thing only. I also don't plan to tell that girlfriend of your so relax."

"I see. Thank you." He said thanking her.

Edna simply walks over to the door, placed a hand on the door knob and responds one more time at him.

"That girl. Be careful with her. She smells of trouble."

Edna not saying anything anymore she opens the door, and walks outside leaving Nero alone. As the sound of birds could be heard, he lets out a sigh of relief and seat down on his bed.

"You going to be okay, Partner?"

Zaruba said trying to consult his friend.

"I'll be fine. I'm just glad that Edna showed up when she did. I don't know what I would have done if something happened. Let alone I wouldn't know what to even say to Ruby."

"I see."

"... For the moment lets not tell her."

"That would be wise."

Just as the two started to relax, a knock on the door was heard, the door then open and revealed Ruby in her pajamas. She was also sporting two coffee mugs.

"Morning Nero. I got you coffee." She said playfully landing on his bed, before then warmly smiling. That same smile made Nero smile back at her. "Something wrong?" She said handing over the coffee.

He shock his head not wanting to make her sad. "No. Everything is all good."

Confused she leans her head to the side, before then shrugging her shoulders and turning back to her coffee. Nero on the other spoke inside his mind, not wanting to tell her what just happened.

"Sorry Ruby. But I can't tell you."

~{3rd POV: City of Mantle, (9:49 a.m.)}~

We then transition to Mantle, we see that across the city people could be see walking around, while parents walked with their kids. We then see team Hanzo walking across the city, and trying to find the location that was on a map that Ozpina gave them.

Yagyu was the first to respond of the entirety of the group. "You sure that will be able to find them? After all the head mistress gave us a map that doesn't seem to be working."

Asuka nods. "It should work. I think?"

As the group looked around Ikaruga, Katsuragi and Hibari all noticed as Asuka had an unease look on her face. Hibari wanting to know what was troubling her responds.

"Is something on your mind? You seem unease?"

"I bet its (Y/n)." Katsuragi responds back, with a smirk on her face and her hands on the back of her head.

"W-W-What are you saying!" Asuka said as her face turned bright red. "Its not like that!"

Ikaruga responds after her, all the while still looking around. "If you say so....!?"

She looks around until she noticed a very family group of people walking across the city, and inside a store.

"Hey isn't that?"

Just then Asuka started to fallow the two people as they walk inside a clothing store. Once the group walk inside the store, they were met with the two people in question as it revealed both Leon and Sophi.

The two of then look at the girls before their eyes fall to Asuka. Sophi then smiled as she polity turn to face her.

"Well if it isn't little Asuka. Its been a long time."

Confused Katsuragi, Yagyu and Hibari turn to look at her.

"You know them!"

"Well she's not the only one." Sophi said as the group turn to look at her. She then looks at Ikaruga and smiles at her. "You as well."

Ikaruga with a blush on her face politely smiles at her. "It's been a long time."

Ikaruga and Asuka took at each other, before then pointing at each other, and responding at the same time. "Wait! WE'VE MET BEFORE!?"

The rest of them didn't know what to say at this new predicament. Katsuragi was the next person to Sophi.

"If you don't mind me asking. But How do you know each other?"

Sophi started to think and crossed her arms, but nothing came up. Just then Leon spoke as he looks at his wife and the girl. "What don't you remember? They used to play when (Y/n) was just a kid. I think you even gave then some nicknames."

After hearing what her husband said she clasped her rams and smiled. "That's right I remember! I think that was around the time that (Y/n) started acting distance with us. I think that little Asuka was called, the tomboy ninja, and Ikaruga was called, the little warrior of justice."

As she spoke Asuka and Ikaruga's faces lit up, and blushed feeling more embarrassed at their old nicknames. They even covered their face not being able to look at their teammates.

Katsuragi on the other hand couldn't handle it and started laughing. Meanwhile Yagyu and Hibari simply stared at the two trying their best not to laugh.

"Tomboy Ninja." Said Yagyu as she looked at Asuka.

"Little Warrior of Justice." Said Hibari as she looked at Ikaruga.

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Both Asuka and Ikaruga respond as they stared away from their friend, remembering of days long passed.

The couple look at the girls before then changing the subject. "So what brings you girls to Mantle?"

~{Small Time Skip}~

After Asuka finished explaining everything to them. She showed a letter addressed to Victor. Leon looks at it before then quickly walking passed the girls..

"I see. Well please fallow us. Will take you to him."

"Hold it right there, Leon." Said Sohi with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. "And were do you think your going?"

"Um well we have to-"

"No you don't. WE still have to finish our shopping. So come on." She said walking over to him and then grabbing him by the ear. "Sorry girls if you don't mind would you like to accompany us?"

Asuka smiles before then awkwardly nodding. "O-Okay."

As the group fallowed after them, Asuka leans close to Ikaruga and spoke in a whispered tone.

"Hey Ikaruga. I didn't know that you new (Y/n). When was this?"

"I could say the same about you. Anyway to answer your question. I think it was when I was 7? So that would have made him, 6?" Ikaruga said trying to remember.

"Huh... Wait. That would mean that you were a year older then him, right?"

"That's right. Anyway what about you. When did you meet him? Or what was your connection with him?"

"We used to be childhood friends. When I left for my training I was sad that I didn't tell him about it. It was only after enrolling in to Beacon that we found each other. But when I went to talk to him he said that "he didn't know me". So yeah. I still think that it was my fault for not saying anything."

"I see. So the same happened to you."

"But anyway. What about you? How did you meet him?"

Asuka points to her white ribbon. "See this ribbon?" Ikaruga nods back at her question. Before then Asuka faintly smiled to herself. "He was the one that gave it to me."

"Can I ask you something?" Asuka nods back at her. "Have you ever felt like he always distant himself on purpose?"

"Yeah. He was always like that. Even before the two of us had started talking."

Ikaruga lets out a sigh of relief. "I see. I'm glad that I'm not the only one then."

Asuka then responds back. "Hey I have a great idea. Why don't we talk to him about it, when we see him? I'm sure he wouldn't mind explaining what happened."

Ikaruga looks at her for a brief moment, before then nodding at her with a determined smile. "Yeah."

"I something wrong?" Just then Sophi spoke as she locked over her shoulder directly at the two girls.

Both girls simply smiled and shock their heads at her. "N-N-No! Its nothing! Hehe...."

As the two girls nod to each other, Sophi looks over her shoulder directly at them and then lightly smiles.

~{Kuo Kuana: Menagerie, (10:01 a.m.)}~

Meanwhile we then transition to (Y/n)'s group in silence as both (Y/n) and Blake stared at Sun, who was standing before them. Sun noticing that Blake was holding on (Y/n)'s arm and puts two and two together. He then scratched the back of his head before responding with a smile.

"I see. So I take it that it was you that helped her move on?" He said directing his question to Y/n. Y/n didn't respond and simply stayed silent. Sun didn't need to know the truth as it was staring him in the face. "You don't have to answer. We'll at least it's someone I can trust." He then turns around and just as he was about to walk away, he responds one last time at Blake. "Blake... I'm glad that your happy, with someone I can trust. Anyway I'll catch you around (Y/n), and you two Blake."


Sun slightly confused turns around, and noticed that it was (Y/n) that spoke.

"Hmm, something up?" Sun responds.

"What are you doing here? Did something happened?"

"Well." Sun look's around before walking close to him, covers his mouth with his left arm and whispering in a low tone. "Don't tell anyone. But I'm here on a mission."

"A mission?" (Y/n) looks at Blake before then turning to look back at him. "What's it about?"

"Well truth is that recently far to the north, a horde of Grimm have been spotted. We don't know were such a horde came from. But we're here to protect the people just encase they get close to the city." Sun then crossed his arms with a smile on his face. "Anyway that's my teams problem. You all just have a great day and relax."

(Y/n) stood in silence before then speaking to him. "If you see that it starts getting worse make sure to tell us."

Sun confused and surprise looks at him, not expecting that out of all the people in the world. It was (Y/n) to be the one to tell him. But with an understanding smile, he nods.

"Okay. I'll notify you if something happens. Honestly I'll take any help I can." (Y/n) nods back at him. Sun then turns around and just before he left he looks over his shoulder directly at (Y/n). "Anyway I should get going. And um, thanks for offering to help me, (Y/n). I really appreciate it."

After giving his thanks, he started to walk back to his team, that could be seen waving at him with only two people. Croix still trying to figure out how the person was looks at (Y/n) before responding in a funny tone.

"Sooooo~ Who that? Y/n's ex-lover?" He gasp before responding in cutesy tone and pointing to him. "And here I thought you only had eyes for me!"

He said trying to get an answer from either (Y/n) or Blake. But it was Blake that quickly responded, before then getting a REAL question from (Y/n) with a direct punch to the abdominal.

"He's my ex." Blake said responding to his question.

Croix feeling awkward got up from the floor, and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, um sorry I asked."

Blake shock her head and smiled. "It's okay. Besides I have Y/n." She said crossing her arm, with (Y/n)'s. "Anyway come on. Let's head out."

The group pause in their walk to look at the view of the town the road affords. The road they are on goes downhill and to the side, bordered by palm trees and homes that have either canvas or wood roofs. The vista of palm trees spreads out to the edge of mountainous dunes in the distance. Right in the middle of all this is a large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to. The house is at least three stories and is the only building in the whole area with a sophisticated roof.

Mia captivated by the beauty of the city spoke up. "This city is beautiful."

Blake walked close t her and smiles. "This, is Kuo Kuana."

 "It's... beautiful." Mia responds back, as the two then share a smile.

Croix and (Y/n) on the other hand simply kept walking behind them. Meanwhile as the two girls continued conversing with each other. Luna walks over to (Y/n) who was eating his Taiyaki. Y/n feeling like she was looking at what he was eating let a silent sigh, before then taking a small piece and handing it over to her, which she happily ate in the palm of his hand.

"Don't think I'm giving you the rest." (Y/n) said as he took a bite of his Taiyaki. Luna on the other hand simply wagged her tail, and gave him the old puppy fox eyes. He stares at her before then relenting and handing her another piece. "Fine. But that's the last one. And don't tell Mia I gave you this."

Luna happily wags her tail. Croix looks at him before then smiling. After the two girls had finally finished talking both girls are then surprised as they noticed that Luna was on top of (Y/n)'s head.

Blake looks at him for a moment before then taking her scroll out and taking a photo. "I think that everyone will like to see this."

(Y/n) simply lets out a sigh before then tilts his head to the side, as Luna mimics what he did.

"Anyway." (Y/n) said trying to change the subject. "Which one is your home?"

"Well about that..."

We then transition to the large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to it. Blake smiles as she walks in front of everyone. Meanwhile (Y/n), Mia and Corix simply stare with amaze at the large home. Walking up the stone steps to the front door of the house. Blake hesitates when she moves to use the knocker. Croix noticing her hesitation responds.

"What's wrong?"

"I um... it's just been a long time since I've seen my parents." She responds back to his question.

"When was the last time you spoke with your family?" This time (Y/n) questions her.

"Um..." Blake scratches the back of her head before then responding to his question. "1 year, after enrolling in to Beacon. I'm just worried."

"It'll be okay." This time Mia responds back to her, with a big smile on her face. "You have us with you."

Blake looks at her friends, and her boyfriend before taking a quick breath for courage and bangs the door knocker. It makes a loud, heavy, resonating sound on the large door. Croix stares up, stepping back while Blake politely backs away from the door a few paces.

The group gives a start at the sound of the door being opened. A short, female cat Faunus is then seen behind it, looking around at the visitors. Her ears perk and she moves the door out of the way so she can step forward when she recognizes her daughter.

"Blake?" Kali almost in disbelief responds.

"Hi, mom." Blake awkwardly lifting her arm in greeting.

Kale steps forward and hugs her daughter.

"My baby girl. Your finally back!"

Blake hesitates, uncertain for a moment, before her face gentles into a smile and she hugs her mother back. As they stand in front of the open doorway. From inside the house, footsteps come closer and a shadow falls onto the carpeted entryway. Kali lets go of Blake and turns behind her at the sound of a male voice.

"Kali? Who is it?"

Ghira stand with his hands on his hips, waiting to greet the visitor. His quizzical expression changes to wide-eyed surprise, before his hands, shoulders, and face all fall in a clear, emotional reaction to the sight of his daughter coming home.

"Blake. Y-Your back."

"Hi, dad. I'm home."

(Y/n) sees this and lightly smiles, pleased at Blake's welcome as he turns to look at how she's taking it. Blake has her hands clasped in front of her, awaiting her father's reaction. Kali has not let go, with her hands supportively on Blake's shoulder and arm. Ghira says nothing, but smiles, clearly happy. Blake smiles back, relieved. She and (Y/n) exchange sideways glances. As the family then embraced.

After separating from the hug, Ghira glances at Blake's group, before stopping on (Y/n). "Anyway, Blake. Who are these people? They don't look like faunus to me."

Blake walks close to (Y/n), as they start introducing each other. Croix being the tallest is the first to respond, with that ever big smile on his face.

"Croix Barsett. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mia was the next to respond after him, as she then picked up Luna. "Kazumi Mia, and this is my friend, Luna. It's very nice to meet you."

Lastly Ghira and Kali both look at the last member of Blake's group. (Y/n) not wanting to be rude introduced himself. "(Y/n) Sword Dancer."

After introducing himself, Blake quickly locks her arm, with (Y/n)'s and smiles. "And my new boyfriend."

Kali with a smile on her face, clasped her arms together. She then spoke in a happy tone. "So his the one you talked about in your letters. Well it's nice to finally meet the boy, who stole our little kittens heart. Anyway please come in. Fallow me."

As they walked passed Ghira, and inside their home. Ghira was left speechless at the fact that a human had taken away his daughter. In his mind, he dropped on all fours in defeat.

"SOOOOOOO! MY DAUGHTER IS DATING A HUMAN! OH GODS WHY!?" He then drops in all fours.

Meanwhile Kali's voice is heard from inside the house, directly at him. "Ghira make yourself useful and close the door!"

~{Tanjiro's Home: (5:39 p.m.}~

After arriving at Tanjiro's home the sound of someone fighting is heard coming from the back of the home. It is only after cutting to the back of the Home that it revealed Nezuko training with the other girls, with one hand behind her back. Yang slightly exhausted stops for a moment as a small drop of sweet runs down the side of her cheek.

"This- This woman." She said trying to catch her breath. "She... She isn't human."

"Come on." Nezuko spoke back to the girls with a somewhat smile on her face. "I told you to give me everything you got. You don't have to hold back on my account."

Just then she quickly ducked under an attack that came from the back. He attacker then started throwing punches after punches, revealing that it was Koneko. Nezuko on the other hand quickly jumped backwards and over to a small pole that held some clothes, she then placed her other arm behind her back.

"Is that all? I want you to give me everything you've got."

Weiss then runs next to her, with Myrtenaster in hand, she then summons several glyphs behind her. Just then Koneko's body emanated a light blue aura and prepares to charge at her again.

Weiss then spoke as she kept her gazed fixed on Nezuko who was simply waiting for them to do something. "I got your back."

"Right!" Said Koneko as Yang then ran close to her and got in to a fighting stance.

Meanwhile Momo could be seen trying her best to keep up with them.

"Hey Nezuko!"

Just then a male voice spoke as it revealed to be Tanjiro with Victor drinking a cup of coffee, and seating down. Nezuko looks at her brother slightly confused.

"Please be careful Ijust cleaned those clothes. I don't want my wife to kill me."


She said speaking back to her brother with her eyes closed. Koneko taking that opportunity she quickly used her speed to get close to her, and quickly deliver a punch. But before the punch could even connect, Nezuko quickly avoided the punch and blocked the second punch with her legs. Koneko then smirked as she then held the leg with both arms.


Yang then appeared behind her and prepared to deliver a strong punch, but Nezuko quickly used Koneko to hit the two girls with each other. Several ice crystals then fly to her, which she simply jumped out of the way leaving the two girls to take the full brunt of the attack.

As Nezuko charged at Weiss she quickly leaned one of her hands to deliver a strong punch, but before then punch could do anything. Momo quickly got in front of Weiss and clocked the punch with a shield she created with her Quirk. However because of Nezuko's somewhat unrivaled battle capabilities she quickly used some form of Martial arts that pushed Momo, along with Weiss away as Koneko is then seen leaping up in to the air and continue her attack.

She two punches one after the other in the hopes of trying to land a punch. But Nezuko was to fast, faster then her. Koneko saw as Nezuko simply kept smiling at not only her, but the rest of the girls.

Nezuko getting slightly annoyed at her, her arms emanated a light blue aura, she then started throwing them at her, but again Nezuko was to fast and quickly avoided the attacks.

Yang then joins the fray and started throwing punches one after the other. But much like Koneko she was quick to dogged them.

Weiss then quickly zooms close to the two of them, and prepared to slash at her. And just as the weapon was about to pears her, the tip of the blade was stopped. It is only after stopping that Weiss's eyes widen as it revealed Nezuko had stopped it with just two of her fingers.

When Nezuko lets go of Myrtenaster, Weiss quickly jumps back from her. The girls then stands side by side, trying to catch their breaths. Yang after finally being able to talk walks passed Koneko and prepared for another round. Nezuko slightly surprised by this crossed her arms.

"Well your a strong one. What is giving you the energy to keep on fighting?"

Yang closes her eyes remember (Y/n) for a moment before then smiling and preparing to fight.

"I just don't want to be left behind. I want to be strong. I want to have the strength to fight at his side. So lets continue I still have plenty of stamina left." Yang then smiles with a determined look on her face.

Meanwhile the rest of the girls all look at Yang before then smiling, they then prepared each other for another round. Nezuko noticing that they wouldn't give up, lets out a sigh before then taking out a small kunai.

"Normally I wouldn't use this. But since you all have that look of not wanting to give up. Then it looks like i'll have to stop holding back for a moment. So get ready."

Koneko walks close to Yang and responds. "I got your back." Yang nods at her.

Meanwhile Momo leans close to Weiss and whispered to her. "I have a plan."

Weiss nods at what she was saying, before then pointing the Myrtenaster at the direction of Nezuko. "Okay. Leave it to me."

Meanwhile as the sound of the girls fighting is heard. We see Tanjiro and Victor drinking tea and seeing the fight in front of them. Victor taking a zip of his tea smiles.

"I'm glad to see that your sister continued her training." He turns to look at Tanjiro who had a worried look on his face. Confused Victor spoke to him. "Something wrong. You look unwell?"

"I'm just hopping that she doesn't take it to far." Tanjiro said hinting at Nezuko.

"What are you so worried about. Did you forget that your sister is quite strong?"

"I know but."

Just then almost in a twisted sense of irony. We cut back to the girls as Nezuko is seen landing and blocking both Yang and Koneko's long range attacks. She blocked and dogged they attacks, before then jumping up in the air.

As she started landing she didn't have time to notice as a trap was set up, the moment she placed a foot on the ground. So before she could even move, a glyph underneath her legs and held her in place. A net was then thrown over her to try and trap her in place. Nezuko's eyes widen as she wasn't expecting the tap.


The girls rejoiced feeling happy that they finally got the drop on her. However before the net could even cover her, she smirked and in the blink of an eye the net, along with the glyph was quickly destroyed, which surprised everyone.

The girls still slightly surprised at what just happen could only look, as Nezuko brushed off a small dirt that was on her clothes.

"Your skills are improving. I would even say that I'm impressed."

She compliments the girls with a smile on her face, before then throwing the kunai directly at then at such a speed that it passed them and through a wall. The sound of it impacting against something is then heard. The girls on the other hand simply stare at the hole she left, Nezuko's expression then changed to one of seriousness.

"However, you all aren't there yet."

"AAAAH!!" Just then the sound of Tanjiro screaming is heard as he ran pass the broken wall. He then responds again. "NOOO! MY CABBAGES! I ONLY HAD TO PICK THEM UP!"


Nezuko said in a worried tone as the girls look back at her. The girls then notice as Tanjiro quickly comes from just around the corner. They then turn to look at Nezuko only to find a cloud of dust in her silhouette. Meanwhile Tanjiro runs after her leaving the girls in disbelief as his footsteps slowly start to vanish.

"Sooooo..." Yang responds turning to the girls and scratching the back of her head in confusion. "You girls want to take a break?"

Momo lets out a deep sigh responding. "That's a good idea."

Meanwhile Weiss and Koneko kept staring at the hole left behind by Nezuko.

"Unbelievable." Weiss said looking passed the hole, passed some broken cabbages, and lastly some broken tree's. "What the hell is she made of?"

"Don't know." This time Koneko responds back with an unsure look on her face. "But imagine what that would have done if it had connected with a face, or body part."

The girls turn to look at her before a shiver runs down their spine. Just imagining what would have happen if Nezuko's attack would have connected.

Meanwhile, Victor all while still relaxing and sipping his tea with a this is okay smile on his face is seen still siting down. Its only after putting the tea down that he notices as Leon and Sophi walked over to him.

"Hello you two." He greats them with a smile. "What took you so long?"

Leon points at his wife. "I blame her for dragging us across the city."

Sophi pouted her cheeks, and softly hit his sides. "Leon! Your so mean!"

Victor smiles before then noticing team Hanzo. He looks at the girls before then looking at Leon.

"Who are they?"

Asuka not wasting time she walks up to him, and bowing her head. "Hello Sir! My name is Asuka!"

"Ah! Your Hanzo's granddaughter."

Asuka nod's her head, before then responding in a respectful tone. "T-That's right Sir Victor." She responds in a somewhat nervous tone, which didn't go unnoticed by Victor.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I-I'm sorry. It just that I'm talking with a Hero!" SHe said with a smile on her face. She then with a happy smile on her face, clenched her arms in to fist. "Back in the day you fought alongside my grandfather. Who wouldn't be nervous."

"Heh." He takes a sip of his tea, he then stands up. "Anyway. So what brings you here."

"Ah, yes." Asuka takes out the letter and hands it over to him. "Ozpina wanted us to deliver this to you."

Victor then opens up the letter and starts reading it. We then see Tanjiro walking up to him, after finally getting back, with a chibi Nezuko in his arms. He then notices the letter in Victor's arms.

"Something wrong? What's with the letter?"

He said leaning close to the letter. Tanjiro and Nezuko then leans close to read the letter. He then sighs.

"Looks like you were right. But why didn't she just call. You have a scroll with you."

"I don't know." Victor sighs. "But it looks like the time for out departure draws closer."

Nezuko turns to look at her brother, before then looking back at Victor. "Should we use "that" then?"

Victor and Tanjiro look at her contemplating what to do before then turning to look at Victor.

"Yes." Victor nods at her. "That would be wise. (Y/n) will be back in a week. So lets get everything prepared before he comes back."

As the 3 of them started talking. Asuka notices as Yang, Weiss, Momo and Koneko could be seen seating down underneath a tree's shade. Asuka then walks over to them, but not before bowing down to Victor, Tanjiro and Nezuko. Her team then fallows after her, with Ikaruga next to her.

"Oh, Asuka." Yang responds. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We just came to deliver a letter to Master Victor." Ikaruga responds to her. "What about you?"

Koneko still slightly tired responds, and a somewhat simple tone. "Training."

Momo looking at Asuka responds. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

Asuka shock her head. "At the moment no. But we can't really say."

"So do you need something from us?" Weiss said looking at the team, before her eyes then fall to Asuka.

Both Asuka and Ikaruga look around before then noticing that (Y/n) wasn't around. So wanting to now, Ikaruga responds to the girls.

"Is (Y/n) around? Me and Asuka need to talk to him."

Yang and Weiss share a glace, before then looking back at her. "Well (Y/n) isn't here at the moment." Yang responds.

"What do you mean?" Asuka confused questions her. "Wasn't he with you all?"

Weiss relaxes and takes a sip of some water. "About that. He left with Blake and his new team to Kuo Kuana. They went to visit Blake's parents."

"Oh... I... I see...." Asuka's face and tone changes to one of confusion, and quickly responds. "Wait! Team? (Y/n) has a team?"

"Yeah. He just got one." Momo said with  slight smile on her face. She then lowers her tone. "Despite him not liking it."

"I see." Asuka disappointingly sighs. "At least he has a team know." She then turns to look at Ikaruga. "Looks like will have to wait for him to come back."

"Seem so." Ikaruga responds back to her.

Meanwhile the rest of the girls look at each other. Weiss then responds back to them.

"Why the sudden question?" Koneko responds back to the girls.

For the most part as Koneko looks at her, Asuka felt like she was glaring at her. But being the ever friendly shinobi she scratched the back of her head.

"No reason. I just wanted him to answer some questions is all."

"Is that so?" Katsuragi responds in a sarcastic tone and smiles. "And here I thought it was something else."

"Tell me about it." Hibari responds with a smile. "You could feel their mood change, the moment (Y/n)'s name was brought up." She then looks back at Yagyu with a smile, which she replied by simply nodding back at her.

Yang looks back at Weiss, before responding to her. "Well if you stay here. He should be back by the end if this week."

"REALLY!?" Asuka responds in a very happy tone.

Meanwhile as the girls kept on talking. Victor and Tanjiro could be seen discussing their next move. Nezuko on the other hand started walking to the girls, and with a slight smile present on her face.

"Okay girls. Break time is over. Time to train."

All girls look at her before then responding at the same time. "WHAT!?"

Nezuko then turns to look at team Hanzo. "Same to the rest of you."

"WHAT WHY US!?" All girls respond voice in sync with each other.

Nezuko then responds in a nonchalant tone. "I just figure that it would be boring if you all would just staid and watched. Besides aren't you shinobi's? I'm sure it would be easy to beat me with them helping you."

Team Hanzo feeling like they had no say in the matter, quickly looked at each other, before then looking back at the rest of the girls. They all then sigh, and prepared for another round with Nezuko.

As all girls prepared to fight. Weiss walks up close to Asuka and speaks, all the while keeping an eye on Nezuko. "Be careful. She's not what she seems."

"O-Okay." Asuka nods back at her, before then taking out Green Willow & Red Blossom out. "Anyway. You can count on us!"

Meanwhile Koneko walks close to Ikaruga and got on the defensive. "Don't let your guard down. She's far stronger then any ordinary student or teacher."

Ikaruga then helds a firm grip on Hien, and prepares for what was about to happen. "Yeah, we have your back."

Nezuko smiles before then letting out a pure pinkish aura from her body. "Lets see what your all made of. Don't hold back."

~{Beacon Academy: Ozpina's Office, (7:25 p.m.)}~

We cut to Ozpina's Office as she could be seen reading some information in her scroll. All Might who was also in the office turns to look at her.

"Something wrong?" Ozpina looks at him. "You haven't said a word."

"I... I'm just trying to figure something out."

"Is it about Salem, and her look?" Ozpina nods her head. "I see. Well for the most part you can't just keep overthinking everything. So just let it go and relax."

She looks at him and sigh, before then leaning back on her chair. "Your right."

Just then the elevator doors open up and out comes Nero, his team, Ruby and the rest of team JNPR. They then stop inches away from the two adults. Ozpina's expression then changes to a smile after looking at the rest of them.

"Ah, Ruby, team NETE, and team JNPR. You all must be wandering why I called you all here?" The rest of them nod at her question. "Well its simple. I have a mission that require your expertise."

Team NETE and team JNPR along with Ruby, before then turning back to look at her.

Nero then responds. "Well what do you need us to do?"

Ozpina nods back at him, as she then starts going over the mission. "You all have to work as a team and protect a train that will be heading for Tatooin Station. It will take you all a full day to reach Tatooin, but all you have to do is make sure that the people inside the train are safe ad sound."

Jaune slightly nervous lifted his arm. Ozpina looks at him.

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah, why not send Demons or pro Heroes to defend to the train? I mean wouldn't it better that way."

All Might sighs and responds to him. "We tried to do that. But at the moment most Heroes are off, working on other special mission. We even tried getting in touch with Huntsman, but they were busy with other missions at the moment."

"Which brings us to today." Ozpina then responds. "So what do you say? Will you take part in the mission? Of course I won't force you."

Nero, Ruby and Jaune all look at each other, they then look at their team, before then looking back at Ozpina and All Might and nodding.

Meanwhile Ozpina and All Might smile at them, before then starting to explain more about the mission. Everything then fades to black.

~{Time Skip: Ghira's Study: (9:24 pm)}~

We transition back to Y/n standing in front of a door. He had a tired look on his face after having a long talk with the Belladonna Family. And remembering what Ghira told him.

~{Flash Back: (5:51 p.m.}~

We see as (Y/n) could be seen looking at Croix and Mia, talking to Blake and Kali. Ghira gets up and walks close to (Y/n), then spoke in a silent tone, trying to sound silent.

"When you have the time. Meet me at my study. I wish to have a talk with you."

He then walks away and (Y/n) looks back at him. Of course it didn't go unnoticed by Blake and Kali as they simply stared back at (Y/n), who could be seen petting Luna.

~{Flash Back: End}~

(Y/n) Despite not being able to show it as mush. Deep down he was slightly nervous, but he quickly composed himself and then knocks on the door twice.

"Ah, I was expecting you. Come in." Ghira's voice was heard inside the room.

Y/n having nothing else he slowly opened the door, and walked inside. Inside the room he noticed that it was large study filled with books, and other decorations across it. In the middle of the study stood an oversize coffee table, with smooth couch's and two loveseats. We then see Ghira seating on one of the seats, leaning to the table preparing two cups of tea. After pouring the tea, he leaned back on his chair.

"Please. Have a seat."

He said gesturing at him to seat in front of him. (Y/n) having no real option at all, nods his head and takes a seat. Ghira then slides him one of the cup of tea. The tension in the room was palpable and silent. As the two kept on drinking their tea the silence between them was palpabul. After a while Ghira let's out a sigh and started the conversation.

"Do you know why I called you here?"


"Truth is. I heard everything from Blake. About what happened in Vale, and the White Fang." (Y/n) looks away not wanting to remember of THAT time. Or the events that transpire. "She also told me about Adam."

(Y/n) arms started to tremble, all while still holding the cup. Which didn't go unnoticed by Ghira.

"Its okay. What happened, happened. But that doesn't mean that I trust you. So I want to ask you. What happened? I want to hear your side of the story."

(Y/n) waited for a moment, before he then started explaining everything that he could remember of that time. Ghira after hearing his side of the story, he crossed his arms.

"So let me get this strait. The White Fang attacked the city." (Y/n) nods back at him, but kept his gaze at the cup. "You lost control after seeing your friends along with my daughter getting hurt, and you wound up killing Adam."

"... Yes."

"... You said your last name was Sword Dancer, right?" (Y/n) slightly surprised at his question, nods back at him. "I see."

Ghira placed his tea on the table and gets up from his seat. He walked over to a safe and opened it. He then took out a weapon that was folded inside a kate-bukuro (provisions bag). And placed it on the table in front of him, and leans back with his arms crossed. Slightly confused (Y/n) looks at the kate-bukuro before then looking back at Ghira.

"Please open it."

(Y/n) placing his tea on the table, grabbed the weapon and unfolded it, which revealed a katana. He looks at it and noticed nothing special from it, to him it looked like a standard katana, with the only difference being that it was slightly longer than an ordinary katana, and resembles a nodachi. The tsuba (sword guard) had an oval shape, and the handle was black.

(Y/n) wanting to see the blade, held a firm grip on the handle and then unsheathed it. Looking at it, he noticed that besides looking like an ordinary katana, the blade itself had an obsidian black color to it.

"What's with this color?"

After inspecting the blade he turned his gaze to Ghira, who was also looking at him.

"Why are you showing me thins?"

"Truth is I believe that, that belonged to one of your ancestors. Since you've arrived here. It felt like if it was alive in someway."

As the two kept talking, outside of the door, both Blake and Kali could be see trying to listen in on their conversation. Back inside Ghira lets out a sigh before wolfing down the tea in one go and then placing it on the table.

"Why show me this?" (Y/n) said sheathing the katana and placing it on the table.

"Truth be told. I'm still surprise at the fact that my daughter is dating a human." Ghira then crosses his arms, and (Y/n) turns his gaze to the side. "Especially the same human that killed Adam."

After hearing Adam's name, (Y/n) quickly turns his gaze at him. Ghira still with his arms crossed locks eyes with a know surprised (Y/n). "Look kid. Truth is I don't like you. But as a father I must still thank you for helping her. So thank you (Y/n) Sword Dancer for being with Blake and helping her. So dispite the fact that you killed Adam, I still want to express my gratitude for saving her." He placed his arms on his knee's and bows his head to him, and then lifts it up. "With that said I want to know. What do you really think of her?"

"I... I'm not very good at expressing myself in moments like these. But thanks to her and the others I'm slowly starting to feel like, I'm not the same as I was. Back in the day I was always alone pushing people away. Not wanting to form any connections. And all in all just wanting to be alone. But despite it all. Despite me losing control Blake still trusted some one like me. So I think that she's a very friendly, kind and caring person."

"So would you say that you love her?"

"Well I can't say. Because she's not the only one close to me. But yeah, you could say that I love her. I love her eyes when they look at me. I love her smile, when she's with everyone. I love her cat ears that move, when you play with them. I love everything about her. And just as I like the rest of the girls, I still love her equally. Even if I don't show it as mush."

Despite the lack of (Y/n)'s somewhat expression that could only be seen as emotionless. Despite it all Ghira could still notice a faint smile from him. Meanwhile on the outside Blake could be seen with tears in her eyes, and a smile on her face as she heard (Y/n)'s words. Words that despite it all she hardly ever heard from him. Kali on the other hand smiled with her as she felt happy fro her daughter.

We then cut back to Ghira and (Y/n).

"Strange?" Ghira looks at (Y/n) for a moment before then speaking to him in a calm tone. "You remind me of a friend I used to have. He was just like you."

"Do you know his name?"

"Sadly no. I can't remember, he had this present faint smile, that looked both happy and sad. Deep down I want to believe that he was just like you a Sword Dancer."

"I see. Anyway I should get going."

Ghira leans close to the katana and slides it close to (Y/n). "Please take the blade consider it a favor to an old friend. In exchange I would like for you to promise me something. Despite what fate brings, despite what tragedy befalls you. Don't change."

(Y/n) waits for a moment contemplating what he just said. But with a series look on his face he nods back at him. He then takes the weapon and bows his head, before then turning to walk out of the room.

When (Y/n) open the door, the hallway was empty. So as he started walking to his team, Blake and Kali could be seen hiding from just around the corner. Kali looks at her daughter and nodding her head ones. Blake not wasting time quickly started running after (Y/n).

Meanwhile back to Ghira he could be seen looking at an old photo that was worn down of him holding a young Blake in his arms, as Kali smiled with him. The real Kali then opens the door to his study and walks inside. The two charge a smile before she then started poring a cup of tea.

As (Y/n) kept walking across the hallway, he noticed the faint glow of the moon up in the sky. He looks at the moon almost captivated by it. Its only after looking up at it, that images of someone flash across his mind. He then placed his right hand over the side of his head, and calm down. He then lets out a sigh. Blake on the other hand noticed as he then did the most unexpected thing. 

(Y/n) looking up at the sky placed his arms down and sings.

"As the moon shines bring up in the sky, I'll be there to take care of you."
"Mama's here my little child, so please don't cry. I will smile and say goodnight."
"Right before my eyes you are dazzling. Brighter than the starlight of the sky."
"But for this short night I will ask the moon to shine just for you."
"When the moon vanishes I will leave you. Like the birds up in the sky."
"And when the moon shines, I'll be back to see you my child."

"(Y/n)?" Just then (Y/n) eyes widen as he noticed that Blake was looking at him.

"B-Blake..." He turns away slightly embarrassed at the fact she caught him sighing. "How long have you been there?" He asked in a somewhat nervous tone.

"Um well... you see." Blake blushes before putting his arms behind her back, and looking away. "I heard everything."

"Everything?" (Y/n) said, he then gets a nod from Blake. (Y/n) covers his face not wanting to be looked at. "She heard everything." He said mumbling to himself.

Blake tries to ensure him, and get him to calm down. After a short period of time had passed, the two could be seen walking back to Croix and Mia. Blake still somewhat left speechless responds.

"Sooo. You plan to become a singer?"

"Hell no." He responds back to her in a quick tone.

Blake then smiles before. "Why not? You sounded like you liked to sing."

"I'm not doing that again."

"Hehe." Blake smiles with the same smile that (Y/n) liked to see from her.

"HEEEY!" Croix responds after noticing the two of them. "You two done talking?"

Blake nods back to him, but its (Y/n) the responds. "Yeah."

Croix and Mia looks at the two of them before then responding. "Did something happen? You two seem off."

Blake shock her head and smiled. "Nope nothing. Anyway come on lets go to bed." She said grabing on to Mia's arm.

After Blake showed everyone to their rooms. Croix and (Y/n) could be seen sleeping in one room, as Blake and Mia sleep in the one next to them. And as the moon shined bright up at the sky, we see as (Y/n) looks up at it. He stayed silent before then closing his eyes and falling sleep.

~{City of Vale: Train Station, (7:17 a.m)}~

We then transition to next morning as we see Ruby, team NETE, and team JNPR paking preparation for the mission. Jaune with a nervous look on his face looks at Nero.

"S-So Nero, what's the plan?"

"While my team and Ruby handle incoming Grimm. Your team will be tasked with protecting the civilians."

"What!" Nero spoke holding Magnhild close to her chest. "B-But I wanted to bash a Grimm's face in!"

Ren sigh as he looks at Nora, and held the back of her shirt and started pulling her inside the train. "Come on."


Pyrrha looks at Nero. "Will make sure to care of the people. But if something happens please let us know." Nero nods back at her.

Pyrrha then walks inside the train with Jaune fallowing after her.

Nero then turns to Ruby and his team. "Okay everyone ready?"

His entire team nodded back at him. They then walk inside the train. Everything then fades to black.

A/N: Okay everyone I hope you liked the new chapter, and sorry that it look some time, but trust me 9035 words is laughable. Anyway I'll be working on the next chapter when I can. I'm just going to need a short break. I'll also be updating the old chapters, so should you see that the old chapters say something like (Updater) next to them. Then that means I either fix some words, or made it slightly longer. So hope you all enjoy. And by all means please let me know what you all think.

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