Chap. III: Overlapping Hate

-3rd POV: ????

As Y/n slowly open his eyes he noticed that he was in a vast open area filled with nothing but water. And just as he was about to turn around, Tsukomi was placed close to his neck. As it was revealed to be That Man with his face covered by his hood. But Y/n in an instant turned around, avoided his sword swipes, and then punched him three times, with the fourth being a kick to his stomach.

But That Man countered by grabbing his kick before it connected. He then punched him several time, sweep kicked him. Making him lose his balance.

But Y/n quickly managed to balance himself. But was met with a kick to the stomach. And just as he was about to fall That Man grabbed his shirt with his left arm.

"Why? Why can't you just leave me alone? You asshole!" Y/n said in a fit of anger.

But That Man responded back to him. "Tisk-tisk, no matter how much you run. You will never escape, us or your self. You weakling." He said as he then released his grip and he fell to the unending water. He then closes his eyes as he is consumed by the water.

But just then he opened his eyes as he noticed that he was in his room. He gave a sigh of relief, as he was glad it was only a dream. But he then looked at his scroll and he noticed the time. He then put it back down. As the time is revealed to be only 2:58 a.m. "tch!"


Several days have passed since the arrival of Leon and Sophi, and the aura between them and Y/n had yet to even bee fixed. Sophi countless times tried to talk to him. As she just wanted to talk with him. But she was met with only silence from him. As he wanted nothing to do with her. Let alone talk to her.

Leon tried to train with him but, every time he would try and train him. Y/n would stop and walk away not wanting to deal with him. Or use his semblance as he felt he could just wound up killing him... And so.... 

-3rd POV: Morning (Tanjiro's Home, 9:00 .a.m.)

The scene opens up as the sound of sword clashing is heard. As it quickly opens up to Y/n training with Victor. As he quickly blocked his attack, and was pushed back with great force. All the wile Leon and Sophi are seeing him with smiles across there faces. As Sophi cheered her Son on.

Just then Y/n quickly attacked him, with a strong attack that pushes him back. All the wile Victor noticed that Y/n wasn't giving his all. But after sometime Victor lowered his cane. "Okay let's take a break Y/n." He said as he then calmly took a bottle of water out. "Why don't you use your Semblance? We won't get anywhere like this." Victor said in a calm tone. But Y/n didn't respond back, as he still remember his dream clear as day. "*sigh* Fine but you will have to eventually use it. Just remember we are running out of time." He then before leaving pet Y/n's back, with a smile on his face.

Y/n with a shadow across his eyes looked at his sword. As that Man was standing behind him, but quickly disappeared. "...Tch!.." He then maid Tsukomi disappear as he turned to walk inside the house.

As he walked across the house. He stopped in the leaving room and noticed that, the Girls were eating food that Sophi had maid. As he was going to continue walking. Sophi got close to him with a gentle smile across her face. "Good morning Y/n! I maid you some food. So I hope you like it. And might I say, you did great to hold your own against Victor." She said as he noticed a plate of food in her arms.

As he stared at the food, That Man appeared behind her, but no one could see him, let alone hear him. He then smiled maniacally at him. As he stood behind Sophi's back.  "Hehe... Yes eat the food that, this DEMON made for you. While you're at it forgive her. I'm sure that it will go sooo well. Heh." He said in a sarcastic tone.

As that Man disappeared, Y/n turned around and left her without eating the food. Still feeling to agitated to deal with anything.

As Sophi looked at him, her expression turned to sadness as she saw her son walk away. "...Y/n." She said in a lowed tone, as she tried to reach out to him. The girls noticed as she was about to cry. But Sophi quickly dried her tears, and tried to smile. "Okay time to clean." She said as she walked away putting up a fake smile.

-Small Skip:

Meanwhile it then cuts to Y/n training with Tanjiro as they both used the bokken. Just as Y/n was keeping up with Tanjiro he still felt like he was holding back. "Not bad but." In that instant Tanjiro attacked hit at such a speed that he was met with the ground. But Y/n quickly got up and looked at him. Tanjiro then spoke again. "Not bad you keep improving." 

"Excuse me." A male voice responded to them. As both of them turned around and noticed that it was Leon approaching them.

Just then that Man appeared next to Y/n, with his legs crossed. "Well, well, well. More pointless and powerless people to play with. This is starting to become more fun, by the day." As he kept talking, Y/n simply ignored him up to the very end.

"Do you need something?" Tanjiro said as he looked at Leon.

"I was wondering if I could train with my Son?" He said with a smile. But Y/n wasn't smiling at him. On the contrary he was staring daggers at him, as he only felt more anger bottling up. 

Tanjiro wanting to see what the former Garo was maid of. Handed him, his bokken and he backed away. Leon then stepped forward as he smiled at his Son. "Okay Son. Let's see what you got. Don't hold back!" He then gripped the bokken as he got ready for an attack.

"HAHAHAHA! That is so cute! HE thinks that he has a chance at winning... Hey! I have an idea. Let me take over and i'll make sure he never stands up to US! HAHAHA!" He said with a maniacally smile across his face.

"Just shut the hell up." Y/n said in his mind as he gripped his bokken.

As Y/n looked at Leon, he was starting to get more agitated just by looking at him. But more agitated as That Man kept talking to him. Meanwhile as Leon kept a firm grip on his bokken, he never broke eye contact with his Son, awaiting his move. But in an instant Y/n inhaled air and held it. And in the blink of an eye, he attacked him with such force, and speed that it knock the bokken of his hands at such speed that even Leon, and Tanjiro didn't noticed. As the bokken that Leon was holding landed across the ground. Tanjiro noticing who won responded. "Okay that would be enough. Y/n you win not bad." He said as he smiled at the two of them.

Y/n not wasting anytime with Leon. Proceeded to toss the bokken at Tanjiro and walk away. 

As Leon saw his Son walk away. Tanjiro looked at the bokken and in his mind he spoke. "I wasn't imagining it. For that split second he used a breathing techniques." He then crossed his arms. "But it wasn't any breathing technique I've ever seen... But I can tell. He has yet to even control that anger of his."

Meanwhile as Y/n kept walking. That Man smirked as his body disappeared in black flames. 

-Time Skip: (1:17 p.m.)

As the girls were tacking a shower. Y/n is seen with Victor playing shogi. Which ended in Y/n's lost countless times. But just as he was calming down. Leon and Sophi walked up to the room, which got the attention of Y/n.

But Victor then spoke in a very hospitable manner. "Ah,Good you showed up, I was waiting for you. Anyway I'll be right back. So why don't you put the pieces back in place, Y/n." As He gets up he started to feel the tension in the room get even worse. But nevertheless he walked out of the room, leaving Y/n with them.

But just as Y/n started adjusting the peaces back in there place. Both of them took a sit in front of him. Which only infuriated him to no end. As That Man appeared behind his back, with his back against the wall, and his arms crossed. He had a smile across his face, as his hood still covered his face. But Leon and Sophi could't even see, him.

Leon then spoke. "So I heard that you've been treating the girls nicely i'm glad. Know that is a man. I'm glad I taught you to respect females. Hehe!"

That Man was then quick to respond, even if they weren't able to see him. "Talk shit all you want. But HE never taught you anything. All he did was ignore you, your whole life. I mean just look at them! There only trying to get on you're good side for what? So they can treat you the same way as before, after everything goes back to normal! HAHA! Talk about stupidity, would't you say!" That man said as he smirks behind Y/n. 

"......" Y/n didn't even respond to them.

Back to Leon and Sophi they looked at each other with a worried look on their face. But Sophi then spokes. "Have you been keeping you're self healthy. I heard by the girls that you meet with the Schnee family. Already meeting with the family I see." She said in a playful tone trying to break the ice. 

"Yes putting more victims on the table. YOU can't even push them away. This is why you are weak, Y/n. But I guess Weiss told her about the family. HAHA!" That man said as he kept talking.

"......" But Y/n gave no response.

Leon then spoke as he looked at the shogi bored. "Hey Y/n? You want to play with me? I know some of the rules. And if you want I can teach you some moves to get the one up on Victor."

"Oh, yes let's play with this dirtbag, i'm sure that it will end well. Oh, wile you're at it why don't you let me take over? SO I can kill Him! After all this IS what you want, right?" That Man said as he walked behind them, with his arms still crossed.

"......" Y/n Kept ignoring them, not wanting to say a thing. As he was almost done putting the pieces in place.

Sophi then responded again. "Please Y/n say something? I... I can't stand to see you like this." She said as she felt heart broken that her Son wasn't even speaking to them.

That Man then got up in her face and smiled. "Hey! Look, look, She's starting to cry! Let's keep it going Y/n! Make her cry some more! I'm starting to like this game! If I could only make some popcorn I would! HAHAHA!" He said as he floated across the room.


Leon the spoke. "Y/n we know that we messed up, and we also know that you can't even trust us. I also understand that you hate us! But please son can you at leas say something?"

That Man then stood behind Y/n, as he lifted his left arm. "Yes I have something to say! FUCK YOU! Is that what you are thinking, Y/n? If so nailed it! This game is great!... Hey, Y/n? Come on set me free and I'll put them out of their misery. It'll be quick, and painless I promise!" He said as he lifted his left arm with his fingers touching. All the while his right arm was behind his back with his fingers crossed. "Scout's Honor. Oh Hell I'll even say it! Cross my heart and hope to die. HAHAHA!" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"....." But Y/n simply ignored him again.

As both of them look at each other, they were starting to lose hope for him to talk to them. Until the silence in the room was broken with someone giving a sigh. "Come on Y/n we talked about this?" The man said as it was Victor walking in the room. He then took a sit in front of the bored. "Why don't you at least talk to them. Didn't you promised, that you would try and forgive them?"

Y/n with an annoyed look responded to him. "I said I would put it under consideration. I didn't say anything about promising to talk to them... So just shut up and make the first move already Old Man."

Victor not having mush of a choice sigh and made the first move. "So why don't we make a bet. If you win I'll have them leave. But if I win you must forgive them." He said as he smiled at him, and touched his beard.

Meanwhile both Leon and Sophi both looked at him with gentle smiles across there faces. But Y/n was quick to respond back to him. "Tch... No bet is worth pretend to give a crap about them. So Fuck you." He said knowing that he didn't care what happens to them.

Victor then gave another sigh as he knew that Y/n wasn't going to change his mind. But never the less he had to try to change his mind. "Y/n if you just keep running from your problems you will never be strong." Victor said as he had yet to make the first move.

"Why would I care for the feelings of a mother that doesn't care. And a father that only cared for his ONE Son. I couldn't give a damn about them. And till this day I still don't." Y/n said in a cold tone, at the same time as That Man. Clearly trying to hurt more then just there feelings.

"Y/N!-" Victor raced his voice at him. 

"SHUT UP!!" There was a moment of silence as all of them looked at him. "I said I would put it under consideration and that is all. So I'll say it right know." He turned his attention at Leon and Sophi. "Stop acting like where Family. You both are nothing to me. I don't have a Mother. I don't have a Father..." That Man smirk behind him as his body disappeared in black flames. "Tch... I think that I was better of not being born." He said as Sophi was then hurt by his words as a Mother. But Y/n still didn't care at all.

"DON'T SAY THAT!!" Sophi spoke as she then started to cry, as she held her chest in pain. "Don't say something like that. Even if you hate us. It still pains me just seeing you like this... So please stop it." She said with tears running down her eyes, as she then covered her face, with nothing but pain in her heart.

Leon then spoke. "Son please don't hate your Mother. It was I that told her about your Semblance. So if you must hate anyone it should be me. I'll harbor all the hatred you have. So please." He then bowed his head to his Son. "Please forgive your Mother and hate me instead."

"Y/n." Victor said as he looked at Y/n with kind eyes.

"..... Damn you... DAMN ALL OF YOU!" He then got up and quickly walked to the door.

Sophi then responded as she was still crying. "Y/n where are you going?"

"JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Y/n said as he then turned to look at Leon and Sophi. But as they looked at him, there eyes widen as they noticed that Y/n had tears running down his face. "As far as I'm concerned. I am surrounded by a bunch of unskilled, pathetic, and weak huntsmen. You two can just sit here, and pretend that were family. But in the end I will always hate you! With the name that I was given. Up to the very end. So I'll say it again I want you two out of my life, FOREVER." He said as he turned around and was about to leave.

But Victor quickly spoke. "Y/n where are you going?"

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OLD MAN!" He said as small dark flames emanated across his body. But it quickly dies down. As he walked out the room, slammed the door in the process. Leaving them all alone.

Victor then gave a sigh as he responded to them, as he noticed that Leon was going to go after him. "Don't go after him. Let him clear his mind. I can understand that what were asking is hard on him. But it is up to him. So give it some time." He said with kindness in his voice.

Leon then spoke to him, with his head looking down. "I... I'm sorry that we cause you trouble... Will be leaving tomorrow early in the morning. That way we don't get in the way." He said as he lowered his head.

Sophi nod's as she dried her tears. "Yes I can see that it was a mistake to come here... After asking Ozpina to tell us about his location... So sorry."

"Nonsense!" He said as both of them turned there attention on him. "Like I said. Give it some more time he just needs to come to terms with himself. After all his Grandfather was the same. So give him some space, okay." He said as both of them still with a sad look in there face nod to him. "Okay then, why don't you two go get something to eat."

-Y/n's POV: (Road To Mantle)

As I was walking to Mantle. What the Old Man told me was still on my mind. But forgiving them was the least that I wanted, and let's face it. I didn't want to deal with them, let alone Nero for that mater. So as I walked throw the forest I couldn't help but wonder why was I so pissed off. Could it have been, because of the Old Man... No. Or it could have been because of Leon, and Sophi.... No. As I felt the anger taking over, I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. "DAMN IT ALL!!" I said as I screamed from the top of my lungs. Which was only starting to make me even more agitated.

-3rd POV:

As Y/n continued walking he stopped closed to a tree that, That Man was leaning on with his arms crossed. "You should have let me kill them. But no you had to be weak." Y/n didn't respond as his eyes were covered by his hair. "You are nothing but a weakling, so come on weakling. Set me free. HAHAHA-"

As the Man kept laughing, Y/n fit of great anger punched him, without moving from the spot he was standing, and engulfing the aria in a small smoke. But as the smoke cleared, that Man was gone. And the tree that, that Man was leaning on had a gaping hole. Just as blood then drips to the ground revealed to be coming from Y/n's arm. "FUCK YOU..." He said lowering his arm, as he started to walk to the city.

-Y/n's POV: Mantle

As I walked throw the City. I was looking for a placed that sell, Taiyaki. I looked at different market's trying to find one, but after an hour. I found absolutely nothing, making me just walk around the city. Bored out of my mind, and with the need to punch someone face in.

After a bit of walking I looked at my surroundings and simply noticed a lot of people walking around. But up to this point, I just wanted fresh air and nothing more. Deep down I was still agitated ever since I got here. But there was no point in complaining about that know. "Come on you stupid punk!" A male voice responded as I noticed a crowed of people not to far from me.

I thought about just turning around and walk away. But I was bored just looking around, and I just want to make some's heads role. So I took a deep breath and looked at what was going on with the crowed of people, and I maid my way to the center of it all.

-3rd POV:

Meanwhile among the crowed of people. An elderly man that looked like he was in his 30 fell to the ground, with multiple black eyes. And as the man laid unconscious. 

A boy that looked like he was in his 20's with short white hair, and light blue eyes. With his wears comprised of a white long sleeve t-shirt, with a black winter jacket, and long black pants. Was looking down at the man on the ground. With several bruises across his face. 

"You still want more!? Come on!" He spoke a he then got in to a boxing stance. As several other man got in front of him, with some of them holding metal pipes as weapons.

Meanwhile a girl that looked like she was in her 17's, with long black hair with dark pink tips, and light pink eyes. With her wardrobe comprised of a black sweater, a green mini skirt, with black pantyhose and dark brown loafers. Looked at the boy. "Brother please stop!" She said trying to stop her brother, but as she was going to get involved.

Two more people came from behind the boy and grabbed him, each by one arm, leaving him in place. As two other man walked in front of the girl and prevented her from getting involved, as they all pointed there metal pipes at her. Which she then looked at them with anger.

"Hehe, looks like you left your guard down." The man said claiming victory over the boy. And just as the man raised his metal pipe, he was met with a strong punch to the face that send him smacked to several of the other people. 

The boy took that chance and he quickly headbutted one of the people that held his arm, and then proceeded to do the same to the other person. He then looked at his savior as it was revealed to be Y/n.

As the rest of the people looked at Y/n. They all pointed there metal pipes at him, which he simply gave a sigh, as that Man appeared behind him. "Look they think they're a threat."

Y/n noticed that all of them had a smirk across there faces. But that smirk of there's quickly went away as Y/n summon Tsukomi scaring all of them. "I'm not in a good mod so. Turn back and I won't hurt you all." He said warning all of them. But as soon as one of them maid the first step. Y/n inhaled and gripped Tsukomi, and in the blink of an eyes all of the people's metal pipe snapped, shocking all of them. As some of them feel to the ground, with trembling arms and legs. He then looked down on all of them, with an angry look on his face. "Last warning-"

As he was going to finish what he was going to say. Several of the crowed started to scream and run away. As Y/n noticed what they were running from a pack of Beowolf's. As the pack of Beowolf's started attacking the city. The remaining crowed ran away inside the houses. But Y/n gave a sigh as he started to walk to the Beowolf, with Tsukomi in hand.

Meanwhile the other Boy and Girl looked as they saw Y/n walking to the Grimm. The boy then looked at his Sister, as both of them nod to each other. Just as two Beowolf's charged at them, the boy reached inside his jacket and pulled out two revolvers.

(I take no credit for the photo)

And  quickly shoot the two Beowolf's killing them. "AAAAAAAAAh!" A man creamed out as he noticed that it was the man he was fighting with, getting approached by a Beowolf. So as the Beowolf stopped in front of the man, the man covered his face. As the Beowolf prepared to attack him with it's claws. "Someone help me!" He screamed out but no one heard him. Until he heard a gun shoot and looked at the Beowolf with trembling hands. He then noticed that the Beowolf was on the ground dead. As he then turned his attention at the direction of the guns shoot and noticed that it came from the person he was fighting.

"Get out of here!!" The boy said as he then killed two more Beowolf's that charged at him. "I said to GO!!" The man not wasting time got up and quickly left inside one of the buildings.

Meanwhile Y/n already synchronized with Aisha. As he was already charging at the Beowolf, and slashing at two of them. As he then used one to get airborne. As two more jumped to try and get him. but the first one quickly is killed, as he then cuts the other one in half, and land on the ground. As one of the Beowolf charged at him and tried to bite him. But Y/n quickly blocked it's attack with Tsukomi, and it started to push him back. But as he noticed that the Beowolf was biting at his sword. He then gripped the handle and forcefully pulled the sword out of it's mouth, breaking the Beowolf's teeth out. And then killed it by stabbing it on it's neck.

Meanwhile as several of the people are still trying to get away. The Girl noticed a pair of two children, getting approached by a Beowolf. So she quickly charged at it, and seemingly out of thin air summon what looked like to be a red katana, with five symbols across it edge.

(I take no credit for the photo)

And swiftly killed the Beowolf saving the two children. "Go! It's not safe here!" The two children then nod to her, as both of them entered a house. She then turned her attention back at the Beowolf's. "Come to me!" Just as she lifted her sword up in the air. A fox with 3 tails, twice her size, and engulfed in a blue aura, stood at her side ready to fight. Just as she started to run at the Beowolf. The fox charged at then, with her at it's side.

-Small Skip-

After the arrival of several huntsman, and heroes. The citizens were all saved, as several of them started praising Y/n, and the other two siblings for saving them.

But Y/n not wanting to deal with them started to leave, with a bored look on his face. The two siblings noticed that he was walking away, and with smiles across there faces ran after him. "HEY WAIT!" The older brother called out to Y/n.

But Y/n paid no mind to him. As he just wanted to get out of the city. But the two siblings caught up to him. He looked at them with a look of boredom in his face, as he then kept walking. But both of them started walking with him. The older brother then responded, as her sister gave a sigh. "So are you like a huntsmen? If so where did you learn to do all that cool stuff? And if so can we be friends?" As the brother kept talking.

Y/n started to get furies, hinted by his left eye twitching. But the girl quickly responded to her brother. "Brother stop asking question! I'm sorry my brother always gets like this. Every time he meets new people. If it's not to mush trouble, would you please tell us your name? That way we can at least thank you properly." She said as she then smiled at him, with a blush across her face.

Y/n then stopped as he looked at the two of them, and gave a small sigh. "Nunya."

The two looked at each other, clearly confused at what name that was. As both of them then responded at the same time. "Nunya? What kind of name is that?"

Y/n then quickly responded back at them. Getting more annoyed at them. The longer he was with the two of them. "None 'ya fuckin' business." He said with great anger in his tone.

The older brother looked at him, as he then started laughing with enthusiasm. "HAHAHA! Hey that's a good one! Hahaha! Wouldn't you think so Sis?" He said turning to his sister, as Y/n glared at him.

But his Sister, took the form of a chibi, as she hid behind her brother. With tears running down her face, and her body trembling. "I-I'm sorry." She said as she tried not to make eye contact with him.

The older brother, after drying his eyes responds again. With a smile still on his face. "Okay, how about this. Will introduce ourselves first, then you can tell us your name. Sounds good?"

"You won't leave me alone till I tell you. Will you?" The brother nod his head at him. But Y/n wanting to get away gave a sigh. "Fine, let's just make it quick."

The brother then smiled with excitement as he looked at Y/n. "Okay!" He then pulled his Sister to the front. Which the Sister then started to blush as she looked at Y/n. As the older brother being the one taller then the rest of them responded first. But Y/n simply crossed his arms.

(I take no credit for the photo)

"Name's Croix Barsett, Hunter of love, and Romance to all!" He said placing a hand on his chest and smiling. But as he kept talking about himself. Y/n rolled his eyes, as the Sister spoke.

(I take no credit for the photo)

"M-m-my name is Kazumi Mia, b-b-but you can call m-me Mia. It's a pleasure to meet you." She stuttered a bit as she looked at her brother. But he continued to talk. "Um... Sorry when my brother starts talking. It's hard to make him stop." She said as in an instant, a three tailed, fox appeared next to her. But it looked different being a lot smaller then expected, and only having one tail for the most part. "Oh! And this is my friend, Luna."

(I take no credit for the photo.)

The fox looked at Y/n for a moment. Until Mia picked her up in her arms. 

Croix after introducing each other spoke to him. "Soooo, we told you our names. What's yours?"

Y/n gave a sigh of annoyance as he didn't want to talk to them. But having no other choice.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

"... Y/n Sword Dancer." Said as he then quickly turned around and started to walk away.

Croix then responded. "Hey! Wait! Would you maybe, like to hang out with us? We're friends know aren't we?"

"No, get lost..." Y/n said as he left in a hurry, with his hands in his pockets. Leaving them alone with no more words to speak of.

But both of them regardless started fallowing him. Even if he didn't want to deal with them.

Meanwhile as Y/n walked away, with the other two right behind him. On top of one of the building. Two figures are seen looking directly at him. With one of them being smaller. "Hehe. So that's Onii-chan." The figure said, as she never took her eyes of him.

The figure that was next to her then respond. As he also looked at Y/n from the distance. "For now let's wait and see. You will be able to have your fun soon."

"Hehehe, oh I can't wait. Don't worry Onii-chan will play soon enough. Hehehe!" She said in a very happy tone.

-Time Skip: (Tanjiro's Home, 8:00 p.m.)

After spending the day with the other two. He was finally able to lose them, and return to Tanjiro's home. So as to forget about them. But as he walked inside the house, he was approached by Momo with a worried look on her face. "Hey, Y/n can we talk?" She said to him, as he nod's back to her.

As she started walking he fallowed after her. Still confused as what was going on. Until both of them stopped in front of one of the room.

He looked at her. But as he was about to respond, she looked at him still with a worried look in her face. "It's about your Mother." Just as she mentioned his mother, he gave a look of anger as she spoke again. This time clasping her arms together. "Please Y/n? Can you please forgive her? I'm starting to worry. Ever since you left for Mantle. She hasn't left her room, and I'm starting to get worried about her." She said as tear started to form. But he simply looked away with a look of anger in his eyes.


"I... I know that they didn't care for you ever since you awakened your Semblance. But she is still your mother, even if they didn't care for you, they still gave you a home. They gave you a place to be. A place to come back to. Don't you think it's time to forget about the past and move on? Deep down I know you feel the same way."

As she continued talking, he simply felt anger. As memories of him being alone flashed through his mind. "..."

But Momo understanding what she was saying lowered her tone. As she new that is wasn't her problem to meddle in. But she just wanted nothing more then to help the one person she loves. "I'm sorry..."

Just as she lowered her gaze, Y/n got passed her and opened the door. As he opened the door, the room was dark. With only a small light from outside coming through the window. When their eyes got adjusted to the room. Momo turned on the lights, as both of them noticed Sophi setting in her bed, curled up in to a ball, with her face covered.

Just then Sophi slowly started to raise her face, as both of them noticed that her eyes where red. Hinting that she was crying all day. As she looked at Momo her gaze turned to Y/n and quickly looked away. "H-hey Y/n... I... I left you... Some food on the table..." She said in a weak tone, trying to not cry in front of him.

Y/n didn't respond as he looked at her. "... Momo?" He said as she turned her attention at him. "Can you leave us alone?" Momo noticing that he was looking at Sophi and she nod's and made her way out of the room. And slowly closed the door, leaving them alone.

When the door was closed he walked over to the bed and stopped in front of her. As she then sat in front of him, with her face facing down and avoiding eye contact. As she proceeded to talk in a weak tone. "I'm... Sorry that I'm such a weak and stupid mother... S-so if you really want me out of your life t-then that's okay... I... I'll be happy for you... Even if you hate us..." She said as tears started running down her face. But he kept silent as she continued talking.

"I was never a good mother... Never did I one's tried to stop what I was doing... I didn't deserve you... I was only a fool... You have every right to hate someone like... like... me." There was only silence tween the two, as she kept talking down to her self. "I... Don't deserve to be your mother... I don't deserve to look at you... I... I... I don't deserve to have the life I was given. I don't deserve you." As she continued talking never did she one's looked at him. As she felt like she failed him.

But as he looked at her, he started to remember memories of the time he spent with her. As a small Y/n is seen with Sophi. As she piked him up, and started to play with him. All the while the real Y/n gripped his hands furiously. As the real Sophi cried in front of him.

Meanwhile the past Sophi smiled at the child Y/n. "Tell me Y/n? What do you want to be when you grow up?" She said as Y/n looked back at her.

"I want to be like Mom and Dad. Strong!"

"Just strong?" She said back to him with a smile still across her face.

But the small Y/n shook his head. "When I become Garo. I'll protect you, Father and Brother. I'll protect you all, just wait and see." He said as the real Y/n didn't move.

"Well your going to have to work extra hard. But i'm sure you will." Sophi said as she smiled back at him, and embraced him. "After all your my little pogchamp!" She then warmly embraced him. As he in a playful way pulled back. "Nooo! I'm no pogchamp!"

Just as he looked at her, one thing ran through his mind. The one thing  Victor told him. "I know forgiveness is hard. But very worth the risk." He said as it kept running throw his mind.

As Sophi continued to cry as a small tear landed in her arms. She then looked at her arms, as she slowly looked at Y/n and gave a look of surprised. Just as it was revealed that, the tear came from him. As he was not only trying to suppress his emotions, but was also trying to hold his tears as they ran down his face.

Sophi with tears still in her eyes responded to him. "Why are you crying?"

"Because... All this is hard. I've hardly ever needed anyone. I've always have been alone. But seeing you cry hurts me, more then anything. Why does it hurt? Tell me did I not deserve to be loved? Was I born only to suffer? Did you HATE me that mush?" He said as his arms started to tremble.

"I was afraid... Afraid that you would one day end like your grandfather. And knowing that you had the same semblance only scared me. But after Nero told us what we were doing was wrong. I started to remember that you weren't some 'thing'. You were my Son, and all I wanted was to hold out for hope. The hope that one day you would forgive a worthless Mother like me. And hope that you wouldn't turn out like him. The hope that you would be able to change your life."

"... Nero..." He said in his thoughts. All the while looking at her.

Sophi shook her head to him. "It's... It's okay." She responded as the two started to shed tears. "If you don't want to see me again then it's okay. I'll leave and you wont have to hear from me... But the fact that you are my Son will never change. So... No mater what happens you and your brother, are always going to be my pride and joy in this life. I would sacrifice my life for the two of you. And even till this day, that hasn't change. So make me proud." She said as she gave a light smile.

"Why?... I called you so many things and yet you still..."

"Because your my son so... I'll be happy with whatever you decide."

There was a moment of silence as Y/n lowered his head, pondering what to do. Until he finally gave his answer "... Like Momo said if you didn't care for me. Then you wouldn't have taken care of me. So... I would... Dammit... What I mean is! That it might take some time... but I would like to at least give you a chance... that is if you would except a poor excuse of a Son like me." He said talking down on hims self.

But Sophi shook her head. "I should be the one to say that. After all I was a good for nothing mother."

Y/n just feeling awkward scratched the back of his head. But as she looked at him, he extended both his arms in a hug to her. Which she was happy to hug back. With what little strength she could muster.

After the two had finally dried there tears. Both of them kept talking for what felt like hours. As Sophi bombarded him with question about, the Girls, His training with Victor, and many more. Which he was in a sense happy no answer her, one question, after the other. Until both of them had nothing more to talk about. 

Y/n having nothing else to talk about got up of the bed, and walked to the door, "Anyway I should go to sleep. It's starting to get to late." He said as Sophi nod's at him with a smile across her face.

"Oh! I almost for got here." She said as she opened her bag, that was under her bed. And took a small rectangular box, and handed over to him.

Y/n looked at the box with a confused look in his face, as he then opens it and takes out what looked like a small necklace. "A necklace?"

(I take no credit for the photo. Also I don't know but I see it as purple.)

Sophi shook her head, as she responded back at him. "It's a family heirloom that was gifted to me by, my Mother long ago. I know that your birthday was two day's ago, and you haven't told the girls. But I wanted to give you something that was important to me. It should bring you good luck."

"Isn't this important to you?" He asked wile he looked at her.

But Sophi smiled back at him. "It's important... But I want you to have it." She said as she proceeded to wrap the necklace around his neck. "If your Grandmother was still alive. She would have been so exited to see you." She said as she frowned a bit before smiling again.

Y/n looked at the necklace and responded. "What kind of person was she like?"

She gave a large sigh. "Strong. Kind. Respectful. Scary. She was a lot of things but weak wasn't one of them. She would constantly fight with Dad over everything. But deep down she loved him, up to the very end... and there!" She said as she finished wrapping the necklace. As Y/n then looked at himself in the mirror.

".... T-thank you." He said with small blush across his face. As he wasn't to comfortable with getting gifts. But never then less Sophi smiled. "I should go to bed."

Before he could leave she stopped him. "Um... will you talk to Leon?"

".... At the moment I don't care what he wants. And to be honest I don't care." He said as he turned to the direction of the door.

"If it means anything. Ever since you left with Victor. He hasn't been like his old self. Isn't there a way for you to forgive him?" She said hoping for an answer.

Y/n then gives a sigh. "At the moment I want nothing to do with him. So I could care less, what he wants to talk about."

Sophi not wanting to start something lowered her head in defeat. "I-I see."

As she stared at the floor. Y/n looked over his shoulder at her, and turned his attention back at the door. "Like I told Victor, i'll put it under consideration. But at the moment no... Anyway I have to go to sleep."

Sophi understanding nod's at him. She then gave a smile now feeling like she could take on the world. As she got conferrable in her bed, and went to sleep. Y/n then  started to walk to the door, and before he could walk out the room, Sophi responded to him. "Thank you Son. I promise you wont regret it."

He looked back at her, as he slowly open the door. "Yeah... I'll hold you to it. So good night... Mother." He said as he quickly walked out of the room, and closed the door. Leaving her with a smile across her face, as she started to fall asleep.

As he walked cross the Hallway he stopped as he noticed that Leon was in front of him. "H-hey So-"

"Get lost." He said as he walked passed him cutting him off, and without giving him a second glance.

Leon didn't try to talk back at him, or even bothered to try and fallow him. Not wanting to start something late at night he walked back to the room. With a look of defeat in his face.

Meanwhile on the way to Y/n's room, he stopped as he ran into Momo, who was waiting for him. "Did you talk with her?" She said as she implied his Mother.

But Y/n feeling like she wanted to ask for something responded. "If there's something you want. All you have to do is ask?"

Momo blushed as she wanted nothing but to make him happy. But as she looked at him, she started to stutter as she spoke. "W-w-what n-no of cores not... w-well t-there is something that I would l-l-like... Um... if it's not to mush trouble, I... I want you to... K-k-k-k-"

Y/n noticing that her face was turning red walked close to her, as her eyes were closed, and he kissed her on the lips. As the kissed continued. Momo enjoyed every moment of it. As she wanted nothing more then just a kiss from him, even if she was one of the girls that loves him. She couldn't bring her self to kiss him, even if Weiss gave her the go ahead. When the kiss finally departed the only thing that ran throw Momo's mind was that she wanted more. But she quickly shook her head and blushed. "Um... I-I-I-I..."

Y/n with a small smile walked passed. But before he left for his room he stopped and responded without looking at her. "I'll say it again... Thank you Momo." He then walked away, and entered his room.

Leaving Momo lost in her thoughts. When she finally walked to her room, the rest of the girls looked at her. With Weiss being the first to respond. "Weeeell did you do it?" She question her, as she was brushing her hair.

Yang wanting to hear what happen puts her scroll away and looked at her. Blake as she was reading a bock simply kept reading. And Koneko was the silent one as she was already fast asleep. 

But Momo not wanting to disappoint nod's to her. Which Weiss then smiled, as Momo walked to her bed and all of them went to sleep with smiles across there faces. As the rest of the girls slept, Momo was awake as she touched her lips, and smiled as she only had him in her thoughts. "Y/n."

-Small Time Skip: (Y/N's Room, 9:47 p.m.)

After Y/n returned to his room. He felt a sense of unease as he quickly noticed that, That Man was looking at him with a smirk across his face, and setting on his bed.

"Heh, you forgave her. Oh, that's rich, boy. Reeaaal rich. Good for you. But I know that deep down you still hate them. Don't worry I won't pry in to it. So why don't you just make it easier for you and set us free. Hehe!"

"I fucking HATE you." Y/n said with great anger in his tone.

"Oh come on, don't fight it! Hate is my favorite food, and I'm starting to get hungry!" He said with the smirk still over his face. "Feel the anger! Burn with the fire's of Chaos! Thirst for blood, then go out there and-"

"Shut up! Get the hell out of my head!" He said summoning Tsukomi and pointing it at him. As he tried to not let the power take over.

"Your head? Just let me take over. I bet those people back in Beacon would love to see you dead!"

Y/n then tightened his grip. "Get lost." He said trying to calm down, after today's drama.

"...." That man then gave a sigh, before getting up from the bed. "Fine! But let me make one thing perfectly clear. If ever you are in trouble. I'll be right next to you, my F r i e n d."

He said as his body started fading in to black flames and in to nothingness. Leaving Y/n alone to contemplate what he meant. As he then simply gave a sigh and walked to his bed, as everything fades to black.

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