Chap. II: New Enemy
-Leon, & Sophi residence 8:15 a.m.-
- 2 Days - 3rd POV-
During the two Days that passed Y/n forgot of the event that transpired in the forest. But the only thing he didn't forget was the outcome that lead to him pushing his emotions away. Every time he thought about Ruby it would only bring him pain... But it was too late. As he seat on his bed he touched his eyes. With his left arm. "...Fucking memories." He told himself in a low-pitched town.
When he finished taking a shower he put on his school clothes, and grabbed his bag. He then walked inside Nero's room and he sigh.
-Y/n POV-
As I looked around the room I noticed that Nero was sleeping. "Typical he wasn't even awake." As I tried to wake him up, he wasn't responding he simply smiled with that dumb face of his. "Oh well not my problem." I looked at his alarm clock and I placed it close to his right ear. And I walked away closing the door in the process.
-3rd POV-
When Y/n got down stairs, he started putting his shoes. "Um Y/n?" A female voice responded in a gentle town. He then looked over his shoulder, and he noticed that Leon, & Sophi where there. But he turned back to put on his other shoe. Sophi steeped forward worried about her Son, and she smiled. "Um... I made you some breakfast so tha-"
"I'm not hungry just give it to Nero?" He responded without looking at her.
"Oh... I-I see." She then looked at her husband with a worried expression.
Leon stepped forward. "Um hey Son how about when you, and your Brother get back. I start training you both-"
"I'm not interested." He responded without looking at him. Both parents looked at each other with sad expressions on their faces. As Y/n finished putting his shoes, he opened the front door and he got surprised because Ruby was there.
"H-Hello Y/n." She smiled at him, but he didn't say anything and just got passed her. She then turned to face him. "Um wait Y/n? Why don't you, me, and Nero walk to school together."
"Not interested." He said without a hint of hesitation, and just continued walking.
She then turned to look at Leon, and Sophi. "Good Morning Ms.Sophi, and Mr.Leon."
Both of them smiled as they looked at her. Sophi smiled as she looked at her. "Good Morning Ruby." Sophi respond as Leon simply nodded and smiled at her. Sophi then walked towards the stairs. "I'll go get Nero." As she was going to walk upstairs they heard and alarm clock, and Nero screaming.
Back to Y/n. He entered a shop that an old man was running. After paying for some Taiyaki he kept on walking to school. As he was walking to school several people started talking about him, and looking at him with suspicion.
"Great it's the freak." A male voice said.
"Don't get near him." A female voice said as she walked inside her house.
"Be careful with that boy? I heard his not like his brother?" An elderly lady said as she leaned close to another lady.
"Well I heard that he was the one how beat up a bunch of people for no reason." Said as she looked at Y/n and whispered.
"..." He ignored the people and kept on walking. And he responded to himself. "It's always the same."
When he took a turn he bumped into someone he didn't want to meet Koneko. She smiled as she looked at him. "Y/n." He looked at her and he sigh. He then simply walked past her.
She turned to face him, and got in front of him. "Y/n Please wait? Would you mind if we walked to school together?" She blushed as she looked at him.
He then sigh out of frustration and he crossed his arms. "Yes I would mind. So leave me alone." Koneko lowered her head. "Or did you forget that with one single stupid lie that your pervert boyfriend told you, you believed him." She then remembered what happened and she felt more ashamed.
"I-I'm sorry but still let me go with you." He didn't respond for a moment. He then turned around and continued walking. "Whatever." She smiled as she followed right behind him. As they were walking two students noticed Y/n.
"What is Koneko doing with that freak?"
"Just be careful not to get near that boy. They say that he's cursed."
"What so scary."
As they continued gossiping Y/n ignored them. And they continued walking on the way to school they then ran into Issei, & Rias. Issei smiled as he looked at Koneko. "Koneko and... Y/n." As he looked at Y/n and got scared.
Y/n simply sigh as he walked past him. Not wanting to start a fight like last time that ended in Y/n's victory. Koneko tried to stop him from leaving but Rias grabbed his wrist. "I know that your still mad but how about we walk to school together?" She said trying to persuade Y/n.
He then furiously released his arm away from her. "I don't want to walk with some demon's. It's already bad enough that I had to walk with one." Said as he looked at Koneko, he then turned away from them and he left them.
-School 8:25 a.m.-
As he walked through the school he started to get sleepy. As he then walked inside his class room people started talking about him. But he simply ignored them, and he took his seat, and he fell asleep. As some students still looked at him.
-Y/n POV-
I still feel their eyes on me. Sigh why can't they keep their eyes to themselves. "Excuse me?" Oh for crying out loud. I raised my head to look at the person how was talking to me, and I noticed that it was.
"What do you want Ozpina?"
She smiled as she looked at me, but I just looked out the window. "Have you thought about what I told you Mr.Y/n?" She is so annoying.
"I told you I don't want to become a huntsman, so just leave me alone." I said as I looked back at her.
"But Y/n can't you see you along with your brother. Have potential to become Huntsman."
-3rd POV-
Y/n stood up furiously as he slammed his arms on the desk. Witch caught the attention of several students.
"I said NO! I HATE huntsman! So stop bothering ME!" He then grabbed his bag, and left the class room.
Ozpina walked out to the hallway. "Y/n where are you going?" She called out to him, but he didn't respond.
-Time skip- Classroom Nero POV-
Ever since I got to school I haven't seen my Brother. And I was starting to get worried. I noticed that Yang was looking at his desk, so I leaned close to her, and I whispered. "Hey Yang have you seen my Brother today?"
She looked at me and she shook her head in no. "Sorry I haven't seen him today."
I then felt someone touching my shoulder. As I looked back I noticed that it was Ruby. "I think I saw him."
"Really?" I smile at her and she nodded. But she quickly went back to writing. As I slowly turned my head I noticed why. The teacher was in front of me. I try to put up a smile but he looked annoyed. "Mr.Nero if you have time to talk. You have time to write." I then lowered my head. "Sorry teacher."
-Time skip 12:00 p.m.- 3rd POV-
On top of the schools rooftop Y/n was sleeping in the shadow. As the wind blew he was even more relaxed. He then opened his eyes as he took a deep breath, and he looked at the clouds. He then closed his eyes again. "There you are?" He looked to the direction of the voice only to find out it was Nero, Ruby, & Yang.
Ruby responded first as she looked at Y/n with a smile. "Are you sure you should be skipping class?"
"Come on Sis I'm sure he has his reasons." Yang said as she looked at Ruby with a smile.
Y/n got up he then grabbed his bag and he was about to leave. But Nero stopped him, by grabbing his wrist. "Come on brother didn't you want to become a huntsman." He smiled.
Y/n sigh out of annoyance. "No because I-"
As Y/n was going to respond the intercom went off. "Attention will the students Nero, Y/n, Ruby, Yang, Rias and her group please report to the principal's office?"
Later... As they we're heading to the principal's office they ran in to Rias, and her team. On the way they started talking except for Y/n how had his arms on his pockets. Koneko tried to strike a conversation with him but he ignored her. Which only made her lower her head in sadness.
When they got to the principal's office they entered. But they we're surprised because the ones that were there were Ozpina, and All Might.
"Hello everyone please come in?" Ozpina invited them inside. Y/n at first was hesitant but Yang brought him inside.
All Might looked at everyone with his signature Smile. "Good day students do you know why you are all hire?" Y/n sigh and he looked at him with a bored expression.
Rias stepped forward. "Does it have to do with your school?"
Ozpina nodded. "That is correct. As you know we have made a school for those with Quirk's, Semblance, and the will to help the people to enroll. So we are here to ask you today."
Oz, & AM responded in unison. "Would you like to enroll in our school?"
Rias and her friends looked at each other. They then smiled and nodded.
Nero, Ruby, & Yang where so excited that their eyes we're sparkling. "We get to go to Beacon, count me in." Yang responded with a smug expression on her face.
Ruby spoke up. "I get to go to the same school as Mom... I'll do it!" She then smiled at Yang, & Nero.
Nero looked at Oz, & AM. "If I go to your school I'll be able to help people." He then looked at his ring. "What do you think Zaruba?"
"If that is what you want then go for it partner."
He then smiled with excitement and looked at Y/n. "What do you think Brother?"
Y/n sigh. "... Not interested."
"WHAT!" Everyone in the room looked at him shocked at what he said. He then walked to the door.
"What do you mean brother? Wasn't it your dream to become a huntsman?" Nero looked at him. Ruby, & Koneko we're hoping for him to change his mind.
AM looked at him. "Why don't you want to join our school young Y/n?"
Y/n then sigh and responded while opening the door. "Simple because that dream died a long time ago. And besides I hate Heroes, Villain, Huntsman, Huntresses, & Demons. So again not interested." He then steeped outside and closed the door.
As he walked away Nero looked at Oz, & AM. "Sorry but I have to go after him. I'll talk to him please excuse me." He along with Ruby, & Yang ran after him.
-Time skip 3:00 p.m. After School-
Nero, Y/n, Ruby, & Yang where getting their stuff from there lockers. Y/n cued hear people talking. "Hey did you hear what happened? They said he turned them down." They just keep talking but he didn't care, what they had to say.
As they were making their way to Nero, & Y/n home. Nero, Ruby, & Yang we're talking. As Y/n was walking right behind them, he was minding his own business with both arms on his pockets.
"Are you sure you're okay Brother?" Y/n nodded. "Yes I'm okay so stop asking." Nero scratched the back of his head. "Well if you say so."
As Yang was looking at Nero, & Ruby talking she felt like a third wheel so she stepped back to Y/n. She then looked at Y/n how was looking at Nero, & Ruby. Yang then whispered to him. "Hey Y/n? Are you still you know?"
"...." He looked at Ruby and he noticed that they were talking to loud.
Ruby started blushing. "S-So um Nero. I was w-wandering that w-we have n-never touched hand in p-public. Hehe." She looked down to the ground.
"Now that you mention it." He was blushing as their hands got closer, little by little until they were holding hands. Both of their faces turned completely red, and they smiled. They then told them selves in unison in their minds. "His/Her hand is so warm."
Yang started playing with her hair as she looked at her sister. "Look at the lovely couple." She then turned her attention back at Y/n. "I was wandering if you still feel."
Y/n was looking at Nero, & Ruby holding hands, but he only sigh as his hair covered his eyes. "It doesn't matter so I'm good." As he told her that he looked away from Nero, & Ruby. Because looking at them made him sick.
"Y/n." Yang said as she looked at him with a sad expressions. "I'm okay Yang don't worry." Yang nodded but she knew that he wasn't okay.
-Time skip-
When they got to Nero, & Y/n home they noticed that the lights where turned off. "Did Mom, & Dad go out? Come on let's go inside?" Nero said.
-Y/n POV-
As we entered the house I placed my bag on the floor, and I noticed that it was completely dark. "Where's the light switch?" I respond. Nobody responded so I walked into the leaving room and I noticed a small light behind the couch, good thing my eyes somewhat got adjusted to the dark. But I noticed that Nero, Ruby, & Yang turned to face me. So I turned on the lights and that was the greatest mistake of my life.
As soon as the lights turned on I was blinded by the brightness of the room, I started scratching my eyes, and I let my eyes get adjusted to the room. Until I heard footsteps and people clapping. I then heard people saying. "SURPRISE Y/N!" When my eyes adjusted I looked at the people and I noticed that it was Summer, Tai, Sophi, & Leon. Nero, Ruby, & Yang smiled at me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/n!" They all smiled at me. I noticed birthday decorations around the leaving room.
"Come on Son let's start your training!? Haha!" Leon said with a smile on his face. But I had no smile to give.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" Summer said. "Happy birthday kid!" Tai looked at me and they smiled at me.
"Happy birthday Brother!" "Happy birthday young Y/n!" Nero, & Zaruba said in as they looked at me.
"H.B.Day!" Ruby, & Yang responded in unison. Honestly all of this was starting to make me feel sick on the inside. Even do I can't feel emotions.
Sophi then walked over to me, holding a birthday cake, & smiling at me. "Happy Birthday my little baby boy." I looked at the cake and it read HAPPY 16 BIRTHDAY Y/N. "........"
-3rd POV-
Leon steeped forward as he crossed both my arms, and smiled. "Hehe. Come on son blow out the candles so that we can start your training A.S.A.P." But Y/n wasn't smiling.
Summer, Tai, Ruby, Yang, & Nero looked at Y/n with a smile on their faces.
Sophi looked at Leon. "Don't rush him it's his big day. Take your time sweetie." She then smiled and turned her attention back at Y/n. He then noticed several other presents on the table. He then sigh and shook his head lightly. He then turned away from her, he grabbed his bag and walked upstairs. Leon looked at him. "Y/n?" They then heard a door close.
Yang looked to the floor knowing what he just did. Nero & Ruby looked at each other with a sad expression. All of them heard the door to Y/n room open and he came down. Sophi was hoping that he was just changing his clothes to come and spend some time with them. Summer then steeped forward. "Maybe he was just changing his clothes?" She said trying to lighten the mood.
As Y/n went downstairs Sophi noticed that he started putting his shoes back on. Leon then approached him. "Um son where are you going, it's your birthday today."
"I'm going out." He responded without a care in the world.
"But what about your birthday cake?" Sophi respond, know that she spent hours trying to make a cake.
"It's your birthday today brother so come on stay with us." Nero smiled awkwardly trying to lighten the mood even more. As Y/n opened the front door it started to pour outside, he then hooded up. "I just want to be alone." Nero shook his head not wanting to hear that excuse.
Ruby stepped forward. "Y/n Please stay with us. It's your special day, and your family wants to spend time with you." She smiled at him, but he didn't look at her. Both Sophi & Leon looked at Y/n with sadness in their eyes, but he didn't care.
Leon spoke up. "Son can't you stay with us?" He said as he had concern for his son. "Please pass some time with us?" He then extended his left arm.
"... I... Don't want to. You have your pride and joy, so I have no reason to be here." He then looked at Nero. "You can have the cake, and the presents. I have no need for it." He then steeped in to the rain only to be grabbed by Yang. He turned to look at her. "Y/n Please stay-" He gently grabbed her arm. "Yang" She looked at him, and he avoided eye contact. "You know everything about me. So please just leave me alone." She then let go of his arm and she stepped back. "J-Just promise me that if something happens you will tell me?" He nodded with a small smile. "Thank you Yang." He then walked away in the cold rain.
As everyone in the house was helping Sophi remove the decorations. Sophi couldn't stop thinking of the past. "You know?" Summer looked at her. "As a mother I should have treated him better, but because I felt my grandfather's power within him. I pushed him away, without giving him a second thought." Sophi started to cry, but Summer comforted her. "It's okay with time I'm sure everything will work out."
Nero, Ruby, & Yang we're taking Y/n's presents to his room, but Nero didn't respond. "Are you okay?" He looked at Ruby but he smiled at her.
"Yes I'm okay never better. Haha!" He started to laugh but as Ruby touched his left cheek, he started to shed tears. Ruby then wrapped her arms around him. "I just don't understand why is he like this. I wanted to become strong so that we could rival each other. But every time I try to help him, I feel like his pushing me farther and farther away. I'm his older brother but I don't feel like it." As Nero was crying, Ruby was consoling him and she started to cry with him.
"...." Yang looked at Nero, & Ruby crying, and she almost started to cry. But she new why he was pushing everyone away.
Out side of the house Tai, & Leon we're looking at the rain. "You know I shouldn't have never push him away. Countless times he wanted me to train him, but I was afraid of training him." Tai looked up. "As a parent it's our job to watch over them. So for now all you can do is hope that things go well." Leon then looked up. " I just hope that I still have time to fix all of it."
As Y/n was walking in the rain he could feel a presence coming from the park. As he got to the park he noticed that some trees we're cut down like if someone cut throw them with a sword.
-Y/n POV-
"What happened here?" I told myself as I looked around, but all I see is cut down trees. "Was somebody fighting here?" I kept on looking trying to find what happened. But I then noticed that underneath some rubble their was a person. So I quickly get close and I started to remove all the rubble. As I removed the last rubble I got surprised as I know the person, it was Koneko but how did she get here. I noticed that she was unconscious but she was badly beaten up so I gently picked her up and I started to wake her up. As she slowly opened her eyes she instantly noticed how I was. "Y/n?" She sounded a bit weak but alive. I then responded. "Who did this to you?" She then started to look around. "Where's Issei?" I got confused because I didn't see him. "Was he with you? What happened?" I said as I gently placed Koneko close to one of the trees.
"Look's like I mist one stray cat." I quickly got up and I turned to look at the voice. As it started to get close I noticed that it was a woman, with blond hair, light blue eyes, and taller than me. As she held a katana in her right arm, She was also carrying two more katana's in like a sword revolver. She then looked at me.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"And what do we have hire? Well no matter I hope you put up more of a fight then this savage." I noticed that she was holding Issei by the back of his neck, and dragging him across the ground with her left arm. I may not like him but still. "Let him go?" I said to her.
She then throw Issei a few feet away. "I have no interest in beasts who only howl." She then looked at me. "But you? You feel different then this mongrels. Will you help me test my blade." She then pointed her red katana towards me, but I didn't have a weapon.
-3rd POV-
The woman noticed that Y/n was unarmed so she picked one of her swords, and she throw it close to Y/n. "Pick it up? And don't disappoint me."
Y/n knowing that he didn't have much of a choice decided to pick it up, and got into a fighting stance. She smirked a little bit and with one swing a slash was sent across the ground at great speed towards him. But he blocked it just in time protecting Koneko in the process. "Well you show promise." As she ran towards him. She started attacking him with a flurry of attacks. But Y/n saw an opening and he used his own attacks to cancel out her attacks at the same time. He then continued his attacks at her, but she blocked them. He then noticed that she briefly lowered her guard, and he took that opportunity and he slashed at her giving her a scar in between her breasts. Y/n then stepped back as Koneko was right next to Issei.
"Well now this is more entertaining. But can you handle this?" She then raised her katana upward, as it started being surrounded by a dark aura. She with one swing she sent a massive slash at Y/n. As it got close the slash got even bigger.
He noticed that Koneko, & Issei we're right behind him unconscious. "This sucks." He told himself. As he stood his ground, he pointed the tip of the blade directly at the attack. And he clashed with it. As he tried to stop the attack the blade broke, and he took the full brunt of the attack.
As the smoke cleared she looked at where he was standing. And she noticed that he was still standing with several injuries across his body. But he simply looked at her with a stern demeanor. She then took two steps forward. "Truly an exhilarating battle." She said with a series look. But Y/n still injured pointed the broken blade at her. She smiled as she saw that. "I like you what is your name?"
Y/n didn't respond simply choosing to stay silent. "So you have no words for me." He glared at her. "My name is Gina Yae Galvus and I hope that we get to fight again one day." She then turned away, and sheathed her katana. "Y/n." She looked over her shoulder at him. "I beg your pardon."
Y/n sigh as he lowered the blade. "My name is Y/n Sword Dancer."
She chuckle as she looked forward. "Well then my friend till we meet again." She then walked away leaving him alone with Koneko, and Issei.
He then looked at Koneko, & Issei and started to walk away. But he then stopped, he looked at them and he sigh.
-Time skip 8:04 p.m.-
Back at Leon, & Sophi's home. Sophi was in the leaving room with Summer and she was starting to get worried. "I'm starting to worry Summer." But she then heard the front door open, and close. She quickly got up from the couch, with pure happiness. "Y/n?" She said as she quickly ran to the front door. Summer smiled as she saw Sophi happy again. "Y/N!!" As soon as they heard Sophi raise her voice everyone went to go check on her. But when they did they noticed that Y/n was covered in bruises, and holding Issei on one hand, and Koneko on the other. He then looked at them with a blank expression. "They need help." He said clearly annoyed. Yang looked like she was about to scream, and Ruby, & Nero we're shocked. As Leon, & Tai helped Issei. Sophi, & Summer helped Koneko.
As Summer held Koneko, Sophi walked towards Y/n. "Here let me help you." As she extended her arms, he stepped back. "I don't need help from people like you." Sophi put a sad expression. "I-I see." She said in a low pitch tone. As he got passed her, he stopped and everyone looked at him. He then started to feel tired, and his body gave out. He then fell on his knees and collapse to the floor. Leaving everyone in a state of shook and surprised. "Y/N!" Said everyone as they raised their voices in unison. Y/n then closed his eyes as his mind went blank.
Meanwhile in a different house a blonde woman was wrapping bandages on Gina's chest. The woman looked at Gina worried. "I told you not to get hurt! You know how I get worried Gina."
"Sorry Mother." Gina then touched the place the scar was, and she smiled. "Mom. Dad. I think I found my very first friend or even love~" She said as she blushed.
Her father then spoke up, with a small smile. "If you're saying that, then does that mean he or she was strong?" He said as he looked at her. She nodded without breaking eye contact with him. He then smiled. "Well this is very interest. Don't you find it interesting Lala?"
"NO I DON'T ZENOS!" She then sigh and looked at Gina. "Just please next time PLEASE be more careful?" She said with a sad expression. Gina nodded. As Lala, & Zenos started talking, she looked out the window. "Oh my friend you have better not disappoint me. So get stronger and face me." She then smirked.
Back at Y/n home. As Y/n started to open his eyes, he started to feel a heavy pressure on his chest. He then looked and he noticed that it was Yang sleeping close to the edge of the bed. As he got up he placed her on the bed, and he went down stairs, without making a sound.
When he got downstairs he noticed that the leaving room was empty. He then went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. "Hey Y/n?" He got a bit surprised because his parents were there.
Sophi then got close to him, and she started to check his pulse, and fever. "You're not hurt, or injured are you?" She said trying to check his heartbeat.
But he stepped away from her. "It doesn't matter. My body can heal on its own remember." He said while sounding irritated and annoyed at her. "And besides it's not like you would care." He then put the glass away.
Sophi, & Leon looked at each other and then back to Y/n. Leon then spoke up. "Listen Y/n we just wanted to apologize for never paying attention to you. I know that what we were doing it wasn't very good parenting. But please we want to beg for your forgiveness please son." He said as he extended his left hand towards him.
Sophi steeped forward. "And I know that I should have treated you like a son. Instead of like some monster. I know that I shouldn't have ignored you. But please me, and your father want to make things right. So please let's try to be a family again. Just like old times." She smiled as she put both her arms together.
Y/n sigh as he looked at them. "It doesn't matter anymore." He looked at Leon. "I couldn't care for your forgiveness." He then looked at Sophi. "Or this family. You already made your decision a long time ago."
Leon lowered his arm. "Please Y/n isn't there a way that we can make it up to you?" Sophi nodded as she looked at Y/n with tears in her eyes.
"That is long gone so no. I just don't care anymore...." He looked to the side. "And stop eavesdropping on us!" As soon as he said that the person came out of hiding. They all then noticed that it was Koneko.
When Y/n passed Sophi, & Leon. He stood beside Koneko, and she reached out her arm to stop him. She had a sad expression as she looked at him. "Y/n can't you-"
He looked at her and she released him. "Stay out of my problems, it doesn't concern you." Y/n gently spoke to her. "I just had enough..." He then looked over his shoulder at Sophi, and Leon. As he pointed at Koneko. "Wait a minute if she's here then does that mean?"
Leon nodded as he looked at him. "Yes the Rose, and Xiao Long family are here. And you're friend I think his name was Issei? He's here too."
Y/n got annoyed at Leon for thinking that Issei was his friend. He then sigh and calm down. "First off Issei is NOT my friend." He points at Koneko. "And second neither is her." Koneko lowered her head. There was a brief silence between all of them. Y/n then took out his scroll, and he looked at Leon. "Do you have Ozpina's scroll number?" Leon nodded in confusion.
Meanwhile in Ozpina's office. She was relaxing and looking over some folders, until her scroll started to ring. She looked at the number. "Hello Ozpina answering."
"Hello Ozpina it's me, Y/n." She stood up as she smiled. "Hello Y/n. What can I help you with?"
"Is there still openings for Beacon?" She looked at the flyers. "Of course." She said with a smile. At the end of the line she heard him sigh. "I see then sign me up." She smiled with excitement. "Yes. Yes! Of course!" She then looked at the flyers and she signed his name on the papers. "Thank-"
Back to Y/n he hung up before she cued finish talking. As he put the scroll away Sophi and Leon were happy that he accepted to enroll in Beacon. And Koneko was happy that her friend decided to go with her. But Y/n simply looked at them with a bored expression. Clearly not liking the smile that they were giving him.
Sophi then got near him and gave him a hug. "Congratulations Y/n! I'm so proud of you." He looked at her with disgust. She noticed that he wasn't hugging back. "What's wrong Y/n?"
Leon got close to him and he tried to smile. "That's my boy I'm proud of you son. And I mean that."
Y/n sigh. "Oh please." He said as he removed Sophi's arms away from him. "Don't think I'm doing this for YOU. I'm doing this for my own reason. And you know what that is?" Sophi, & Leon looked at him. "I'm only doing it to get away from you two, and away from Nero that simple." He looked at Sophi how was on the verge of tears. But he didn't care for her. "So stop acting like a mother, and father because." As he was about to leave he looked over his shoulder at them. "I couldn't care less what happens to this family."
Leon clenched his fist. "But Y/n can't you see! We're trying to fix our relationship, so please give us one more chance." He said as he tried to control his anger.
"That's funny. Last time that I checked you only had the one son. And I was left alone." Y/n said as he avoided looking at him.
"I... I understand. But please at least let me pay for your enrollment?" He said as he smiled at him.
Y/n scoffed at him. "I don't need your help so no." Leon lowered his head. As he was about to leave Sophi stopped him. "Y/n Please wait?" He sigh as he looked at her annoyed. She then approached him, and handed him a letter. "I want you to have it. It's the deed to your grandfather's old home. So I want you to have it." He looked at the letter and he looked back at her. She smiled at him but he wasn't smiling. He then turned around and tossed the letter on the table. "I don't want anything related to you, or HIM." He looked at Leon. He then walked away leaving them alone with Koneko.
As Sophi looked to the ground she started to cry. Leon looked at her. "Don't worry I'm sure will be able to fix this." She nodded as she wrapped her arms around Leon. He then hugged her back. As Sophi continued cry, he looked at Koneko. "I'm sorry but can you leave us alone please?" Koneko nodded as she turned around and walked away from them. As Koneko was walking back to the room she was staying in she cued hear Sophi crying.
-Time skip 3 months-
Ever since the incident with Gina, Y/n decided to join Beacon in order to get stronger. But that didn't mean people treated him any different. On the contrary people still treated him like crap, but he ignored or dealt with them. And ever since the initiation Ruby got her team. Which it was comprised of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, & Yang. But even though Y/n wanted to be alone in no team, he was forced to be with Nero on a two man team. The students in Beacon respected, and looked up to Nero as a model student. Y/n life on the other hand wasn't any different compared to his old life. And because of his record of picking fights the students would call him Demon, or Oni.
Rias's team we're trying their best to try to get him to open up to them. They would go as far as to call him a friend. Koneko wanted to fix the relationship she had with him but she would always be met with a mixture of hatred, and negativity from him.
Some people would sometimes try to pick fight's with him. But because of Nero he would always be protected by him. Which only infuriated, and irritated Y/n to no end.
Team RWBY meaning Weiss, & Blake tried to open up to him, but he simply didn't like them. They would only get along every time Ruby, Yang, or Nero would be with him. Y/n and Weiss just didn't like to talk because of Weiss boyfriend Neptune setting Y/n as the bad guy. And Blake tried to strike a conversation with him when he was in the library reading a book but every time he would see her, he would avoid her.
But that didn't mean that all the students had it against him. Some students tried to open up to him.
Like team Hanzo who were trying to open up to him, but he simply didn't like or trusted them. Hibari the nicest person in the school tried and almost succeeded in becoming friends with him, but at the end of the day it failed. Yagyuu for Hibari's sake tried to talk to him even though they had a bad history starting the school but nonetheless she tried, and failed. Katsuragi would try to hang out with him but because of him not showing emotions, he ignored her completely. She even tried to flirt with him but that only infuriated him even more. And Asuka, & Ikaruga would constantly bother him to hangout with them but he would always tell them the same thing. "Hard pass." Even students from class 1-A tried to open up to him. But he hated all of them because he knew that they were only being nice because of Nero.
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