Chap. I: New Friends II

-Time skip 5 years Class Room-
(Y/n: 16 / Nero: 17 year-old)
During those 5 years Y/n was known to pick fight's on and off of school grounds. But his relationship with Ruby had improved. But because of his semblance it prevented him from showing emotions to a degree. He also met a girl named Koneko and they became somewhat friends. As Y/n, Yang, Ruby, & Koneko we're walking to school. Ruby, & Koneko we're talking, and Y/n was eating taiyaki he was enjoying the peace and quiet, but Yang got close and she whispered with a smile on her face. He quickly finished his taiyaki.

"So are you going to tell her." Y/n simply looked at Ruby. He then scratched the back of his head.

"Probably next week. But are you shore it's okay." He whispered to her.

"I trust you so go for it." She then pat his back, with a smirk on her face.


They turned around and they noticed that Nero was running towards them. He then stopped in front of Y/n exhausted. "What took you so long?" Y/n responded in a cold demeanor.

Nero started laughing as he tried to catch his breath. "Sorry... I was." As they waited for him to catch his breath they started to walk to school.

-Time skip 11:23 a.m. School Hallway-
Y/n was walking with both his hands in his pockets, until he ran into a pissed off Issei. "HEY! Stay away from Koneko! You hear me or else!"

Y/n got irritated and he got up in Issei's face. "Or what?" Issei remained silent. "Last time that I remember. The only thing you got going for you is Ddraig and even with that you can't even use it right."

"You son of a." Issei then clenched his fists.

Y/n then sigh. "Besides I'm not going to do anything to Koneko, so what's your problem?"

-Koneko POV-
After what Issei told me that Y/n was only using me. I didn't want to believe him. After all Y/n is always so nice, & caring even though he doesn't show it.


I then heard a voice and I noticed it was Rias and she looked like she was in a hurry. She then started pulling me by my arm.

"You have to came with me hurry!? Y/n, & Issei started fighting!"

"What!" I couldn't believe it Y/n this has got to be some mistake. Me and Rias then hurried to the classroom that they were. When we got there I noticed that Issei was barely keeping up with Y/n.

-3rd POV-
Issei was trying to keep up with Y/n but to no avail. "What's wrong need your Big Brother to bail you out like always! You piece of SHIT! Hehe." Issei taunted.

Y/n sigh as he placed both his arms and his pockets. "Unlike you I don't need Rias to protect me from EVERYTHING. So stop what your doing and I won't have to hurt you?"

Issei got back on the defensive. "FUCK YOU! Time for my secret technique."

Y/n took out his arms out of his pockets and raised his guard. Issei ran towards Y/n but he then stopped his movement in front of him. He then raised his left arm into Y/n face, mainly giving him the middle finger. Y/n got annoyed but Issei then quickly used his sacred gear and he punched Y/n in the stomach.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!" As Issei mocked him. Y/n didn't respond as his face was covered by his hair.


Everyone could feel an overwhelming sense of anger coming from Y/n. As Issei was going to quickly back his arm away. He looked at Y/n but Y/n quickly punched him in the face with great force, sending him with his back smacked to a wall. Issei didn't have time to move because Y/n closed the gap and he started punching him in the face several times non-stop. As he was lost in anger.

Koneko, & Rias tried to stop him by Rias holding his left arm, & Koneko holding his right arm. But sin's Y/n was lost in anger they got flung to a bunch of students, but they weren't hurt. Issei then fell on the floor but Y/n picked him up by his hair. He then punched Issei in the stomach making him vomit blood. Issei looked at Y/n and all he could see was a DEMON lost in anger. He was terrified of him, the last thing he saw was Y/n punch him one last time before he blacked out.

-Time skip Infirmary-
As Issei was being taken care off by Asia the school Nurse was rapping bandages on Y/n arm's. Issei then woke up and he noticed how beaten up he was. He looked at Y/n but he avoided him. But as Asia, & the Nurse left Koneko walked in and she slapped Y/n across the face, leaving a red mark on his face. Even Issei was surprised. But more surprising was the fact that Y/n didn't do anything to stop her. Or his expression remained the same as his eyes simply looked calm. As if he new that something like this was going to happen eventually.

"WHY! You didn't have to go that far!" She yelled at him.

Issei then smiled. "See I told you! One's he has what he wants he'll do this to you!"

Koneko couldn't believe that one of her closest friends did that to Issei. "Y/n... I think you should leave." She looked away.

Y/n decided to leave but he new that he had lost a friend by a simple lie. He didn't even respond he just left with a blank expression on his face. Issei was smirking at the fact that he won. After that Y/n wasn't seen through the whole day, not even the faculty new where he was.

Later as Issei and Koneko we're going to walk home together Koneko noticed Yang. Koneko smiled at her.


As Yang quickly got close her eyes turned red and she slapped Koneko across the face. "What the hell is wrong with you! Y/n was your friend how could you do that to him! He never told anyone your secrets! And YOU!"

Yang looked at Issei and she punched him straight in the middle of his legs, and she kicked him in the face. Which instantly knock Him out with great pain. She then turned her attention back at Koneko.

"Your nothing but a bitch! If you can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth! Then what the HELL kind of friend are you! You BITCH! If you try to get close to Y/n! I'm warning you! Next time you will be listening to my fists!" She then left as she bumped into Koneko's shoulder. Koneko touched her cheek and she started to shed tears.

During the whole week Y/n constantly missed school just so that he wouldn't have to see Koneko, & Issei. But after what happened Issei told Koneko the truth that he lied to her. And know she was walking around the school just to try and get her FORMER friend back.

-Time skip Friday 9:00 p.m. Y/N room-
Y/n was talking in his scroll to Yang. "Yes tomorrow I promise I'll tell her." He said as he took seat on his bed.

"Okay then you got my full support. I'll see you tomorrow?" She said as she hung up.

As Y/n relaxed Nero knocked on the door, and he walked in. "Hey brother what are you going to do tomorrow?"

Y/n laid-back on he's bed and he looked to the ceiling. "Nothing."

"I know when you're lying come on you can tell me?" He said with a smile on hes face.

Y/n set back up he then sigh. "We'll... I'm going to tell a girl how I feel tomorrow."

Nero nodded he's head but he then got surprised. "WHAT!" Y/n somewhat smiled. "... Hey Y/n I was wondering? You think that I can accompany you tomorrow?"

"I guess?" Y/n said in a nonchalant way.

Nero smiled with excitement. "Great I'll go call my girlfriend." He then quickly left. Y/n then laid-back on his bed. "Tomorrow for sure."

-Time skip 10:16 a.m. City Vale-

Y/n, & Nero we're waiting for Ruby, & Yang. Y/n was wearing a jacket, a black long sleeve shirt, and some jeans. Y/n looked at Nero as they were talking close to a fountain. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend?"

"Sorry I had to keep it a secret from you. Hehe." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hehe. He's quite the lovebird." Zaruba said Nero quickly looked at him. "Shut Up!"

"Y/n! Nero!"

They heard a familiar female voice called out to them. As both of them looked they noticed it was Yang, & Ruby.

Yang was the first to respond and she got close to him and whispered. "Hey Y/n... So are you going to tell her?" Y/n nodded.

"But first." He looked at Nero. "Hey Nero where is your Girlfriend?"

Nero blushed and he walked over to Ruby how was also blushing and they smiled. He then pointed to Ruby. "She's right here. Brother Ruby is my Girlfriend isn't that great!" He smiled and so did Ruby.

But Y/n, & Yang couldn't believe it. Yang looked at Y/n and he looked like if he was broken in more ways than one. Nero then responded. "So when is the Girl that your going to confess your love to arrive?"

Dammit! Dammit! I wanted to scream I wanted nothing more then to get out of here. I was trying to compose myself trying to remain calm. I was not expecting that Ruby was Nero's Girlfriend.

"What's going on?" Ruby responded.

"Well my Brother is going to ask a girl to be his Girlfriend." Nero responded back.

Ruby then looked at me with her silver eyes and she smiled. "Y/n you have my full support!" You idiot if only you knew it was you how I was going to ask.

"Y/n?" I looked at Yang and I tried to remain calm but deep down I wasn't. Dammit how come I have all the rotten luck.

"So where is she?" Nero said. Well I have no choice but to make a bullshit excuse.

-3rd POV-
Y/n took out his scroll, and he looked at it. "Well apparently she's not coming. So much for that."

Nero got close to him. "I'm sorry to hear that brother." He got sad.

"It doesn't matter." He said in a low pitch tone. He told himself but on the inside he was hurt and broken. "Anyway I'm going home?"

"Wait we can still hang out-"

"I'M GOING HOME!" He quickly cut Nero off. He then started to walk away as soon as he took a turn he started to run. Yang looked at him with a sad look on her face.


All I could do was run. Run far away from here it was a mistake to even come here. When I got far away I noticed that I was alone in an alleyway. All I could feel was pain it was bad enough that my parents ignored me, but now the one girl that I liked was with my Brother, no Nero. I then leaned close to a wall, and I started to hear footsteps.


I looked at the voice and I noticed that it was Yang.

-3rd POV-
"Yang did you fallow me?" She nodded her head and she got close to him.

"I'm sorry Y/n I didn't know that they were going out."

Y/n shook hes head. "It's okay Yang it's not your fault. So don't blame your self for it." As his hair covered his eyes he looked to the sky. He noticed that it was going to rain. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

She shook her head. "You don't have to-"

"It's okay." He cut her off. "I just wanted something that would make me happy. But deep down I can't ever have that. I thought that maybe if I had something important in my life I be able to live. But that will never happen. I can't even remember what I thought was so important what I even wanted to pretend. It's all a blank now nothing makes sense to me anymore." It began to slowly pour. He then removed his jacket and gave it to Yang. "Here don't catch a cold." Yang took the jacket. "You can have it." He then passed her.

"....Y/n." She quickly turned around to try and stop him. But she stopped as she noticed that he looked over his shoulder at her. And she noticed his sad smile, and his tears.

"Thank you Yang for being close to me. Thanks for always being my friend, but the truth is." His emotions effected the weather and it started to rain even stronger. "I was stupid. So damn stupid." He then looked away. "You can go back to Nero, & Ruby. I have to go deal with something." As Yang was about to stop him he disappeared. Yang having no other choice decided to go back to Nero, & Ruby.

-Time skip 11:30 a.m.-
As Nero, & Ruby we're inside a store they noticed that Yang was wearing Y/n jacket. "Yang where's Y/n?" Nero said with concern over his brother.

"He said he was... Going home." She lied not wanting for him to go after him.

"Should we cancel our date then?" Ruby responded with a sad tone.

Yang shook her head, and she smiled at them. "No come on let's just go eat at a store. I know the perfect place follow me." Nero, & Ruby nodded with a smile on their faces. Zaruba could tell that she was laying but he didn't respond.

-Deep In The Forest-
Y/n was walking throw the forest as it continued raining he stopped walking and he looked over he's shoulder. "I think it's time you told me your name? Or do you not trust me."

(I take no credit for the photo)

"I THINK WE HAVE UNWANTED GUESTS?" Y/n looked in front of him and he noticed several Grimm looking at him. "NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?"

"... Kill them."

"THEN WHY DON'T I SHOW YOU MY TRUE FORM." As it said that it's body started tacking a different form. It's body change to that of a human female and Y/n got surprised. "You?"

(I take no credit for the photo)

"Long time no see Child." She smiled at him.

"What are you?" He asked.

"Not important at the moment but I can tell you that. I am what you would call your Semblance." She noticed how one of the Grimm started attacking but as soon as it got close to Y/n he summoned the same sword. And killed it by simply stabbing it in the head. "Are you sad?" She said but he didn't respond.

He looked at the sword as it started to rain even stronger. As he remembered what he was going to do today it only t him even more sadder. The woman started to float behind him. "Tell me what is my semblance?" He said.

She smiled lightly. "You can call it Queenslayer with that power you won't have to fear pain. Because the flames will protect you Child."

"Queenslayer." He looked to the sky. "Hehe." He started to chuckle.

Two more Grimm attack him but he allowed them to get close. And they attacked him one stabbed him on his left arm, and the other on his right leg. "Hehe." He then with one good swing of his sword killed them.

"Tell me child do you need."

He didn't even look at her and he responded. "I can do this alone. Get out of my way."

The woman disappeared with a smile on her face. As she was consumed by Darkness.

Back at the store Yang couldn't help but get worried about Y/n. "Are you okay Yang." Nero said, but Yang nodded with a smile on her face.

Back with Y/n he was covered in his blood but it didn't bother him. He then noticed that two Grimm tried to run away he closed the gap and killed both of them. "I'm alone. Hehe." As one of the Grimm got close it slashed he's neck but he was unharmed. Y/n then proceeded to kick the Grimm in the chest making it hit a tree. He then quickly got close to it and he started bashing he's sword on the Grimm's body and he continued hitting it violently over, and over, and over.

(Like so.)

"Hehehe... HAHAHAHA!" As he was busy several other Grimm stabbed him in the back but he didn't stop. "HAHAHA! IT'S TRUE! WITH THIS SEMBLANCE I CAN'T FEEL PAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

In the Grimm's perspective it looked at Y/n and what it saw was something more terrifying and not even human. It saw as several other Grimm bit into his arms but that didn't stop him. "I DON'T FEEL ANY PAIN ANYMORE!"

(Imagine the arms are grimm. And he finished the grimm with one last swing like the photo)

-Time skip Leon/Sophi's home 8:30 p.m.-
As Nero made it home after leaving Ruby, & Yang he noticed that Leon, & Sophi approached him. He looked at them. "Is Y/n home?"

Sophi looked at him in confusion. "Wasn't he with you?"

"He's not home?" Leon shook he's head. "I'm going to go find him."

As he opened the front door Y/n was right there. He walked in and he removed his shoes. All of them noticed how his clothes are torn up, and covered in blood. "Brother are you okay?"

Y/n simply looked at him with a cold demeanor. "Yes."

"Sir Y/n are you shore your-"

"I'm fine stop asking." Zaruba stayed silent. "I'm going to go take a shower."

As he passed right beside Leon, & Sophi she looked at him. "Sweetie are you hungry? I made some-"

"I'm not hungry." He cut her off before she cued finish what she was about to say. And he walked upstairs to his room.

Sophi, & Leon looked at each other with a sad expression. Nero couldn't help but worry about him.

-Time skip 9:40 p.m.-
After Y/n took a shower he locked himself in his room. As he dried his hair he looked at a mirror. "Come out?" The same woman appeared and she was sitting on his bed.

She smiled as she looked at him. "What can I help you with today."

"I need a favor from you. Can you make me forget what I did in the forest. And seal away that sword? And more importantly. What is your name?"

She smiled. "My name is Queen. And do you really want that?" He nodded. "Very well but just remember whenever you need my help, I'll be right there all you have to do is call me." She then disappeared.

He then took a set on his bed. He looked at his arms and he noticed that they were trembling. "I have to keep more control over those emotions."

-Rose/Xiao Long Home-
Yang was trying to sleep and she looked at Y/n jacket. She couldn't help stop thinking about Y/n. She started blushing as Y/n cloud her mind. But she went to sleep because it was a long day.

Back to Y/n he couldn't stop thinking about Ruby, & Nero. Deep down he wanted to scream. He wanted to tell Ruby how he felt about her, but that plan became pointless. First his semblance became a curse, then his family gave more attention to Nero instead of both of them, and now the one girl that he liked... No loved is gone because of his Brother, and he didn't know how it all started. But deep down he was still glad he had one good friend with him. But because of today he lost interest in becoming a huntsman, he lost interest in the love of his family. He lost interest in people. Know all he wanted was nothing but Darkness. And as the moon shines everything fades to black.

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