Arc II, Chapter I: One Help At A Time.
Shout out to Hyde137 who was the one, that came up with the idea of the opening. Thanks! This is actually the first time I ever try making an opening so hope you all like it. (I take no credit for the video, and it belongs to it's rightful owner.)
The opening starts with Y/n and Nero back to back, with close eyes. As on Nero's side is shown Ruby and his Family along with several student's from the school. And on Y/n side is shown the Girls along with Victor and Tanjiro all with smiles across their faces. The camera pans up ward with black flames, revealing the title of the book, Flames Of Chaos.
The human condition is an illusion, heap of bullshit A ghost, and we all see through it We calm our hearts, imperfect parts of us Our bodies with empty minds are so stupid
The scene then cuts revealing Y/n walking across the darkness, with the girls right behind him. He then stops as he then looks over his shoulder revealing him alone.
Unfairly high expectations of our lives Weak, and ambitious, opportunistic Without a personality, my memories Are all that I have with no place to be
He then looks at his arms as they soon start to tremble, as That Man stands in front of him, along with Aisha in her human form standing beside him to his left, and her demon for standing behind them. As Aisha and That Man extend there arms towards him.
Try not to cry in between the dreaming I'l don the mask that I'm supposed to show Because I know just when to hide it So can you tell me the truth?
He then slowly reaches out to them. As both of them along with, the darkness is consumed by flames. As it reveals a big area surrounded by mountains, as Gina stands in front of him.
So banish the darkness, so banish the darkness
Gina then takes out her weapon, and Y/n summons his weapon.
The fall of the veil of night is the cue for us Face to face along the path we trace over and over again Like some kind of joke
They then run to each other and clash, and continue to fight. As Nero, team Rwby, and everyone from the school look on, as Y/n is brought to his knees.
I cannot give up yet, I cannot give up yet I've travelled so far from my home town And surrounded by all the people making me think I was clever But I can only wonder, now that I have been cursed, what lies ahead?
He then grips his sword, and got up from the ground. As the girls and his family stand behind him along with several others. As he then synchronized with Aisha and pointed his blade at her. As everyone gets ready to fight her, as she smiled back at him.
I ran fast till I fell Guarding all the wounds I've been dealt The world has lied in wait for a time like now
As it then cuts to Y/n walking throw a very long rode. As he then stops and turns around revealing the Girls, Nero, Ruby, Victor, and the rest of his family with him. As he gave a light smile and kept walking along with them as they fallowed him.
(N/A: From here just enjoy the rest of the song.)
-3rd POV: Time Skip 1 Week (Vale Forest, 9:04 .a.m.)
During the 1 Week that passed by Y/n was pushed to his limits every time he trained against Tanjiro. Even if he was there for training he was yet to be trained in controlling his power. And the Girls had their own training separated from Y/n.
The scene opens up as the sound of birds chirping is heard, and the sun's rays are seen through some of the trees. It quickly then cuts as from the forest a house is seen.
It then cuts to the back of the house as we see, that a person dropped to the ground as he fell from the sky. The person then gets up as it was revealed to be Y/n with several bruises. He then quickly got up and grabbed the bokken (wooden sword). He started to breath heavily as he looked at the person in front of him. "Not... Not yet." He said as he held his left arm in pain, but soon grabbed the booken with both arms. He had a look of exhaustion but he shook his head as he looked at the person. But the person walked up to him, revealing that it was Tanjiro he had a relaxed look on his face, as he looked at Y/n with a smiled.
"Not bad Y/n. But you can't just run at you're opponent blindly. Now try again!" He said in a kind tone. The kind of tone that not even his father had showed when he was a kid. He then lifted the bokken with one arm and looked at him.
Y/n trying to maintain his anger in check, didn't waste time and he instantly disappeared and reappeared behind him, he felt that Tanjiro hadn't noticed him. But as he was about to swing the bokken. He didn't noticed but Tanjiro expected this and he ducked underneath his attack, and in the blink of an eye, Y/n was meet with the ground. As he catch his breath Tanjiro smiled. "Not bad... But you keep leaving to many openings. As a former veteran of the Demon Slayer Corps I can see that."
As Y/n looked to the sky, he controlled his breathing. "Demon... Slayer Corps, what is that?" He said.
Tanjiro then smiled back at him. "The Demon Slayer Corps was an organization that has existed since ancient times, dedicating its existence to protecting humanity from Demon's and Grimm alike."
Y/n got up from the ground and looked at him. "So does that mean that you've been holding back?" Tanjiro nod's his head. But Y/n remain silent for a moment until he spoke. "I want to see, how serious you can get."
Tanjiro simply looked at him, as he smiled and scratched the back of his head. "I don't know about this Y/n. You're still my student." He then looked at his eyes and he could see his old self. He then gave a small sigh. "... Y/n, Summon Tsukomi?"
Y/n didn't waste any time in summoning Tsukomi and pointed it at him. As Y/n held his sword with both arms, he looked at him with a series look on his face. Tanjiro then held the bokken with both hands, as he then inhaled air and remain still. Y/n could tell that something was off but nonetheless he charged at him. In Tanjiro's mind he spoke. "Total Consecrations! Water Breathing!" He then open his eyes, as he exhale air. "First From: Water Surface Slash!" In that moment his bokken generates enough momentum that it create a powerful single concentrated slash, and attacked Y/n. But lucky for him he blocked the attack but was send directly to the ground with minor force, and left him speechless, as the dust settled. Tanjiro then looked at the sky as he kept his back turned to him. "... Y/n, I just realized something. Do you have a purpose in fighting?" He said as he turned around to look at him.
As Y/n kept looking to the sky as he responded back to him. "Purpose... I don't think I do. I was never one to care if I had a purpose. After all... I was always rejected by everyone around me... Well except for Yang that is." He said as he frowned.
"Are you sure that you don't have one. What about the girls they seem to like you. Why don't you find a purpose in protecting them?" Tanjiro then grabbed him and lifted him up. "Don't you want to be someone that helps people? You know like a Hero."
".... Hero... Long ago I had a dream like that. A dream that one day I would become a hero. A dream that one day I would become the next, Garo and become a person that they could rely on... But after what happened with my family. I started to realize that, it was only wishful thinking. I never had a dream. Never had a reason for even living the life I had. I even made it a point to push everyone away... But in the end all that did was bring people closer to me. And it just made me sick." He then lowered his head and clenched his fist. "But... After having a friend like Yang helping me." A flash back of him smiling with Yang is seen. "Having someone to help, even for a moment." Another flashback is seen, with Blake smiling with him and the girls. "Having someone to fall for." Another is see, revealing the time that He and Weiss kissed. "Or even having someone to protect." Another one is seen, revealing the time He help protect Momo from villains. And a second one revealing the time He saved Koneko from Gina. "I..." As he was going to speak, his head started pulsing. It then stopped as his eyes were covered by his hair and he smiled. "HEhehe..." He then slowly looked at Tanjiro as he noticed that Y/n's left eye was red.
But as Y/n was going to speak, Tanjiro quickly pointed a finger at his four-head. He then looked at him with a series look on his face. "Go back to the deeps of his mind and stay there. I didn't ask for you."
Y/n smiled back at him, as his left eye remain red. "Have it your way. But one slip up from him and it'll be game over. Hehehe... Oh~ I can't wait to see what happens next." In that moment the real Y/n snapped to reality, as he noticed that Tanjiro was pointing at his four-head. "What are you doing?" Y/n said as he looked back at him.
Tanjiro then crossed his arms, and smiled back at him. "It's nothing... Deep down you still harbor hatred to your family don't you?" Y/n remain silent for a moment until he nod's his head. "I see..." He then closed his eyes. As both of them started to hear the sound of foot steeps getting close. As both of them noticed that it was Victor.
"Did something happen?" He said as he looked at them. But Tanjiro then proceeded to explain what happen. "I see." Victor then turned to look at Y/n. "Have you been fighting for control over that power?" He said, but Y/n nod's his head as he looked at him. He then looked at Tanjiro as he touched his mustache. "I think it's time we started to intensify his training. By showing him how to use your breathing techniques."
Tanjiro then put the bokken away and smiled with enthusiasm. "Hey yeah your right. Okay then will start with the same training that my former master gave me." He said as Y/n nodded his head, and gave him a look of determination. "Good your going to start by you swinging the bokken 1,000 time."
"WHAT!!" Y/n said as in a comical way turned white like an anime.
"START!!" As soon as he gave the command. Y/n not having any other choice held the bokken with both arms, and he started to swing it up and down... Later.
"996! 997! 998! 999! 1,000..." Ha said as he started to take a breather. But just then Tanjiro and Victor smiled at him. With Tanjiro then speaking to him. "Not bad Y/n. Not bad at all. Give me 500 more!" He said as Y/n's body turned white again like in an anime. And he gave a look of being tired.
Mush, Mush, Mush later. "495! 496! 497! 498! 499! 500!" As soon as Y/n was finished with swinging the bokken, he dropped to the ground, looking even more tired. His arms started hurting and his legs wanted to give out. But he had no choice to continue training. But on the inside he was starting to get agitated.
Just then Tanjiro got close to him, and gave hims a warm smile. "Not bad. Victor wasn't lying when he said. That you are a quick learner."
Y/n looked around an he noticed that Victor wasn't with him. "What does this have to do with my training?... On second thought for get about that. Where's the old Man?" He said as he gave a sigh of annoyance.
"He went to go check on something." Tanjiro then placed his arms inside his sleeves. "Okay Y/n, let's try something new. Victor said that you were self-taught. Is that correct?" Y/n nod's his head. "Back in my old days I was pushed to the limits for what I had to do. I will admit you have the endurance and reflexes down. But you would still fall to someone that is stronger than you."
"WHAT!" Y/n said as he gave Tanjiro a look of anger.
Tanjiro then pointed at him. "See, you let yourself get agitated to easily. Even if you hide it. If you just let your semblance decide everything for you. You won't be able to beat anyone. So What I want you to do is simple. Try bringing me down. Without using your semblance or Aisha."
As Y/n held the bokken with both hands he looked at him. But in that moment he was met with the floor. He looked at Tanjiro as he didn't noticed when he moved. But He got agitated, got up and tried and attack him again. But was met with the same out come. As he laid on the ground he stared at the sky for a moment, until Tanjiro spoke. "Can I ask you something. Are you sure, that you still Hate your family?" He said as he kept his back turned to him. But he didn't respond back. Because just thinking of his family only maid him, more angry. "Have you even tried to talk to them?"
"Just shut up! Like I care what they want! I never needed them, and I never will!" He said with anger in his tone.
Tanjiro then looked at his eyes as he noticed a sad and painful darkness from within his heart. He then without looking at him and sigh. "Fool... I'll tell you know." He turned to look at him. "If all you want is revenge. Then forget about it. It will only bring more pain and sadness. Like a parasite it will slowly eat away at you. So if you want my honest opinion forgive them. Because losing your family is even harder."
Y/n got up as he gripped the sword. "SHUT UP!! What the hell would you know! What would someone like you know! All my life I was alone! And if my life causes them pain, sadness, sorrow! Then good, like I need them in life!"
"That's enough." Both of them turned around and noticed that Victor was approaching them. He then responded to Tanjiro. "Okay time to switch." Tanjiro understandingly nodded his head and stands back. Victor then turned his attention at Y/n. "What Tanjiro said is true." Victor said as both of them looked at Y/n. "Let it go! You've gotta forget about revenge."
"WHAT!?" Y/n said as he held the bokken even tighter.
Victor then held the handle of his cane with both arms. "Believe me. In this world I've met a lot of people. Who feel the same way you do. Trust me, for those who follow the path of revenge. It never ends well."
"...." As Victor kept talking, Y/n filled with anger bit his lip.
"You'll only tear yourself apart and even if you succeed, and you get what you want. What will you have then? Nothing! Emptiness! Sadness! So I would suggest to try and talk with them. Before it's to late."
"SHUT UP! What makes you think, you know anything about it!? It's easy for you to talk you've never been alone! You've never been rejected by your family! Right!?" Victor simply looked at him, without a response. "As if someone like you knows how It feels!"
"Now~ just try to calm down, okay." Victor said in a calm tone.
"May be if I lose control and kill the most important people in your life, everyone who means everything to you. Then you would know how I feel... So what do you think about that Old Man!?" Y/n said as he kept on screaming at him. "Well tell me! Want me to put it to the test? And besides you brought me here to train my power. But all you have been doing is simple training. When will I get to control my semblance?"
But Victor touched his mustached as he looked at Y/n. "Hmm. It's an interesting theory." He then sigh. "But unfortunately, I don't think that you'll be able to put it to the test." Victor then gently smiled back at him. "All of the people that meant anything to me. They were all killed long ago." Y/n as soon as he heard his response, he remain silent. But Victor got close to him and touched his shoulder. "It's true what you said. I was never alone... But long ago after I got the power of Garo I came back to the village I lived in. But as I did I was met with nothing but death. My friends and family all dead, by the hands of a human. After that you could say that I was alone." He then gave another sigh. "Y/n you as the next generation learn from us. Let go of the anger it's useless. It does not serve any purpose. I know forgiveness is hard. But very worth the risk." Victor then walked back to Tanjiro and both of them looked at Y/n.
Tanjiro then spoke with a sad look on his face. "Like Victor I also lost my family. But in my case I lost them to a demon. I was glad that I still had my Sister... But trust me. You don't know the value of something until you lose it."
Victor then spoke. "... Okay break time is over. Let's get back to your training."
Y/n remain silent for a moment with a sad look in his face. Pondering what they said to him. "..." But he then lifted his bokken at Victor.
Victor shook his head. "No,No. I want you to use your Tsukomi. You won't learn anything by just using a bokken. So I want you to use Tsukomi and-" He then pointed his cane at him. "Try to bring me down on my knee. We've been going easy on you. But if you are prepared to take your training to the next steep. Then prove it to us."
Y/n took a moment but he then summon Tsukomi. But as he did he remembered what happen in the city. He had a look of uncertainty as he stared at his weapon. "Does it frighten you? Just by looking at you, I can tell that you are still afraid of losing control of your emotions. But I already told you. Me and Tanjiro will stop you if you lose control. So don't worry. " Y/n shook his head as he looked back at the old man, ready to fight. Never did he one's was scared to fight, but just thinking of losing control maid him reconsider. Not because of himself. But mostly because of the girls... And so...
After 2:00 hours had passed never did he ones bring Victor to his knees. On the contrary Victor was the one to bring Y/n to his knees, numerous times.
After sometime Y/n drop to his knees as he looked at his sword. Victor then responded to him. "Okay Y/n let's take a break." Victor said as he walked away, with Tanjiro.
Y/n with a look of anger responded to himself. "Fuck..." He then got up and went to go watch his face, at a place that was close to the yard of the house. As he splashed water over his face, it was making him feel relaxed. But as he open his eyes he was met with the reflection of That Man across the water.
"Hey Boy. I can still see that you're still scared." The man said as, Y/n looked back at him with anger in his eyes. "Hey come on. Don't look at me like that." He said as he started to smile at him. "If you think that I will hand over my power so easily to the likes of you. Well you have another thing coming. I refuse to give my power to someone weaker then me. But if all you want is power then, let me take control and I'll kill everyone you love."
Y/n calm down as he took a deep breath and responded to him. "Just shut up. What the hell do you want?" Y/n said in a spiteful tone.
But he smiled back at him. "Hey, Hey. Can't I just say hello."
"Fuck you. If all you did was come here to mess with me, then get lost. I'll find a way to control this power just you wait."
"Oh~ Is that so. Then by all means I'll be looking forward to it... But know this! Even if you learn how to control it, you will never beat me. So have fun. Hehe HAHAHA!" As he started laughing he disappeared.
Aisha then materialized next to Y/n. "You okay?" She said as she was getting worried about him.
"... Aisha... What is he?" He said as he hinted at that Man. But Aisha remain silent as she looked at him. "I'm sorry... But that is something you should already know." She said as then disappeared. Leaving him with more question.
Meanwhile Weiss, Koneko, Momo, Yang and Blake are seen training. As they all dropped to the ground except for Yang and Koneko who were still ready for more training. "Come on girls! We can still go five more rounds." Yang said as sweet ran down her chest, as she then smiled back at the girls. But the girls weren't as energetic as her.
But Koneko looked at her and got ready for a fight. "Come on I can still fight."
Yang just by looking at her made her smile as she was ready for a fight. "Okay."
Meanwhile as the two of them kept training Weiss, Momo, and Blake took a break. As they noticed Y/n from afar cleaning his face, they stared at him with smiles across their faces. But Momo and Blake then noticed as Weiss gave a large sigh. Blake then responded to her as all three of of them, took a sit on the grass. "That was a large sigh. Something on your mind?"
Weiss then looked at her surprised as she wasn't expecting for her to say something. "I-It's nothing! Nothing at all! HAhaha!"
"Come on... Your my team mate. If something is on your mind then you can tell us." Blake then smiled back at her, as Momo nod's her head right next to her.
Weiss ponders for a moment not having any other choice. But to say what was on he mind. "Well you see..."
"Hello Girls." A voice responded to the girls as they jumped scared of the voice. But as soon as they turned to look at the voice. They noticed that it was Victor. But he quickly turned his attention to Weiss. "Is something the mater Ms.Weiss?"
"Master Victor... Well you see. It's just that tomorrow there's going to be a party in the Schnee Manor. And my Father and Mother want to meet, with Y/n... But I have yet to talk to Y/n about it. And I was wandering If he could come with me to the party."
Victor nod's his head understanding her predicament. "I see... Hmmm. Okay you can have tomorrow off after his training. But you will have to talk with him first." He then smiled back at her.
"B-But what if he says, No."
"Hehehe. Don't overthink thing and just tell him. He will understand." He then walked away. Leaving her with her friends.
Momo then spoke as she look back at Weiss. "His right you know. Why don't you go tell him? Will wait for you here. So go on."
Weiss not having mush of a choice nod's her head, gets up, and walked over to Y/n. With a nervous look across her face. Back to Y/n as was finishing cleaning his face, he looked at her. "Something you want to tell me?" He said in a calm tone.
Just as she was going to respond to him, her heart started racing and she felt a bit nervous. "Y/n I-I was wandering If... If you c-could come with me t-tomorrow to a party at my home?" She then closed her eyes and blushed. As she was expecting the answer to be No. But Y/n nod's his head as deep down he felt uninterested, but he wanted to make her happy. "O-okay will be leaving tomorrow at 8:39 p.m. Thank you Y/n." She said as she got close to him, gave him a kiss on the lips, and went back to the girls. With a blush across her face.
Just as she got back Yang and Koneko looked at her and smirked. Yang then was the first to respond. "Hehe... Weiss and Y/n." Koneko was next. "Sitting in a tree." They both then responded at the same time. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g." They then started to laugh.
But Weiss being Weiss got angry at them as she still had a blush across her face. "QUIET YOU!!" As they all continued making fun of Weiss. Y/n looked at them from the distance and seeing them having fun was making him feel happy. He then turned around and went back to training.
-Time Skip: (9:30 p.m.)
(I take no credit for the video. I just thought it fit with this part of the story. But if you want just put your own ost or theme)
Later that night as Y/n walked around the house. He had a look of unease as he then stopped in front of a door, and he knocked. "Come in it's open." As the door slide to the side. He noticed that Victor was playing a game by himself. "Oh, Y/n is something the mater?" He said as Y/n shook his head. He also noticed how he stared deeply at the game. "Have you ever played Shogi?" Y/n again shook his head in No. "I see... Please sit down." He said as he gesture him to sit in front of him.
After Victor explain to him the rules of the game. Both started to play, but in the end. Y/n lost to him as he was still getting use to playing. But the weirdest thing was that Y/n did not ones talked to him. But soon as the game was done, they continued their next game. "... Hey Old Man?" Y/n said as he made the first move.
"Yes something on your mind? If so you can tell me." Victor said as he maid the next move. And every time they spoke, they would make a move.
"What kind of person was my Grandfather?"
Victor gave a gentle smile and stayed silent for a brief moment before responding to him. "He was a very brave and stubborn person. We would always get into fights for even the smallest of things. He believed that he could change the world. And even up to the every end, he held strong in his believes. But he was also very kind and caring when it came to your mother and your brother. Hell you should have seen how he acted when he met your father. I feel like he knew that your mother was pregnant with her second child. But in the end he told me this. 'That even if the world chooses to ignore his hard work. He wold not change it for anything. Because it was the wold that he met your Grandmother and saved the lives of others."
".... Can you tell me how did he die?" Y/n then stopped playing and looked at Victor.
"... He was controlled by the semblance that you have and in one instant he lost control. It took several hundred Huntsman and Huntresses, with Ozpina, your Father and Mother. Just to try and weaken him... But in the end it was I that gave the killing blow to my old friend."
Y/n's eyes widen as he looked at him. But soon calm down. "I see... Can... Can you tell me about your village?"
Victor smiled back at him, and nod's his head. "My village was a place filled with kind, and strong people. Nothing compared to other villages. The strong would have to protect the weak. But because of the constant change in climate. Some of us would sometimes not even make it to see the light of day... Compared to the times we live in know."
"Can I ask you something else?" Victor nod's his head at him. "How old are you? The way you fight and the way you talk to me. It feels like you have already have said these words before. Have you talked with someone like me before?"
"*Sigh* Well truth be told... I'm actually 102 years old. I have lived my life to the fullest but, I feel like I have things to do. And to answer your second question. Yes, his name was Aion... he was my son. If he was alive I say he would be like, 34. He was a very brash and impulsive child. He wanted nothing but power... The power to crush his enemy's. The power for revenge... The power to save his loved ones. But it was that same hunt for power that made him lose control of his own power. It got to the point that I told him. That if he loses himself in that pursuit for power he would have nothing." Y/n then got surprised as he noticed tears run down Victor's face. "After he made a name for himself he had a wife and child. But the very people he hurt found them and killed both of his only family. Because of this he lost himself and went on a rampage, and killed not only his families killers. But he also killed his killers family... After I had arrived I realized that it was to late, as it was him that killed my village. So in the end as Garo... No as Victor his father I had no choice but to kill him... This is why I know that you can be better and will be better. I know that YOU, Y/n Sword Dancer will go far." He then dried his tears and smiled back at him.
Y/n remain silent for a moment until he responded with a sad look on his face. "... Before I had my semblance. I had a dream of becoming like my brother... I wanted to be a hero to try and help as many people as possible. I didn't care if I was beaten up. I didn't care that I was bullied... But that was all a foolish ideology that I had. I was always alone I didn't need anyone." He then placed both his arms on his knees. "I hate forming connections. I hate being close to people. And at some point I stopped hopping that things could change. I was always an expert in this battle we all call life. This is why I was and always will be an expert at losing to other people... I didn't want to get near them... Because I knew that I would be the one to hurt them in the end."
Unbeknownst to them the girls were eavesdropping on their conversation, the girls had a sad look in their faces as he continued talking. "Is what the old me would say. After I saw them get hurt I started to think to my self what I wanted. Just having them close was good enough for me. But being in love with them, having them with me, expressing each others feelings... It was something that I wasn't expecting out of me. Truth be told I just want to be with them even if it causes me pain. I want to be with them even after the bad times... I want to be close to them, without this power getting in the way. Because deep down you could say that I... I..."
Aisha then materialized next to him, with her care free smile. "He loves them." She then quickly disappeared leaving them speechless. "Aisha-" Y/n said as he was going to respond beck to her. But it was to late as she already disappeared.
Victor looked at him, as he noticed that he was blushing. The girls then blushed, with smiles across their face, after what she said. And Tanjiro how was standing outside of the door, with his arms crossed smiles.
"Oh~ Young love...But changing the subject a bit. I know that you aren't ready to forgive your Father and Mother. So with time will you be able to forgive them?"
Y/n trying to change the subject, averted his eyes. "... I'll put it under consideration..."
"... Good enough. Anyway You better get some rest. We have to start your training tomorrow early in the morning, before you go with Weiss to the party. You will be meditating so you will need all the sleep you can get. So go on."
"Before that can I also say one more thing?" Victor nod's. As Y/n looked at the door behind Victor. "Can you come in Tanjiro?" Tanjiro thinking that he hid his aura pretty well, scratches the back of his head and walks inside the room. Y/n then looks at both of them as he got up from the floor. "I don't say this everyday but..." He then bows. "For what I said this morning. I'm sorry for saying what I said." He then turned around and open the door. But as he did the girls were gone. He then walked to his room. All the wile Victor and Tanjiro look at each other in disbelief, but they soon smiled.
After Y/n returned to his room, In the girls room. They all had smiles across their faces. Koneko as she looked to the ceiling, respond at the girls. "He loves us. He love us." She said with a blush across her face. Yang fallowed her answer with a simple nod.
Momo feeling happy closes her eyes as she felt content. "Y/n." She told her self as she soon grabs her pillow and covers her face. As she then blushes, with a smile across her face.
Blake didn't respond as she felt her heart was racing and with only one person on her mind.
Weiss then smiled as she looked at her scroll and looked at a photo of her with Y/n together. "I love you to Y/n. Good night." She told her self as she soon closes her eyes and falls asleep.
Later that night Y/n was heaving a dream, that he was in a bitch black realm. In that same realm Aisha appeared before him, as he looked at her. She had her back turned to him. "Y/n... Are you sure you want to control this power? The power that your grandfather had. Is this really what you want?" Y/n simply looked at her with a confused look in his face. She then gave a sigh. "Please understand what it will mean to have 'our' power." She then disappeared in that same darkness.
Meanwhile in another location. Gina is seen as she put her katana away after cleaning the blood. She was then approached by a female dressed in a black robe, that covered her face and body. "Hey can I go see Onii-chan? I'm starting to get sooooo~ bored! Gina." She said in a very energetic tone.
But Gina with a series look in her eyes, looked up at the vast empty void of space. "Do as you wish." But she soon starts to walk away.
"Yay! I get to play with Onii-chan!" She said as she quickly turned around and ran away in great speed. But one of the people that were with her grabbed her, by the back of her robe and lifted her up. "Hey! What's the big idea! I want to go play with Onii-chan! Or unless you want to come with me?" The man remain silent for a moment but soon respond to her with a nod. "GREAT!" She then point to the direction she was going like a child. "ONWARD!" She said but the person simply sigh's puts her down and walks away.
Meanwhile a secondary person walked close to Gina. "Are you sure it's okay to send, them?" Gina didn't respond to him, as she soon leaves him alone. But the person shrug's his shoulders. "Oh, brother." He then sigh as she walked away and everything turns dark.
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