Arc I, Chap.I: New Friends I (Updated)
{A/N: Okay here is the updates version of this chapter. It had a lot of problems that I had to fix, but if you find anymore like grammar errors or so on then by all means please let me know. I'll fix it as soon as I can.}
~{3rd POV: Kingdom of Vale, (3:24 PM)}~
The sound of birds chirping are heard, while across the sky, the clouds split apart before then blocking the sun again. Across the forest a car could be seen driving over its roads, before then revealing a person driving inside. This person was revealed to be Leon Black Wing, and next to him was Sophi Sword Dancer his wife. She could be seen looking out the rolled up window. In her left arm she held her scroll seemingly talking to someone from the other side. Meanwhile as the two parents kept doing their own things seating on the back seat of the car two children could be seen. One of them was a 7 year old boy with short blond hair, and blue eyes. Next to him was another child that was only a year less then him, this child being 6 year old boy had short (H/c) hair, and (E/c) eyes. Despite the long trip not wanting to get bored from everything they had started playing I spy in the hopes the subside the boredom that they felt.
While still looking at the road Leon then spoke to his wife in a visible happy tone, which then got the two children's attention. "Are they there?"
Sophi smiles back at her husband, and returned his question with a nod. "Yes they're there." She lightly smiles to herself, while then putting her scroll away.
Meanwhile the two children look at each other, while the blond boy then spoke up. "Where do you think we're going brother?" He said with a confused look on his face.
The blond boy's brother shrug his shoulders, while then turning his attention towards Sophi. "Mama? Where are we going?"
Sophi with still a present smile on her face turned to look at her two children. "Well my little pogchamps." She said in a playful tone, which then made her two children blush out of embarrassment. "Where going to see some special friends of ours."
Leon sighs after hearing what his wife had called her children, but he couldn't complain after all they were their children. "Really Sophi. Really!?"
"What?" She looks back at Leon and tilts her head.
Leon had started to wonder if he was going to question her on what she had called them, but not wanting to open Pandora's box he chose no to bring it up. "On second thought never mind."
While looking back at Leon, Sophi then puffed up her cheeks, before then speaking back to him. "What come on tell me! Don't just leave me hanging."
As the two parents kept on going back and forth, with smiles on their face. The two children simply stared at each other in confusion still thinking of the so called "special friends".
"There it is?" Leon spoke, while his wife kept on poking at him with a stick that she had gotten out of somewhere.
As the car slowly came to a stop, Leon turned off the engine, and they all got out of the vehicle. The two children, both with surprised look on their faces stared at what looked to be a two-story log cabin with what appeared to be a sheet metal roof in dull red. While the log cabin was impressive it still didn't compare to their own home. Sophi then walked up to her two children and tapped their back, while Leon had started walking to the front of the log cabin door. The door then opened and from it walked out a Man with blond hair that had two strands sticking out, along with blue colored eyes. The man was well built, with a tattoo on his right arm. The blond man looking at Leon and his family smiled, before then reaching out for a friendly handshake, which Leon shook back returning his smile.
"Tai, it's good to see you, old friend." Leon spoke with friendly words.
Tai nodded his head. "Likewise old friend." The man know revealed to be Tai then released his grip on Leon, and turned to look at Sophi, who was walking with her children in front of her. "It's good to see you as well, Ms.Sophi."
"Oh please." Sophi greeted his smile, with one of her own. "No need to be so formal, Tai."
"Okay then. I'll try. With that said." He said turning to looks at the two children in front of her. "Are these you kinds." While looking up at Tai, the blond child was quick to hide behind his much younger brother, while the younger brother stared up at Tai.
"Yes. The one on the back is Nero and the oldest, while the one in front is (Y/n) the youngest." Leon said as he pointed at his children with a smile.
"I see." Tai then got on his knee's and smiled at the youngest which was revealed to be called (Y/n), while his older brother which was Nero behind him younger brother. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you two." While then locking eyes with (Y/n), he then clasped his arms together and winked at him. "I hope that the two of you can get along with my daughter's. If that's okay with you." While Nero simply hid behind his brother, (Y/n) stares back at him, with a slightly disappointing look on his face, before then look back at Tai and returning his smile, with a nod of his own. "GREAT!" Tai said in a very enthusiastic tone, before then getting up. "Anyway come inside! Summer is almost done with the food?"
While Leon and Sophi happily walked inside the log cabin. Tai saw as (Y/n) fallowing after then turning to look at his older brother, who was still frozen in place. He then saw as (Y/n) then lets out a silent sigh, while then walking over to Nero and grabbed his arm.
"Come on, you scaredy cat." He said while then walking inside the log cabin.
"D-D-Do we have to?" Nero said in a worried tone.
When they all walked inside the door closed, while Tai looked up the flight of stairs, he then raised voice. "Girl's come downstairs please!? We have guests!" He said with the same ever present smile that didn't fade.
"Okay be right there!" The voice of a girl shouted back, while the two children kept on looking across the log cabin.
Much to (Y/n)'s surprised the cabin looked more larger on the inside that it did on the outside, which to him was amazing. While Nero simply stayed behind his younger brother.
A short few minutes after Tai had called out to the girl's upstairs, another woman with what looked to be another woman then walks over to the group. Her complexion was fair, while having gradient black-into-red hair. But what stood out from her was her silver eyes, which to (Y/n) looked quite pretty, whoever he wasn't going to say it out loud.
"Long time to see, Summer." Sophi spoke while then embracing Summer in a hug, which Summer hugged back with a playful smile.
"And look at you already a mother, and looking as young as the day I meet you." Summer said, while Tai and Leon both simply shrugged their shoulders.
"I know. Hey remember the time we "made" Tai and Leon dress up with the girls uniforms from Beacon."
Summer placed a hand over her lips, with a playful smile. "Oh, yes! Man you, me and Raven had a field day with that one."
"Even more so when Qrow did it to."
Summer nods her head with great delight, and with sparkles in their eyes. "That day was so fun. We should try doing that again."
Sophi nods back also with sparkles in her eyes. "Yeeeesss! Quickly we have got to call Raven."
Summer quickly takes out her scroll. "Don't worry I got her on speed dial."
While looking at their wives Leon and Tai both sighs to themselves, while scratching the back of his head, before then responding at the same time. "Please don't say that in front of the children."
"Still you have to admit?" Tai said starting to think of the past, with a smile on his face, while Leon crossed his arms also and stared back at him. "Qrow did look good in a skirt, right?"
"And with that I'm stopping all conversation regarding the past with you!"
While the two parents went back and forth about the past, their wives simply stared back at them with content smiles and laughter's. Nero and (Y/n) on the other hand simply stared back at the adults talking. Nero wanting to know stared at his younger brother in the hopes of him having the answers, but (Y/n) simply stared back and shrugged his shoulders.
Just then the sounds of pitter-patter are heard as two girl's had made their way downstairs. Taking a notice to both the family and their children the girls quickly turned their attention to their father, Tai.
"Hey girls." Tai said smiling at the two girls, before then getting on one knee, and speaking to them. "Why don't you go play outside with them. Summer and I have to discuss something important with their family." He laid he just wanted for his daughters to get some fresh air. Sure he did it to have them make new friends, but a lie was still a lie.
As the adults when to the living room to talk. One of the girls with lilac colored eyes, and wavy bright golden hair that faded to pale gold at the tips with a cowlick sticking out at the top approached the two boys. She then with a bright smile on her face, smiled at (Y/n).
"Hello! New friends! I'm Yang!" She spoke with such warm happiness that almost felt contagious. Meanwhile behind her, much like Nero, another smaller girl hid behind Yang. Much like Summer she looked almost identical to her, to the point of having silver eyes like her mother. Meanwhile Yang then introduced her to the boys. "This is my younger sister, Ruby."
"H-H-Hello." The girl, revealed to be called Ruby spoke in a shy tone, that felt almost like Nero's. It was only after staring back at (Y/n), that she quickly blushed and hid behind her older sister.
Yang, and (Y/n) stared back at Ruby, with somewhat awkward smiles. "Sooooo, who are you?" Said Yang placing both her hands behind her head, and with a curious look on her face.
"I'm (Y/n)." (Y/n) was the first to speak, before then pointed to his shy older brother. "The scaredy cat behind me is my older brother, Nero." Nero smiled at the girls, but then just as quickly hid behind his younger brother, which made (Y/n) sigh to himself. "Really, Nero?"
"Anyway with introductions out of the way. Come on I know a cool place that we can play!"
While the children chase after Yang. Their parents all watch as their children left with content smiles.
After running outside of the log cabin, they fallowed Yang lightly deep in to the forest to the spot she wanted to show them. The area was mostly simply the same as a normal forest, but with one single log tree laying on the grass. While Nero, Ruby and Yang all played, and talked, (Y/n) glances across the forest, which Nero then took noticed and spoke up.
"Are you okay Brother?"
(Y/n) for a moment stares back at his brother and smiles, while nodding. "Yeah, I'm okay." He said, but deep down he felt that something was off, in a way he couldn't explain. Whoever it was only after looking past Nero that he took notice of Yang at the top of a tree. "Hey, be careful! You don't want to lose your balance?"
She smiled as she started to balance herself on one of the tree branches, and waving at them. "Haha! I'm going to be-"
It was only after waving back at the rest of the children that, the tree she was standing on had made her lose her footing. Falling from the tree all she could see was the ground slowly getting closer and closer, unable to hold her fear she quickly closed her eyes, and covered her head in the hopes of breaking the fall as the world fell silent. The sound of her body hitting something is heard, while the world fell dark.
"You okay?"
Opening her eyes, they widen as Yang had noticed that (Y/n) had caught her just in the nick of time, which left her speechless.
"You okay?" He said again questioning her, which this time garnered a nod from her.
"Y-Yes I'm okay... t-thank you...!?" It was only then that after looking at (Y/n), that Yang's face had turned red realized that (Y/n) had one arm under her legs, and the other supporting her back. Basically holding her bridal style. "C-c-can you p-put me down! Please!"
It took but a moment to look at what was the problem. It was then that it hit him, and his face much like Yang had turned red, and then gently placed her down.
"S-S-Sorry about that?" Flustered said (Y/n) while looking away.
It was then that Ruby had run towards her sister, with tears in her eyes and embraced her in a hug. Clearly worried about her sister. "Don't scare me like that!"
Yang gave a silent sigh, before then hugging her back with a warm smile. "Sorry Sis I didn't mean to scare you." She then rubs the back of Ruby's head, in the hopes of calming her down. "There, there, don't cry."
After some time had passed Yang, Ruby & Nero could be seen playing around. (Y/n) on the other hand kept on gazing across the tree's, with a somewhat calm look on his face.
~{(Y/N)'s POV}~
While I saw my older brother and the rest of our new friends playing around, I couldn't help but feel like someone was calling me. The strangest part was that I couldn't see them. Could it have come from deep within the forest? I quick shock my head thinking that it could have been my own imagination playing tricks on me.
"Come to me, child."
Just then as I was about to leave a Female voice spoke in a gentle tone. Looking back at my friends, I noticed that no one could hear the voice, which I found odd. Why couldn't they hear it?
"Come to me, child..."
The voice spoke again. This time wanting to know what was it about I took a glance at my brother, Yang and Ruby and when I was cleared I slipped away. I past across the bushes pushing leaves and branches out of the way.
"Where are you?"
I called out to the voice. While I kept walking across the forest I eventually came up to a large tree that was separated from the rest of the tree's. While getting close to the tree, it was then that I noticed that a woman was sleeping on the base of the tree.
When I had gotten close she had woken up from her slumber, which I then locked eyes. Taking a closer look at her eyes I noticed that she had Red Iris colored eyes. I also noticed that taking a closer look at them I couldn't help but noticed that they felt sad, but why?
"Hello child." She said. Lightly smiling back me with a warm smile that felt the same as my Mother's. "Please. Come closer." She said, gesturing at me with one arm, which my body did on its own.
"I can't move." I told myself. And before I new it I was face-to-face with the woman. Unable to move I saw as she leaned close to me and gently caressed my cheek. "W-Who are you?" I said questioning the woman.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"It's okay child. I won't hurt you, see?" She said.
It was then that I could finally move my body. She smiled at me, while I then simply reached out my left arm to touch her left cheek, which she felt cold. I saw as she had started to reach for something inside her pockets remained. Looking at it I noticed that I was some strange looking black crystal that emanated a strange flame colored flame inside it.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"Will you take care of this for me? Please." She said with a warm smile, while then bringing it close to my face.
As I looked at the crystal I couldn't help but be captivated by it. I was slightly surprised as I noticed the crystal had started floating closer to my chest. And before I new it it had disappeared when it touched my body. I had expected some form of pain or something, but I was fine.
"What did-"
Before I had time to process what was going on, I saw as the strange woman then kissed my forehead. Shocked by what she did I couldn't help but cover the spot she kissed. Good thing no one was here to see this, because this would have been embarrassing.
"...I hope we meet again someday, Child." She said.
Just as I was about to ask her something I was cut off by the sounds of screaming. Screaming that came from both Nero and our new Friends. When I took several steeps away from the woman, I turned around to face, but when I did she was gone. I looked around in the hopes of finding her, but I just as quickly shook my thinking to myself that I had more pressing matters at the moment. And so without delay I started to run in the direction of the screaming.
~{3rd POV}~
As (Y/n) quickly made it to where the screaming was coming from. He had noticed that it was Nero and Ruby screaming, as both of them were being confronted by something, while also being to afraid to move. Yang on the other hand trying her best to protect the two of them, clenched her fists and got in to a fighting stance. In front of her stood two large Beowolf seemingly amused by the blond girls protectiveness and bravery.
"I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU HARM THEM!!" Yang shouted back at the Beowolf.
One of the Beowolf licked it's fangs before then getting up in two legs and slowly approaching the Yang. It saw as Yang's arms and legs trembled with fear, but even if that was the case she wasn't going to back down. It slowly raised it left claws to swipe at Yang, while she simply stood there. Just as the Beowolf was about to slash at Yang a small rock was flung directly at its face, which connected and garnered the Beowolf's attention.
"OVER HERE YOU MONSTER!!" Turning its attention to the person, Yang that it was (Y/n). "Yang take them back home and get our parents!
"WHAT! WHAT ABOUT YOU!?" Yang said shouting back at him.
"JUST GO!!" (Y/n) yelled back at her.
Despite the fact that Yang didn't want to leave him, just by simply looking at his eyes told her to leave. And so despite her reluctance at first she then turned around and grabbed both Ruby and Nero's arms and quickly left. She glanced back several times in the hopes that (Y/n) was right behind her, while praying that he was going to be fine. Meanwhile (Y/n) saw as the two Beowolf's had started to slowly close in on him. And so not wasting anytime (Y/n) quickly turned around and started to run away. The two Beowolf look at each other before then pursuing after him.
~{Rose/Xiao Long Home}~
After finally making making it home, Yang quickly ran to the rest of the family that could be seen talking in the living room. She quickly got close to Tai, while raising her voice
"Papa(Y/n)needshelp!" She said in a jumbled mess while also crying.
Tai confused by her words placed a hand on her shoulder before then trying to calm her down. "Hey, calm down firecracker! Know tell me what happened?"
"ME, RUBY AND NERO wWE'RE PLAYING! AND THEN TWO GRIMM'S STARTED ATTACKING US! (Y/n) LURED THEM AWAY FROM US, BUT HE NEEDS HELP!" Yang said, unable to fight back the tears that ran down her face.
"NO Y/N!" As soon as Sophi heard that (Y/n) was in danger she had started crying. She then desperately tries to run out of the house, but was quickly stopped by Leon. In anger she then glared back at him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? LET GO!" She said trying to break free from his grasp.
"I NEED YOU TO STAY WITH THE CHILDREN! I'LL GO AFTER HIM!" Leon said quickly running out of the house and with weapon in hand.
Tai looks at Summer, before then passing Yang to her. "Summer look after the children with Sophi. I'm going to go help him." Summer simply nods back at him, while he then ran after Leon.
Meanwhile deeper inside the forest (Y/n) ran across it, ducking and jump across some tree's, while the two Beowolf's jumped at him and attacked him. Thanks to him still being a child he had managed to avoid their attacks. Despite him being able to get away from them, his body only started to get even more tired the more he ran. Looking behind himself, he noticed that the two Beowolf's had disappeared, which made him stop in front of a large bolder and while trying to catch his breath the rustling of bushes was heard.
"No. No not now." He told himself. Slowly turning to the direction of the sound he noticed that the two Beowolf's had walked out from the bushes.
The two Beowolf's stared at (Y/n), slowly approaching him while savoring their prey. (Y/n)'s heart raise with unease as he though of the way the Beowolf's were going to kill him. Looking down at the (Y/n) and the two Beowolf's got on all fours before then charging at him. (Y/n) unable to escape he closes eyes. Just then before the Beowolf's attack had connected the world around (Y/n) had suddenly slowed down.
"ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT?" A voice responded.
While opening his eyes (Y/n) looked past the Beowolf's, only to then notice that standing behind them stood some kind of "Monster" wrapped in Chains.
(I take no credit for the photo)
"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION CHILD! ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT?! OR ARE YOU GOING TO LET THEM KILL YOU?...." The Monster turned its gaze at him, while speaking to him in both a calm, but monstrous tone. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" (Y/n) shook his head and clenched his fist. "GOOD, THEN FIGHT! I WILL PROTECT YOU." As time started revert back to normal. (Y/n) started to slowly raise his left arm. The monster then disappeared, before then reappearing behind (Y/n) and leaning close to his side. "USE MY POWER AND KILL THEM? DON'T HOLD BACK, OR YOU WILL DIE."
Just then from the pawn of his hand he then summoned what looked to be a sword fully engulfed in a strange black flame, that didn't harmed him.
"KILL! KILL! KILL THEM ALL!" The Monster said as (Y/n) then looks at the two Beowolf's who had stopped in their tracks after taking a look at the weapon. "LET YOUR FLAME BURN AS BRIGHT AS THE DARK! GO FORTH CHILD!"
Unable to turn back the two Beowolf's shared at him, while he then slash in front of him, which made everything faded to black.
Meanwhile as Leon and Tai made their way across the forest, from the distance they could make out the sounds of slashes before then falling in to silence. While the sounds did worry Leon, he tried to stay positive in the hopes that his son would be okay.
After arriving at the area, they had noticed that the area was partially destroyed. Silence befell the two of them as they spotted the two Beowolf's that had attacked the children dead on the floor, their bodies engulfed in strange black flames. Walking over to the Beowolf's, Leon ignored the rest of the area that was destroyed and simply gazed back at the black flames in shock.
"These flames...?" Leon told himself as he kept gazing back at the flames.
Tai on the other hand walked around the area, before then spotting (Y/n)'s body laying on the floor, with his back against a tree. Running over to him, he made sure to check on his pulse and letting out a sigh of relief.
"Thank the gods. He's only a sleep." Tai spoke in a calm tone, before then picking him up in his arms. "Still." He gazed back at the destroyed area. "How could a child do something like this?" He though to himself, but quickly shock his head not wanting to think about it at the moment. "No time for this."
Looking around he spotted Leon still gazing at the Beowolf's almost as if he was lost in thought. It was only after Tai had placed a hand on his shoulder, that it made Leon snap back to reality.
"Hey, come on let's go back." Tai said, locking eyes with him.
"R-Right..." Leon in a concerning tone, but hid it from from him.
Tai hands (Y/n)'s body, while the two of them then started running back to the cabin. On their way back Leon couldn't help but think back at the black flames, while gazing back at his son, with a worried expression.
~{Time skip: Rose/Xiao Long Household, (6:36 PM)}~
Whilst opening up his eyes (Y/n) had noticed that he was in a room. Looking around the room he noticed that he was back at the Rose/Xiao Long Household. He wondered when he even got back. Or who brought him back. Slowly getting up, he seat down on the edge of the bed. He thought back to what had happened with the Grimm, but as he did his world spun and his head started hurting. He placed a hand on his head before it then calm down.
Suddenly his attention was directed to the sound of people yelling from downstairs. Wanting to know what was going on he got up from the bed, and started to make his way down stairs.
After reaching the first floor living room he as Ruby, Yang and Nero we're seen being yelled at by both Tai and Leon. None of the children spoke as their parents kept on screaming at them. It was only waking inside the living room that all attention was drawn to (Y/n) as he stared back at the adults.
Leon was quick to walk over to his child, while then getting to his knees in front of him, while (Y/n) tried to look away.
"(Y/n)..." Leon spoke in a worried tone that was noticed by everyone in the room. It was then that (Y/n) meet his gaze. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED YOU MADE US!" His raced his voice, while (Y/n) turned his gaze to the floor. "WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF YOU HAD GOTTEN HURT!?"
"YOUR FATHER'S RIGHT!!" Sophi was the next person to speak, as she steeped forward to her son. "WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF SOMETHING HAD HAPPEN TO YOU!?"
Both parents cried as they waited for him to respond back to them.
"I-..." With his head lowered (Y/n) spoke in a sad tone. "...I'm sorry."
"SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" Leon spoke back, as he then clenched his left arm in to a fist. "WHAT IF YOU HAD..."
The two of them went silent as they gazed back at their son slowly starting to tear up in front of them. The children physically afraid by all of this stood in silence, it was only after Yang had stared back at her father with a worried look that Tai took a deep breath. While deep down he was worried for for his children, the fact remained that (Y/n) had saved them.
For a moment the living room feel silent while no one dared to speak. Whilst staring back at Summer, both her and Tai smiled at each other. Tai then walked over to Leon and Sophi and placed a hand on his shoulder which got his attention.
"Come on Leon, Sophi give the kid a break." Tai spoke in a friendly. "He did managed to save Ruby, Yang and Nero."
While still looking at Tai, Leon turned to look back at (Y/n) before then calming down. "I...I guess your right."
Sophi was the next person to speak up, while her tears still ran down her face and she held (Y/n) close in a loving embrace. "Please don't do that ever again. Okay?"
(Y/n) nods back at her. "Okay."
After spending the rest of the day with the family the rest of Leon's family could be seen getting inside the car. While Leon kept on talking with Tai, Sophi could be seen talking to Summer.
Yang wanting to thank her friend, she walked over to him and smiled, while Ruby stood behind her. (Y/n) saw as Yang then clasped both his arms together with hers.
"Thank you for saving us, (Y/n)."
"Um...N-No problem." He said as he looked away slightly embarrassed by this.
Turning to look at his older brother (Y/n) had noticed that he had already fallen asleep. While looking back at (Y/n), Ruby's face turned red, before then locking eyes with him. Silent stood between the children as they gazed back at each other, it was only after a single moment that Ruby took it upon herself to finally break it with a gentle smile.
"Thank you for saving us (Y/n)." Ruby said, while slightly embarrassed at her own words. She twiddled her thumbs together before speaking up again, with a blush on her face. "I-I hope we meet again someday."
With a slight blush on his face (Y/n) nods back at her. "Y-Yeah...I hope so too..."
Taking notice of their children both Tai and Summer couldn't help but smile as they started driving off. Yang and Ruby waved goodbye to Nero & (Y/n) as the car faded from their point of view.
Meanwhile back inside the car, ones (Y/n) had fallen asleep, Leon couldn't help but be concern for his child as he glanced at him from his rearview mirror. Sophi noticing this gave him a confused look before speaking up.
"Is something wrong Leon?"
Leon gripped the steering wheel, while staring in front of the road. "We'll it's about Y/n?"
"What about him?" She tilts her head still confused by her husbands words.
"I think that I might know what his semblance is. I'll tell you when we get back home." Sophi nodded in confusions. While he kept on thinking back to the black flames from before.
~{Time skip: 3 years-Leon/Sophi Resident}~
{Y/n: 9 year-old / Nero: 10 year-old}
During the 3 years that had passed both children had developed their own semblances. Nero having a semblance that counters mostly anything when facing others, much to the delight of Leon and Sophi. While (Y/n) developed a semblance that was different then most people, much to the dislike of his parents. Strangest of all was the fact that during the 3 years that past he felt ignored by them. One could say that they payed more attention to Nero, which to him it only made him felt left out and alone.
And so in Leon's office both children could be seen waiting for their father to respond. Leon glanced at his children with a stern look on his face, at the two brothers waited for him to speak up.
"Okay you two." Leon said, talking a deep breath he pulls out Zaruba from his finger. "Today I will hand over Zaruba to one of you. And that person will be."
Leon walks over to the two of them, which made then stand up strait. He looks at (Y/n) for a moment, but he then looks away with a disgust look on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n) which stared in front of himself in shock. To (Y/n) he couldn't understand why he treated him like this. Leon then walks over to Nero and gave him the ring.
"M-Me?" Nero said confused as he looks up at his father. He saw as Leon nods back at him with a warm smile. "Are you sure? Shouldn't you give it to (Y/n)? He's far more worthy then me."
"That maybe true." Leon then got on one knee, while then placing a hand on his shoulder. "But I chose you."
(Y/n) lowered his head. "I see." He whisper to himself.
"Congratulations." (Y/n) quickly spoke with a warm smile on his face. Sure despite the fact that he was smiling, deep down he was hurt.
"Well come on Nero let's start your training."
(Y/n) looks up at Leon while placing a hand on his chest. "Um father can I-"
Leon quickly shook his head. "Sorry (Y/n), but no. I'm going to train your brother, which will take me several weeks for him to call the armor. You can leave us." Despite the fact that he spoke to his son in a calm tone, to (Y/n) his words felt hurtful in more ways then one.
"...I...I understand..."
And with that (Y/n) left without speaking back to him, while Nero glanced back at his brother.
Several days past since Nero started his training. Despite (Y/n) feeling like he was being punched away, deep down he started to feel something that he never felt before for him own father. And so we cut to the back of the house as Leon could be seen training with Nero, while (Y/n) simply gazed at them from the distance with a black stare on his face. Noticing this Sophi then walked over and seat next to him, but (Y/n) didn't bother looking at her.
"I'm sorry honey, but your Father won't be able to train you today." She said while then placing a hand on his head.
(Y/n) stayed silent for a moment thinking back to his fathers words, and the look of disgust he had on his face. He took a deep breath before responding to her. "Is it because he doesn't wan to...? Or because he hates me?"
"That's not trow he... Your father...He... He loves you very much..." She spoke back trying to change the way he saw his father, with a smile that to him felt fake.
It was only after locking eyes with hers, that he noticed that she, much like his father, she looked away in disgust, while trying to avoid eye contact with him.
Taking a deep breath he then turns to look back at Leon and Nero. "You two are the same." He then slapped her arm away and walked away, while Sophi simply stayed silent with a look of regret on her face.
Because of his father's constant favoritism between him and Nero, it was then that (Y/n) had stopped asking for him to train him. And so not wanting or needing the help of his father, or mother. (Y/n) across the years had started to train by himself in the hopes of getting stronger, while also slowly starting to lose interest in his dreams of becoming a Huntsman, or a Hero for that matter. It was as if a part of him had died on that day.
~{2 Year Time Skip: (Y/N) POV}~
{Y/n: 11 year-old / Nero: 12 year-old}
Ever-since that day, I had started to take maters in to my own hands and train by myself. I didn't need my "fathers" help, or his training. Deep down I didn't understand why he treated me so coldly, but it was to late to even care.
I did want answers from them. Like why treat me with so little care? Why train my coward older brother? Why me?
~{Signal Academy}~
As the years past my life only started getting worse by the day. Not only was I getting constantly bullied by others, but by people I hardly ever talked with. Even after wining against them, it only made rumors about me spread like wildfire. The rumors ranged from people saying that I was some form of "Demon", while others said that I was some form of "Cursed Child" and to some extent they weren't wrong.
"Hey, look its him? I heard he beat up a bunch of students all for nothing." I heard as people whispered about me behind my back.
"What you series? Man what a freak."
"Stupid freak..." More spoke as they walked past me, while I simply kept to myself.
"Why does he have to be here, or all school?" Even more voices spoke, while I simply kept my emotions to myself and kept walking.
At times I contemplated just running away from this school, from my parents, from my brother. But the only thing that made this school life worth it. Despite the rumors, despite the people, despite it all. The only thing that made this school with a damn, was the fact that both Yang and Ruby had enrolled in this school. And it was thinks to them that things had slowly started to die down with the rumors. If only a little.
After making it to the class room the moment that I had walked in I could already feel eyes all on me. Truth be told, I didn't care. I just simply walked over to my desk and laid my head down trying to just grab some sleep.
I was only after I moment that I felt someone lightly shaking me. Looking at the person I had noticed that it was Ruby, her silver eyes still as beautiful as when I had meet her back then.
"What is it~?" I said yawning to myself, while then locking eyes with her.
"W-Well you see (Y/n)." She said taking a moment before then responding to me. "I...I was wondering if we could hang out today?"
Truth be told, unlike most people around the school, Ruby wasn't like them. Despite the rumors about me, she didn't care for them. She much like Yang was a true friend to me.
I took a moment to think about her question before then sighing to myself and nodding back at her. "Sure no problem."
"REALLY!" She smiled, while I simply stared back at her, with an uncaring look. Truth be told I didn't want people to start bullying her because of me. "GREAT! I'LL SEE YOU LATTER!"
I saw as she walked away with Yang, who smiled and waved back at me, before then taking her leave.
~{3rd POV: Time Skip}~
As the first year of school life started, both (Y/n) and Ruby had started hanging out and growing closer and closer. Yang would also hangout with them and Nero, despite the awkward relationship between the two brothers. Despite the rumors about him, both Yang and Ruby didn't care since they new the real (Y/n).
Nero unlike (Y/n) was one of the most famous students in the school, people liked him, students wanted to be like him, others respected him, while at home their parents praised and complemented him for almost everything. He was a complete and total contrast to his younger brother. Despite Nero's protectiveness towards his younger brother, (Y/n) hated it when he protected him from everything. Or it was safe to say that he hated it when he meddled in his own affairs, which drove a wedge between the two of them.
This all came ahead on a school day.
The day was sunny, while other students walked around the school, (Y/n) was called to the back of the school. There he meet several students that disliked him, along with several other girls that simply kept looking at the fight that was about to break out between the two.
Moments after the fight had broken out Nero had quickly made his way to the back of the school with several teachers that quickly detained the students. Sure while the students had gotten held back, Nero thought to himself that he did something good for his younger brother.
It was only after reaching a place that no students could see them that (Y/n) would up punching him in the face. While the punch wasn't strong enough to drop him to the floor it was strong enough to draw blood.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR (Y/N)?!" Nero said in a concerning tone.
(Y/n) didn't wait for him to say anymore and quickly held him by his shirt and the two locked eyes. While Nero's eyes were filled with concerned, (Y/n) riffled a look of anger.
"STOP MEDDLING IN MY PROBLEMS! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP FOR ANYTHING!" (Y/n) shouted, which got noticed by a teacher that was walking around the school.
"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" The teacher said, while walking over to them.
(Y/n) took a moment before then lowering his tone, to the point that only Nero could hear him. "I'll say it again. Stop meddling in my problems. I don't need YOUR help, I don't need THEIR help..."
(Y/n) said before then releasing his hold on him.
"I...I'm only trying to help..." Nero said while never breaking eye contact with (Y/n).
"Did I asked for your help?" (Y/n) said his stone slowly sounding more angry by the moment. Nero on the other hand didn't respond back, and simply remained silent. "That's right. I never asked for you to help me..."
Ones the teacher had gotten close to the two of them he tried to understand the situation, but the both of them simply stayed silent. And while (Y/n) had walked away from it all with only a punch in the face, he was still speechless by his brothers words.
"(Y/n)..." Nero frowns while seeing his brother walk away.
~{2 Week Time skip: Leon/Sophi Resident, (6:00 AM)}~
During the 2 weeks that had past, after the small incident with Nero, (Y/n) to some extent had stopped talking with Nero. Sure despite it all at times Nero did try to talk to him, but every time he was meet with silence. Deep down he felt like his brother just kept pushing him away more and more.
And so we then see that while the father kept on reading the newspaper Sophi with a smile on her face placed two breakfast plates on the table in front of her children.
"Thank you for the food Mom!" Nero said, while smiling back at her and picking up his fork.
Sophi smiled back with a warm smile. "No problem sweetie."
(Y/n) despite his reluctance to eat his mother's food, he stared at it for a moment and saw that she was doing the dishes. Taking a moment to contemplate his words he sighs before responding.
".... Thank you for the food." He said while looking away from the food.
She took a moment to respond, contemplating what to say to him before then responding back. "Did you say something (Y/n)?"
Despite not showing it his own mothers words did hurt him at the time. He didn't mind being ostracize by most people, but why did it had to be her? His own mother. While on the inside (Y/n) was furious, not wanting to pick a fight he quickly brushed it off.
"It's nothing." He said before then getting up from his seat, and taking his leave, but not before handing his plate over to Nero which Leon and Sophi took noticed off. "I'm not hungry. You can have it special child."
He said with a hint of anger in his tone as he simply stared blackly at the floor while walking away. The sound of the front door is then heard opening up, before then closing.
Despite the bad blood between the two of them Nero took a moment before then sighing to himself and locking eyes with both his parents. "Mom, Dad?"
She looked at him with a smile, a smile that she refused to show (Y/n). "What is it honey?" She said, while Leon then placed his newspaper on the table and stared at his own son.
"I'll be honest...stop treating (Y/n) like his not your Son." Seemingly surprised by this both parents stared at him with shocked expressions. "His my brother for crying out loud. The least you could do is treat him the same as me. Please stop treating him like he didn't belong to this family." He then gets up from his chair. "You two are adults you should feel ashamed of yourself."
Both parents didn't respond, and simply stayed silent for a moment before then taking a deep breath.
"He's right you now." Just then Nero raise his left arm to reveal Zaruba who had spoken up. "I can sense the negativity in you too towards him. I don't even remember your Father being that way Sophi." Nero lowered his arm.
"Thanks for the food but I have to go. I'm not hungry anymore." Nero said before then walking away from them and leaving his plate on the table.
While the front door is then heard opening and closing, both Leon and Sophi where left alone to contemplate their own actions. They locked eyes, both showing looks of sadness at their own child's words.
Meanwhile, while on his way to school (Y/n) had ran in to Yang and the two started walking to school together. As they smiled and talked everything fades to black.
{A/N: Okay what did you all think? I added more drama to the brothers since I felt like it was missing some. But this is only the first chapter that I had updated from this story. I will be working on the next chapters, while trying to finish other stories. So that should be all.}
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