Truth OR Dare...

-3rd POV- Velvet's Dorm- 10:30 p.m.-
As Y/n, Nora, Pyrrha, Velvet, & Coco we're sitting in a circle. Coco put a bottle on the floor, and she smiled.

Coco: "Are all of you ready?" She said with enthusiasm, and a evil smile. Everyone nodded at her. "Let's see who's the first victim." She then spin the bottle.

As it continued spinning it slowed down and it stopped right in front of Pyrrha. Meanwhile Vel, and Y/n gave a sigh of relief.

Coco: "Okay Pyrrha you ready?" Pyrrha nodded as she looked at Coco. "Perfect... Truth or Dare?"

Pyrrha: "... Truth."

Coco: Looked at her with a bored expression. "Okay." She looked at her with excitement. "What kind of panties are you wearing?"

Pyrrha: Her face turned red as soon as she heard what Coco said. ".... R-red with a bunny design."

Vel, & Y/n applauded her for holding her ground.

Nora: "Okay my turn!" She said as she spin the bottle. When it stopped it stopped on Y/n. She then smiled with enthusiasm. "Perfect. Hehe. Y/n Truth or Dare?"

Y/n: Took a moment to think about it. "Okay I'll humor you Dare."

Nora: "Hehehe. PERFECT that's my sister!" Pointed at Y/n. "I Dare you to show us your body. By taking your clothes off."

Coco: "Nice." She & Nora high five each other.

Velvet face turned red as she looked at Y/n, and Pyrrha looked away.

Y/n: "The two of you are perverts."

Coco, & Nora looked away and pretended whistle. Y/n sigh as she got up and she started to remove her shirt, and short pants. But left her bra and pantie. Vel was losing it as she looked at Y/n.

Coco: "HEY! She said to remove your clothes."

Y/n: "Exactly she said to remove my clothes. But she never said anything about my bra, & panties." She said with a smile on her face.

Pyrrha: Nodded at Coco, and agreed with Y/n. "She has a point you know."

Nora: Lowered her head in disappointment. But quickly perked up. "Okay NEXT!"

The next person was Pyrrha. Y/n sigh out of relief, knowing that Pyrrha wasn't to extreme. As she spin the bottle it landed on Coco.

Coco: "Dare." She responded before Pyrrha could say anything. And she smirked at her. "Come on Pyrrha give me something good."

Pyrrha: Blushed. "Okay I Dare you to walk outside, and knock on our dorm?"

Coco: Scoffed at her. "Is that all-"

Pyrrha: Took out a one-piece swimsuit and looked at her. "While only wearing this?"

Meanwhile in JNPR's dorm. Jaune along with Ren, Fox, & Yatsu we're playing cards. They were enjoying themselves until they heard a knock on the door.

Jaune: "I'll get it?"

When he opened the door her was meet with Coco posing and wearing her swimsuit. Fox, & Yatsu blushed as they looked at her. Ren took a deep breath and averted his eyes while blushing. Jaune simply stood there without making a move.

Coco: "Hey there Big boy." She said as she blew a kiss at him.

Meanwhile the girls were looking at her. Velvet was looking away as she looked at Coco. And Pyrrha was getting a bit annoyed at her, for blowing a kiss at him.

Y/n: "Hehe. I should have seen this coming."

Velvet, & Pyrrha both nodded with her. Nora smiled as she looked at Coco.

Coco then proceeded to put both her arms behind her head, and puff out her chest. She then winked at Jaune how was still unresponsive.

Coco: "What do you think Jaune? You like what you see?"

As Jaune looked at Coco. Coco kept on posing, and at that moment Jaune fell to the floor unconscious, and with I a nose bleed.

Coco: "Look's like I overdid it. Hehehe."

Ren while averting his eyes. He closed the door. Coco then went back to her dorm, with a smirk on her face. When she put her pajamas back on. The game continued.

The next one was Velvet as she spin the bottle it then stopped in front of Nora. Nora rubbed her hands together and smiled.

Nora: "Okay come on Vel. Dare's nothing you can do to stop me." Said with a smile.

Velvet: "GoKissRen." Gave a quick response.

There was a moment of silence until Nora noticed what she said. Her face quickly became red as she looked at Velvet.

Nora: "WHAT! But I-I-I he and I are-"

Y/n: Smirk, and looked away. "Didn't YOU say that, and I quote. Dare's nothing she can do to stop YOU." She shrugged and nodded with a smile. "Oh well I didn't know that the mighty Nora, was a chicken." Said in a mocking way.

Nora quickly got up with her face red. She then opened the door and got out of the dorm. The Girls looked as they heard Nora opening a door.

Ren.V: "Nora did something happened?"

Nora.V: "Sorry about this Ren!"

They then heard the sound of slamming and crashing.

Ren.V: "NORA wait-"

As the sound of fighting continued for a moment it quickly went silent. Nora then walked back to the dorm, with an accomplished smirk. And she looked at Y/n.

Nora: "Suck on that Y/n! No one calls me a chicken!"

Everyone: "....."

In the guys dorm. Ren was on the floor unconscious, and with hearts spinning around his head. Back to the girls.

Y/n: "Okay my turn." She spin the bottle and it stopped at Pyrrha. "Truth or Dare?"

Pyrrha: Took a moment. "... Dare."

Y/n: "You sure?" Pyrrha nodded her head. "Okay. I Dare you to go to Goodwitch's room, and simply tell her. YOU LOVE HER."

Pyrrha: "W-W-WHAT!"

Y/N: "I'm not done. All the while warring a sexy maid outfit!"

Coco: "Oh! I got one you can use!" She got up and walked to the closet. Pyrrha on the hand was turning red like trying to calm down. But the mire thought of going to Glynda's room, and telling her that she loved her. Was making her blush even more.

Pyrrha: "C-C-Cant it b-be something else?" Y/n shook her head. "I see."

Meanwhile in Glynda's room. As she was preparing to go to sleep, and brushing her hair. As she was relaxing she heard someone knocking on the door.

Glunda: "How cued that be at this hour?"

She then walked to the door and she oped it . She got surprised as she noticed that it was Pyrrha wearing a maid outfit. Glynda took a moment to look at Pyrrha and she then looked at her.

(I take no credit for the photo)

Glynda: "Ms.Niko why are you warring a maid outfit? And can I help you with something?" She said as she looked at her with a relaxed expression.

Pyrrha: "Ms.Glynda... I l-l-love y-you-" She stuttered as she then quickly covered her face and started to quickly run away, felling embarrassed at what she said.

Meanwhile as Pyrrha was running away Coco, Velvet, & Nora started to run after her. All of them passed by Glynda. Y/n stopped and she looked at Glynda. She then leaned close to her door, and she looked at what Glynda was warring.

Y/N: "HELLO!~ Ms.Glynda you look lovely this fine night."

Glynda: Blushed as she noticed what Y/n said. "Y/n what are you all doing at this hour?"

Y/N: Smiled and leaned closer to her. "Nothing just having some harmless fun. But if you would like to play. You and I cued go somewhere more ." Leaned close to her left ear and she whispered to her. "P-r-i-v-a-t-e. If you know what I mean." she then winked at her. 

Glynda blush darken as she then took her riding crop, and she put it close to her chin. Y/n then raised both her arms to the sky.

Glynda: "Do you want to go to detention Ms.Y/n?" Y/n shook her head in no. "And last time that I remember you were still my student?"

Y/N: "Tell that to the readers."

Glynda: Tilted her head as a '?' Appeared over her head. "What are you talking about?" Said as she lowered her riding crop and crossed her arms.

Y/N: Lowered her arms and she smiled at her. "Nothing important. I'll  see you tomorrow." She said as she ran after Pyrrha and her friends. 

Glynda smiled as she looked at Y/n take the corner of the hallway.

Glynda: "Y/n you have changed." She then walked back inside her room and she closed the door.

A bit later after they managed to calm down Pyrrha. They started with the game again. As all of them seat on the floor. Coco got close to the bottle and she throw it away.

Coco: "Okay let's get the kid's game out of the way. And let's get the real game started." She said as she had an evil smile on her face. Velvet, & Pyrrha smiled awkwardly with her. But Y/n smirk as she looked at her.

 Y/N: "I was wandering when you were going to get series."

Coco: "Let's start things differently this time." Looked at Pyrrha. "Okay you go first ?"

Pyrrha: Nodded and looked at Y/n with a series look in her face. "Truth or Dare?" Said sounding annoyed at her.

Y/N: ".... Dare."

Pyrrha: "I Dare you to remove your clothes completely. Bra and pantie's as well and press your breast's close to Coco's face."

Y/n looked at Pyrrha with a shocked expression and she blushed. All the while Pyrrha had a smug look in her face.

Pyrrha: "Payback."

Y/n hesitant at first sigh, and got up. Vel covered her face with both her arms, and she picking through her fingers. As Y/n started to remove her clothes. Nora stared at her with a smile on her face. When Y/n was finished tacking her clothes off. She covered her self as she looked at Pyrrha with a DEATH STARE. She then got close to a blushing Coco, and Y/n press her breast to Coco's face. As Y/n had an empty expression on her face, Coco was enjoin every moment of it.

Coco: "Their not that big. But they fell so GOOD!"

Coco simply had a sense of satisfaction in her face. Meanwhile Vel was looking at Y/n's back that had several scars , but she avoided saying anything to avoid ruining  the mood. When Y/n was finished she put her clothes back and she seat back at her spot.

Y/N: Sigh. "Okay my turn." Looked at Pyrrha and smiled evilly. "Truth OR Dare?"

Pyrrha: "... DARE?"

Y/N: Smiled with an evil grin. "Okay Pyrrha... HEHE."

As Pyrrha saw her laughing she started to regret what she said.

Y/N: "I Dare you to go to your Dorm, and start removing ALL your clothes in front of Jaune."

As Pyrrha herd what she said she started to blush madly. But she not wanting to back down she got up from the floor, and she walked to her dorm. All the wile Vel, Coco, Nora, & Y/n went after her. As Jaune was just getting up from the floor. Pyrrha quickly walked in, grabbed him and placed him on his bed. And she stood in front of him. He looked at her with a confused stare. 

Jaune: "What are you doing P-"

He was hushed as Pyrrha placed her index finger in his lips. As he looked at her. She slowly started to remover her clothes in front of him. Jaune was left speechless as he looked at her. But the one thing that ran throw his head was, how lucky his day was getting. But the more she removed her clothes and more she started getting nervous. As she removed her shirt he started to get a nosebleed.

Meanwhile Coco, Nora, Velvet, & Y/n were looking at Pyrrha from the corner of the door.Like some kind of cartoon. Meanwhile Ren was getting up, but as he was about to make eye contact with Pyrrha. Nora in great distress she broke the door handle and throw it at him hitting him on the head unconscious. Meanwhile back Fox, & Yatsu looked away not wanting the same fate as Ren.

Pyrrha: Thinking to her self. "Only two more thing to go."

Pyrrha was hesitant as she looked at her bra, and panties. She then took a deep breath and she at great speed removed them. And she let Jaune look at her . As he looked at her their was a  brief silence as everyone was remaining silent. Pyrrha then spread both of her arms to the side and let him see her.


As Jaune's eye's was covered by his hair he remained silent as he looked at her. As she said that she looked at Y/n and noticed she was smirking at her. Whit the same look she gave her.

Y/N: "Payback."

She then looked at Jaune how was still silent. As he looked at her naked body. He fell unconscious because of his nosebleed. She then grabbed her clothes and she quickly stormed out of the room. Whit her face completely red.

Later as all of then went back to the dorm. Pyrrha was glaring at Y/n. But Y/n had a smirk on her face. But Vel quickly tried to call them down. As both of them calm down they started the game AGAIN.

Velvet: "M-My turn." Looked at Nora. "Truth or Dare?"

Nora: Got exited. "Dare.Dare.Dare.Dare." Said wile sing and smiling at her.

Velvet: "Okay. I Dare you to go to team RWBY's dorm. Grab Ruby, Weiss, Blake, & Yang and spank their assess as hard as you can. Oh and also grab all their foods or sweets."

Nora: "Easy but I need to get supper charged!" Said with a smile.

Y/N: "Easy." She said as she pointed her finger at Nora. "1st Tier Magic: Thunderbolt."

At that moment Nora was hit with a thunder magic that would normally kill a normal human being but Nora was far from normal. As she use her semblance to absorb the attack. She got up and chuckled as she got up, and walked to the door. She then left the room.

As she walked to RWBY's dorm she started talking to her self.

Nora: "Hehehe. This is going to be fun~"

Meanwhile in team RWBY's dorm. As Blake' & Weiss we're sleeping. Yang was on her bed looking at her arms. Still feeling the pain from today. Because of Y/n she couldn't even move her arms or for that mater use then. The one's strong Yang Xiao Long was now felling the one thing she never felt weak. Just because their was someone stronger then her. Someone how simply hates her completely.

Yang: She then was thinking to her self as she looked at her arms. "Y/n... I... Don't want to fight her. Not one bit. I really don't want to deal with her."

She then put her arms down and she turn to face the wall, and tried her best to go to sleep. Meanwhile Ruby was thinking of what she did today to Y/n. She then started to touch her lips the lips that kissed Y/n. And the only thing that went trow her head was Y/n. And only Y/n. As she placed her left arm on her chest she started thinking about Y/n again. But this time it was lewd thoughts of her and Y/n alone. She then giggled sins she couldn't stop thinking her one love.

Ruby: "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n if only I cued kiss her one more time. Just one more time. Hehe. Or maybe three NO. Five NO." Takes a deep breath and starts thinking to her self. "Y/n I LOVE YOU. And I wont let that DAMN DEMON CAT take you from me." 

As she continued her rambling. The door at that moment was busted down to the floor waking up Blake, & Weiss in the process. And startling all of them mostly Ruby, & Yang how quickly looked to the busted door. Yang got annoyed as she noticed that the one on the door was Nora with a smile from ear, to ear. And electricity coursing throw her body.


Nora then turn her attention at Yang and smiled at her as she noticed she was still in her bed.

Yang: "Didn't you hear me get out of hire!?" She said as she hid her arms away.

As Nora looked at everyone she quickly charged at Yang and she grabbed her legs, and throw her to the floor. Before Yang cued react Nora grabbed the back of her neck with her left hand and pinned her to Blake's bed with her face facing down. Because of Yang's arms she couldn't even fight back let alone defend herself. 

Yang: "LET GO OFF ME YOU DAMN ANIMAL!?" She said as she tried to get free but to no avail.

Nora then with her free hand pulled down Yang's short pats. Ruby was looking still confused at what was going on.

Yang: "N-NO what are you-"

Before she cued finish what she was going to say. Nora spanked her with such a great forced that it made her scream in PAIN. Nora then raised her arm and she proceeded to continue her punishment.

Yang: "Stop pleas it hurts!"

Yang said but Nora simply continued. After the 10 or 12 spank Nora stopped. Yang with tears in her eyes, she berried her face in the bed and she started crying her eyes out. As Blake was speechless. Nora turned her attention at her with a smile on her face. As Blake tried to escape she was grabbed by her and forced to the table with no hope for escaping. Nora then tied her arms and she proceeded to do the same thing she did to Yang, but the only deference was she was only hit 9 times. As Blake was crying she looked at Nora with tears in her eyes and responded to her.

Blake: "You. You're not Human."

Nora then turned her attention at Weiss how had her back to the wall, and trembling out of fear. In Weiss's eyes the only thing she was seeing was a simple monster in front of her. With her face darken two glowing eye's, and a smile from ear to ear. Nora smiled as she noticed that Weiss was trembling and covering her ass.

Nora: "YOU'RE NEXT ICE QUEEN~" She said in a playful manner.

As she slowly made her way to Weiss. She slowly reached for one of Blake's hard cover book's and she grabbed it. She then stood in front of Weiss with the book in hand. As she was looking at Weiss. Ruby used her semblance to her advantage and quickly dashed to the door. But Nora predicted that she would do that and she quickly throw the book at her at a grater force then her speed. As the book hit the back of her head and she fell to the floor unconscious. 

As Weiss tried to escape she was grabbed by the back of her neck and was forced in front of her mirror, with her face up close to it.

Weiss: "Please Nora! Don't do it! What ever Ruby did I wasn't a part of it!"

Nora simply started to slowly raise her nightgown with her terrifying smile. She then with her free arm slowly started to raise it, as Weiss looked at the reflection in the mirror. As Weiss looked as she started to tear up, and her body began to tremble.

Weiss: "Please." Said as she started to cry. She then noticed as Nora brought the arm down at her. "NOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!"

Meanwhile as Ruby started to open her eye's her mind was still spinning. As she tried to relax her mind she noticed that Weiss and Nora were still in the room. Meanwhile unlike Yang, or Blake. Weiss stopped fighting back, as her eyes were empty, and hear tears ran down the mirror. She also lost consciousness after the 4 slap. Nora then let her neck go and she then slid down the mirror, and with her ass sticking up.

Nora: "How the mighty have fallen. Hehehe." Said as she looked at Weiss.

Nora then noticed that Ruby was looking at her with a shocked expression. Ruby then tried to move but she was quickly grabbed by Nora with a strong grip. Nora then tied her arms and legs with some shirts that were on the floor and she tossed her on Weiss's bed, with her face facing down. As Nora started to slap her ass Ruby tried to scream but Nora quickly gag her with her own red hood and blindfolded her. Nora then noticed that a shadow was getting close to the door. She  then stopped as the person walked inside the room and she got close to Ruby. Nora smiled evilly as she looked at the person only to reveal that it was Y/n. As Y/n got close to Ruby's ear she started to tremble as she was thinking that it was Nora.

Y/N: "Tell me Ruby. Dose it hurt?"

As Ruby noticed how the voice belonged to she started to raise as ass to her. Y/n with a look of disgust started to softly touch her ass.

Ruby: "Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." Told her self in her mind as she blushed.

Y/N: "I'll make you suffer. Just you wait." 

Y/N then got back and she walked to the door as she was about to leave she looked at Nora and nodded her head, telling her to continue. As Y/n walked away Nora got close to Ruby's ear. Ruby thinking that it was Y/n got excited.

Nora: "HEHE. I'm not Y/n."

As Ruby heard that she her smile went away, and she started to get scared. But it was to late as Nora was already raising her arm at her..... When Nora was done she removed the gag and the blindfold. She then took their food and she walked back to her dorm. In the room Yang was left crying her eyes out, Blake was left unconscious on the table, Weiss was broken like a doll, and Ruby lifeless.

Back in the other Dorm. Nora and the girls were still playing the game with no clear winner.

Nora: "Okay my turn!" Said in a large but yet playful tone. She then looked at Coco. "Truth or Dare?"

Coco: Took a moment to think. "Truth."

Nora: "Have you slept with any of your team?"

Coco: "......"

Everyone looked at her as she turned red, and nodded at her.

Nora: Smiled. "Who was it Fox?" Coco shook her head. "Yatsu?" Coco shook her head.

They all then slowly turned to look at a now red Velvet. As Vel didn't respond Nora started to laughter.

Nora: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Velvet!?" Started thinking thirty thoughts. But Coco throw a pillow at her face.

Coco: "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! YOU PERVERT!" She shouted as she looked at her. She then calm down. "Anyway my turn?" Looked at Y/n. "Truth or Dare?"

Y/N: Smiled at her. "Dare."

Coco: Smiled with an evil look in her face. "I Dare you to K-I-S-S Velvet." Said as she pointed at her lips.

Y/N, and Velvet blushed as they looked at her.


Coco then looked at her and winked at her as she smiled at the same time. Clearly having some real fun. As Velvet was speechless. Y/n took one last bite of a sweet she was eating. She then got up and she walked towards Velvet. She then got on her knees and looked at Velvet eyes, to eyes.

Y/N: Smiled as she looked at Velvet's eyes. "Come here, sweetie?" 

Velvet blushed as she looked at Y/n. Y/n then immediately grabbed the back of Vel's head and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Y/n then pushed her tongue into Velvet's mouth. Vel didn't expect this, and her mind started running with so many thoughts. Vel thoughts that it wasn't real, but she would have been lying if she said she wasn't enjoying it. When the kiss finally parted, it left a trail of saliva connecting their lips. Vel gasped for air and Y/n licked her lips. But Y/n then heard a snap. And she noticed that Coco had her scroll pointed at them, capturing the moment. Y/n blushed with a smile on her face. But at that moment Velvet fainted.

Nora: "One down. Three to go. NEXT!"

That night as the game continued. With Nora, & Y/n at a standstill. While Coco was left without clothes, Pyrrha was to embarrassed to play anymore, and Velvet was still processing what happen, and with her mind still thinking of Y/n.

-Time-skip- 3:45 a.m.-

As Y/n was engulfed by darkness she started to slowly open her eyes. As she looked at her surroundings she noticed nothing. But at that moment she was surrounded by flames and as she got on guard. Ddraig appeared right in front of her. As she was ready to fight he quickly bowed his head to her.

Ddraig: "PLEASE Y/N! LET ME BE A PART OF YOUR POWER!?" He said as he lowered his head to her.

Y/N: Crossed her arms. "And why should I need your power. After all your a sword now."


Y/N: "And why should I believe you?"

As she continued her conversation with Ddraig. Bahamut appeared and she got close to Y/n. And she stood behind Y/n. Bahamut looked at Ddraig and she noticed something that Y/n was sent seeing.

Bahamut: "Y/n he is speaking the truth." Y/n looked at her. "Just by looking at him. I can tell that he is telling you the truth. I can promise you that."

Ddraig: He then lower his voice. "Yes because of HIM. I was weak day in and day out. Only being used as a toy. I hatted being his gear. I HATTED being close to HIM." Looked at Bahamut and back to Y/n. "But you aren't like him. I can see it you are more stronger them him. So please let me be your power I... I don't want to disappear into nothingness." He raised his head. "Let me be more then just a sword. Let me be a part of your revenge. A part of your life. Just like Bahamut is apart of yours."

Bahamut: Looked at Y/n. "He is telling the truth. But that is up to you Y/n."

Y/N: Sigh and looked at Ddraig.

Let Ddraig help you. I'll leave it up to you all. Should I let him help Y/n.




Meanwhile as Bakugo, and Vali were reaching Beacon. Vali was flying with a smile on his face he couldn't stop felling happy that his friend was back and well. And Bakugo was on the ship felling glad that she was okay. But most of all both of them were thinking that if anyone is going to hurt Her. If anyone tries to beat or bully Her. They will lessen to THEM. Both of them looked as Beacon came into view, and both of them responded in unison. "Y/N."

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