The Training Begins

-The Great Tomb Of Nazarick-
- Arena 3rd POV-
As Albedo was talking to Ainz. Y/n was thrown to the ground but she got up and she pointed her sword at her opponent how was Cocytus.

Cocytus: Come on you can do better. Or is that the best you can do!

He raised he's voice at her. Y/n proceeded to attack him with a flurry of attacks from each side. But she was dropped to the floor like nothing. But she quickly got up still tired.

Y/n: Not yet I can still-

Cocytus: That's enough training for today.

Y/n: No... I can still-

Cocytus: You are strong but I won't go as far as to harm you. And besides you have training with someone else today.

He then turned he's attention at the Pleiades.

-Time skip-
As Ainz and Albedo were walking across the long hallway, they heard a sound coming from one of the rooms.

Voice: NOOOOOooooo!

Yuri: Come on put it on!?

Voice: No! I don't I don't wanna!

Nabe: Fine if you won't put it on! I'll force you to put it on!

Ainz and Albedo started hearing explosions and crashes until it went silent. As the door open Nabe and Yuri came out. They looked at Ainz and they bow there head's.

Nabe: Oh Sorry my Lord we did not see you there. Please forgive us.

Ainz: It's okay... But who's in the room?

When he said that the person came out of the room. He got surprised but not because it was Y/n but because she was wearing a maid outfits.

Y/n: Please... Don't look... It's embarrassing.

Y/n was blushing. As Ainz was about to say something. He was cut off by Albedo.

Albedo: Nonsense you look beautiful.

Y/n face turned even redder.

Y/n: T-Thank you.

Nabe: Okay come on, let's start your training.

As Y/n, and Nabe left. Yuri went her separate ways. Albedo turned her attention to Ainz.

Albedo: Excuse me Lord Ainz but can I ask a favor.

He nodded he's head.

-Time skip-
As Y/n was using different kinds of magic. Nabe started to notice that she could easily master any type of magic, and skill.

Nabe: Y/n? What is your Semblance?

Y/n lowered her head.

Y/n: I don't have one. I never did.

Nabe smiled at her.

Nabe: I believe that you are mistaken.

Y/n: What do you mean?

She tilted her head in confusions.

Nabe: I have noticed that you can master any type of magic fluidly just by looking at it one's.

Y/n was shocked but she still didn't believe her.

Y/n: What but I-

Nabe quickly attack her with lightning magic. But Y/n countered with the same magic as her. When the two attacks clashed it cost an explosion as the smoke cleared. Nabe was smiling, and Y/n was shocked at what she did.

Nabe: I told you. You can master any magic or ability. Just by looking at it.

Y/n looked at her arms.

Y/n: So I had a semblance all along?

She looked at Nabe. How simply nodded her head. She then got close to Nabe and she gave her a hug. Which surprised Nabe.

Y/n: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Nabe! I'm so glad you told me.

Y/n was so happy and excited that she started to cry tears of joy. She then let go of Nabe and she dried her tears.

Nabe: Okay Y/n shall we continue?

Y/n: Yes. But I got one more question?

Nabe nodded her head.

Y/n: Why am I dressed up in a maid outfit!

Nabe: (sigh) Because it enhances your magic tenfold. And it will help you with your revenge.

Y/n: Okay. (Looking disappointed.)

-Time skip 2 weeks-
Y/n was training with Albedo and Shalltear but luckily she was holding her own. She got back and she looked at them.

Albedo: That would be enough for today. Let's rest?

Y/n: O-okay.

Shalltear got close to Y/n and she tapped her right shoulder.

Shalltear: Your getting stronger. But don't forget you can still improve.

Y/n: Right.

Albedo: Anyway care to join us Y/n?

Y/n: Okay.

They all headed to Albedo's room. Y/n then noticed that Aura was there. She smiled and waved at Y/n.

Aura: Hey How is your training going?

Y/n: (smiled) It's going great! Thanks to everyone I'm getting stronger everyday.

Aura smiled as she started pouring some tea.

Shalltear: While that is true don't forget it doesn't make you invincible.

Y/n looked to the floor a little bit sad.

Y/n: I know but I will have my revenge.

Albedo: I know I shouldn't meddle in your affair, but do you hate everyone in your school?

Y/n remained silent for a brief moment and she shook her head.

Shalltear: Can I ask how you don't hate?

Y/n: There were several people that treated me nicely. Like... Team JNPR, CFVY, CRDL... Then there was.

Y/n fell to the ground and her food fell with her. But she didn't look at the person.

Rias: Watch where you're going.

Uraraka: Y/n why don't you go eat somewhere else?

Y/n noticed Deku-chan but she simply ignored Y/n. Koneko was going to say something but didn't do anything.

Rias: You're a disappointment.

Yang: I don't get why you are here. You don't have a semblance, or a quirk... So why are you hire.

Ruby got close to Yang's side.

Issei: That's okay I know how to deal with people like you.

As Issei was going to attack Y/n. He was instantly blasted with fire, and punched in the face sending him crashing to the wall.

Voice 1: I have had enough of the way you're treating her. You fucking villains!

Voice 2: I thought you were stronger but I guess I was mistaken Issei.

Y/n look at the people helping her and she noticed it was Bakugo & Vali.

-Flashback End-

Shalltear: Were they with you when you were betrayed?

Y/n: No... They were somewhere else.

Aura: Are you going to take revenge on them?

Y/n shook her head.

Y/n: No... They help me several times... So no I won't.

Albedo:... I'm glad. I didn't want you to take revenge on innocent people. Even though I hate human's.

All of them smiled and they started drinking tea and cookies.

-Time skip-
Y/n had a wide variety a books scattered across her room and she was reading a book that specialized in harnessing magic more fluidly. She was so focused on her reading until she heard a knock on the door.

Y/n: Coming?

As she opened the door she noticed that it was Demiurge.

Y/n: Master Demiurge please come in.

He walked in and he noticed all the variety of books scattered everywhere.

Demiurge: You have an extraordinary amount of books here.

Y/n: Sorry it's a mess but I have been so busy that I don't have time to tidy up.

He smiled and he fixed he's glaces.

Demiurge: It's alright.

Y/n: Anyway what can I help you with today?

Demiurge: I need a favor from you. Far to the North there have been rumors of a monster living in the mountains.

As he grabbed a book he turned he's attention back at her.

Y/n:... And you want me to kill it?

Demiurge: (shook he's head) No I want you to go and see what is going on in the mountains.

Y/n: (nodded) Okay I'll head tomorrow morning.

Demiurge: Very good that would be wise.

Y/n: But before that can you teach me how to mix different types of chemicals for particular demons?

Demiurge: (smiled) Why certainly but in exchange. Can I borrow this book?

Y/n: (smiled) I don't mind I already read it so be my guest.

They both smiled and Demiurge started explaining about different types of chemicals that can be used for Demon's. And Y/n started to write all the information.

Demiurge: By the way can you explain to me more about semblance.

Y/n: Certainly!

The conversation continued till it was 12:25 a.m. Demiurge noticed the time and he left. Y/n then went to sleep.

-Time skip Morning-
As Y/n was preparing her stuff someone knocked on the door. She then opened the door and she noticed that it was Ainz, and Mare, Aura's brother. Y/n invited them in.

Ainz: I heard you are going to investigate the mountains?

Y/n nodded her head.

Mare: Then can you take this with you? My Sister and I made it for you. Just in case you get hungry.

He handed her a bento box. She gave him a hug and his face turned completely red.

Ainz: Come back safe.

Y/n: I will thank you Lord Ainz.

Ainz: Just Ainz is fine.

Y/n: Yes just Ainz.

Ainz simply stared at her and Mare was smiling at them.

Ainz: ...

Y/n: Haha. Sorry I couldn't help myself.

Ainz simply sigh but what she said didn't bother him. He then opened a small dark portal and he took out a katana and he handed it to Y/n.

Y/n: What's this for?

Ainz: Tomoe, Cocytus made it for you he wanted to give it to you but he was to stubborn.

Y/n: Cocytus made it for me. (Smiled) Can you tell Cocytus thank you for me.

He nodded. She then walked out of the tomb and left for the mountains.

-Time skip-
-Y/n POV-
I was walking across the mountains but trouble has a way of finding me. Because two monster's appeared and they proceeded to attack. But I didn't hesitate to cut them down. And I disposed of them very quickly. When I dealt with them I noticed a giant black dragon past by me.

Y/n: Could that be what is causing all the problems?

As I kept walking I heard a large roar. When I got there I noticed that the dragon was now chained up. And it's mouth had a muzzle.

Y/n: What's going on here?

I whisper to myself. But I then noticed two guards walking my way so I conceal my self behind some rocks.

Guard 1: So what are we going to do about the dragon?

Guard 2: Simple kill it.

They walked away and I gave chase but I managed to stay out of site. But I then got to where they were keeping Dragon. I started feeling uneasy but I didn't care anymore so I managed to get to where the dragon and I looked at it.

Y/n: You have got to be kidding me.

I looked at the dragon and I noticed that it was the size of a house.

Voice: Have you come to kill me?

It responded to me and I noticed that it's voice was more feminine so that meant that he was actually a she.

Dragon: I won't hurt you. I have no need for some one who's path is filled with blood, betrayal, and hardship.

Y/n: How did you know that?

Dragon: I can read your emotions. And I can see that you have been throw a lot.

Y/n: ...

I looked to the side and I quickly hide behind some rocks. And another person showed up but it was a simple human man.

Human: Finally I will kill you.

The Dragon remained quiet but I was getting annoyed.

Human: I will be known as the Great Hero and when you are gone I will go after your-

I didn't want to hear hem talk anymore and besides I was getting angry. So I quickly got close and I killed hem before he could noticed me. The Dragon looked at me and I started braking it's restraints.

Dragon: Why did you save me?

Y/n: I can't stand people like them and besides you haven't done anything wrong. Am I right?

It nodded and I smiled at it.

Y/n: Okay then.

As I broke the last restraint the Dragon removed it muzzle and I started to run. But as soon as we started to escape we were met with several enemies but me and the Dragon killed every last one of them.

-Time skip-
I was walking back and as I was going to enter the tomb. The Dragon landed right in front of me.

Y/n: Shouldn't you be back in the mountains?

Dragon: Maybe but I have an idea. You saved my life and not only that but you seek revenge against the humans that wronged you.

I simply remained silent.

Dragon: Then let's make a contract.

Y/n: Why?

Dragon: You don't hate everyone but you are trying to save monster's and human's a like.

Dragon then kneel in front of me. And it extended its right arm.

Dragon: I can help you that way you don't have to tread this path alone.

I started thinking but I then gave my answer.

Y/n: Okay but one problem...  How are you going to fit through the Tomb?

I then noticed that steam started to pour out of the Dragon and soon she turned in to a baby dragon.

Dragon: Will this suffice?

I was still surprised that she turned into a baby dragon. A BABY DRAGON.

Y/n: Y-yes. Do you have a name? Cause I can't keep calling you THAT DRAGON.

Dragon: Sadly I don't why don't you give me a name?

Y/n: Okay... How about Bahamut?

Bahamut: Bahamut... I... like it.

Y/n: Okay then come on Bahamut.

-3rd POV-
-Time skip 2 weeks-
As Ainz was in his throne room a portal opened up and Y/n came out of it. She was covered in scars but she quickly healed her self, and her eyes were uncaring. She then bow to Ainz.

Ainz: How was it?

She took out a red orb and she looked at Ainz with a light smile of accomplishment.

Y/n: It went fine. They lost one strong Ally so now let's see how it goes.

Ainz looked at the orb.

Ainz: What are you going to do with the red dragon.

She extended the orb to hem.

Y/n: I have no need for it. You can have it.

Ainz: (sigh) Sadly I have no need for it either... But why don't you give it to Cocytus and ask hem to forge something out of it.

Y/n: As you wish...

Ainz: Is there something wrong Y/n?

She looked at hem.

Y/n: Would you mind if I go back to Beacon?

Ainz: Is that all? Why would you like to go back?

Y/n: I want to show them how strong the Tomb of Nazarick is.

There was a silence in the room for a brief moment.

Ainz: Very well. Y/n show them that the Tomb of Nazarick it's not to be trifled with.

Y/n: Yes, Lord Ainz.

As soon as she was about to leave she was stopped by Ainz.

Y/n: Is something wrong?

Ainz: I have a better idea?

-Location Beacon-
As several students were walking to their classes a portal opened up. Several students saw it and started to run away. Ozpin along with All Might were the first person to get close to the portal. And out of the portal Ainz got out wearing a tuxedo. Albedo followed after him and then the battle Maids.

Ozpin: who are you?

Albedo was going to attack but Ainz stopped her.

Ainz: My name is Ainz Ooal Gown.

Ozpin: Why are you here Ainz?

Ainz: I have come to see what Y/n sees in this school.

Ozpin was shocked that he heard that name from hem.

Ozpin: How do you know that name? Is she okay!?

All Might got close to them and he looked at Ainz.

All Might: What did you fiends do to her! Answer me you villains!

Voice: Calm down All Might?

Both of them froze because out of the portal a figure walked out and they noticed that it was Y/n.

Y/n: Hello Ozpin, All Might.

Ozpin, All Might: Y/n!?

In the classroom several students were looking at what was going on. Koneko was more surprised when she noticed that Y/n was okay. As she looked at Y/n she started to feel like crying out of happiness.

Koneko: Y/n?

Back with Ainz and everyone. Ainz looked at Ozpin and All Might with one death glare.

Ainz: If you don't mind us we have something to discuss. But first Y/n if you would?

Y/n walked past Ainz and she looked at the whole school.

Y/n: Prostrate yourselves!?

Everyone in school including Ozpin and All Might were brought on their knees by an overwhelming force. Y/n simply stared at all the students that used to bully her. Ainz then looked at Y/n.

Ainz: Y/n If you would?

Y/n: Yes ... Stan!?

In an instant the force that was holding everyone down vanished. As Ozpin looked at Y/n he couldn't believe how strong she had become. All Might couldn't imagine what would happen if she would have joined the villains. As Koneko open a window she jumped out of it and she started to run towards Y/n. But all that was on her mind was.

Koneko: She came back.

As she got close to Y/n she smiled at her. But Y/n glared at her with pure hatred in her eyes.

Koneko: Y/n?

Y/n: .... Don't get near me. You damn Demon Cat.

Koneko after hearing that she started to tear up. Ainz looked at Ozpin and All Might with a stern look.

Ainz: So shall we talk somewhere more private?

Ozpin nodded his head.

Ozpin: Please let's talk in my office. Please fallow me?

As all of them proceeded to the office Y/n glared at Koneko one last time before she went to the office with Ainz and everyone else. Koneko simply stared at Y/n her with sadness in her eye's.

Koneko: Y/n I'm sorry.

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