The Hanzo Massacre

-3rd POV: Deep In The Emerald Forest (6:35 p.m.)

Y/n after parting ways with team CFVY, JNPR and CRDL. She was walking back to the dorm, all the while she had a relaxed look in her face after teaching Yagyu. Nothing but making her pay was more satisfying. But just realizing that she was close to her goal. Made her smile on the inside.

So as she was walking throw the forest the sun started to go down. She started have a feeling like she was being watched. But she shook her head and started to walk. She then heard something coming from the butches and she turned to the direction of the sound. But as she did the sound subsided. 

Y/n: "... Must have been the wind." (said as she turned to the direction of the forest.)

But as she did she noticed a faint glow coming from up in the tree's. Just then as she had her guard down, a kunai was thrown at great speed directly at her forehead and she started to fall. She was then impaled by a sword throw her back, as she was falling. 

Female Voice: "I'm sorry." 

A female said behind her. As Y/n didn't even respond to the voice. She then fell to the ground as she had a lifeless look in her face. The female then looked at Y/n's body. As she came in to view, revealing to be team Hanzo. Asuka had a sad look in her face as she cleaned her blade and put in away. She then turned to look at her team. 

Asuka: "Come on let's go? Before anybody sees us." 

They all then nodded as they jumped on top of the tree's and left. Hibari however had a look of regret in her face as she looked away and fallowed after her team.

Meanwhile Y/n's body was left on the floor as it started bleeding cross the grass. With nothing but the sound of the forest around her. 

After sometime team Hanzo had yet to make it to the dorm. They stopped on top of the tree's for a moment and looked at the dorm from afar. 

Yagyu: "How long till we get to the dorm?" (said as she catch her breath with her arms on her knees. Katsuragi nodded after what she said.)

Asuka: (looked at them.) "Just a bit more, come on."

They then started to move again through the tree's. After sometime they had stopped and looked at the direction of the dorm. But for some reason they had yet to make progress.

Katsuragi: (exhausted) "WHAT THE HELL!"

They looked and noticed the dorm was still far away. But the odd part was that the dorm was even father away then normal.

Katsuragi: (agitated.) "What is going on! We're not even close!"

She said as she screamed from the bottom of her lungs.

Ikaruga: "Have even made any progress?" (said as she looked at Asuka.)

Asuka: (shook her head.) "I have an idea."

Asuka turned to the tree, took out her blade, and she carved a marking on the tree. She then put her weapon away and she along with everyone kept moving. 

-Small Skip

After sometime in the tree's like some circus monkey's they stopped and looked at the dorm. But it was still far away. On the contrary it looked like they had yet to get close. They started to get even tired just by looking at the direction of the dorm. Ikaruga then noticed that as they were running, she had yet to hear the sound of the birds, or crickets. Hibari noticed that she was surprised that she had yet to see any animals around the area. They didn't even see any Grimm for that mater. Asuka then looked at the tree she was standing on and as she did her eyes widen.

Asuka: "Noway!"

She said as everyone looked at her. Their eyes then widen as they looked at the tree and they noticed that the tree was carved with a marking. The same marking that Asuka made earlier.

Female Voice: "You know that really fucking hurt."

Just then all of them turned their attention on a tree that was right in front of them. As they looked up and just then they had a look of shook, surprised, confusion, and most of all FEAR. As they noticed that on top of the tree, stood Y/n unharmed and looking down on them. She had a fierce look in her eyes as she new something like this was going to happen.

Asuka: (surprised.) "B-But how... How are you..."

Y/n took a moment to sit on the tree with her left leg dangling, and her right leg close to her chest, as she rested her arms on her knee. She had a confident look as she placed one arm on her cheek, and smirked.  

Y/n: "You actually believe that I would let my guard down against you all. Come on i'm not stupid. Why would I let all try to hurt me... You think that this is like back when I was powerless, or do you think that you can just come up to me and beat the hell out of me. "

Asuka: "But how did you?"

Y/n: "Survive come on. Why didn't you get close to the dorm?"

They all stared at each other as they came to the same conclusion. Y/n then clapped her arms and she gave a light smile at them.

Y/n: "Congratulations! Yes just as soon as I had entered the forest, I had already created a world. I know that you were following me. So I open a world like this just to trap you."

All: "Impossible!"

Y/n: (smirked.) "Impossible you say! Bitches did you not see what I did to Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby." (sight.) "You know what never mind. I have time to kill so I was planing to fight you some other time but, no time like the present." 

As all of team Hanzo looked at her. Y/n started to smile with excitement just realizing how she was going to break them. They then got their weapons ready for battle, and they got on guard. Y/n noticed that they were trembling and seeing this brought a smile to her face.

Asuka: "Okay girls we can get through this. Let's not forget it's five vs one. If we work as a team we can beat her!"

She said as she tried to calm everyone, but Y/n raised an eyebrow.

All: "RIGHT!"

They all went silent as they noticed that Y/n was smiling at them. They had a look of confidence as they tried to predict her. But Y/n had a look of confidence in her face. Almost as if she had already won this fight. She smiled as she noticed that she was outnumbered.

Y/n: "Okay, you all want to play, then let's play."

As they all looked at her with hope in their faces. Y/n's body emanated a dark aura as she summoned Fallen God's, along with her Dark Knight class.

(I take no credit for the photos.)

As soon as they looked at the weapon they cued feel an overwhelming blood lust coming from the weapon. But Asuka shook her head an she gripped her weapons, she then pointed one of her weapons at her. Meanwhile Y/n's eyes were covered by her hair as she gave an evil grin. 

Y/n: "My that is so cute. You all believe that you can beat me...Okay then let's make it fair."

Y/n raised her free arm and at that moment causes four more of herself to appear. As team Hanzo looked they noticed that as they tried not to panic, now was the time to panic. They thought that if they just had her to deal with, then things would be fine. But knowing that she could use that kind of skill, made the fighting more irrelevant, and more to her favor.

Y/n: "And know~"

She then snapped her finger and several portals appeared underneath their legs, and underneath the Y/n clones. Team Hanzo tried to reach out for each other but it was to late as they were then teleported away from each other. The real Y/n smiled as she was ready for some carnage and just like that the portal took her. From the distance small glimpses of light are seen going in different direction farm from each other.  

-Small Time Skip 

The scene opens up as Katsuragi is seen running at great speeds through the forest. She then stopped as she looked behind her only to find nothing. She had a look of fear in her face as she tried to calm her breathing. She looked around an she started to panic. She also noticed that deep withing the forest it was quiet, to quiet.

Katsuragi: "What is going on... It's to damn quiet."

Voice: "Is that so?"

As a cold sweet ran down her face, she slowly looked over her shoulder, but as she did she saw nothing. She took a sigh of relief a she turned to look back to the front. But as she did she was quick to get attacked and pulled to the ground level of the tree. Katsuragi then jumped back away from her attacker as she noticed that ones the smoke cleared it was Y/n, without her weapon. Katsuragi looked at her as she was ready for a fight but just by looking at her she was clearly out matched. Y/n then turned to look at her as she slowly started to walk to her.

Y/n: "Hey, Come on I'm just getting started here."

She said as she walked to her slowly. But Katsuragi just looked in fear as she wan't ready to fight her, of all people let alone with just her. But nevertheless she took a deep breath and she charged at her at great speed. As she got close she jumped and she lifted her right leg up in the air and she brought it down, but as she did Y/n stepped back, avoiding her first attack like nothing. But she didn't stop as she proceeded to attack her with two good hits directly at her face. But Y/n duck down under her attack and she jumped behind her and kicked her in the ass. She stumbled a bit but got her bearings before she could fall. She then turned to look at her with anger in her face. But Y/n had a relaxed look in her face almost as if she was just playing with her. Katsuragi then charged at her one more time and as she got close she planted both her arms on the ground and she tried to hit her legs. But Y/n jumped over her attack but as she did she didn't notice a second attack that hit her in the face. Katsuragi smiled thinking that she had one but she took a second look she felt a pull, as she noticed that Y/n had grabbed her attack with one arm. Y/n then jumped back surprising her, Katsuragi still felt like she was just playing with her.

Y/n: (yawn.) "Is that the best you can do? So much for becoming strong shinobi's in order to atone for your parents' crimes. You are just boring me here."

She said as she mocked her way of fighting. Katsuragi however felt hurt as she saw how she mocked her way of fighting and her parents.

Katsuragi: "SHUT THE HELL UP! This is why I hated you! You always acted like you new everything like if you were some savior! But you know what why didn't you just DIE! The day you jumped of the cliff! It's like your family that got killed by Grimm!" 

Y/n: (her smiled went away as she looked at her with anger in her eyes.) "Fine then come on lets see what you can really do then. I'm already getting tired dealing with a slut like you." 

As soon as Katsuragi realized what she said, she looked at Y/n and she noticed an even deeper dark aura coming from her body.

Katsuragi: (trembling, and scared.) "WAIT PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I SAID!" 

Y/n: (agitated.) "Shut the Fuck up and fight. I'm already getting tired dealing with you." 

Y/n not wanting to talk started to walk to her as she had a series look in her face.

Katsuragi: (gulp.) "Looks like I'll have to put you down."

Y/n raised an eyebrow as she looked at her. Katsuragi then clenched her arms and she prepared for her attack. She new that she had to put her all against this next attack or she would suffer the consequences.

Katsuragi: "I hope that you are ready you CRAZY BITCH!"

 She said as Y/n looked at her and equipped Beowulf, she then looked at her as she stood still awaiting her first move. Katsuragi didn't waste time in leaping into the air, points both legs outwardly and beginning spinning towards her opponent like a drill, releasing wind that coats her entire body. But Y/n had yet to move she just remain still awaiting and preparing the attack. But when she got close Y/n grabbed both of her legs and pushed her away, but Katsuragi got her balances and she got close to her again. Not knowing that she was already outmatched but she didn't quit. She then tried one last desperate attempt as she crouched down and balances herself on her hands. She begins to spin around like a break-dancer and whips up a tornado as she does so. Y/n on the on the other hand walked over to her and she stepped inside the tornado. Katsuragi started to try and push her away but she kept getting closer, and in that moment Y/n was engulfed by the tornado. But as she continued spinning an arm reached out to her and grabbed her left leg. The tornado was quick to disperse as Y/n then looked at her with anger in her face. As she held a firm grip on her leg she clenched her first, and she pulled her punch back and in that moment she punched her in the leg fracturing it the process. Her eyes widen as she screams loudly in pain with tears forming in her eyes.

Katsuragi: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! MY LEG! MY LEG!" (started to cry and panic.)

Y/n: (smirk.) "If you think that's bad. Let's try something else."

As Y/n released her leg Katsuragi dropped to the ground and she started to crawl. But as she did she was stopped by Y/n as she placed her left leg over her head.

Y/n: "Do you think i'm done? You haven't seen anything yet. No just for bringing by parents in to this i'm going to make your life a living hell. Let's start with this."

Y/n quickly kicked her in the stomach and made her face the sky, as she was going to get up Y/n put her foot down in her stomach. As she then cast a spell that surrounded them both in a sphere.

Y/n: "Let's try something like this."

In that moment Y/n proceeded to summon Fallen God's and as she did she quickly cut her legs off. She screamed in pain and cried out but as she did her legs grow back in the most painful way. She then did it again, making her scream in pain. Her screams we're like music to her ears. She then did it again, over and over. Her screams of pain filled the forest as she didn't stop with her punishment. Y/n then stopped and she looked at her, and she got on top of her. Katsuragi covered her face with her arms, but Y/n pulled them away and she used a spell to bind her arms to the ground. As Katsuragi was going to scream Y/n was quick to cover her mouth with her left arm, having enough of her face. But Y/n didn't stop as she simply got close to her face, with an evil look in her eyes. 

Y/n: "I'm not done with you, no. You would bring by family into this, knowing that they're dead. You just really love pushing my buttons. So I will push yours. You know how?" (Katsuragi shook her head in no.) (smirk.) "I was looking forward to having a relaxing day, with my friends. But thank you for bringing my family into this. So it seams to me that someone like you needs and attitude readjustment. After i'm done with you, i'll move on to one of your other friends. But which one... Ikaruga, Yagyu, Hibari or Asuka?"

Katsuragi's eyes widen out of fear. She tried to struggle but to no avail. 

Y/n: "Oh trust me when I say. I will make all their deaths very painful." (sigh.) "They are going to be in a world of pain, much more then you."

Katsuragi cried out and started begging for only her to bee punished, so that she cued spared her friends. 

Y/n: (sigh.) "Hehe, Don't beg? No amount of begging will help, the hell you are about to endure at my hands. And trust me when I say you will be on your knees pleading for forgiveness. And as I continue punishing you, I want you to remember that all of this is your fault for bringing my family into all of this." (evil smile.) "Now let's get started."

Y/n then grabbed her left leg and she proceeded to slam her across the ground, then to a tree, then to the ground again. Katsuragi stopped screaming after sometime, but after her bones were healed she would start screaming again. But as she would scream she would always be met with her face slammed to the ground or tree. Started for ones to smile as she grabbed her, with great force.

Y/n: "Hey come on! I'm not done!"

She then trow her to the ground and as her body was healed, she turned her back to Y/n and she started to crawl over the ground, trying to escape. But Y/n in that moment grabbed her by the back of her hair, and lifted her head back to took at her.

Katsuragi: (tears in her eyes.) "P-p-please... no-... re."

 Y/n: (bored expression.) "So you want me to stop?" (Katsuragi crying nodded her head.) (smirk.) "Okay here let me stop."

Y/n with a smirk on her face, looked to the ground and she proceeded to bash Katsuragi's face over the ground. But she was healed again, and Y/n continued doing the same thing over and over.

Y/n: "Hey Katsuragi come on fight back. After all didn't you say I was weak? So come on fight!"

As Y/n continued to break Katsuragi's face to the ground. The sound of bones breaking is heard, as her screams filled up the forest. With sometimes stopping and sounding again.

-In A Different Location 

A new scene opens up as from the forest Yagyu es seen running with a look of fear in her face and tears in her eyes. Meanwhile from the darkness a humming  is heard fallowed by footsteps. Yangyu simply kept running from the humming and the footsteps. She then stopped and she looked at her surrounding, but she was met with silence. She then hid behind a tree and she covered her mouth with both her arms. Meanwhile from the shadows Y/n walked out and she had a smile on her face.

Y/n: (looked around and smiled.) "Oh~ Yagyu where are you~" (said in a creepy tone.)

Yagyu didn't respond as she still remembered what Y/n did to her in the school.

Y/n: "It seems to me that you didn't learn your lesson last time. So this time i'm going to enjoy punishing you. So come on out, unless if you want me to go after Hibari." (silence fallowed by a sigh.) "... Fine have it your way."

Yagyu: (in her mind.) "If I stay silent maybe she won't find me."

Y/n had a smile as she new where Yagyu's hiding spot was. But she simply walked away leaving her alone. Yagyu took a moment until she finally came out of her hiding spot, she then gave a sigh of relief, as she dropped to her knee's. She then looked at her arms as she noticed that they were trembling.

Yagyu: (in her mind.) "I have to find Hibari and-"

Voice: "I found you!"

She didn't have time to move as she was grabbed by the back of her neck, and pin to the ground. She then slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder. And she was met with a smiling Y/n, holding her neck. Y/n then looked at her with a disappointing stare.

Y/n: (sigh.) "Looks like someone didn't learn her lesson, from last time."

Yagyu: (frighten and trembling.) "P-Please d-don't just me"

Yagyu started to shed tears as she looked at Y/n. 

Y/n: "You know I thought that you really had learned your lesson. So It looks like I'll have to break you. But how?" 

She thought about it and she then snapped her fight with her free hands.

Y/n: "I wonder how Hibari is doing with the other me?"

Yagyu: (her eyes widen as she heard Hibari's name out of her mouth.) "Leave Hibari alone!"

She shouted at Y/n with anger in her tone. With a look that could scare anybody but Y/n simply brushed it off like nothing. As she then using one of Ainz special spells made a mirror and the mirror reflected the location of Hibari. 

Yagyu: "No Hib-"

As Yagyu was about to scream Hibari's name she was stopped and gagged, and to just make her suffer. Y/n took that moment and broke both of her legs. She then scream with the gag in her mouth, as tears landed on the ground.

Y/n: (looking at her legs.) "Man Nora would be so proud."

Next to her an allusion of Nora appeared next to her, giving her two thumbs up, and a smiling. She then grabbed the back of her hair and forced her to look at the mirror.

Y/n: (eyes covered by shadow.)"Don't worry I wont break you. But let's see what happens?"

She said as the scene changes to Hibari hitting the ground and getting mud over her face. She then turned around as she saw Y/n walking to her. Hibari while still on the ground backed away from her with a scared look, until she had her back to a tree. Y/n ones in front of her got on one knee and she locked eyes with her. Hibari simply trembled as she looked at her.

Hibari: "Please don't h-hurt me. I-I never did anything to you."

Y/n: (sigh.) "I know but still you are a part of team Tits for Brains." (noticed the mirror and she looked at Yagyu crying trow it.) (sarcastically.) "I'll admit it you never hurt me but."

Back with Yagyu, Y/n that was with her tied her arms together and wrapped her across a tree, with her arms upward. She then cast a spell that made her not blink, and another one that paralyzed her body in place. Y/n then stood at her side with her arms crossed. 

Y/n: "You are going to have one hell of a show."

Warning 18+ MINOR lemon, & smut.

Back to Hibari, she looked at Y/n as tears ran down her face, but Y/n got close to her and she dried her tears. Y/n then got on her knees and she touched both of Hibari's cheek's with her own arms. Y/n new what she was doing. But Hibari was having a fuzzy felling take over her body as she looked at Y/n. Hibari then stopped crying as Y/n started to get close to her face.

Hibari: (with tears running down her face, & blushing.) "Y/n... I'm sorry."

Y/n didn't say anything because as soon as she got close to Hibari's face. Hibari closed her eyes and in that moment she kissed her lips. Hibari's body became numb as her mind became fuzzy. Y/n then pushed her tongue into Hibari's mouth. And as she continued kissing her, Y/n with one of her arms firmly grabbed her light pink track jacket by the shoulder, and with the other arm she slowly started to unzip her jacket revealing a white bra. Y/n then broke the kiss as she made her way down her neck, causing her to moan. Y/n then looked at her and she noticed that she had her eyes still closed. She then slowly started to touch her soft skin, and then her smooth legs. She then started to feel underneath her bra, touching her breast. Y/n then ripped her bra off and her breast giggled a bit before stopping. Hibari covered her lips, as she looked away in embarrassment, and with a blush over her face.

Hibari: (blushing.) "I'm sorry Y/n."

Y/n: (sarcastically.) "It's okay Hibari. But go ahead call my name some more? Scream it up the clouds."

Y/n then bit her neck leaving her with a hickey, and causing her to moan. Hibari then grabbed the back of Y/n head, as she looked to the sky with a face full of ecstasy.

Hibari: "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

Y/n then reached down her waist causing her to scream her name even louder. Y/n then looked back at the mirroras she looked at Yagyu, she then smirk, with great happiness.

Back with Yagyu, Y/n looked at her with a smile in her face. She saw as Yagyu was fighting and crying to get free from the restrains and the spell.

Yagyu: (crying.) "Hibari! Hibari! Hibari! Hibari!"

Y/n looked at her and she couldn't understand her. But Y/n didn't need to understand her as she already new what she was thinking. 

Y/n: "You want to know something funny?" (leaned close to her ear, and whispered.) "That's not even the real me." (she then forced her to look at her.) "Consider this a warning, next time that you think stand against me. I will take more then just Hibari from you. Now then I don't want to ruin the show for you."

Y/n then forced her to look at Hibari again, but her eyes widen as she noticed that Hibari's clothes we're scattered across the ground. She then tried to call and scream out her name, but all that did was fall on death ears. She only saw as Hibari screamed out Y/n's name out of pleasure up to the very heavens of the world. All this continued until she was finally broken, hinted by her eyes that were completely void of life. After sometime she had stopped fighting back as her body was simply dangling from the tree. She wasn't dead, she was just BROKEN, but it was a fate worse than death.

Meanwhile in a different location the sounds of clashing swords are heard, throw out the forest. For a brief moment from the very darkness, sparks of swords clashing are seen. It soon reveals that it was Y/n against Ikaruga.

The sparks from their sword kept eliminating the darkness that surrounded them. That is until Ikaruga was quickly push back with great forced, that she got her back slam to a tree. As she got on one knee she noticed that, Y/n quickly was about to slash at her with Tomoe in her arms. But she quickly ducked  for cover, as Y/n slashed the tree behind her. Ikaruga then got away from her as the tree fell down. Y/n then turned to slowly face her.

Y/n: (sigh.) "Hey come on. Are you just going to run away? I'm getting bored here."

Ikaruga: (annoyed.) "SHUT UP! What makes you think you can defeat me!"

Y/n: (smirk.) "Then stop wasting my time and fight. After all I have already dealt with your three of your friends. So can you hurry up."

Ikaruga with a look of agitation charged at her and attacked her. But as soon as she was about to cut her with Hien, Y/n blocked her attack with Tomoe.  Ikaruga then tried a low swipe, but Y/n blocked it with one arm. Ikaruga then takes a stance as she readies for her attack. She then slashes rapidly with her sword, Hien, moving so quickly that it leaves behind afterimages of where the sword had struck. She then proceeds to sheathe her sword as the last bit of damage from the sword strikes take effect. She then looked at Y/n. But as soon as she dose she was met with a punch to the face, and she fell to the ground. But she quickly got up and looked at her again. She also noticed that she was unharmed by her attack.

Ikaruga: (surprised and shook.) "I-It didn't work?"

Y/n: "Oh it did work trust me. But It just sucked."

Ikaruga: "No I... I can't lose to you." (said in a low tone.) "... Looks like I have no choice."

Ikaruga holds her blade to her side, as the sword emanated a blue flame, before swinging and sending a phoenix flying out in front of her. As the attack started to get started to get close it burned down everything in it's path. Y/n on the other hand looks at the attack coming at her and she doesn't move. On the contrary she smiled as, as soon as the phoenix was close. She tighten her grip on Tomoe and she catches the phoenix with with Tomoe. It then causes a minor explosion enveloping the area in smoke. Ikaruga then gave a sigh of relief as she thought she had one the fight. But that was short lived, because as soon as the smoke cleared, her eyes widen with a look of fear as she noticed that Y/n was still unharmed. 

Y/n: "Not bad but my turn. If memory serves correctly."

Y/n held her blade to her side, as the sword emanated a red flame. Ikaruga couldn't believe what she was looking at with her own two eyes.

Ikaruga: "No you can't be series." (said in a low/surprised tone.)

Y/n: "What did you forget my semblance."

Y/n the swing her sword but instead of a phoenix appearing,  it took the form of a dragon that charged at her. Ikaruga remain in shook as she couldn't move because of the fear, that ran throw her body. And as soon as the dragon got close she was swallowed by the dragon, and her body was burn to a crisp. The dragon then disappeared leaving the forest in flames. But soon after it disappeared the flames dispersed with it. Y/n looked at the forest and she gave a sigh of sadness. She then noticed that Ikaruga's body was nothing more then an unrecognizable body. But she then use her magic to bring her back and heal her. But as soon as she was back, she started to scream in fear. Her body still felt like hell, but she then looked at her body and she noticed that she was okay. So as tears ran down her face she looked at Y/n, with trembling arms. 

Ikaruga: "N-No m-more please... I-I'll do a-a-anything."

Y/n: "What's wrong? Don't want to fight?"

Ikaruga lowered her head as she noticed, Hien close to her. She then quickly grabbed it an she tried a desperate attempt at attacking Y/n. But she was met with Y/n, using the same attack and burning her alive again. She then healed her again. Y/n being annoyed continued this process until Ikaruga was nothing more then a broken down mess of nothing. Y/n then got close to her and she grabbed Hien, and she looked at it.

Y/n: "Such a wonderful nodachi. Too bad that someone as unworthy as you have it."

Y/n then smirk as she tossed it up in the air and with one good swing from Tomoe, she shattered Hien to pisses. Ikaruga simply looked in shook as her family heirloom, was destroyed by her. But deep down she didn't care anymore, as she simply wanted to survive. She just wanted all this to be one big nightmare. She then bowed her head to the ground at Y/n.

Ikaruga: (started to cry.) "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I promise not to bother you ever again. Just please forgive me for not ever treating you like a friend." (Scared look.) "I'll do anything if you just let me go."

Y/n: "And why would I do that? After all you are a part of my revenge."

As Y/n saw her quivering in fear, she had a great idea.

Y/n: "You said you'll do anything?"

Ikaruga: (nodded her head.) "Yes!"

Y/n: "Okay then. Get on all fours and bark like a dog?"

Ikaruga: "W-WHAT!?"

Y/n: (evil smile.) "You heard me. Get on all fours and bark like a dog?"

Ikaruga: (got on all fours and in a low tone.) "woof."

Y/n: (got bored and she looked at her.) "What did you say? I didn't hear you."

Ikaruga: (hesitant.) "... woof." (low tone.)

Y/n: (sigh, and cross her arms.) "Tell me. Should I make your skin melt? Or should I make Grimm and make them eat you? Or maybe should I break all your bones, like Katsuragi? Or should I break you like Yagyu? OH!" (with excitement.) "Or maybe I should do all of the above!?"

Ikaruga: (quickly looked at Y/n, and with tears in her face shook her head.) "No PLEASE!! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!" (stick her tongue out like a dog.) "See Y/n! I'm doing it! I'm a good dog! WOOF! WOOF!"

Y/n looked at her with a chuckle. She then created a throne behind her, and she took a seat. She then crossed her legs, leaned to the side, and placed her left arm in her left cheek, as she placed the other arm in her thighs. She then move her upper left leg close to Ikaruga.

Y/n: (smirk.) "Remove my boots and start licking you mongrel."

Ikaruga: (anger.) "...... N-No."

Y/n: (sigh.) "Did you say something?"

Ikaruga: "A-Are you trying to shame me?"

Y/n: "I gave you an order. Or I could make things a lot more harder for you."

Ikaruga could feel and evil aura coming out of Y/n body, and just like that she started doing as she was told. When she removed Y/n's boot she looked at her legs, and hesitantly she got close to her feet. She felt a shame at what she was doing but she had no choice. But before she could do anything she pulled her self back.

Ikaruga: "Please don't do this to me. I know that you don't like me. But please make me do something else."

Y/n: (sigh and annoyed.) "Look's like the mongrel want's to fight back."

Ikaruga: "Plea-"

She didn't finish what she was saying as she soon combusted into flames. Her screams echoed trow out the forest, but quickly falls silence. As she burned her body was reflected through Y/n's eyes. But as soon as Ikaruga had realized she was already healed by Y/n. She had a scared look in her eye just by looking at Y/n.

Y/n: "So what's it gonna be?"

She said as she looked down on her, with shadows in her eyes, and a smirk in her face. Ikaruga then looked away, but soon was met with her body combusted into flames, and healed again.

Ikaruga then open her eyes, and she noticed that she was healed. But as she looked at Y/n, a cold sweet ran down her back. And her body combusted into flames again, then healed. She screamed and scream, and even cried. As the aroma of her burned body filled the aria. After experiencing so many deaths she became submissive, and did as she was told, without a wink of hesitation in her face. She had just completely lost all sense of  reality.

As Ikaruga kept doing as she was told. Y/n had a look of boredom in her face, as Ikaruga had tears running down her face, and kept licking like a dog. Y/n then turned her head to the side, as she looked at the darkness of the forest, then a close up of her lips reveals a smile.

Y/n: "It looks like Asuka is busy, I-KA-RU-GA."

Ikaruga: "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"

Y/n: (evil smile.) "... I wonder." (in her mind.) "4th Tier Magic: Clairvoyance."

She told her self as she could see from the distance what Asuka was doing. 

It then cuts to Y/n who landed on top of a tree, and Asuka landed on another tree, with her left arm bleeding as she dropped to one knee. But Y/n looked down on her with a cold look in her face.

Y/n: (sigh.) "Is that all you got?"

Asuka: (in pain.) "Y/n you have to stop this! You are going to far!" (she shouted.)

Y/n: (irritated.) "Stop this? Stop what!? Your the one's that threw a kunay at my forehead! You stupid BITCH!"

Asuka: (held her weapon tightly and got up.) "... Then please, my friends didn't do anything to you. So please let them go?"

Y/n: (look of into the distance, and sighs.) "Even until know you still think, that I will let you go so easily?" (Smiled a little then goes away slowly.) "Tell me? Why did you try to hurt me? Why did you just try to kill me?" (face got series.)

Asuka: "I was scared... Scared of... You."

Y/n: "Is that all?" (Asuka nod's her head.) "... Heh... I see." (she then gave her a fierce look.) "So be it, Asuka. One's i'm done with you. You will regret everything that you, and your friend did to me back in school. I will see to it that you never use those wakizashi ever again, in your life. And after that I will kill you, and bring you back. Over and over and when you are close to the breaking point, I will use a 3rd Tier Magic, to heal your mind." (she then had a happy look in her face.) "Or better yet! One's we're done here, I'll go after your old friends."

Asuka: (look of fear.) "Please NO! Leave then alone!? Your problems are with me!"

Y/n: "..... You know I have one question for you? That caught my attention."

Asuka: (confused.) "W-What?"

Y/n: "Katsuragi said that my parents got killed by Grimm. But what really killed my parents?"

As soon as she said that Asuka looked at her with a confused look in her face. As a menacing aura was coming out of Y/n's body as she looked at her.  Y/n then summon Fallen God's with her left arm. Their eyes then locked as Asuka raised her guard ready for a fight. Their is a moment of silence as the two of them jumped from the tree, at the same time and they clashed. But as they do everything fades to black.


Irrelevant story part: (You don't have to read this part of the story if you don't want to.) Y/n after reading this part of the story she looked at A/n and remain silent. Meanwhile A/n simply looked at the story trying to avoid the glances of Y/n.

Y/n: (stare.) "..." (stare.) "..." (stare.) "..."

A/n: "........." 

A/n then gets up and starts to walk to the nearest exit.

Y/n: "Where are you going!?"

A/n: "I'm not doing this! I'm going home!"

Y/n: "The hell you are! You are going to come back here and finish what you started!"

A/n: "I don't wanna!"

Y/n: "Too late for that now!"

Y/n then grabbed A/n and forced them to continued writing. And after some time.

A/n: (looked at Y/n.) "Can I go home Know?"

Y/n: "No. Got anything to say?"

A/n: (looked to the reader, with tears in their eyes, and a smile.) "I hope that you are all enjoying the story. And hope that you are looking forward to the next chapter, as soon as i'm done with it. So see you around." (looked at Y/n.) "Can I go home know?"

Y/n: "No."

A/n was then forced to continue the story. Sorry just wanted to ad something funny to the mix.

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