Reuniting With Old Friends?
-3rd POV- Y/N Dorm-
Y/n was in her room as she was starting to relax, she looked at her room. She noticed that nothing really changed. Everything was left the way she left it. As she was going to lay down on her bed someone knocked on her door. She then sigh and she went to the door as she opened it, she was met with one out of almost every team she HATED.
Y/n: "What do you want team RWBY?"
Team RWBY looked at her without responding for a brief moment. Weiss then steps toward and she smiled with tears in her eyes.
Weiss: "You're alive! Do you have any idea how worried you made us!?"
Y/n rolled her eyes, and she crossed her arms.
Y/n: "And why should you care? Shouldn't you be more then glad if that was true."
Y/n then smirked but Yang got annoyed and she furiously grabbed Y/n by her shirt with both arm's, and she raised her voice. Y/n simply looked at her with a bored expression.
Yang: "What's wrong with you!? Don't you know how worried you-"
Y/n then grabbed both of Yang's arm's with enough force to break a person's arm. And she held a firm grip on them. Yang tried to break free from her grip, but all that did was force Y/n to apply more pressure. Yang then started to scream in pain. And her face went from agitated to scared.
Yang: "Please STOP! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!"
She said as she fell on her knees. Y/n then leaned close to her ears.
Y/n: "Next time you touch me. I will break both of your arms. Do you understand?"
Yang nodded with a pained expression. As soon as she released her arms she started to cry because of the pain. Y/n then looked at Weiss.
Y/n: "Get her out of hire along with you. I have no time to deal with you."
As Weiss took Yang to the Infirmary. Ruby, & Blake we're looking as both their team mates left out of sight. Blake then turned to look at Y/n.
Blake: "Please Y/n we didn't mean to bully you. But I promise that things will be different. And I'm sure your parents wouldn't-"
Before Blake cued finish what was saying. Y/n quickly kicked her in the stomach with great force sending her smack to a wall. As soon as her head stopped spinning she looked at Y/n. But Y/n took out Tomoe and she pointed it at her neck. She then noticed that a menacing aura was coming out of Y/n's body.
Y/n: "Listen to me you dame cat if you ever bring my parents in to this. I will personally go to your parents and kill them my self."
Blake looked at her not wanting to respond. As the aura disappeared Blake got up and she ran away with fear in her eyes. Y/n then sigh clearly frustrated and she looked at Ruby how was smiling at her.
Y/n: "And then there was one." She said sarcastically. "So what do YOU want. Come to make me suffer?"
Ruby: "I just came to talk peacefully." She smiled but Y/n was more annoyed. "Can we talk inside your room?"
Y/n thought about it she then moved to the side, letting Ruby come in her room. Before Ruby cued enter her room Y/n furiously grabbed her right arm, and looked at her eyes.
Y/n: "Just make it quick and if you try something funny. I will kick you out you got that!?"
Ruby nodded hesitantly and she let her arm go. As soon as she walked in the door was slammed furiously.
I let Ruby enter my room but I was keeping my distance from her. As I seat on my bed she seat not to close to me. She then looked at me with her silver eye's and a smile on her face which only irritated me. But I was sent going to drop my guard.
Y/n: "What do you want? Come to beat me up, news flash that was the old me. The new me will kill you if I have to."
Ruby: "The day you fell I wanted to save you. I even thought of jumping after you but Weiss, and Yang held me back."
She started to cry and she twiddle her thumbs. As if this day couldn't get any worse.
Ruby: "But I know that you were still alive. I was sent going to lose hope... So please Y/n give me one more chance to prove myself to you. I promise that I will do ANYTHING you tell me to make things right."
Y/n: "Make things right?" I chuckle at what she said. "What the hell could you do to make things right?" She didn't respond. "That's right absolutely nothing." I then walked to the door and I opened it. "So just get out of my room?"
I then turned away from the door, and she stopped right in front of it. She then responded as her head was looking down.
Ruby: "Can I just say something?"
Y/n: "What-"
As I looked at her my door was slammed furiously and in less then a second I was tackled to the floor. As I opened my eyes I looked at her. I guess using Crescent Rose was more of a workout then I thought. But nonetheless I got furious.
Y/n: "What the HELL Ruby-"
I went silent as I looked at Ruby and what she did dropped my guard. As I locked eye with her she started forcefully kissing me. As I was going to move my arms she quickly grabbed both of my arms and I was pin to the ground. She just wouldn't stop kissing me. It got to the point that if I hated it I was starting to enjoy it. I even started moaning with her, she then took it a step further and she started French kissing me. My mind was going nuts but why? When she finally pulled away we both gasp for air.
Y/n: "What... The hell-"
You would think it be over but you'd be surprised. She slowly started to feel up my chest. As she kissed me again what was going on. This DAMN GIRL wasn't like this, did something happen while I was gone. She then seat on top of me and she smiled as she passed her tongue across her lip, almost as if she was savoring my taste. She then started to slowly unzip her blouse. I wasn't going to take it anymore so I proceeded to get her off me, and I pin her to the ground.
Y/n, Ruby: "......."
She looked at me with her silver eyes. But that didn't stop her, she continued to do what she was doing until her blouse was opened. I noticed that she was wearing a dark red bra, with light red flower designs.
Ruby: "I'll do what ever it takes for you to forgive me."
She then spread her arm allowing me to do whatever I wanted. Her face turned red as she looked at me.
Ruby: "I'm yours and yours alone."
As I leaned close to her I snapped out of it and I remembered why I was here. The HELL that I had to endure because of them. I quickly pulled away and she seat up on her knees while holding her now open blouse.
Ruby: "What's wrong Y/n?"
She looked at me with a surprised look. I then grabbed her, I opened the door and I tossed her outside. She managed to get her balance before she feel to the floor.
Y/n: "I swear that when the time comes you will regret doing what you did." I raised my voice at her. "So stay the HELL away from me!"
I then immediately slam the door in her face.
-3rd POV -Time skip-
Ruby was making her way to her dorm, still shocked and surprised at what she did her face turned completely red as she only thought of Y/n. And how she tasted, the warmth of your body, the pulse of your heart, and the simple fact she had you. As she got closer to her dorm she noticed that Koneko was waiting in front of her dorm. Koneko then looked at Ruby and she walked towards her.
Ruby: "Koneko-"
When Koneko got close she quickly slapped her across the face with a little bit of her strength. Which cost Ruby to bleed a little bit.
Koneko: "Keep your hands, lips and body away from Y/n! I'm warning you!"
Ruby chuckled and she licked the blood from her lip, with a smile on her face. And she got all up on Koneko's face.
Ruby: "And what are YOU going to do about it? Last time that I remembered you couldn't do anything to stop her from falling. And if it wasn't because of my team, I would have jumped after her... I promised myself that I would do ANYTHING for her. And if you think I'm scared of YOU think again."
Koneko: "Don't mess with me. I'm warning you Ruby. STAY AWAY FROM Y/N!"
Ruby: *Smirk* "If you think I'm going to stop because of YOU. You got another thing coming."
Koneko: "Stupid Crater Face!"
Ruby: "Stupid Cheating Cat!"
There was a brief Silences between them. But Koneko turned around and started to walk away but not before looking at Ruby with a death glare. Ruby entered her dorm and she slammed the door with great force. As Koneko walked to her dorm, and Ruby walked to her bed and lay down. They thought to themselves.
-Next Morning Cafeteria 8:11 a.m.-
As Y/n was eating people we're talking and looking at her. Some of them thought that she was dead, while on others we're glad that she was okay. But she ignored them all.
Voices: "Y/N!"
A bunch of people called out to her. As she looked at them she smiled lightly at them. She was brought to a big bear hug by some of her only friends. She smiled as several of them cried, while the others were relieved. They then let go of her except for one a rabbit faunus Y/n looked at them.
Y/n: "It's good to see you again team JNPR, CFVY, CRDL."
She then looked at Velvet how still had her face buried in her chest crying, and hugging.
Velvet: "I-I-I thought that I would never see you again. I was! I was so worried!"
Coco how was crying wipe the tears away as she looked at Y/n.
Coco: "She was worried about you. She hardly even ate anything. I was starting to get worried about her to."
Y/n sigh with a smile and she rubbed the back of Velvet's head. As she did that both of Velvet's ears stood up.
Y/n: "I'm sorry I worried you. But can you do me a favor?"
Velvet looked at her and she with great enthusiasm nodded as Y/n wipe Velvet's tears.
Y/n: "Please go eat?"
Velvet quickly got up, and she nodded, with a big smile on her face. She quickly left to get food leaving everyone with Y/n.
Jaune: "Can we seat hire?"
As Y/n nodded, they all seat down and they started bombarding Y/n with questions, wish she was happy to respond to each one of them.
Jaune: "So Sebas was the one how saved you." He said as Y/n nodded, and Velvet maid it to the table, and started eating with a smile on her face.
Pyrrha: "Well I'm just glad that your safe." Said with a smile.
Nora: "So are you like super strong?" She said as she stuffed her mouth with an absurdly amount of pancakes. Y/n didn't respond to that she simply scratched the back of her head and smiled.
Nora then swallowed the rest of the pancakes and slammed both arms on the table and smiled with enthusiasm.
Nora: "ALL RIGHT! YOU and ME! One on One! Let's do this Sister!"
Y/n looked at her crossed her arm's, and she smirked.
Y/n: "I will be glad to wipe the floor with you."
They then smiled as sparks could be seen. But Pyrrha raised her hand, and they both looked at her.
Pyrrha: "I would like to get in on that action."
Y/n: "Just so we're clear. I'm not going to hold back, just because you're my old friend's."
Cardin sigh and he spoke up.
Cardin: "Well I'm just glad you're back. Ever since you disappeared, things were more quiet than usual. But it's good to have you back."
Y/n: Nodded. "It's good to be back."
Ren looked at her as he finished eating.
Ren: "If you need help with some homework let me know. I would be glad to help?"
Y/n: Smiled at him. "Hehe. Thank you I'm going to need your help."
Coco: "So Y/n you have plans for later?"
Y/n: "Mmmm... Just studying and go back to the dorm."
Velvet then perk up as she looked at Y/n and quickly responded.
Velvet: "THEN! Why don't you come visit our dorm! You, Me, Coco, Pyrrha, & Nora come have a slumber party."
As everyone looked at her she noticed what she said and her face turned red, as everybody looked at her. But Y/n smiled at her and nodded
Y/n: "Sure that sounds like fun."
When she said that she got excited, grabbed Coco's left arm and left along with her. Fox, & Yatsu looked at Jaune, & Ren.
Yatsu: "Would you mind if we crash in your place tonight?"
Jaune, & Ren nodded with a smile. Y/n then finished her food and she got up.
Y/n: "Sorry but I have to go. I'll be seeing you all later."
She then walked away from the cafeteria and everyone waved goodbye at her. As she walked away she started to smile on the inside. Just knowing that her friends we're okay was enough for her.
-Beacon 12:01 p.m. U.A. Hallway-
Y/n was walking throw the long hallway. As she walked several students looked at her with disbelief, while others glared at her but she didn't care. She then stopped walking and she sigh.
Y/n: "Why don't you stop hiding Deku-chan." She turned around only to be met with D-chan. "Can I help you with something FAKE Hero?"
As soon as D-chan heard that she got sad. But she tried her best to talk to her. She then put up a smile.
Deku-chan: "It's good to see you again."
Y/n: "I just came hire to warn you. Tell all your friends that they'll go through hell. After what they put me through."
D-chan started to get worried.
D-chan: "Please Y/n I know we-"
Y/n: "I'm going to give you one warning." Deku stayed silent, Y/n then walked over to her, and she whispered in her ear. "Don't interfere or I'll make sure to cos you. More pain then the Quirk that All Might gave you."
Deku got surprised at what she said, and she tense up. She thought to her self how did Y/n new something that she never told anyone.
D-chan: ".... How did?"
Y/n got back and smiled, she then turned around and walked away. Leaving D-chan surprised, & shook. During the whole day no students would stand up to her, or even bother her.
-Time skip 9:00 p.m. CFVY Dorm-
Coco was looking at Velvet as she went from left, to right nervously.
Coco: "Come on Vel just relax?" She smiled as Vel looked at her.
Velvet: "I know but just having her back is..." She then sigh. "I just can't stop thinking about her sometimes."
Coco: "You and me both."
Velvet then seat close to Coco, but her rabbit hears lowered as her face became red.
Coco: "Why don't you tell her how you feel?"
Velvet took a moment to think about it, and she turned to look at Coco.
Velvet: "I can't! If I tell her how I feel it would only put more stress on her. And having me close will put more pressure on her I-"
Coco petted Velvet's head.
Coco: *Sigh* "Fine then if you won't act then I'll take matters into my own hands. So just leave it to Big Sister Coco to handle this. Hehehe~"
She said as she smiled evilly with a grin in her face. Velvet got nervous because she could see a menacing aura coming from her. As she was about to say something, they heard someone knocking on the door.
Velvet left Coco alone and she opened the door. She then noticed that it was Pyrrha, & Nora with their pajamas. Velvet smiled as she let them in, as she was about to close the door she noticed that Y/n was approaching her. Her face went completely red as she noticed that Y/n was wearing a long sleeve shirt, & short shorts. Y/n wave as she got close.
Y/n: "Hey Vel."
Velvet shook her head, and she smiled at her.
Velvet: "You made it!" She said with pure excitement.
Y/n: " Of course why wouldn't I show up?"
Velvet smiled as her rabbit ears stood straight. As they got inside Velvet noticed that Coco changed to her pajamas pretty quickly. Nora stepped forward.
Nora: "Okay ladies let's get this party started with a game!" She said with great enthusiasm.
Pyrrha: "How about charades?"
Coco: "Boring." She quickly respond.
Nora: "How about a card game?" Coco yawn at her reply.
Velvet: "How about some movies?" Coco shook her head bored.
Y/n: *Sigh* "Okay what would you recommend Coco?" She said as everyone looked at Coco.
Coco: "I'm glad you asked Y/n." She smiled evilly. As Y/n looked at her she started to regret asking.
Coco: "How about a little game called truth, or dare." Everyone looked at her with a hesitant expression. She then smirked. "What's wrong are you chicken." She mocked them.
Nora was the first to respond.
Nora: "What!? Oh you are on Sister!"
Y/n sigh and all of them looked at her, with smiles on their faces.
Y/n: "Sure let's get this over with." And just like that everything fades to black.
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