More Than A Lesson.

3rd POV: "Dimensional World."

As the room was silent as several students looked at the battle that was about to start. Weiss, Blake, & Yang prepared their weapons, they looked at Y/n, who was smiling at them. Ruby looked at Y/n with a love struck look in her eyes as she looked at her. She then looked at Koneko who was looking at her. But it didn't go unnoticed by koneko as Ruby slowly grin and smiled evilly at her. She then turned back to Y/n and looked at her only. Koneko clenched her fist and she got annoyed and looked at the one person she loved fighting alongside TRASH LIKE HER .

Weiss, Blake, & Yang looked at each other and started getting worried at what was going to happen. But none of them wanted to fight Ruby but they had no choice. Weiss by simply looking at Y/n as her arms started to tremble and she was about to throw up but she held her self. She knew that she was out matched, but she had no choice at her alone. Blake cued feel an ominous aura about Y/n and she was having second thoughts about what was going to happen. As a cat faunus she was starting to fell like she was walking into something that was far out of her control. And Yang cued tell that Y/n was not the weak girl she ones was and something about her was making her feel true fear, for ones in her life. But she quickly shook her head and she got into a fighting stance. 

Y/n however was simply contempt that she was about to get her revenge on one of the teams that betrayed her. She then steeped forward, with both her arms extended. And as everyone looked at her she smirked at Weiss, Blake, & Yang.

Y/n: "Okay let's see what you can do?" (looked at Yang.) "But tell me Yang why did you try to kill me?"

Everyone in the room looked at Yang, including Ruby who looked at her with a stern look.

Yang: "B-Because I hated you. How did a weakling like you get to beacon!" (clenched her firsts.) "How did a weakling like you become so strong. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!"

Y/n: (sigh, and looked at Weiss. Completely avoiding Yang.) "You why did you hate me? What did I ever do to you, to get you to hate me so mush?" (crossed her arms.)

Weiss: "I never wanted to hurt you. I was only fallowing what Yang was doing."


Y/n: "For ones we're in agreement. But." (looked at Ruby.) "You shut up?" (looked at Weiss.) "Tell me what did I ever do to you?"

Weiss: "You um... you... I just hated that you had no real semblance and I just wanted to vent my frustration on some one. And for that I am sorry. I know that I shouldn't have done those things to you. I even left you with some scars." (started to cry.) "Will you please forgive me?"

Y/n: "No." (looked at Blake.) "And you I respected faunus and I never hated you. So what made you bully me so mush. What did I ever do to you?"

Blake: "I can't say, but I hated humans. And as a faunus I just found my self blaming you more easy, then excepting the truth."

Y/n: "What truth?

Blake: "I was always jealous of you. You had good friend and all you wanted was for us to be friend. So please Y/n for give me!"

Ruby: "That is more BS then Weiss."

As Y/n looked at them, she stabbed Tomoe on the floor. And she covered her eyes with her right arm, and she suddenly started to chuckle, and then turns to laughter. She then put her arm down and she looked at them.

Y/n: "It's clear to me that all your reasons for hatting me was a bunch of bull. So I will do what I came hire for and break all of you." (looked at Blake.) "I already have friends that are faunus and are nothing like you. So F.U and your friendship Cat whore." (looked at Weiss.) "You wanted to vent all your frustration on me. Well let's see how that works this time Ice Bitch." (looked at Yang.) "And you? You think i'm weak? Well let's see how that works this time you Bimbo slut."

W, B, Y: "...!?"

Y/n: (looked at Ruby.) "Don't get in my way?" (smirked and looked at her opponents.) "But if we win. I'll give you what you really want."

Ruby looked at Y/n with her eyes in the form of hearts. And her heart started to raise. She then looked at her and she smiled and nodded. Awaiting her hearts desires.

Weiss, Blake, & Yang gripped their weapons firmly and they got on guard as they looked at Y/n. But they were more concern for their leader. Ruby smiled as she spin her scythe and she held it firmly with her arms. But Y/n grabbed Tomoe and looked at her opponents as a menacing aura was coming out of her body. She then slowly smiled to her self.

Y/n: (looked at Yang.) "Tell me Yang, what are you going to do?"

Yang: (cracked her knuckles.) "You manipulated my sister. So your going to pay."

Yang then slowly started to walk to Y/n, with both her arms clenched, and trembling. Weiss, & Blake remained away in the back.

Y/n: "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of crying and running away like a coward, you're coming right to me?" (noticed Yang's arms.) "You cant even control your fear, and jet you are still getting close, but that is commendable."

Yang: (annoyed.) "SHUT UP! I just can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.

Y/n: (smirked.) "Oh ho! Then come as close as you like. I'll make it easy for you."

As Ruby remained in place Y/n started to slowly walk to Yang, with Tomoe in hand. As the class looked at what was going on the crowed was filled with dread, except for Y/n's friends. Who were looking with anticipations. Weiss, & Blake could fell something was wrong but they didn't move, as the air around them felt cold.

Meanwhile as Yang, & Y/n stood in front of each other, face to face. They remain silent awaiting for one of them to make the first move.

Y/n: "Tell me Yang. If you hate me, then I ask you. What reward will you get for trying to kill me?"

Yang didn't respond as she simply looked at her with anger starting to show by her eyes turning red. Y/n then tossed Tomoe up in the air as everything became silent. Every student looked at what was going to happen, and how it was going to end.

The silent then broke as Yang throw the first punch and she attack. Weiss, & Blake looked as Yang was going to land the first hit but as that happen. And object was lunched between Weiss, & Blake at great speed and hit the wall that was in the back. Both of them then looked at the object and as they looked they got surprised as they noticed that it was Yang. Yang then falls to the floor unconscious. Y/n then caught Tomoe as it fell from the air.

Weiss, & Blake simply looked in disbelief as they noticed one of the strongest teammates was on the floor. Blake out of anger quickly looked at Y/n, but as she did she was pushed back. As she fell far from Weiss she noticed that Ruby had her weapon aimed at her, and she noticed that she was shoot in the side of her stomach. As she then fell to the ground.

Meanwhile Ruby then stabbed the scythe to the ground and she smiled at Y/n. How was more then pleased with her. Y/n then turned her attention at Weiss who was trembling with fear as she looked at her two teammates on the ground. Weiss then looked at her and she gripped her weapon ready to fight even if she didn't have a chance at wining. She still wanted to try at fighting. Ruby then gripped her weapon but as she did Y/n raised her right arm and stopped her.

Y/n: (looking at Weiss.) "Come on use your semblance?"

Weiss: (looked at Blake, then back at Y/n.) "W-Why didn't her aura protect her?"

Y/n: "Oh! I created this world thanks to everyone at Nazarick." (pointed at Blake.) "As long as you are here you wont be able to use aura to protect your self."

Weiss then gripped her weapon and she charged at Y/n. When she got close she attacked her multiple times and tried to stab her but Y/n simply avoided her attack. As she stepped back she looked at Ruby and she nodded. Ruby then smiled with excitement. 

As Weiss continued her attack she kept on missing every attack. Y/n then gut up in her face and she stopped her attack but as she did she was quickly slapped across the face sending her to the ground far from Y/n. Weiss then quickly got up and she touched her cheek, and felt pain.

Y/n: "Be grateful I didn't use Tomoe. Because if had used it well." (chuckled.) "Your head would be resting at my feat by know." 

Weiss then got up and she stabbed her rapier on the ground and she used her semblance. She then created a strait line of blue Glyphs and several ice spikes appeared. But as they got close to Y/n. Y/n was quick to slash across the floor in a strait line and destroy the Glyphs and push Weiss back as she guarded. Weiss then tried to use another Glyphy but as she did her weapon fell to the ground. As a gunshot was heard among the crowd. She then looked at her weapon on the floor, and she looked at her arm. She then started to scream as she noticed that her fingers were blown off.

Weiss: (scared, and in pain.) "AAAAAAAAHH!! MY FINGERS! MY FINGERS!"

She then slowly turned to look at Ruby who had a smile on her face and had hear weapon aimed at Weiss. But Ruby then lowered her weapon, and Weiss looked at Y/n and she noticed that Y/n had her sword stuck on the floor.

Y/n then open a portal and she took out her book and started to write in it. With a smile on her face.

Weiss: (in pain.) "W-What are you doing?"

Y/n: (looking at her book, and writing.) "Your semblance is pretty good. But if you could only use it more properly."

Weiss: (in pain.) "W-What do you know..." (holding her arm.) "Y-You don't even have a semblance."

Y/n then stopped writing and she closed the book with great forced as it echoed trow the arena. She then put it away and she turned her attention at her.

Y/n: (sigh.) "You really suck at using your semblance. But let me teach you how to properly use it like this?"

Y/n then extended her left arm towards her. Weiss looked in disbelief as she couldn't believe what was going on. Y/n then smiled as several Glyphy seemingly appeared out of no ware, and instead of creating ice. She created a two knight arma Gigas, five Grimm Beowolf, one small Grimm Nevermore that landed on Y/n's left shoulder, and several small bat-like Grimm Ravanger's.

Weiss then dropped to her knees and she started to cry, all her hard work down the drain like nothing. Years of training for this moment to just be one up, and left in the dust by the one girl she made fun of. Just by looking what she created made her snap.

Y/n: "Soooo~ Are you going to fight or what?"

Weiss didn't respond as she felt like everything was taken away from her. Glynda looked at what was going on but even she couldn't believe what was happening. Y/n's friend were left amassed at what was going on right in front of them. And the rest of the students looked at the one human capable of all of this. Ruby simply looked in amazed at what was happening and she felt more exited for Y/n.

Ruby: (small moan, and in thoughts.) "OH! Y/n~ Please play with me~"

Y/n: (sigh, and bored.) "I guess I broke the princess." (evil smile.) "Oh well."

Y/n then snapped her left finger and the smaller Grimm the Ravanger's. Charged at Weiss and started biting at her skin. Weiss then started to scream as the Grimm surrounded her and started to eat her skin slowly and painfully. In the crowed Glynda covered her mouth and averted her eyes, and so did the students in the class. But Y/n's friends, and Koneko looked at what was going on, and they knew that Weiss had it coming for all the months of abuse she caused Y/n. The snapping sound was heard again, and the Grimm stopped. Weiss still in great pain couldn't even move as both her arms where eaten to the bone, one of her legs where missing, and her left eye was gone. Y/n then looked at Ruby and nodded.

Ruby with a smile on her face walked over to Weiss. She then stood in front of Weiss with no smiled, or pity to give. Weiss reached out to her team leader, but she had no arm. She just wanted to be freed of the pain she was in. But Ruby looked at her smiled and tilted her head.

Ruby: (evil smile.) "Next time don't bring pain to Y/n." (placed her left arm, to her chest.) "But don't worry Weiss as you BFF. I'll save you from this pain."

Weiss's eyes widen as Ruby pointed her weapon in it sniper form at her face. As her body started to tremble, all she saw was her gun pointed at her face.


Ruby then put her weapon down, as Weiss had her brains splattered across the floor. Ruby then reloaded her gun and she smiled, as the sound of the bullet hit the floor.

Y/n then turned her attention at Blake who was having a hard time moving, or getting on her feat, but as she got up she fell to the ground face first. She then looked at her opponent as her sight started to lose it's vision. Y/n smiled as she knew that she cued still play with a cat. She then started to walk to Blake as the Grimm disappeared. Blake saw this and she tried to crawl away but as Y/n got close she put her left leg on her back.

Y/n: "What's wrong Blake. Having trouble breathing?"

Blake didn't respond as she looked at her with fear, and tears in her eyes.

Y/n: "What you never did tell them did you?"

Y/n then smiled and she removed Blake's bow. As she did every student look at what she was hiding, two cat hears. Several student were surprised at what they saw, but most of them simply looked at her normally. Y/n then gently touched her cat ears as Blake started to tremble out of fear. 

Y/n: "Tell you what?"

Y/n then healed Blake and she grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up. Blake looked at her wound as she was healed.

Y/n: (crossed her arms.) "Come at me? I want to see what you can do."

Y/n then throw her weapon close to her, and Blake didn't wast any time in attacking her. But as  the attack was about to land it stabbed Y/n but, Y/n then exploded upon impact. As Blake was pushed back she hit the floor again, she then noticed that as the smoke cleared Y/n was unharmed. But that wasn't what caught her of guard, what caught her of guard was that next to her was two more Y/n.

Blake: (trembling.) "Is that!?"

Y/n: (nodded.) "That's right. I believe that this is your semblance." (took out her book, and started to wright.) "If memory  servers correctly it was called Shadow."

Blake then tried to attack her but as she got close, one of the shadow's kicked her in the stomach pushing her back. Then two more grabbed her on both sides of her arms, and out stretched her arms. Y/n then got close to her and she touched her cat ears again.

Blake: (started to tear up.) "Please Y/n no anything but that!?"

Y/n: (tilted her head.) "What are you talking about Blake I haven't done anything. And besides I'm not going to do anything."

Y/n then stepped back as the other shadow Y/n touched her cat ears.

 Blake: (started to cry.) "NO! Y/n you promised!"

Y/n: (evil smile.) "That's right 'I' did promise but..." (looked at her clones.) "You never said anything about them."

At that instant one of the shadow Y/n pulled on Blake's ears, and tore it of causing her to scream and cry to the extent that everyone heard her.

Blake: (crying.) "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please no more!"

Y/n: (pretended to look worried.) "Hey. Hey come on it's almost over." (sees her reflexion in Tomoe, and puts a series face.) "You know Blake your  Semblance is a perfect reflection of you. You have a bad tendency to run from your problems rather than face them; You leaves behind an empty copy of yourself which takes the hit while you escapes. Like a common cowered... Disgusting."

Shadow Y/n 1: "Lord Ainz told me ones. That I can't run from my problems, because that would only bring shame to the Nazarick name."

Shadow Y/n 2: "So you will know what a cowered has to face, if all you do is run."

At that moment the shadow's that were holding her arms started to bull her apart slowly and painfully. As she screamed Y/n gave the shadow Y/n Tomoe and Shadow Y/n walked in front of Blake.

Blake: (scared, and trembling.) "W-What are you doing?"

As the real Y/n crossed her arms. The shadow Y/n walked up to Blake and placed Tomoe over her head. As Blake looked at the sword her life started to flash before her eyes, and how she treated Y/n, when she was powerless.

Blake: (in her mind.) "That's right she never did anything to hurt me. And a part of this is my fault." (closed her eyes, and cried out.) "Please NO! I don't want to-"

As her arms were out stretched the sword slowly came down and cut her in half. Then the shadow's dropped the body to the ground and disappeared except for one who handed Tomoe back to Y/n and disappeared.

Y/n then opened a small portal and she placed Tomoe inside. Y/n's arms, and legs then emanated a small light and it took the form of Beowulf.

She then turned around and she looked at Yang who was still in shook after seeing Weiss, & Blake's body's on the floor. Yang then looked at Y/n.

Yang: (tears.) "WHY?"

Y/n: "Like you said I'm weak. So let's see how that works for you." (looked at Ruby.) "Don't interfere." (Ruby nodded at her. look back at Yang.) "Come on?" 

As both of them charged at each other and when they got close both of them clashed with the first punch they throw. But out of both of them only Yang was pushed back. Yang then ran up to her but Y/n did a roundhouse kick and hit her in the face . She then got in front of her and she started to throw punches and she wounded up hitting her in the face, stomach, and ribs. As Yang tried to back away, Y/n quickly grabbed her by her hair and she punched her in the face making her world spin. Y/n then close in on Yang jumped and performed a vicious spin attack, finishing with a forceful heel kick that sends her to the ground. Yang was then about to get up, but Y/n quickly raised her left leg up high and brought it down with great force. Yang's face was then slammed to the ground and it caused the floor to make a crater. Y/n then jumped back as she noticed that Yang's hair became like a flame. Yang quickly got up and used her weapon to propel her self forward at Y/n. She then prepared to hit her but, Y/n was to quick and she used Yang's semblance and punched in the face send her crashing to a wall again, and breaking several of her ribs, and dislocating her right shoulder. Y/n hair burned as brighter as Yang's but unlike Yang's she had full control of the semblance. Yang then took a minute to catch her breath but she was quickly uppercut, and as her body fell. Y/n charged the gauntlets and she punched her in the face making her hit the wall and getting stuck. Y/n then proceeded to throw a barrage of blinding fast punches at her, not leaving room for her to breath. When Y/n finished her last punch she grabbed Yang and throw her to the center of the arena.

Y/n: (catching her breath, then looked at Yang.) "Tell me Yang how does it feel to know that you are weak."

Yang even if she was in pain she tried to get up, and she raised the one good arm she had, as the other one was dislocated. The students simply looked as they saw the one strongest student in Beacon getting toyed with. Glynda on several occasion wanted to stop the fight but she knew that Y/n wasn't going to stop. On the other hand Y/n's friends were cheering for her from start to finish. Koneko, & Ruby were looking at her as they were falling even more in love the more they looked at her. Yang, & Y/n looked at each other ready to come to blows again.

Y/n: (looked at Yang's dislocated arm.) "Get that fix so I can break it again."

Yang didn't wast any time to but her arm back in to place.

Y/n: (smirk.) "Good I get to break it again."

Y/n started to walk to Yang sins she wasn't going to move. When she got in front of her, Yang started to remember what she put her throw. How she humiliated her for being weaker then a Grimm. How she would constantly bully her with no remorse. And how mush she hated her for coming back. She looked at her and glared at her with no remorse.

Y/n: "We'll come on i'm waiting?"

Yang took a moment until she finally attacked with her left arm, but Y/n quickly grabbed her arm, and she punched her in the elbow, and forcing the bone out. Yang screamed as she tried to attack with her other arm, but she was quickly punched in her shoulder, dislocating it out of place again. Y/n then grabbed her hair with both arms, and she hit her stomach with her right knee, knocking the air out of her. Yang then tried a desperate attempt at attacking her with her left leg, but Y/n was to quick and hit her knee, and punched her in the face. She then fell to the floor and screamed in pain. She then turned her body to the ground and tried to crawl away but Y/n put her left leg over her head.

Y/n: "Why are you crawling away?"

Yang: (trembling.) "P-Please no m-more. I promise to be good. Please." 

Y/n: (bored expression.) "Oh please I don't care that your good or not. I'm not done with you."

She then lifted her leg and brought it down with great force, she then did it tree more time. Y/n then got bored and she looked at Ruby.

Y/n: (turned Yang to the other side facing the ceiling, and looked at Ruby.) "Finish her off?"

Ruby without a wink of hesitation nodded her head and smiled. She then turned her weapon in it's scythe form and broth it down slowly on her neck.

Yang: (struggling to breath.) "Please... Sis." (slowly started to lose blood.) "Sis."

Ruby then smiled and instantly put her out of her misery. Every student looked at her in disbelief that the leader of team RWBY killed her Sister. Ruby smiled as she looked at Y/n but something was odd the world didn't go away, and she looked at Y/n confused at what was going on.

Y/n: (looked at Ruby.) "Your turn."

Ruby: (smiled.) "I'll do anything for you. So please tell me what I have to do?"

Y/n: "Simple."

Y/n reached inside her pocket and took out a small jar, that had a red, and green caller to it. She then gave her the jar, and stepped back. Y/n then cast a spell that covered her and Ruby in a black cage, that not even the students cued see.

Y/n: "You want me to forgive you right?" (Ruby nodded.) "Good. As long as we're here all your wounds will heal at great speed. What I want you to do is simple drink that and you will go throw hell. But if you pull throw I will give you what you want."

Ruby smiled with excitement as she looked at Y/n and nodded. Y/n then stood back and smiled evilly as she looked at Ruby. She then took out her book and she started to writ.

Y/n: "Drink it?"

Ruby without a wink of hesitation drank the red, and green liquid. As soon as she did her body started to react to it. And her chest started to burn up with the temperature. She then drop to her knees, on all fours as her arms started to be melted off slowly and painfully. Her eyes started to get melted in the most painful way possible. She then tried to reach out to Y/n as she screamed in pain, but her arm fell off. And she dropped to the floor but as her mind was going to give out, she was quickly healed by the cage. She then looked at Y/n as she touched her chest and her arms started to tremble. As she was going to say something her bock was contorted in the most inhumanly way possible, and her fingers were snapped backwards. But she was back to her senses. Her body then combusted in flames and she started to burn. Constantly dying over and over again without rest, as her screams filled the room. All the while Y/n was writing what was happening to Ruby. 

Y/n: (smirked, and spoke to self.) "I guess I can tell Master Demiurge. That it worked fine."

As Ruby continued her hell, Y/n simply continued writing what would happen to her. Meanwhile all the student simply heard the screams of Ruby as she cried out in pain.

-Time Skip

After some time the world faded away and everything came back to normal. Glynda looked as she noticed that Weiss, Blake, & Yang where unconscious and their wounds healed like nothing ever happened. She then gave a sigh of relief as she took out her scroll. Back to Y/n when she was finished writing she put her book away and she looked at Ruby, and approached her. She then got on one knee as she touched Ruby's chin, and raised her face to look at her. Ruby was breathing heavily but regardless she still looked at Y/n.

Ruby: "D-Did I pass?"

Y/n: (smile.) "A promise is a promise. But if you were to betray me again. Your punishment will be unending. You will go throw more then just hell."

Ruby: (tears of joy.) "Y/n."

Y/n then smirked as she gently wrapped her arms around her neck. Ruby then noticed that as Y/n got up and looked over her. She noticed, that she was warring a collar. Seeing the collar made her smile. Y/n then turned her back at her, and she looked over her shoulder.

Y/n: "As of tomorrow you belong to me. Understand?"

Ruby with heart chapped eyes nodded and smiled at her. She then looked at Koneko smirked at her, and then touched the collar. Y/n then walked over to opponents, and as they looked at her, their body's started to tremble out of fear. Y/n then looked at them with no smile on her face. Blake was quick to get on her knees, cover her cafe, and started to cry. To afraid to even look at Y/n. Weiss was on her knees looking at the floor with lifeless eyes, and zone out. She didn't look at Y/n as she felt completely broken. Yang as she was on the floor she looked at Y/n and she out of fear started to back away from her.

Yang: (trembling.) "NO! PLEASE STAY AWAY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" (rolled up into a ball.)

Y/n: (smiled.) "Hey, Hey. Come on like I told Lord Ainz. I wasn't going to kill you." (Yang looked at her.) "I just wanted to make a point." (put her fingers together and broth it up a bit.) "Next time that you, Weiss, or Blake try to bully any of my friends, or anyone of this school for that mater." (smiled evilly.)

She then looked at her and the reaction that Y/n put frightened her even more.

Y/n: "I wont hesitate to break some rules and really kill you. Okay." (Yang nodded.) "Good."

As Yang fell unconscious, Y/n turned around and walked away from the arena Ruby fallowed after her like a faithful pet with a smile on her face. Glynda and several students help her take the three of them to the nurse's office. Several student clapped at Y/n's victory, but deep down she didn't care as she was just happy she got one of her revenge. At the moment she was walking along with Ruby throw the long hallway and she thought to herself.

Y/n: "One down some to go." (smile.) "Now who should be next."

As she turned the corner she noticed that Koneko was looking at her, but  she didn't respond and walked passed her. But Ruby looked at her as she walked passed her. Koneko noticed the collar on her neck, but what made her angry wasn't that. What made her angry was what Ruby did as she passed her.

Ruby: (smirk evilly.) "Wait for me Y/n?"

Koneko: "Y/n..."

She then got angry and she punched the wall next to her, and causing a small crater. She then dropped to her knees, and looked to the floor as her eyes darkened.

Koneko: "Ruby... you are unforgivable."

She said as everything faded to black.

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