More Problems To Deal With
[3rd POV: City of Vale, (11:24 am.)]
We open up across the City of Vale as we see (Y/n) walking, with her casual clothes. Around her people could be seen walking around, with children that could also be seen playing. (Y/n) let out a sigh of relief after dealing with Asuka's team. She found it strange that Hibari grew fond of her, despite her dislike towards her. At times she didn't mind it. But at others, she just wanted some alone time. She thought of the time she left Asuka and her team of boobs for brains, with Neuronist Painkill. But the strangest part was that deep down (Y/n) felt uncontent. She didn't even find it happy that she left them. She just found it strange. She didn't mind the small payback, but why did it leave her empty.
(Y/n): (She placed a hand on her chest, closed her eyes and spoke in her mind.) "Why do I feel so empty? I should feel happy that i'm getting my revenge. But why do I feel like this?"
(Y/n) quickly shock her head trying to remember why she was doing all of this. She wanted revenge against the people that bullied her. She wanted revenge against the people that took her Father and Mother away. But why did it made her feel so empty? Sure she had friends around her supporting her actions. But it only made her feel more empty.
As children run passed her. It quickly snapped her out of her train of thought. She then smiled as she noticed that most of the children were mostly humans and faunus playing together. She then sees as a Father and Mother walked over to the children and started playing with them. For a brief moment the family reminded her of her own. It was strange, despite remembering them she couldn't make out their faces. She new that her mother was a loving and caring person, but that was all. As for her father... She couldn't even remember him. She crossed her arms in the hopes of trying to figure out what her father and mother did for a living. But that proved pointless as she couldn't even remember.
(Y/n): (In her mind.) "The hell? I could have sworn that they did something for a living. But what? Why can't I remember?"
After not being able to think of anything, she quickly shook her head and started to walk away, with a sad look on her face, all the while still thinking of her parents.
[Small Time Skip: 12:01 p.m.]
As she kept walking across the city, her mind started to wander about Hibari. And the fact that she was in school alone. She stops and closes her eyes and started to remember a small incident that happened back in school a month after she had enrolled in the school.
[Flash Back: Beacon Academy]
We see as (Y/n) could be seen training in Glynda's class, with Katsuragi. During the class (Y/n) was forced to train with Katsuragi being the only one left and losing. At times she was forced to train with other students that held back, or that were at her level. But when it came to Yang, Akeno or Katsuragi it felt more like a death sentence, do to them using either brute strength, magic, or even just tricks. At times (Y/n) did wonder why they hatted her, or why did she have to endure such torment.
Meanwhile we see as (Y/n) tries her best to avoid Katsuragi's kicks, by blocking and dodging. To some extent Katsuragi was holding back, that is until she got annoyed with (Y/n)'s blocking, and with one swift kick quickly hit (Y/n) across her left arm, dislocating it and sending her rolling across the floor. Her body then came to a stop, with her back against a wall.
Katsuragi noticing that (Y/n)'s arm was dislocated, she walked over to (Y/n) and got to her knee's. She then held the same arm that she dislocated, which then made )Y/n) scream.
Katsuragi: (Smiles in a sarcastic way.) "Oops sorry about that. Hey come on. Does that hurt?" (Disappointing sigh and gets annoyed as she held on to the arm.) "Why is a weakling like you even here? You don't have Quirk, or a Semblance, or any special abilities. You would even be a disgrace as a shinobi. You wouldn't even be suited to be a huntress. So why are you even here? Why is a failure like you here?"
She said twisting her arm, almost trying to break it. (Y/n) didn't respond to her questions, trying to deal with the pain. Katsuragi then sighs, before then smirking.
Katsuragi: (Releases (Y/n)'s arm.) "Okay. Don't answer me. You can go to sleep."
We then see in (Y/n)'s point of vision as she held her arm in pain, looking up at Katsuragi before then delivering one final kick and quickly bringing it down.
We then cut to the school's infirmary as (Y/n) could be seen on one of the beds, just starting to wake up. She looks around trying to relax. Its only after letting her mind clear, that she noticed that right next to her was both Hibari and Velvet could be seen having an argument. (Y/n) couldn't make out what they were arguing about, but by the looks of things Velvet was looking far agitated then normal. Velvet was trying to make her way to Hibari in the hopes of try and hurt her. Close to Velvet stood Coco and her team all trying their best to stop her. It was then that her mind started clearing at the voice of both Hibari and Velvet got clearer.
Hibari: (Trying to stay calm.) "I know how you feel. I also find it strange that people treat her like this... But please I didn't come here to pick a fight. I just wanted to see if (Y/n) was okay."
Hibari said almost on the verge of tears, as Velvet kept on shouting and trying to reach her. Only to have Coco held her back. We then see as Glynda walks in and gets in between the two students.
Glynda: (Looks at Velvet.) "Ms.Velvet, please calm down. You need to-"
Glynda: "Ms.Velvet!"
Velvet: "SHUT UP!"
Female Voice: "Velvet that's enough."
Just then they all noticed as (Y/n) was awake, and trying her best to sit up straight. Glynda quickly tries her best to help her, but as her arms got close, they were quickly slapped away. (Y/n) then glares back at her, and held her arm that was still in pain. Still felling the pain that Katsuragi put her through.
(Y/n): "Get the hell away from me!"
Glynda: "(Y/n)."
Before Glynda could do anything Velvet and the rest of her team, quickly blocked her from trying to get close to (Y/n). Yatsuhashi being the tallest of the group, got close to Glynda and looked down on her.
Yatsuhashi: "With all do respect Ms.Glynda. I think that you should leave this instant. I'm not a man of violence, so please turn around and walk out of this room. Or else."
His tone suggested some malicious intent, but his calm face said other wise. He then clenched his arms in to fist.
Coco: (Nods her head.) "He's right. The last person that (Y/n) needs right know is you, that COULD have stop the fight, but didn't. So please leave. Or I wander what would happen should a rumor spread across the school." (She takes out some photos, and waved it in her arms.) "That you simply let them do as they please. All because of favoritism."
Glynda: ".... Okay. I'll be taking my leave then."
Before she had walked away she glazed over at (Y/n) one last time, who was still helding her arm in pain.
Glynda: "(Y/n), I'm sorry."
(Y/n): "... Fuck you."
Glynda then leaves ignoring (Y/n)'s rude remark, leaving only team CFVY, and Hibari alone. They all then turn to look at Hibari who didn't want to leave.
Hibari: (Frowns and looks to the floor.) "(Y/n) I..."
(Y/n): (Slightly agitated.) "Leave... I don't want to deal with you right know. I already know that because I talked with you, Yagyu will come after me again later."
Hibari: "She wouldn't do that."
Everyone turn to look at her, with a series look on their faces. Fox then spoke and crossed his arms.
Fox: "You say that. Last time that I remember she was the one that also bullied other girls, and students for just mentioning your name."
Coco: (Responds after him.) "Hell she even blackmailed some of the girls for just trying to be friends with you. If that doesn't scream "She's mine!" Then I don't know what is."
Hibari: (Shock her head.) "No. Again she wouldn't do that!"
(Y/n): (Got more annoyed at her.) "Will you just shut up and leave! I don't even want to look at you!"
Hibari: "B-But (Y/n), aren't we friends? Please don't do this-"
(Y/n): "Friends? I don't remember being "friends" with you. No really I can't remember! They must have beaten so much out of me to even remember. So you can turn around and walk away. Your only bringing more problems for me to deal with latter."
Coco: (Sigh.) "You can say that again. If it wasn't because their good at hiding what they do, or straight up use Rias's connection. I would have had photos of everything they do."
Fox: (Sighs after her, and crossed his arms.) "It doesn't help that Rias's Brother is one of the people that funds the school."
Everyone stayed silent for a moment. Contemplating what to do as they tried helping (Y/n).
Hibari: "B-B-But-" (Before she could say anymore. She noticed as everyone stood in front of her, preventing her from even getting close.) ".... Okay. S-Sorry for bothering you."
Hibari then runs over to the door, and walked outside. The sound of her fading footsteps are heard as they got quieter, and nothing was heard. Everyone then turn to aid (Y/n) with her arm.
[Flash Back End]
(Y/n): (She then responds again still thinking of the time in the forest.) "Was sparing Hibari the right thing to do? ...I mean she didn't do anything to hurt me back in the day..." (Placed a hand on her chest. And deeply sighs.) "Strange. Why do I feel so empty."
She then sighs before thinking of something more important that was on her mind.
(Y/n): "I hope that she doesn't turn out like Ruby and Koneko. It's already a pain in the ass that Koneko killed Issei, and stole what was rightfully supposed to be my kill...." (Calms down before responding.) "No point in thinking about that know. I should feel happy, right? I only have two more people to deal with... However..."
She then started thinking of what to do with Hibari. But as she kept thinking that's when her stomach growled, which snapped her out of her train of thought. Before she could speak both Bahamut, and Ddraig materialized in their smaller forms and landed in her shoulders. Bahamut then leaned her head close, and (Y/n) petted her head.
(Y/n): "That's right. I forgot that I haven't eaten anything since I got to the city."
Ddraig: (In a concerning tone.) "Perhaps you should consider having a bite to eat."
Bahamut: (Nods her head.) "I agree with him. You haven't been able to sleep as of late. And you've only been working on something."
Ddraig: "If you would permit me to ask. What is it that has had your attention for the last few days?"
(Y/n): "Sorry you two. But that will be a secret for know. I'll tell you when I'm ready. So trust me."
Bahamut: "I trust in you. Always."
Ddraig: "Same. Should you ever need my aid. Don't hesitate to call."
Understanding (Y/n) nod's back at the two, both Dragon's then nod back at her, before vanishing. (Y/n) then stops walking and looks around the shops, try to find something to eat. Her eyes then came a stop at a shop with a strange name called, the Rakshek.
(Y/n): (In her mind.) "What kind of stupid name is the Rakshek...?" (Looks around an noticed that most stores are already occupied.) "Looks like I have no other choice. Might as well see what they got."
One's inside she was left speechless as it looked far larger on the inside, and much fancier then on the outside. She even found it strange that she never heard of a place like this. She glanced across the place, as woman with short hair, orange colored eyes, and warring an orange maid outfit walked over to her, and greeted her with a smile.
Maid: "Welcome Master. My name is Skycat, and I'll be your waitress for the day."
(Y/n): "Seacat? That's a strange name."
Skycat: "No Master. Skycat. Not Seacat. Anyway table for two?"
(Y/n): (Confused.) "Two?"
(Y/n) turned her head to the side, and got somewhat surprised as a girl, with multicolored hair, had just walked inside the store.
Much to (Y/n)'s surprise the girl looked Cute. But that was a thought, she would kept to herself. The girl then turned her attention towards (Y/n), and out of desperation quickly took out her scroll and started typing. (Y/n) not wanting to turn her away responds back to Skycat.
(Y/n): "Yes please."
Skycat: "Very well Madams right this way please."
After Skycat took them to their table, she brought their drinks, and then left to get their food. As the two girls stood in silence. (Y/n) wanting to break the ice spoke.
(Y/n): (Leans back and crosses her arms, and lightly smiles.) "So you got a name?"
Mush to (Y/n)'s surprise the girl didn't respond, and simply took out her scroll again. (Y/n) found it strange that the girl didn't speak. So taking a gamble she use one of her abilities to look at her symptoms. And as she did the girl showed (Y/n), her scroll.
Girl: (Text in scroll.) "Names: Neopolitan. But you can call me Neo."
(Y/n): "Neopolitan... Okay then Neo it is then."
Neo: (Showed her scroll.) "I'll make sure to put my part of the tab."
(Y/n): (Took a sip of her drink, and smiles.) "Don't worry about it. So what's a cutie like you doing here?"
Neo blushed if only for a bit. After being called cutie by a girl she had just met. Sure she found it strange, but that didn't bother her in the slightest.
Neo: (With her scroll.) "I just wanted something to eat. I wasn't expecting someone to pay for me. You sure that I can't pay half of it?"
(Y/n): "Like I said it's okay. Besides it's fun not being close to the school."
Neo: (With her scroll.) "School?" (Confused.) "What do you mean?"
(Y/n): (Shock her head and waved her arm in front of her face with a smile.) "Don't worry about it."
After sometime passed Skycat returned with their plated, and then left the two alone. (Y/n) then took a bite of her food, and her eyes widen, as the food tasted divine. Neo then fallowed after her and also started eating her food. And mush to her surprise she to liked the food.
After (Y/n) finished her food, she still didn't pres on the matter as to why Neo couldn't speak. But having just meet her, she found out that Neo was fun to hang around with. So having nothing else she spoke about it.
(Y/n): "Hey, Neo." (Neo looks at her.) "Sorry for asking. But can't you speak?"
Neo didn't respond and scratched the back of her head. She then started thinking on what to tell her. Deep down she couldn't tell why. But she felt like she could open up to her. Even if the two had only just meet.
Neo: (With her scroll.) "When I was a kid. My house was attacked by bandits, and killed the rest of my family. They didn't really took anything in particular. So they were just after my parents. By that time I was hiding. But one of them saw me and tried to silence me." (She stops for a moment before mustering up the courage to continue with the rest.) "Even till this day, I still don't know as to why i'm still alive. Do to the fact that, that "should" have killed me."
As the two fell silent. (Y/n) wandered to herself if it was a good idea for Neo to tell her. Neo didn't try to even use her scroll after that. On the other hand (Y/n) if only faintly, saw a small tear run down Neo's eyes. But Neo quickly brushed it off, and smiled.
After the two finished with their food, (Y/n) paid for the two of them, but stayed a little bit more. So as the two stood in silence. (Y/n) let out a small sigh, that got the attention of Neo.
(Y/n): "Sorry for asking about your voice." (Look's at the time in her scroll. An then turns her attention back towards Neo.) "Anyways I have to go. But before that. Could you lean close to me."
Confused Neo nod's at her and leans close to her. (Y/n) then gently touched Neo's neck, with made Neo slightly flinch. (Y/n) then whispered to herself, as a small light could be seen across Neo's neck. When the small light vanished, (Y/n) got up from her seat.
(Y/n): "That should do it."
Neo: (Confused taxes in her scroll, and shows it to her.) "What did you do?"
(Y/n): "Juts gave you a small gift."
Neo: (With her scroll.) "A gift?"
(Y/n) nod's at her. Neo still not understanding what she told her, didn't use her scroll. And tried to understand what she did to her. (Y/n) then holds Neo's hand and started applying pressure to it. It was then revealed what (Y/n) did to her.
Neo: (Flinched in pain.) "Ouch... That hurt." (Her eyes then widen. And she touched her lips.) "That hurt...? I... I can speak..."
With a stupefied look on her face she turns her attention towards (Y/n). Who was smiling back at her.
(Y/n): (Smiles.) "There you go. That should make things mush easier on you."
Neo overwhelmed with different emotions starts to tear up, but nevertheless smiled. She then reaches out to grab (Y/n)'s arm, and as the two locked eyes.
Neo: "T-Thank you..."
(Y/n) with a blush on her face, scratches the back of her head, and then smiles.
(Y/n): (Nods at her.) "Its funny. I thought that today was going to be another boring day. But as it turnes out, I made a new friend."
Neo: (With tears still in her eyes nods back, and smiles.) "The felling is mutual."
After Neo had stopped crying. She watched as (Y/n) waved at her. As (Y/n) left, Neo placed her hands close to her chest, and spoke.
Neo: "(Y/n)... Thank you."
Meanwhile back in (Y/n)'s room. Ruby and Koneko could be see watching T.V. And at the same time trying no to kill each other.
Ruby: "Hey? Bitch Cat."
Koneko: "What? Masochist Slut."
Ruby: "I have this bad feeling that we could have a rival on our hands."
Koneko: "You think so to?"
The two stare at each other, before looking back at the T.V.
Ruby, Koneko: (In their minds.) "Why do I have this sudden urgency to kill anyone that touches (Y/n)....." (They scoff at the thought.) "Hehe, It's probably nothing.... I hope."
Meanwhile, back with (Y/n). She could be seen walking across the town, trying her best to relax and have a nice day. Just as she was about to move, her scroll started ringing and noticed that it was from Pyrrha.
(Y/n): "Hey, what's up?"
[3rd POV: Time Skip: Beacon Infirmary, 1:30 pm.]
We then transition to Beacon's infirmary, with team CRDL. As they were being treated Sky was seen with a neck brace. Dove could be seen with a cast on both his arms. Russel had a cast on both his left arm, and leg. And Cardin he was the most roughed up of them all. He had a black left eye, a cast on his left arm that would take more time to heal do to some broken bones, and his left leg had been severely injured and had to be put in a cast, just like Russel. But even with all of that Cardin had a puzzled look on his face. Almost as if he was thinking of something that couldn't be explain.
Female Voice: (Agitated.) "Move! Get the hell out of my way!"
A female voice spoke as the door to the infirmary flung open, and revealed (Y/n) with an angry look on her face. She turned to face Carding.
(Y/n): "Cardin what the hell happen?"
No one responded as Sky, Dove, and Russel all turn to look at Cardin. Which Cardin the takes a moment to calm himself before looking at her.
Cardin: (Calm tone.) "Hey can you do me a favor first and take a seat?"
Confused (Y/n) nod's at him, and takes a seat at a chair that was next to the bed. Carding then takes a deep breath before responding.
Cardin: "We had to spar with a student from class 1-A. We thought that it would only be a friendly sparring match... But she took it to far and as the teachers tried to stop her. We got in the way to try and prevent her from hurting anyone."
(Y/n): (She placed her hand on her knees, and spoke in a very threatening tone.) "Who was it?"
Cardin: "It was..." (He paused before saying anything. As one look from (Y/n) could have meant a death sentence.) "It was... Izuka... Izuka Midoriya..."
(Y/n): (She smiles as a sinister smirk was seen on her face.) "...So that's what she wants to do. Fine... Don't worry Cardin I have this under control."
They all look at her as she was making a face that not even Cardin wanted to know what she was thinking off. But just then before (Y/n) had turned to face the door, Cardin mustering up his remaining strength he quickly grabbed her wrist. Confused (Y/n) turns to look at him again.
Cardin: "Wait... Please lessen to me before you go. I know that the two of you don't get along. But something about the way she was fighting felt.... off."
(Y/n): "Off? Off in what way exactly?"
Cardin: (Shock head.) "I can't explain it. But just trust me on thins... Can you please just try to talk to her... I'm sure the rest of my team also feel the same. Isn't that right guys?"
The rest of his team could only try and nod at him. (Y/n) on the other hand scratched the back of her head, finding it annoying that they would ask her to talk first.
(Y/n): "Cardin you and I both know that, I don't like her. I rather see her burn at the stake, then to talk to her."
Cardin: "(Y/n) please. I just know that somethings wrong..." (With pain still running across his body, he then moved, and locked eyes with her.) "Please as a friend can you try and talk with her. Please my friend."
(Y/n): (Sigh.) "... Tell you what. I'll consider not killing her for know. But you sure that I can't just rip her to shreds?" (She looks at everyone in the room, but they simply stare at her in silence. Noticing the awkward silence in the room, she then grunts before responding.) "Okay fine." (Crosses her arms.) "But you all owe me for this."
Cardin with a great smile on his face, tried to move and lets out a silent sigh.
Cardin: "Thank you, (Y/n). I knew that I could trust in you."
(Y/n): (Sigh.) "Its fine. But like I said you all will owe me for this. BIG TIME."
[Small Time Skip: Izuka's Room, 2:35 pm]
We then transition to Izuka, as she could be seen in her dorm with the lights turned off. She had a sad look on her face as she laid with her back against the wall, and her legs close to her chest in a fetal position. Her hair was just a mess, as tears kept running down her eyes, she had a sleepless look on her face. She couldn't even make the effort of even turning on the lights. Her phone was seen next to her with several harsh massages about the way she beat up team CRDL. And so as more massages kept appearing her mind started to wonder, on what to do.
It was only then that she was snapped out of it, as a knock on her door was heard. At first she didn't respond and simply ignored it. But the knock is then heard again. She slowly turns her attention at her door, and wanders to herself if she should open it. She wandered who could it be since no one was in the dorm.
It is only then that just as she was about to close her eyes and fall asleep. That her door is then furiously kicked to the side, hitting the wall. The impact of the door then startles her awake, and she jumps awake from her bed. The person then walks inside the room, and Izuka's eyes widen as she noticed that it was (Y/n).
Surprisingly as Izuka looks at her, she doesn't try to even escape, feeling like it would have been pointless given (Y/n)'s abilities at her disposal. Oddly enough (Y/n) simply looks at her before then walking inside and fixing the broken door. She then walks over to her, but Izuka simply looks away.
(Y/n): (Crosses her arms and glares at Izuka.) "Okay talk. Why go so far? I would understand if you had something against me. But why them? So talk."
Izuka: (Kept looking away, with a sad look on her face.) "I... I can't."
(Y/n): (With arms still crossed.) "Did someone put you up to it?"
Izuka simply stood in silence as (Y/n) kept trying to get answers out of her. (Y/n) not wanting anyone to hear their conversation, snapped her fingers and encased both of them in a small sphere that surrounded the two of them.
(Y/n): (Sigh.) "Look I promised Cardin that I wouldn't hurt you. But if you don't tell me just what is going on. Then I won't be able to even help you. So what will it be? Will you let me help you? Will you give me a reason to trust you? Or will you just turn your head away?"
Izuka: (Looking to the floor, with a sad look on her face.) "Even if I were to tell you... You wouldn't even believe me."
(Y/n): "True. I wouldn't trust you with anything..." (Noticed how Izuka's expression got even sadder.) "However... Like I said I promised Carding that I would help you. So what do you say?"
Izuka: (Looks at (Y/n).) "So you'll help me?" (A reluctant (Y/n) nods at her.) "REALLY! Then could I ask for a favor from you."
(Y/n): (Feeling annoyed her left eye twitch before responding.) "Your in no position to ask for favors."
Izuka: "Please, (Y/n). Just this ones."
(Y/n): (Sigh.) "Fine... But don't expect much out of it."
Izuka: "Okay. In exchange I want you to be more happy, and smile more."
(Y/n): "Bitch please... I can't even be happy when i'm getting myself off." (Izuka gives her the puppy dog eyes. (Y/n) then looks at her before giving a silent sigh.) "Fine have it your way. But I'm not going to like it."
Izuka: (Brightly smiles.) "Thank you."
Izuka after finally calming down, (Y/n) seat next to her bed. Izuka then seats up straight and started talking.
Izuka: "When I was chosen to fight Cardin and his team. I was mostly going to let them win. I didn't want to fight them... But I had no other choice."
Izuka then takes out her phone and showed (Y/n) a text that simply read. "Make sure to not hold back. Or I will make sure that the school know's your little secret. All Might's little helper."
(Y/n): (While still looking at the phone.) "Is this person talking about the secret that you shared with me?"
Izuka: "I think so. Your the only one that knows about my secret."
(Y/n): "Do you know anything about the person."
Izuka: (Shock her head.) "Sadly no."
(Y/n): (She sighs an then crosses her arms, with an annoyed look on her face.) "This is a pain in the ass."
Izuka: "B-But if you give me time. I'll be able to bring you someone that might know."
(Y/n): (Looks at Izuka before contemplating what to do.) ".... Fine."
Izuka: (Smiles.) "Thank you, (Y/n)."
(Y/n): "Oh, don't thank me just yet. Because if it turns out that your lying to me. Well the consequences will be slightly severe."
A gulping sound can be heard coming from Izuka, as she stared back at (Y/n).
Izuka: (In a nervous tone.) "Y-Y-Y-Your kidding, right?"
(Y/n) simply walks over to the door and placed a hand on the handle.
(Y/n): "I'll let you be the judge of that. Anyway i'm going back to my room. Just make sure to find the person and will go from there."
Izuka: "Well regardless thank you."
(Y/n): (Sighs.) "It's not me, that you should be thanking."
After leaving Izuka's room, (Y/n) on the way to her room. She took out her scroll and called Ruby and Koneko.
Ruby, Koneko: (Excited tone.) "Mistress! You called!"
(Y/n): "Mistress?" (She deeply sighs before then speaking again.) "Look I don't have time to deal with you two. So I need you two to do something for me. And the first to bring me the information, will be allowed to do whatever they want to me."
Ruby, Koneko: "WHAT!! REALLY!! ANYTHING!!"
(Y/n): (In her mind.) "To easy." (Sighs.) "This is going to be a pain in the ass later."
As she started explaining what she wanted from them. She quickly hung up the scroll and put it away. She then placed her arms inside her Pockets and kept walking to her dorm.
[Small Skip: (Y/n)'s Dorm, (4:39 pm)]
After finally returning to her dorm, she touches her door knob, and stops before then noticing that the door was unlocked. At first she thought that it was Ruby or Koneko that might have left it open. After all (Y/n) made it clear to the two of them, that she disliked having her room unlocked. But when she walks inside the room she noticed that everything fine.
She glances around the room trying to see what was missing. And sure enough, she noticed that her drawer was slightly open. She opens it only to reveal that it was only her bras and panties. She toushed each and every pair she had, only to find out that one was missing. In confusion she scratches the back of her head, and raised her left eyebrow.
(Y/n): "That's odd? I'm missing a pair of panties. Who in the hell would just steal a pair of panties?"
She stops herself for a moment thinking that it was probability Ruby, or Koneko that might have taken them. But wanting to just sleep, she quickly closes the drawer, and takes of her shoes, before then dropping to the bed.
As she closes her eyes, her vision becomes blurred and the faint silhouette of a woman could be seen smiling at her. The woman then petted (Y/n)'s head, with a smile that could hardly be made out. (Y/n) then closed her eyes and fell asleep.
[Beacon: Ozpin's Office, (5:38 pm)]
We then cut to the inside of Ozpin's office as he was seen with several people like All Might, Nezu, and even Rias's older brother Sirzechs. They all stared back at Ozpin, as a cold sweet could be seen running down the side of his face. Sirzechs confused as to why he was acting this way spoke up.
Sirzechs: "Mind telling us what's on your mind?"
Ozpin: (Deeply sigh's.) "Well..."
Nezu: "Hmmm, It's about Ms.(Y/n). Isn't it?"
Ozpin: (Looks at him before returning his question with a nod.) "Yes... listen to me everyone. It's imperative that she doesn't find out about her, Mother."
Sirzechs: "Why is that? You make it sound like you know something about her."
Ozpin: "More then you might know. Anyway, yes I new her Mother...."
Sirzechs: "What can you tell us about her. Is she still alive?"
Ozpin: (Shock his head.) "No. She was killed."
Nezu: "Killed?"
Ozpin: "Yes. Killed by a Hero." (Images of (Y/n) glaring back at him, flash before his eyes.) "Yes. The more I look at her. The more I feel like she will turn out like her Mother."
All Might: "Was she dangerous?"
Ozpin: "... More then you might know. Despite, (Y/n) having her Mother's semblance. I feel like she will be like her. She has her same eyes. Eyes fulled with..." (He shock his head.) "Never mind."
They all stood in silence as Glynda walked inside the office, and over to Ozpin with several papers in hand. She then placed said papers on the table.
Glynda: "That's all I could find."
Ozpin: "That's fine. This will do."
Nezu: "What are these?"
Ozpin: "If you all wish to know about, (Y/n)'s Mother. Then please take a look."
They all look at each other before then turning to look at him again. They then all walk close to him, they started reading the papers.
Ozpin: "Here is all the information about (Y/n)'s Mother."
Sirzechs eyes then widen as he looked at a photo, and as he does he could help but fall in to an unexplained fear.
Sirzechs: (In a somewhat shaky tone.) "No way this is (Y/n)'s mother."
Everyone surrounded him as they notice a woman in the photo, with long white hair with occasional black streak that was swept to the right side of her head. Her eyes had a pure black irises with a red "x" in the center of each of them. And as they look at the photo a nervous look could be seen from all of them. As the photo was revealed.
Everyone: "NO WAY!"
They all respond shouting at Ozpin. However unbeknownst to them from across the ceiling a portal could be seen looking in on them. On the other side of the portal was revealed to be Ainz and Albedo looking in on them. As a close up of Ainz slowly leans in as his eyes glowered a bright red, before then everything fades to black.
A/N: Okay everyone that was the next chapter of this story. Sorry that it took so long to make it, but better then nothing. Anyway at the moment I'm debating over trying to finish this story soon, and remake it.
The reason as to why. I just feel like it could use some improvements. Like: Explaining (Y/n)'s back story and her family a little better. The betrayal that led to everything. And make it much more interesting. Or I could also just do it in a future chapter explaining (Y/n)'s back story, and school life in more detail (but I feel like its to late for that). So yeah I don't know. What do you all think?
Anyway so that's what I'm thinking. Don't get me wrong I'm only considering the Remake after finishing this story first. Okay everyone that should be all. Have a great day/night and take care of yourselves.
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