Wrong place, wrong time

On the Bounty was the ninja training Lloyd. After getting older, he's gotten a lot stronger and better on focusing. "Your new body is a fighting instrument. Listen to it." Wu said before they started. Lloyd managed to dodge their attacks, even knocking them back. Nya came in with a watermelon and saw them. "Since he's grown, he's learning faster, Sensei." She said and Wu nodded. "But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon? Only time will tell." He answered.

Kaya used her sword and Lloyd stopped it. He used his powers, knocking her back. "Hahaha, you're getting better, Green bean." Kaya said proudly and Lloyd smiled. "Yeah, I have great teachers. But my powers are still a little unstable. I should have trained with them more when I was a younger." Wu walked up to him. "We cannot change the past, but we can improve for the future. Again, and this time, do not hold back." They continued training.

Later, Cole and Kaya was in the TV. "I can't belive that Lloyd is getting better." Kaya smiled and Cole nuzzled against her head. "Yeah, it's thanks to that we're good teachers." Kaya giggled. "Yeah. And it's been almost six months since we started our training. It's gone by so fast." She said and Cole smirked. "Speaking of that. Close your eyes." Kaya did as he said and felt Cole putting something around her neck. "Okay, open them." Cole said.

Kaya opened her eyes and saw a necklace around her neck. It was a black chain with a red crystal heart. Her eyes glimmered before she looked at Cole and hugged him. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much." Cole smiled and held her close. "Happy, almost six months anniversary, Firefly." Kaya giggled. "You're so silly. That's why I love you, Cole." She kissed him and Cole kissed back. "Love you too, Firefly." They were embraced to eachother, feeling eachother's warmth.

Later that day, the falcon returned with footage. Everyone quickly went to the bridge, watching footage over Ouroboros. "The Lost City of Ouroboros! Garmadon has returned to the Serpentine home base, but why?" Kaya said. "Looks like they're preparing for a final battle." Cole pointed out and Wu turned to Nya. "Nya, change course. We'll head straight for them." Nya nodded and changed course.

Later that night in Ouroboros, was the snakes to building vehicles when Wu and the ninja arrived. "Oh, brother! Never know when to stop, do you?" Garmadon said. "It's time we finished this." Wu answered and Garmadon grinned. "Bring it on, fools!" Suddenly Lloyd jumped Infront of him. Garmadon's eyes widened when he saw that Lloyd had gotten older. "Lloyd? Is that you?" Lloyd nodded. "Yeah. I've grown a little since the last time you saw me, dad." Garmadon growled. "Stop him!" Snakes started to fight the ninja as he ran into a chamber.

"Blast those ninja! If only they weren't around. If only they never existed! Ugh! Yes. Yes, that's it! I wish I could go back in time, and make it so the ninja were never formed in the first place!" He grinned as the mega weapon made a portal. "Now, to finish the ninja once and for all, so that my son never becomes the green ninja!" He quickly jumped into it, just as the ninja entered the chamber. "He used the mega weapon again!" Cole said. "Oh, swell. Every time he uses that thing, something really bad happens. Now what?" Jay said annoyed.

Suddenly the ground started to shake, Ouroboros started to be filled by sand. "What's going on? Is the city sinking?" Jay asked. "Worse. The city's returning back into the desert, as if it had never been found in the first place." Zane answered. Kaya's eyes widened. "Garmadon's gone back in time, to make it so Lloyd never turns into the green ninja." Lloyd then started to fade. "I can't...I can't feel my hands." The others looked at him in concern.

"We have to go in!" Kaya said before she and the others headed towards the portal. "If he changes anything, he changes everything! Protect the future, ninja!" Wu informed and the ninja nodded before jumping into the portal. They fell from the sky before landing in a puddle. "Ugh. Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel." Jay said and they all looked around.

Kaya's eyes landed on her family's shop. "Four Weapons. Ha! My parents' shop. Nya and I used to work there. Hey, wait a minute, this is the day Garmadon ordered the Skeletons to take my sister." Cole's eyes widened. "So he's gonna try and change something here. But we gotta be careful. Like Sensei said. If we change anything, we change everything." Jay looked a little thoughtful. "Yeah, I was confused by that too." Zane looked at him.

"What he means is, our world is the result of past events that have already happened. If for whatever reason events in our past fail to happen, then the future could radically change." He informed. "Uh, so what you're saying is we gotta stop Garmadon from changing anything? But of all the times, why did we land here?" Jay asked and Kaya looked at the shop. "Because this is where it all started. The day I met Sensei Wu for the first time, and I began my training as a ninja. Somehow, Garmadon is gonna try to prevent that, but how?" She answered.

"If only Sensei were here to guide us." Cole said before they saw past Wu. "Oh look, there he is! Maybe he can help us!" Jay said. "We gotta tell him what Garmadon has done." Cole said before Zane stopped him. "But we can't let the past Kaya and Nya see that we talked to him, or it will affect the future." Kaya thought a little. "Hmm. I know exactly what to do." She said before they headed towards the shop.

There, past Kaya and Wu was talking. "Anything you're interested in?" Past Kaya asked and Wu smiled gently while shaking his head. "No. Just looking around. But I'll return when I know what to look for." With that he walked off. Leaving the sisters confused. Present Kaya suddenly pulled him behind a wall. He looked at the ninja confused. "Sensei, we need your help!" Kaya said before Jay waved his hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. If we're trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn't talking to Sensei kind of be like altering the past, thus changing our future?" Zane nodded in agreement. "That would be correct. I believe a big "uh-oh" is in order." Wu was just confused. "Well, we can't undo what we've already done. Sensei, we really need your help." Kaya turned to Wu. "All four of you.... You...you..." Wu said and Cole spoke. "Traveled back in time to warn you of impending doom?" Kaya nodded. "Yeah, but we don't have time to explain. Can you help us?" Wu thought a little.

"I don't understand, but I can try." Kaya smiled. "Okay. Any moment now, the Skeletons are going to attack, and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me. Well, the past me." Hearing Garmadon's name, Wu's eyes widened. "Garmadon?" Kaya nodded. "We have to do everything in our power to protect my past self." She said.

The skeletons soon arrived arrived, with Garmadon being on the main vehicle with a mask on. He heard two of the skeletons fight. "Why did I ever trust these numbskulls?" He said with an annoyed sigh. The skeletons soon attacked, making the villagers panic. "Skeletons? How did they get here?" Nya asked before seeing past Kaya grabbing a sword. "I don't know. But go inside and stay there!" With that she started to fight the skeletons.

"Well, can we help or not?" Present Kaya asked and Wu shrugged. "Don't look at me. I'm wise, but not that wise." Zane thought a little. "Uh, technically, since the past has already been altered, I don't see why we can't fight a few skeletons. Just as long as your former self never sees you." Cole smirked. "Ha, you made my day, Zane." Jay turned towards something skeletons. "I missed beating these guys up. Ninja, go! Haha." The ninja started to fight the skeletons.

Present Kaya turned to Wu. "Watch for Samukai's daggers. And don't forget to save me. Uh, it'll make sense when it happens." Wu nodded. Past Kaya was soon surrounded by skeletons, when Nya came with a bò staff and started to fight them aswell. "Nice one sis. But I thought I told you to hide inside." Kaya said and Nya smirked. "Let you have all fun? Fat chance." Kaya chuckled and shook her head.

Suddenly she saw Samukai and went to attack him. But then Samukai laughed and showed her his four arms, each holding a dagger. "Oh fuck." She said as she fought him. Each hit she managed to block until she was knocked to the ground. Samukai grinned as he prepared to finish her. "Sensei!" Present Kaya said and Wu nodded. He quickly used spinjitsu and hit Samukai, knocking him back. "Sensei Wu! Your spinjitsu looks rusty." Samukai growled. Wu chuckled while stroking his beard. "Nothing then bone, to sharpen it's edge Samukai." The two of them started to fight.

Soon, the skeleton in the vehicles made himself ready to shoot, when Garmadon knocked him out and shot beside Nya on purpose. Samukai glared at him. "Fools, you missed! Retreat!" He said and the skeletons nodded. That's when Nuckal saw both Kayas on either side of a wall. He shook it off before they headed off. In the present, Wu watched as dark clouds covered Ninjago. In a photo of the ninja, Lloyd faded away.

Back in the past,  past Kaya and Nya hugged. While present Kaya started to panic. "Oh, this isn't good." Wu looked at her confused. "Why? We saved you and your sister." He said and Kaya shook her head. "No, the skeletons were suppose to get away with Nya. The only reason you convinced me to become a ninja in the first place, was to get her back." Wu nodded. "Oh, I see." Zane stepped forward. "Sensei, no matter what, you need to convince Kaya to go with you." He said.

"Why?" Jay asked. "Because if Kaya doesn't become a ninja, the world as we know it won't exist. The four of us will never unite. We'll never train Lloyd to become the green ninja. And Nya will never get together with Jay." Zane informed and Jay gasped before grabbing Wu by his collar. "No matter what, you need to convince her to go with you!" Cole's eyes widened as he looked at Kaya. Both knowing that they wouldn't get together either. But Kaya knew something else that the others didn't know.

They soon heard past Kaya and Nya heading their way, making the ninja hide. "Thank you for your help. If it wasn't for your tornado fighting style, my sister might have been taken." Past Kaya said and Wu nodded. "Spinjitzu. Uh, come, we must train. You must become a ninja." Past Kaya looked at him questioning. "Sorry, but I got a blacksmith shop to take care of, so I..." Wu interupted her. "No. You must come! It is very important that you become a ninja. Because, uh...we must harness the fire within you!" Nya walked up.

"Hold on, Kaya. Maybe there's a reason this man came into our lives. Father always said the world works in mysterious ways. I think it sounds kind of exciting." Past Kaya giggled. "Ha. Okay, if you wanna become a ninja, fine by me. I'll train too. But only for more self-defense." The three soon headed off. "Oh, great. She's going. We saved the future!" Jay cheered before Zane looked at him.

"Not so fast. We still have to make sure she becomes a ninja in order for everything to get back on track." The others nodded before they followed. But Kaya stayed behind. Cole turned towards her. "Kaya? What is it?" He asked with a worried voice. Kaya held up her hand that was starting to fade. The other's eyes widened in shock. "Your hand! What's happening!?" Cole asked, his voice full of fear.

Kaya smiled gently. "My past self won't train to become a ninja. She'll only train for self-defense. Without the motivation. My ninja self is disappearing." Her voice a little saddened. Jay looked at his hand. "Why aren't we fading too?" He asked and Zane realized something. "Because here, we're already trained to be ninja. So our ninja selfs won't disappear as quickly." He informed. Cole held Kaya close, his voice full of panic.

"Don't worry, Firefly. We're gonna fix this." Kaya smiled at him with tears in her eyes before kissing him. "Cole. I believe in you. If everything goes as it should. We'll meet in the future. Never lose hope." She said and gave him her necklace before fully fading away. Cole just stood there, saddened over losing his girlfriend. The others put comforting hands on his shoulders. He got a determined expression and put the necklace in his pocket. "Let's set the future right." The others nodded before they headed off.

The others nodded as they headed to the Monastery.

Some miles away were the skeletons driving, Nuckal pointed at two trees. "Do you see two trees, or one?" He asked. "Two, you imbecile!" Kruncha answered annoyed. Samukai turned to them. "Stop fooling around! We failed our mission, and now Lord Garmadon is really going to let us have it." Nuckal put up his hands in surrender. "Well, I just wanned to know if I was seeing double. I thought I saw the same ninja twice back there." Garmadon heard this and his eyes widened. "Double? So the ninja followed me here, and they think they can stop me? They are as annoying as they are troublesome. Well, two can play at this game." He grinned.

The ninja arrived at the monastery and saw Nya train, while Kaya didn't really care about ninja training. "You must harness the fire deep within you, Kaya." Wu said and Kaya sighed. "Ninja stuff isn't really my thing. I have no reason to be taught it." She said and walked off. The ninja saw all of it. "Never seen Kaya so unmotivated before. It's kinda creepy." Jay said and Cole sighed. "Like she said. The only reason she became a ninja was to rescue Nya." Zane nodded. "If Kaya doesn't learn to be a ninja, our future will be destroyed." He informed.

Cole looked down. "And I'll never see her agian. Ugh. Even when Garmadon does something good, it's always evil! Sensei ain't cutting the mustard. Guess it's up to us to get things back on track." Jay looked at him confused. "I thought you said not to get involved. 'Change anything, change everything.' Remember?" Cole nodded. "That was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now we gotta clean up the mess." Zane nodded in agreement.

"He's right. The only way to save our future is for Kaya to find her fire." Jay understood what he meant. "You mean. Kidnap Nya and deliver her to the skeletons?" Zane nodded. Jay sighed, knowing that they were right. "If that's what it takes. But what about past Kaya?" Cole got an idea.

Later that night, the three snuck into Nya's room. "Time to play our parts." Cole said as they put on masks. Kaya was locked inside the bathroom as Cole put heavy items infront of it. The quickly took Nya and tied her up before throwing her in a sack. "Unhand me, Skeletons! Oh, when my sister finds out about this, you'll be sorry!" Nya shouted as they were on to roof. Zane suddenly noticed three familiar figures. "Huh, guys, we've got company." He said.

The others turned and saw their past selves. "Uh, isn't that, uh, us?" Jay asked. Cole nodded. "Yeah. Better take care of them, but carefully, so we don't leave permanent marks." They soon started to fight their past selves. "Kaya, help!" Nya shouted and Kaya heard it. "Huh, Nya!" She tried to open the door. "It's blocked! Don't worry Nya, I'm coming!" She looked up and started climbing towards the ceiling.

The ninja managed to defeat themselves and headed off with Nya. Wu and Kaya ran outside and saw the others knocked to the ground. "They took Nya!" Wu pointed out and Kaya's eyes widened. "Huh? They took my sister? Nooo!" She screamed, as in the future, the picture of the ninja returned to normal. Which made Wu sigh in relief. Past Cole put in comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll get her back. I promise." Kaya smiled at him while having a small blush. "Now meet your team." Wu said as he introduced the others.

The ninja watched the scene and smiled. They soon handed Nya to the skeletons and headed off. "I hope it works. Kaya hasn't returned yet." Cole said as they sat by a campfire. "Don't worry. It might take time. We don't know exactly how much this actually effected. So we need to keep watch." Zane said and Cole nodded. What they didn't know, was that Garmadon had another plan, which made the future get worse.

Some days later, the ninja watched as their past selves was sleeping. "Ugh, it's been days. Why are we still here? I thought everything is back on track." Jay complained. "Yeah, but we have to stay and make sure all goes as planned. Since Kaya isn't back yet, anything could still happen." Cole informed. Wu was beside them. "So what exactly happens next?" He asked. "Our former selves have most of the golden weapons. Shadow Garmadon now should have Kaya's sister. And in about one minute, she gets woken up and tricked into taking the sword of fire, that will eventually unleash the greatest nemesis unto Ninjago." Cole answered.

"How do you know that?" Jay asked. "Kaya told me her side of what happened this night. So I know everything." Cole said and the others nodded. They soon saw Kaya following fake Nya towards the temple. Quickly, they followed her inside. "Ah. This is when she steal the sword of fire and cut Nya down. Then she'll get attacked by her own shadow." Cole informed the others.

Nya started to be lowered towards the lava. "Nya!" Kaya shouted. "Kaya, help!!" Nya cried. Past Garmadon soon teased Kaya. "Tick tock, tick tock." Kaya growled before looking up with a serious expression. Quickly she ran towards the sword and used Spinjitzu. She grabbed it and freed Nya, landing safely on the ground.

Kaya looked at Nya and hugged her tightly with tears in her eyes. Nya smiled gently and hugged back. "It's okay. I'm safe now." She said and Kaya looked up while wiping her tears. "I'm just so glad you're safe." The hug got interupted by past Garmadon's laugh. They headed to the exit when suddenly, past Garmadon's shadow stepped before them. Kaya held the sword, ready to fight. "You can't hurt us! You're just a shadow!" Past Garmadon laughed. "This time, I'm actually much more!" Cole's eyes widened.

"Wait, he didn't say that. Something's different." That when present Garmadon stepped infront of the sisters.

Present Garmadon revealed himself. "Garmadon? But you're supposed to be trapped in the underworld." Kaya exclaimed. "Oh, there's so much more you don't know." Present Garmadon grinned. "Go, future me. Destroy him!" Past Garmadon said before present Garmadon attacked Kaya. She had a hard time keeping up.

Cole growled before jumping towards them and knocked present Garmadon back. "Another ninja?" Past Garmadon said in confusion. "Cole? How did you know I was here. And where did you get that suit." Kaya asked and Cole looked at her. "I'll explain later, now let's get this guy." Kaya nodded and they started to fight present Garmadon, Zane helped them. But even if they were more, he was too strong and knocked them back. "Aah! I think it's safe to say the past has drastically changed." Cole grunted and Kaya understood.

"You're from the future? But where's future me?" Cole sighed, making Kaya realize. The two Garmadons laughed. "I was thinking about that. It could be possible to erase the events that have transpired so far, by destroying the mega weapon that brought us here in the first place." Zane said and Cole looked at him. "You mean, if we destroy that weapon, everything goes back to normal?" Zane shrugged. "Uh, theoretically." Cole nodded. "But nothing can destroy the mega meapon. Only a weapon of equal power has any chance of stopping it." He pointed out.

"Haha, like maybe the weapons forged to create it in the first place?" Jay said as he walked in with the golden weapons. "No!" Garmadon cried out. "I thought these might come in handy." Jay said and handed the others their weapons. "Okay, no time to find out how you got these. We have to destroy the mega weapon once and for all. Kaya, We need your help." Cole said and Kaya nodded. They all used their powers at the weapon, making it shake. "No! What are you doing?" Garmadon shouted.

Soon it fused with the golden weapons and flew into space. Everything started to fade away and Cole turned to Kaya who faded away. She looked up and and smiled at him. "We'll meet in the future." Cole smiled back before everything completely faded away. Soon the three found themselves in the training room on the Bounty. "Did we just...uh..." Jay said confused. "Return to the future?" Cole added. Zane soon saw a picture of them all, including Lloyd.

"We did it. We put the future right." The others smiled before Lloyd came running in. "Guys. You're back. You did it." He said before earning hugs from them. "I say. What took so long?" Cole's eyes widened over the familiar voice. He looked up and saw Kaya. "Kaya!" He quickly embraced her and she hugged back. "You did it. You saved the future. And me." Cole took up the necklace in put it around her neck before kissing her. "So when we went back in time and destroyed Garmadon's mega weapon, that didn't change anything?" Jay asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Time travel is always complicated." Lloyd said and Kaya nodded before slicing a watermelon, giving each a piece. "Yeah, let's not focus much on it." She said as Lloyd carved a dragon into his melon. They all nodded in agreement and laughed. Outside was Wu watching the stars. Smiling for himself over how his students were real heroes.

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