Winds of change (Season 5 chapter 1)

It was night at Ninjago's museum as the watchman was walking around. He soon past an animatronic of evil Garmadon before smirking and holding up a fake sword. "Hmmm, hands up, Lord Garmadon! All four of them!" He laughed before knocking it down. "Oh, that's right. Ninjago won't be seeing the likes of you anymore. Good riddance. Hyah!" A mocking laugh came from him, showing no respect towards him.

But he didn't notice a shadow figure passing him, just continued to play with a Chen animatronic and imitated his voice. "I say we join forces, take that hunky night watchman out." He soon imitated Garmadon's voice. "Chen! Ah. No surprise you'd betray me." That's when he noticed the figure passing him quickly looked around. "Who's there? The museum's closed. I know spinjitzu!" He said before his flashlight stopped working. With shaky hands he tried to fix it, before it lit up onto a statue of the grundal, making him scream before sighing in relief.

"Phew. I'm legally required to share I've unlocked my full potential." Laughter echoed through the museum, a Lloyd animatronic started up while glitching. "I am the ultimate spi-spinjitzu master-er. I am the ul-ultimate spi-spi-spinjitzu master." The watchman grunted in annoyence. "That's it. I'm calling it in. Let's see who's laughing. Huh?" He said before feeling a presence behind him and turned around. His eyes widened before he screamed in fear.

The next day was the ninja flying over the endless sea, looking for a giant mutant fish. Kaya and Cole luckily had arrived back from their honeymoon and could join. Especially with their new suits.

(Kaya's season five suit.)

She flew ahead of Lloyd before laughing with a smirk. "Getting ahead of yourself, Kaya? Heh. I'm leading this charge." Lloyd smirked before speeding towards her, splashing her with water. "Hey!" She exclaimed and Lloyd smirked at her. "That's one way to cool off a hothead." He teased and Kaya chuckled. "Hey, no one messes up my hair! Gree bean." She said before splashing back water at him, accidentally splashing Zane.

Zane gasped before spitting out water, while Cole laughed. "You okay there, Zane?" He asked and Zane chuckled. "Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out." Jay soon saw something behind Zane and smirked. "Oh, what about a big fish? Incoming!" He exclaimed before Zane turned around to see a giant fish jumping his way. Quickly he moved aside and managed to dodge it.

"Based on its weight and size, this is the mutant Fangfish terrorizing the coastal village and depleting their food source." Pixal informed him before Zane turned to the others. "Pixal says this is the one." Lloyd nodded. "And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium." They all flew around the fish. "Let me guess, Kaya. You caught one that big once?" Jay teased and Kaya smirked. "Heck no. He was twice the size." She said before dodging the fish launching at her.

Jay laughed. "He's almost as hungry as you, Cole." Cole smirked at him. "And twice as ugly as you, Jay." They all laughed, except for Jay who scoffed. "It's time for the catch of the day. In line formation!" Lloyd exclaimed before they all flew in a line, the fish getting closer. "It's right behind us." Cole said before the fish jumped into the air towards them. "Now!" Lloyd shouted and they all flew aside, making the fish land on a boat, making the sailor groan. The ninja cheered. "Now that's what I call hook, line, and stinker." Jay laughed before they took it to the docks.

Some workers helped moving it into a tank, lifting it into the air. Kaya looked at Lloyd who watched a father and son going fishing. She smiled gently at walked up to him. "Looks like we made this place safe to fish again. If your father was still here, he would tell you he's proud. You've become a great leader, Green bean." Lloyd smiled back. "No, we're a great team. Can't say I don't miss him." They soon heard Cole shout. "It's working!" Soon the fish got into the tank, splashing the other three ninja, making Kaya and Lloyd chuckle.

But soon Lloyd's smile dropped. "With my dad gone, sometimes I question where I'm going. Sometimes I worry about who I might become." Kaya hugged him. "I know how that feels. After I lost my dad, I almost lost my way. But I was lucky to have my sister watch over me. Don't worry, Green bean. I'll watch over you from now on." She then gave him a noogie playfully.

Cole looked over at them and smiled at the playful moment. "What are you smiling at Cole?" Jay asked. "Kaya and Lloyd are really having a good sibling relationship. Or honorary sibling relationship." Cole answered and Jay looked over at them, chuckling. "Yeah. She really sees him as a little brother." Lloyd laughed and wiggled out of Kaya's grip. "Hey, no one messes up my hair." He mocked her, making both laugh. "Hey, you two gonna get in the picture? No one's gonna believe this. Getting a picture. This is awesome!" Jay shouted at them, and the two walked over to the others, standing in position for the photo. "Back. Back just a little further. Just a little further." Zane instructed the photographer, before he fell into the ocean. Jay groaned. "Oh, great! Who's gonna believe us now?" That's when the fish splashed them all.

Wu was gathering water by a waterfall and nodded. "Hmm, Steep Wisdom. Not a bad name for a tea shop." He said and walked over to his new teashop. Inside was Nya and Pyther handling the shelves. "I thought saving Ninjago was difficult. Try starting a small business!" Nya said and Pyther nodded in agreement. "Yeah. It's not as easy as you would think." He said while handing a jar to Nya. Misako smiled gently at them. "Wu can't be a Sensei forever. It's about time we all help out with his retirement. Speaking of which, Nya?" She pointed at Wu and Nya walked up to him to help him with the water.

"Oh, here, let me give you a hand with that." Wu smirked and juggled the bucket into his other hand. "I am old, not weak." He said and Misako sighed. "You look after ninja, I look after you." Pyther stacked some shelves before the ladder wiggled, making him fall. "Woah!" He exclaimed as some jar fell with him. The others gasped before he and the jars stopped in the air, a purple aura around them. "Maybe a more stable ladder would be the best. Can't always be around helping with my magic." Selena said as she walked in, dressed in new outfit.

(Selena's new outfit)

"Thank you Selena." Pyther said before Selena put him down and put the jars back in place. Nya nodded as she looked around. "Well, Steep Wisdom is staring to look like a real tea house, except for one thing, customers." She sighed and Wu nodded while stroking his beard. "Good things come to those who wait." Pyther crossed his arms. "Yeah. Like watching paint dry." That's when the ninja landed outside. "I'm just saying, it was big but, I've seen bigger." Cole said and Jay scoffed. "As big as your ego?" Zane chuckled with him. "Be nice to my husband, guys. His ego might be hurt." Kaya said and they all laughed.

Wu sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding? I'm tired of waiting. I'll put the ninja to work." He soon walked up to the ninja with a box. "Ninja, you need to find customers." Jay looked at him. "No "hello, how's it going, glad to hear you saved the day ..." again?" Cole nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Sensei. We're all a bit tired. Plus me and Kaya just came home from our honeymoon. You mind if we handle this tomorrow?" He asked and Wu shook his head. "We all have a share if this business succeeds. How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms? Which reminds me, your new ones arrived." He said and opened the box.

"What do they look like now?" Kaya asked as they all walked closer to him. "I bet they're off the hook." Cole said before Wu held up the uniforms, the ninja looking at them unamused. "Those do not appear to be ninja uniforms. They resemble work attire." Zane pointed out and Wu nodded before handing them a lot of fliers. "Very observant, Zane. We must focus on furthering brand awareness. And here are the fliers I want each of you to pass out in the city." Jay grunted. "Ugh, If I have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out!" The phone suddenly rang.

"Oh, that could be our first order! Shh!" Misako said before picking it up. "Steep Wisdom, how may we serve you?" The ninja hade changed into their shop uniform. "Aren't we going to look kind of dorky flying up on our dragons with these things on?" Cole asked and Wu shook his head. "You won't be flying on anything. We're selling tea, not magic. Besides, you all have been relying a little too heavily on your elemental powers lately. Real powers come from the inside." Lloyd nodded. "It would be our honor, Sensei." The others nodded too.

"Yes, I see, and you need him right away? Thank you. I'll let him know right away." Misako ended the call before looking at the ninja. "Is it a big order?" Nya asked. "It's the police. They've asked for Lloyd. There's been a break-in at the museum." Everyone gasped, except for Misako and Wu. Lloyd looked at the others hesitantly. "Go on, I'll take your share." Cole smiled and took his fliers. "Thanks. I owe you one." Lloyd said and headed out, when Misako stopped him. "Aren't you going to kiss your mother goodbye?" She smirked and Selena smirked too. "Aswell as your girlfriend?" The others chuckled while Lloyd blushed.

With a sigh he kissed his mother's cheek and then kisses Selena on the lips. "See you later." He quickly flew off before Wu turned to the others. "Remember, no powers." Everyone except Kaya sighed before heading off. "Ten bucks that they'll use their powers." Pyther whispered to Nya who agreed. "Deal. You're in Selena?" She asked. "No. I'm gonna practice some spells. Even a master of sorcery needs to practice." Selena answered and walked to the her room.

Lloyd soon arrived where two guards were blocking the entrance. "Well, lookie here. The green ninja! Feel safer already." One of them said and Lloyd at them. "I got your call there was a break-in?" The other guard nodded and pointed at the watchman. "The watchman over there had quite the scare. Doesn't remember a thing." He informed. "Hasn't been too helpful. Uh, maybe you'll have better luck." The other suggested and Lloyd nodded. "Thanks." As he walked over to the watchman, the guards looked at eachother confused. "Did you make the call for him?" The first asked, the other shaking his head. "No, I didn't. Did you?" He said and the other shook his head. "Heck, no. I wonder who did?" They shrugged.

"So you were on guard when it happened?" Lloyd asked while the guard kept panting. "Can you show me what was stolen?" Still no response. "I'm, I'm here to help you." Lloyd said before the watchman grabbed his wrist and dragged him to another room, closing the door behind them. "I was knocked out. When I came to, I found the only thing stolen was that wasn't even on display. Just a worthless old armor brass plate they call, the allied armor of azure." The watchman informed him and Lloyd looked around, thinking. "Why would a thief leave these priceless relics and, and take just that?" He asked.

The watchman sighed and shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because when you're in trouble, they say it's got the power to summon allies, whether they be friends, foes, even spirits from the cursed realm." Lloyd's eyes widened, not noticing the watchman grabbing a sledgehammer. "The cursed realm? My father's there-" He got interupted by the guard trying to hit him, but he managed to dodge before seeing the armor on the watchman. "The allied armor. You stole it?" The watchman glared at him. "So Wu chose you to be the beloved green ninja? Silly old man." This made Lloyd confused.

"How do you know Sensei? And if you've got a bone to pick with me, maybe we can discuss things without weapons?" The watchman attacked him again, but Lloyd just dodged him, making him crash into a pile of boxes. They fell on him and pinned him to the ground. Lloyd quickly pushed off the boxes. "Are you okay?" Suddenly his eyes widened when a figure flew out of the watchman, possessing a portrait of Chen. "What's going on? Someone was in my head." The watchman asked in confusion while the portrait laughed. Lloyd grabbed it and smashed it, but the figure flew out and and possessed a hypnobrai statue. "Your powers are useless. You think you can hurt a ghost? I can possess anything!" He said and grabbed Lloyd by the tail.

Soon it possessed a pile of sand, revealing himself. "When he was in my head, I saw his thoughts. The world. The world will be cursed!" The watchman exclaimed before Lloyd glared at the figure. "You're a ghost from the cursed realm? But how did you escape?" He asked as the figure grinned. "When your father opened a door, he should've been more careful what came out." Suddenly he plunged towards Lloyd. "Hurry, the allied armor! Give it to me!" Lloyd exclaimed and the watchman threw it towards him, but the ghost threw him aside and took the armor himself. "You can't have the armor!" The ghost smirked at the armor. "The armor's nice, but it's not the only thing I want to possess." He said, making Lloyd confused. "What else do you want?" The figure grinned at him. "YOU!" Lloyd's eyes widened.

The guards meanwhile was talking to eachother. "So, if you could choose to be any ninja, who would you be?" The first one asked. "Oh, that's easy. Cole. He's the main one, right?" The other said, making the first shake his head. "No, that's Lloyd. Cole's the-" Suddenly they heard Lloyd's scream, a wind blowing at them that knocked them down. "That wind didn't come from outside, it came from inside!" One of them said before they ran out of the museum screaming in fear. At Steep Wisdom was Selena meditating with her spell book, when her candles blew out and she got a shiver. "What? What was that?" She said in confusion, feeling a shift in the air.

The ninja meanwhile was struggling with handing out fliers to people. "Uh, Steep Wisdom. Enlightenment in a cup!" Kaya said to a woman who looked at the flier and scoffed. "Steep Wisdom? Never heard of it." She just walked off and Kaya glared at her. "Best little tea shop in Ninjago." Cole said but got ignored. "First cup is free, with a flier." Zane tried to make them more interested, but it didn't work. "Take... Why won't you take the flier? JUST TAKE THE FLIER!" Jay exclaimed at a girl that walked by. They all soon gathered up. "I see no one else is having any luck." Kaya sighed. "Oh. It's as if they think I'm passing out a communicable disease. I mean, sure, I have a cold sore, but it's hardly contagious." Jay said and the others slowly backed away in disgust.

"Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically. "Maybe if we use our powers, we can get this over with." Cole suggested and Zane shook his head. "But Sensei gave us strict instructions not to use our elemental powers. You agree, right Kaya?" He said and looked at Kaya who smirked a little. "Well, Sensei's not here, and what he doesn't know, won't hurt him. I'm in. Is everyone else?" The others smirked and nodded before running off. A car almost got ran over by a car. "Hey, young man. Watch it!" The driver shouted before Cole smirked and picked up the car. "Whoa! Oh, no. Oh, no. Put, put, put me down! Put me down, I say!" Cole ignored him and turned to the crowd that gathered around them. "Feeling tired? Out of strength? Yeah! Then get a pick-me-up at Steep Wisdom!" He said and the crowd cheered.

Kaya went up to a fire breather. "Care to pass the torch?" She asked. "Sure, let's see what you've got there, Ms. Teapot." The fire breather answered and handed her the torched. "If this isn't your cup of tea, how about this?" Kaya blew the fire on the road, making the logo for Steep Wisdom, making the crowd gasp. "Steep Wisdom. The hot new place!" She smirked while Jay used his powers to change the images on the billboards to the Steep Wisdom logo, the crowd cheering. "I know, it's shocking, right?" He grinned and handed out fliers. Zane looked at the others and smirked. "If we're going to use our powers, you may as well do it right!" He summoned his dragon and made am ice sculpture of the logo. The four smirked as the crowd cheered.

Suddenly a powerful wind swept the fliers away and extinguished Kaya's fire logo. She tried to make another, but no flames seemed to come when she blew at the torch. "You're such an amateur." The fire breather said before getting a glare from Kaya, quickly shutting up and heading away. "My powers. They're not working!" She said and Jay tried his powers. "Mine either!" Cole looked at them confused. "What do you mean? My powers are-Uh-oh." He suddenly got crushed by the car. Both Jay and Kaya quickly helped him up.

Kaya suddenly realized something. "If our powers are gone, that means..." They all looked up and saw Zane's dragon disappear, making him fall towards the ground fast, leaving a hole shaped like him. "Whoa. I think he just broke the sound barrier." Cole said before they helped Zane up. "I told you we shouldn't use our powers." He groaned as Jay looked at him. "What powers? Where did they go? We have to see Wu!" The others nodded before they headed off.

Misako was handing tea to a customer. "I added a little something extra." She smiled before the ninja arrived. "Sensei! It's an emergency! We need you! It's important!" They all exclaimed before Misako calmed them down. "Guys, not so loud. Can't you see we have our first customer?" The daughter of the customer looked at the ninja and walked up to the. "Wow, the real ninja! Oh, can you shock me?" She asked Jay who nervously laughed. "Uh...not now, kid. Maybe later, okay?" Kaya turned to Misako.

"Where's Wu?" That's when Wu walked in. "Sensei!" They all exclaimed and Wu looked at them. "Yes?" He asked. "We were getting the word out..." Kaya started. "...and there was this wind..." Cole said. "...and our powers disappeared." Zane finished and Wu's eyes widened. "You were using your powers?" Pyther held up his hand and Nya handed him ten bucks. "A bet is a bet." She said before Jay nervously looked at him. "Yeah, I know. We're terrible students, but what happened to our powers?!" Suddenly the wind started to blow and dark clouds appeared in the sky. Selena walked out of her room.

"If your powers are gone, then something must have happened to..." Wu said before Lloyd arrived, but he acted different. "It's Lloyd!" The daughter said and Wu looked around. "I know that wind." He said before the ninja stepped infront of Lloyd. "Step aside!" Jay's eyes widened. "Lloyd! What's wrong with you?" But Lloyd didn't answer. "I want a word with your master." He informed and Selena looked at him before she saw the dark aura around him, making her eyes widened. "That's no longer Lloyd." The ninja looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Cole asked. "Lloyd's possessed by a ghost from the cursed realm." Lloyd grinned. "Ofcourse a master of sorcery would find out. No wonder you're special to Lloyd." He said and Selena glared at him.

Kaya stepped forward. "Whoever you are, whatever beef you had with Sensei, you have with us. Give us back our friend!" She exclaimed and the ghost laughed while cracking his neck. "How are we supposed to fight a friend?" Cole asked and the ghost turned Lloyd's skin green and his hair black. "Let me show you!" He said and attacked them with a powerful wind. "Great, we don't have powers, but he does?" Jay grunted before they tried to fight him, but he just fended them off. Cole tried using spinjitsu, the he got knocked back. "Espario ventolenai!" Selena shouted and summoned a giant rock towards the ghost who used wind to send it away.

"So not only does he have powers, but he can control the wind, too?" Jay asked and Kaya's eyes widened. "He's an elemental master!" Wu turned towards Misako. "Take the customers to safety! Nya, Pyther, we need to leave now!" Misako nodded and quickly headed to the truck with the customers. "But this is our place. Tell me, Sensei. What's happened to Lloyd?" Nya asked in concern. "Why is he acting strange?" Pyther asked aswell. "There's no time." Wu exclaimed while the ninja kept fighting the ghost.

They tried spinjitsu but it was no use. "Our spinjitzu is worthless against the wind." Kaya panted before the ghost saw Zane's shurikens. "Shurikens? Cute. Try this on for size!" He said and broke a windmill, using the propellers to hit the ninja. Suddenly it flew towards Misako and the customers, the mother holding her daughter protectively. "Ilvalo!" Selena exclaimed and turned the propellers into butterflies. "Wow." The daughter said. "Go! Now!" Selena told Misako before they quickly drove off.

Meanwhile, the ninja kept getting tossed around before the ghost entered the shop, Nya and Pyther standing there. "Get out!" Nya exclaimed and the ghost grinned. "Go stock some shelves before you get hurt." But Nya just smirked. "I'll take you on anytime." Pyther nodded. "You'll pay for hurting my parents." Wu suddenly jumped infront of them. "Stay back, Nya and Pyther. It's me he wants." The two ran out while the ghost glared at him. "Not you. Just your father's staff." He pointed and Wu smirked. "I see you've found the allied armor, Morro, yet you haven't summoned your friends." Morro scoffed. "Your pathetic students haven't given me a reason to." The ninja meanwhile stood up groaning in pain. "Hey, hey, hey! No one calls me pathetic!" Jay argued before Morro closed the door.

"You want the staff? Try to take it." Wu said before the two started to fight. Soon Morro managed to pin Wu against the wall, grinning. "You've gotten old. You used to be a great Sensei. Now you're just a petty shopkeeper." Wu just glared at him. "With age comes wisdom." He knocked him back as the staff rolled over the floor, showing symbols in some dust. "A secret message engraved on the staff." Wu said before Morro used wind to grab the staff, but a purple aura appeared around it and landed in Selena's hand. "Don't think so." She then used her powers to knock him against the wall before handing the staff to Wu.

"Yes. Now we leave." He said and ran out, while Selena looked back at Morro. "I'm so sorry Lloyd." She said and followed Wu to the barn. "To the barn!" Nya exclaimed before Kaya and Selena stopped. "I am not running away from Lloyd!" Kaya said and Selena nodded in agreement. "We will not win this fight today." Wu told them before they all ran to the barn. But both girls stayed. "Give me the staff!" Morro cries out before using his powers to get out, knocking them both back.

The others watched them from the Bounty. "Oh, are they crazy?" Jay asked. "Kaya!" Cole shouted worriedly. "Mom!" Pyther added while Morro started to fight the two girls. "Foolish ninja and sorcerer. Why would you try to take me on all by yourselves?" He grinned and Kaya glared at him. "Because I promised to look after Lloyd." Selena nodded. "And I'll never leave my boyfriend." The two charged towards Morro.

Nya came onto the upper deck and looked around. "Where's Kaya and Selena?" She asked and the others pointed towards the ground. "He's fighting the green ninja." Jay said. "Alone." The others joined. Kaya and Selena continued to fight Morro. "I know you're in there, Lloyd. Fight him!" Kaya exclaimed before grabbing a hold of Morro. "We gotta do something." Nya said before heading towards the anchor. "The staff is getting away. Let go of me!" Morro exclaimed before throwing Kaya off him. "Katronuk paracore!" Selena said and held him in place. "Only when you free Lloyd!" She demanded before Lloyd broke through the possession.

"Kaya...Selena...." The girl's eyes widened. "Lloyd!" Kaya said as Lloyd continued to fight. "Help me.." He said as Selena let down the spell. "Is that you?" Suddenly the Bounty's anchor latched onto them, lifting them up, while Morro took control over Lloyd again. "Wait, let us go!" Kaya exclaimed. "We saw Lloyd!" Selena added while Morro looked up at them. "You won't get away that easy." He soon started to use his powers to pull the Bounty towards himself.

Kaya and Selena got onto the ship and tried to get off, but Cole and Zane held them back. "We have to go back." Kaya said and Nya shook her head. "Sorry, sis. That's what I'm trying to avoid." She said before pulling a lever, making the Bounty to go faster. But the wind was too strong. "We need more strength!" Nya shouted before Selena took a deep breath and put her hand on the control panel. "Maxinare dur!" Soon the Bounty started to pull away from Morro before fully flying off. "NOOOOOOO!" Morro exclaimed.

Nya sighed in relief. Whew, that was close. The coast is clear." She said before they all turned towards Wu. "Spill it, Sensei. What just happened back there, and what have they done to my friend?" Jay asked and Cole nodded. "Yeah, Sensei. Who was that?" Wu looked away. "You four were not my first pupils. There was one before you." He informed, making their eyes widen. "Who?" Zane asked. "Morro, the master of wind." Wu answered before Nya saw something behind them. "Okay, now those lights scare me. We got something on our six. Looks like your master of wind just caught his second wind." Everyone looked behind them too see Morro chasing them on a dragon, a scary glare in his eyes.

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