Zane walked through a big snowstorm, when he suddenly fell right into a cave. He looked around before seeing an ice dragon chained to the wall. It roared at him and Zane whimpered in fear. Suddenly Pixal's voice was heard. "Zane? Are you still there?" Zane looked up and saw a falcon. "If you can hear me, wake up. You need to wake up." The falcon said with Pixal's voice. Suddenly Zane woke up in his cell, sighing in relief. "It was only a dream." He said. "It's amazing you dream. I've always wondered what it's like. You've always been special." Pixal said from a cell next to him, but he couldn't see him. "Where am I? Who are you?" Zane asked.
"I'm Pixal, a friend. And you're in danger and have to get out of here. Your memory drive is out of sorts and your elemental power-" Pixal said with a small nervousness in his voice. "Elemental power?" Zane asked. "You're a nindroid, Zane, a ninja. And your friends are here to save you. But they can't do it all. You have to remember who you are." Pixal answered as Zane thought about it. "Friends?" Suddenly Pixal's voice became serious. "Remember, Zane. You saved your friends and then rebuilt yourself. There are things about you that you don't understand. That you have yet to discover. But if we're ever going to get out of here, you have to remember." He said with a concerned voice.
Zane suddenly got flashes of memories, everything coming back to him. "Pixal. We are compatible?" He smiled and Pixal chuckled in happiness. "Yes, Zane. Yes, we are." The both felt happy to finally be reunited.
In Nya's samurai cave was she and Julien rebuilding the Bounty. Pyther was watching from the side while Wu held the flashlight. "So I've been thinking about Kaya's and Cole's wedding, and have come up with two different color combination. First there's red and black which are their colors, but then it would look like some kind of funeral. More light, please." Nya said and Wu snapped awake and turned on the flashlight. "Right. Looking like a funeral." He said with a tired voice. "Then there's gold and silver, to give it a royal vibe. But then it would look like they're bragging." Nya continued.
"Young minds are...complicated." Wu yawned, making Pyther laugh a little. Nya sighed. "Are you even listening? Could you at least try to impart some wisdom?" Wu shook his head as Misako walked up to them. "No way. I'm not sticking my finger into that beehive. Misako, any word?" Misako shook her head. "Nothing. It's been days and still no word from Garmadon or the ninja. I'm worried." She informed. "As am I. It's time we broaden our search." Wu said and Nya nodded.
"I'll handle it." Julien turned to her. "Good time to try our new invention, Nya. A mobile base incase the Bounty needed to be out of commission." He showed off the base and Nya nodded. "Find my family, Nya." Misako said and Nya nodded before seeing Pyther slithering towards the base. "Ah ah. You stay here young man." Pyther pouted. "But I wanna help you find mom and dad." Nya sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know. But it's too dangerous. Stay here with the others okay. And behave." She soon jumped into the base and drove off.
Misako sighed and Wu put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Wherever they are, at least my brother is there to guide them." He told her and Misako nodded. "This is my husband we're talking about. And that's what worries me." Pyther looked at the entrance before sighing. "Hope mom and dad are okay.
In the palace's dinning area, was the master getting served breakfast. But Garmadon didn't get anything at all. "There's a valuable lesson here, son. If you turn your back on your first evil Sensei in an effort to go straight, you may not be served creamy biscuits." He said and Lloyd sighed. "Well, I know what we are being served. A whole bunch of baloney. This isn't a fighting tournament. It's an alibi for Chen to steal everyone's powers. But we still don't know why." Kaya thought a little. "Probably to take over Ninjago. But why taking our powers? I don't know." Cole nodded. "Me neither. From what Sensei G's told us about him, I have a feeling it's something far more sinister." He said.
Jay was beside him in a robe, looking like he just woke up. Ofcourse Cole looked at him confused. "And may I remind us, we still don't know where Zane is, which is why we all need to take care of our first rounds to give us more time. Don't look at me. I've already moved on." Cole looked at him. "Your opponent got himself kicked out." Jay shrugged with an unbothered expression. "Hehe, either way, it's my day off. Extra creamy biscuits. And don't skimp." He said before getting extra biscuits.
They all walked towards a table. "Taking a day off? Well, usually I would agree, but you never know what will happen." Cole said and Jay smiled at him. "Come on, just one day. We can focus on other important things." They sat down. "Like what?" Cole asked in confusion. "Your wedding vows." Jay said and Kaya nodded. "For ones, that is a good idea. You need to relax a little dear." This caused Cole to smile at her. "If you say so, Firefly." Suddenly Chen's voice appeared through the speakers.
"The tournament of elements continues. Fun time! Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, gravity, smoke, nature, mind, oh, and last and hopefully not least..." He said and Jay scoffed. "Huh, maybe we all got the day off." Ofcourse he was wrong. "Fire!" Chen finished and the ninja gasped in surprise. "Remember, only one can remain." Kaya sighed. "Well, guess I'm up." Cole took her hand. "I know you can do it." He kissed her a little and Kaya smirked.
Before her match two others were held. Griffin fought against Gravis and won it easily. Then Neuro fought Bolobo, having a tougher time, but managed to win. So now it was just Kaya and Ash left, standing over lava. "Kaya, master of fire, versus Ash, master of smoke. Fight!" Chen said and the two ran onto the bridge where the jadeblade was. But that just caused it to drop onto a rock below them. Ash threw punches towards Kaya, but she managed to block them.
"Come on, Kaya, you can do it." Lloyd said as Kaya rushed towards Ash with a firery fist, but he turned into smoke and went behind her. He grinned and kicked her off the bridge, making the other's eyes widened in fear. Luckily, Kaya used spinjitsu to get to a rock safely. Ash jumped down towards her, but she smirked before jumping up and hitting different spots over his body. Ash landed on the rock completely paralyzed. "The five point paralyzer. Long time since I saw it being used." Garmadon smirked proudly at Kaya who grabbed the jadeblade, making everyone else cheer. "Winner! Loser! Master of fire moves on." Chen said and sent Ash through the trapdoor.
Later that day, he laughed as his kabuki servents preformed infront of him. "Master, it was the ninja who snuck into our ceremony, yet we allow them to move forward. I beg you, let me use my sorcery and put an end to this." Clouse suggested and Chen shook his head. "We'll use your magic in time, but not now. Not when there are other ways to whittle them down. Perhaps it's time to switch things up." The two laughed without paying attention to Selena who looked at them with a concerned expression.
As the ninja later was arriving at the bracket, they noticed that the other masters looked confused and mad about something.
The two laughed. Later the ninja approached the Elemental Masters, who where gathered around the bracket. They seemed a little worried about something. "What's all the commotion?" Jay asked before they all saw that he and Cole was next to eachother on the bracket. "No, he can't do this." Cole said and Lloyd sighed. "He already did." Both Jay and Cole looked at eachother in worry. "We gotta fight each other." The latter exclaimed. "I can't fight my best friend, I don't wanna hurt him, or worse!" Jay exclaimed and Cole nodded. "Same here. Our powers are strong and can lead to injuries." Clouse soon walked up to them.
"Is there a problem, ninja?" He asked before earning glares. "You cheated! You changed the brackets." Cole growled and Clouse smirked. "Oopsie." He laughed and walked off, leaving the others mad. "What do we do? They can't fight each other. We came here to become whole, not fall further apart." Lloyd said and Garmadon sighed. "There's nothing we can do. You need to follow the rules." Jay glared at him. "Follow the rules!? One of us has to lose! Oh, my gosh. I can't live with that guilt. Please tell me this is just a dream." He exclaimed and shook Lloyd. "Don't listen to my dad. We find Zane, then none of us have to battle. Your fight isn't until tonight, so we still have time to figure out what Chen's up to and stop this." Kaya thought a little.
"I think I know just the person who can help. And I think he already knows." They later went to see Neuro. "We need your help, Neuro." Lloyd said. "You think I can get close to Chen to read his mind, so you can find your robotic friend and not have to fight." Neuro answered without looking at them. "Don't forget-" Kaya said before Neuro interupted her. "You still need to know what Chen's up to because he's hiding something." Jay chuckled. "That's really impressive." Neuro turned towards him. "Ofcourse it is." Lloyd stepped forward. "We want you to help." He said, earning a suspicious look. "But why would I help? You're competition. The sooner you're out, the better for me." Neuro pointed out.
Lloyd sighed. "If you want what's best for you, just look into my head and you'll see what this tournament is all about." Neuro rolled his eyes before starting to look through Lloyd's mind. There he saw how when took Karlof's powers, making him gasp. "It's only a matter of time before Chen steals your power too. So are you in?" Lloyd asked and Neuro nodded.
In the dungeon was Zane struggling to free himself. "Ugh. I can't breal free." He said before Pixal spoke. "Zane, you're built differently. You have to search deep within yourself." With a deep breath, Zane activated a saw before starting to cut through the chains. "Yes, that's it! You can do it." Pixal cheered before cultists was heard nearby. "Tonight's fight is gonna be epic. Who do you got? Jay or Cole?" One of them asked. "I'm a Cole man. Never liked the color blue. What's that grinding sound?" The other exclaimed before Zane put the saw away, pretending to be asleep.
The cultists checked on him. "Heh, guess I was just hearing things. C'mon, let's go." They left and Zane sighed in relief. "It's not safe. I suggest you break out when everyone's at the big fight." Pixal informed. "You mean, we must break out." Zane smiled and Pixal's voice soon got a hesitant tone. "Yes. Of course." He answered with a small sigh.
Neuro snuck inside the kabuki changing room and heard Chen laugh. "This floor is restricted." Selena's voice startled him. He turned to see Clouse and Selena. "Clouse, Selena. I was just leaving." A nervous chuckle came from him. "I saw you speaking with the ninja. It'd be a shame if the other fighters were to find out you were...helping them." Clouse teased and Neuro scoffed. "Of course not. I'm the master of the mind after all, no one can beat me in mind games." He used his powers on them without them knowing. Soon he left, leaving Clouse shrugging while Selena looked after him. "Selena. It's time for your training." Clouse said and Selena nodded. "Yes father." She followed him.
Meanwhile both Jay and Cole was nervous about the fight. "I can't do this. He's my best friend. But what happens if I don't?" Jay paced back and forth in his cage as Neuro walked up to him and Lloyd. "You're cutting it close. So did you see into his head?" Lloyd asked and Neuro shook his head. "I'm sorry. I couldn't get past Clouse or Selena." Jay grunted. "Just great. Now I might have to live in guilt over sending my friend to get his powers taken. Just fucking great." Neuro then thought about something. "But I did see something. For a brief moment, I saw inside Clouse's mind. The powers he's collecting, they are for a spell." Lloyd tilted his head.
"A spell for what?" He asked but Neuro shook his head. "I don't know. But it's in his spellbook on page 149. I'm sorry it's not enough to stop the fight. I wish I could've done more." Lloyd just gave him a gentle smile. "That's okay. You've done what you could." Neuro the walked off before turning towards them. "I read Selena's mind too. Oddly enough, even if she serves Chen, she don't seem to agree. Maybe a potential insider for you." He walked off, leaving Lloyd and Jay looking confused.
On the other side was Kaya calming Cole down. "I can't do this Kaya. What happens to him if I win. Or what happens if we don't fight? He's my best friend." He said before Kaya grabbed his hand through the bars, leading it to her cheek. "I know. But remember, Chen might have forced you to fight eachother. But you two decide how to fight. I know you won't hurt eachother." Cole smiled before they kissed through the bars. Afterwards Lloyd and Kaya headed to Garmadon in the audience. "All we can do now is hoping." Garmadon told them and they nodded.
Chen then spoke. "Let the tournament continue! Jay, master of lightning, versus Cole, master of earth. Fight!" He exclaimed before Jay and Cole started to fight. But they held back, just making it look like they were really fighting.
Zane meanwhile had managed to escape and was sawing through the bars to Pixal's cell. "Hurry, Zane. Before they come back." Pixal said before Zane broke fully through. "I'm through. Now let's get out of here.''re..." His eyes widened when he saw Pixal in pieces. Just his head was on a table. "Scrapped. I know, but I couldn't tell you. Not when you needed to get out of here. Sadly, this is where my journey ends, but not for you. Zane, you must go alone. Find your friends. Stop Chen. I know you have it in you and don't worry about me. I will always be a part of you." Pixal said as Zane picked up his head, seeing his neural drive.
"You're right. You will always be a part of me." He said and kissed Pixal before pulling out the drive. "Zane, what are you-" Pixal asked before Zane put the drive into himself. A digital version of Pixal appeared. "Zane, you've taken my neural drive and inputted it into your processor. You're ingenious!" He exclaimed happily and Zane smiled before heading to the door. "Not ingenious. Upgraded. I'm sure there will be other surprises about me we'll find out together, but until then, let's both get out of-" Pixal soon sensed something behind him.
"Zane, behind you! Initiate evasive-" Before he could finish the sentence, another voice was heard. "Elibra statina!" A bolt of electricity hit Zane, knocking him out. Behind him was Selena and some cultists. "Return him to his cell. And make sure to give him better chains." She said and walked off.
Jay and Cole continued their fight, but Chen started to get bored. "Okay, I'm bored. Release the condrai crushers!" He exclaimed before cultists came out on the crushers, surrounding Cole and Jay. The two stopped and looked at eachother. "I got your back." Cole said and Jay nodded. "And I got yours." The two soon used spinjitsu to make one of the crushers crash. "Ah, they fight together." Garmadon said proudly and the others nodded. "Yeah, their friendship is stronger than anything." Lloyd pointed out as Kaya looked at them both.
Jay and Cole continued to work together to defeat the cultists. Chen growled in annoyence. "Enough! I know what you are trying to do. If neither of you will win, then both of you will lose!" He then pressed buttons, activating trapdoors. Both avoided the trapdoors. "We can't both lose. Chen's right, there can only be one." Cole said. "And it should be you. You and I both know I'm lucky to have even made it this far. You take the jadeblade." Jay answered before Cole took the jadeblade. He looked up at Jay with a gentle smile.
"Look after Kaya for me until Chen 's defeated." With that, he threw the jadeblade at Jay who caught it with widened eyes. "Winner! Loser! Master of lightning moves on." Chen exclaimed as Jay gave Cole a saddened expression. "Cole no!" Cole just smiled. "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." He then fell through a trapdoor before Jay returned to the others. "He sacrificed himself for me." Kaya hugged him. "Don't feel guilty. You would have done the same thing. We all would." This made Jay smile a little. "Cole may be gone, but he did not lose. Because he have true friends. True friends he's willing to sacrifice himself for. That's the best victory of them all." Garmadon said, making the three ninja smile.
Nya was following the falcon in the base. "Why did you call me here?" She asked before the falcon screeched. Suddenly she saw her raidar showing Zane's signal. Her eyes widened. "Zane's beacon. Coming from somewhere off the coast. But that's impossible. Sensei Wu, come in. This is Nya, do you read? I think I may have found the ninja." She said with a hopeful voice.
That evening, Lloyd was in his room when a knock was heard from the door. He opened it, and there stood Selena. "Selena. Um, hi. What are you doing here?" Lloyd asked with a small blush. "Unless you want you and your friends to pay the price. Then I suggest you don't try causing more trouble for you." Selena said with a cold tone. Lloyd's eyes widened. "Your two friends fighting eachother was thanks to you sneaking around. And now you send Neuro to try to find out Chen's secret. It's a dangerous game you're playing. So, mind your own business unless you want to get into trouble more." She soon walked off, leaving Lloyd stunned.
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