Tick tock
Zane was under water as the others watched a stopwatch. "He's beaten his own record." Kaya smiled and Cole nodded. "That guy's not human." Soon Zane petted a fish before swimming up to the surface. "Did I beat the record?" He asked as the others cheered for him. "You destroyed it." Kaya said with a smile. Jay turned to the others. "Okay, just think about all we have done. I don't think we can get better." They all thought about the different things they've done.
Like Kaya walking glowing hot rocks, Jay being on the top of the highest building in Ninjago during a thunderstorm and Cole lifting very heavy weights. All without any trouble. They all walked into Wu's room where he packed down a sword. "Well I do 500 pushups every morning." Zane informed them and Jay scoffed. "500? Ha, I do 1001." Kaya smirked. "That's just warm Up for me and Cole." Cole nodded before turning to Wu. "Hey Sensei. How do true potential look like if..." He stopped when they saw that they interupted Wu.
All four bowed in apology. "Our apology Sensei, we interrupted you." Wu sighed and shook his head. "Sorry if I've been different lately. But since Lloyd have been captured, my mind have been elsewhere. What can I help you with?" Cole stepped forward. "Sensei, what if we've trained enough? What if we've reached our true potential and are ready?" Wu scoffed.
"Hmm, peak physical condition maybe. But you're yet to reach your inner potential.
In every person, there's an obstacle that keep us back. Only when that fear is conquered, then your heart will be free. And only then, you will reach your true potential. Only then, we have a chance to stop the serpentine from freeing the great devourer." Zane noticed something in his eyes. As if he knew something. "You know more about the great devourer then you've told. Isn't that so sensei?" With a sigh, Wu nodded.
"There is a story I haven't told." Soon he started to tell them how Garmadon wasn't always evil. But one day they were sword fighting, Wu lost his sword and Garmadon ran to get it. Which resulted him getting bitten by the Great devourer. Evil started to fill his blood after that. "So Lord Garmadon is evil thanks to the great devourer?" Kaya asked and Wu nodded. "It was all my fault." He took the sword case and turned to the ninja. "Your training is done. Now you have to focus on stopping Pythor from collecting the four fangblades. But never lose focus on the obstacles inside of you. Unlock your true potential." The ninja looked at him in concern.
"But how are we suppose to do that Sensei?" Zane asked. "It's up to each of you to discover. Now I myself must go on a personal journey." Wu said. "Where?" Jay asked and Wu shook his head. "A place where you can't follow." The ninja looked at him in surprise. "Are you going after Lloyd. The city of Ouroboros is filled by hundreds of serpentine. You'll never make it alone." A saddened nod came from Wu. "I'm gonna get someone who will be at aid. The serpentine is united and stronger. So we'll need all the help we could get." He soon left.
In the Constrictal tomb were the snakes trying to figure out where to look for the fangblades. They looked on the walls, but it didn't help. "This says nothing about where to find the fangblades." Skales said before Pythor pointed at the center table. "I'm sure this must be a clue. When five fangs unite as one. The path toward the devourer has began." He read and the other generals got confused. 'Yeah. Unite the five tribes, we've done that." Skales hissed as the others got mad at Pythor for not knowing what the riddle meant. He growled, promising he'd figure it out.
In Jamanakai Village was the ninja putting up flyers with the fangblade symbol on it. But Cole got tired of it. "This is silly. Any better ideas?" Jay then thought a little. "Oh, maybe Sensei have gone to get the samurai's help." Kaya and Nya looked at eachother with a smirk. "I'm sure the samurai is busy looking for the fangblades as well." The former said as the latter nodded in agreement. As Zane put up flyers outside a shop, he suddenly sensed something.
He dropped the flyers, making the shopkeeper mad. "Hey dude! You're littering outside my shop." He said but Zane didn't respond. "You got a problem? Maybe I should teach you a lesson in manors." Kaya stepped infront of him. "Sorry about our friend sir, he's special." The shopkeeper grunted. "He's making a mess." Cole nodded and walked up aswell. "We pick it up, sorry." Soon the shopkeeper returned inside as the others picked up the flyers.
"Zane! What's the deal?" Jay asked, a little mad over what happened. Zane just pointed into the sky where the falcon were flying. "Look, it's the falcon. It lead us to good fortune." Jay smiled. Kaya turned to Nya. "Head back to the Bounty incase we need backup." Nya nodded as the ninja ran after the falcon. All four followed it very far. Cole and Jay stopped to take a break while Kaya said she'd wait for them. Zane continued alone before he saw the falcon fall from the sky.
He gasped and ran over to it. That's when his eyes widened when he saw that it was sparking. "You're a robot?" Suddenly another robot jumped out from the forest and looked at Zane. "Intruder, Intruder, Intruder." Having no choice, Zane charged forward and fought the robot. It shot at him, but Zane dodged all the the shots. Soon he managed to defeat the bot. With a heavy breath, Zane picked up the falcon and followed the trail from where the security bot came from.
He reached a tree with a symbol that the bot also had. With gentle steps he walked inside and found a lab. For some reason he seemed to recognize the place. On a table nearby, he found blueprints of the falcon and started to fix it. It all came naturally to him. Soon the falcon was completely fixed and flew around. Zane smiled before his eyes landed on another blueprint. He grabbed it and quickly froze. His eyes widening as he fell to the ground. "No. It can't be true. Noooooooo!" He cried out in despair.
In another part of Ninjago was Wu Mystake's tea shop. "Traveler tea please." Mystake looked at him and scoffed. "Never heard of it." Wu gave her some money and she grabbed a teapot and tea leaves. "You know. Those who drink this never returns." She said and Wu took the pot and bowed in gratitude. "Then I'm not gonna bother you again." He walked out leaving Mystake sighing and shaking her head.
The other ninja soon arrived to the lab and walked inside. "Zane!" Kaya called out, while Jay just looked around in amazement. "Wow, look at this place." They all soon saw Zane on his knees and ran up to him. "Zane what's wrong?" Jay asked in concern before Zane handed them a blueprint with himself on it. Before they could react, Zane opened his whole chest. Showing his mechanical insides. The others looked at him shocked.
"You're a robot?" Kaya asked and Zane sighed. "All this time. And I didn't knew." The others were still shocked by this. "Well this explains why you where so weird. Right? Hehe." Jay nervously laughed. "The reason why I didn't have a sense of humor, is because my funny switch wasn't on." With that he turned on the switch.
(Did I need to use the clip? No, but I wanted to.)
Jay laughed before Kaya smacked him. Zane turned of his funny switch and sighed a saddened sigh. The others smiled comforting smiles at him. "This just makes you special. I mean, you're still the same Zane. Just more gears." Cole said and Kaya nodded in agreement. "You're Still our brother no matter what." This made Zane smile a little. "Really?" Cole put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. Plus, I bet this make you an even better ninja." Jay nodded.
"Yeah. And how cool isn't it that I can honestly say that my brother is a nindroid!" Zane looked at him confused. "A nindroid?" The others smiled gently at him. "Now come on. Pythor's still out there, looking for the fangblades. And we need you." Cole said, but Zane just looked down. "Go without me. I just don't feel right." Knowing he needed to be alone, the others headed outside. Letting Zane process everything.
"Let's give him some time. I don't know how I would feel if I found out that I was a robot." Kaya said. "You mean a nindroid." Jay argued before earning a glare from Kaya. Cole looked around. "How the hell do we get out of here?" Suddenly big footsteps was heard. Cole turned to the others. "What was that?" All three took out their weapons. "Tiny friendly birds?" Jay nervously asked. Kaya suddenly saw some trees move, realizing what it was. "Treehorns!" She shouted before treehorns surrounded them.
Kaya saw the bot that Zane had destroyed. "Fucking great. I bet it was suppose to protect this place." Without hesitation the three started to dodge the treehorn's attacks. But they were too many and strong. Inside the lab had Zane found his memory switch and turned it on.
Zane shedded a tear and smiled over remembering everything. With a light heart, ran out to the others. But his eyes widened when he saw the others being attacked by treehorns. "Leave my friends alone! Ninja go!" He shouted and used spinjitsu to knock them down. The others looked at Zane as he went wild on the treehorns. "What's gotten into Zane?" Cole asked and Kaya smiled. "I don't know, but I like it." The three soon joined and used spinjitsu on the enemies.
Suddenly the treehorn started to regroup, confusing the ninja. Until they saw a bigger treehorn appere. "Who's that?" Jay asked frightened. "The queen." Zane answered before the queen roared at them. With a determined glare, Zane walked up to her with his shurikens ready. "You will not hurt my Friends! There is nothing holding me back! I KNOW WHO I AM!" An ice blue light surrounded him before lifting him into the air. "What's happening? Was he programed to do that?" Cole asked and Jay shook his head. "I've never seen a robot do that." Cole smirked at him.
"You mean, a nindroid?" Jay scoffed. "Whatever." Kaya smiled at Zane. "No, he's unlocked his true potential." With his new powers was Zane able to freeze the queen, making the other treehorn retreat. Soon Zane landed on the ground without the glow. "What happened?" He asked before the others cheered at him. "That was amazing!" Jay exclaimed. "You should've seen yourself!" Kaya said with a smile. "I've never seen anything like it!" Cole said.
Zane smiled. "This must be what Sensai meant about unlocking our hearts. I remember everything. My father and how he cared for me, where i came from. And I feel stronger for knowing it." The others smiled at him before they headed back. "I'm so jealous. His power are so cool." Cole said and Jay nodded in agreement. "We have our own nindroid." Zane looked at the sky. "Watch out Pythor! We're coming to get you." Speaking of Pythor.
He managed to figure out the riddle by combining the venom from the general staffs. With that he managed to get the map to the fangblades. So the hunt had begun. Meanwhile had Wu boiled the tea and poured it infront of him. A portal opened that he stepped into. On the other side was a dark place. And a familiar face. Garmadon. "Hello brother. What took you so long?" He laughed, ready to cause chaos.
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