The void

The ninja were floating around in the rocket, Jay being the only one who was excited. "Is this the greatest thing ever or what?" He said with a cheerful voice. "Where are you? We're trapped in space and you...where did you go?" Kaya asked with her arms crossed. Jay just chuckled. "Guys, we're in space. I thought this is stuff only Fritz Donnegan gets to enjoy." Lloyd rolled his eyes in annoyence. "Fritz is a fictional character, dude. We're not! This is real." Jay scoffed. "Well, you got me hooked on the character. Would you lighten up and not step on my dreams of being a real starfarer just yet?" Tge others just ignored him at this point.

"We have to find a way to take control of the ship. If they get the golden weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance." Lloyd told them and Kaya looked around. "But there's no access to the rest of the ship. The only way out is through the same airlock we came in." An agreeing nod came from Zane. "And if my memory banks serves me correctly, space has a way of taking one's breath away, in the negative sense." In the cockpit, the nindroids were handling the rocket. "Delta V guidance. Data point zero thirty. Initiate auto sequencing." Cryptor commanded before Mindroid nodded and started the timer for five minutes.

Zane saw the countdown before turning to the others. "We better enjoy this moment, because in five minutes, the entire ship is scheduled to lighten up. The supplemental boosters are set to detach." Lloyd looked at Kaya. "Um, what does that mean?" Kaya looked a little worried. "That the portion of the ship we are currently stationed, will soon detach and we will be abandoned in space with it." Lloyd gulped a little. Suddenly the others managed to contact them. "Hello? Kaya? Anyone? Can you read me?" Nya asked and Kaya answered. "We read you loud and clear." This made the others sigh in relief.

"They're alive! They're alive." Garmadon cheered with Nya and Pixal. Wu took the microphone. "Good to hear you, my students. We're going to get you home safe. Pixal was able to find the blueprints for the rocket. You need to escape the cargo hold before it's too late. Near the front of the ship is an A2 storage compartment. Inside are emergency spacesuits." Cole scoffed. "That will be a doozy. We can't get the spacesuits unless we go outside. Problem is, we can't go outside without the spacesuits. Any other suggestions?" Garmadon whispered towards Wu. "They are completely out of their element. Even if they get through this, what chance do we have of getting them home?" He told him.

Kaya then let out a small cough. "We can still hear you, you know." Lloyd nodded. "Yeah, we could really use some encouraging words right about now." He said with his arms crossed. "If you cannot change your circumstances, change yourself." Wu told them, making them confused. "Hm, for once, I can't figure it out. Can anyone else figure that one out?" Kaya asked and Jay shook his head. "His wisdom usually takes a while to set in. But we don't have a while!" He pointed towards the timer.

"Zane, you're the only one who can survive outside the ship." Pixal soon suggested and Julien nodded. "Yes. You're built to handle all extrem situations." Zane smiled with determination and turned to the others. "They're right. I'm the only one who doesn't need oxygen. I must go alone." The gave him a nod. "Go get 'em, Zane." Kaya said before Zane went outside and started making his way. He felt how the environment was realy tough. "Come on, Zane. You can do this!" He used ice to fly towards the storage compartment, hacking into it and grabbing the suits.

"Booster separation on my command. Five, four, three, two, disengage." Cryptor said before the boosters got let go. The others held their breaths in nervousness. "We made it!" Lloyd's voice was heard, making them breath out a reliefed sigh. "Yeah! All right! Yay!" Nya exclaimed as the ninja held onto the rocket. "We have our spacesuits and found one way to change ourselves. At least now we can stay on this ride a bit longer." Lloyd told them before Nya talked through the mic. "All right, to commandeer the ship, you have to get to the cockpit. You'll find an access hatch just ahead of you." Cole looked around. "You know what's also ahead? A desolate void of nothingness. If any one of us falls off..." Kaya grabbed his hand and gave an insuring smile. "We'll take it slow. Together." Cole smiled back.

Slowly they started to make it to the cockpit. "I can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of those metal chrome domes when they find out we stowed away onboard." Jay excitedly smiled, making the others roll their eyes. "They're nindroids, nimrod, they don't have expressions." Cole told him, no one knowing that Cryptor could hear them. "Oh, yeah. Well, Zane has expressions." Jay argued and Kaya sighed. "Zane's not like them. Do we really have to go over this right now?" Jay just rolled his eyes. "It's just so quiet, I'm only trying to fill the space. Get it? Space." He laughed.

Cryptor turned to some nindroids. "Get rid of them." He commanded before the nindroids went towards the ninja. Soon he contacted Pythor. "The ninja have stowed away." Pythor hissed. "Stay the course for the golden weapons. They must be getting help. We'll track down who's aiding them." He said before ending the contact. As the ninja got closer to the cockpit, nindroids appeared. "So much for our surprise attack. Look out!" Cole exclaimed before the nindroids started to shoot at them. Jay made his way towards one of them and stole his weapon.

He started to shoot the other nindroids as the other ninja cheered. "All right! Good job Jay." Kaya complimented him, but Jay grinned with glee. "Not Jay. Fritz Donnegan! Fear isn't a word where I come from." He exclaimed while still shooting the nindroids. Lloyd sighed and shook his head. "Oh, man. I'm sorry for introducing him to that." He apologized. "Don't be. If we can't change our circumstances, that's one way to change yourself." Kaya said before using her fire towards the nindroids. Lloyd quickly made an energy shield around him.

Cole suddenly took a part from the rocket and threw it at the nindroids. "Hope we don't need that." He said before trying to do spinjitsu, but it ended with him floating away. "Cole!" Kaya exclaimed. "We can't use our Spinjitzu in zero gravity. There's too little resistance." Zane informed and Lloyd looked at him. "Too little? I'd say the resistance is bit more than we can handle at the moment." Jay continued to fight the nindroids while laughing. "Haven't you heard, scourge? No free rides!" Kaya looked at him. "Jay! Don't let Cole get away! Ugh. Fritz! Save him!" She said and Jay nodded. "I'm on it, Commander Kiflin." He quickly grabbed a tube and jumped towards Cole. "Fritz Donnegan to the rescue!" Quickly, he grabbed his legs. "Gotcha! Next time, don't get carried away." Lloyd made a bigger shield so Kaya and Zane could pull them in.

"Ah, thanks. I owe you one." Cole said with gratitude. "Can I be your ultra bestman on your and Kaya's wedding?" Jay asked and Cole chuckled. "Don't know if that's a real thing. But okay." They returned to the others as the rocket got closer to the comet. "The golden weapons. Prepare for entry. But take us through the comet's tail." Cryptor commanded and one of the nindroids turned to him with concern. "General, the comet's letting off a high volume of debris." He said before Cryptor glared at him. "Do it!" With that, they flew right into the tail as the ninja got closer to the cockpit. "You ar.. almost at the...Just make su...your course. And focus.......ahead." Wu's voice sounded through the mic.

"Sensei? I'm getting interference. I can't hear you." Kaya said. "Asteroids." Zane pointed out as more astroids headed their way. "Cryptor's steering us into the tail of the comet. Find cover!" Kaya exclaimed and Lloyd continued to hold up his shield. "I'm doing the best I can." The others tried to reach the ninja, but couldn't get a signal. "They can't hear us because of the asteroid shower." Wu said and Pixal nodded. "They must be preparing to land." Garmadon looked at them in concern. "But we have to warn them about what else is on that comet." Julien was tinkering on the mic. "I should be able to upgrade the mic to reach them through the shower." Suddenly Nya suddenly saw the army of nindroids on the screen, heading their way.

Pythor and Overlord being with them, aswell as the controlled Cyrus. "Uh. We're not alone anymore." Nya said as the army broke into the tower. "The transmissions are coming from here." Pythor informed and and Overlord glared around. "Seize the entire building. This place will play a crucial role to our greater agenda once they return with the golden weapons." The nindroids nodded before running upstairs.

Wu turned towards the others. "We have to leave." Garmadon shook his head. "But we have to warn them. We can't just leave them without telling them what else is out there." He argued and Wu nodded. "Grab everything you can." They all grabbed everything they needed before escaping last minute, without any of the nindroids seeing them.

The rocket came closer to landing. "Looks like we're coming in hot." Kaya said before they all held onto eachother tightly. "Hold on!" Cole exclaimed before they crashed onto the comet. The rocket was slightly damaged from the impact, but still good enough to use. Slowly the ninja opened their eyes and stood up with small grunts. "Ha! We survived! Ouch." Jay said before rubbing his arm that was a little bruised. "Nya, are you there? Dad? Wu? Anyone?" Lloyd tried to contact the others and Kaya looked at him.

"Maybe the signal isn't strong enough." She said before they went inside of the rocket. It was completely empty without any sign of the nindroids. "They're all gone." Zane said. "They must have already left for the weapons. Quick, let's take the ship before they get back. Argh! They took the launch key." Jay pointed out and Kaya sighed. "Ofcourse they did." Cole looked around. "Anyone knows how to hotwire this thing?" The others shook their heads before Lloyd saw tracks from rovers. "Hey, guys. Come and see this! They took the lunar rovers. Looks like they left tracks to follow." They soon took the last rover and followed the tracks.

It was a little cramped, but they managed to get to a cave. There they hid behind a rock, watching as the nindroids mined up a big golden rock. "This must be where the golden weapons landed. There they are." Cole pointed at the rock where the golden weapons were seen, merged together into a big rock. Kaya saw the key around Cryptor's neck. "And there's the key." She told the others. Suddenly a nindroid got amazed by weapons and walked closer towards it. "No, don't!" Cryptor tried to warn him, but it was too late. As the nindroid touched the weapons, he got disintegrated which caused the others back away in fear. "Only the Overlord can withstand the power of all the weapons combined. No one directly touches it." Cryptor informed them.

"Those are the golden weapons all right." Jay said before a beetle crawled onto Zane's hand. "Hello there, little friend." Jay's eyes shined up as he picked it up. "Oh, would you look at that? Can you believe it? It's an extraterrestrial lifeform." Cole rolled his eyes. "It's a bug. And it's not what's important right now." But Jay scoffed. "Oh, there's so much we could learn from it. So much we could teach it. I'm gonna call him Glowie." Soon Glowie started to fly around. "Oh look, Glowie can fly. How cute." Soon Wu's voice started to be heard through the communicator.

Kai heard Wu trying to talk through the communicator. "You mu...dist....ien life. Th....ery Can you hear me?" Kaya answered the call. "I couldn't make that out, Sensei. What did you say?" The others were at Garmadon's monastery. Julien finished tinkering with the mic. "The alien life. They're very dangerous." Wu told them again before Nya read through an old newspaper. "A few years ago scientists studied a meteorite that had fallen to Ninjago. It mostly came from the same comet you're on. Inside the meteorite, there were the fossilized remains of some kind of parasite that feeds on metal alloys." She informed.

More beetles appeared and started to crawl over the ninja. "They tickle." Zane laughed. "Silly Glowie." Jay laughed too before one of the beetles bit onto Zane's cheek. "Ow." He winched. "Do you hear me? Whatever you do, don't come in contact with the parasites. They eat through metal!" Nya exclaimed before the ninja started to panic. "Argh! They're eating through my exoskeleton!" Zane cried out before they all tried to get rid of the beetles, revealing their hiding spot in the process. Cryptor turned towards the nindroids. "The gold must remain intact. Back to the ship!" He commanded before they took the rock and headed towards the rocket.

The ninja kept trying to get rid of the beetles. "What do we do? Any ideas, guys?" Zane asked as Cole grunted. "Space. Why did we come to space? If I could change any circumstance, I'd change ever coming here in the first place." Lloyd's eyes widened. "If you can't change your circumstances, change your mind." He exclaimed. "Now's not the time to be quoting Wu." Jay argued and Lloyd shook his head. "No, I finally see what he means. This is just like the Starteeth. Come on, I've got an idea." They quickly got onto the rover and chased after the nindroids, the beetles following them.

"Ninja!" One of the nindroids exclaimed and Cryptor growled. "Get them!" They started to shoot towards the ninja. "Sensei meant instead of focusing on how wrong things are, focus on what's right. We have to think positive. Those parasites aren't just a menace, they're a weapon. Attack!" Lloyd shouted before the beetles flew towards the nindroids. They destroyed part of the rover as a gap was coming up. Cryptor quickly kicked out the driver and made the rover jump, making some nindroids fall off.

Luckily the ninja jumped after him and landed safely. "Now let's go get that launch key." Kaya said before they jumped onto the rover and defeated some of the nindroids, Lloyd was left in the driver seat. Quickly, Kaya jumped beside Cryptor and took the key. "You can keep your gold." She winked at him before jumping back to the others as Cryptor crashed. "I got it! Let's get outta here." They all cheered as Cryptor glared at them. "Ninja!" He shouted in anger.

Smiles was on the ninja's faces as they got closer to the rocket. "We're home free!" Jay cheered with the others before they arrived at the rocket. But that's when their eyes widened when they saw the rocket completely destroyed, all eaten up by beetles. "The rocket. It's...destroyed." Lloyd said with a saddened voice. "Then how are we gonna get home?" Jay asked. Cole hang his head. "There's no way back." Suddenly they heard the nindroids laugh and saw them flying with rocket boosters on their feet. "You're not the only ones who can adapt! So long, ninja!" Cryptor grinned before they flew off with the golden weapons. "No." Lloyd said and looked down. Kaya closed her eyes and contacted the others. "They got away. We failed. I repeat, they got the golden weapons." The other's eyes widened in shock. "Are you on the rocket? Can you stop them?" Nya desperately asked and Kaya sighed. "No. The ship is destroyed. We're not coming home." She informed as they all looked up at space. Now stuck with no way to get home.

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