The titanium ninja

The nindroids had just returned with the golden weapons and melted them down to start building an armor. Overlord walked into Cyrus's office with a cane to support him thanks to him still being a little week. "Have they melted down the golden weapons?" He asked and Pythor nodded. "Yes, the golden armor will be ready for your evil bidding, my dark lordship." Soon Overlord looked at Cyrus. "Borg's still here? What use is he now that project Arcturus is completed?" He commanded.

The production started and Overlord grinned as he watched over it. "Yes. Yes! Behold, the beginnings of the golden master!" He laughed while Cryptor freed Cyrus. "You''re releasing me? But what have you done? What now?" Cyrus asked in worry. "Now you watch your city and all of Ninjago fall. And bow to a new master. Looks like you already have that part down." Cryptor laughed before throwing out Cyrus of the building. "How can I stop this?" He said in concern.

On the astroid was Kaya using fire onto the beetles. "Ugh. These bugs are so irritating. And we're not going anywhere." She said as the others were contacting the others. "Nya, there's no way we're getting off this planet." Jay said and Cole nodded. "Do you have a solution?" Nya sighed and shook her head. "Sadly I don't. Just don't give up." Lloyd grunted. "My dad was right, I should've never given up my golden power. We could have all been home. Now the Overlord has all he needs to become the golden master." Garmadon sighed. "Don't say that. I was wrong. You must trust your friends. Trust yourself." Pixal got notification. "They've returned with the golden weapons. It's only a matter of time." He informed.

Wu took the mic. "Search for the power within, then realize the greatness within each other." He ended the contact and Lloyd nodded. "He's right. We can get off this planet." They all started to think about a way back. "What about your green power, Lloyd?" Kaya suggested before Zane shook his head. "It's too far. He'll never be able to keep his focus that long." Cole sighed. "No one happens to have a build-your-own-rocket-kit handy, do they?" That comment made Lloyd look at the rocket scraps before getting an idea.

"Whoa. That's it!" Jay looked at him confused. "You have a build-your-own-rocket-kit?" Lloyd shook his head. "No, but we can make one. Arcturus may not fly, but she'll give us all the metal we need. And Zane knows this solar system better than anyone." Zane looked at Kaya. "And Kaya's fire could weld the missing parts." He said and Kaya smiled. "Cole's manpower could do all the heavy lifting." Cole smirked. "Jay has enough electricity and nerd knowledge to make a halfway believable spacecraft." Jay just chuckled. "Haha. Hey! Hey. This could actually work." They soon started to work on the new rocket.

In time they were ready. "Let's fire this thing up and see if she'll fly." Kaya said before they jumped inside. "Boosters?" Lloyd asked and Kaya nodded. "Check." She answered. "Electronics?" Jay nodded. "Check." Lloyd looked at Zane. "Navigation?" Zane connected towards the system. "Check." Lloyd nodded before turning to Cole. "How are we holding together?" Cole smirked. "Bubblegum and a wish." They all smiled. "Let's go home, fellas." Lloyd said before they started up the rocket. Before they knew it, they took off towards earth.

The others cheered. "They have lift off!" Nya exclaimed happily. In the city meanwhile, the ground started to rumble. "What is this now? Hasn't Ninjago suffered enough already?" A woman asked before Overlord appeared. Now in the golden armor and bigger than before. People ran away in fear as his giant steps shook the ground. "I was trapped in lord Garmadon, then I was trapped in the digiverse. Now I am free! Bow to your golden master!" He exclaimed with a grin.

The ninja was slowly approaching Ninjago. "Hold on, we're almost there." Cole said before Zane noticed how sparks came from his chest. "My power source has reached critical mass. It appears my unlimited energy is in fact, limited." He said and the other's eyes widened. "Critical mass? Like, it's gonna blow up?" Jay worriedly asked. "Don't worry about me. I must use my power to hold our vessel together." Zane assured them before Lloyd shook his head.

"No way, Zane. Entering the atmosphere means we have air." Jay looked at him in concern. "No, it means we're gonna burn up." His voice filled with fear. "Listen! With just enough air, we can now support our elemental shields. Let's try, guys!" Lloyd said said before they activated their shield, flying right towards Ninjago. The citizens saw them and cheered, being filled with hope.

"They've returned? But how?" Pythor hissed as Overlord glared. "If the ninja are what gives them hope, then we'll destroy them. Prepare for battle!" He exclaimed before using the golden power to make a wall with the buildings. The ninja got closer towards the ground. "I hate to bring this up now, but parachutes would've come in handy." Cole said and Kaya looked at him. "Friends and family make a good substitute." Pixal soon called them. "Coordinating catch. Be on the lookout. Kaya, go for 56 degrees north, 12 east." He said and Kaya quickly got into her jet.

"Zane, you're next." Pixal said. "Don't worry, I've got you." Zane answer and got into his copter. Jay and Cole got into their mech and raider. Lloyd meanwhile summoned his cycle instead. "Welcome home, ninja." Wu told them from one of Nya's samurai vehicles. "Brother, I can't remember the last time we fought together on the same team." Garmadon said before they all got closer towards the city. "I have the city in my sights." Zane said before they saw the city. "City? That's not a city, that's an impenetrable fortress!" Jay exclaimed.

"Behind that wall, the golden master has the power of the first spinjitzu master." Garmadon said before Cyrus appeared on screen. "Ninja, if you get this message, I've managed to escape and have found refuge within the temple of fortitude here in the city." He informed them and Wu stroke his beard. "Temple of fortitude? That was left over from the stone wars. The Overlord used it as a stronghold against the power of the first spinjitzu master." Garmadon nodded. "It has a sacred seal of protection that can resist the golden power. Very clever." Cyrus continued. "If you can make it here alive, I think I have a device that could defeat him." He soon ended the call

Lloyd turned towards the others. "Then we have to get to that temple. Everyone, stay together." Soon they got close to the city. "Kaya. You, Nya, and Zane take the high road. We'll make our own road." Lloyd said before they split up. He drove through a window with the others, making it through. But those flying had problem, specifically that the wall started to grow. "Is that wall getting higher?" Nya exclaimed. "It's just like the digiverse. His turf, his rules." Zane informed before they they managed to get over. "The temple's up ahead." Wu said before Nya saw an old lady getting attacked by nindroids.

She quickly flew towards them and saved her. "Two down and moving onwards to the-" A car hit her, making her crush. "Nya's down! I repeat, Nya's down!" Kaya said and Jay's eyes widened. "I'll go back and get her." Zane shook his head. "Go back, and our probability to make it to the temple exponentially diminishes." Kaya clenched her fists. "This isn't about numbers, Zane. It's about family." Lloyd turned towards the others. "Everyone else head to the temple, we'll go pick up Nya." They split up. Kaya soon got Nya's location.

"I got her. She's on the corner of Bradley Boulevard and-" They all soon got hit, knocking them out of their vehicles. "And somewhere." Overlord walked up to them with a grin. "Holy fuck! He's huge!" Jay exclaimed. "The famous ninja have time for a meet-and-greet. Let's dance." Overlord laughed before doing spinjitzu, making a giant tornado. "Change of plans. Run!" Lloyd exclaimed before they away from Overlord, avoiding flying things heading towards them.

Nya got out of her mech and sighed. "This is a complete mess." She said before Cryptor walked towards her. "Now let's see if the little girl can fight without her big suit." He grinned. The ninja managed to get to the temple, quickly closing the doors and activating the shields. "No, no!" Overlord exclaimed as he tried to break the shield. Nya kept fighting Cryptor. "You kick like a little girl." He teased as Nya glared. "Oh, yeah? How's this for little?" She kicked him into a wall.

The nindroids were shooting at the shield. "Keep shooting. They will break and die busy." Overlord commanded while the ninja reached Cyrus. "You said you had a weapon that could stop him?" Lloyd said and Cyrus nodded. "I do. It's my best protected secret." He took up a briefcase and opened it, revealing a pill. "Is it a-a-a pill!?" Jay exclaimed and Cyrus chuckled. "Ah, not just any pill, a nano pill. For all of time, scientists have been searching for the holy grail of inventions. A diet pill that actually works!" Garmadon sighed. "Wait until you are old, you'll see why it's so important. Tell me, Borg. Does it work?" He asked.

"No. But the nanotechnology inside has an adverse effect. It not only shrinks your waistline, but miniaturize you as well." Cyrus answered and the others looked a little, unenthusiastic. "You've made a shrinking pill?" Zane asked. "Let me get this straight. You want us to get close to this guy, who has armor that with the mere touch, would make us toast, and you want us to give him a pill?" Kaya said with an annoyed tone. "Precisely!" Cyrus answered. Julien sighed. "But the question is, how will they do it?" Garmadon thought a little before turning to Wu. "Brother, do you remember when both of us were on the same team?" Wu chuckled at the memory. "Uh, hey, yeah, old timers, mind paying attention? We're trying to save the world here!" Jay said annoyed.

"You're right, brother, on the playground when we were kids. Templegate Tigers." Wu smirked. "Ha, I threw a mean curve ball, and your stick could thread the needle. We never lost." Garmadon answered. Wu nodded. "So true. Get us close, ninja, and we'll give the golden master his medicine." The ninja nodded. Overlord kept destroying the city, making the citizens panic more. "Haha! The people are losing hope. Soon they will bow to you, golden master." Pythor exclaimed.

Nya and Cryptor kept fighting. "What is that perfume I smell? Fear?" Cryptor grinned as Nya was against the wall. "Actually, it's called damsel in distress. But I don't think it suits me." Cryptor just scoffed. "You think you can mock me?" That's when Nya saw Mindroid and smirked.

Nya then saw Min-Droid walking. "Of course. Doesn't everyone? I mean, even Mindroid knows you're short of a hard drive." She said and Cryptor laughed. "Mindroid? That little piece of scrap isn't even fit to tighten my bolts. I've met toasters more intelligent than him. " Mindroid heard this and attacked Cryptor, giving Nya a chance to escape.

The ninja grabbed some stone armor from the temple. "Are you sure this is gonna protect us?" Kaya asked and Garmadon nodded. "If the Overlord's stone warriors used this against the first spinjitzu master, I see no reason why we can't use it against those exact same powers." Zane turned towards Pixal. "Here. You take it." Pixal shook his head before giving him a small kiss. "No, you are vital to this mission. Don't worry about me. I shall see you again." He said before the ninja put on the armor.

(Kaya's stone armor suit.)

"Okay we have to go." Garmadon said before Cole grabbed Kaya's arms. "Cole, what is it?" She asked and Cole took a deep breath. "I've wanted to ask you so many times, but always got interupted or messed up. So, if we'll die out there. I rather ask you now than never asking." He got onto one knee, making Kaya gasp as the others watched. "Kaya. Since our first meeting, you've been my sun when it's rainy. My northern star when I'm lost at sea. You're what keeps me going. You're my everything. My love." Cole then took up the ring.

"Kaya Smith. Will you marry me?" Kaya looked at him with a smile as tears of happiness run down her cheeks. "Yes! Yes!" She threw herself into Cole's arms and they kissed. Cole put the ring on her finger with a smile as the others smiled at them, happy that Cole finally proposed, especially Jay as he was Cole's best friend. Suddenly the shields got broken. "Hey, the seal! It's broken!" Lloyd exclaimed as nindroids grinned while walking towards them. That's when Nya arrived and destroyed them. "Better late than never! Go get 'em, ninja!" She smirked before heading to a safer place with Pixal, Cyrus and Julien.

The others jumped from roof to roof. "Feels like old times, doesn't it?" Wu chuckled, Garmadon laughing too. "Yes. It feels good." The ninja jumped through thread of golden power, while Overlord was in the middle of the city, like a spider. "I don't believe it, the armor's working!" Cole laughed as the threads broke. "Keep going! We have to take the heat off the Senseis!" Jay said as they kept going. "My powers! They aren't working! They won't start coming!" Overlord growled as Pythor looked at the cheering citizens with a grin. "Then attack the people." He suggested and Overlord grinned before attacking the people.

"We have to save the people!" Lloyd said and Kaya looked at him. "We have to get the Senseis closer!" Suddenly a snake came from a manhole. "People of Ninjago, follow me!" He said as more snakes opened up manholes through the city, helping the people. Skales looked at the ninja. "Think it's time to stop hiding, and become part of the people." He said to Skales Jr. who smiled at his father. "The snakes are on our side? Ha, would have thought." Jay chuckled before they came to last roof. "We'll never get close enough." Kaya pointed out before Garmadon and Wu walked up. "We won't need to. Ready to thread the needle, brother?" Garmadon asked. "Let's show them what old timers can do." Wu answered before the pill into the air, hoisting Wu into the air.

With a precise hit, Wu sent the pill flying towards Overlord. But to their fear, Pythor swallowed the pill instead, shrinking him down to doll size. "Ah! What's happening to me? No!" He hissed before the falcon chased him. "That was it? That was all you've got?" Overlord said before using golden treads to grab everyone, except for Zane. "The armor, why isn't it working?" Cole said, trying to break free. "Because your time is over!" Overlord laughed as Zane looked at the others. He thought a little before throwing his mask to the ground and looking up.

"Support me, friends, for one last time." With that he jumped on the others before reaching Overlord, grabbing his armor. "Let my friends go!" Zane commanded and Overlord grinned. "Go where, doomed ninja? The golden weapons are too powerful for you to behold. Your survival chance is zero!" Zane grunted as part of his face fell off. "This isn't about numbers. It's about family." The others got let go before looking up at Zane in worry. "He's not letting go!" Lloyd exclaimed. "His heart! It's reaching critical mass!" Jay pointed out. "If his heart overloads, he'll blow! He'll never survive!" Cole said.

"Let go of him, Zane! What is he doing?" Kaya said before Wu closed his eyes in sadness. "He's protecting us." Zane kept holding onto the armor. "I am a Nindroid, and ninja never quit. Go, ninja. Go!" He started to shoot eyes at Overlord. "What are you doing? Let me go, you fool!" Overlord exclaimed. The others got more worried for Zane. "No, Zane, no!" Jay tried to get to Zane, but Wu stopped him. "We have to get out of here now." They went into a manhole and continued to watch Zane. "No!" The other ninja said. While on another roof was Pixal, Nya, Cyrus and Julien watching in shock. "No." Pixal said in despair.

Zane started to see his prescious memories. When he and the others fought together, when ge reunited with his father, Wu telling how there was something special about him. Even when he unlocked his true potential and meeting the falcon. And finally when Julien built him. "You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He heard and smiled big. And that's when he destroyed Overlord successfully, with himself aswell. Ice covered Ninjago and froze all nindroids that broke into pieces. Everyone came out from hiding and looked around.

That's when Cole found Zane's face piece, showing the he was really gone. Pixal held his hand over his mouth as he quietly sobbed. Nya quickly hugged Jay and cried while Jay himself quietly sobbed. Tears fell from Kaya's eyes before Cole pulled her into a hug aswell, small tears falling from him. Julien just fell to the ground in sorrow. His son was gone.

Later, the city held a memorial for Zane, everyone was there, including the snakes. Cyrus was at the front, holding a speech. "I used to think technology would be the answer to all of our problems. But then I saw technology invent new problems. Devastating problems. And then a nindroid named Zane saved us all. He was the perfect balance between us and technology. He taught us that life should be a balance. Technology can improve our lives, but so can people. And if we focus on one at the expense of the other, that's when the balance is off. Our city will find its way again, but this time with Zane as our compass. With that, I give to you the Titanium Ninja." He said and unveiled a statue of Zane, the falcon landing on it's shoulder.

"So, what happens after this?" Nya asked the others. "I don't know." Cole answered and Jay sighed with sorrow. "And I don't care. Today's about Zane." He said. "And now, Kaya would like to speak for those who knew him best." Cyrus said and Kaya walked up. "Everyone wondered what powered Zane. I don't know if we'll ever know, but I'd like to think it was family. Because he powered me. And he'll still power me as his memory lives on. Ninja never quit, and ninja will never be forgotten. Wherever you are, Zane, you'll always be one of us." She said and looked at the statue. Soon snow started to fall, making everyone smile up. Knowing that Zane would never be gone. As long as they remember him.

In Borg's tower was Pixal standing by the window, too heartbroken to attend Zane's memorial. Suddenly he heard the computer. "You are Zane, a droid like me. What does Zane stand for?" His own voice said. "I stand for peace, freedom, and courage." Pixal quickly rushed to the computer and saw memories of him and Zane. "Your hardware is outdated and your processor is slow and incompatible. Why are you so different?" Past Pixal asked. "We're all different, but I don't feel so different around you." Past Zane answered.

"Zane? Is that you?" Pixal asked. "You are vital to me." Zane's voice said. "You are vital to me. I shall see you again." Pixal's voice answered back. Electricity soon went through the computer to the factory. "I'm just Zane." Pixal's eyes widened before he ran down to the factory. There he saw how the machines was rebuilding Zane. "Are we compatible now?" Zane asked as Pixal smiled big.

(A/N. Okay, I'm gonna go and cry in the corner. That ending got me crying when i first saw it. Anyway. Hope you liked this season and are ready for the next. I am. So Skylor won't be love interest, she'll just be Kaya's best friend. But there might be a new characters. Aswell as a character from my other lava book where Kai is still a boy. So see you then.)

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