The stone army

A rattlecopter arrived at Ouroboros. Garmadon stepped out of it and sat in a chair that was placed in shade. He got handed a drink as he cooled himself down. "Ah. It's so bright. I never understood how your kind could live in such heat." The generals slithered towards him. "Lord Garmadon, what brings you to our humble dwelling?" Skalidor asked. "The ninja may have destroyed my mega weapon, but I have an ingenious new plan." Garmadon answered with a grin. Skales just looked at him, plotting something.

"Earlier, when the pirates mutinied our ship and locked us in the brig, captain Soto's journal mentioned they were looking for a fabled dark island, that was created out of evil itself. Once we find it, its concentrated dark powers will help me-I mean, us! We could rule Ninjago together!" Garmadon exclaimed and Skales rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. You're having us chase after fairy tales, now?" Garmadon glared at him. "Not fairy tales, but a real place that existed long before any of us were around. A place full of untold power. A place dripping with evil!" The generals nodded in fascination. "I'm looking for a few brave snakes. Who'll join me?" Garmadon asked and the the generals cheered, while Skales rolled his eyes. Soon they flew off to look for the dark island.

On the Bounty was an alarm going off, waking up Lloyd and the other guys. Lloyd groaned and used his powers to destroy it. "Is it Wednesday already?" He asked as Jay sighed. "Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise." Wu soon came in, Kaya following behind him. "Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day, students. Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe." He said before heading out.

The ninja looked at eachother. "Uh, what was that, Sensei?" Cole said and went to get dressed. "I sense, I need to be somewhere else." Zane headed to the bathroom. "Gotta help Nya with the bridge." Kaya informed. Jay turned to Lloyd. "Lloyd, haha. I'm sure you got this, heh." Lloyd sighed and stopped them. "You might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!" This made the ninja look at eachother. "You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like adults. With a round of rock, paper, clamp! Okay, on three! One, two, three!" Cole said before they chose paper while Lloyd chose rock.

"Sorry Green bean, paper beats rock!" Kaya said and Lloyd looked at them. "How does paper beat rock?" He asked before he went off to take care of the dragon's business. "I always have to do the dirty work." The ninja looked at him. "Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility." Cole said and Jay nodded. "Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" Lloyd's expression turned into a sad one. "I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young." The other's eyes widened.

Kaya turned to him with a sympathetic look. "She just left? Who took care of you?" She asked. "I spent my whole life at Darkley's boarding school." Lloyd answered with a sad tone. Nya soon walked up to them. "Hey, I have a mission for you all. It's the museum of Ninjago! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened. You're gonna have to see it to believe it." She informed and the others nodded before heading off. "Here, Nya. Hold this." Lloyd said and handed her the bag. "Wait a minute. What am I supposed to do with these? " She asked before seeing the dragon and understood. "Ofcourse." She sighed.

They all soon arrived at the museum. "Oh, thank heavens you're here!" The curator said in relief. "We heard there was an emergency?" Wu said and the curator nodded. "Yes, come, come. Quickly, this way. The stone warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time." He said as they walked through the museum. "Uh, what couldn't have come at a worse time?" Kaya asked. "Ninjago city appreciates your help in destroying the great devourer some time back, but it appears it's toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has had the most unusual after-effect." The curator answered before they walked by a puddle of venom that smelled bad.

Soon they arrived at the gift shop where small figurines were alive, shocking the ninja. "The toxicity in the venom somehow brought our merchandise to life! They're so unruly. I just don't know who else to call!" The curator exclaimed and Jay stepped towards him. "We've got this covered. I think we can handle a few toys." The curator nodded. "And please, could you contain the fighting to the gift shop? The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you." He said before heading off.

The ninja started to take care of the toys, but they were harder to take care of than they thought. One of the figurines escaped and Wu chased after it. "Come here, you little..." He soon reached it and stomped onto it. A woman walked past him, catching his eyes. That when he recognized her. "Misako?" The woman turned around and faced him. "Wu? It's been a long time." She smiled and Wu smiled back at her. Soon the ninja walked up to them. "So, uh, you gonna introduce us?" Jay asked and Wu snapped out of his thoughts. "Uh, yes. This is Misako, Lloyd's mother." He said, making the others gasp.

" mother?" Lloyd walked up and locked eyes with Misako. She walked up to him. "Ah. Lloyd? My little boy. You're so much bigger than I remember." Lloyd backed away. "Yeah, well, it's been a long time." His voice full of hatred. "I didn't want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I've been away." Misako tried, but Lloyd glared at her. "Well, I don't wanna hear it." He ran off. "Lloyd, wait. Please!"Misako reached for him before sighing.

While that happened, Garmadon and the generals were flying over the endless sea, looking for the dark island. "It should be here. We'll do another lap!" Garmadon ordered and Skales hissed before slithering behind him and pushing him into the sea. The others gasped. "Without his powers. He's not longer capable of being a leader. So let's go back to our old ways." He grinned, making the other generals grin back. "It's about time we had a serpentine back in charge! All hail, Skales!" Skalidor exclaimed. "All hail, leader of the serpentine!" The others joined in as Skales laughed with a grin.

The group were looking for Lloyd. "Lloyd? Lloyd!" Misako said before they found him by a bottomless pit. "I'd watch your step. That sinkhole doesn't have a bottom, son. It's where I found the ancient stone warrior." Lloyd scoffed. "Son. Ha. You've been gone my whole life! There's nothing you can say." Misako sighed. "Well, I'm going to talk anyway. You wanna know what I've been doing all this time? Long before sensei Wu ever knew who would be the green ninja, I knew it would be you. And I knew you would eventually have to fight your father. I dropped you off at the boarding school so I could go learn everything I could about the prophecy, in hope of one day preventing the final battle. Of good and evil. All this time, son, I've been trying to save you and your father. Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the first spinjitzu master-" Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. We've heard this story a hundred times." Misako smiled gently. "But you've only heard half of it. In Ninjago, there has always been balance between good and evil. So you know about how the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, but what if I were to tell you in order for there to be light, there must be shadow, and within shadow, there is darkness. The blackest of darkness that existed from the very beginning. An evil spirit called. Overlord." Everyone's eyes widened and turned to Wu.

"Did you know about this, Sensei?" Zane asked. "I had hoped if I'd kept the secret, that name would never be spoken again." Wu answered. "You know. You shouldn't keep secrets for us until last minute." Jay pointed out before Kaya elbowed him. "The balance was at stake, and their battle could have gone on for eternity. Each side powerful, neither could conquer the other until Overlord created his indestructible warriors: the stone army. The spinjitzu master did what he could, but he knew he would soon be defeated. So instead of losing the war, he divided Ninjago in two. And lucky for us, since then there has been no trace of the Overlord or his stone army, until my recent discovery." Misako finished and everyone was shocked.

"So that's why the battle has yet to be decided. It was never finished." Kaya pointed out. "But where is this dark island? I've never heard of it." Cole asked. Misako shrugged. "Disappeared, I presume. But the legend states, that so long as the balance between good and evil remains even, Overlord shall remain trapped from this world. I have always feared your father's ambition will ultimately lead to a shift in the balance. That is why he must be stopped." Wu nodded.

"We have each felt the power of the first spinjitzu master, passed onto us in the form of the elemental weapons. But now that power has been inherited by the green ninja, which is why only Lloyd can defeat the ultimate evil, or else all of Ninjago will fall prey to its darkness." He said and Misako gave Lloyd a gentle smile. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But faced with saving you and the world, I had no other choice." Lloyd looked at her conflicted. Not knowing to forgive her or not.

At the stone army exhibit, a crowd started to gather around a giant stone warrior. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this museum's greatest find. It outdates every other piece we have here, found right underneath this very building. I give you, an ancient stone samurai warrior!" The curator announced and the crowd looked at it in fascination. Suddenly a drop off venom fell onto it, making it come alive. The crowd backed away in fear.

"It's alive!" One of the people said and the curator laughed, hadn't noticed yet. "Impossible! It just looks life-like." That when he got grabbed by the stone warrior that lifted him up to it's face. The curator looked at it in fear before the warrior threw him into a wall. It turned towards the other people who ran away in fear.

As it chased them, it stopped outside the room the ninja were in. "Have you discovered a way to prevent me from facing my father?" Lloyd asked and Misako shook her head. "I'm sorry, not yet. But I have reason to believe there's still hope." Suddenly the warrior broke through the door, surprising everyone. "WHOA!!!!!!!!!! EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?! Would somebody please tell me, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!" Jay cried out. Misako's eyes widened. "The stone warrior." She exclaimed.

"The devourer's venom has awakened him!" Zane pointed out. "Oh, great! Don't worry, I'll take care of him." Cole said before charging towards the warrior and struck it. But his scythe broke. "Well, that wasn't what I expected. Whoa!" The stone warrior grabbed him in a tight grip. "Cole!" Kaya exclaimed. "The Overlord created his stone army from an indestructible material, only found on the dark island." Misako informed. "Ah, great. You could've mentioned that earlier." Cole said as the stone warrior kept squeezing him.

Lloyd quickly used his powers and knocked it back, making it let go of Cole. Kaya ran up to him. "Are you okay?" She asked and Cole gasped a little for air. "Don't worry Firefly. I'm okay. Wow that was worse than a constrictal. Wait a minute. How are we supposed to destroy this thing?" Cole said and Misako looked at them. "You can't." The warrior came closer to them. "Then it's a good thing we're in a museum." Jay nervously laughed. "Why is that?" Misako asked.

"Because we're all about to become history! RUN!!!!!!!!!!" Jay exclaimed before they all ran past the warrior, but it chased after them. "This guy must have a pair of sneakers on him. Pick up the pace, go, go, go!" Lloyd yelled. "Oh, man. He's pretty fast for a big guy!" Kaya said before they arrived in a room and barricaded the door. But the warrior started to hit the door, breaking it. "Ah. This thing are unstoppable!" Cole cried out. "Indestructible, to be precise." Zane corrected.

The door started to break more. "That door ain't gonna hold him forever." Kaya informed and Jay turned to them. "Then let's settle this like adults. With rock, paper, clamp. Loser has to face him, so the rest can escape." The others nodded before putting their hands in the middle. But Kaya pushed Lloyd's hand away. "Not you Green bean. You're too important." She said and turned to the others. Lloyd suddenly got an idea. "Wait a minute, that's it!" The others looked at him confused. "What's "it," Lloyd?" Wu asked. "If you guys can keep him busy, I think I know how to stop him." Lloyd answered.

Cole looked at the others. "I say we give the kid a shot." The others nodded before Lloyd crawled through a vent. "Be careful, Lloyd. And good luck." Misako said and Lloyd smiled at her. "Thanks, mom." He then left. "I can't believe that's Lord Garmadon's son." Misako said and Wu looked at her. "Don't forget, he's yours too." This made Misako smile. "Hm. He's had a good teacher." She said. "You mean, teachers." Wu said and turned to the ninja.

On an island, Garmadon woke up and coughed up some water. "Those fucking snakes. Traitors." He cursed. "Ah, I've been waiting for you." A voice said and Garmadon quickly stood up and looked around. "Who are you? Where are you? What is this place? Where am I? This isn't Ninjago." The voice continued to speak. "It is the place you were always meant to find. Destiny brought you here." It said, making Garmadon's eyes widen. "This...this is the dark island! The one mentioned in captain Soto's log! But, who are you?" He asked suspiciously.

"I go by many names, but you may call me, Overlord." Overlord said and Garmadon looked around. "I...I order you to give me the power to defeat the ninja! Give me the power to turn Ninjago into my own image!" Overlord laughed. "Why do you laugh at me?" Garmadon asked. "Soon, you will have everything you desire, but first, there is something you must do for me." Overlord said, having Garmadon raise an eyebrow. "And what would that be?" He asked.

The stone warrior finally broke through the door. That's when Cole cut a rope, making a skeleton fall onto it. "Whoa! Direct hit! Haha!" Jay said. "Hey-hey! Did we get him?" Cole asked, when the warrior suddenly stood up and glared at them. "He's still here!" Kaya exclaimed before they started to run. "You think Lloyd's ready with his plan?" Zane asked the others. "I hope so." Cole said as they continued to run.

They slid down an banner, but the warrior jumped down and knocked them out. Misako quickly hid behind a pillar before the warrior noticed her, chasing her. "Mom, over here!" Lloyd shouted and Misako ran towards him into the room with the bottomless pit. The warrior arrived and slowly walked up to them. "Hey, loser! Paper beats rock!" Lloyd grinned before the warrior stepped right into the pit, falling down.

"Of course, the bottomless pit. I'm so proud of you. I feel like the balance has brought us together." Misako said before hugging Lloyd. Lloyd hugged back with some tears running down his cheek. The others walked in and smiled at the heartwarming moment. Wu walked up to them. "Stay with us. Help us fight for the good side." Misako smiled. "If that's okay with my son." Lloyd nodded. "Hey. The more, the merrier." Everyone smiled.

At the island, Garmadon continued to follow Overlord. "How much further?" He whined. "Until I say so. You do want to turn all of Ninjago into your image, right?" Overlord answered and Garmadon scoffed. "Of course, it's all I've ever wanted!" Soon he reached a stone with four handles. "Four hands. Is that a coincidence?" Garmadon asked. "I told you, it is destiny." Overlord said before Garmadon turned the handles. That's when the rest of the island emerged from the sea

Garmadon looked around in amazement. "The ultimate battle between good and evil has been foretold. And with your help, we will rule this world!" Overlord told him, making Garmadon laugh. Ready to bring the darkness to Ninjago.

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