The snake king

Somewhere in the dessert were Pythor and Skales digging for something. But Skales thought it was a waste of time. When they suddenly found it. The lost city. Ouroboros. Somewhere else were the Bounty flying. And the postman flew after it on his bike. "Wait! I got a package for Sensei Wu." He said out of breath. Inside was the others discussing about how to defeat a serpentine.

"First, I stomp on his tail. Then when he turns around, a thunderclap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I disarm him." Lloyd proudly said before Cole shook his head. "To late. He's already hypnotized you, and you're under his control." Zane nodded. "Or he's already put you in a squeeze." Kaya then spoke. "Or also spat his hallucinogenic venom. Trust me. Nothing you want." Wu soon walked in with his package.

"Uncle. What is the best way to defeat a serpentine? If you don't know what kind it is." Lloyd asked and Wu sighed. "Sadly the only way was the holy flute that you four lost." Jay interupted him. "Ahahah. Pythor stole it." This got no reaction from Wu. "Whatever the case. Without it, we have nothing to combat their powers. You may have stopped them for uniting before. But they will try again, and this time become stronger." The ninja looked at him.

"Don't worry Sensai. When I unlock my true potential and become the green ninja, we don't even need that flute." Zane shook his head. "I thought I was destined to be the green ninja." Jay scoffed. "The only thing you are destined for Zane, is being weird." Kaya rolled her eyes. "Can you three stop arguing about this?" Lloyd wasn't really interested in that. "Yeah yeah. What's in the box uncle?" Wu opened it. "Your new uniforms." Hearing this the ninja took their respective suit. "It has armour." Jay grinned big. Cole nodded in approval. "Battle claws." Zane felt the fabric. "The material is light, and breatheble." Kaya smiled. "Really beautiful." They were all happy.

Lloyd felt left out. "Nothing for me?" Wu panicked a little before handing him the box. "Uh, you get, the box." The alarm went off and everyone went to the bridge. "Seems like a small fracture of our slithering friends is causing trouble at mega monster amusement park." Cole pointed out. Hearing amusement park made Lloyd jump up and down in excitement. "Amusement park! Can I come with you please? I can help." Wu shook his head. "Sorry nephew, but you stay here where it's safe." Lloyd pouted. "Ohhh. Ninja get all fun." He said mad.

Later the ninja stood on the deck with their new suits.

(Kaya's new suit)

"These new uniforms feels so good." Cole said and Zane nodded in agreement. "And give us move ability." Jay rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's skip the catwalk and get down there so we can try out some rides." Kaya smirked. "I really love rollercoasters, but nothing beats this." The four jumped down in their weapon vehicles and hit the ground. "Check that out, and not a scratch on me." Cole smirked before they heard a crowd scream. "Ladies relax. We're here." Jay said before they noticed that it wasn't them the crowd screamed for.

It was because snakes had been caught. "What just happened?" Kaya asked a girl who smiled. "Oh, you totally missed it. There was like, this disgusting snakes and then it came, this mysterious samurai and took care of them." Another girl nodded. "He was like gorgeous." Cole walked up to them. "Did You see his face?" The girl shook her head. "No, but we can totally tell." Just then Nya walked up to the girls and gave them ice cream. The ninja was a little confused.

"Nya? You're already here?" Jay asked and got a nod from Nya. "Yeah, you just missed all the action. He just flew in and took care of the snakes, before he flew off. He was pretty cool." A bratty kid was heard as he was dragged by his mother. "I don't wanna be a ninja. I wanna be a samurai." Two men were talking. "The samurai is my new hero." The other man nodded. "I bet the samurai can kick the ninja's butts." All over the four ninja heard people talk about the samurai.

Cole growled. "Who is this guy?" Jay gritted his teeth. "Whoever he is, he's stealing our light. And just as we got this new cool ninja suits. Ugh. I hate the samurai!" Wu then walked up to them, holding cotton candy. Beside him was Lloyd. "Do i hear jealousy? This may be a lesson for you." A frustrated sigh escaped Jay. "Not another less...wait, how did you come here so quick?" Wu didn't answer that. "The lesson is. Iron sharpens iron." Ofcourse the guys didn't really follow. "We don't follow sensei." Zane said before Kaya spoke. "He means that healty competition can help us unlock our true potential faster. So we shouldn't be jealous of the samurai but let him inspire us." Wu nodded.

"Exactly Kaya. Oh ferris wheel." He ran off and Kaya walked up to Lloyd. "How about we go on some ride, Green bean?" Lloyd nodded. "Yes! Let's go, let's go!" Kaya giggled and took his hand before they walked off to ride some rides. Leaving the others. "Inspire?" Jay asked confused. "Sensei's maybe right." Zane said and Cole looked at him questioning. "You want us to compete with the samurai? We don't stand a chance." But Zane shook his head. "Not with him, with us. Let's turn this into our own competition. The first one to find out who the samurai is, gets to be the green ninja." The others nodded.

"I love it." Jay said and Cole nodded. "Then it's a bet. May the best ninja win." Later multiple snake sightings appeared everywhere. The ninja split up and was dealing with it. But the samurai appeared and fixed it. Jay even dressed up as a girl and laid down on the railroad, with a train coming his way. But the samurai just put rails in another direction so the train missed Jay. So the three were mad. But not Kaya as she didn't seem to care.

Speaking of Kaya, she went to an arcade with Lloyd. "Okay, Green bean. We're here." Lloyd looked at the arcade and sighed. "Ugh, why can't we go to a better arcade." Kaya shook her head. "Because those are too expensive. And see this as your own lesson. Just because something looks better, doesn't it mean it is." Lloyd looked down a little ashamed. "Sorry." A gentle smile appeared on Kaya as she ruffled his hair. "It's okay Green bean. Now let's go inside. Plus, on our way home, we can stop at the candy store if you want." Lloyd smiled. "Yes. But do you have to call me Green bean?" He asked.

Kaya nodded. "Ofcourse. You're my little Green bean." Lloyd chuckled a little. They walked inside and had a lot of fun. Suddenly Lloyd needed to go to the bathroom. He told Kaya who said she'd wait. As he went into the bathroom, he heard some snakes talking outside the window. "I was there when he found it, and now all the serpentine is gathering there." Skales said and a fangpyre shock his head in disbelief. "Impossible, the lost city of Ouroboros doesn't exist." Skales smirked. "Well it isn't lost anymore. Plus I heard that it will be a fight." With that the snakes followed him to a buss.

Lloyd thought about telling Kaya. But decided that this would be his chance to show that he could help. He jumped out the window and bought a snake costume with maracas before joining the snakes. As they arrived at Ouroboros, they saw the five generals fight. But Pythor used the flute to win over them. Making him the new king of snakes. "Bow down! Bow down for your new master." All snakes bowed for Pythor. When Lloyd suddenly got his costume knocked off. Before he could flee, the snakes captured him. Now he regretted not telling Kaya.

Kaya meanwhile was one her way with the others. After noticing that Lloyd was gone, she contacted the others. When the other ninja came they followed the tracks. Kaya felt terrible for letting this happen. Cole saw this and gave her a comforting smile. "Hey, it's not your fault. You couldn't had known that rascal would do this." Kaya nodded. "You're right. Let's focus on getting Lloyd back."They soon noticed Ouroboros in the distends. "What is that? A snake city?" Jay asked. Kaya's eyes widened. "It can't be possible. That's the lost city of Ouroboros." They got closer and jumped from roof to roof.

When they landed their eyes widened when they saw all the serpentine tribes. "Looks like Pythor have united all the tribes." Zane said before Kaya saw Lloyd in a cage. "Look, there's Lloyd." Her heart sank when she saw how Lloyd looked sad in the cage. "And look who they worship." Jay pointed at a big statue of a snake. "Let me guess, the great devourer." Cole said and Kaya nodded. "The more reason to get Lloyd out of here. Let's go." They ran towards Lloyd before a cage caught them.

Pythor slithered towards them with a grin. "Looks like we caught the main event." All snakes cheered as the ninja escorted to the middle. Their weapons had been taken away, so they were nervous. "Someone else who's scared?" Cole asked. Jay just laughed nervously. "Don't worry, the samurai will save us." Pythor grinned and looked at the other snakes. "You wanted a fight? Then I give you, ninja vs samurai." A gate opened and the samurai walked out. The ninja's eyes widened. "WHAT?!! We have to fight him without our weapons while he got his? That's so unfair." Jay shouted in fear.

"I wanna see ones and for all who the greatest hero is. The ninja or the samurai. Only the winner is allowed to leave." Pythor said before the fight started. "Maybe he can join our team." Zane suggested before the samurai threw a giant shuriken at them. Luckily they managed to dodge it. "Scratch that." Cole said before they started to fight. The fight was intense, but they still manage to avoid being hit by the samurai. Zane turned to the others. "Tornado of creation?" The others nodded before they performed the tornado of creation.

Things flew into the tornado and created a giant slingshot. The ninja shot a big stone at the samurai and knocked him out. Soon they ran towards Pythor. Pythor just grinned and pulled a lever, making spike shoot up. "Why can't anyone play fair?!" Jay asked before Pythor pulled another lever. The stadium tipped to the side, making the ninja and samurai fall. Luckily they managed grab onto the spikes.

"Can it get worse?" Cole asked before the samurai talked. "We have to keep make it look like we're fighting for real." The ninja looked at him in shock. "Wait, aren't we fighting for real?" The samurai nodded. "Keep up the charade, and grab a hold on my exo suit." Without hesitation, the ninja grabbed onto the suit and the samurai jumped off before pushing a button. The suit flew away with the ninja.

"He saved us." Kaya smiled before Cole realized something. "Yeah, but he stole our light again." Jay growled in frustration. "Oh, I HATE THAT SAMURAI!!" Meanwhile the samurai tried to save Lloyd. But Pythor grabbed the boy and ordered the other snakes to get him. The samurai quickly took the golden weapons and flew off. Their suit crashed with the ninja, making them land in the sand. "Is everyone okay?" Zane asked and Cole nodded before looking around. "We're okay, but where's Kaya?" The samurai crashed in the sand.

They took of their mask to check for damage. Suddenly they heard Kaya's voice. "I gotta say sis. That was a really believable performance." The samurai turned around to reveal to be Nya. She giggled. "I know. So when do you think we should tell the others?" Kaya thought a little. "Let's wait with that. Girls gotta have their secrets." Both sisters laughed before Nya handed Kaya the weapons. "We have to save Lloyd another day." Kaya nodded before they heard Cole's voice.

"Kaya!" Nya turned to Kaya. "You better go." Kaya nodded before wondering something. "Wait. How are you gonna get home?" With a smirk, Nya pushed a button and the suit flew towards them. The others tried to stop it, but couldn't. "Just nice. Kaya's gone, the samurai suit is gone, our weapons are gone and we don't have any way to go home." Jay complained before Cole saw something behind him and smiled. "I wouldn't say that." They all turned to see Kaya walking towards them with their weapons.

Later that evening they all brushed their teeth while Kaya said what happened. "He was all mysterious. He gave me the weapons with no words, and then just flew of." She said and Cole scoffed. "Good thing he didn't try to hit on you." Kaya giggled and kissed his cheek. "Don't be jealous. You'll always be the man in my heart." Cole smiled. "Wait a minute Kaya. So you're saying that he had the most powerful weapons in the land, and just gave them back?" Jay asked and Kaya shrugged.

"He's maybe not that bad. What I know is, he saved us and we owe him our lives." Zane nodded. "I sense that the bet is off." Wu walked up to them and nodded. "More importantly. My nephew have found a way into the den of all snakes. I'm afraid there's no way of saving him now." He sighed before the ninja smiled. "Sensei, there's always a way. And we'll find it." Kaya said.

Wu walked out into the corridor where Nya was heading to her room. "I think this belongs to you." He handed her a samurai weapon. "Iron sharpens iron. And siblings sharpens siblings." Nya smiled before heading into her room.

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