The rise and day of the great devourer

As a storm were breaking loose around the Bounty, was Wu meditating. He soon saw a vision of the ninja fighting snakes. He held his staff towards Pythor, when suddenly the great devourer sprung up and attacked. With a jolt, he gasped and snapped out of the vision. Breathing heavily.

In the dining room, were the sisters and Jay sitting and looked at the fangblades. "How is it that torch fire mountain is the only place to destroy the fangblades?" Nya asked. "The fangblades are made originally from the great devourer's teeth, so that is the only place hot enough to destroy them." Kaya answered and Nya nodded. Jay meanwhile made a sandwich, not really interested in the conversation.

Cole soon came in, looking like he was about to puke. All thanks to the storm making the ship sway around. "Please. No talk about food. How much longer untill we're there?" He asked and Jay shrugged. "Not long. Hey Cole, you're looking kinda green. Do you want a mucus salt sandwich?" He teased and Cole quickly ran out to puke. Kaya followed to help.

"Speaking of green. Who would have thought that little Lloyd would be the green ninja?" Jay said and Nya nodded. "I know. He was such a brat at first. It's hard to belive he's going to become the greatest ninja that ever lived." Jay then looked around confused. "Where is he anyway?" He asked.

Lloyd was in the training room. "You dare challenge the green ninja? Ha, take this!" He said and hit the punching bag, but got it right back in his face. As he laid in the floor, he saw Pythor who laughed. "Pythor!" He exclaimed before Pythor covered his mouth and picked him up. "What a joke. You have always been a boy that chases stupid dreams." Pythor tied Lloyd up and turned invisible again. Lloyd tried to break free.

They soon arrived at the torch fire mountain, and Wu stood by the edge. His gaze were towards the horizon. The ninja walked up to him and Kaya put a hand on his shoulder. "Sensei are you okay?" She asked and Wu snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. But I've been thinking, that one day, you don't need me anymore. And that my time is over." The ninja looked at him shocked. "Sensei, that's crazy. You still have a long time." Cole argued.

Wu sighed. "I've seen through the smoke vision, and couldn't see tomorrow." Jay smiled gently. "Maybe that's a good sign. Like, we destroy the fangblades and everything's gravy." Wu nodded in agreement, but knew it wasn't true. "Let's just get rid of them for good." He said and the ninja nodded before walking towards the edge. Suddenly something went wrong with the ship, and it tilted on the side. Everyone lost balance and Wu slid towards the edge. He grabbed the edge, but lost grip.

He fell towards the lava, when the ninja luckily managed to save him. "We got you sensei." Kaya said and Wu nodded. Lloyd managed to get free and ran to the communicator. "PYTHOR'S ONBOARD!!" He shouted and the ninja's eyes widened. That's when they saw Pythor behind them, holding the fangblades. "Sorry that I can't stay. But I got this devourer thing going on. Toddelo." He grinned and slithered away. But Lloyd hit him with a bō staff.

"You little!" Lloyd just smirked. "Stay right there you oversized worm!" He continued to hit Pythor before said snake grabbed the staff and pushed him to the ground. "Now you're gonna get it." Lloyd crawled backwards as Pythor got closer. That's when Nya came in her mech and slapped Pythor away. "Fight someone your own size." She said and Pythor hissed before jumping off the Bounty. Everyone was shocked before they saw him in a serpencopter that flew away.

Nya helped the others up before they made themselves ready to chase the snakes. "Can I come with you?" Lloyd asked and Kaya shook her head. "Sorry, but we need someone to drive the ship." Lloyd pouted. "But you saw me hit him. I kick butt and face." Kaya sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Patience, Green bean. Your time will come." Lloyd sighed and nodded.

"Patience? He, looks like the students have become the teacher." Wu said proudly before they started the chase. The serpentine had taken a tour bus and headed to Ouroboros. Pythor sent snakes to take care of them. Two were riding on bikes, but Kaya managed to take care thanks to her skills. She used normal swords to make them crash. "Never mess with a ninja and his bike." She smirked. Soon they all got into the bus and took care of each cart.

They reached the final cart. "Okay. Only one cart left. Who's first?" Kaya asked before Wu jumped onto it and disconnected it from the rest of the bus. "Sensei!" The others shouted as Wu just nodded. "My destiny is to fight Pythor alone. Your's to look after Lloyd." He said and headed into the final cart where Pythor were. "So. The old man take me one himself." Pythor hissed before they started to fight.

That's when they crashed into Ouroboros. The ninja and Nya got picked up by Lloyd and quickly headed there. Pythor opened his eyes and saw that Wu was knocked out. He grinned and took the fangblades before heading to the statue. Each fangblade was placed in each tooth on the statue, making green venom spill from it. Pythor grinned and slithered into the middle. "It's working! Awaken, great one! Awaken the insatiable appetite of the beast that will eat all of Ninjago!" He cried out and Wu woke up and ran towards him.

"What have you done!?" Pythor looked at him with a grin. "Don't you see!? Releasing the great devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago, for locking my kind underground for all those years! We should have been the ones ruling the surface, not you!" Wu glared him. "You are playing with a power that cannot be controlled! It will consume everything, even the Serpentine!" Pythor ignore this. "Unleash, Great Devourer, and be free to do my bidding, for I have awakened you!" He continued to tell.

The ninja reached Ouroboros and ran towards Wu and Pythor. Pythor watched the statue grumble, but his eyes widened when he saw that it was empty. "No, no! It isn't inside the statue!? Then where is it!?" He said before feeling the ground shake. That's when he saw the great devourer underneath them. He quickly tried to slither away, but Wu stopped him. "You shall stay to see what you have done. This is our destiny." He said and held him in place.

Soon the others stopped and watched in shock and fear. "Oh no! We're to late. The devourer is awakened." Kaya said and Wu turned to them. "You must do everything in your power to stop the great devourer. Go, ninja! Go!" They all looked at him. He nodded before the great devourer shot up from the ground and swallowed both Wu and Pythor.

The others were wide eyed as they saw their teacher get eaten. That's when they remembered the great devourer who glared at them while hissing. "If we stand still, then maybe it won't see us." Jay said nervously before it roared at them. Quickly they all ran back to the ship. "Fire up the engines!" Nya said and Lloyd did just so. The ship flew fast away, but the great devourer was right behind them. "Nya, we gotta go faster! That thing is gaining on us!" Kaya said and Nya tried to make them go faster.

"We're going as fast as we can! I'll try to make it to scattered canyon." She said and Zane calculated a little. "Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent." Nya snapped at him. "Never tell me the odds!" The great devourer prepared to attack. "We're losing speed! We'll drop to the ground pretty soon!" Lloyd said and Nya thought about something. "Throw everything overboard! We need to lose some weight." The others nodded and quickly threw off different things. But the great devourer ate them and got bigger.

"The more it consumes, the bigger it gets. Don't throw anything else overboard." Kaya informed and they stopped throwing things. She saw Wu's teapot and held it tightly. They soon made it to the canyon. "Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons. Hold on!" Nya said as she steered the ship through the canyon, trying not to crash. "Ah, we lost him." Cole said before the great devourer jumped out of the sand and ate the engine.

With no other choice, they all jumped off the ship and hid by some rock. They looked in horror as the great devourer ate the ship, splitting it into two parts. "No!" They shouted before the great devourer slithered away. All they all could do was to stare in despair. Wu was gone, their home was gone. Every hope they had started to Vanish. Zane then stood up and looked at the others. "There's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it becomes bigger." Jay glared at him.

"Bigger? Bigger!? That thing, in one big bite, crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect." Cole looked at him in disbelief. "So you'll just give up?" Jay nodded. "You know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing!" Kaya stepped between them. "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves! Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?" Lloyd looked down saddened. "But, he's not here anymore." His voice shaking in sadness.

The others looked down, knowing he was right. Kaya sighed and looked at the others. "I know. But his teaching lives on. Sensei once told me, it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had, with skeletons and serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick themself up when they're down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now." The others looked at her and got their hope back.

"But how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?" Zane asked and Jay nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not like we have an extra flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us. Or what about our golden weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size." Cole sighed and nodded. "Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big." Kaya then got an idea. "Or maybe an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, for once you're not an idiot! You're thinking what I'm thinking?" Jay looked at her.

"First of. Ouch. Second. Probably not, but go ahead." Kaya then turned to the others. "There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way." She started to run and the others followed. "Wha-Where are we going?" Jay asked. "We're going to destroy that snake once and for all." Kaya said determined.

They later arrived at Jay's parent's junkyard. Kaya was working on a blueprint. "Don't get me wrong Kaya, but I don't see how this will help." Cole said but Kaya just focused on the blueprint. Jay checked for his parents. "Looks like my parents are gone." Kaya finished and nodded. "Good, better for us." She held up the blueprint and the others watched in fascination. "It's so awesome." Jay said. Kaya turned to Zane. "Zane, do you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?" Zane nodded.

"It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready for playback." He turned the recording on and Kaya nodded. "Good. And there should be enough spare parts around here to build this. But we're gonna need to create our biggest tornado of creation yet. This is gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around." Just then the postman came on his bike. "Ugh. What's he doing here?" Cole said and the postman looked at them and jumped. "Aah! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet." He said and took up some mail.

Kaya walked up to him. "Sorry sir. We didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now." The postman scoffed. "Uh, well, now, I too have a job to do, and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do." Jay sighed. "Look, dude, my parents aren't even here. You really should be on your way." But the postman just nodded. "Them, too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the "Take Back Ninjago" rally too?" The others got confused.

"Uh, "Take Back Ninjago" rally?" Cole asked and the postman looked at them. "What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the city. You know, to raise awareness about all the serpentine problems that have been surfacing lately." Lloyd's chuckled and looked at the others. "Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational." The postman was heading away when the great devourer appeared. He screamed in fear and hid.

Kaya turned to the others. "It's now or never, guys!" The ninja did spinjitsu before making their tornado of creation. Junk scraps flew into it and soon, the ultra sonic rader was made. "Zane, now!" Kaya said and Zane shot the recording towards the great devourer that dodged it. "Zane, what was that? This isn't target practice. You're supposed to hit him, not give him a haircut." Cole said. "May I remind you, we just magically whipped up this heap of junk?" Zane argued before the great devourer attacked them.

They backed up and dodged the attack. "I need your help holding him in place." Zane said and Jay used grapple hooks to pin the great devourer down. With that, Zane shot it again and hit. The great devourer screamed in pain and the ninja looked in hope. That's when Kaya noticed a green dot on it's forehead. "It's got a weak spot." The others looked at her confused. But before they could react, the great devourer used it's tail to hit the rader where Zane was.

"Zane!" They shouted before the great devourer slithered away. The ninja jumped out and ran toward Zane's part. "Where's Zane?" Lloyd asked. Soon Zane stood up with half his face gone. "Right here. That was close." Everyone sighed in relief. Jay soon spoke up. "Perfect. Now that was a total failure." Kaya looked at him. "Not total. Did you guys notice on his forehead? It has a weak spot." Jay rolled his eyes. "Oh, great, let me make a note of that. Giant snake has a itty-bitty weak spot that'll be totally impossible to get at because the thing is too ridiculously huge to do anything to stop it!" He sarcastically said.

Nya looked at him. "Are you done?" Jay nodded. "Ah, yes." He answered. "Because things just got worse. Look." Nya pointed at the great devourer that headed to Ninjago city. "It's heading toward Ninjago City." Zane said. "That's where everyone is!" Jay said, worried about his parents. "If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it." Kaya said before they quickly headed to the city.

The citizens were chanting and enjoying themselves, when the great devourer appeared. Everyone screamed in fear and fleed. It turned towards Jay's parents who had problem with the car. "Oh, boy. Oh, gosh. Oh, golly. Oh, gosh." Ed said as the snake came closer. The ninja arrived and Jay saw his parents. "Mom? Dad? Leave my parents alone!" He shouted and shot the great devourer in the face, making it more angry.

The others tries their powers too, but nothing worked. Not even Cole throwing a car at it. "Uh, I think we only made it mad." Jay said scared. They continued to fight it before ending on the ground. The great devourer was too strong for them. It looked at them before launching at them. Luckily, Nya appeared in her mech and stopped it by using a light pole in it's mouth.

The ninja were on the ground and the devourer lunged at them. But the Samurai mech stopped it by holding its mouth open with a light post. "Samurai to the rescue. Again." Jay said. The great devourer tried to get the mech off it's mouth. Nya tried to get out, but couldn't. Suddenly a four headed dragon appeared and knocked it down, making Nya and Lloyd fall out of it's mouth.

"Rocky! Our Dragons are back." Cole exclaimed and the dragon roared. "It appears Dragons go through a metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. They too have found their True Potential." Zane said and they all cheered on the dragon. It used all four powers on the great devourer who started to back up.

"Yes! It's running away." Kaya said, then suddenly the great devourer slapped the ultra dragon with it's tail. It fell to the ground, hurt. "No!" The ninja shouted and ran up to it. "What now?" Nya asked before Lloyd saw a familiar face. "You came back!" Everyone turned to see Garmadon. "Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the devourer." He said and the ninja looked at him questioning.

"Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons." Jay said. "I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way." Zane said. Kaya thought about it. He was right. The only thing that could stop the great devourer was the fused power of the weapons. With a sigh, she threw her sword towards him. "Just do it. When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead." The others gave Garmadon the rest of the weapons.

"I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot." Garmadon laughed and ran off. Soon the ninja started to distract the great devourer. "Come on, you overgrown worm! Take the bait. Come and get me." Kaya taunted and the great devourer went after her. She used her powers to fly in a fireball. Cole smirked as she passed him.

"Nice run firefly. Now I'll take it from here. Whoo-hoo!" The great devourer started to chase him instead. He went through a construction sight before the great devourer saw Jay. "Looking for me?" He used his powers to fly upwards, the great devourer following him. Jay soon reached Zane. "Instead of a fire escape, how about an ice escape!" Zane said and made an ice slide.

The two went down on it, suddenly the great devourer hit it and they flew towards it's mouth. Luckily the ultra dragon caught them and flew into the air. Everyone saw how the great devourer had bitten it's own tail and was stuck. "We did it! Now, where's Garmadon? He's not gonna hold on for much longer." Cole said before Lloyd saw him. "Look!" Everyone looked up at a skyscraper who was covered in clouds. "You are the reason evil runs through my blood. You bit me once. Now feel what it's like to be bitten back." Garmadon said before diving towards the great devourer.

He grinned before hitting it. With that, it exploded and green venom spread all over the city. Everyone cheered over being safe. Even some serpentine cheered. Jay walked over to his parents. "You're okay." He hugged them. "Ooh, our little ninja." Edna said as they hugged back. Cole was petting the ultra dragon. "Hey, there you are, you big lug. It's good to have you back." The ultra dragon licked him.

Lloyd and Kaya looked after Garmadon. "I don't see my dad." Lloyd said a little worried. Kaya petted his shoulder. "He should be around here somewhere." Zane then scanned the place. "Your analysis is incorrect. He is not here." The others walked up. "Then our golden weapons are gone too. Well, isn't that convenient?" Cole groaned. "Look, his footsteps." Nya pointed out. Kaya put her arm around Lloyd. "I have a feeling you'll see your father again soon, Green bean." Lloyd looked at the others. "I know, but that's what I'm afraid of." He said and Kaya gently rubbed his shoulder.

Suddenly they all saw a familiar face. "Sensei!" They ran over to him and hugged him. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you. But now I'd like some tea. The Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth." He said and Kaya handed him his teapot. Wu drank a cup and sighed in relief. "Ah. Much better. And still hot." Lloyd walked up to him. "It's good to have you back, uncle. But my father left, and he took the golden weapons." Wu nodded.

"Ah, very true. The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless." The others smiled. "I couldn't have said it any better myself." Jay said. Kaya looked at Lloyd. "Besides, we have what is most important. You." Lloyd smiled and Wu nodded proudly. "The pupils have become the masters." Soon Lloyd looked up at Wu. "Am I really gonna have to fight my father one day?" A saddened nod came from Wu. "One day. But today, we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time." The others nodded.

"But don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know." Kaya smiled. "And make sure you're prepared for that fight." Jay did some punched in the air. "Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil." Cole added. "And ninja will always stand up for what is right." Zane said before they put on their masks. "Go, ninja. Go!" They all said and jumped into the air.

The devourer was gone, and know Lloyd's journey to be the green ninja could begin.

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