The last voyage

Zane and Wu watched over the ocean and saw dark clouds far away. "Hmm, most peculiar. Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island." Zane pointed out and Wu nodded. "The dark island, Zane. And what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the stone army, today they have vanished." They looked at eachother. "Do you think they are on this dark island? Garmadon may be responsible." Zane said. "I fear that too. But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island." Wu answered him.

Zane's falcon landed on his shoulder. "Perhaps my falcon can have a look." He said before the falcon flew towards the island. The others meanwhile, were trying to fix the Bounty. But it didn't go well. "Oh, it's worse than I feared. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain. Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon." Nya sighed over the ship. "So if the stone army attacks again, we're sitting ducks." Cole muttered.

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?" Jay corrected him. Kaya sighed. "We couldn't even stop the stone warriors not a single one. They're impossible to beat." Cole nodded and wrapped an arm around her. Wu walked up to them. "We mustn't give up hope, Kaya." Lloyd turned to him. "But the stone army is indestructible. You saw it. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down." Misako soon walked up. "That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls." She said before they all headed inside.

Misako put out her scrolls. "The prophecy reveals, that the power to defeat the stone army lies within the green ninja." Lloyd sighed. "I tried. I gave them everything I had." Misako nodded. "Yes, but you are stronger than you think. Look. The true power of the green ninja can only be unlocked, when his four protectors find their own pure elemental powers." The ninja looked at eachother. "Were the protectors." Kaya said before Zane looked at the others.

"If we are the protectors, then we're doomed. Our elemental golden weapons no longer exist. We cannot tap into our elemental powers without them." He said and Misako shook her head. "But the powers do exist within each of you. And there is a way to unlock your powers on your own. We must go to the temple of light." The others looked confused. "Temple of light? What's that?" Nya asked. "The gold in the golden weapons was from the golden peaks, but they were forged in the temple of light, a powerful place I thought only existed in legend." Misako answered.

Wu turned to her with a concerned expression. "It's on the dark island?" Misako nodded. "I think our only choice is to find out." The others looked at eachother with hope. "But there's still one big problem. The Bounty can't fly." Nya informed and Misako smirked. "It's a ship, right? Can't it sail?" This made the others smirk back.

Later they all prepared to sail. The people of Ninjago came to wave them off, showing them support. Jay stood with his parents, and his mom already was embarrassing him. "Now promise me you'll eat your vegetables." Edna said. "Mom!" Jay whined and Edna glared at him. "Oh, I mean it. You get sluggish when you don't get enough vitamins. Ed, tell him if he's gonna save the world, he has to eat his vegetables." Ed chuckled a little. "Do what your mother says." Jay sighed and nodded.

Cole hugged his dad. "I don't know what to say." Lou said and Cole smiled at him. "You don't have to say anything." He said and Lou smiled back. "You're right. I don't have to say anything. But I do have to sing." He said and turned towards the other blacksmiths who soon started to sing. "Who's gonna save, Ninjago's hide? Who's gonna make a dad, swell with pride? Cole is! Cole does! Cole, Cole, Cole." Everyone around applaud and Cole chuckled. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Pop." They hugged eachother again.

Kaya nd Nya talked to Dareth. "Now, Dareth. We're entrusting you with protecting Ninjago and tending to the ultra dragon. Are you up to the tasks?" Kaya asked. "I won't let you guys down, my Lotus flower. By the way, what's my elemental power?" Dareth answered. "Brown?" Nya said and Dareth grinned. "Wow, that's so cool." The sisters walked towards the ship. "You think he's gonna screw up?" Nya asked and Kaya nodded. "Oh yeah. I do." They got onto the ship and past Lloyd who was with the dragon. "You need to stay here, big guy. These people need your protection." The ultra dragon nuzzled against him.

Zane looked at the others and sighed saddened. "Is there anyone you would like to say goodbye to?" Wu asked and Zane shook his head. "My only family is my falcon. And my only memory of my father was nearly erased. I will miss Ninjago, for it's all I know, but I am excited to see what the future has in store." He answered and Wu smiled. "Well, my nindroid friend, there are a few people who would like to say goodbye to you." He pointed at a group of fans. They all had had signs that cheered Zane on. Zane's face lightened up in appreciation.

"Pupils, it's time we set sail." Wu said and everyone headed onto the ship. They all waved towards the people who waved back, wishing them good luck. "Take care, my Lotus flower!" Dareth said to Kaya, who's eye was twitching in annoyence. "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!!" She shouted, but Dareth didn't get the hint. "She still loves me." The ninja soon was off.

"We still have a long journey ahead of us." Wu informed before heading under deck. Cole turned towards Zane, noticing his worried expression. "Still no word from your falcon?" He asked and Zane shook his head. "Not yet." The others walked up to them. "I wonder what's on the island?" Kaya said. "An entirely new ecosystem?" Zane suggested. "Never before seen creatures?" Cole added. "Oh, vegetables that taste like dessert?" Jay exclaimed, making they all laugh.

Kaya then looked towards the horizon. "Imagine the lost history on it. It was part of Ninjago after all." Cole wrapped his arms around her. "You said it, Firefly." Lloyd looked at them. "I wonder if this is the end of our destiny." He said and everyone looked at eachother. "If it is, there isn't anyone else I'd want on by my side." Kaya said and Cole kissed her head. "Me neither." Jay nodded in agreement. "Hear, hear." Suddenly Zane got an alert. "My Falcon has arrived at the Dark Island!" They all made it to the bridge.

Zane plugged himself onto the computer, making the others seeing his sight on the screen. They all saw the warriors doing some mining, when suddenly a warrior shot the falcon down. Zane got a shock and flew backwards. The others ran towards him and helped him up. "He's...he's gone." Zane said sadly. "We don't know that." Wu tried to comfort him. "Oh, Zane. I'm so sorry." Nya said and hugged him. "Well, he was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the stone army wants a fight, they got one." Kaya told him and Zane smiled. "Well, that's going to have to wait, because right now, we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck." Misako said and pointed towards the storm clouds.

On the dark island was Garmadon checking up on warriors who were mining dark matter. "This is foolish. I have an unbeatable army to conquer Ninjago, and yet we waste time playing in the mud?" He questioned. "What you call "mud" is concentrated evil. A dark matter that with one drop could make a man's heart turn as black as night. Have patience, Garmadon. The celestial clock ticks backwards to doomsday and cannot be stopped. Your time will come, but we must prepare. We must build a superweapon, the likes of which has never before been seen." Overlord answered. This caught Garmadon's interest. "Hmm. A superweapon? I like the sound of that!" He grinned.

It was storming very badly as the ninja were stabilizing the ship. Kaya was on the bridge with the others. "Hold the line!" Cole said. "The winds are too strong!" Lloyd exclaimed. Jay got splashed by water. "Ugh. I hate being wet when I don't want to!" Laughter was soon heard. "Okay, laugh all you want. But just wait until I splash you!" Jay said before the laughter got louder. Kaya's eyes widened and she turned to Misako. "Misako, is that what I think it is?" Misako nodded. "It is." Suddenly a star shaped creature landed on the window. "Starteeth!" Both exclaimed.

"Uh, guys, why is the sea laughing at us?" Lloyd asked the others before one of the Starteeth landed onto the boat. "Hey, what's that?" Cole asked before walking up to it. "It looks like some sort of a, hmm, fish." He picked it up and saw the sharp teeth. Misako and Kaya ran onto the deck. "Cole! Throw it into the water, quick!" Kaya shouted. "We must not let the Starteeth on board. They devour ships and won't stop until we sink!" Misako informed before the Startooth bit Cole, making him throw it away.

"Ow! It bit me!" More Starteeth jumped onto the ship and started eat on it. Everyone quickly started to throw them off quickly. "We have to get them off!" Kaya said. "Faster! Or we'll sink!" Lloyd exclaimed. They continued but noticed that Starteeth was on the side of the boat. "Ugh! Why does the universe hate us!!!!???" Jay shouted into the sky.

The next day arrived and they were scooping out water from the ship. "Ah, this is hopeless! Now that we have no rudder, we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the dark island." Jay complained. "We only know what is foretold will happen. Not when it will happen." Misako answered. Zane suddenly sensed something and dropped his pocket and looked at lighthouse.

Everyone turned to him. "What is it, Zane?" Wu asked. "I sense something." Zane answered. "Is it the falcon? Is he all right?" Cole asked full of hope. Zane shook his head. "No. It's...something else. Brace yourselves!" The Bounty soon crashed onto a small island. They all looked at the lighthouse in fascination. "Who would build a lighthouse way out here?" Lloyd asked. "It's not a lighthouse. It's a prison." Zane answered before they walked up to the door. That's when they heard growling. "Mysterious. We better keep going." Wu said.

Jay's eyes landed on a camera. "Uh, should we smile?" He asked as the camera turned towards them all, before landing on Zane. Footsteps was heard from the inside before the door opened, revealing a man that Zane recognized. His own father, Julien. But younger. "Zane! Is it really you? You found me!" He said before hugging Zane, shocking him. "Uh, do you know him?" Lloyd asked. "Of course I know him, I built him for heaven's sake!" Julien answered and Zane looked at him. "But my memory tells me that you have passed. And how are you younger?" He asked and Julien nodded.

"Ah, you found your memory switch." The growl was heard again. "Hurry, it can't know that you're here, or else there'll be dues to pay." Julien told them, making them scared. "It?" Jay asked. "I'll explain everything inside, including why it is that you thought I was dead." Julien answered before heading inside. He locked the door and checked the cameras. "I think we're safe. This way." They all headed upstairs.

"Please, please have a seat. You must be thirsty." Julien said before pulling a lever and a table appeared. "Wow, that's pretty smart." Nya said as they all sat down. Julien pressed another button and a small robot served them all tea. Zane turned to his father. "Father, I don't understand. I-I saw you pass." Julien nodded. "Yes, you did, and believe me when I tell you, I thought I was kaput, but as you know in Ninjago, the past is the past." He started. "And the the future." Misako and Wu added.

Julien sighed and looked at them all. "Yes. But after I turned off your memory switch, what you didn't see is bonehead Samukai using yesterday's tea on me. Reviving me and turning me young. He wanted me to create state-of-the-art war machines for their army. I refused, but that's when he took me here. He said if I did what he said, then I would be able to see my son again. And to make sure I didn't escape, he chained a leviathan to keep guard." Everyone's eyes widened.

"A Leviathan? That's what we heard in the ocean?" Lloyd asked. "Yes. When Samukai didn't return, I thought I would never see you again. But as so much time has passed I started to question if you would ever want to see me again. I was afraid if you found out what horrible things I've created, you would think I was a...a monster." Julien hanged his head before Zane hugged him. "We will get you out of here, father. Now that we are together, perhaps we can invent a way off this rock." Jay nodded. "Could you repair the rocket boosters on our ship?" He asked.

Julien looked outside at the ship. "That sailing ship has rocket boosters?" He asked in excitement. "Well, the rotors and gears are shot." Nya said and Julien laughed. "Eh, pish posh. No matter! I'll have your ship airworthy by dawn!" Suddenly they heard a growl. "What's that?" Cole asked and Julien's eyes widened. "He's here. Everyone hide!" He exclaimed before the others hid. The leviathan looked inside and Julien turned towards it with a nervous smile.

"Aha, if it isn't my old chum. Hehe, just marching to the beat of my own drum. You know, doing whatever I can to pass the time. Since I'm so, you know, heh, alone." He said and used the bowls as drums. The leviathan grunted before returning to the sea. With it gone, the others came out of hiding. "If we're gonna make something and get out of here, we're gonna have to hurry before it comes back." Kaya said before they all started to work on the ship.

The sun slowly went down and Kaya looked at the horizon. Cole walked up to her. "What is it, Firefly?" He asked and Kaya sighed a little. "It's about what Lloyd said. What if our destiny ends at the dark island." Cole wrapped his arms around her body. "Don't worry we will make it. And atleast we'll be together." Kaya smiled and turned towards him. "Together to the end." They shared a kiss as the sunset was throwing light on them.

Inside had Julien enjoyed a meal from Zane, even letting out a little burp. "Excuse me, but I must say, I have never had such a meal in all my life. Where did you learn to cook? I never programmed that into you." Zane smiled at him. "I guess I just picked it up. Father, if I wanted you to make a change in me, would you?" He asked and Julien walked up to him. "A change?" Zane nodded. "An alteration." Julien sighed. "Heh, but Zane, you're perfect. I could never make you any better than you already are." Zane's eyes shifted away.

"But I see no reason for me to have a memory switch. I happen to like my life and don't want to ever forget you again." Julien hugged him. "Don't worry, my son. We will both never forget. I'm glad you found me." Small tears fell from Zane's eyes as he hugged back. "I'm glad you made me."  Suddenly the leviathan growled. "Everyone aboard! It's coming!" Julien exclaimed before they all went onto the ship. "It's here!" Kaya said as she saw the leviathan. "Get us out of here, babe!" Jay shouted and Nya took a deep breath. "I hope she's ready! Come on!" She started up and the ship started to fly.

But the leviathan grabbed the Bounty, holding it in place. "Lloyd! Use your elemental powers!" Wu commanded and Lloyd nodded before using his powers. The leviathan shortly let go before grabbing the ship again. Zane suddenly noticed the chain and got an idea. "It's chained!" He said and jumped onto the edge. Julien ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "Zane! What are you doing?" Zane turned towards him. "The leviathan won't let us leave. I think I know a way I can help." Julien shook his head.

"But you can't jump in. These oceans are filled with Starteeth." But before he could react, Zane jumped inside. With quick motion, he grabbed Starteeth and swam to the chain. He put them on and they started to eat the chain before it snapped. But that's when part of the chain hit Zane, knocking him unconscious. The leviathan noticed that he was free and let go of the boat and went into the ocean before seeing Zane, getting closer to him.

"It let us go." Kaya pointed out. "What happened?" Julien asked. "Zane released the leviathan, and now it's letting us go." Lloyd answered before they all looked around. Julien started to get worried. That's when the leviathan's tentacle lifted Zane to the surface and put him on the boat. Julien gently grabbed Zane as he coughed a little. "Did I miss something?" He smirked and everyone smiled in relief. "You really scared me son." Julien said and hugged him.

Wu walked up to him. "How did you know if you freed it from captivity it would let us go?" Zane smiled. "Because no one deserves to be held captive. Not even a monster." They all looked as the leviathan swam away and waved at them. "Farewell, creature from the sea. Enjoy your freedom." Zane said with a smile.

Now they all flew towards the dark island. Ready for new adventures and danger.

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