The last resort
Outside the police station was the police protecting from sky pirates. Tommy and Simon was outside aswell and barely dodged a car that came flying towards the. "Where are they? I don't see them." Simon asked and Tommy grabbed him. "Don't freak out on me now, partner. We have to protect the last ninja." Suddenly Simon got taken by the pirates. "Simon!" Tommy exclaimed before running inside, explosives being heard outside. "They're here. Get those two out of here." Tommy said and the commissioner nodded. "All right. Hold them back as long as you can." He walked into the room Jay and Nya was hiding in.
"We can't defend you any longer. Did you find a safe house?" Jay nodded. "We have. Thank you for your help." The commissioner nodded at them. "Listen, Jay, if Nadakhan finds and marries Nya, he'll have infinite wishes. And Nya, Nadakhan will try to get Jay to trap him in his sword and get more powerful. Protect eachother." Nya smiled. "We will. Take care of yourself." She said before she and Jay left. The commissioner ate the map before Nadakhan arrived. "And what do you think you're doing?" He asked and the commissioner burped. "You're too late, Nadakhan." Flintlocke soon found a hatch. "Hey, look. They got away, Captain." The commissioner smirked. "You'll never find them." Nadakhan just grinned. "Oh, I have my ways. Take him prisoner! Take them all! And find me that girl!" He ordered before taking him away.
Jay and Nya was in a boat, Jay rowing across the sea. "I can take a turn. Your energy isn't fully restored yet. Rest a little." Jay shook his head. "No. You and the others did a lot to save me. So it's my turn to do what I can to keep you safe. And look. We're almost there." They both turned towards Julien's lighthouse. "The lighthouse where Julien was held prisoner. Haven't been here for years." Nya said and Jay nodded. "Yeah, let them search all of Ninjago. They'll never find us way out here." Suddenly Nya used her powers to propel the boat towards tha lighthouse faster. "You said I couldn't row. I'm not rowing." She said with a smirk, making Jay chuckle before they arrived. They headed inside and looked around. "Uh, actually, it's a nice little resort. Vacant for years, yet not a sign of dust." Jay said before he started packing up, making Tai-D activate and clean up. "Oh, I forgot Zane's father liked his toys. Let's see what kind of supplies we have." Nya chuckled as Jay went through their supplies.
"Enough food for a week. Change of clothes. The vial of poison Nadakhan doesn't know we have. And finally, one teapot of traveler's tea. But only just in case all else fails." He informed and Nya nodded. "You wanna go over the plan again?" She asked. "Okay. If Nadakhan shows up, we shoot him with the poison, then when he can't use his magic, I say my last wish to save Ninjago. A wish Lloyd told me is said from my heart, a heart that has no clue what it could be, but if said incorrectly, could likely make everything ten times worse." Jay chuckled nervously before Nya grabbed his hand. "You'll think of it. You always do. Let's get settled in. We could use the peace and quiet to think. All we can do now is hope the police can find Nadakhan before Nadakhan finds us." They looked at eachother, seeing that they both had a hint of fear in their eyes.
The sky pirates were keeping the cops captive, leading them onto the plank. "You can threaten us all you want, Nadakhan, but it'll do you no good. We don't know where they are. And I must warn you, I'm a blue ribbon swimmer. Won three straight championships in my heyday." The commissioner said and Nadakhan grinned. "But are they good swimmers?" He asked and turned towards Tommy and Simon. "Choose who goes first." The commissioner hesitated. "I-I...I can't. They're both like sons to me." Nadakhan shrugged. "Well, then, I'll take both of them." Before he could strike them Tommy grabbed Simon's hand. "Forget it. Geronimo!" He exclaimed before jumping into the sea with Simon, the commissioner following after.
"Thanks Tommy." Simon said with a small blush. "Yeah. Though I didn't think it through. As we're right into the big ocean." He sighed. "Don't worry, boys. Blue ribbon swimmer." The commissioner said before he was swimming in place, making the others sigh. That's when Simon noticed something. "Except that we have company." Sharks started to surround them. "Fuck" Tommy said.
Nadakhan growled. "Wherever they are, they're probably planing something. Some sort of trap." Flintlocke stepped forward. "All the more reason to stick with the plan. This nonsense with the girl, it was never supposed to be about her. When we started this journey, it was about making a home for us. Well, you're strong enough now, and you've done that. You gave us Djinjago. We control the skies. We've won, Nadakhan." This made the crew cheer. "But when will it be enough?" He asked and Nadakhan glared at him. "Enough!? It will never be enough! You ungrateful ingrates. Before you met me, you all were nothing. I granted your wishes, I took you in, I made you the most feared pirates that have ever roamed the seas. So I promise you this. Whose who help me complete the Djinn marriage ceremony will receive everything they have ever dreamed of." He exclaimed and Flintlocke looked at him shocked.
"But how can we trust you? With the power of infinite wishes, it's just as easy to get rid of us." Nadakhan looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you accusing me of?" He asked and Flintlocke glared at him. "I guess what I'm getting around to is...consider this a mutiny." Everyone gasped as he pointed his gun at Nadakhan, except for Nadakhan himself who just laughed. "Oh. I see you've forgotten. You can't shoot straight." Flintlocke glared at him. "Now stop right there. I'm not joking." He said with a hint of hesitation. "Go ahead, let's see what kind of aim you have at point-blank." Nadakhan said before Flintlocke started to shoot at him, missing every shot to everyone's shock.
Soon Nadakhan disarmed him and glared at him. "Does anyone else have the stupidity to stand up to me?" The others looked at eachother before shaking their heads. "I thought so. Give him the mop, Clancee. You're no longer the bottom rung." Nadakhan ordered before leaving with the others. Clancee walked up to Flintlocke and handed him the mop. "I'm so sorry." Flintlocke sighed and gently patted his head. "Don't feel bad. I'll be okay. So go enjoy not being the bottom anymore." He said and Clancee nodded before heading off, but still feeling bad for Flintlocke.
In the lighthouse was Jay and Nya thinking about a good wish. "Okay, here's a crazy one. What if you wish to resurrect the Devourer? Then we sic it on Nadakhan?" Nya suggested and Jay shook his head. "Can't do that either. Can't wish to resurrect the dead or hurt people. Ugh, this is driving me crazy." He exclaimed before he and Nya saw Tai-D heading heading downstairs. They looked at eachother confused before following it, right into a secret room. "Looks like a bunch of stuff from Zane's father's old lab." Nya said and saw some blueprints, one of them being of Zane and another kind of android. Soon Jay saw some sort of capsule. He walked up to it and pressed a button, making it shake. Before the two could react, the capsule opened up and out came an android that looked like Zane, but rusty and made of scraps.
He opened his eyes and looked at Jay and Nya. "I am Echo Zane. Built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Both Jay and Nya looked at him in shock. "Echo Zane? Oh! When Zane's father was trapped here, he must've built a replacement Zane." Jay pointed out and Nya nodded. "Yeah. But he probably didn't have an opportunity to start him. Though, can he really protect us?" Echo Zane demonstrated some moves, before falling apart. "Yeah. I think we need to fix him up a little. But if the two of us can't figure out my wish, maybe a new perspective might help." Jay said before they started to put him back together.
Doubloon meanwhile had returned to Nadakhan's ship after looking for Jay and Nya. "Did you see her?" Nadakhan asked and Doubloon shook his head, making Nadakhan growl in frustration. "Ugh! You brocket! Where is she?" That's when he got an idea. "Clancee, my dear boy." Clancee quickly headed towards him. "Uh, yes, Captain?" Nadakhan smiled at him. "It just occurred to me that you still have two wishes left." Clancee shook his head. "B-But, uh, I don't need wishes. I'm just happy how he is." He answered. Nadakhan glared at him. "Tell me where she is. Wish it, or you'll wish you had." Clancee shook a little in fear. "B--b-b-b-but...okay, then. Oh, I wish...I wish...I wish I could see where she is right now." And with that, his wish came true as they looked through a mirror, seeing Nya and Jay in the lighthouse.
They were putting the last piece of Echo Zane back together, Nadakhan meanwhile noticed a plant outside the window. That's when Echo Zane saw him in the mirror. "Who's that?" He asked and the two turned to see Nadakhan, gasping. "Break the mirror, before they know where we are." Jay exclaimed before Nya destroyed the mirror with a kick. But Nadakhan just grinned. "Well, I've sailed enough seas to know that was the Red Kelp of the West Apostle Current. Drop sails and cocker the cannons, crew. I know where they are." He ordered.
Jay meanwhile got nervous and reached for the teapot, before Nya stopped him. "Don't even think about it. The Traveler's Tea should only be used as a last resort." She said and Jay sighed. "But we know they're coming. We can't protect ourselves all by ourselves." He said. "Don't forget, we have Echo Zane." She pointed at Echo Zane who was playing chess with Tai-D. "That is correct. You are safe with me." Echo Zane answered before Tai-D stole one of his pieces. "Ugh, I should really download chess information." Nya took Jay's hands in hers.
"You said you saw us old together in the future, right? That means we'll get through this. You know as well as I do, we can't keep running. No matter where we go, Nadakhan won't stop coming. But that doesn't mean we can't stop him here, together." Jay smiled at her. "You're right. We have the poison, and I may have a damaged eye and do not know what to wish for now. But I know our future is bright. And I can't wait to live it with you." He said and pulled her close and kissed her. Nya kissed back before pulling away. "That's the spirit. Now, if we're gonna have company, what say you help me spruce this place up?" She smirked before they started set up traps and even installed self-defense programs aswell as martial arts programs into Echo Zane.
Later Nya had changed into her airjitzu suit and handed a dart to Jay. "Keep this close. I transferred the poison into the dart. You may only have one shot at him, so use it wisely." She said and Jay nodded. "Thanks. And I want you to have this." He handed her the teapot. "If anything happens to me, use the Traveler's Tea to get yourself out of here. He's convinced he's going to marry you. If that happens, nothing can stop him." Nya sighed. "We're ready for everything, but yet I feel nervous and scared. Nadakhan has tricks and can do anything to avoid us. If only I didn't have a lovestruck djinn after me." She said before Jay's face shined up.
"That's it! What if I wished he wasn't a djinn? What if he was like us?" Nya got shocked before smiling. "Then it wouldn't matter if he married me. He'd never get his wishes." Jay nodded. "Better yet, he won't be able to use his magic to get away, so we could trap him here forever." Echo Zane soon felt something. "Hmm. I sense they are here." They all looked outside and saw the pirates. "Remember, Jay, when you wish it, he has to hear it." Nya said and Jay nodded. "Get the girl!" Nadakhan ordered and Clancee nodded. "You heard the c-c-captain. Take the girl!" The crew charge towards the door. "All right, everyone take your positions." Nya said as she and Jay put on their masks.
Clancee was getting pushed into the door. "Hold on. You don't open the door, I do. I'm higher in command." He said before trying to open the door, activating a trap which sent him and some of the pirates flying backwards. The rest of the crew climbed up the wall. "Let them have it!" Jay said before he and Nya threw junk on the pirates, making them fall. But more climbed towards them. "There's too many. They're almost here." Nya exclaimed and Jay smirked. "Then let's show them what we've got." He said before the pirates came to the top. "Lights, camera, action!" Nya said before she and Jay put on sunglasses and turned on the light on max, blinding the pirates before knocking them down.
Clancee got inside and meet Thai-D and Echo Zane. "Really? You're gonna defend them?" He said before Echo Zane kicked him back. Jay meanwhile pulled a lever, revealing weapons for him and Nya. "Her you go babe." He said and threw Nya some swords. "Thanks baby." Nya answered and fought back some pirates. That's when they saw an explosive barrel flying their way. "Take cover!" Jay and exclaimed before they jumped down the stairs, just as the barrel exploded at the window. The pirates laughed and prepared another one. Jay and Nya got towards the hole and used their powers to destroy the catapult and barrels.
Echo Zane was fighting some pirates before he and Tai-D got surrounded. But before the pirates could react, screws and bolts got sent onto the floor for them to step on, making them cry out in pain before Echo Zane kicked them out of the door.
Dogshank started to climb up towards Jay and Nya. "I don't see Nadakhan. The plan won't work if he isn't here." Jay said before Nya saw something behind him. "Look out!" Doubloon appeared and Jay quickly started to fight him. "You might have two faces. But I can fight better." Suddenly Dogshank grabbed Nya and headed down the stairs. "Nya!" Jay exclaimed while still fighting Doubloon. "I'm okay. Don't worry." Nya said while trying to get out of Dogshank's grip. "Sorry, Captain's orders. But it's nice to see you again. I've missed our playdates." Dogshank said and Nya looked at her. "It's nice seeing you too. But I'm not getting trapped that easily." She quickly grabbed her sword and hit Dogshank's arm, making her drop her. "Argh. He, nice move. Let's settle this like warriors." Dogshank said before they started to fight.
Jay kept fighting Doubloon and saw a lever behind him. "Have a nice trip, two-face." He smirked and pulled the lever, sending them both falling towards the stairs, Jay used airjitzu to get to safety. He suddenly saw Nya and and Dogshank fighting. "You need help?" He asked and Nya smirked. "I think I got this under control." Suddenly Jay saw how the tea started to spill. "Nya, the tea!" Nya gasped before she quickly kicked Dogshank into the portal, making her end up to thr island of the Tiger Widow. It hissed at her. "Boo!" She said and the Widow screeched before before running away. "You chicken!" Dogshank scoffed.
"Nya, give me the tea. We have to get out of here." Jay said and Clancee gasped. "Oh, they have the Traveler's Tea. G-g-get it before they can escape." He exclaimed and Monkey Wretch quickly grabbed the teapot. "Don't let that monkey get away with it!" Nya exclaimed and Nadakhan appeared and knocked out both Echo Zane and Tai-D before they could get it back. "Stupid toys." He said before Jay and Nya saw him. "He's here. Make your wish that he's not a djinn." Nya said and Jay nodded. "Nadakhan, I wish you weren't-" Before he could finish, Nadakhan disappeared and appeared somewhere else. He tried some more times before Nadakhan laughed. "You think I don't know what you're up to?" Jay grunted in annoyence. "Ugh. He's too fast! I can't get the words out!" Nya looked at him. "You have to shoot him. Use the poison dart." Before they could react, Doubloon jumped up behind them and pushed them off the stairs.
Luckily Jay managed to grab onto the ledge while grabbing Nya's hand. "Don't worry! I got you!" He said. "But now you can't shoot him, and he's still coming." Nya said while Nadakhan headed their way. Echo Zane soon stood up and saw them struggling. "I am built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He quickly ran upstairs and kicked Nadakhan right in the face. "You stepped on my friend. Now I will step on you." Nadakhan chuckled. "Oh, really? Give it a try, metal man." Echo Zane went to attack, before falling apart which caused Nadakhan to laugh. "Pure scrap." He said and teleported under Nya and Jay.
"Oh, no! Shoot him, Jay!" Nya exclaimed as Nadakhan grinned. "Come to me, my dear." Jay was struggling holding onto the ledge. "If I try and shoot him, you'll fall right into his arms. Hold on." Soon he threw himself and Nya out of the window, landing in the water and swam to the shore. "Find her!" Nadakhan exclaimed while Jay and Nya went into secret room, finding the teapot. "The Traveler's Tea. Good thinking." Nya said before they barricaded the door as Jay sighed. "Guess we can finally say this truly is a last resort. Hehe." He poured out the tea, but only a few drops came out, making a small portal. "That's it? That's all that's left? That isn't big enough for both of us." Nya said in shock.
Jay looked at her. "But it is big enough for you. Nya, take the poison. I promised you I was going to protect you, and I'm a man of my words." He said and Nya grabbed his hand. "Oh, Jay, this is the reason..." She said and Jay looked at her confused. "The reason for what?" Nya smiled at him. "The reason you're the only one I've ever let into my heart. From the first time we meet, I knew you were my future." Jay's eyes widened. "You did? Hurry, Nya, the flame is dying out." The portal got smaller. "But if we're ever gonna see our future, it's me who has to protect you because it's you who has the wish." Nya put her hand on his back. "What are you doing?" Jay asked and Nya smiled at him.
"I'm speaking up for our future. And it's never felt better. Save me, Jay Walker. There's going to be a wedding, and I want you to do something about it! Jay, no matter what happens. You'll always be my true love." She kissed him before pushing him into the portal before it closed. After that she turned towards the pirates. "Now let's get on with it." The door opened and the pirates captured her, Nadakhan grinning at her. "I have never seen a more beautiful bride." He said and Nya got lead to the ship, hoping that Jay would save her.
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