The green ninja
It was dark at the Bounty, and snake like figures were walking around. Luckily, the ninja managed to defeat them with their powers. Nya turned on the light, revealing that it was just training for the ninja. She looked at them and nodded. "Good, your powers have became stronger. But where is Kaya?" The others walked over to her. "She's meditating in her room. And didn't want us to disturb her." Zane answered and Jay nodded. "Yeah, she's been distant lately. Wonder why?" Cole shrugged.
"Whatever it is, we better give her some space." Suddenly a familiar voice was heard. "Hello, I'm home." They all turned to see Wu. "Sensei!" All happily said and Wu smiled. "It's good to be home." He said and Zane smiled at him. "It's good to have you back." Cole walked up. "Did you bring anything?" Jay ofcourse started to ramble. "Sensei you've missed so much. Zane's a nindroid, Nya is the mysterious samurai, Cole's a dancer." Wu looked at him confused. "Zane's a what?" Zane smiled. "You've been gone for a while. We catch you up later. The most important thing you should know is, that everyone except for Kaya have unlocked their true potential." He informed.
Wu nodded before looking around. "Really? But where is Kaya?" Cole spoke up. "She's meditating, and wanted to be alone." Suddenly they all saw Garmadon walking out from behind Wu. They quickly drew their weapons, but Wu stopped them. "Wait everyone! He is the reason I left. He'll be our guest as long as Pythor has Lloyd." The ninja looked at him in shock. "Sensei, you can't be serious!" Cole exclaimed. "He has four arms!" Zane pointed out. "And he've been trying to get the golden weapons ever since he turned evil!" Jay said before Wu shouted.
"ENOUGH!!" This made the three bow. "Yes Sensei." They all say before Garmadon stepped forward. "This isn't about the weapons. It's about my son." Wu nodded. "From now on, you will obey me and respect my brother." Hesitantly, they all agreed. Soon Kaya came onto upper deck. She saw Wu and smiled. "Sensei, it's so good to see you." Wu smiled back. "The same with you Kaya." Kaya then locked eyes with Garmadon. "Garmadon." She said coldly. "Kaya." He said back, just as coldly.
Everyone felt the tension between the two. Wu walked between them. "Garmadon's our guest. Until we've saved Lloyd." Kaya sighed and nodded before turning to Garmadon. "I'll respect you as our guest. But if you ever think, that I'll forget what you did. Then, you're wrong." She walked off as Wu sighed. He understood that Kaya was still traumatized over getting her sister and only family member taken. So he couldn't blame her.
Cole went after Kaya and found her in her room. She was on the floor with candles around her. Every breath from her made the flames go up and down. Slowly Cole walked up to her. "Are you ok?" Kaya didn't even look at him. "I know Garmadon cares about Lloyd, and want to help us. But what he did. It'll always gonna be in my mind." The flames got bigger. "Well, he did take Nya from you. So I can understand why you don't wanna forgive him." Cole gently say before noticing the flames getting even bigger.
"He took my sister! I thought I would never see her again! I felt so scared! That my whole family would be gone!" Suddenly the flames erupted and Cole jumped back, before getting his arm burned a little. As he winched in pain, Kaya turned around and gasped. "Cole! Oh no, I'm so sorry!" She panicked and Cole quickly hugged her. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. I'm okay." His comforting voice calmed Kaya down.
During the couple of days, they all realized that living with Garmadon was weird. Like how he brushed his teeth with a dagger. How he ate condensed evil, that apparently was low on fat. He changed the channel when someone else was watching. Which wasn't really weird but anyway. He was also "sunbathing" in a storm. And when he was about to sleep, he did something weird with electricity. So it was really weird and the others got annoyed. But didn't really care. Kaya and him even was civil with eachother. But it was mostly because they needed to.
Kaya was later in the bridge, checking the monitors. Soon she saw footage from the fire temple. The serpentine was there, with Lloyd in a cage. Her eyes widened as she got flashbacks from when Nya was kidnapped and taken there. She started to breath faster aswell as her heart started to beat faster. But she quickly shook it off and pressed the button to the speakers. "Everyone to the bridge! The falcon have detected the snakes and Lloyd!" Everyone quickly came to the bridge. "They're at the temple of fire." Nya said and Kaya nodded. "Meaning a fangblade must be there. And they have Lloyd with them." Garmadon saw the footage of Lloyd with a worried expression.
"Since the last time we were there. The volcano has became unstable. The place is ready to explode. It's a highly combustible environment." Nya pointed out and Jay sighed. "Oh great. Just what we need when fighting snakes. A highly combustible environment that's about to blow up." Wu turned to them all. "We do what we must." They all nodded before getting ready.
Cole noticed how Kaya seemed lost in thought. "Kaya?" Kaya just stared into space. "It's like when Nya got taken. In the fire temple." Gently, Cole hugged her. "Don't worry. Now we're more, and we'll keep him safe." Kaya calmed down and nodded. They soon arrived at the temple. "The sensors says that the place is getting fragile by every minute. Just the smallest crack, and the place will blow up." Nya informed and Wu nodded. "Then we better not use our weapons." Kaya handed her sword to Nya.
"My sword is the most dangerous in there. So look after it until we get back." Nya nodded before the group walked in. As they went further inside, Kaya got more flashbacks of what happened to Nya. But she shook them off. Needing to think about saving Lloyd. They soon reached a chamber and saw the serpentine digging for the fangblade. Jay soon saw Lloyd. "There's Lloyd!" Garmadon saw Lloyd's sad face and felt his heart ache. "Son." Kaya looked at Lloyd, feeling the same.
Soon the serpentine found the fangblade, and Pythor pushed them aside before grabbing it. His eyes looked over it before he saw the ninja in the reflection. "The ninja, get them!" He commanded and they started to fight. While they were fighting, Pythor headed towards the exit with Lloyd. Some constrictal started digging. Zane's eyes widened. "They're making the volcano unstable!" The others got worried. "It's gonna blow any minute! We gotta go!" Jay exclaimed, but Garmadon looked towards Lloyd.
"Not without my son!" He ran towards Lloyd and kicked snakes out of the way. Pythor grinned and pulled Lloyd out of the cage before throwing him onto a rock in the lava. Everyone stared in fear as there were no way to get Lloyd. A grin appeared on Pythor's face before slithering away. The group looked down at Lloyd. "What are we gonna do!? There's no way to gets him in time!" Jay said worried as the volcano shook more. "We need to go." Wu said and they started to head out. Garmadon had to be dragged off.
Kaya meanwhile stood still and looked at Lloyd. Getting an image with Nya at his place. "Help me!" Lloyd shouted scared. Cole grabbed Kaya's hand. "Kaya! We gotta go!" He said and started to pull her. Kaya just stared before seeing Lloyd's scared face. Her face got a determined expression as she pulled her hand away and ran towards the edge. "Kaya!" Cole shouted before Jay dragged him away. The exit got blocked by rocks as the others quickly ran out.
Kaya jumped down and landed by Lloyd. "Don't worry Green bean. I won't let anything happen to you." She picked her up and jumped from rock to rock. Lloyd held onto her tightly and Kaya felt something new about him. A certain energy. They reached a platform but was stuck. "Kaya?" Lloyd said in fear and Kaya kneeled down to his level. "Whatever happens. I won't leave you." She hugged him protectively and Lloyd hugged back. Preparing for the end.
Fire flew into the air as the two just hugged eachother. The others had reached the Bounty when they saw the volcano explode. Everyone's eyes widened, knowing Lloyd and Kaya was gone. Nya cried in Jay's arms as Garmadon and Cole were completely frozen. They've just lost their loved ones. They were gone and would never return.
"Guys, look!" Zane shouted and pointed at Kaya's sword that had an orange glow. Before they could react, a ball of fire flew out of the volcano. That's when saw that it was Kaya and Lloyd. "Look, it's Kaya! She's unlocked her true potential!" Jay said as Kaya landed on the deck. She put Lloyd down and looked up smiling. The others smiled in relief before she returned to normal and fainted. Cole quickly caught her in his arms and held her tight.
Later at the bridge was Lloyd reunited with Garmadon. "Dad. Is it really you?" Garmadon nodded. "It is. Son." Lloyd then looked at his four arms. "Dad. Why do you have four arms?" Everyone laughed before Zane turned to Kaya. "But how did you survive? And how did you unlock your true potential?" Kaya looked at everyone. "The trauma of loosing Nya was holding me back. But when I saw Lloyd being scared, I couldn't leave him. So I went to save him." The others smiled and Garmadon nodded at Kaya in appropriation.
"Okay. So everyone has unlocked their true potential. But we still don't know who the green ninja is." Jay said before Kaya spoke. "I think I know. In the volcano, I felt a strange energy. It felt so powerful." She then looked at Lloyd and the others looked surprised. Lloyd just looked confused.
"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" He asked before Kaya and Nya held the golden weapons before him. They started to glow a green and golden light. "Lloyd's the green ninja. That makes sense. You four haven't only been chosen to protect the golden weapons, but also to protect the chosen one." Wu said and everyone smiled.
Suddenly Garmadon realized something. "That means." Wu nodded in sadness. "That the battle lines have been drawn brother. Our family have sadly been more divided. Brother vs brother. And now, son vs father." Lloyd looked at his father saddened. He was now forced by destiny to fight his father. And potentially kill him.
It was like destiny was playing a cruel joke on him. Bit there were nothing they could do.
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