The day Ninjago stood still
The ninja were training Lloyd in Dareth's dojo. Lloyd had a blindfold over his eyes, practicing to use the other senses. "Don't relay on your eyes. Use your ears." Cole said before they started. Dareth walked in. "Uh guys. I'm training a class later, so I would appreciate a clean dojo." He said before the ninja charged towards Lloyd. Lloyd caught their sounds with his ears and dodged their attacks.
Dareth started to panic as they accidentally messed up the dojo. He quickly fixed it and even opened the window before Jay smashed threw it. His eyes scanned around and sighed.
On the Bounty was Wu looking at an old photo of him and Garmadon. Young Garmadon was pale with red eye. Between the brothers were Misako. They all looked so happy, like Garmadon didn't have evil in his blood. Misako walked up to Wu. "I'd forgotten how pale Garmadon was before his change to evil was complete." She said and Wu nodded. "Yes. But the past is in the past. What do you have with you?" He asked and Misako took up some scrolls and papers. "I brought my research on the prophecy of the green ninja. I thought maybe we could go over it together." Wu looked at all the scrolls.
"Hmm, my. There's so much. It will take days." He said and started to look through them. Misako looked at him. "I should have chosen you." She said and Wu smiled at her. "The past is the past." Misako smiled. "Yes, but there's always the future." They leaned in close before the ground suddenly started to shake. "The ground moves. I fear unnatural causes." Wu said before they headed to the dojo.
The ninja was surprised over the shaking and quickly looked at the TV. "NGTV reporter Gayle Gossip on the scene of what appears to be an earthquake rocking the city of Ninjago. But it's an earthquake like no other, as scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause. And more frightening still, the aftershocks are getting stronger." The news reporter Gayle said and the ninja quickly ran outside.
"What do you think this could be?" Cole asked. "Wouldn't be surprised if it was Garmadon. We haven't seen him for a while." Kaya answered. Misako shook her head. "He would never. Lloyd's father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm's way." Wu nodded in agreement. "Misako's right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else." Jay looked at them questioning. "But what is it?" Zane called his falcon. "My friend, be my eyes and look for danger in the streets from above." The falcon flew off, scanning the area.
While underground, the snakes were digging under the city. Skales had became their new king and ordered them and bury Ninjago. But suddenly, they stopped infront a weird door. "My lord, we've hit something. We can't dig through." One of the constrictal said and Skales slithered up to it. "It's ancient. Perhaps older than the Serpentine themselves. What the heck is this?" Skales hissed in frustration.
On the dark island, Garmadon was climbing a big mountain. "This is madness! You test me, Lord Garmadon?! Ninjago's rightful ruler?!" He complained and Overlord chuckled a little. "Patience, Garmadon. All will make sense in time. For now, follow my instructions." Garmadon rolled his eyes. "To what end? What is so important at the top of this cliff?" He asked. "The key to the greatest army ever seen. And the means to the greatest weapon ever known." Overlord answered.
This made Garmadon wonder. "What good will these things do for me, marooned on this uninhabited island? How will I return to Ninjago?" His voice showing impatience. "My master plan has been in the works since the beginning of time. Every piece moves in perfect harmony like the gears of clock, slowly shifting the balance of power back to darkness. Every piece, that is, but you." Overlord told him. "All right, then." Garmadon continued to climb.
In Ninjago, the streets started to crack. A woman fell into one of the cracks while trying to save her dog. Luckily, the ninja managed to save her and the dog. "These things keep coming with no warning." Kaya said and Misako gasped. "That's it. A warning. The scrolls said the earthquakes would be a warning. A warning for something far worse to come." She informed. "Far worse? What could be far worse?" Jay asked.
Cole turned towards Misako. "Misako, the indestructible stone warrior we fought yesterday. Where did you find him?" He asked. "He was buried under the city." Misako answered. "You don't think there's more, do you?" Jay asked nervously. "Be on guard, ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way." Wu said and the ninja nodded.
Underground, Skales managed to open the door and found hundreds of stone warriors. But venom soon dropped on them and they came to life. All serpentine tried to stop them, but nothing worked. Unfortunately the warriors headed out of the chamber that closed on the snakes, trapping them underground once again.
Upside, Zane's falcon saw warriors running around. "Sensei, it's as we feared. More stone samurai warriors is loose on the streets." Zane said before they started to get surrounded. "We're under attack!" Wu said.
Gayle was sending. "As this army of stone statues sweeps over the city, no one is safe. Mayhem and destruction are their only want. Attempts at communication have failed, prohibiting even the desperate option of surrender! The mayor has already called for a massive evacuation!" She informed. Everyone got attacked, including Dareth who got thrown out of his dojo. Which caused him bump into the cameraman. "That's it, I'm out of here." He said and Gayle sighed in annoyence before turning to Dareth.
"You! Wanna be my cameraman?" She asked. "Uh...not really." Dareth said before picking up the camera. "Great! Follow me! I need this shot. You getting this?" Gayle said. "Uh, I hope so." He filmed Gayle. "I'm standing outside grand sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo, training headquarters of the ninja, only to find that even here, no one is safe." Gayle started, not noticing the warrior behind her. "Uh, Gayle, um..." Dareth tried to warm her, but the warrior quickly grabbed her. Luckily Zane managed to save her.
"You seem in need of assistance." Gayle sighed in relief. "Thanks, Mr. Ninja." The others arrived. "Stay strong. Show no weakness." Cole told the others. "We have to protect the people. Gather as many as you can and get them to our evacuation point." Wu informed them from the rader. Nya suddenly spoke from the radio. "We've got problems with that evacuation point, guys. I can't find a safe place to land!" She said as warriors tried to reach the Bounty.
Gayle thought a little. "The NGTV office building has a helipad on the roof." Wu nodded. "Yes. Higher ground. Lloyd, tell Nya to head there." Lloyd nodded as Gayle turned towards the camera. "Citizens of Ninjago who have yet to evacuate the city, head to the NGTV building rooftop. Our heroic ninja will evacuate you from there! But hurry. We're running out of time." The citizens headed there.
Wu turned to Misako. "And you, stay safe. Stay out of trouble." Misako chuckled. "Looks like that won't be possible." She said before seeing more warriors surround them. Luckily, the ultra dragon arrived and knocked them away. "Lloyd, did you practice your elemental quakes?" Wu asked and Lloyd nodded before making the warriors fall. They all soon made their way towards the tower.
Garmadon meanwhile had reached the mountain top, and the celestial clock. "What is this?" He asked. "This clock was created to countdown to the final battle. Once one takes the helmet of shadows, the clock will start. But be warned, though he who wears the helmet of shadows can travel between the islands at will, once it is removed, the countdown cannot be stopped." Overlord answered and Garmadon grabbed the helmet.
He laughed and put it on, making the clock start. "At last, the countdown to the final battle has begun. This helmet is your birthright. With it, you have control of the army." Overlord informed. "What army?" Garmadon asked. "My army." Overlord answered.
The ninja reached the NGTV building with the citizens and started to barricade the doors. "Now we head to the stairwell." Zane said and Dareth gulped. "Stairs? It's twenty floors. Let's just take the elevator, guys." He said and pressed the button. "It's unwise to take the elevator during an emergency, Dareth." Zane argued. That's when a warrior appeared the the elevator and Dareth quickly run up the stairs. But he accidentally bumped into Misako, making her drop her scrolls.
The ninja turned towards the warriors. "We must buy time for our getaway." Kaya said and they all did spinjitsu as Lloyd used his powers, slowing the warriors down. They soon reached the roof and started to get onto the Bounty. "Hurry, they're coming." Cole told everyone. That's when Misako's eyes widened. "My research!" She headed back, but Lloyd grabbed her arm. "No, Mom. It's too dangerous to go back." He said in a pleading voice. "It's too important to leave behind." Misako said and kissed his head before heading back.
The ninja kept helping people onto the Bounty, but more warriors arrived. "They just keep coming." Lloyd said as one of the warriors started to break one of the boosters. "Oh, no. This is bad. We have everyone? We've gotta get out of here. Our only remaining booster won't last much longer." Nya exclaimed and Lloyd shook his head. "We have to wait for my mom." Wu looked down and quickly jumped off the Bounty, heading towards Misako. "Sensei!" The ninja cried out as the Bounty flew off.
Misako ran down the stairs while knocking down warriors. Soon she saw her research on a lamp. She quickly jumped onto it and grabbed it before jumping towards the stairs. But she lost her footing and had no choice than to hold onto the rail. "I can't hold on..." She said as warriors headed towards her. "Misako, hang on!" Wu exclaimed as he fought warriors on his way towards her. Misako's grip was almost gone. "...much longer." She said before her hand slipped, making her fall. Luckily, Wu managed to grab her hand and pulled her up.
"I have you now. This way." He said as they run into a room, but there were no way for them to go. Warriors started to arrive, cornering them. "There's no place to hide. We have to fight. Do you still know spinjitzu?" Wu asked and Misako smirked. "Do you forget you never beat me?" She teased and Wu chuckled. "I confess, I wasn't really trying." Misako chuckled. "Neither was I." With that they used spinjitsu and knocked warriors back.
But more arrived, surrounding them. Wu and Misako looked at eachother with a smile. "I'm glad we go together." Wu said. "Then let's go." Mistake nodded in agreement. They soon ran towards the window and jumped out of it. Their eyes locked as they fell towards the ground. Suddenly they landed on the Bounty and the ninja ran up to them. "Mom!" Lloyd said and hugged her, still scared after almost loosing her. Misako hugged him back.
"Glad you're okay sensei. But please, no more giving us heart attacks!" Jay exclaimed and Wu chuckled. "Sometimes, a little scare is needed to know you're human." The ninja looked at him before chuckling. Everyone looked over the city, seeing how much the warriors had destroyed it. Wu gently grabbed Misako's hand and squeezed it. Misako looked at him with a smile. Lloyd just looked between them confused.
On the dark island was Garmadon standing by the celestial clock, watching towards Ninjago's direction. "Garmadon is back, baby! Garmadon is back!" He laughed.
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