Everyone was in a blimp over the island. The ninja had gotten jungle suits to wear.
(Kaya's jungle suit)
They all were talking to eachother to pass time. "So, do you have a limit on how fast you can run?" Jay asked Griffin who chuckled. "Don't know. I beat my records every day. So I haven't reached the limit yet." He bragged and Jay chuckled in amazement. Kaya looked over at Shade who just glared at them all. "If you really have nothing to hide. Why not show us your back?" She asked and Shade scoffed. "Why do something pathetic like that? Show you trust even though we're opponents?" He hissed and Kaya sighed while shaking her head. Skylor looked at Mr. Pale with a wondering look. "So, I is Mr. Pale your real name? Or do you have another name?" She asked and Mr. Pale smirked. "Elijah. Elijah Pale." Elijah answered and Skylor smiled.
(A/N. Yes, that's apparently his real name. Needed to Google it. So now I'll be calling him Elijah.)
Garmadon looked at them all before looking outside. "Seems like we all are going high." Lloyd nodded. "Yeah. I can hardly see the island from up here." He pointed out before Neuro stood up with a fearful expression. "I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" Quickly, he opened to the cockpit, but no one was there, which shocked everyone. Suddenly Chen appeared on the screen. "How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem. Hello, final eight. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my staff of elements. Instead of fighting for a jadeblade, today you will be fighting for something different." He informed before showing them a video.
On the video was Nya and Selena running through the jungle. Both Lloyd's and Kaya's eyes widened in concern. "They must have the proof to stop Chen." Skylor said and Kaya nodded. "The spell he plans to use when he takes our powers." Chen continued to talk. "We have an uninvited guest on the island. Aswell as a traitor. Find them and you will automatically move on to the final round!" Everyone's eyes widened, except for Shade who smirked. "He wants us all to hunt them down?" Jay asked. "Don't worry, Nya's very skilled. And Selena has powerful magic. We just need to make sure to not let Chen's workers find them." Lloyd answered
"In ten seconds, the bottom will drop." Chen informed, making them all gasp. "But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes." He soon said and everyone went for a parachute, but Garmadon didn't have one. "Sensei Garmadon is there? Shoot, that makes nine. Oh, well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo." Chen laughed before a trapdoor opened up. "That guy's love for trapdoors is seriously getting on my nerves!" Lloyd complained before they all fell out of the blimp.
Jay turned towards Lloyd. "Lloyd, use your energy dragon!" He exclaimed before Lloyd tried. "I can't! I can't get it to work!" Lloyd answered. Soon Jay fell next to Griffin who had two parachutes. "Here you go Sparky!" He said and handed Jay the second parachute. "Thanks Speedy!" Jay thanked as Garmadon looked at Lloyd. "Your powers don't work because you aren't controlling your fear. Focus. Control your fear. Don't let it control you. Center yourself." Lloyd tried but couldn't.
The rest managed to grab parachutes, but Kaya saw that there were only one left. "There's only one parachute left." She exclaimed as both Garmadon and Lloyd grabbed onto it. "We'll share." Lloyd said and Garmadon shook his head. "They're only built for one. This is an easy decision." He said and Lloyd nodded. "You're right." Before Garmadon could react, Lloyd opened the parachute and let go, leaving it for his father. "What have you done!?" Garmadon exclaimed while Lloyd continued to fall towards the ground. A deep breath came from Lloyd. "Control my fear." Soon he managed to summon his dragon, making everyone except for Shade cheer. "Atta boy!" Garmadon proudly exclaimed.
Nya and Selena was running through the jungle before seeing the parachutes. "This doesn't look good." Nya said and Selena grabbed her hand. "We need to continue." They kept running. Meanwhile everyone managed to land safely on the ground, when Chen's voice came from some speakers. "Hail, combatants, I have left a few treats to help you in the hunt. I hope you use them wisely." He said as Shade grabbed a bow and some arrows. Chen laughed and turned towards Clouse. "Clouse, why have I never had a mobile base? It's my new favorite toy. Hoo, hoo. There's so many buttons and surprises." Jay heard this from the speakers and scoffed.
"Like I'll ever trust a treat from you, Chen! Ouch, ouch, ouch!" He continued to limp through the jungle before seeing a mech. His eyes looked around before shrugging. "Okay, maybe just a small treat. Ouch, ouch, ouch!" As he got into the mech, it started up and turned blue. "Welcome, master of lightning." The mech said and Jay laughed. "Aah. Suddenly, my leg feels much better! I'm on my way, Nya!" He exclaimed and started to walk.
Lloyd and Garmadon meet up and started to walk. "If we're going to find Nya and Selena before Chen's men do, we got a lot of ground to cover." Garmadon said before Lloyd noticed something on a tree. "Look. It's Nya's samurai X symbol." He pointed out and Garmadon nodded. "They want everyone else to follow their footsteps. But want us to follow these marks." Lloyd soon summoned some of his powers. "Can I give you a lift?" Garmadon shook his head. "Save your energy. It's best not to draw attention. Come on." They started to walk through the jungle.
Misako meanwhile tried to contact Nya. "Nya, come in? Dareth? Pyther? Can anyone read me?" She sighed when she didn't get a response. "Still no word?" Wu asked as he walked up to her. "Nothing. We've lost all communication. How can you be so calm? My husband and son are out there all alone." Misako asked with a small frustrated tone. "As are my brother and pupils, but we must not let fear cloud our thinking. Sensei Garmadon is there to guide them through this. I have to believe so." Wu answered and Misako smiled a little. But still felt worried.
In the factory was Zugu and other cultists talking about Zane and Cole. "Still no sign of Cole and that metal man?" Zugu growled in annoyence. "They still haven't escaped the island. We'll find them. Search the labyrinth and lock this place down." The other cultists nodded before they left. Karlof watched them before turning towards some barrels. "All clear." He said and both Cole and Zane jumped out of the barrels, while Pyther turned visible. "Okay, back to our plan to all of us getting out of here." Cole said as Zane projected blueprints of the sewers.
"Now, if we all tried to tackle the labyrinth, some of us would be sure to get lost, so that's not an option. But Zane here, he analyzed the sewer network." Karlof shuddered in disgust. "Sewer network? Isn't that stinky?" He said and Cole sighed. "Hey, I'd blast my way out of here if I could, but all of our powers are gone." Pyther nodded. "And I sadly can't turn others invisible with me." Zane turned towards the others. "The sewer network is old and can only sustain so much weight. But after adding up all of our combined masses, the pipes will hold by the slimmest of margins." The others just blinked in confusion. "Did anyone else understand that?" Karlof asked.
"He means it'll work." Cole explained and they all cheered, when Dareth suddenly got thrown into the factory. "Don't worry, boys. The brown ninja's here. But before I rescue you, can anyone show me how to make a puffy potsticker? Cole, you're here. And Zane. Is that you? Boy, have you changed." He said and Karlof turned to Cole. "When metal friend say slimmest of margins, how slim?" They all looked at Dareth's belly before Cole grunted. "Ugh, it won't work. Back to the drawing board." They all groaned in annoyence.
Lloyd and Garmadon kept looking around for Nya and Selena, following their trail. "You said before that master Chen was your Sensei, but nothing else." Lloyd pointed out and Garmadon sighed. "Son, there are things from my past that I am not proud of. Perhaps it's time for you to know the truth. After the devourer bit me when I was a child, it took years for all of the evil to fully consume me." He started to tell his story.
Garmadon and Clouse were duelling each other while Chen watched. "Good Garmadon. Good Clouse. But you're both holding back. Might I add he who wins this fight shall become my right hand and be granted lordship?" He grinned before the two continued to fight. Clouse soon used his magic to make the equipment attack Garmadon. But Garmadon just smirked as his eyes flashed a little red. Suddenly he used spinjitsu to destroy the equipment and knock Clouse to the ground.
"He cheated, master. You told us Spinjitzu was forbidden." Clouse complained, but Chen waved it off. "He did what he had to do to win. Congratulations, lord Garmadon." Garmadon smirked towards Clouse who glared at him. "It was a time in our history when man and Serpentine were not getting along. As our sides clashed, we hoped for a truce. But not Chen." Present Garmadon said.
Chen showed Garmadon a map over Ninjago. "Oh, peace is so boring, but conflict and turmoil is so unpredictable and exciting." This caused Garmadon to look at him shocked. "But, master Chen, even the anacondrai are making concessions. There could be a truce. There could be-" Chen interupted him. "Never trust a snake, lord Garmadon. Remember that. Oh, don't look so sad. I've intercepted something that will make you feel better." He said and held up a paper.
"A love letter. Apparently your pathetic brother feels the same about that girl you admire. But was too chicken to hand it to her. Throwing it away without it seeing it's use." Garmadon looked at the letter. "Misako." Chen nodded. "His words are so heartfelt. They could sway how she feels about one of you." He handed it to Garmadon. "I didn't write this. I shouldn't be reading it." This made Chen scoffed. "Well, it could be. It doesn't really have a name. So, it's technically not like you faked it. Come on, you can make her yours." With a sigh, Garmadon took the letter and put it in his pocket.
Lloyd's eyes widened in shock. "Mom thought that letter was from you!" Garmadon sighed. "As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope to one day make peace with." They continued to walk.
Chen was pressing buttons in the mobile base, laughing while Clouse looked at him. "Master, if our men couldn't find her, why do you think they will fare much better? If the girls gets that spell to the ninja, all of our plans will be jeopardized." He informed and Clouse scoffed. "Oh, Clousey Clouse. There's a reason why I'm the master and you're my pupil. Why should I worry about the remaining fighters rising up against me, when after today there'll be no fighters remaining? The little treats I gave them are tracking their every move. This little game isn't about them hunting the girls, it's about hunting them." Clouse grinned. "Master, you are a devious one." They both laughed.
Nya and Selena continued to walk through the jungle, when they suddenly heard something and hid. They saw Shade walking by when horns suddenly was sound. Clouse and some cultists walked up to him. "Your time in this tournament has expired." He grinned as the cultists grabbed shade, setting vengestone cuffs around his wrists. "So the ninja were right all along. Chen was never gonna hand over that staff." Shade hissed, as Clouse continued to grin. "Only one can remain. And it will be Chen!" They soon walked off.
"Seems like Chen's collecting the rest of the masters." Nya said and Selena nodded. "Another reason to find the ninja. They need to know about the spell to stop him" she soon held up her hand towards I path. "Dubsepto!" She said and fake footprints appeared and Nya smirked. "Heh, your powers are really great. We could really have you in the team if you wanna join." Selena just smiled at her. "Maybe, but let's continue." They ran another way, away from the footprints.
Kaya was walking around, looking for the two. "Nya! Selena! Where are you?" Suddenly a noise was heard behind her, making her take a battle stance. "Whoever's there, you better come out before I set the jungle on fire." Skylor soon walked from behind a tree. "It's just me." Kaya sighed in relief. "Good. I see you didn't pick up any of Chen's special treats either." She pointed out and Skylor smirked. "Of course not, like I'd ever trust him. And I wanna find them to help you get the spell and stop Chen once and for all." This made Kaya smile.
"Thank you. If something would happen to my sister, I would never forgive myself. She's all I have left of our family." Skylor looked at her, a small hint of guilt in her eyes. "You really love her. Let's get starting to find her." She said and Kaya smiled. "Heh. It's good to work with people you trust. Especially friends." Skylor smiled. "Yes, I couldn't agree more." She said as they started to walk, more guilt being in her eyes.
At the base had Clouse and Eyezor arrived with Elijah. "Two fighters down, six remaining. And this one was a bit hard to find." Clouse informed as Elijah tried to get free from the vengestone cuffs. "Arrgh. You'll never get away with this, Chen." Chen just rolled his eyes. "Are you serious? Where have you been? I've been getting away with it time and time again. Oh, take him away, he's boring." Eyezor nodded and dragged Elijah away. "Arrgh. You'd think they'd create a trapdoor in this thing." Chen complained before Clouse walked up to him. "Master, Skylor is with Kaya." He informed, making laugh. "Good!" That's when Clouse sighed. "But we still don't know where Lloyd and Garmadon are." Chen groaned at this. "Bad! Find them, Clouse. While you're at it, round up the rest of them." Clouse nodded and walked off.
Both Lloyd and Garmadon kept following the samurai X symbol, continuing to talk about Garmadon's past. "Father, I don't understand. You trained under Chen, yet you fought beside Wu in the wars. What happened to the truce?" Lloyd asked and Garmadon sighed.
"When Chen said, never trust a snake, he was right. The serpentine struck first. The alliance of the elemental masters fought back. But they had never seen the likes of an anacondrai warrior. They were bigger, smarter, natural leaders on the battlefield. The anacondrai were a proud tribe who fought with every ounce of venom. There was no greater warrior in the land. And with them in command, they proved to be too much for the alliance to handle." The elemental masters were fighting the snakes, but was overpowered by the anacondrai.
The master of gravity attacked a pile of snakes, when suddenly a giant snake attacked him. One of the venemari turned towards one of the anacondrai generals, Arcturus. "We've taken the village, general Arcturus." He said and Arcturus grinned. "Good. Only one can remain." The other snakes cheered. "Chen stood to gain more if he sided with the snakes and wanted me to help him. Though the evil in my veins tempted me, I wouldn't fight a war for him. I would only fight to see Misako again. From then on, Chen and I went our separate ways so that I could join my brother in battle. We were the sons of the first spinjitzu master. And together, with the Elemental Alliance, we stood a fighting chance. But Chen's influence changed all that. He found a way to turn the alliance against each other. The battle was all but lost. But in our darkest hour, we found hope." Garmadon saw a snake charmer using a flute on a snake.
He smirked as he got an idea. Each master used flutes to lock the serpentine into the five tombs. Two of those masters being the masters of water and fire. "And hope found a way to end the war. The serpentine were divided and locked away in tombs. Chen and Clouse were exiled. But someone came with them." A woman looking like an older version of Selena walked up to the masters. "I'm going with my husband. No matter what you say." She said and Wu looked at her shocked. "Merina, you can't be serious." Merina nodded and jumped onto the boat, hugging Clouse. "I am. I don't want to be sepereted from him." Knowing they couldn't change her mind, they let her go with them.
In a courtroom was the anacondrai generals standing before the elemental masters, Garmadon and Mystake. "We ask for mercy." Arcturus pleeded and Mystake scoffed. "Mercy? Never heard of it." She turned to Garmadon who used a spellbook too send the generals through a vortex.
"And the anacondrai generals were given the strictest sentence, banishment to the cursed realm, so that they will never set foot in Ninjago again." Garmadon finished and Lloyd was shocked. "Even after all this time, you never told Wu about your past with Chen?" He asked and Garmadon shook his head. "No, I'm afraid he'd hate me. And that I would lose him, and your mother." Lloyd put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Someone once told me you need to control your fear, and not let fear control you." This made Garmadon chuckle. "Hm, you're right. Once we put all of this behind us, I'll make things right. But first, we need to find Nya and Selena. Come on." They continued to walk.
"I'm glad the serpentine is on our side now." Lloyd said and Garmadon nodded in agreement. "Yeah. And with Pyther getting raised right, I'm sure the next generations will always help eachother." Suddenly Lloyd thought about something. "Selena's mother, Merina. Why would she go with Clouse, even after his crimes?" He asked. "Who knows. Maybe she was blinded by love. We may never find out." Garmadon answered and Lloyd nodded, but still had a feeling that something else might have happened.
In the factory was Cole drawing a plan, before throwing it away. "Arrgh. Okay, so maybe rolling ourselves up into giant egg rolls isn't the best plan. Anyone else have another idea?" He asked. "Karlof used to be aeronautical engineer back in Metalonia. Work on roto lets. Just one could take out entire army." Karlof informed, but Cole sighed. "Oh, great idea. But two things, we don't have a roto jet, and what good is a jet if we're underground!?" Suddenly Dareth walked past them with spare parts. "Okay, don't mind me, carry on whatever important business you're all doing." He said and everyone looked at him confused.
"Dareth, what are you doing?" Pyther asked. "Well, if there isn't a machine that makes puffy potstickers, by golly I'm gonna make one." That's when Zane got an idea. "That's it! Dareth, you've solved it." Cole looked at him in surprise and confusion. "How are puffy potstickers gonna help us?" But Zane just turned to the others. "We'll use machine parts to build the roto jet. Karlof, do you still remember the schematics of it?" Karlof nodded. "Of course." This made Zane smile with determination. "Then it's set. Karlof and I will create a blueprint. Everyone else, find parts. Pyther, did you learn something about mechanics?" Pyther looked at him.
"Aunt Nya has taught me." They all soon scattered around, leaving Cole confused. "But we're underground!" He exclaimed.
Jay continued to walk through the jungle, getting tired from using the mech. "Wrists tired. Must keep looking." That's when he saw Nya's symbol. "Nya!" He exclaimed, when Clouse suddenly arrived. "I'm sorry, your search ends here. Your time in the tournament is over!" Soon he used his magic to tie Jay up with wines. But Jay luckily got free and landed infront of him. "Magic's for wussies. I'll stick to good old nuts and bolts with a little ingenuity." He laughed. "You want ingenuity? Try this on for size!" Clouse said before making a mech out of stone.
"Magic versus nuts and bolts." He exclaimed before they started to fight. Nya and Selena heard them. "That's Jay." Nya said and was about to run, when Selena stopped her. "No, if my father's there, then we won't be able to help." She informed, making Nya look at her. "But your magic." Selena sighed. "My magic might be strong. But my father's are more powerful." With a sigh Nya nodded before they ran another direction. Jay and Clouse continued to fight, until Clouse suddenly ripped out some of Jay's mech's wires. "Primary power obstructed. Automatic self-detonation in five, four-" It counted down as both of them looked at eachother nervously. "Hehe, that's unfortunate." Jay nervously laughed before the mech exploded.
Both Kaya and Skylor was by a stream when they heard it. "That could be Nya and Selena, come on." Kaya said and started jumping on the rocks. "Let me, I have a faster way." Skylor said before freezing the pond, making Kaya's eyes widen. "What are you waiting for? Your friends could be in trouble." She said. "How did you just do that?" Kaya asked. "I can absorb elemental power remember." Skylor answered, before realizing her mistake. "But the ice. Zane's never been in the tournament. Which means, you're the spy. You've seen Zane. You're working for Chen!" Kaya shouted with an angry and hurt tone.
Skylor just looked away in guilt. "I had to obey my father or else-" She started before Kaya interupted her. "Chen's your father!?" Suddenly, something tripped her. Before she knew it, Chen appeared. "Yes! And now your time in the tournament is over, master of fire. Take her, Skylor." He ordered and Kaya saw how Skylor didn't want to, but she just sighed and looked up. "Yes, father." She soon started to attack Kaya who managed to block her attacks. "Everything we've been through. You helping us, standing by our side. Even talking to me everyday. That was just a lie?!" Kaya said before Skylor used smoke to appear behind her and pin her to the pond.
"You don't understand anything." She hissed back and Kaya just glared at her. "I understand completely." Suddenly she set her hand on fire and hit the ice, making it crack. Skylor's eyes widened before she let go. Kaya jumped onto a rock while Chen fell into the water. "Skylor! Help me!" He exclaimed before Skylor went to help him. Kaya quickly jumped onto the land and started to run. Skylor managed to get Chen out of the water. "Enough of this." He said and used nature to tie her up. Both him and Skylor walked up to her. "All tied up as a Christmas gift." Skylor saw how Kaya glared at her before she looked away ashamed.
Both Nya and Selena kept running, before running into Lloyd and Garmadon. "Nya! Selena!" He said in relief. "They took Jay. They took everyone." Nya exclaimed. "Slow down, Nya." Garmadon said to calm her down. Selena looked at Lloyd. "You're the only one left, Lloyd. You're the only one who can stop it." She handed the spell to Lloyd. "Stop what?" He asked before he and Garmadon read through it. "A transformation spell. It can't be." Garmadon said in worry. Lloyd looked at him in confusion. "Transformation? Transform into what?" Selena looked at him. "An army of anacondrai. The tournament may be over, but the next serpentine war may have just begun." She informed.
Kaya meanwhile was thrown into a cage with the others. Everyone having vengestone cuffs. "Don't worry. Lloyd will come for us." Jay told her, making Chen grin. "I'm planning on it." He soon laughed as they drove off. While driving, Kaya looked at Skylor with a hurt and betrayed expression.
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