Morning arrived at Destiny's bounty, as Jay, Cole and Zane was sleeping peacefully. Untill they got woken up by Wu who hit a gong. "Evil dosen't sleep, so neither should you. Come on and wake up." All three groaned before Kaya walked in. "Sensai's right. I don't think evil is gonna wait for you to wake up." Cole yawned and stood up. "Yeah. It's better if we get to work." Jay went to brush his teeth, not noticing the sand on his toothbrush.
"We were up all night, talking about our new headquarter. I'm just glad that we have a roof over our heads." He brushed his teeth before spitting out thanks to the sand. Zane did some stretching. "So what's the lesson today Sensei? Strike if the Scorpion. Or the grace..." Suddenly he fell through the floor. Wu looked around. "I think chores would be a great lesson." The boy's eyes widened. "Chores?!" Kaya giggled. "I think it's a good idea." Wu nodded and walked out.
Jay groaned. "Ugh. This place is gonna take forever to fix up." The others nodded before Kaya smirked. "Maybe if we do it the normal way." This earned a smirk from the others who understood what she meant. Soon they used their powers and special abilities to fix the ship. An hour later and they were done. Nya and Wu walked up to them as they played video games. "What took you so long?" Kaya smirked at then and Nya looked around impressed. "Wow. This place looks much better." Jay flexed a little. "Yeah. You know. We just had to do it our way." Wu nodded.
"It is better. But can you keep it clean." They all soon heard a car honk and looked outside. There an old couple were driving towards them in some sort of car. "Who are those people?" Kaya asked and Jay sighed in annoyence. "It's my parents. Please, if they start talking don't keep them going. They don't know how to stop and then the whole day have past and.." Kaya covered his mouth. "Okay. We get it. They talk much. No wonder you talk that much." Soon they walked outside to greet Jay's parents who's names were Ed and Edna.
"Mom. Dad. What are doing here." Jay asked and Kaya whispered to Cole. "Shouldn't the question be, how they knew he was here?" Cole just shrugged. Edna looked at Jay and smiled. "Oh look my baby boy. We're so happy to see you. It's been so long." Jay sighed. "Mom, I called you two days ago." Edna giggled. "Yeah. And that's to long time." Jay's father Ed nodded in agreement. "Yeah. So my son. When are you coming to the junkyard?" Jay quickly felt embarrassed. "Dad! Not infront of my team." The others held back small laughs.
Edna walked up to him. "Oh. He doesn't like when we tell that he was raised on a junkyard." She soon saw Nya. "Oh, you are so cute. You're just my sons type." Nya blushed a little and so did Jay. "It's a pleasure meeting you. Maybe Jay can show you around." Both Ed and Edna nodded in agreement before Jay showed them around. Soon they came to the bridge. Jay pointed on different things. "And this is the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells what's going on in Ninjago. And this...if a Serpentine's not giving us answer and we have to stay up all night..." He stopped by a machine.
"A neuro apparatus to read their minds?" Edna guessed. "An audio appliance to make them talk?" Ed added. "No, it's a cappuccino machine." Jay poured up some coffe. "Haha. Thats amazing, son! We're so proud of you." Ed said happily. "Why don't you tell them about that button Jay?" Cole pointed at a button and Jay nervously laughed. "Heh heh. It's not ready yet Cole." His parents got curious. "Oh, what's the button?" Zane spoke up. "He's working on a special defense system." Kaya nodded. "Something every ninja headquarters needs." Ed's eyes widened in excitement. "Oh, really? What does it do? Maybe I can help?" Jay hesitated. "No, it's okay dad. Hey, look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? As I told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there." He pushed them outside.
Ed and Edna headed to their car. "Uh, I suppose we should get back." Jay sighed a little. "Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time." Cole teased and earned a glare from Jay. "Oh, if you thought that was a good one, wait until you hear the story about the time when I caught him kissing his pillow!" Edna smiled as Jay blushed in embarrassment. "Snakes, mom. Snakes!" Edna giggled. "Okay, we're going. We're going." They put on seatbelts. "So you promise to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?" Edna asked and Jay sighed. "Yes, I promise! But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working, right?" He asked.
Ed turned on headlights that shined so bright that everyone grunted while shielding their eyes. "Heh, like 'em? I used a little extra juice. Yep. Bye, son. I couldn't be more proud." Edna turned to Nya. "And bring Nya with you, will ya? I can see why you like her." Jay and Nya blushed more. "Mom!" The couple soon drove off. "Now that they have left, maybe Jay can teach us the art of kissing pillows..." Everyone laughed and Jay groaned. While driving, Ed and Edna talked. "I don't think he's coming, dear." Ed sighed and Edna looked at him. "Stop it, Ed. He's coming." Ed continued. "No, he doesn't need us anymore. I just have to remember that. Uh, can you write it down for me?" Edna rolled her eyes. "Oh, dear. Lights, dear. It's getting dark." With that Ed turned on the lights. "Right, heh. Thanks, sugarplum." They continued to drive off.
In another part of Ninjago had Lloyd released more snakes. This time it was the Fangpyers. And they agreed to help him defeat the hypnobrai, but first they needed an army. So what a convenience that a junkyard was nearby. At this junkyard Ed and Edna just arrived home. "Home, sweet home. And back to the grind." Ed said and grabbed his toolbox. Edna looked at him. "Oh, sweetie. You've been working on that thing day and night. Shouldn't you rest?" Ed chuckled. "Well, you never know when Jay may show up." Edna smiled. "Oh, yeah. You're right. You never know." A dark siluett passed by.
Ed turned his head in confusion. "Uh, Edna? Was that you?" Edna stepped out if their home. "What, Ed? Are you hearing things again?" Now Ed started to get a little worried. "Uh, did you turn on the security alarm before you left?" Edna tried the alarm but nothing happened. "Uh, must be broken." Suddenly the power went out. "Whoever's there, my son knows Spinjitzu!" Ed threatened. "What is it, Ed? And why are the lights out?" Edna asked as Ed wrapped his arms around her protectively. "Call Jay, hun. Someone's broken in!" Suddenly a familiar young was spoke.
"How about we wait until he calls you? Muahahaha!" Lloyd laughed while holding a broken phone. "Ed..." Edna held Ed tightly. "Be strong, Edna. I won't let them hurt you." Suddenly the two headed leader Fangtom slithered up to them. Speaking from both heads. "If we attack...the Hypnobrai...we'll need to grow...our army." Lloyd looked at him confused. "And uh, how do we do that?" Fangtom just smirked. "Let's just say...we Fangpyre bite off more...than we can chew. Have at it, boys!" Fangpyres soon started to bite different old vehicles, turning them into snakes.
"My creations! They are turning them into—" Ed got interupted by Fangtom. "An army? You are correct. But we can also turn people, too." Fangpyres surrounded Ed and Edna who shook in fear. The next day at the Bounty was Jay fixing the button. Kaya and Zane walked in while holding boxes with junk. "Zane. You wouldn't happen to know where to put this junk?" Kaya asked and Zane smirked. "Sorry Kaya, but I don't." Jay looked at them annoyed. "Do you mind?" Cole soon walked in "speaking" on the phone. "Of course I can visit you, mom and dad. I mean, what son wouldn't." Jay sighed and looked at them.
"Okay. I see what you're trying to do. Yes, I did promise to visit my parents, but I'm too busy." Nya walked in. "Hey Jay. Are you gonna visit your parents today?" Jay smiled at her and stood up. "Yeah. I was just about to go." Nya smiled back. "Okay, see you later." She left and the others gave Jay a 'seriously' look. Jay nervously laughed. "What? I just fly there, talk to them an hour or two, and then come back." He went to his dragon Wisp. But he didn't move at all. "Come on. What's wrong Wisp?" Jay asked worried.
Wu walked infront of the dragons with a big thermometer. "Hm, it is as I suspected. The Dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales." Ofcourse Jay got confused. "And what does that mean?" Wu looked at him. "Every adolescent Dragon goes through a transformation before they becomes adults. We must let them migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation." Jay gently petted Wisp. "Will we see them again?" Wu stroke his beard thinking. "It is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path." He said gently.
The others arrived by the dragons and heard this. "Rocky's going east? Say it isn't so, Rocky." He petted Rocky. Zane did the same. Kaya and Nya looked at Flame. Kaya put her forehead on Flame's. "I'll miss you." Flame nuzzled close to her. Jay sighed and looked at Nya thinking. "Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company..." To his disappointment Kaya spoke. "Ofcourse we'll go with you." Cole nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I could use a break." Zane joined in. "All you had to do was ask." They all smiled at Jay.
He sighed in annoyance. Wu also tagged along as the Dragons flew away. On the way he played on the flute. "Of all the days to lose our ride..." Jay mumbled. Zane turned towards Wu. "Sensei. You've never told us why the flute is so special." Wu smiled a little. "Long ago, there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten its ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one." He soon played right in Jay's face.
"Yeah yeah, I get the lesson. Respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick." A chuckle escaped from Wu. "Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear." They soon arrived and Jay stopped and noticed the lack of sound. "What is it?" Nya asked worried. "It's quiet. My family's never quiet." Jay put on his mask and ran inside. The others following behind. They heard muffled voices from a fridge. Jay quickly kicked it open.
Inside he saw Ed and Edna gagged and tied up. "What happened? Who did this?" Jay asked while ripping the tape off the tape. "Sweetheart, you came!" Edna said and Jay noticed the fangs in her mouth. "Oh, you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come, it's the ssssnakes!" Ed hissed, shocking everyone. Wu's and Kaya's eyes widened. "The bite of the Fangpyre!" The former said. "Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete." Kaya added.
Soon they all heard a hisssssss, and turned around to see fangpyres in the vehicles. One of them being a wrecking ball. "Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Cole said before it swung at them. "Duck!" Everyone ducked while Jay pushed his parents out of the way. "Thankssss, sssson." Ed thanked him. Wu saw Lloyd and glared. "Lloyd!" Said boy laughed. "Hello, uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash. Muahaha!" By his side was Fangtom.
"If we want to turn your parents back, we need the anti-venom in the staff." Nya pointed out before the snake ball attacked again. "Second dose, to the dirt!" They jump down to the ground and dodged it. "Easier said than done, little sis. We're a bit outnumbered." Kaya said, but Jay looked up with a determined glare. "Nobody messes with my family. Ninja, go!" He did charged forward and fought the snakes. The others joined them.
Wu played the flute to stun the snakes while Nya hit them. "I don't know, Sensei. I think we make a pretty good duet." She smirked and Wu nodded. Suddenly Lloyd turned on a snake boom box that played music that over sounded the flute. "Young nephew! Must I teach you whose side you should be on?" Lloyd mocked him. "Sorry, uncle. Can't hear you!" The ninja continued to fight until a big fangpyre robot appeared. "Ah! What is that thing?" Jay asked and Ed scratched his neck nervously.
"It was supposed to be in your honor, son. But, do you like it?" He asked. "Thanks, but no thanks." The robot started to attack them. "Why'd you have to be born in a Junkyard?" Cole said while dodging. "I know. Tell me about it." Soon the snake wrecking ball attacked them too. "Uh, wasn't there four of us?" Kaya asked before they all saw Jay jump into the cockpit. "Let's see if I can work this thing." He moved some handles. The robot continued to attack the ninja.
"Don't worry, I got it." Cole grunted. As the robot was about to hit him, Jay used the wrecking ball to destroy the robot. "I told you, I had it." Cole scoffed as Jay smirked. "Retreat!" Lloyd cried out before he and the fangpyre escaped in a Rattlecopter. "He's getting away with the staff!" Nya shouted and Jay sighed. "Right now would be a good time to have those Dragons." Ed put a hand on his shoulder. "It'ssss okay, sssson." Wu turned to the ninja. "There is still a way." All four ninja perked up. "How?" Jay asked. "Part of reaching your own full potential, is understanding your weapon's potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart, its secrets and powers can be unlocked." Wu cryptically said.
Jay rolled his eyes. "Oh, this is not the time to be cryptic." Zane turned to him. "He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves." Kaya looked at her sword. "So we can turn them to vehicles." Wu nodded and turned to Jay. "Jay, concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon. Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight." Jay took a deep breath before turning his nunchucks into the Storm Fighter. "Whoa! Haha, did I just do that?" The others followed suit.
Kaya turned her sword into the Blade Cycle, Zane's shurikens turned into the Snowmobile, and Cole's scythe turned into the Tread Assault. "Ha! I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings, but I think he's just been replaced." They chased after Lloyd. Nya looked at Wu. "Does your flute turn into anything?" Wu looked at the flute. "I wish." Jay flew towards Lloyd before passing him. "Whoa, what the heck was that?" Lloyd asked shocked. "Oops, haha. Overshot that a little. Let's see what this baby can do." Jay pressed a button, but the plane malfunctioned.
He flew right at them and they ducked. When they looked up they saw that Jay had taken the staff.
They ducked, but then noticed that Jay took the staff. Jay gasped. "I got it? (Gasps) I got it!" He laughed, before the Storm Fighter disappeared. "Uh-oh." He screamed while falling. The staff flew out of his hand. "Jay! You have to concentrate!" Zane shouted at him but Jay continued to scream. "I think we're gonna have to catch him." Cole said and Kaya nodded. "You catch Jay. I'll catch the staff." She drove towards the staff.
Cole and Zane tried to catch Jay but their vehicles disappeared too. But luckily Jay got caught by Nya in his parent's car. "Heh, nice." He smiled. Edna sighed in relief and looked at Nya. "Aw, I knew I'd liked thissss girl." Kaya was on the way to the staff. She jumped in the air with the Blade cycle and caught it. Zane and Cole was shocked over Kaya's trick whem she arrived by them. "Where did you learn that?" Cole asked. Kaya smirked. "Can't a girl have her secrets?" Cole just smirked and shook his head.
Kaya's vehicle soon disappeared as the snakes got closer and wasn't happy. "Everyone! Attack!" Fangtom commanded. The others soon picked them up and drove towards the Bounty. "Go! They're getting away!" Lloyd shouted. The group headed inside. "Come with me. Once we reverse the venom, we can fix you." Nya headed to another room with Jay's parents. "Man the stations, everyone!" Jay said and Kaya noticed how the snakes got closer. "Jay, we better hurry!" Jay smirked as he looked at the button.
"I've been waiting for this moment." He pressed it but nothing happened. "Ugh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work!" Edna walked up to him, now back to normal again. "Uh, son? Maybe I can help?" Jay gasped when he saw him "Dad! You're okay!" Ed nodded. "You're darn tooting. Oh, let's have a look." They worked on the button and Ed fixed the wire. "Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, that should do it. Now try it." Jay took a deep breath before pushing the button. Suddenly the Bounty opened it's wings and rocket boosters, allowing it to fly away.
Lloyd and the snakes coughed thanks to the sand cloud. "No, no, no, no!" Nya accidentally dropped the staff that hit Fangtom in the head. He picked it up. "These ninja...they must be stopped." Lloyd sighed. "Oh, tell me about it." Later at the Bounty was Jay talking to his parents on deck. "We'll get you back to the Junkyard just as soon as we see the coast is clear. But stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here." Jay smiled at his parents. Ed hugged him. "Oh, take a note Edna. Of all our inventions, this one is our greatest." Edna tossed the notebook and joined the hug.
"I already know, dear." The three hugged eachother as the others watched. Thinking about their families aswell. Wu smiled at them as they flew into the sunset.
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