Rise of the snakes

Long ago, before time even had a name. The First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago. Aswell as the four golden weapons. When he past, his oldest son Garmadon, tried to take control of them. But the youngest son Wu went out to find the four ninja. The ice ninja Zane, the lightning no ninja Jay, the earth ninja Cole. And the fire ninja Kaya. Together they became the guardians of the weapons. Making sure balance was always held.

End of narration.

In the monastery was Wu meditating, when suddenly he heard what sounded like fighting. He headed to the training course where Kaya and Cole were training. "Morning, my young students." Both stopped and bowed at Wu. "Morning Sensai." They said in unison as Wu looked around for the other two. "Do you know where your teammates may be?" Kaya sighed. "Yeah, they're playing video games in the TV room, being lazy." Cole chuckled and pulled her close to him. "Yeah. I would have joined them. But I wouldn't miss quality time with my girlfriend friend." He winked at Kaya who giggled and blushed a little.

The three headed to the TV room to get Jay and Zane. The two were playing a fighting game and where at the final boss. Just as they were about to get in the final hit, Wu pulled the plug. "What happened?" Zane groaned as Jay glared at Wu. "Why did you do that. Why?" Wu stroked his beard. "Just because Lord Garmadon have flead through a portal, dosen't that mean he's gone. You have to be ready for his return." Zane nodded as Jay rolled his eyes.

Wu then turned towards Kaya and Cole. "Like Kaya and Cole. They train while you're just being lazy, doing nothing. You haven't even tried to find out what hidden powers your weapons posseses." Before anyone could answer, Nya ran rushed in with a panicked expression. "Guys! Lord Garmadon, he's here! He is in the village Jamanakai." Kaya and cole were the first ones running to their dragons. Leaving Jay and Zane stumbling, trying to get their weapons. Nya handed Jay his nunchucks. "Hehe thank you uhh.." He blushed Nya rolled her eyes. "Hurry!" Quickly Jay and Zane arrived at their dragons.

Nya looked at Kaya. "Need any help over there?" Kaya smiled gently. "If we need help we contact you and sensai." Nya nodded before the ninja flew off. "Do you think that Garmadon's really back." Zane asked the others. Cole smirked. "If he is, then I'll have a change to try out my new spinjitsu kicks." He did some kicks in the air. "If he really is there, he's gonna regret it." Kaya said, having a hint of hatred in her voice. Do you think the thing sensai said is true, about our weapons having powers we don't know about. We haven't used them since we got them." Jay said and Kaya looked at him.

"Correction. You and Zane haven't used them since we got them. Me and Cole have, but haven't figured out how to unlock them yet. Though our elemental powers are stronger." Cole nodded. As he could control his elemental powers now too. Atleast a little. The ninja landed outside the village where they saw the villagers panicking. Slowly they headed inside. Their weapons ready. "Keep your looks out. You never know where he may be." Kaya said before they heard an evil laugh. Their eyes locked on a shadow.

It shrunk before a small boy named Lloyd was revealed. "It is I Lloyd Garmadon. I demand to get all candy in this village. Or else." The ninja sighed. "Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were gonna meet Lord Garmadon." Jay whined as Cole groaned. "It's his son." Kaya nodded. "That rascal must have escaped the school for mean kids. Again." Her face showing a tired expression.

"Do as I say, or I'll realise the serpentine on you!" Lloyd threatened, but the the villagers booed at him. He took out a can of fake peanuts and opened it, fake snakes flying out. Kaya giggled at it. "Fake snakes, really? The real serpentine would laugh at this kid." Jay's eyes widen at this. "Wait! They really exist!? The snake people who was locked in five different tombs so they couldn't get revenge on those who locked them in there!!!!????" Cole nodded. "Yeah they do exist. But now let's handle the kid." They soon walked up to Lloyd.

Cole picked him up and carried him away. Soon they hung him up on a pole. "You have now made me your enemy. You hear me ninja!?" The little brat exclaimed as the ninja laughed. Zane bought some candy for him and the others. "Next time you pay for your candy. Because theft dosen't pay of kid." Kaya smiled gently while Jay ate some cotton candy. "Mmm, cotton candy." He teased Lloyd who whined.

Afterwards they let him down and he walked away, still mad at them. When they arrived at the dragons, Kaya saw something in her bag. A scroll. "Hey, I didn't put it there." Zane looked at the bag. "That's Sensai Wu's bag. You must have took it by mistake." The others gatherd around her. "What is it?" Jay stupidly asked. "A scroll idiot." Kaya answered, earning an eye roll. "I see that it's a scroll. What does it say?" Zane looked over it.

"Okay, Let's see. It's an ancient language. Fortunately I can translate it." Cole looked at him. "What does it say?" Zane's eyes scanned the roll. "This is the symbole for prophecy. And it says that one ninja will rise above the others and become the green ninja. The ninja destined to defeat the dark lord." This caught the other's attention. "Wait. The dark lord? Does it mean Lord Garmadon?" Kaya asked. Cole looked at the others. "Do you realize what this means?" A scoff was heard from Jay. "That i'm gonna look good in green." He said confidently, earning glares from Cole and Zane.

"Are you fucking kidding? I'm gonna be the green ninja!" Cole said, Zane shook his head. "Think about it. I could read it, so it have to be me." Kaya rolled her eyes. "Guys, calm down. We don't know for sure." The others calmed down before nodding. "She's right. Let's go home and see who the best is. The one who wins, becomes the green ninja." Cole suggested and the others nodded before they flew off. Leaving Kaya who sighed in annoyence. "This was not what I meant." She flew after them.

In another part of Ninjago was Lloyd through snow. Talking to himself. "Those ninja. They will regret messing with the son of Lord Garmadon!" He yelled before tripping over something. His eyes landed on a symbol with a lever nearby. And as the rule is about levers. He had to pull it. Doing this made him fall into a cave of ice. He stood up and looked around. "Hello! Is someone in here?" His voice full of fear asked. Behind him someone slithered. "You are far from home little one." Lloyd quickly turned around to see a giant human snake with red swirly eyes.

He was shaking in fear as the snake grinned. "Perhaps you could ssstart to work for usssss." With a hiss he tried to hypnotize Lloyd. But the boy slipped on eyes, making the snake's power reflect on ice back to him. Lloyd saw this and smirked at the now hypnotized snake. "Hehe no. You will work for me now!" The snake bowed. "What do you want us to do master?" Lloyd got confused by the question. "Us?" As on que, more snakes appeared. Lloyd smirked more. "My own personal snake army, muhahaha." He laughed.

The ninja returned back to the Monastery. "So we all agree. The prophecy states that one of us will become the Green Ninja, and we will not rest until it is decided." Cole stated and Zane nodded. "Maybe a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best." He suggested. Kaya sighed. "Well if it makes you and Jay train more. It's good for me. But keep me out of this competition." She earned a questioning look from Cole. "Don't you wanna know if you'll become the green ninja?" A small giggle escaped her. "I'm happy being the ninja I am. I don't need too be the best. But if you wanna be the green ninja, I will not stop you." She gave him a small kiss. Cole chuckled.

They entered the training course to see Nya training. Once she notices them, she lost her focus and got knocked off the course. Jay helped her up while laughing shyly. "Hey, Nya. Closer to being the first one beating Kaya's speed record?" Nya nodded. "I'm getting there. By the way, I heard what happened in the town. Just a false alarm?" Kaya nodded. "Yeah. And we gonna need to course. This is the first time in a while since Jay and Zane trained." Nya looked over at said two who had problem putting on the sparring gear.

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Cole then spoke. "Okay, here's the rules. Two matches. Then the winners of each match face off for the title. Armor for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do." The others nodded before Cole turned to Kaya. "Kaya, you're in?" Kaya put on gear and nodded. "Yeah, it's more even that way. Plus, I get someone else to practice with." Nya started to head out. "Hey, Nya. Wanna join the match?" Nya smiled gently before shaking her head. "Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village. Knock yourselves out." She left and the match begun.

"Alright! First up is Kaya vs Jay! Ninja, go!" The fight started and Jay tried to shock Kaya. But just ended up shocking himself. Kaya smirked before using her sword to throw a fireball at him. Jay gor knocked back and lost. "Okay, next up, Cole vs Zane! Ninja, go!" Kaya announced before said two fought. Zane used one of his shurikens to freeze Cole's legs before attacking him with the other one. But Cole was deflecting each shot and used his scythe to make a pillar come up from the ground. Zane got hit and fell to the ground defeated.

"For the prize and the title of best ninja...blah blah...ninja, go." Jay mumbled before Kaya and Cole fought. The two were equal in power and used their powers at eachother. "Just give up honey. You know that I will win at the end." Kaya teased and Cole smirked. "Don't think so, Firefly." The two continued. Cole used his scythe to make a pillar head towards Kaya. She smirked and used her sword to cute through is, like a hot knife through butter. But a spark flew onto a dummy, setting it in flames.

Zane and Jay went to get water in panic. Cole and Kaya nodded at eachother before getting into action. Cole made an earth wall around the fire before Kaya took deep breaths to calm the fire down. The flames soon disappeared. The others were shocked as Wu came out. Noticing the burned dummy. "What happened here?" Cole took down the wall before standing with the others. "Uh, we were just trying to figure out who the Green Ninja is." Jay said before getting slapped by Zane. "Ow! I didn't mean Green Ninja? No, sorry. What I meant to say was lean." Wu sighed.

"You were not supposed to see this." Kaya walked up to him. "But Sensei, they wanna know. Who is the chosen one?" She asked. "None of you. If you don't unlock your full potential." Wu answered. The ninja nodded at each other and then went back to training. Not knowing what was happening in the village. In Jamanakai Village, Nya was doing a little shopping when all out of sudden, the citizens were screaming and fleeing into their homes. "What now?" Her eyes widened when she saw Lloyd and the Hypnobrai stealing candy, and hypnotizing villagers.

"Take the candy! Take it all!" Slithraa and his close snake Skales spoke. "This makes no sense, General. Raiding an entire town for sweets?" Skales argued before Slithraa glared at him. "You will do as I command Skales! Because I hold the staff!" Nya his in an alleyway. At the Monastery were the ninja properly practicing with their weapons, while Wu saw through the spirit smoke that the Serpentine had been released. He ran out to the ninja.

"The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai Village is in great danger!" Cole walked up to him. "Calm down, Sensei. We were just there. And it was just some kid who says he..." Wu interupted him. "The spirit smoke never lies! An ancient evil has been released!" Kaya got worried. "Wait, Nya's there right now." Jay too got nervous. "Nya?" Quickly they flew off on their dragons. Soon they arrived at the village. Seeing some villagers running around scared.

Lloyd was eating a lot of candy. "I'm never coming down from this sugar ride! Woo-hoo!" Suddenly the ninja appeared before him. "Sorry to ruin your fun, little Garmadon." Cole said. "But it's really past your bedtime." Jay added. Lloyd growled and turned to the snakes. "Get them!" Slithraa rattled his tail. "Seize them!" Serpentine and hypnotized villagers started to surround them. Kaya's eyes widened. "Hypnobrai? How did they escape?" Zane looked around. "I think our little Garmadon had something to do with it." They all got surrounded.

"It's not just the Serpentine we have to worry about. The whole village has been hypnotized." Jay was ready to use his weapon when Zane stopped him. "No! Our weapons are too unstable. We can do more harm than good." Jay gulped. "Then I guess that leaves us with one thing. Run!" The four managed to flee into an alleyway where Nya was. "Huh, Nya. You're okay." Jay said and hugged her. "They've hypnotized everyone in town. But I was lucky." The others were shocked, except for Kaya. "Mind control. How is that even possible?" Jay asked.

"The Serpentine have different powers. These are the Hypnobrai. They have the power to hypnotizes people." Nya nodded. "If you hear them rattle their tails, don't ever look them in the eyes. That's how they get you." Hearing this made the others thinking about what to do. "Well then, what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we have to fight with our eyes closed? Ha, this is just fucking perfect." Kaya slapped him. "The snake who has the staff is the General. He's the one who's in charge. If we can get the staff from him, we can use the anti-venom. With that we can save everyone." Nya pointed out.

Kaya turned to the others. "Ok guys. Let go of the green ninja thing. Now we need to work together." Cole agreed. "She's right. Let's work together." Jay and Zane nodded. Kaya handed a broom. "Here sis. Ready to fight?" Nya smirked and took off the brush, making it a makeshift bō staff. "Hell yeah." They soon ran up to the snakes and fought them. Kaya did Spinjitzu to knock some back. Cole smirked at her before kicking some.

Lloyd tried to escape with the candy. "Ha! Consider this a warning, ninja! Mvuhaha." He laughed before Zane used Spinjitzu to stop him. "No my candy!" Zane looked at him. "Sensei was right. You should never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. We should've dealt with you the first time around." Lloyd groaned. "Retreat!" Slithraa nodded. "Retreat!" The Serpentine attempted to escape, but Cole stopped Slithraa and took his staff. "Go ahead. Give me a reason." Suddenly Skales appeared Infront him and started to hypnotize him.

"Look into my eyes master of earth. I control you." Cole got into a trance. "You control..." Suddenly Nya kicked Skales, snapping him out of the trance. "Cole! You have the anti-venom! Quick, to the fountain!" Cole looked at the fountain and nodded. "Good idea Nya." Quickly he put the staff in the fountain, releasing the anti-venom. Soon the villagers got set free and cheered.

Wu walked up to the ninja. "We're so sorry, Sensei. If we had dealt with Lloyd before he became such a problem, none of this would've happened." Kaya said ashamed. "Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned. Mmm... a great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning." Wu stroke his beard. "Then we will train harder and be ready for the Serpentine next time. It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our absolute best." Zane spoke up and the others nodded. "Help us train. Please help us realize our potential." Kaya added. "Yeah. Please teach us about the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu." Wu's eyes scanned the ninja before he nodded. "Hmm... there is very much to teach. We must first return to the Monastery." They headed to the dragons.

In the Hypnobrai tomb, Lloyd was whining. "Uh... candy. I need my candy." Slithraa and Skales talked. "The boy has set us free." Skales scoffed. "He's just a child. He's not one of us." At this Slithraa glared. "I may not have my staff, Skales. But I'm still your General! So stand down!" With a hiss Skales walked off when another Hypnobrai walked up to him. "You're a coward! We all know he's under Lloyd's spell. You're the second-in-command and yet you do nothing?" He said.

Skales just grinned. "Now wasn't the right time. I still hold an important key to destroy the ninja. And when I do that, everyone will see that it is I who should be the one in control." He laughed as he was using Cole to spy on the ninja.

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