Reunited blacksmiths

(A/N. Okay, so I said that I wouldn't write from hands of time to seabound. And I'm not, so this is my own canon. So we know that Saunders is Krux, and that he forced Ray and Maya away from their kids. So in this, Acronix don't come back, he's still stuck in time. Krux didn't take Ray and Maya prisoners for making weapons to his army. He just wanned them to make the big mech to when he get the time blades. Anyway let's start.)

Kaya and Nya landed outside of the museum with their dragons and stepped inside. It had been two days after what happened at day of the departed, and they wanted to help clean up. As they headed inside, Saunders walked up to them with a big smile. "Kaya, Nya. What a lovely surprise. What brings you here?" He asked and the sisters smiled back. "We wanted to help clean up after what happened at day of the departed." Nya said and Kaya nodded. "Yeah. The others would have been here to help, but they soon got busy with the move to Yang's temple." A small grin appeared on Saunders's face for a second before he gave the sisters a big smile.

"Well, I'm glad that you wanted to help. If you need me, I'll be in my office." He said before walking to his office, leaving the sisters to clean up. "Who knew we've fought so many enemies during the years." Nya pointed out while putting up a mannequin of Samukai. "Yeah. Just shows that we've gotten far." Kaya answered before she noticed a painting. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was of their parents. "Nya, come and see this." Nya walked up to her and saw the painting, her eyes widening aswell. "Is that, mom and dad?" She asked and Kaya nodded. "Just as I remember them." Both sisters looked at the painting before smiling a little. "To think, that we would would get their powers. Dad's fire and mom's water." Nya said before they summoned their powers with the smile, remembering their happy moments with their parents.

How their mom would sing for them every night, how their dad would play sword fights with them, even if Nya was still too little for that. Just hearing their voices and feelings their hugs. "Wonder why this painting is here?" Kaya soon said and Nya turned to her. "We should ask Saunders." They nodded before heading towards Saunders's office, soon hearing him talking to himself. "This is great. Now when my prisoner's kids are here, I can catch them and make their parents continue working on the mech faster. And then I'll finally get you back, brother. I swear, otherwise my name isn't Krux." He laughed, not noticing the sisters who's eyes widened in shock.

Kaya turned to Nya. "Prisoner's kids? Do you think he means us?" She whispered and Nya nodded. "I think so. But if that's the case, then his prisoners must be." Both's eyes widened more. "Our parents!" Without missing a beat, they bursted into the room which caused Krux to jump. "Oh do you need me?" He nervously said and Kaya glared at him. "Stop pretending. We heard you talking to yourself. Very dumb to do so." Krux's face turned into a grin. "Alright then. Let's go." He charged towards them before they used spinjitsu at him, using some rope to tie him up. "Ugh, stupid spinjitsu." Nya walked up to him. "Start talking." Krux growled. "Fine. My real name is Krux. Long time ago, me and my brother Acronix was the elemental masters of time, working with the elemental alliance. We tried to take over Ninjago, but your parents made blades that Wu and Garmadon used to take our powers away. They used them on us, sending Acronix and I through time. I managed to get out. But not Acronix." He said and the sisters looked at him in shock before Kaya spoke.

"What's this mech you talked about?" She asked. "After getting out of the vortex, I went under the name Saunders and got close to your parents.  Then one night, I revealed myself to them, threatening to hurt you two if they didn't work for me. And knowing I wasn't joking, they did as I said. They came with me and have been working on the mech for years. And after I get the blades, I'll be able to travel through time and reunite with my brothers, and we'll take over Ninjago!" Krux laughed, earning unamused expressions from the sisters. "But we managed to stop you. Because you you just needed to talk to yourself." Nya said with crossed arms. Krux grunted in annoyence. "Yes, that's true. But doesn't matter. I'll never tell you where they are." He laughed, thinking he had the upper hand. "We have the elemental materia of mind in our side, remember." Kaya said and Krux stopped laughing and cursed to himself.

Later they called the other's and told them the whole story. They even called Neuro who happily helped by reading Krux's mind. "Can't believe Saunders was a bad guy in disguise. Actually I can believe it. Feels like everything can happen." Jay said and Cole nodded. "Yeah. Like why does every bad guy just happen to appear around us?" The others shrugged. "Maybe we just have some sort of villain attraction aura." Lloyd said before Neuro walked up to them with a paper. "Here's the location. See you around." He said before flying off on his dragon. The ninja soon turned to Krux. "Krux, we could easily send you to Kryptarium prison. But I think there's a better punishment." Wu said and Selena stepped forward.

"Tempore volex!" She said and summoned a vortex under Krux, sending him away. "Where did you send him?" Pyther asked and Selena smirked. "To his brother. Whenever he are." Kaya soon looked at the paper. "Now let's go." They all soon summoned their dragons and flew towards the location. Pyther sat behind Cole who noticed how Kaya and Nya looked thoughtful, Jay noticing aswell. "Are you two okay?" Cole asked and Jay nodded. "Yeah, you seem worried about something." Both sisters sighed. "It's just, it's been a long time since we last saw our parents." Nya said and Kaya nodded, remembering the morning they were gone.

Flashback eleven years ago...

Ten year old Kaya slowly opened her eyes and stretched while yawning. She jumped out of the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning mom, morning dad." To her confusion, no one answered. "Mom? Dad?" Her eyes scanned around the kitchen, now fully awake she saw how it was completely empty. Kaya slowly started to panic before she rushed around the shop, looking for her parents and screaming after them. But she found nothing, not even a trace. Her eyes slowly started to water as she fell to her knees outside of the shop, fully crying. Seven year old Nya watched her from the door, having woken up by Kaya's scream. Her eyes watering aswell as she silently cried.

Later on some people from CPS arrived and put the sisters in an orphanage. To the sister's despair they got sepereted as Nya got put in a foster home. Kaya tried to fight to not get sepereted, but nothing helped. So Kaya got determined and started to work hard to get Nya back and being able to take care of her again. So as she turned thirteen, she pleaded and thankfully won custody over Nya. As the sisters got reunited, they quickly headed back to the shop and worked hard to get it back on it's feet.

Present day..

Kaya sighed. "So many years. They probably don't remember us." Cole shook his head. "Ofcourse they do. Why wouldn't they?" Jay nodded in agreement. "You're their children. It would be heartless for them not to remember you." Nya smiled at him in appreciation as the others flew up to them. "The stats of them forgetting you is very love. 0.00001 procent." Zane informed and Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Well I know one thing. You never forget your loved ones. No matter what." He said and Selena nodded. "Yes, I know they have you to stay hopeful. Thinking about you everyday." Both sisters smiled at the others. "Thanks guys." Kaya said. "We needed it." Nya added as they kept flying.

Pyther started to think a little. "You think they'll accept me? A snake and anacondrai as their grandson?" Wu smiled gently. "They were the only ones who refused being there as the anacondrai generals gor banished. Even tried to make me and Garmadon to change our minds." This surprised everyone before Pyther smiled. "Well, then I'm looking forward to see them." They all chuckled.

Meanwhile at an old blacksmith shop that looked like it was going to fall, stood a man and woman who worked on a piece of a mech. Their names were Ray and Maya. "If we work extra hard. It should be done today." Ray said and Maya sighed. "Hope Krux let us go after. I really wanna know if our girls are okay." She said with a saddened voice. Ray looked at her gently and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry dear. They're strong. So they'll be okay. They're our daughters after all." This made Maya chuckle a little. "You're right. Let's get back to work." But they suddenly dragons roar and looked into the sky, seeing seven dragons heading their way.

They landed, making the couple slowly back away. That's when they saw Wu jumping off his dragon and walked over to them with a smile. "Ray, Maya. It's good to see you again, old friends." He said and the couple slowly smiled at him. "Wu. So good to see you. Wow, you've really changed during the years." Ray said and Maya slapped his arm. "Ray! Don't be rude. Wu, so good that you found us. But what happened to Krux?" She asked and Wu sighed. "We managed to stop his plans and sent him away. And we got help to find you." He smiled gently before the couple noticed the ninja and Selena, Pyther had made himself invisible. "Looks like you got some students." Ray said and Wu chuckled. "I do." Everyone but Kaya and Nya stepped forward, the four other ninja taking off their hoods. "I'm Cole, master of earth." Cole held out his hand and Ray shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you. Your grandpa was a good master aswell." Jay stepped forward. "I'm Jay, master of lightning. But also the master of many other thing, like inventing and-" Maya interupted him. "Yup, obviously the descendent of the master of lightning I knew. Got her speedy mouth." Jay blushed a little in embarrassment. "I'm Zane, master of ice and a nindroid. An honor to meet some of the old masters." Zane introduced himself. "Huh, never thought machines could be elemental masters. But it shows that anyone can be one." Ray answered as Lloyd stepped forward. "I'm Lloyd. The green ninja, son to Garmadon, and grandson to The first spinjitsu master." Maya bowed. "Good to know your grandfather's wisdom lives on." She said.

That's when she saw Selena. "You're Merina's daughter. Master of sorcery. You look just like her." Selena nodded. "Yes. It's good to meet you." Ray soon turned to Wu. "Wu, we gotta go to the shop. We need to see our daughters." Wu smiled gently. "Don't worry. They're already here." Kaya and Nya stepped forward and took off their hoods, making Ray and Nya look at them in shock. "I can't believe it." Maya said. "Our daughters, all grown up." Ray said as the four's eyes started to water. "Hey mom." Nya said. "Hey dad." Kaya added before they embraced eachother, tears of joy running down their faces. The others watched with some tears of their own, happy for the family.

The family soon pulled away and wiped the tears. "You've grown up so beautifully." Maya said and Ray nodded before noticing Kaya's ring. "And found someone special." Seeing the ring made Maya gasp in excitement. "Who's the lucky guy? And Nya, do you have someone? Are they treating you well? I'll rip them apart if they don't." Her eyes turned red for a moment when she said the last part, making Cole and Jay gulp. The sisters chuckled and went to their respective man. "This is my husband, Cole. He's treating me well, as he knows not to make me mad." Kaya said and Cole nervously chuckled. "And this is my boyfriend Jay. He's funny and always manage to cheer me up. My dream guy." Nya said and Jay smirked and kissed her head. "Well, as long as they don't hurt you. They're okay in my book." Maya said and Ray chuckled over his wife's overprotective instincts.

Kaya and Cole looked at eachother. "Actually, there's some more things I wanna tell you. This is your grandson, Pyther." Kaya said and Pyther turned visible and slithered up to them. "Hey." He said nervously before Maya and Ray smiled at him gently. "Welcome to the family squirt." Ray said before Maya stepped up to Pyther. "You're so cute." She pinched his cheek and hugged him. "Thanks." Pyther said while blushing in embarrassment. "And, they'll be some more members joining soon." Cole informed, gently touching Kaya's belly, making her parents gasp. "You're pregnant. Sweetie, we're so happy. Right Ray?" Maya said before seeing that Ray had fainted. "He's happy too. Just overwhelmed." They all laughed.

Cole destroyed the mech before they flew off on their dragons, Maya and Ray sitting with their daughters. All smiling happily to finally being reunited at last.

(A/N. One chapter left. See you soon.)

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