Return of the Overlord

A beam of light from the celestial clock had just struck down in Garmadon's camp. "Behold, my final gift to you, Garmatron!" Overlord said and Garmadon's eyes widened when the light disappeared and he saw the big vehicle. "It''s beautiful." He said before Kozu and warriors walked up to him with the helmet, and Kaya. Her weapon was kept from her. "We've retrieved your helmet, and a prisoner, my dark Lord." Kozu said and handed Garmadon the helmet.

Garmadon grinned at Kaya. "I say. It's a pleasure seeing you meeting your match." Kaya spat in his face. "You'll never get away with this. As soon you remove the ropes, I'll kick your ass." She said and Garmadon just chuckled. "Feisty. You know. Red really fits you. But I think a darker shade would fit better." He snapped his fingers and warriors came with dark matter. Kaya's eyes widened as they started to push her head into it.

The ninja returned to Dr. Julien in their hideout. "What was that sound? The horns?" He asked. "The celestial clock has reached zero. Garmadon's ultimate weapon is now operational and the final battle between good and evil has all but begun." Wu answered. "Now Lloyd must face his father." Misako said before Julien looked around. "But where's Kaya?" Nya and Cole hung their heads as Jay wrapped his arms around them. Wu sighed. "She's been taken by the Overlord, but we'll get her back. At the moment, there are bigger things at stake, including all of Ninjago itself." Nya and Cole nodded.

Wu then turned towards Lloyd. "Lloyd, your focus gives strength to invoking the power of the golden dragon. You cannot lose faith now. Everything rests on your shoulders." Lloyd sighed. "But Sensei, you saw what happened when I tried to face my father. I-I froze. I can't fight him." Misako put a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, your father is just as scared." Wu nodded. "Then the battle will be decided by who is willing to fight." The ninja stepped forward.

"You won't be alone. We'll be right behind you." Cole said and the others nodded. Lloyd smiled at them before getting a determined look. "What are we waiting for? Let's suit up." He said and made themselves ready before heading to Garmadon's camp. They arrived and used spinjitsu to break through the gates. But to their surprise, it was completely empty. "Uh, where the heck is everybody?" Jay asked as they all looked around. "The ultimate weapon is gone. We're too late." Nya pointed out and Kaya walked around.

He soon found something on the ground, Kaya's necklace. "Kaya. I'll find you." He said and picked it up. The falcon alerted them. "My Falcon friend wants to show us something." Zane said before the falcon showed them Garmatron's tracks. "Whoa. That's one big weapon." Lloyd said and Zane looked ahead. "It appears to be heading toward the coast." The others were confused. "But why? Wouldn't he try to use it on us?" Lloyd asked.

"Not on us. On Ninjago. He always wanted to turn our world into his own image. Now we know how it will be done." Wu answered and Misako's eyes widened. "But if he starts turning things evil, the balance will shift and allow the Overlord to cross over into our world." Everyone gasped. "Then we have to make sure that my father never fires that weapon." Lloyd said before they started to run. But Zane saw Julien staying. "Father?" Julien smiled at him. "You go on without me. I'm an inventor, not a fighter. I'll only get in the way." He said.

"But what will you do?" Zane asked. "I'll be back at the Bounty waiting for you to return in one piece. But don't worry, a part of me will always be with you." Julien answered and Zane hugged him. "Be well, Father." Julien hugged back. "Be safe." Zane then caught up with the others, running through the jungle.

Jay thought about something. "Um, is anyone else thinking about how this might be our final fight together?" He asked and Nya nodded. "Yeah. It's all I've been thinking about." The others agreed. "We've come a long way. It wasn't that long ago when Sensei first found us." Cole said. "Remember when Nya hid that she was the samurai?" Jay asked and they all laughed. "You were all so clueless." Nya answered.

"Or what about when the Hypnobrai hypnotized Cole and we had to fight him?" Zane laughed and Lloyd gave a playful smirk. "Ha. You had to destroy my treehouse." They laughed more. "Or how about that time Sensei came out of the guts of the devourer's belly. Drinking Tea?" Cole said and Misako smirked at Wu who blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, that was so gross!" Lloyd said and Jay nodded. "Yeah. I thought he was a goner." They laughed before Wu hit his head with his staff. "Wrong again, Mr. Emptyhead." He said as they continued to laugh.

Suddenly a figure ran past them, making them stop. "Whoa. Something is wrong here." Lloyd said and they all looked around. "I sense an evil presence." Zane informed. "Where? Where?" Jay asked. "Above us!" Wu said before someone used spinjitsu to hit Cole. "Ow, my jaw. That hurt!" He exclaimed before a wall of purple fire appeared infront of them. "What's going on?" Nya asked before a figure stepped out of the flames. Their eyes widened at the familiar figure. "Kaya?" Cole said as Kaya stood infront of them, infected by dark matter.

(Evil Kaya)

"Kaya!" Cole tried to get to her, but Wu stopped him. "That is no longer Kaya." He said and Nya just stared at her sister. "What did he do to my sister?" She asked. "He must've used the ultimate weapon to turn her into his own evil image." Misako answered. Kaya just growled at them. "Garmadon must have sent her to slow us down. We have to stop them from firing that weapon." Wu told them. "What are we supposed to do? Use our elemental powers on her?! I don't want to hurt her." Cole argued. "We just have to find a way to keep her from hurting us." Zane pointed out.

"Well, we should think of something before Garmadon fires that weapon." Nya said and Cole turned to Lloyd. "Lloyd, you go up ahead with Sensei, Nya and Misako, while we take care of Kaya." Lloyd looked at him. "But you said you'd always be behind me." He said and Zane nodded. "We will be. We'll catch up as soon as we can." Lloyd nodded before heading off with the others.

Kaya turned towards the three ninja. "Well. It's three against one. How hard can it be. She doesn't even have her weapon." Jay said before Kaya grinned and took out her elemental weapon. "Said something, junkyard turd?" She asked before charging towards them. Cole quickly blocked her attack. "Kaya! I know you don't wanna do this. Don't let Garmadon control you." He tried before Kaya kicked him back. "You think that would make me change? You're more foolish than I thought." She grinned before summoning fire and shooting towards them.

Zane used his ice powers to counter it. "Her power level. It's more powerful than before." He got knocked back by the force and soon into the others. Kaya just grinned. "Tired already? I'm still warming up." She said and lit her weapon on fire.

The stone army finally reached the coast. "Ninjago is now within reach. Activate the weapon so all will know of your rule." Overlord said and Garmadon nodded. "Yes. Load the cannon. Finally, my darkest dream will now become reality." He was about to push the button, when Lloyd interupted. "Father, don't!" Garmadon's eyes widened. "Lloyd!" Overlord growled. "What are you doing? Push the button!" But Garmadon ignored him.

"So, the balance has sent my son, my brother, my old kidnapping victim and my wife to try to stop me? It looks like my little surprise has kept the ninja busy." He laughed and Misako stepped forward. "Don't do it. If you alter the balance, it will allow the Overlord to cross over." Nya nodded in agreement. "He'll destroy everything in his way!" Wu stepped forward. "The balance will be destroyed, and we will all pay dearly." Overlord turned to Garmadon.

"Don't listen to them. They betrayed you." Lloyd sighed. "I don't want to fight you but I will if I have to. This is about more than just us. This is about what is right." Garmadon scoffed and glared at them. "Don't you see? I will never do what's right. The evil in my blood can never go away. It has corrupted every ounce of my fiber, every bone in my body. I am Lord Garmadon. Destiny took my family from me, and the only way for us to be together is to turn everything in this world into my image. Then you'll all see what I see, feel what I feel!" Misako shook her head.

"It is not too late." Garmadon glared at her. "You've made your decision, and I have made mine." He said and pressed the button. "No!!" They exclaimed before noticing that the weapon was warming up. "Warming up? You could've warned me it had to warm up!" Garmadon complained to Overlord. "How could I? You were monologuing." Overlord argued. "We have to get to the top and shut it off." Lloyd said as they headed towards the machine. "Stop them!" Garmadon ordered. Kozu and the warriors started to fight them.

They tried to get to Garmatron, but the army managed too keep them away as the download was completed. Garmadon grinned before firing a capsule if dark matter. "No!" Misako shouted. "We're losing." Nya exclaimed while Garmadon laughed. "I win!" The missile landed on Ignacia, spreading the dark matter. The villagers tried to run away, but it it didn't work as they got infected.

Garmadon laughed as he ordered the warriors to load the canon. "The balance is shifting." Misako worriedly said and Wu turned to Lloyd. "Lloyd, you must focus and put a stop to this!" Lloyd nodded and tried to destroy the weapon, but Garmadon blocked him. "You think you can stop me!?" He said and launched another missile. "Our worst fears." Wu said worriedly.

Meanwhile, Kaya was still fighting the others. They grunted as she really beat them up. "How are we suppose to defeat her!? She impossible to defeat head on." Jay said and Zane got an idea. "Perhaps we can use our elemental powers, but without hurting her." The others nodded in agreement. "I like it. Let's do it!" Cole said before using charging towards Kaya. "Learned nothing I see." She grinned and blocked his attack. "Oh. I've learned, Firefly." He used his powers blow dust into her eyes. Kaya backed up and held her eyes, dropping her weapon. "My eyes! I can't see!" Jay quickly cut a tree with his weapon and Zane froze it, trapping her.

"Sorry, Kaya. I promise we will fix this and turn you back." Zane said before he and Jay ran off. Cole walked up to the trapped Kaya. "I promise we'll turn you back to normal, Firefly. I won't give up hope." Kaya just growled. "Ugh. You're more disgusting than I thought." Cole ignored it and ran towards the others. Kaya growled before flames appeared in her hands, slowly melting the ice.

The Jamanakai villagers were screaming just before they got hit with dark matter aswell. Garmadon and Overlord laughed. "I tried." Lloyd said and Wu put a hand on his shoulder. "I know." Misako looked up. "It is done. The balance has shifted." She said when a kind of vortex started to appere in the sky. Overlord laughed more. "Stop laughing now! This is my victory! What's happening?" Garmadon asked as Overlord laughed. "You've helped offset the balance. Because of you, I can now cross over into your world. I'm finally free!" He answered and Garmadon glared at him. "Wait a minute! You stole that from my playbook! Well, you can forget about it. Ninjago is mine!" Overlord laughed. "No. It was never going to be yours. It is mine!" He said before flying into Garmadon.

The vortex shot a beam of light at Garmadon, making him scream as he started to change. The ninja arrived. "Sorry we're late. Did we miss much? Holy unholy." Jay exclaimed as they saw Garmadon change. "What is happening to me?" He held his head in pain. "Are you scared? I'm scared." Jay asked the others, but didn't get an answer as the others stared in fear. "Something is very wrong here." Garmadon exclaimed before Overlord completely took over his body. "The metamorphosis has begun!" He exclaimed.

"Metamorphosis? What does that mean?" Jay asked. "Metamorphosis is a biological process by which someone or something changes into something new." Zane informed him. "Yeah, changes into something ugly." Cole said. Lloyd reached towards him. "Father..." Wu stopped him. "No, Lloyd. That is no longer your father." This made Lloyd look concerned. "But what about the prophecy? It said I had to face my father." Misako nodded. "You still must, but now the Overlord has possessed him. Unlike your father, the Overlord will show you no mercy." Nya walked up to him. "You can do this, Lloyd." She insured him.

The ninja nodded. "We're here and behind you all the way." Jay said. "He's tough, but you're tougher." Cole encouraged him. "But we have to act before his evil gets more powerful." Zane informed and Lloyd turned towards Overlord who laughed. "Let's do this." He said and they attacked the warriors. "I need more evil, but where to attack next? Ninjago City." Overlord said, but both Wu and Misako stopped some warriors to reload. "Jay!" Wu exclaimed before throwing the missile to Jay who sent it towards the sea. "This one's out of the ballpark." He said as Overlord growled.

"See to it personally that the cannon is loaded!" Kozu nodded and went to attack, but got into the loading chamber. With that, he got shot all the way to Dareth's dojo. Dareth walked into the room with his students, aswell as Ed and Edna. "You've just messed with the wrong dojo, mister. Pupils, attack!" He said and the students quickly jumped onto Kozu.

Overlord mad got more mad. "Fine, I'll load it myself." He said and jumped off. Cole continued to find warriors when a fireball got sent towards him. He turned and saw Kaya heading towards him. "You think ice can stop the master of fire!?" She charged towards him and they started to fight with their weapons. "You're holding back. Afraid to hurt your girlfriend? Or should I say. Ex." Cole's eyes widened before Kaya kicked him into a tree while grinning. Nya then kicked her. "Sorry Kaya. But I won't let you hurt anyone." Kaya just grinned. "Come on then. Let's dance." She said.

Lloyd then jumped up behind Overlord. "This ends now!" He shouted and everyone turned towards them. "The final battle has begun." Misako said. "Let's hope he is ready." Wu nervously said. "All this time, everything has led to this." Lloyd said and Overlord grinned. "Stupid boy. I've been planning this for thousands of years." He started his attack. "Eat green!" Lloyd exclaimed before shooting a blast towards him

The two shot towards eachother and blocked eachother's attacks. "The battle for good and evil. I can do this for eternity, but can you? Your friends can't help you now. You are all alone." Overlord taunted Lloyd. "No, I'm not. My father is still in you. He won't fight with me." Lloyd said, when Garmadon started to break through. "Lloyd! Stay strong." Overlord shook his head. "Fool, you cannot defeat me!" Lloyd glared at him. "I can try!" Their blasts get stronger and stronger. "Fight, Father!" Lloyd said and Garmadon kept fighting for control.

"Lloyd! You will son..." He said. "Fight him! Fight him!" Lloyd desperately cried out. But Overlord looked up with a grin. "Your father is...gone!" Lloyd's eyes widened before he got overpowered and knocked back. Wu and Misako ran towards him. "Lloyd!" Wu said. "My son!" Misako held up his head. Overlord laughed and pointed the canon at Lloyd. "You were always" he pressed the button and shot at Lloyd.

Luckily, Julien appeared with the Bounty and blocked it. "I may not be able to fight, but I can fly!" He said and jumped off the ship before it was completely infected. But that caused the ship to crash. "That went well." He said and Overlord growled. "Enough! We don't need to waste our time with their pestering. We'll go to Ninjago City to finish this once and for all!" With that, he summoned a portal to Ninjago City. The army started to walk through it.

"If they leave, that means we'll be stuck here with no way to get back! Get to the vortex, now!" Cole said and they all ran towards the portal. But Kaya jumped over them and sent a giant fireblast at them, knocking them to the ground. She jumped onto the Garmatron and grinned. "Bye bye. Fuckers." She said before she and the army went fully through the portal. It soon closed, leaving the ninja trapped in the island.

Later everyone gathered around Lloyd as he woke up. "Did I...did I win?" He asked and Wu shook his head. "No. But you're alive." Lloyd tried to stand up, but his foot was broken. "But the prophecy..." Jay quickly wrapped his arm around him for support. "Easy, kid. You've been through a lot." Lloyd looked at the others. "My leg. Did we lose the final battle?" He asked. "What's important is, we didn't lose you." Wu answered.

Lloyd picked up a piece of the bounty and sighed. "The symbol for destiny. Destiny showed us who was stronger today. But destiny also wanted us around to fight another day. We didn't lose the battle. Today, we just lost the fight." He said and everyone looked into the sky. Feeling determined to defeat Overlord. But how would they do that? And how would they return home?

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