Pirates vs ninja
The ninja were training Lloyd in their tiny apartment. He did progress as he punched and kicked Kaya's hands that had mittens on. "Good, keep it up." She said and Lloyd started to get cocky. "Ha! Fists of fury! Unh! You can't even see 'em move, I'm so fast! Ha!" He continued to punch. Kaya giggled. "Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy." Lloyd scoffed. "Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me." With that, he kicked Kaya into a wall.
"Whoa, Green bean. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." She smirked and Wu nodded proudly. "I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the four ninja." Cole nodded. "Great, now that lesson is over, how about some target practice... On Jay." Jay's eyes widened in fear. Wu shook his head. "You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya." Lloyd pouted. "Aww, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?" Wu looked at him. "Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." He said.
Lloyd sighed and walked to Nya. The ninja looked at him proudly. "He's getting better." Cole said and Kaya nodded. "Well, he has four good teachers." Zane nodded in agreement. "We all have changed." He said. "Hehe. Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions." Jay pointed out and the others thought about it.
"Jay's right. I miss the destiny's bounty. Too bad it's gone." Cole sighed and Wu nodded. "Hmm. I see your point. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid his journey." Kaya then thought about something and sighed. "I know a place. But I'm not gonna like it." The others looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Cole asked. Kaya just pinched her nose bridge. "I tell you on the way." She said.
Outside was Lloyd and Nya giving the ultra dragon medicine. "Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon. But it's important to take care of him because one day, he'll be yours." Nya said, making Lloyd gasp in excitement. "Mine? Really?!" Nya nodded. "Sure. The elemental dragons were loyal to the four ninja. But the ultra dragon, he's meant for the green ninja to ride." Lloyd smiled big. "Whoa! I never knew that. But, uh, I don't know how to fly." He sighed.
"It's all in the legs." Nya pointed out, making Lloyd confused. Soon the ultra dragon stood up, full of energy. "Looks like he's already feeling better." Lloyd laughed and Nya laughed too. "Go try to get some air, big boy." The ultra dragon took flight.
On the black Bounty, was Garmadon trying to figure out how to use the mega weapon. The generals had been picked up after leaving Skales. "So, what does it do?" Acidicus asked and Garmadon looked at him. "The weapon possesses unspeakable powers." Fangtom looked a little confused. "Like what?" Garmadon glared at him. "I told you, fool. They're unspeakable!" Skalidor gave him a questioning look. "It kind of looks like you don't know how to use it." This made Garmadon defensive. "Of course I know how to use it. I just don't have anything to use it on!" Soon another snake run into the room.
"Lord Garmadon! We spotted something!" They followed him outside and saw the ultra dragon. "Ah, the ninja's pet. What better way to test out the mega weapon's power. Keep up with him, you slithering idiots! Don't let him get away!" Garmadon said and followed the dragon. He aimed his weapon towards it. "Eliminate dragon!" His eyes widened when it didn't work. He tried over and over again, but still nothing. The snakes laughed at him, making him storm into another room.
He growled. "Aargh! They dare mock me? Aah! How does this weapon work!?" His hand hit again a desk. It opened up and he found a journal. He picked it up and read it. "Ah, what's this? 'Captain Soto. Captain's log.' You mean this ship belonged to a pirate crew long before the ninja ever had it? Now this crew sounds like they knew how to fly a ship. I wish they were here to show these scaly idiots how it's done." Suddenly the weapon glew, draining Garmadon's energy.
"What? What is happening? Ugh. The power of the mega weapon. It won't let me let go of it! I feel weak..." He groaned and fell to the ground. Soon he heard voices on upper deck. The weapon stopped glowing. "I am Captain Soto." A voice said and Garmadon's eyes widened. "Captain Soto?" He said confused.
The ninja had arrived at 'Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo.' Kaya sighed as she looked at the building. "This is where Lloyd is going to train?" Cole asked. "Hehe, it's better than our dumpy apartment." Jay chuckled. Kaya just sighed in annoyence. "Let's just get this over with." They walked inside and got greeted by a guy dressed in brown. "Welcome to 'Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo'. I am grand sensei Dareth, and I Dareth you to join my dojo. Heeya!" Dareth said and punched the air.
Cole turned towards Kaya. "I see why it didn't work with him." Kaya nodded before Dareth saw her. "Oh, my Lotus flower, it's good to see you again. Came back for some more of me? Who am I kidding, ofcourse you would. Everyone is crazy in me." He grinned at Kaya who's eyes was twitching. "No Dareth. First of, it was one date that lasted in 15 minutes. Second, we're here to train Lloyd here. Third, I have a boyfriend now that isn't a showoff. And lastly. DON'T FUCKING CALL ME LOTUS FLOWER!!!" She exploded, but Dareth didn't seem to listen. Except for the boyfriend part.
"And who dares to steal my Lotus flower? Is it you?" He pointed at Jay who held his arms up. "No, no. I already have a girlfriend." Cole stepped forward. "I'm Kaya's boyfriend." Dareth scoffed. "Then I Dareth you to a match. If you win, we'll share the dojo and Kaya is officially yours. But if I win, then you have to find another place and Kaya is mine." Cole sighed. Kaya looked at him. "Go for it, Cole. I think he needs to get some sense knocked into him." Cole nodded and accepted Dareth's challenge.
"Good. But I have to warn you. I'm the master of all animal fighting styles. I know the tiger. Rawrr. The python. Hisssssss. Penguin. Awk, awk!" Dareth said before getting knocked down by Cole doing spinjitsu. "You might know animal style, but we know spinjitsu." Dareth sighed. "Okay, I admit defeat. You can train in my dojo, and Kaya is yours. I'm sorry Kaya, for I lost you my Lotus flower." Jay chuckled before Kaya punched between his legs, making him fall to the ground in pain.
At the black Bounty was the serpentine fighting with pirates. Confused over why the other were on the ship. Garmadon looked between the pirates and the mega weapon. "When I wished it to destroy the dragon, it wouldn't. But when I wished for a better crew. The mega weapon doesn't have the power to destroy, it only has the power to create!" He exclaimed and turned towards the pirates.
"I finally have a crew I can be proud of. Batten down the hatches, fellas!" Soto glared at him. "Who you calling fellas, four arms?" Garmadon looked at him. "Me, Lord Garmadon. I resurrected you, you fool. I am your captain now." Soto scoffed. "You may have brought me and me crew back to life. But I am Captain Soto, stealer of the seas. I don't take orders from others. Raise your weapon!" Garmadon tried, but was too weak. One of the pirates tried taking the mega weapon from him.
But as he did, he glew before exploding into dust. "Only I have the power to wield the mega weapon. It may have drained my powers for now, but when my strength returns, I'll deal with you." Garmadon said, our of breath. Soto grinned. "Then that's too bad for you, because we're taking back our ship! Lock him and all his reptilian friends into the brig!" He ordered, and soon Garmadon and the serpentine got locked up.
Soto and his first mate went to the bridge. Looking at all technology. "So this is the modern world. Ugh. Don't like it." He commented and the first mate nodded in agreement. "She ain't like how we left her." Soon they saw the raider and pushed a button. The ship flew into the air, shocking the pirates. "Flying. Awk! Flying!" Blind Pete's parrot said and Soto grinned when he saw them flying into the air. "Ah, your bird speaks the truth. A flying ship! Oh, this is too good. Just wait till they get a load of us!" He said and they headed off.
In the dojo was the ninja training Lloyd. Jay made Lloyd balance on poles while trying to strike him. "You must be light on your feet. Hiyah!" He said and Lloyd dodged his attack before knocking him back. Soon Cole made Lloyd break ten board. "When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong." Lloyd nodded and took a deep breath before striking the boards. They broke before his hand hit the ground, making an earthquake.
The others gasped as they were flown back, aswell as the floor split into two. "That was the power of the Staff of Quakes. And you did it without the golden weapon!" Jay said in excitement. "That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest ninja. You can harness all of the elemental powers." Zane said and Lloyd smiled. "Really? Cool." Wu nodded and looked at him. "With this power, you must be careful. You must control it before it controls you." Lloyd nodded understandingly.
Dareth soon walked in with two boys holding boards. "I have to admit, not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack 'em, boys." The boys nodded and stacked them up. "And perhaps if I, grand Sensei Dareth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become...the brown Ninja!" He put on his homemade mask and Kaya pinched her nose bridge in annoyence.
"The brown Ninja? You gotta be joking!" Jay chuckled. "Sorry, pal. Club's already full." Cole said in a serious tone. Not really wanting this guy in the team. "Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil, are we ready?" Jeff and Phil bowed. "Yes, Grand Sensei Dareth." Kaya sighed. "Dareth, you're gonna break your hand." She warned, but Dareth just waved her off. "Don't fear Lotus flower. I'll be okay. Now observe, as I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength, the dragon. Heeyah!" He hit the boards very hard.
But as expected, the boards didn't break. Dareth soon screamed in pain as the others cringed. "Oh, man. Ow!" Jay said. Cole looked Kaya. "You did try to warn him." Kaya sighed and shrugged. "Could have tried harder." Suddenly they all heard chaos outside. They ran outside and saw the pirates stealing from people. Even mail from the postman.
"Oh, that's our ship!" Jay said in shock. Lloyd looked at them. "But pirates?" Kaya then noticed the Soto. "That's, captain Soto's crew. They've been dead for centuries." She informed and Zane nodded. "I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this." They soon went onto a buss and followed the ship. Kaya then looked at Lloyd. "Stay here, it's too dangerous." Lloyd pouted. "Please, please, please. I'll be super good." Zane shook his head.
"The powers inside you are still too great, too uncontrollable." Cole put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "One of these days you'll be able to join us. Sorry kid." Meanwhile, Dareth was on a rooftop and pulled on his mask. "This is my chance to prove they need the brown Ninja. Let's do this." He quickly jumped onto the ship and stood in a fighting stance. "Heeyah! Surrender, or face the brown Ninja." Soto glared at him. "A ninja! Get him!" He commanded.
Dareth tried to fight, but Soto cut his shirt. He soon got captured. "Mates, keep an eye out for any other silly masked pajama people." Soto grinned as Dareth screamed for help. The ninja saw this and Kaya facepalmed. "Ugh, dang it, Dareth." Cole turned to the others. "We need to get onboard that ship." Jay saw a costume store, getting an idea. "Ah-ha. There are other ways a ninja can hide in plain sight." They soon went inside and put on pirate costumes.
(Kaya's pirate outfit)
"I must say, this is a smart idea." Zane said and Kaya nodded in agreement. "I agree. This outfit isn't bad." Kaya said and Cole blushed a little when he saw her. "You're beautiful." Kaya smirked and stroke his chin. "Is that a sword in your pants? Or are you just excited to see me?" She teased and Cole smirked back. "How about both." Jay then interupted them. "Okay, lovebirds. Save the sexual tension to after the mission." The two snapped back to reality and nodded before they headed off.
They soon made their way to the ship. While the pirates were robbing people, the ninja blended in and got onto the ship. Luckily, the pirates were too stupid to notice. They walked on the deck before seeing Soto making Dareth walk the plank. "Hahaha! How about we see if he can fly?" Soto grinned and the pirates cheered on. "You're making a big mistake. Don't make me call upon the dragon." Dareth threatened. But in reality, he was scared.
The ninja whispered to eachother. "We have to save him." Jay said and Kaya shook her head. "We can't get close enough without blowing our cover." She said. Soto made Dareth walk further towards the edge. "Hehe. The plank's getting shorter, huh?" Dareth got scared. "We don't need to do this, fellas. I'm a lousy martial artist. What I do, I wouldn't even call it an art. I know I'm a brown belt, but I painted it. And my trophies, they're all fake." He cried, and the ninja groaned.
Soto rolled his eyes and pushed him off the plank, making the ninja's eyes widen. Suddenly Lloyd came flying on the ultra dragon, saving Dareth. "I-I called the dragon? Haha! I called the dragon!" Dareth cheered. Cole, Jay and Zane changed back into their ninja suits, while Kaya kept her pirate outfit on. "You're keeping that on?" Cole asked. "Yeah. Not wasting fighting in it." Kaya answered and Cole chuckled.
"More ninja? And a pirate traitor!?" Soto exclaimed and Kaya smirked. "Ninja versus pirates. Who will win?" She said before they started to fight. The others used their weapons to fight them, while Kaya was using a pirate sword to fight pirates. "Not bad for a lass." A pirate told her before she managed to disarm them. "That's what you get, sea slugs." She grinned in glee.
Lloyd jumped onto the ship and knocked back Soto. Said pirate raised his sword and went to strike Lloyd. But Kaya quickly the sword. "Lloyd! You're not supposed to be here!" She said and put him in a barrel in safety. Later, Soto attacked it. "Come here, you blurry little munchkin!" Lloyd dodged the attacks before using spinjitsu to knock him down. "Whoa, Spinjitzu! I just did Spinjitzu for the first time!" Kaya looked at him and smiled proudly.
Garmadon managed to escape with the serpentine and saw this moment. "My son. He's growing stronger." A small smile of proudness appeared on his face. Even if they were on different sides, he would always be proud of his son.
Suddenly the ninja got surrounded. Lloyd closed his eyes and activated his powers. "Lloyd! Don't! Your powers are too uncontrollable!" Kaya cried out, but it was too late. Lloyd used his powers, but made a mast drop onto them. The pirates laughed as Soto held his sword against Kaya's chin. "You lose, ninja. Now you're walking the plank." He grinned. Suddenly Nya arrived in her mech and caught the pirates. She freed the ninja.
"You guys really like me saving you." She teased and the ninja chuckled. "Who wins between pirates and ninja? It's a Samurai!" Jay said before Nya jumped out and kissed him. Later the police came and arrested the pirates. One of the policeman turned to the ninja. "Good work, team." He said. "Don't forget to include this guy." Kaya said and put her arm around Lloyd. Lloyd smiled at her.
"Uh, that your ship?" Another policeman asked and Jay nodded. "It sure is." They all soon saw Garmadon heading away with the ship. "Sorry, you snooze, you lose." He grinned. "Dad!" Lloyd cried out. Garmadon looked at him with a saddened expression. "You're becoming stronger, son. But I'll make sure you'll never reach your true potential." Lloyd looked at the others who gave him comforting smiles. He then turned to his father. "I'll be ready for everything you do." Garmadon just chuckled a little.
"And that makes me proud. Another day, ninja! Another day!" He said before flying off. "Ah, great. Lord Garmadon is back, and now he's gotten our ship." Jay sighed and Cole chuckled. "Well, at least we've got this little guy." He said and gave Lloyd a brotherly hug. Dareth snuck behind Jay, trying to tackle him. But Jay just flipped him over his shoulder and onto the ground.
"Oh, come on, guys. I Dareth you to forgive me." Dareth said before they all started to laugh. Kaya just shook her head. Dareth would never change.
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