Only one can remain
Chen's ferry arrived at the island and everyone watched in amazement, except for Garmadon who didn't like being back on it. "Welcome to Chen's island. The tournament of elements welcomes its brave fighters. Master Chen will be pleased you've returned, sensei Garmadon." Clouse said and Garmadon just nodded. "The pleasure is all mine, Clouse." Clouse just scoffed. "I'm sure it is." They all soon walked off the boat.
"Definitely feeling some tension between you two." Jay pointed out and Kaya nodded. "Yeah, and how is it we're on an island I've never seen it on any map? Or read about?" Cole the spoke. "And care to explain how the face to Ninjago's most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?" Garmadon sighed. "Master Chen used to be a friend. Now he's a traitor. During the serpentine wars, Chen turned both sides against eachother." He informed them.
"The battle you and uncle Wu fought together in? He was an enemy?" Lloyd asked. "He used deception to divide the elemental masters. We barely defeated the serpentine, and in a deal for his surrender, Chen was to never leave this island. Little did we know, he'd begin to build his criminal empire from here." Garmadon answered before Lloyd nodded. "He may have divided our ancestors, but he's not gonna divide us." The others nodded in agreement before Kaya looked at Skylor, thinking about the feeling she got from shaking her hand.
"This is a big island. Zane could be anywhere. Keep an eye out." Cole pointed out as Jay looked around. "So this is the house that noodles built. Ha! Always wanted to go to a red carpet event." He smirked. "Chen lives like a king. Here, he's totally self-sufficient. The only way on or off this island is with his permission, which you have to earn." Garmadon informed before Lloyd looked at him questioning. "You never told me about this place. How do you know so much about this island?" A sigh of guilt escaped from Garmadon. "Because before Chen was my enemy, he was my Sensei." He showed them his anacondrai tattoo on his back.
They looked at him in shock. "You never told me you had a Sensei." Lloyd said. "When I was your age, I sought a darker means of guidance. He taught me to win at all cost, no matter who I hurt. It wasn't until you saved me that I saw the light." Garmadon answered before Jay shrugged. "Uh, apparently he also never taught you to have a sense of humor. Lighten up, we're in an underground fight club. This is supposed to be fun." The others rolled their eyes, while Lloyd's stopped on Selena. "What about Selena? How do you know about her if Chen and Clouse was banished to this island?" He asked Garmadon who sighed in sorrow.
"Clouse's wife didn't want to be sepereted from him, even after knowing his crimes. So she stayed with him. But one year after you were born, I decided to visit the island again. The devourer's venom had almost taken full control, so I didn't care about their crimes anymore. That's when I heard that Selena was born. She has the same element as her father. Sadly, her mother had past away." Lloyd's eyes widened a little before looking at Selena again.
They all soon arrived in the temple and sat down in a circle. One of the cultists named Zugu banged the gong as Eyezor turned on a gramophone. "All rise for master Chen." Clouse informed as they all stood up, watching as Chen came down on his chair. "Welcome to the tournament of elements. Now everyone can all di-" He said as the door closed, making the others gasp. "-rect your attention to me!" He finished his sentence before laughing. "I forgot to mention, he has a penchant for theatrics." Garmadon whispered to Lloyd, who saw how Selena was rolling her eyes over Chen's behavior.
"Never before have so many elemental fighters been under one roof. I see master of fire, earth, shadow, speed, even a prophesied green savior. And a former pupil has returned." Chen gave Garmadon a glare before turning towards the gong. "This symbol before you is for the anacondrai, fiercest serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. Its creed, only one can remain." Cole turned to Kaya. "Good thing we're raising Pyther well." Kaya nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I would never want him to be ruthless." The gong soon moved aside, showing a bracket with their faces.
Kaya looked at their faces and sighed in relief. "Good, looks like we're each in our own bracket. We won't have to face each other for a while." Lloyd nodded. "Better find Zane before that happens." Soon Chen held up a green blade. "Behold, a jadeblade. Here, it represents life. Obtain it, move on. Allow your opponent to take it, loser. The rules are simple. Every match will be different. No two fights will be the same. Your powers will keep you in the tournament. Use it or lose it." Karlof wondered a little. "Hm, what does Karlof win?" Chen grinned at him.
"Win and stay on the island. Win it all, and you'll receive fortunes beyond your wildest dreams, and lifetime supply of master Chen noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter in all of Ninjago!" Everyone except the ninja and Garmadon cheered. "And what happens if they lose?" Garmadon asked and Chen laughed. "Lose? Who here likes to lose?" The other masters laughed too. Selena just looked away, thought Lloyd caught this.
Chen then collected himself. "Now please, enjoy my island. It's a super fun happy place. Hahaha. Fun time on me." He left and Clouse stepped forward. "You'll now each be shown to your rooms." Kabuki servents soon walked up to each master and lead them to their rooms. "So much for staying together." Kaya said before Garmadon looked up at them. "Always be ready. Never lose focus." Though Cole and Jay didn't really hear. "What? Uh, what did he say?" Cole asked. "I don't know. Something about, uh, mucus?" Jay guessed. "No. He said to keep focus." Kaya corrected them.
Selena walked up to Lloyd. "I'll personally escort you, master Lloyd." She said and grabbed his arm before leading him to the room. Lloyd blushed a little by her touch. Kaya arrived at her room and her eyes widened in amazement. The room was red with a couple of bookshelf filled with books about history and more. She took a book about elemental powers and looked through it, landing on a page about amber. While reading, she walked out on the balcony. "A good book I can assume?" Skylor's voice snapped her out of the reading. She looked up at her. "Hey Skylor. Seems like we're neighbors." Skylor nodded.
"Seems like it. So, I guess you're the master of fire. With the red an all." Kaya giggled. "Correct. And you must be amber. Explaining the tingle in my hand when we shook them." This caused Skylor to smirk. "You're really observant. And really like books." She teased. "You could say that." They both laughed and enjoyed the chat. While that happened, Jay arrived to his room. "Every device within your room has been configured to interact with your own electrical signal." The kabuki informed and Jay just grinned big with glee. He quickly started the television with his powers before starting to play videogames. "So awesome!" He exclaimed.
Selena and Lloyd arrived at his room. "Here's you room, master Lloyd." She said and started to walk away. "Thank you. You seem so different from your dad." Lloyd said and Selena stopped. "You can say that. But it's nothing you need to focus on. I suggest you change." She soon left Lloyd who sighed before changing into his tournament suit. "Not bad. Really cool actually." He smirked before looking at a group photo of all of them. His eyes landed on Zane as he smiled gently. "Don't worry. We're gonna find you, pal." A small sigh came from him.
Outside was Clouse pushing Garmadon out of the palace. "Since you weren't invited by master Chen, I'm sorry to say there's no room for you." He grinned while Garmadon shrugged. "Fine, I'll just stand guard. I wouldn't want anything to happen to them. I know how you like to use dark magic." This caused Clouse to clench his fists. "Now, why would I want to cheat the ninja?" With that he closed the gates and music started to play. Quickly, Garmadon climbed over the fence and headed into the palace.
"Fellow fighters, hidden around my island are enough jadeblades for every participant, except for one. The one who returns to the palace arena empty-handed loses. The tournament!" Chen announced and Jay's eyes widened as he was taking a bath. "Now!?" Suddenly a man named Bolobo ran inside. "Aah! This room could use a breath of fresh air. Lightning, meet nature!" He said and used his nature power towards Jay. Luckily, Jay dodged the attack and fought back before they saw the jadeblade in one of the ceiling lamp.
Lloyd soon walked out of his room and saw the other master fighting over jadeblades. He soon saw one himself and dashed towards it. "May the best fighter win." Chen said before Kaya and Skylor saw a jadeblade over them. "Fair game?" Skylor asked and Kaya smirked. "Fair game." The two then started to climb towards it. They both reached it and went to grab it, but it just made it fly into the air. "Okay, let's see who gets it first." Skylor said before using fire to fly into the air. Kaya smirked and did the same. They started to fight in the air before Skylor got the blade and landed on her balcony. "No hard feelings. It is a tournament after all." She said before running off.
Kaya smirked before seeing Karlof walking under her, a jadeblade being in sight. Cole meanwhile got out of his room, being very full thanks to his room having a shelf full of Chen's special dishes. He saw the other masters fighting before sighing. "Oh, I can't fight on a full stomach." That's when he saw one of the jadeblades and went for it. But Griffin ran towards it and got it first. "Ha! Too slow, rocky boy." He grinned before running off. "Hey!" Cole exclaimed.
Jay meanwhile was wrapped in Bolobo's vines. He managed to reach the remote and put on a Fritz Donnegan movie. "Fear? Fear isn't a word where I come from." Fritz said and Bolobo looked at it as in a trance. "Ooh, Fritz Donnegan." Jay smirked before grabbing the jadeblade. "Haha! I love my room!" He laughed.
Lloyd ran after a jadeblade when Clouse suddenly used his magic to hold him in place. "Wha-Hey!" Garmadon ran towards Clouse and tackled him to the ground, setting Lloyd free. "Hurry, Lloyd. You must not lose." He exclaimed and Lloyd nodded before using spinjitsu to reach a jadeblade. "Got it!" With that he ran off. Cole fought several masters before getting a jadeblade. "It's mine! Oh, stomach cramp." He held his stomach before Mr. Pale turned invisible and took the blade from him. "Hey, stop! Stupid Blade. Unh!" Cole said before finding another jadeblade. "Uh. Yes!" He quickly took it and ran off.
In another room was Clouse putting jadeblades on a holder. "Two jadeblades remaining." He informed before Cole ran in. "Wait! I got one!" Jay and Lloyd sighed in relief. Cole walked up to them and looked around. "Where's Kaya?" Chen smirked. "Only one Jadeblade remaining." He said as Kaya and Karlof was fighting outside for the last blade. "Girl thinks fire can hurt Karlof's metal?" Karlof grinned before throwing a punch towards Kaya. Bur Kaya stopped it and used fire on his glove. "You shouldn't mess with a girl like me. Especially one who's been working at a blacksmith shop." With that she made the fire very warm, melting Karlof's gloves.
"Karlof's gloves destroyed!" He exclaimed before Kaya kicked him back and took the jadeblade. She arrived at others and handed over the jadeblade. Everyone cheered while Karlof walked in. "We have a loser!" Chen grinned and Karlof pouted. "Fine, Karlof lose. Karlof never wanted to be on stinking island." This caused Chen to smirk. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. I guess this worked out for the best. This is goodbye!" He pushed a button that opened a trapdoor under Karlof. Karlof fell in and screamed, making everyone gasp.
"As you can see, lose and you are out. Break any rule, you are out. Never bite the hand that feeds you master Chen delicious noodle! Now rest up. Tomorrow the tournament will recommence." Chen said and walked off. Later everyone was eating dinner, the ninja sitting together. "At least the chow's good." Cole said and Jay grunted. "Arrgh, it's killing me. What's under the trapdoor? What happens when you lose?" His voice was full of fear and concern. "Don't think about that." Garmadon tried to calm him down. "It's all I can think about. I moved on. I feel guilt. These are not good feelings." Jay exclaimed.
Kaya sighed. "This wasn't the tournament I thought it would be. A trapdoor for the losers? That doesn't make sense. So our mission is simple. Tonight we find Zane and get off this crazy island." She said and Jay looked at her with a skeptical look. "And just how are we supposed to do that? You heard Chen. Break a rule and we're out. He's not gonna let us roam around." Kaya looked at him. "Then it's a good thing we're ninja. Meet me in my room at midnight." The others nodded. Later that day, Kaya had changed into her tournament suit.
(Kaya's tournament suit)
She walked out and the balcony and took a deep breath. That's when Skylor walked out aswell. "Evening Skylor." Skylor smiled at her. "Evening. I couldn't help but notice how close you the the master of earth are." She said and Kaya smiled. "Yeah. He's my fiance actually. We've been together for over two years." Skylor gave a gentle smile. "You fit perfectly together. Any kids?" A small chuckle came from Kaya. "Yeah. An adopted son named Pyther. We love him very much." She said. "Ah. My heart, so much cuteness." Skylor playfully held her heart before they both laughed.
Soon she looked at Kaya. "What do you think happened to Karlof?" Kaya sighed. "I don't know. And that makes me feel bad. That Chen would send him down a trapdoor." She told her. "Hey, you didn't know. So you didn't do anything wrong. For you, you fought to stay. But hey, maybe it's good to have friends." Skylor comforted her and Kaya smiled. "I'd like that. Friend." This made Skylor smile before they said goodnight and walked into their rooms.
At midnight, the others arrived to Kaya's room. Cole jumped onto her bed. "Finally a real bed. Mine is made by rock. What a bad choice." He soon saw some chocolate in a bowl before eating from it. "Okay, it was almost impossible to get here. This place is swarming with guards. Any ideas on how we search the island?" Jay asked and Kaya thought about it. "We travel by shadow. Cover every square inch of this place until we find Zane." Cole suddenly made the bes flip, without no one noticing.
"The island's big. We'll need to split up." Jay suggested and Lloyd shook his head. "No, we stick together." The bed flipped back with Cole who saw the switch and smirked. "Guys. I think I know how we can search the island." He said and showed the others the secret switch, making them arrive in a secret tunnel. "Whoa! Secret passageway! Cool." Jay smiled big while Kaya used fire to light up around them. "Nice work, honey. Maybe Zane's not on the island, but in it." They started to walk through the tunnel. "It's like a maze down here. Good thing you're leaving a trail back to our room." Kaya told Cole.
Cole got confused. "I'm what?" That's when he noticed saw the trail of chocolate after him. "Oh, yeah, heh. I meant to do that." As they continued to walk, Lloyd suddenly stopped them. "Everyone stop! Booby traps." He pointed at a tripwire and Jay gleefully laughed. "Haha! Booby traps. Even cooler. Haha." The others gave him unamused glares. "Or, I mean, kinda cool. I mean, they're totally not cool, you know, 'cause they're dangerous." He nervously laughed. "From here on out, we have to watch our step." Lloyd said before they continued.
Kaya soon heard chanting. "Do you hear that? Everyone be quiet." They all hid behind a rock and saw cultists walking by. Quickly they grabbed one each and knocked then out before stealing their clothes. With chocolate they made tattoos and followed them to a room where Chen was holding a ceremony. Cole ofcourse couldn't stop licking the tattoos. "Honey please. Stop licking your tattoos." Kaya hissed and Cole gave me mischievous grin. "It's chocolate, Firefly. I can't resist." Lloyd shushed them. "Shh! Just try to fit in." They started to chant with the cultists.
Chen stood at the front. "Bring out the loser!" He ordered as some cultists brought Karlof to him. "Unh! Get hands off Karlof! Karlof wish he never sign up for this. What's chanting for?" Karlof asked. "Uh, they're saying, only one can remain. Like I said, use it or lose it." Chen grinned before using his staff to shoot ice at Karlof, before suddenly stealing his elemental powers. The ninja's eyes widened. "He's stolen Karlof's power." Kaya said and Cole nodded. "And he used ice. That means he must have already stolen Zane's power too." Karlof tried using his powers, but nothing happened.
"What happened to Karlof's metal?" Chen just laughed. "Your metal? Oh, it's mine now. But now I will let you go." Karlof looked at him with some hope. "Really?" He asked. "To the factory!" Chen said before Karlof got dragged away. "No, no! Let Karlof go! No, no!" The ninja watched in shock before Lloyd suddenly noticed how their tattoos were melting. "Jay, your face..." Jay's eyes widened. "My face? All of our faces! The chocolate's melting." The cultists turned towards them. "Who are they?" One of them asked as Chen's eyes widened before growling. "Intruders! Stop them! They must not escape!" He ordered before the ninja ran away.
Cole quickly used a tripwire to make Rocks fall, blocking the path for the cultists. As they continued they dodged other traps before coming to a trap free zone. "That was close." Cole said before they heard growling. "That sound." Jay said before they saw a giant snake slithering towards them. "That has got to be the second biggest snake I have ever seen!" Kaya said before they started to run. The snake came closer and closer to them. Luckily they managed to jump up and climb, before suddenly falling through a trapdoor, onto Kaya's room.
"Are we..." Kaya said and Lloyd nodded. "Yeah, barely." They all stood up. "Did we just-ow!" Cole held his arm. "No more sneaking around. From now on, let's just follow the rules." Jay said and the others nodded. "Unh! We may not have found Zane, but we found something just as important. This tournament isn't about glory. It's about Chen stealing all of our elemental powers." Kaya said. "But why? What is he planning?" Lloyd asked as Kaya shrugged. "I don't know, but if we're gonna find out and find Zane, we have to play by his rules. Agreed?" The others nodded. "Agreed" Cole the sighed. "Good thing we weren't spotted. That was close." Jay nodded. "Yeah, too close." Part of his disguise was torn off. That part was in the giant snake's mouth as Clouse took it.
"Hm. Good work, my pet. Yes, yes, we do know who the impostors are, don't we? Don't worry. They will pay for their actions." He laughed while Selena was watching him and walked away.
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