Ninjaball run
In the dojo was Lloyd standing on one hand, while the ninja and Wu was on top of him. He wobbled a little, but managed to keep them up. "Focus. If you're gonna carry the weight of Ninjago on your shoulders, then you have to learn to carry the weight of all of us." Wu said while drinking tea. "Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Jay said in concern and Cole nodded in agreement. "Yeah Sensei. He's just a child." Wu scoffed.
"In order for him to succeed, then we must all trust eachother." Suddenly a wreaking ball flew through the wall, knocking all of them down. "What was that?" Cole groaned. Dareth ran in and turned to the worker. "Woah, woah, woah. This wasn't suppose to happen, until tomorrow!" The worker looked at him confused and took some papers. "Tomorrow? Let me see the order. Oh look at that, sorry. We come back tomorrow." All workers headed away.
The ninja turned to Dareth. "Uh, Dareth. What is happening?" Cole asked and Dareth sighed. "I fell behind on some payments, and now a developer named Darmagon enterprise is buying the entire block, to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say, if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone." Everyone's eyes widened. "But we have already lost the bounty. We can't lose the dojo also." Jay exclaimed.
Zane took a closer look at the name. "Wait a minute. Darmagon. If you switch the letters, then it says." Kaya's eyes widened. "Garmadon! Ofcourse he'd be behind this." Lloyd sighed. "My dad don't know when to stop." Cole grunted. "If he destroys the dojo. Where are we gonna train Lloyd?" Everyone was concerned. "Any chance you got 50,000 in that teapot of yours?" Dareth asked Wu who put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Fear not Dareth. You're not alone. We're all with you." Nya soon walked in.
"Did someone say, 50,000?" She said with a smirk. "Did you win the lottery?" Jay asked hopeful. "No. But I've heard of the ninjaball run." Nya answered and the others got confused. Except for Dareth and Kaya. "Ninjaball run?" Nya nodded. "It's the biggest road race in Ninjago. With prize money at 100,000. And it's tomorrow." Dareth sighed. "I'm thankful. But you're talking about the most dangerous race known to man. Only the most serious racers even stand a chance." Kaya nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is a dangerous race. But Nya, didn't you do some changes on the ultra sonic rader?" She said and Nya nodded.
Lloyd smiled in excitement. "And I can race with my dragon. You did say I needed some practice." Wu nodded. "Then we all agree. You all are gonna compete in the ninjaball run. To save the dojo." Dareth cried happy tears.
The next day arrived, and it was time for the ninjaball run. Many people was participating. Though sadly, Kaya got a migraine and needed to stay home and rest. Luckily, she still communicated with the others through the radio. All racers made themselves ready for the race. "Welcome, everyone, to the 14th annual Ninjaball Run!" One of the announcers said. ,xThe Grand Prix where it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you get there first." The other added. "Well, let's take a look at the racers. I see the starter's line. We have a few familiar faces." The first said happily.
Cole looked over at Lloyd who was petting the ultra dragon. "You look nervous, Lloyd. You okay?" He smirked and Lloyd chuckled nervously. "N-n-nervous? Maybe for you guys." Nya looked over the rader and nodded before turning towards the others. "And done. One final thing. I installed a pretty cool upgrade, so if you're ever in a really tight spot, pull that lever because what it does. . ." Her voice got covered by the Darkley student's engine.
"What?!" Jay asked and Nya tried to explain again. But the announcer spoke. "Alright, the race is about to start. And officials are saying pit crews must take their places. We're about to begin!" Nya smiled at the ninja. "That's my cue. Gotta go! Good luck!" She walked away. "Huh? Wait, Nya, we couldn't hear you!" Jay exclaimed.
They soon saw who they were facing. Many of their previous enemies, the postman. And even Cole's dad and his quartet.
The ninja was facing a big competition. It was for example, Soto and his crew, the Darkley's boys, the post man. Just then Cole's dad came with his quartet. "Look, it's my dad. They entered too?" Cole chuckled. "Too big, too big. Too slow, too slow. We had a lead but let it go." The Royal blacksmiths started to sing. Jay then saw his parents and hid his face in embarrassment. "Oh, no." Edna saw him and waved. "Jay! Jay! Oh. Oh, look, he sees us, Ed." Ed sighed. "I see him, Edna. You don't have to embarrass the boy." Jay felt so embarrassed.
"Is there any rules for the race?" One of the announcers asked and the other laughed. "Rules?! There's only one rule in Ninjaball Run, and that is cross the finish line first. Let's take a look at the course. The first gruelling leg starts on the streets of Ninjago City and empties out into the treacherous Sea of Sand. Racers, look out for the dangerous crater way known as Crash Course Canyon, where the slightest mistake can be your last! The next two legs of the race take us into the winding maze known as the Birchwood Forest, and then through the perilous and icy Glacier Barrens. Finally, in the fourth and final leg, racers must beat the desert heat in the Badlands, which then takes us back to the finish line here in the heart of Ninjago City!" Everyone was excited.
"Be careful guys. Garmadon might try to stop you." Kaya told the ninja through the radio. Cole smiled. "Don't worry, Firefly. We'll be okay. Just relax and rest your head, okay." Kaya giggled. "Okay. Good luck." She hung up. "We got this. What more surprises could happen?" Jay asked. Suddenly they all heard a motorcycle heading their way. Soon enough someone on motorcycle was driving towards them and jumped in the air before landing at the starting line. "Oh look, it's K.S. the mysterious racer, that have won two years in a row, and given the money to charity. The racers have a tough competition." The announcer said and the ninja was shocked.
"Two years in row!? We don't have a chance!" Jay said but Cole shook his head. "Remember guys. We're doing this for the dojo. And we will win." The others nodded. "One final word, let's have a good clean race! So, good luck to everyone!" The announcer informed, but Gene used a screwdriver to sabotage the rader.
Everyone started their engines as the light started the countdown. "On your mark, get set, Ninjaball GO!" Soon everyone started the drive. But the rader's left traction belt came off. Making it stop in it's tracks. "What happened?" Zane asked and Cole looked outside. "We've been sabotaged!" He exclaimed.
The other racers were far ahead of them. K.S. being in the very lead. Using their skills to avoid the other's cheating attempts. Lloyd though was struggling to control the dragon. Even flying the wrong way. "Whoa! Oh! Wrong way! Oh! Oh, we're going the wrong way." He exclaimed. Meanwhile, the serpentine generals freed Skales from prison and entered the race aswell. Though they got got chased by the cops.
The ninja tried to fix the ultra sonic rader at the starting line. "Oh, great! We're already out of the race!" Jay said but Cole looked at him. "We can't quit now, not with everything that's on the line. Help me lift this thing." Luckily, they managed to fix the rader and drove off.
On the black Bounty was Garmadon having a meeting with the serpentine. "Now that the dojo will be destroyed, we'll crush them before Lloyd ever becomes a true ninja." He grinned before hearing the announcer on the TV. "We're here live at the 14th annual Ninjaball Run, where it looks like the ninja are back in the race. And now have a long shot at winning this year's massive cash prize!" His eyes widened. "They're trying to save the dojo? Will they ever quit?! Set sail for the race at once! We can't let them win!" The snakes nodded before the started to sail off.
The racers had reached Crash Course Canyon. They did a good job, avoiding to crash into things. But Soto tries ramming the student's bus, leading to his own vehicle to crash. "Ouchy mama! Pirates are out of the race!" One of the announcers said. The other racers passed the pirates "Yeah! We're no longer in last! Things are looking up." Jay laughed happily. But that's when they saw black Bounty. "Oh, no, Garmadon!" Cole exclaimed worried.
"Lord Garmadon, are you going to use the mega weapon?" One of the snakes asked and Garmadon scoffed. "What's the point? That K.S. is far infront of them. And they're trapped like rats here. There's no way they'll win. Set all cannons to fire. Now that they're in our sights, they have nowhere to run." He grinned as the snakes aimed at the ninja. "Ah, we're sitting ducks! There's nowhere to run!" Jay said.
Everyone got for the ninja as Garmadon grinned. Suddenly the ultra dragon appeared. "Oh! Ahh! Out of the way!" Lloyd exclaimed and crashed into the ship, knocking Garmadon and the snakea down. "Nice going, Lloyd. You saved us!" Cole said and Lloyd chuckled as he hanged upside down. "I did? I mean, yeah, I did! Hey, what do you say we work together?" The others nodded. "Yeah, I say let's show 'em what we ninja are all about." Jay smiled. They all soon headed off, full of determination.
Garmadon glared after them. "They're getting away!" A snake walked up to him. "Uh, why don't you use your Mega Weapon?" He got a glare from Garmadon. "Because I can only use it once before it saps all of my energy. Then who's going to slap you around to get this ship moving?! Get this ship moving!" The snake nodded before they got the ship going. "No one shall defeat me, even in competition. I will win this race." Garmadon said with a serious face.
The racers arrived at the Birchwood forest. The snow made it hard to steer. So the Royal blacksmiths crashed, but kept singing. The ninja saw K.S. having hard time steering. "Ha! They got no chance against the snow." Jay smirked before K.S. activated snow wheels, making them able to go faster. "Are you kidding me!?" Jay exclaimed. The ninja continued through the trees, almost crashing. "We'll never get through those trees to catch up." Jay said and Lloyd looked around.
"I'll find a shortcut. Up, boy!" The ultra dragon flew up, shocking Lloyd. "Whoa! You actually went up. Follow me!" He said and the others followed him. "Wow, he's getting the hang of it." Zane said impressed. "And it looks like we've made up the lost time." Cole pointed out as they were close to the other racers. But that wasn't all good, as Nuckal and Kruncha shot their grapple canon at the dragon. It crashed with Lloyd on it's back. They laughed before crashing aswell.
Lloyd quickly checked on the ultra dragon. "Are you okay there, fella?" The ultra dragon nodded and nuzzled to resure he was okay. Lloyd sighed in relief and looked after the others. "We got them back in the race." He said with a smile before seeing the black Bounty flying by. That's when he got an idea.
Dareth was whimpering as one of the announcers walked up to him. "Excuse us. But you're all friends of the boy Dragon rider, aren't ya? Tell us how you feel." He said and Dareth sighed. "Oh, I feel terrible. This is all my fault. The only reason he and the ninja entered this race was to save my dojo. If they don't win, developers are gonna tear it down, leaving all my poor kids without a training center to help enrich their tiny little lives." The rest of the crowd got touched by this and started to cheer for the ninja.
"I don't know if you can feel it up there in the booth, but down here, it appears the crowds have found their favorite racer: the ninja!" The announcer said and the other nodded. "Oh, I feel it, alright. But they better buckle their seat belts, because up next is the most dangerous part of the race. The Glacier Barrens!"
Now the racers had reached the Glacier Barrens, where the postman crashed. The ninja had gotten infront of the others, even K.S. who they didn't see. "Finally. Nothing can stop us now." Cole said before the engine started to run out of fuel. "Oh no, we've used up all of our fuel. We're not gonna make it to the finish line." Zane exclaimed and Jay held his hands over his face. "Oh, I don't want to say it, guys, but I think our goose is cooked." Suddenly they heard a honk.
They turned to see Ed and Edna. "You guys look like you could use a hand there. We heard on the radio that you're all trying to save Dareth's dojo." Ed said. "Oh, yeah, we're so proud of you, son." Edna smiled proudly. "Oh, thanks, mom, but we're out of gas." Jay said and Edna smiled. "Ooh, then take ours." Jay's eyes widened in confusion. "Huh? But how? If we stop, we'll lose the lead." Ed stood up with a hoes in his hand. One end being in their tank. "Well, then we'll just have to do this the hard way, son. Take this end, son." He threw the other end to Jay.
Jay put it in and looked at Ed. "Ready, dad." Ed nodded and pulled a lever, starting the fuel transfer. Garmadon saw this and growled. "We're not fast enough. We should be pulling away!" The snakes looked at him scared. "But we're up to maximum speed." One of them said. "Then get rid of the excess weight." Garmadon said before throwing them off the ship, onto the fangpyre bus. "I order you to slow the ninja down!" Garmadon ordered and the snakes nodded before heading towards the ninja.
Cole saw them. "We've got company, boys." The ninja put the rader on auto pilot and jumped out to fight the snakes. But while fighting, one of the snakes reached towards the hoes. "No!" The ninja shouted before K.S. came driving. They pushed a button on their bike and nets got shot on the snakes, knocking them off. The ninja was shocked. "Did they help us?" Cole asked. "It seems that way." Zane answered. The transfer was completed and Jay turned towards his parents. "Will you two be okay?" Ed nodded. "Oh, we're fine, son." Edna smiled. "Yeah. Go win the race." Jay nodded before he and the others jumped into the rader.
The ninja drove off, soon reaching the Badlands. Black Bounty was in the sky with a happy Garmadon. Cole noticed that K.S. was gone. "Looks like it's just us and Garmadon." Zane nodded. "This time let's make sure the good guys don't finish last." The sped up and Garmadon saw them. "No! I hate those ninja. It's time. You think you can beat me, ninja? This race is mine! Hear me, mega weapon. I wish to make an insurmountable obstacle that the ninja can never surpass!" The weapon glew before the ground started to crack, making a big crack.
The ninja's eyes widened. "Oh, that's totally cheating!" Jay grunted. "Guys, it's impossible to cross that divide." Zane informed. Garmadon just smiled, thought out of breath. "I did it. Did you see that? I win! The dojo is doomed!" He laughed. Kaya soon spoke through the radio. "Guys, don't give up. Remember the upgrade Nya did? Use it." She said and the others got skeptical. "Uh, you do know we're going to fall straight of that cliff, right? You're sure that's a good idea? Do you even know what it does?" Jay asked.
"No. But remember what Sensei said! You gotta have trust eachother." Kaya answered. "Yeah, in eachother, not in miracles!" Cole exclaimed. "I trust my sister, and you should too." Kaya said and Cole thought before nodding. "Let's give it a shot. I trust you, Firefly." He hung up as they got closer to the cliff. That's when he pulled the lever, turning the rader into a jet. They all used spinjitsu to jump onto it.
All three cheered before seeing K.S. heading towards the cliff with top speed. "Ha. They're not gonna pass." Jay smirked, but K.S. jumped into the air and pushed a button, making wings appear on their bike to fly over the cliff with. The ninja's eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously!? Is there anything they can't do!?" Jay exclaimed before they came close to Garmadon. He saw them and sped up.
They all was heading towards the finish line fast, when K.S. squeezed through and crossed it first. Everyone gasped as the ninja came across the line and hung their heads is sadness. Garmadon grinned and jumped off the ship. "I might have lost, but so did you. The dojo is over!" He laughed before K.S. spoke. "I shouldn't be so sure if i were you, Garmadon." Everyone was shocked over hearing them speak. Cole looked at K.S. with a questioning expression. "I recognize that voice." K.S. jumped off the bike and took off the helmet. Revealing no other than Kaya who smirked.
(Kaya's race outfit)
Everyone soon cheered. "Ladies and gentleman we have a winner. And it's the red ninja Kai." The announcer shouted in glee. The other ninja ran over to Kaya with surprised and happy faces. Cole picked her up and spun around laughing. "I'm happy you won. But why didn't you tell us it was you?" He asked and put her down. Kaya smiled gently at them. "I couldn't. I needed you to belive that I was someone else, so Garmadon wouldn't try to stop me. I knew that he was gonna try to stop us from winning, so I pretended to have a migraine so I could race with you. Without Garmadon knowing it's me." The others nodded understandingly.
"The motorcycle. Did Nya build it?" Zane asked and Kaya shook her head. "No, I build it myself." This shocked the others. "You didn't think Nya is the only one that is good at mechanics, did you?" Kaya smirked. "Wait a minute. What about K.S.? Kaya Smith. Your initials." Cole pointed out and Kaya nodded. "But we heard you from the radio." Jay pointed out. Kaya showed them the communicator in her helmet.
All four soon got lifted by the crowd who cheered for them. Garmadon just grunted. "No! That's not fair! She didn't race with her true identity. That's illegal. My ship was.." He got interupted by the ultra dragon roaring. He turned and saw it on the ship, with Lloyd infront of it. "Your ship? I believe this belongs to us." Lloyd said and used his powers to chang the ship back to it's normal self. "No! No! No!" Garmadon shouted before the cops walked towards him.
"Alright, Garmadon, you're coming with us." But Skales came in the bus and picked him up. "Look who needs who now." Garmadon just rolled his eyes as he walked inside and drove off. "Somehow, Sensei, I don't think that will be the last we're gonna see of him." Nya told Wu who nodded in agreement. Dareth was really happy over keeping the dojo, and getting a real trophy. "We did it! We did it! Ooh-hoo! We saved the dojo! Oh, look what I can do. CANNONBALL!" He jumped into the trophy, making everyone laugh.
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