Ninja roll
The masters and ninja was watching as the next match was starting. "Skylor, master of amber, versus Jacob, master of sound. Fight! Fight!" Chen announced before Skylor pointed a spear towards different vases. "Eenie, meenie, minie, moe. Catch a jadeblade by its toe!" She said and destroyed a vase, taking the weapon and started to fight against Jacob. "Master of sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him." Garmadon pointed out and Kaya nodded. "He's going for his strength force. But Skylor goes for wisdom. If she keeps using stealth, then she can win easily." Jay smirked at her.
"Bet you 10 bucks. She lose." Kaya chuckled. "Let's say 20." Jay thought a little and nodded. "Deal." The two shook hands before turning back to the match. Skylor made holes in the wall, using the wind to confuse Jacob. While he was distracted, she grabbed the jadeblade. Everyone cheered and Jay grunted before handing Kaya twenty bucks. "Winner! And loser." Chen said and sent Jacob down the trapdoor. "I hope the tournament of elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things." He pulled out a box of treasure, making many masters smile.
"But then in yesterday's battle, Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset. For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all. Thank you, you can go." Chen grinned before heading off. Leaving the other masters to glare at the ninja before they left too.
Jay grunted. "Man. Now they're more against us." Kaya put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't mind it. Chen's trying to make us more enemies." Lloyd looked at Selena who gave him an expression to remember their conversation from last night before she walked off. "Kaya's right. Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends, just to save ours." Garmadon nodded in agreement. "Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same." He said and the three nodded.
Cole meanwhile was locked up in the dungeon. "You can take my clothes and my power, but you'll never take my super strength!" He exclaimed before trying to break free, without it working. "All right, so you got that too." Clouse soon came and opened the door. "You're letting me go?" Cole asked and Clouse scoffed. "Of course, not. Your presence is required in the factory." This made Cole glare at him and cross his arms. "The factory!? Lock me up for all I care. I'm never gonna lift a finger for you, you despicable-Aah!" He got dragged to the factory by Clouse and a cultist names Zugu.
When they arrived, Cole looked around before his eyes sparkled when he saw what kind of factory it was. "A noodle factory? Ha! Why didn't you say so? Hahaha! This is my kind of place. Look, that's how they make the noodles. Oh, and that's the dumpling machine. And is that how you make fortune cookies? Haha!" He laughed and grabbed one. "There's only one rule. No eating the merchandise." Clouse grinned before leaving. Cole's eyes widened.
"No eating the merchandise? How cruel can this place be!? You're evil!" He said to Zugu before trying to eat the fortune cookie, but Zugu stole it and ate it with a grin. With a sigh, Cole went to the noodle cutter where Karlof stood. "Don't worry. After while, not so bad. Since you new, Karlof show you how to chop noodles." He said and Cole pulled a lever, but it was wrong so he dropped flour on another worker. "Not that one." Karlof sighed before Cole pulled the right lever. "See? Chop. Now don't make trouble." He nodded in approval.
Jacob meanwhile grunted. "Well, I for one don't like following rules. The minute you tell me the coast is clear, I'm busting out of here." He said and Karlof shook his head. "Even if you get past the guards, Mr. Blind guy, there's still the labyrinth guarded by big snake." This made Jacob scoff. "My name's not Mr. Blind guy. It's Jacob. And you may have already lost hope, but not me and not my buddy Cole here. Am I right?" He said and looked to the right. "Actually, I'm on your left." Cole said and Jacob laughed. "Oh, heh. Hey, you moved on me. Heh. Sneaky ninja." Cole sighed in annoyence.
Nya parked the mobile base in an alleyway by Chen's noodle house. "And you say the noodle trucks disappear at night? But where do they go?" Wu asked through the communicator. "That's what I'm trying to figure out. Perhaps if I follow them, they can lead me to more answers. I'll report more when I uncover more." Nya answered before hanging up. "Initiate replicate software." She pressed a button, making the mobile base look like a noddle truck. "You're not the only one who can disappear." She smirked and drove next to the other trucks.
Dareth meanwhile was inside the restaurant, complaining about the menu. "What do you mean you discontinued the puffy potstickers? They were my favorite. Do you even know who you're dealing with?" He said and the owner rolled his eyes. "If you have a problem, take it up with them." Dareth turned towards the noodle trucks and started to chase them. "Wait! Come back! I need my puffy potsticker!" He exclaimed.
Meanwhile, the ninja woke up in the middle of the night. "Couldn't sleep either?" Jay grunted. "Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back." Kaya answered. Lloyd held his back in pain. "Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst. All right, let's do-" He got interupted as they heard cultists banging a gong. The light quickly turned on. "Quick, back in bed." Kaya said before they jumped back in bed. Clouse walked up. "Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night." He grinned before the cultists put skates onto the master's feet
"Hey, what are you doing?" Lloyd asked. "Do you know what time it is?" Jay grunted. "Roller skates? Whoa, aah!" Kaya said before falling, luckily Skylor caught her. "Thank you. Never used skates before." Skylor smiled. "Don't worry. I'll help you." She helped her stand. "Let me guess, another one of Chen's impromptu battles?" Lloyd sighed in annoyence. "Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!" Jay exclaimed and skated around without any problem. "Master Chen wants everyone in the royal arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you." Clouse informed.
Skylor looked at him with a skeptical expression. "If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?" Clouse smirked. "Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to affect the outcome." Griffin looked at him. "Who's fighting? Tell us now." He demanded. "The green ninja versus the master of form." Clouse answered and left, leaving the masters wondering. "Master of form? Who's that?" Lloyd asked and Kaya looked at him. "You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over. But you're the green ninja, what weakness could you have?" She said with a smile.
"Ugh. Aside from the sore back, not many." Lloyd answered while holding his back. Kaya smirked. "Thanks." She soon skated away without any problem, making Lloyd a little confused. That's when he saw Kaya by Skylor, struggling to skate. "Kaya? Wait. Hey you!" The other Kaya turned around before changing to Chamille, the master of form. "Watch your back, green ninja." She grinned and skated away.
In the factory was Jacob waiting for the right moment. Soon Zugu left and he quickly headed towards the exist. Cole was about to follow before Karlof stopped him. "Eh, make noodles, not trouble." Jacob soon reached the door and opened it, revealing Selena. "Cole tried to warn him, but Karlof held his hand over his mouth. Selena used her magic to stop Jacob. "Hey! Not one of you could've warned me?" Jacob complained before guards grabbed him.
"Make an example of him. Take him to feed my father's serpent." Selena said in a cold tone before she walked off and Jacob was dragged away. Cole's eyes widened. "Feed her father's Serpent? She doesn't mean-" Karlof shook his head. "Karlof not make trouble. Karlof make noodle." He pulled a lever, making Cole get flour over him. "I'm so not into this dumpling dump after all." He sighed.
The masters arrived at the arena. "I don't like the look of this." Lloyd said and Kaya looked at him. "Don't worry, we got your back. Aah! Ugh." She fell and Jay chuckled. "So you can ride a bike, fight and make weapons. But you can't skate?" Kaya glared at him. "It's not something I've prioritized." Chen soon skated up to them. "Welcome to my favorite event. Thunderblade!" He announced and Griffin smirked. "Hey, I know this game. It's just like-" Chen interupted him. "No, it's not like that! This is my game. I made it up! Fully original! A jadeblade for you, Lloyd, master of power." He gave one to Lloyd.
"And another for Chamille, master of form. Where-Where are you?" Chamille reveald herself with a smirk. "Oh, there you are." Chen laughed before handing her a blade aswell. "Haha. Rules are simple. Each lap you complete with your blade in possession, a point. Most points before time expires, you win." He explained. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?" Griffin asked with crossed arms L. "You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator." Chen said before they all chose a side. Jay and Kaya ofcourse chose Lloyd, while the others chose Chamille.
Suddenly everyone's eyes widened when they saw that Skylor chose Lloyd's side. Selena smirked a little to herself, happy Lloyd gets more help. "Why are you siding with us?" Jay asked and Skylor smirked. "Because you need help. Plus, I would never leave a friend." She smiled at Kaya who smiled back. Lloyd looked around to see how much more the others were. "What was that you said about us having targets on our backs?" He asked and Kaya put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we're still a team-" That's when she fell again and Skylor caught her.
"Probably best to stay by your side." They all soon took their positions. "Lloyd, master of power, versus Chamille, master of form. Most laps with their Jadeblade when time runs out wins. Loser is out. Thunderbladers on your mark, get set, good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we all want the green ninja out. Now go!" Chen said before the racers started. "Oh, how about some spectator ambiance?" He soon pressed a button, making cheers appere from the speakers.
The others took off after Lloyd and Chamille. "It's us against the world, Kaya and Skylor. If Lloyd has any chance of moving forward in the tournament, it's up to Jay said and skated ahead while Skylor helped Kaya keep balance. "Lloyd should do good if we keep the others away from him. Hopefully Chamille didn't find out his weakness." She said and Kaya looked at him. "She sadly did." Skylor held a hand in her chin. "Then we might have a problem." The managed to speed up, just as Jay saw the others pushing Lloyd. "We have to give him room." He said and Kaya looked at him with a questioning look.
"And just how are we supposed to do that?" Jay smirked and turned to Skylor. "I got an idea. Skylor, can you help me." He held his hand out and Skylor smirked. "Got it." She grabbed his hand, copying his powers. They both soon used lightning to shock the others, helping Lloyd. "Thanks guys." Lloyd thanked before they continued.
Nya meanwhile had reached Chen's ferry as the noodle trucks got loaded on onto it. "Nothing unusual to see here. Just a technologically advanced mobile base camouflaged as a noodle truck." Nya said before Dareth appeared by the window, making her scream "I beg of you, you gotta tell master Chen not to give up on the puffy potstickers." He begged before Nya sighed and pulled him inside. "Huh? Nya? When did you start slinging noodles?" Nya glared at him. "Quiet, you're gonna blow my cover." She hissed and Dareth's eyes sparkled.
"Cover? Oh my gosh, you're on a mission. And why is your truck tripping me out?" He looked around. "Far out. But wait a minute. I don't see any noodles." Nya sighed. "It's not a noodle truck. It's my only hope of finding the ninja." Dareth grinned. "The ninja have gone missing? Sounds like a job for-" He got interupted by Nya. "No, it's not. You're not coming with me." That's when Dareth saw a guard coming towards the truck. "Looks like you don't have a choice." He smirked and Nya sighed.
"Somehow I know I'm gonna regret this." She drove onto the boat. Dareth walked around. "This is a really nice place." He suddenly stepped on something and a yelp was heard, making Pyther reveal himself. "Ah!" Dareth screamed before fainting in shock. "Ow, my tail." Pyther said before Nya glared at him. "Pyther? What are you doing here young man?" She asked with her arms crossed. "Hey aunt Nya. I might have followed you with my invisibility and snuck onto the base." Pyther said nervously. "Pyther. I told you that it was too dangerous." Nya told him.
"I know. But I don't wanna leave my parents. I wanna help them too." Pyther argued. Nya sighed. "I guess it's too late to take you back. So you may aswell come along." She said and Pyther smiled. "Yes!" He fisted the air. "But you're in big trouble when your parents hear about this." Nya told him, making his gulp with a nervous smile
The masters continued to skate as Chen laughed in enjoyment before turning to Garmadon. "Thunderblade never fails to deliver. Did you know I hold the record with a hundred points? Clouse can attest. Tell him, Clouse." Clouse sighed. "You were born with skates on, master." Selena just rolled her eyes. "True story." Chem said before Garmadon scoffed. "True story, hmph. Just like all of his far-fetched endeavors." Clouse smirked towards him. "There was once a time when you were quite comfortable with lying. It worked on Misako, didn't it?" Garmadon looked away and Selena gave a small glare at her father without him noticing.
"Button, button, I love buttons. Aha, let's even the playing field, shall we?" Chen said before activating a ramp, making Kaya and Skylor almost fall. Jay soon saw Lloyd beside him. "Grab my hand! I'll whip ya!" Lloyd grabbed his hand before getting thrown towards the line, before turning into Chamille. "Agh! That shapeshifting rat!" Jay growled. Chamille soon saw Lloyd and grinned towards Shade. "Aw, his back is hurting him. Shadow, strike his back." Shade used his powers to appear behind Lloyd, hitting his back. Mr. Pale grabbed his jadeblade with a smirk, but Jay luckily got it back. "Ugh. They're doing bad tricks." Lloyd grunted. "Then it's time to skate faster." Jay said before jumping over Griffin, making him fall. That's when Tox made a cloud of poison, sending it towards him.
"Haha! Watch out for the Poison cloud!" Jay exclaimed as he and Lloyd skated dodged it. Skylor and Kaya dodged it aswell. "Thanks for the warning." Kaya said before buggys got released l. "Look out, Lloyd!" Jay exclaimed and pushed him aside. That's when they saw Camille holding onto one of the buggys. "She has the lead and she gets a lift? I know Chen wants me out, but this is getting ridiculous." Lloyd said before Jay pushed Tox out of the way. "Sorry, Tox. Must be my allergies kicking in." He laughed before Neuro and Griffin grabbed him.
"Check this out." Griffin smirked and Neuro nodded. "Gotcha." Griffin used his speed to push Jay into Lloyd, making then fall. "We are so not loved." Jay said before they stood up. "Atleast my back's better." Lloyd said with a small relief. Kaya and Skylor soon looked at eachother. "Let's fight fire with fire." Skylor suggested with a smirk. "Let's do it." Kaya answered before they used fire to boost themselves into Chamille, grabbing her jadeblade. "Jay!" Kaya shouted and threw it at him. Jay quickly grabbed it. "Haha! Nice, Kaya and Skylor! Now you're cooking with fire!" He laughed as he kept the jadeblade away from Chamille.
"We're gaining on them. But they're tough." Skylor pointed out and Jay nodded. "Lloyd's closing the gap, but the clock's against us." Kaya looked around. "So is everyone else. Garmadon's right. The more we exclude everyone, the more they gang up on us." She said. "What are you saying?" Jay asked while tilting his head. "I'm saying why don't we tell them about Chen? If others knew what this tournament was really about, maybe they'd help us." Skylor nodded. "Sounds good." Jay sighed. "Uh, worth a try, but time's running out and Lloyd's got a lot of ground to make up." Suddenly Chamille grabbed the jadeblade back.
"Gimme! I've got a job to finish." She said and skated faster. Kaya and Skylor skated up to Mr. Pale and Griffin. "We don't need to fight, Chen's the real enemy. He doesn't care about who wins. He only wants to steal our powers so that he can perform some sort of spell." Kaya said. "A spell? What kind of spell?" Mr. Pale asked. "We don't know, but we have to stay in the tournament to find out." Skylor answered and Jay nodded. "This isn't about Lloyd winning. It's about all of us stopping Chen." Griffin scoffed. "And why are you telling us this now?" Lloyd looked at them. "Because it's never too late to do the right thing." He answered.
Neuro skated up to them. "He's telling the truth. I know." Jay glared at him. "Then why have you now, decided to help?" He exclaimed and Neuro grinned mischievously. "I'd rather be on the winning team." Lloyd nodded. "Then let's win this thing!" He soon skated towards Chamille before Skylor and Kaya came with a buggy. "Need a lift, Green bean?" Kaya asked and Lloyd chuckled. "Ugh. You took the buggy." Skylor nodded. "Take the wheel!" She said before Lloyd jumped into the buggy while she and Kaya jumped out to distract the others.
Tox tried using her powers, when Griffin pushed her aside. "Cut the green guy some slack." This infuriated Chen. "Buttons, buttons, buttons!" He pressed every button, trying to stop Lloyd. But Lloyd dodged everything. Soon he came up to Chamille. "We don't have to keep fighting each other. We can all win." Chamille looked at him. "All of us?" She asked and Lloyd nodded. "United." He reached his hand out before she pulled him out. "Only one can remain." She grinned. Selena glared at her before looking at Chen and Clouse. She snuck off.
"Lloyd might win. Do something!" Chen exclaimed and Clouse tried using his magic, but Garmadon tackled him. That's when he signaled one of the cultists to change the score. "Ugh, he's rigging the match. I'll stop him." Kaya said before Skylor stopped her. "Let me." She used gravity to hold the cultist in the air. Both Lloyd and Chamille fought the to the finish line, before they finally crossed. Chamille smirked as she crossed first. "Nice try, green ninja." She said before noticing that her jadeblade was gone. "She doesn't have her blade!" Jay exclaimed and Lloyd held up his jadeblade with a smirk. Chamille's blade was laying just before the finish line.
"Lloyd won!" Kaya said before Skylor let go of the cultist, changing Lloyd's score to 106. "Look at that, he broke your record." Garmadon smirked and Chen growled. "No, no, no! He cheated! Lloyd loses!" Griffin glared at him. "No way, Lloyd won fair and square. You were the one who cheated." He said and Chen crossed his arms with a pout. "My tournament, my rules." Mr. Pale scoffed. "And just what rules are those? If Lloyd's out, then so am I." He said and the others joined, except for Chamille, Tox and shade. "If you kick us all out, what kind of tournament will you have then?" Skylor smirked.
Chen looked at Clouse who him a look saying, "you have no choice", so he sighed. "Fine, have it your way. Form loses." A trapdoor opened under Chamille, making everyone cheer. "All right! We won! Yeah!" Jay exclaimed before Skylor turned to Kaya. "If what you say is true, you are playing a dangerous game. Chen will find other ways to get you out of the tournament." Kaya nodded. "Which is why we'll need all the friends we can get. There's always hope." The two fist bumped. Lloyd looked back at Chamille's jadeblade, thinking he saw a small purple aura. But he shook it off.
But Clouse noticed it too before seeing Selena being down by the arena, smiling towards Lloyd before walking off. He glared after her.
In the dungeon was Zugu leading the prisoners to the factory. Cole sighed before hearing a familiar voice. "I don't know, Pixal, But I sense these chains are unbreakable." Zane's voice said, making Cole's eyes widen. He quickly went to the door. "What are you doing? Don't make trouble." Karlof said, but Cole ignored him. "Zane, is that you?" He asked before Zugu noticed that everyone stopped. "What's the holdup?" Karlof crotched down. "One second. Karlof tie shoe." He lied.
Zane soon looked out through the bars, making Cole's face shine up. "You're alive! And you're silver?" He laughed and Zane smiled at him. "Titanium. Cole, you're covered in flour." The two smiled. "Boy, it's great to see you! Look at that, you look brand new." Cole smiled. Zugu soon realised that the prisoners didn't have shoes. "Tie shoe? What shoe?" He said and walked towards the end of the line. "Hold tight, lug nut. I'm getting you out of here. I'm getting us both out of here. That's a promise." Cole said before he and Zane fist bumped.
Zugu arrived by Karlof. "Where is Cole?" He commanded before pushing him aside. That's when he saw Cole standing there. "Right here. Keep it real, big guy. Looks like you've seen a ghost." Cole smirked before they continued to walk. "From here on out, Karlof, I'm making more than noodles. I'm making trouble. Chen can try his best to split up our team, but he's about to find out what happens when we put ourselves back together." He said with a determined smile.
Selena meanwhile walked through the palace when magic wrapped around her neck, lifting her into the air. "To think my own daughter would actually help the enemy. You disappoint me Selena." Clouse said and Selena gasped for air before being let down. "Try that again, and I make sure your powers get taken aswell. Do you understand?" Selena looked at him and nodded. "Yes father." She said before Clouse walked off. Selena closed her eyes and felt how her hatred for Chen and her father grew.
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