Never trust a snake
Zane woke up from a weird dream about the Falcon talking to him. In the process he hit his head and groaned. He looked around to see that Jay and Cole wasn't there, so he walked over to Kaya's room. But she weren't there either. As he arrived out to the bridge, he saw both Nya and Wu talking. "I guess the hunt starts early." He asked and they turned to him. "A watching eye never sleep." Wu said and Nya nodded. "Yeah. Especially when Lloyd and the Serpentine are still out there." Zane looked around.
"Where's the others?" Wu looked at him. "On the upper deck, training." Zane nodded and headed there. But to his surprise they weren't there. He soon saw his falcon and smiled. Suddenly a presence alerted him, making turn around. "Lord Garmadon. You were banished!" He said while being ready to fight. Garmadon laughed. "Only to return for the golden weapons. So I can recreate Ninjago in my own image." Weapons were summoned into his hands as he attacked Zane.
Zane dodged his attacks before he got thrown to the ground. "Your time is over ninja." Garmadon laughed and threw a crate towards Zane. But out of nowhere another ninja saved Zane. No other than the green ninja. Who lifted the crate without any problem. "The green ninja. The legend is true." Garmadon and the green ninja fought eachother, during the fight the green ninja pulled out the nunchucks of Lightning and hit Garmadon. He fell off the ship as the falcon landed on the green ninja's shoulder. Their hand was soon set in flames.
"Thanks for the help. But who are you? Kai? Who are you, green ninja?" Zane asked as more falcons appeared. That's when he woke up and once again hitting his head. His eyes landed on the other ninja who laughed. "Look who's awake." Cole teased and Jay laughed. "You're gonna be late for training." Zane rubbed his head. "Why didn't anyone wake me up." Kaya smiled gently. "You looked to have an intense dream. So we didn't wanna freak you out." They all soon headed to training.
Wu gave them instructions on what poses to do. Kaya concentrated while Jay and Cole was more focused on what Zane was dreaming about. "Zane. What were you dreaming about?" Zane looked at them. "I saw the falcon, and then the green ninja." Jay and Cole gasped. "The green ninja!" Wu ofcourse saw their shocked faces. "That looks like the shocked monkey. Try to concentrate." He scolded before he continued. Jay and Cole continued to listen to Zane. "You can't just say that and no more. What else happened?" The former asked.
"He was fighting lord Garmadon." Zane informed. "Okay. So who was it?" Cole asked him. "I don't know. They were like a fusion of all of us." Kaya looked at them annoyed. "Guys. Can you be quiet and try to focus on Sensei?" Jay looked back at her. "But Kaya. This is important. We can't just....ow ow ow ow." Wu pulled his hair. "Since you don't focus. You all are gonna be punished. By training today and tomorrow with no free time or video games." They all groaned. "How long?" Cole asked. "Until you know the answer to this riddle. What is the best way to defeat an enemy? Good luck." He started to walk off before Kaya spoke. "Wait a minute Sensei! Why am I being punished? I wasn't part of their conversation." Wu looked at her.
"That might be true. But you were talking to them, weren't you? So you chose to talk instead to ignore it." He left and the others looked at Kaya terrified. Especially Cole who knew what happened if you accidentally dragged her into a punishment. It's a miracle if you survived. "Um, Kaya? Are you okay?" Cole carefully asked. Kaya turned to them with a smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sensei's right. I should have ignored it. So, Zane. Tell us about your dream again." The others didn't know if her smiling and being cool was a good or bad thing. But Zane shrugged before telling the others about his dream.
He finished and the others were stunned. "Wait. Does that mean. Kaya's the green ninja?" Cole said and Kaya sighed. "Okay, first. I've allready told you, I don't care about being the green ninja. And second. That just means the green ninja is gonna have all our four elements. Come on, let's get to training." The others nodded before they went back to training.
Meanwhile in the dessert were Lloyd walking alone while reading the map. Apparently the hypnobrai and fangpyre were friends and left him. So now he was looking for other snakes. "You should've released the Constrictal, Venemari or heavens forbid the Anacondrai. Then we would have had a tussle." He scoffed at those words Skales said before looking up to see the Anacondrai tomb. "Yes, I found it. Anacondrai, the most feared and powerfull serpentine of them all. If they are afraid of the Anacondrai, then that is what they're gonna get." He grinned and opened the tomb.
Carefully he walked inside to find a pile of bones. Suddenly a big snake appeared behind him, making him jump and scream. He fell to the ground and the snake helped him up. "I apologize my dear boy. But my look often make people run away." Lloyd looked at the bones. "What happened to the others?" The snake smiled a little. "Oh, they starved to death, without food. Those poor unfortunate souls. But anyway what's your name young man?" He asked. "Lloyd Garmadon. Son of lord Garmadon. And Ninjago's future ruler. And who are you?" Lloyd nervously said.
"I'm Pythor P. Chumsworth. And I'm in your service because you freed me." Pythor smiled at Lloyd. But Lloyd looked at him suspiciously. "You're not gonna betray me are you? Cause the hypnobrai and the fangpyre already did." Pythor laughed. "Ofcourse not. I hardly have any friends. And I wouldn't like to lose a potential one." Lloyd's face softened. "I don't have any friends either. How about becoming my loyal servant and take revenge on the ninja?" He suggested and Pythor nodded. "I love that idea! You know Floyd." Floyd interupted him. "It's Lloyd." Pythor shrugged it off.
"Whatever. I think this will be a start to a wonderful friendship." The ninja were training while still trying to figure out the answer to the riddle. "Ugh. This riddle is so hard." Jay groaned and Cole looked at Kaya. "Kaya. Do you know the answer?" Kaya sighed and shook her head. "No, sorry. This riddle is hard. There's many answers to it. But I don't know what the right one is." They all continued. "Well, we gotta find out. I don't know how much I can train." Jay said and Cole nodded in agreement. "Yeah. While we're training, the enemy is having fun." Ofcourse, he was right.
While they were training, Lloyd and Pythor was having fun. Everything from destroying other's things to stealing candy. When they were back in the tomb they talked about Lloyd's school, and planned to take revenge. Lloyd then took a nap as Pythor tried to steal the map. But he didn't succeed. Later at the Bounty the ninja walked into Wu's room. "Ah, you must have the answer." Cole nodded and looked at the others. "Yeah Sensei we have. Ready? One, two, three." They all then spoke in unison. "Teamwork!" Wu shook his head.
"Wrong answer." The larm soon went off and they quickly headed to the bridge. "What's happening sis?" Nya looked at at the screen. "Lloyd and a serpentine have overtaken 'Darkley's boarding school'." Jay shuddered a little. "That school is full of evil people." Cole glared at him. "They still need our help." Kaya looked closer at the screen before gasping. "That snake is an Anacondrai. One of the most dangerous of the serpentine." The other ninja looked at her shocked. "What powers do they have?" Cole asked her.
Kaya took a deep breath and turned to the others. "They can turn themselves invisible. But they were also the leaders in the serpentine wars." Now everyone got worried. "Then we need to stop it." Zane informed and the others nodded. "Let's go!" They arrived at the school and discussed how they would sneak in. Their weapon vehicles would make them get detected easily. Unfortunately, Jay got an idea, and they stood on the anchor. "Jay. This is the most dangerous plan ever." Kaya said and Jay scoffed.
"Trust me, we're gonna be fine. Just hold on tight." With that he signaled Nya and they dropped down fast. All four landed in a classroom where kids were tied up. Cole set them free before seeing Kruncha and Nuckal hanging upside down in ropes. He freed them too. Kaya looked up and saw Lloyd and Pythor. "They're on the roof. Let's go." They all split up.
Kai and Zane used spinjitsu up the stairs before they came to a classroom. Carefully they headed inside and got trapped in slime. Cole climbed a chain and came to the the floor Pythor was on. But he got covered in dust. Jay used the elevator and chased after Pythor when he jumped out.
Lloyd was panicking on the roof while Pythor blocked the entrance. But Jay was able to break the boards, making Lloyd more nervous. "Oh No! What are we gonna do now?" He turned to Pythor who stole the map. His eyes widened. "What are you doing? I thought you where my friend." Pythor grinned. "All you wanted was to in slave the Serpentine. I have better plans." He disappeared into thin air, leaving Lloyd surrounded by the ninja.
Lloyd tried to escape but Kaya quickly grabbed his arm. "Let go of me! I'm the son of Lord Garmadon. I won't let you take me." He shouted before Kaya pulled him into a gentle hug. He froze by her embrace. Her warm hug made him relax before he quietly sobbed and hugged back. All feelings he had bottled up just washed out in her arms. The others looked shocked but didn't say anything. When the Bounty arrived Kaya gently picked Lloyd up and walk onto it. Still giving him a comforting hug.
"Wow. I never thought I'd see that." Jay said and Zane nodded. "Guess the hug from Kaya made him just let out all feelings he hid." They watched as Kaya walked under the deck with Lloyd. Nya nodded. "Kaya's hugs are magical. Always made me feel better." Cole turned to Wu. "What is his punishment Sensei?" Wu looked at them and smiled gently. "I have a good idea." Meanwhile under deck had Lloyd calmed down and let go of Kaya. "Feeling better, Green bean?" She said gently while smiling. Lloyd looked at her and nodded. "Thank you. Um?" Kaya realised he didn't know their names. "My name's Kaya." Lloyd looked at her and gave a small smile.
"Kaya. Thank you." The two smiled at eachother like if they were siblings. Later that night was Wu reading a story to Lloyd. "And that's why Jack the rabbit never trusts a snake." He closed the book and Lloyd smiled. "Thanks for the story uncle. If dad had reed it for me, I wouldn't had freed the Serpentine." Wu petted his head. "We can't change the past. But we can change the future. Sleep well Lloyd." Lloyd yawned and fell asleep.
Wu walked out of the room and headed to the deck, where the ninja waited. "Sensei, why isn't that little brat getting punished?" Jay asked and Cole agreed. "Yeah, he get a bedtime story, while we get to train." Wu turned to them. "That remindes me. Why aren't you training? Did you find the answer to the riddle?" Zane was about to answer before Kaya interupted. "To make them your friend." The others looked at her stunned while Wu nodded and walked off.
"You knew, this whole time! And didn't tell us! Why?" Cole said. Kaya smirked. "I wanted you to figure it out yourself. And also. See it as a light punishment for before." She then hit their arms. "Ow! What was that for?" Jay said while rubbing his arm. "Part of my punishment. So you better not drag me into things like this again." They all soon laughed.
Later Kaya headed to her room before she stopped outside Lloyd's. She smiled gently at him as he slept peacefully. "Don't worry Green bean. Here you'll be loved and cared for." She whispered and noticed how Lloyd smiled in his sleep. Happy to finally have a caring home and family.
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