Misfortune rising

The police in Ninjago was working hard to find the ninja, sending out many units of to search, but they couldn't find them. "Find me those ninja! They can't just break out of Kryptarium and completely disappear. I want witnesses, I want locations. These fugitives are ninja, people. They could be right under our noses for all we know." The commissioner exclaimed, not knowing Nya was in the same room, disguised as a cop. She looked around before speaking through her communicator. "All right, I'm in their secured network. But I still need that password." With her in the department was Jay, him too being disguised.

"I'm looking for it now, but I don't get it. Why do we have to hack into their system when we already have a nindroid?" He complained and Nya rolled her eyes a little. "Because nindroids don't know everything. And we have no idea what kind of security they've installed after we broke out." Jay looked over at Tommy. "Hey, real fast, what's the password again?" He asked in a different voice. "The password is, password." Tommy answered and Nya looked really unimpressed by the kinda stupid password. But she typed it in and got into the system.

"That worked. Now searching city records for the last known whereabouts of his ship, Misfortune's Keep. Speaking of which, hey, Kaya, how's the Bounty holding up?" She asked Kaya who was with Zane where they've kept the Bounty. "I got my eyes on it now, sis. We sure could use it." Kaya answered before using a leaf on the electric fence, seeing it fry. "Okay. It's electrified. Airjitzu?" She suggested to Zane who nodded. "My thought exactly." They both used airjitzu to get to the other side, not noticing the guard dressed in retro clothes walking towards the fence with his dog. He saw Kaya's and Zane's footprints and looked at his dog. "Looks like we have some trespassers. Go get them, Sir Chomps-A-Lot." With that he let his dog loose.

"Okay, I've located Nadakhan's ship. It was last recorded to be seen in Gypsy Cove. Three klicks north of Cannon Beach." Nya told Cole and Lloyd who flew towards the cave. "Thanks, Delara. Oh, I mean, Nya." Cole teased and Lloyd laughed. "Not funny. Let's see how you like it when you look like our enemy's sweetheart." Nya hissed back. "Gypsy Cove isn't far. We'll let you know what we see when we get there." Lloyd said as he and Cole continued to fly.

Kaya and Zane used their power to try to break the chains around the Bounty. "These chains really are tough. How is it going for you Zane?" She asked. "Same as you. This will take awhile." Zane answered before they heard barking. Kaya turned to see the guard's dog. "Good boy. Stay." She said gently and the dog sniffed around her and stopped, as if he didn't want to hurt her. Suddenly the guard saw them. "Trespasser! Don't move!" He shot at them but luckily missed. "Better get out of here." Kaya said and Zane nodded before they used airjitzu to fly away.

They landed safely and Zane looked at Kaya. "That dog seemed to not harm you. Wonder why." He said and Kaya looked away. "Probably nothing. I've always been an animal person." She said before Zane scanned her, letting out a small gasp. "Kaya, you-" Kaya interupted him. "Let's focus on that after we've stopped Nadakhan and set everything right." She walked off, leaving Zane a little concerned but understanding. Nya contacted Cole and Lloyd. "Cole, Lloyd. Did you find Nadakhan's ship?" Lloyd found some wires. "Not exactly. But there is evidence of it. Looks like some repairs are made. But this is strange. What is electrical wiring doing on an old pirate ship?" He asked. "Maybe it already set off to sea?" Cole suggested and Nya looked over different reports from the past days.

"I'm not finding any reports of weird ships. You'd think a big pirate ship would get someone's attention." Lloyd sighed. "If Nadakhan's ship's not here, and it's not out there, where is it?" Nya nodded. "Good question." She said before hearing the commissioner's voice. "What's a good question?" Nya gulped a little. "Uh, question is, what time's lunch? All this searching is making me hungry." She said in a different voice and the commissioner nodded. "Hmm, you're right. We can't think on an empty stomach. We'll resume after lunch." He announced and Nya sighed in relief.

In the sky was Nadakhan's ship flying around, unfortunately making poor Clancee airsick so he threw up over the edge. Flintlocke patted his back. "We need to train your airlegs, Clancee." He said before heading towards Nadakhan. "What is it?" Nadakhan asked, only looking at the sword. "Uh, the crew and I have kept our mouths shut, but you still haven't told us about your plan." Flintlocke told him and Nadakhan scoffed. "You need to trust your captain. Your job is to control the ship, which you seem to be failing at. My job is to catch the ninja so that the sword of souls is powerful enough to do our bidding." With a nod Flintlocke looked at him. "I'm sorry, Captain. I'll have this ship steady in no time." He walked off.

Nadakhan sighed and looked at the picture of Delara. "You never doubted me, Delara. Any news?" Clancee shook his head, still feeling dizzy. "S-Still no sign of the ninja, Captain. I-I-It's like they've d-d-d-disappeared off the map." He informed and Nadakhan nodded. "Well, then, maybe I'll see what progress this so-called police are making in their search." Soon he disappeared to look around.

Jay and Nya got some food from a truck and sat down to eat, taking off their disguises. What they didn't know was that Nadakhan spied on them, his eyes widening when he was Nya. "It really is you, Delara." He said and smiled lovingly at her. "Man. Who knew being undercover would make you hungry." Jay said before seeing Nya being deep in her thoughts. "Is something wrong, babe?" Nya snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm okay. It's just. Being on the run, no one seeing us as heroes. It somehow feel relaxing. No one asking for an autograph every second, no fans chasing you and asking you questions. And no one wanting to know everything about my private love life when they didn't care before." She sighed a little.

"I know it sounds bad and selfish. But I sometimes thought it would have been a little better if we lived normal lives without being seen as heroes." Jay smiled gently and grabbed her hand. "I understand. And I don't think it's selfish at all. To be honest, I started getting tired of it aswell. Especially when fans would somehow get my number and call me in the middle of the night. You don't have to feel alone with those thoughts. My mermaid." He said and Nya smiled back before giving him a kiss. Nadakhan saw this and felt his blood boil. "She has another mate?" He hissed to himself.

When Jay and Nya pulled back they saw how Jay got a stain on his suit. "Oops. Sorry babe." Nya said as they both chuckled a little. "It's okay. I'll go wash off." Jay headed to a nearby fountain to wash off, when Nadakhan soon appeared. "Ah!" He exclaimed. "So. You have everything you want? The girl of your dreams? Great friends? But why not wish for something more?" Nadakhan said and Jay shook his head. "As if. You've made our friends disappear, you framed us for crimes and you're evil. I'm gonna scream to get Nya over here so we can beat your ass." Jay threatend, making Nadakhan laugh.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm here to make your life better. So, what do you desire?" He asked. "Sure as if I would make a wish. As if I would say, I wish I wasn't born in a junkyard and was no longer poor." Jay said sarcastically, but Nadakhan grinned. "Your wish, is yours to keep." With that he disappeared and Jay's eyes widened. "Wait! I was sarcastic! Ugh stupid djinn!" Nya quickly ran over. "Jay, what happened?" She asked. "The stupid djinn tricked me. He tried to make me wish for something. And I made a sarcastic wish, not knowing they counted aswell." Jay answered and Nya's eyes widened. "He's going after us now? That's not good. What did you accidentally wish?" Before Jay could answer, the postman approached them.

"Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over Ninjago for you. Don't worry, I won't report you to the authorities. Just delivering the mail." He said and handed Jay a letter. Jay carefully opened it and started to read. "I'm sorry to inform you, but your father has passed. You have inherited his estate and lots and lots and lots of money." His eyes widened is despair as Nya gasped. "Why the glum face? You're rich." The postman said and Jay quickly flew off. "Jay, wait!" Nya shouted after him, but Jay didn't hear.

He soon arrived at the junkyard and looked around for his parents. "No. Dad! Mom? Dad? Mom!" Edna walked out of the house. "Jay? What is it, son? What's all the fuss?" She asked. "Where's Dad? Is he okay?" Jay said desperately. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jay, he's no longer here." Edna said and Jay felt how his world collapsed, until he heard Ed's voice. "Yeah, I'm back. Picked up a few diddilybops. Heh. Jay, what a welcome sight." Ed said before Jay quickly hugged him. "I thought I lost you. I got this letter that said my father passed away and I inherited lots of money. I would never wish for this, Dad. I didn't want it to be true." He exclaimed.

Ed and Edna looked at eachother nervously before turning to Jay. "Well, Jay sweetie. There has been something we've been meaning to tell you." Edna said and Ed nodded. "Ah. But, uh, gee-willickers. There was just no easy way to say it, heh. You see, son, you're, uh...you're adopted." This made Jay freeze in shock. "Oh, you were left at our doorstep when you were just a baby, along with this address and key." Edna handed him a key and note. "Oh, you were just so gosh darn cute." She said, smiling at the memory. "And we gladly raised you as our own ever since." Ed said and Jay looked at the note and key before looking at his parents. "Thank you. For raising me and taking me in. You'll always be my true parents. No matter what." He said and hugged them both, Ed and Edna smiling and hugging back happily.

Later Jay arrived at the adress and saw the big mansion. "Whoa! Is this where my birth father lived? Whoa! Wow." He walked inside to see pictures of Fritz Donnegan, aswell as some actor rewards. "Wow. My biological father played Fritz Donnegan. Awesome. Cliff Gordon, that must be his real name. Which makes me Jay Gordon. Meh, prefer Jay Walker." Suddenly he saw a picture of a blonde women in blue clothing. "This must be my biological mother." He said and smiled at the picture.

Suddenly Nadakhan appeared. "Ash!" Jay exclaimed as Nadakhan just grinned. "Are you ready for your second wish? Hmm?" He asked as Jay glared at him. "What did you do? Did you change the past?" Nadakhan shook his head. "Trust me. Not even a djinn have that kind of power. I merely revealed a truth about your life that you were unaware of." He informed Jay who scoffed. "Then I don't wanna make another wish." At this, Nadakhan just smirked. "Everyone wants a second wish. A second chance to make things right." Jay shook his head. "No." Nadakhan scoffed in annoyence. "Don't resist me. Tell me what you want. More power? More prestige? Maybe a raygun that works?" He tried.

"No. I don't want anything. I just wish I wasn't alone with you." Jay exclaimed before realizing his mistake. "Your wish, is yours to keep. One wish left." Nadakhan said before disappearing, just as the doorbell rang. Jay carefully opened the door, seeing Nya standing there. "Nya, you're here. How did you get here?" He asked. "After you split, I got worried. I called your dad who said you'd be here. He told me what happened. Did Nadakhan change something?" Nya asked and Jay shook his head. "No. Just revealed the secret of me being adopted." He said.

Nya noticed the picture of Jay's biological mother. "You have her eyes. She would be proud of you." She said and Jay nodded. "Anyway. We better meet up with the others. Good thing you didn't wish for anything else. So you have two wishes left." Jay looked away nervously. "One wish. He tricked me to wish a second time. He annoyed me so much." Nya sighed. "Then we better be aware of his manipulation. If he can trick people into wishing, then he's very dangerous." They both soon headed off.

Clancee was helping Monkey Wretch to get the ship unstuck after accidentally crashing between two rocks, said monkey screeched. "I'm pushing as hard as I can." Clancee said as Flintlocke watched, chuckling while shaking his head. He really liked the young snake. Always seen him as a son. Suddenly Nadakhan appeared. "So, did you snare a ninja?" Flintlocke asked and Nadakhan sighed. "Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned." He answered and Flintlocke thought a little. "If I can speak freely, you ain't getting them alone because they ain't got nothing to do but look out for each other. But, if you put us to work, Captain. Then when they're busy looking out for their own tails, they're all yours for the taking." Nadakhan scratched his chin while smirking. "Hmm. There's a reason I made you my first mate. Let's welcome back the rest of my old crew and get this bird in the sky." They both laughed.

The ninja all gathered in a tavern, in their civilian clothes. "I'm so tired of all this sneaking around." Kaya said, feeling very tired. Zane knew the reason, but didn't say anything as it wasn't a good time. "Easy, Kaya. We're all itching to get back into action. But so far two of our own have gone missing, and none of us have yet to lay an eye on him." Lloyd said and Zane nodded. "If only we knew someone who had faced him and could tell us what to expect." Nya sighed. "And Nadakhan is a master to manipulate people to make wishes." Jay nodded in agreement.

Suddenly they heard people gasp and look at the TV. "What's going on?" Cole asked before they all watched the news. "I don't know why this is news anymore, but Ninjago City's once again under attack by pirates. Or dare I say, Sky Pirates?" The reporter said and Lloyd looked at the others. "We have to help!" Zane quickly shook his head. "But we're fugitives." Kaya looked at him. "Doesn't matter. We protect the innocent. And Soto said the map is on that ship. If we wanna stop Nadakhan, we need it." She said and Nya smirked. "Well, what are we waiting for? I thought we were all itching to get back into action." They all soon headed off.

The police tried to stop Nadakhan's ship, but they're just got cannonballs shot at them. "I-It's been too long, Captain." Clancee said while happily steering the ship. "It has, hasn't it?" Nadakhan agreed with a grin. The ninja jumped over the rooftops, heading straight towards the ship. "For our own safety, travel in pairs. We need to protect the people, but also get that map." Lloyd said and they all nodded before splitting up. Suddenly he jumped down and landed infront of the cops. "Protect the people, commissioner. We'll take care of the menace." He said before running off. The commissioner glared at Simon.

"Why didn't you arrest them?" Simon looked at him nervously. "It sounds like they were trying to help." This made the commissioner scoff before grabbing a taser. "You might be soft, but I'm not." He ran after the ninja and Tommy chuckled a little. "Whoa, who knew the commish was so nimble?" Simon nodded in agreement.

The ship's anchor was being dragged in the road, destroying it in the process and threatening to hurt the citizens. "That is not cool. But this is!" Zane exclaimed and froze the anchor before using exploding shurikens to destroy it. The citizens looked at him and cheered. Flintlocke grinned and took up his gun. "Now it's my turn." He said and started to shoot at Zane, aswell as Nya. One of the bullets flew right past Nya's head, making her hood fly off. Flintlocke's eyes widened as he saw her face, seeing her looking like Delara.

Dogshank jumped infront of Cole. "Boy, you're real ugly." Cole said and Dogshank glared at him. "I'm not a boy. I'm a lady." She jumped onto Cole before picking him up and throwing him into a wall by Lloyd. Lloyd's eyes widened before Doubloon appeared infront of him from a spinjitzu tornado. "So he knows spinjitzu! Let's see if he knows airjitzu." Lloyd said before he and Cole used airjitzu to fly away, right towards the ship.

Jay was running towards the ship with Kaya when an explosive barrel fall towards them. "Look out!" He exclaimed and Kaya dodged the barrel, but it exploded which caused them to be sepereted. "Ugh. I'm okay." Jay said and Kaya saw the ship. "I'm going after that lantern." She said and ran off, making Jay's eyes widen. "Wait, we're supposed to stay together!" He tried stopping her, but it was too late. Before Kaya could react, Nadakhan grabbed her and teleported away. "No! Kaya!" Jay shouted. Nadakhan and Kaya arrived at a beach. "Huh? Where are we? What did you do?" She hissed and Nadakhan grinned.

"I thought a little privacy might be in order. You were in such a rush. For what? Let me help you. You can wish for it." He said and Kaya glared at her. "The only thing I wish is for you to take me back!" With a grin, Nadakhan nodded. "Your wish, is yours to keep." They soon went back in time, when Ninjago city was like a small village. "This isn't Ninjago City. This isn't my wish. I told you to take me back." Kaya said and Nadakhan smirked. "Ah, but how far back? This is Ninjago City. Dare I say, the humble beginnings of it." Suddenly Kaya saw someone carrying weapons.

"Wait a minute. Is that..." Her eyes widened. "Father." Young Ray knocked on one of the doors, the owner opening and glared at him. "Well, pirate activity is on the rise. Protect yourself with a custom-made weapon and-" He said before getting the door slammed in his face. With a sigh, Ray talked away. "Why won't you talk to your poor father? He's right there. You could spend some quality time." Nadakhan said and Kaya felt how she wanted to take a step forward. But that's when she looked at her weeding ring, remembering Cole and the others. "No. I wish you could take me back. Back to when things were good. Back to before all this mess! Where me and and everyone I know where happy." Nadakhan grinned. "Your wish, is yours to keep." He said and snapped his fingers.

Soon Kaya appeared in a Ninjago city, but she found it mysteriously empty. "Where is everyone? I said that-" Nadakhan interupted her. "You said a lot for one wish. Too much to make any sense. One thing I could get. Everyone you know is happy." Before Kaya could ask, everyone she knew appeared, but with big grins on their face and acting like zombies. "Be happy Kaya. It's what we want." The fake Nya said as they surrounded her.

Cole and Lloyd meanwhile dodged cannonballs that Monkey Wretch shot at them. Soon Cole turned invisible and snuck behind Monkey Wretch, throwing him off the ship. "Bad monkey. Now, where is the lantern? It's gotta be here somewhere." He said and looked around, not noticing Flintlocke aiming at him. "I ain't afraid to shoot you in the back." Suddenly he shot at Cole, only for the bullet to go through him and right into the realm crystal, making it shatter. "You shot the realm crystal!" Cole exclaimed. "How should I know you were a ghost?" Flintlocke argued before Cole knocked him back. He found the lantern and grabbed it before leaving the ship. "I got it. Let's get out of here." He exclaimed.

Kaya ran from the hord of the happy people, barricading herself inside a building. "Argh! This is-This is not what I wished for!" Nadakhan appeared. "You have one more wish. All of this can go away if you just say the words. Just wish it away and be done with it all." The hord soon broke through the barricade and slowly reached Kaya, cornering her. Her breath started to speed up as she felt panic rise inside of her. "I wish for all of it to go away!" She exclaimed before slapping her hand over her mouth, realizing her mistake. "Your wish, is yours to keep." Nadakhan grinned as Kaya got sucked into his sword, soon returning to his ship.

"Did you-" Flintlocke said and Nadakhan nodded. "Yes, we got what we came for. Let's go." The crew nodded before flying off. "We've got the lantern. Return to the meeting point." Cole contacted the others and Lloyd nodded. "I'm almost there." Suddenly the commissioner appeared and aimed the taser at him. "Freeze! Don't test me, Lloyd Garmadon!" He said and Lloyd took off his hood. "You know we're only trying to help. If you don't believe me, pull the trigger." The commissioner sighed and lowered the taser, letting Lloyd run off. "I hate when you're right." He said.

The ninja soon meet up, but soon noticed that Kaya was gone. "Where's Kaya?" Nya asked and Jay clenched his fists. "Nadakhan got her. He teleported her away." Everyone gasped as Cole closed his eyes. "No." Suddenly the ground started to rumble. "What was that?" Zane said. "I don't know. But I'm afraid to find out." Lloyd answered. The guard guarding the Bounty heard his dog bark. "What's wrong, Sir Chomps-A-Lot? Someone getting at that ship again? What in tarnation happened to Ninjago?" He exclaimed as he saw the crater of where the Bounty once were.

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