Wu was meditating in his room, Infront of him was a flute. Suddenly he heard noice from the training course and put the flute away before heading outside. There he saw the ninja training. They did different things when suddenly Zane accidentally froze the course, making the others fall. "The course isn't big enough for all of us." Kaya said as Cole helped her up. "No. It's not big enough for him." They looked at Zane that did his usual Zane thing. "It's like he's in another world." Jay groaned before Wu walked up to them.
"Is there a problem, my students?" Jay nodded. "Sensai Zane's kinda....weird." Wu looked at him while stroking his beard. "What's weird? Someone who's different, or someone who's different than you?" Cole shook his head. "No Sensai, his "weird" weird." All started to think back on weird things Zane did. Like when he walked into the bathroom when Cole was doing his business. When Jay and Nya was watching a romantic movie and Zane just laughed. Or when Kaya was going to the fridge and found Zane inside. "Don't get us wrong Sensai. We like Zane, but sometimes we can't understand him." Kaya said gently.
Wu looked at them. "Well he's your brother, and siblings can be different. Trust me, I know." He said a little hint of sadness as he thought about Garmadon. Soon the postman arrived. "Okay, let's see. A letter from Jay's parents. A sword care kit to Kaya. Oh and a letter from Cole's dad." Ha handed out to them before Cole looked at him confused. "What, no package from "Creatures, Beasts and Beyond". I know I ordered something from there." The postman looked closer. "No nothing from.. oh wait here it is!" Cole smiled and took the package. "Yes, Rocky is gonna love this." He ran off.
Kaya and Jay looked over to Zane. "Zane. How come you don't hear get anything from your parents?" Zane looked down sadly. "I don't remember my parents. My whole life, I've been a orphan." This shocked Kaya and Jay. "So you've never had a home?" Jay asked and Zane shook his head. Wu put a hand on his shoulder. "The monastery is your home." Kaya nodded. "Yeah. We're all your family. Just remember that you're not alone." A small smile appeared on Zane's face before he walked away saddened.
Cole arrived to his dragon. "Hey Rocky, look what I got for you. Liver and toads, your favorite." He gave Rocky the treat and petted him. Not knowing that Skales were spying through his eyes. "I still can't believe that you hypnotized one of the ninja. Does the general know about this?" A hypnobrai warrior asked and Skales scoffed. "Of course he dosen't. He's been put under the control of Lloyd. But I do plan to use it for my best interest." With that Slithraa approached them.
"Everyone works while you two just slack of. As my second-in-command Skales, I expected more from you." Skales hissed. "General. I don't like how you're accepting this childish agenda." Slithraa glared at him. "You know better than to question my judgement, Skales. I'll pretend you didn't say that." Soon Lloyd's voice was heard. "Hey! If we plan to rule Ninjago from this place, this elevator needs to have a trapdoor! I want more booby traps!" He exclaimed and Slithraa nodded. "As you wish, young Garmadon." Skales rolled his eyes. "As you wish, General." He walked off.
Later that evening at the monastery was the group eating dinner. "Oh boy, I love when Zane stand for the food." Jay said and Cole smirked. "Hey, I didn't hear anyone complain on my duck chowder last night." Kaya giggled. "Well, it did glue our mouths shut. Didn't you think it was weird that Jay was quiet the whole dinner." Jay chuckled. "Yeah. Don't make it again please." Zane soon walked in with more food. That's when the others laughed at him because of his pink apron.
"What is it that's so funny?" He asked confused. "Zane you have a.... Not even I and Kaya would wear one of those." Nya laughed and Zane looked at his apron. "Do you laugh because i want to keep my clothes clean?" Jay shook his head. "No. It's because you have a funny apron on." Zane was more confused. "I'm guessing that we don't have the same sense humor." Cole smirked. "How about this for humor." With that he threw a plate of shrimps in Jay's face. Everyone laughed before Wu poured soup on his head.
"Now you're brothers." A food fight soon started while Zane was still confused. Later he took out the trash, including his apron. A noice soon alerted him and he turned to see a falcon. It copied his movements, including when he danced. It flew away as Zane followed after it. He soon reached Lloyd treehouse and understood that the falcon wanted to warn him. The next day he told the others and they followed him.
"I don't think even Zane knows where he's leading us." Cole commented and Kaya looked at Zane. "Uh Zane. Could you tell us again how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret hideout?" Zane nodded. "I followed the bird." The others looked at him confused. "And why did you do that?" Jay asked. "Because it danced." This made Jay chuckle. "Okay, Was it the cuckoo bird or the bird?" The others laughed while Zane didn't understand. "Of course not. Cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests, everybody knows that." Jay sighed in frustration.
They soon arrived at the tree house where Lloyd was yelling at some snakes. "Hey watch it! No. Bigger! Come does it look like we have all day?! Hey it's not time for a lunch break." Cole looked around. "Wow, you where right Zane." Kaya nodded. "We gotta destroy that thing." Jay's eyes widened. "Woah, destroy it? But it's sooo cool." The others stared at him. "Which side are you on again?" Kaya's eyes scanned the treehouse carefully. "It looks like those three trees are supporting the whole thing. Which means that if we cut the ropes, the whole thing will fall like a card house." Zane tilted his head in confusion.
"Why would anyone build a house of cards? That would be careless." A sigh escaped Kaya before they planned their move. Sneakily they climbed the house while Lloyd was testing his new traps. "Mvuhahaha. Hey you hold this sign for me." A hypnobrai held up a sign that said "no girls or ninja allowed". Lloyd pulled a lever and the snake fell. "Boby trap!!" Lloyd laughed. Suddenly Jay and Zane did spinjitsu to cut the ropes. The tree house lost it's balance and some snakes even fell down. Lloyd looked outside and spotted Kaya.
"I said no ninja or girls!! Attack!!" Skales shook his head. "Retreat!" The snakes started to flee. "Cole! Wait intill we're safe of the tree house before you cut the rope." Kaya said to Cole who nodded. Skales turned to Cole. "You! You will obey my every Command." Cole soon got trapped in a trance. "I will obey your every command." The others landed on another roof. "Where's Cole?" Jay asked as they all looked around. "He better hurry. This place is going down." Suddenly Cole jumped next to them and glared at them. "No one leaves until you deal with me." He said with a grin.
Kaya's eyes widened. "Oh no! He must have been hypnotized!" Cole soon attacked them. While Skales put Lloyd in a cage. "We need the anti-venom in the staff." Zane said while avoiding the attacks. "Yeah. But it's at the monastery." Jay pointed out. Kaya soon thought about something. "I think I know." Quickly she rushed towards Cole and dodged his attacks. She managed to get close to him and kissed him. Cole's eyes widened as his heart beat faster. He snapped out of the trance and looked around confused. "What happened?" The others smiled.
"How did you know that would work?" Jay asked Kaya. "It's a theory me and Nya had. That doing something that raised someone's heartbeat would neutralize the Hypnobrai's powers." Suddenly they saw how a snake was about to cut the last rope. When suddenly a flute was heard, making the snake hold it's ears in pain. It fell down and the ninja saw Nya and Wu on Kaya's dragon. "You better hop on. Because this whole place is about to fall." They hopped on the dragon before they flew away. Leaving the treehouse to fall.
"That flute. It seems to affect the serpentine." Jay pointed out. "It's the same age as the Serpentine themselves. And it's the only one left. But we need to go back, the monastery is unguarded." Wu said as they headed to the monastery. But to their fear, it was burning. They landed on and tried to put out the flames. Kaya used her power to calm the flames. But it was already too late. Everything was destroyed. Cole let out the dragons.
Everyone was in sorrow. Their home was gone and they didn't have anywhere to go. Cole and Jay turned to Zane with mad expressions. "If you hadn't followed that bird, this wouldn't have happened." The former yelled. The others were shocked. "Cole!" Wu scolded but Jay interupted. "No sensai, he's right. Because of him everything is gone." Zane looked at them. "Maybe we can learn from this." Cole got more mad. "Learn from this? Everything is gone! Don't you understand?" Wu then shouted. "Enough! We're all at fault. Zane is your brother. Apologize at once!" Kaya nodded.
"I agree. Zane couldn't have known this would happen." Cole and Jay calmed down. Knowing they were right. They turned towards Zane. "Sorry Zane. We.." But when they looked up they saw that Zane was gone. "Zane?" Everyone soon saw how Zane was flying away on his dragon. Later they say in a makeshift windshield, eating "dinner". Kaya made some grimaces. "Uh. What is it We're eating again?" Cole sighed. "Mud newt. Not bad for something from under ground." Jay got disgusted and threw away a piece.
"We must all be grateful with what we have." Wu said and the others sighed. "Yeah. But our home is gone." Kaya looked up with a saddened smile. "Wanna know something? What I miss most is not our home. It's." Cole nodded. "Zane." Jay agreed. "Yeah. I really miss him too." Nya looked at something in the distance. "Zane?" She said and Jay looked at her. "Yeah. You know Zane. Weird but smart." Nya shook her head and pointed. "No, Zane!!" They all turned to see Zane. "Zane!!!!" Quickly they run and hugged him.
"Zane. We're so so sorry about what we said." Zane just smiled. "You don't need to apologize to me." Cole looked at him confused. "But the bad thing we said to you? Wasn't it why you left?" Zane shook his head. "Ofcourse not. I saw the Falcon again and followed him." Kaya giggled. "That's our Zane." Nya smiled at him "We're so happy to have you back." A small smirk appeared on Zane's face. "Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?" Everyone laughed.
"Yes, Zane. We would love for you to make dinner." Wu grabbed his shoulder. "But I've already made it. Come follow me. I want to show you what I've found. I think you'll all be so pleased." They all followed him to the Sea of Sand. "I can't explain it, but I feel like I have a strange connection with the Falcon. I think he's trying to help to show us the path we need to take." Zane said with a small smile. "So what was it you wanted to show us?" Kaya asked and Zane pointed at a ship in the sand. "Our new home." Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.
Jay sniffed the air, feeling the scent of something sweet and delicious. "Do I smell pie?" Zane nodded. "Oh yes. Cobbler berry. Oh, and I made myrtle berry and apple and-" Before he could finish the others raced to the ship. Wu looked at Zane proudly. "I'm so proud of you, Zane. One day, I promise. We will find your family." He got a thankful smile from Zane. "But I've already found them." This surprised Wu who chuckled. "I feel there's more to you than meets the eye. There's something special about you, Zane." Zane smiled before thinking. "Sensei, will I become the Green Ninja?" Wu thought a little.
It's too early to tell, but if it's in your path, you'll know. Come now. It would be a shame to let them to eat all that pie." They soon joined the others happily. The only one not happy was Lloyd who was standing far away from the ship. Skales had dared Slithraa to a slither pit and he won, which made him the new general. And Lloyd got thrown out. But he also found a map in the ice and took it without anyone knowing.
He just stared towards the ship and wished he could have a family like that. With a sigh he walked off. All alone and sad.
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