Grave danger
The ninja and Selena was traveling under in the ocean inside of R.E.X., under the water surface. "We're almost at the tomb of the first spinjitzu master." Zane informed as he checked their location. "Yeah. Can't believe we're almost there after all we've been through." Jay said while Kaya and Cole looked outside, feeling their pulse go up a little. "I can't believe I'm underwater." Kaya said and Cole nodded. "Yeah. Um, how thick is this glass?" He asked before tapping it a little. "Don't do that." Selena said before Wu contacted them.
"We're heading to your location now. With Morro already ahead of you and able to foresee the traps protecting the tomb with the sword of sanctuary, it's going to be up to you four to find the realm crystal before he does." He informed and Jay nervously laughed. "Hehe, Cole's a ghost, Kaya can't swim, we have no magical sword or elemental powers. What could go wrong?" Pyther crossed his arms. "You're probably just jinxed it." He said as no one saw the leviathan that followed them.
Misako then held up a scroll. "I may not know the three tests you're about to face, but I discovered a riddle that makes reference to it that may help. A spinjitzu master can. A spinjitzu master cannot. To move forward, don't look ahead, to find his resting spot." This just made them confused. "Huh. That's food for thought." Cole said before Jay saw the leviathan behind them. "Speaking of food, we're about to be some! Pyther was right. I jinxed it." The others turned to see the leviathan that chased them. "We have to go faster! Much faster!" Kaya exclaimed before Cole went faster.
Selena looked back at the leviathan and took a deep breath. "Miniscurem!" She shouted, and the leviathan shrunk down to the size of a goldfish. "Ha! Take that shrimp!" Jay gleefully said before they continued on their way. Soon they arrived at the tomb and jumped out of R.E.X. "If you wanna hide a tomb, this looks like a good place. We're here." Cole said as they walked around, Jay soon found a piece of cloth on a rock. "Argh! There goes any hope Morro couldn't find this place." He complained and Kaya looked at him. "Hey, stay positive. We're about to risk our lives going through traps we know nothing about. All we have to rely on is each other. At least feel luck we got this far." Jay rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. What was I thinking? Hey, there goes any hope Morro couldn't find the tomb! We're not alone! Yay! Now we're gonna have to fight him again! Sure we got our tails handed to us last time, but you never know in the future, because ninja never quit! Better?" He said sarcastically and Kaya just ignored him. "I'll take it." Zane suddenly saw a statue. "Look!" He said and they all saw the statue of the first spinjitzu master. "The first spinjitzu master. Creator of all Ninjago." Cole said before they all bowed in respect.
Suddenly Selena remembered something. "Wait. The aeroblades." She said before they turned towards R.E.X. "Destination reached. Auto return initiated." It said before starting up. "Auto return? No, no! Bad, R.E.X.! Bad!" Jay exclaimed before the ship submerged into the water, leaving the group stranded. "Our aeroblades were in there." Zane pointed out and Selena sighed. "Ugh, not to mention our only way back." Jay just chuckled nervously. "Hey, stay positive! Who needs a way back when we gotta go that way?" Kaya rolled her eyes. "No weapons, no powers, no problem. We can do this, guys. As long as we got each other, right?" Cole put a hand on her shoulder. "Teammates sharpen teammates." The others nodded before they headed into the first test.
They arrived in a room with a lot of doors, eachother having a different symbol and statues on top. "This is the first test." Cole said and Jay nervously looked around. "Ooh! Why did it have to be tests? Why can't the tomb just be protected by dragons? We're good with dragons." Kaya looked at the doors. "I think we're suppose to pick a door, but which one?" She said and Jay tried to remember what Misako said. "Um, what was it Misako said?" Zane turned to him. "A spinjitzu master can. A spinjitzu master cannot. To move forward, don't look ahead, to find his resting spot." He answered. "A spinjitzu master can. Can what?" Selena asked as she looked closer at the small statues over the doors.
"Sixteen doors, for the other sixteen realms?" Jay guessed and Cole shrugged. "Well, could be. But let me guess, pick the wrong door and we'll be in a realm of hurt." Jay groaned. "Oh, I wish we had the sword right about now." He complained before Selena looked at the statues, from one way to another. "Look. This one have a tornado. This could be the one, right?" Jay said before reaching for it. "Don't!" Selena exclaimed while Zane stopped him. "We're inside a zoetrope." He said, making Cole confused. "A zoe-what?" Kaya looked at him. "A zoetrope. The engravings in rapid succession creates a moving image." She explained and Cole nodded a little, still not getting it.
"Meaning, that the statues gives us a clue for which symbol to go through. We just need to spin." Kaya's eyes widened. "A Spinjitzu Master can. Do spinjitzu!" She exclaimed and Zane nodded. "Exactly." Suddenly he used spinjitsu to see the statues making a symbol, before stopping and pointing at a door. "That one. That's the door out." Cole looked at him skeptically. "I don't know, Zane. Isn't that the same door we came in? Are you sure?" Zane just scoffed. "Are you sure you want to doubt a nindroid?" Kaya shook her head. "Open the door. Let's find out." Jay soon opened the door, leading them to the second test.
Their eyes widened when they saw the different room. "But...that's wasn't here before. How can it be the way, if that's the way we came in?" Cole asked and Selena shrugged. "Well, welcome to the tomb of the first spinjitzu master." She said as they looked around.
The others meanwhile was on the Bounty nearby, keeping watch. "These are the coordinates Ronin's ship had directed them to." Misako informed and Wu nodded. "Then the tomb is right below here." Pyther looked down at the water, feeling worried. "Hope they're okay." Misako gently put a hand on his shoulder. Nya watched through a telescope, seeing the other ghosts on a boat. "That's not all that's here. Morro's friends must have paid a visit, but I don't see Ghoultar. The ninja must have already taken care of-" She then gasped as she saw Soul Archer watching them aswell. "They know we're here. Should I arm the cannons?" Wu shook his head. "No. Getting into unnecessary battles only distracts us from preparing for the necessary ones still ahead. We wait, but just in case, how is your water training coming?" Nya sighed.
"I can move water, but it's not like I can control it. Whatever." Wu raised an eyebrow. "Whatever?" He soon sighed and looked at Misako. "Ronin's indifference is rubbing off on her." Misako nodded. "That girl has always put too much pressure on herself. If she's moving water, perhaps it's working." Pyther slithered over to Nya and hugged her, making her smile and hug back. The ghosts meanwhile was still watching them. "Why don't we attack?" Bansha asked and Soul Archer looked at her. "Look at where we are. We can't risk losing our boat. Let's see who flinches first." Both grinned as they watched them.
In second test chamber, Kaya saw a golden sensei staff. "The staff of the first spinjitzu master." She said and Cole looked around. "Wait! This is the second test, remember? Zane, what do you think?" Zane looked around, but neither he nor Pixal could find anything. "Pixal can see no pattern. For this riddle room, I'm at a loss." Jay rubbed his chin. "Think about it. The first test was a spinjitzu master can. So this one's a spinjitzu master cannot. Though, saying it out loud, I don't like the sound of that." Selena stepped forward, accidentally setting off a trap by stepping on a tile.
Arrows flew towards them, but luckily they dodged them. "Is everyone okay?" Kaya asked and Zane nodded. "Oh, that was a close one." Jay nodded. "Every step, uh, a trap." They all looked at the staff. "How does one reach the staff if it becomes more difficult with every step to get there? If I'm correct, this riddle room poses quite the conundrum." Zane asked and Cole wondered. "So if a spinjitzu master can't do it, how are we supposed to reach the staff?" Kaya took a step forward. "Maybe if we don't touch the floor?" She used airjitzu, but some crystals glew, activating more traps.
They all dodge a big boulder. "Guess not." Kaya said and Selena looked at the crystals. "Motion detector crystals. Meaning we can't got through the air. Maybe." She tried used her magic on the staff. But it glew bright and the magic bounced through the chamber, activating more traps which made the floor fall. They all tried more and more things, but more traps got activated anyway. Soon the floor fell more and more. "Will everyone please stop moving!?" Jay exclaimed in panic.
Soul Archer was still watching the Bounty. "Still no movement?" Bansha asked and Soul Archer shook his head. "They are waiting, like we are." He answered. "Why are we waiting!? We should be attacking when they least expect it. I thought we weren't afraid of anything." Bansha complained and Soul Archer sighed. "Very well, but now is not the time. We'll need to be strategic about it. Patience." He grinned at her.
The ninja and Selena was now standing on a tile each, as the floor was almost completely gone. "This test is really hard." Kaya said and Cole nodded. "Exactly. If one take a step they trigger one more trap, I don't know how much more we can take." Jay sighed. "The clue clearly said this is a test a spinjitzu master cannot do. So why are we not listening to the clue!?" He said and Selena groaned. "Ugh. At this point. We should just give up." This made both Kaya and Cole look at eachother, realizing something. "That actually make sense. If we can't get the staff. Then it means-" Kaya started and Cole nodded. "It's a trick? What if the reason we can't do it is because we were never meant to reach the staff? What is the first rule of being a ninja?" He asked.
"A ninja never quits." Zane answered. "Exactly, and that's why we can't do it. Because a ninja would never give up." Kaya said and Jay glared at them. "So we should give up!? Are you fucking crazy!?" He exclaimed. "This time, trust us." Cole said before he and Kaya jumped into the abyss, making the others look at them in shock. "Whoo-hoo! Haha! Come on down and enjoy the ride!" Cole exclaimed in glee. "Come on!" Kaya added before the others looked at eachother and shrugged before jumping down aswell, landing on a slide.
They all laughed as the slid down the slide, going through loops and just feeling the thrill. Soon they landed on the ground of a chamber with crystal walls. "That was fun. But we need to focus. What's the next test?" Kaya asked as Jay climbed up a wall, looking around. "Oh, it's a maze! I'm great at mazes!" He answered as they all started to walk around. Kaya's eyes soon landed in her reflection, showing herself as an old woman. "Huh! Whoa! If my reflection means anything, I'm starting to think we won't be breaking out of this maze any time at all." Zane looked at his reflection, almost the same, but with some rust. "My reflection. Is I look older, but our attire is different. I don't believe these reflections reveal our inability to escape, but a mere glimpse of our future selves." He informed.
"Misako said, to move forward, don't look ahead. Is that what it means?" Cole asked before seeing his own reflection, as a human with a scar over his eye. "Huh? I'm gonna get back to normal in the future." Kaya smiled and walked up to him. "Seems like it." An older version of Pyther slithered up to their reflections, aswell as two other people. A man and woman in red and black. Both looking like a mix of both Kaya and Cole. Their eyes widened before smiling at eachother.
Selena saw her reflection and smile, when the reflection of an older Lloyd walked up to her. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. A smile appeared on Selena's face as she touched her cheek. "Hey look! I'm gonna get an eye patch. Oh. Me and Nya gonna get married in the future too." Jay smiled at his reflection of him and Nya. "Good to know you two are still together." Cole told her best friend. Suddenly Selena felt something. "He's here!" She exclaimed before Morro cut through a wall.
"Morro!" They all exclaimed as Morro sighed. "All you ninja do is talk. Blah, blah, blah. I'll stop you from talking!" He said before he started to attack them with the sword. "Aah! He's attacking unarmed people." Jay exclaimed before Selena sent a blast towards Morro who dodged it. "I'm so done with you." She said and sent stalactites towards him. "Foolish sorceress." Morro said as he cut through evert single one. That's when Kaya saw how more appeared as you cut one. "Selena! Use them to trap him!" Selena nodded glared at Morro. "Stalaticia!" She banged her hand into the ground, making stalactites grow around Morro.
He growled and started to cut them, more just growing in their place. "No! You can't trap me. I'll find you, ninja. Just wait, you'll see!" The others looked at eachother. "Quick, how do we get out of here?" Jay asked. "To move forward, don't look ahead." Cole said and Jay groaned. "Don't look ahead? What does that mean?" Suddenly Kaya saw another reflection, but of her in her first ninja suit. "Guys. Look at this." The others looked and saw their reflections of their past selves. "Out past selves. Wait a minute. Don't look ahead." Cole said and Selena gasped. "Look in the past!" She said before they all slowly walked towards the wall, carefully stepping through it into another chamber.
"What? What is it?" Jay asked before they saw a skeleton. "It's him. The first spinjitzu master." Kaya said before they all bowed in respect, Selena using her magic to conjure up flowers by the grave. That's when Zane's eyes landed on something in the skeleton's hands. "The realm crystal." He said before Selena picked it up, feeling it's energy inside. "How does it work?" Jay asked before they heard a familiar voice. "How it works is you'll hand over the crystal, or say goodbye to your friend." They turned around to see Morro holding the sword against Lloyd's throat. "Lloyd!" Selena exclaimed in worry. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him." Lloyd weakly said.
Morro just held the sword closer. "So what'll it be?" The others turned to eachother in concern. "If we hand him the crystal, he'll usher the reign of his queen, cursing Ninjago and every realm." Zane informed. "But if we don't, when has he never made good on a threat? Look at Lloyd. He's too weak to protect himself." Cole pointed out and Jay grunted. "Ugh, either option totally stinks. What do you think, Kaya, Selena? What do we do?" He asked while both Kaya and Selena looked at Lloyd in worry. "Looks like the decision is up to you two. So choose." Morro grinned while moving the blade closer to Lloyd's throat.
On the Bounty was Misako looking for the ghost's ship, without seeing anything. "Why so concerned?" Wu asked. "Their ship went behind that rock five minutes ago but still hasn't passed." Misako answered and Pyther looked over the seas nervously. "Maybe they gave up?" But that's when Wu's eyes widened in realization. "Raise the sails. Now!" He exclaimed before they all saw the ghost's ship speeding towards them, Soul Archer shooting arrows at them. "Nya! If that arrow ghosts the Bounty, there won't be much to stand on." Wu said before Nya quickly summoned a wall of water, blocking the arrows. Wu turned towards Misako. "Hurry, Misako. I said raise the sails!" But Misako turned towards him with glowing yellow eyes. "Not Misako, only Bansha!" Bansha said through Misako. "Oh fudge." Pyther said in fear.
Morro was getting inpatient. "Stop stalling! Give me the realm crystal, or else!" Kaya turned towards him. "We're not stalling! We're thinking!" She said before huddling with the others. "He's right, we're stalling. What are we gonna do?" Selena sighed. "I don't know. I can't risk using my magic. He's holding the blade too close to Lloyd." Cole growled. "Ugh, this guy really chaps my hide. I swear, when this is all over..." He clenched his fists, making the ground slightly shake. Kaya's eyes widened. "Our powers. Now that Morro's out of Lloyd's body, they're starting to come back." Jay nodded.
"Yeah, but like Lloyd, they're weak. And we're in no position to fight back." He argued before Kaya got a plan. "Leave that to me. Be ready." She said while secretly heating up the crystal. "Time's up! You leave me no choice." Morro said and was about to end Lloyd. "Wait! We'll give you the realm crystal!" Kaya said and threw it towards him. Morro laughed and let go of Lloyd before catching it, burning his hand which forced him to drop it in the river. "The crystal! What have you done!?" He exclaimed and used wind to push Lloyd into the river. "Lloyd!" The others exclaimed.
Nya kept holding up the wall of water, but felt herself getting exhausted. "I can't keep this up!" She said while Wu was dodging the mind controlled Misako. "Bansha is controlling her, and I can't remember how to stop the spell." He said before Nya looked at them. "How's this for a refresher?" She soon sprayed water onto Misako, breaking the spell. "Uh, what just happened?" Misako asked before the ghost's ship crashed into a rock. "Ha! Take that you see through turds!" Pyther teased them.
In the tomb was the ninja and Selena watching after Lloyd in worry. "Lloyd!" Selena exclaimed before diving into the water, swimming towards him. Kaya and Cole followed while Jay and Zane fought Morro. "Now we're more equal." Zane said before freezing the sword, making it unable for Morro to see the reflection. "Nice one, Zane!" Jay said as they continued to fight.
Selena reached Lloyd and grabbed a hold of him. "Got you." She said as she tried swimming towards the shore, but she was struggling. "Oh no. It's too heavy. They're not gonna make it!" Cole said as Kaya looked at Lloyd and Selena. She flashed back to when she saved Nya and then Lloyd. Her eyes then narrowed before she jumped into the water. "Kaya!" Cole exclaimed as she got to the surface, slowly starting to swim towards them both. Soon she grabbed onto them and used her powers to boost them towards the edge. "I got you." She said.
Jay and Zane continued to fight Morro, when he suddenly knocked them down. His eyes turned towards the realm crystal that fell down a waterfall. "No!" He shouted and jumped after it, using wind to grab it before heading off. Kaya got to the edge and helped Selena and Lloyd up. "You did it. You swam." Cole said as he and the others walked up to them. Kaya smiled. "I did." Jay looked towards the exit. "But Morro's getting away. Let's go after him." He said and the others shook their heads. "No. We need to focus on Lloyd." Zane said and Jay nodded. Selena put Lloyd's head onto her lap and gently stroke his cheek. Slowly his eyes opened up. "Selena? Guy?" He said and Selena smiled with teary eyes. "You're back." She said and kissed him. Lloyd's eyes widened before he kissed back, making the others smile in relief.
Morro got to the boat, seeing it sink while Soul Archer and Bansha held onto it for dear afterlife. "Ugh! Must I do everything!?" He groaned. "You have the realm crystal. Let's get out of here." Soul Archer said before they used the crystal to travel to the cursed realm. Nya and the others looked in shock. "They took the realm crystal!" Nya exclaimed while Misako looked around. "But what about the others?" That's when they saw the ninja and Selena walking out of the tomb, supporting Lloyd. "They made it! All right!" Pyther said happily. "I knew they could, thank goodness!" Wu sighed in relief while Misako held over her heart in relief. "My son. They've saved him!" Wu nodded.
Lloyd turned towards the others. "You all sacrificed so much to save me." Kaya smiled and ruffled his hair. "Heh, I promised to look after you, didn't I, Green Bean?" She teased and Lloyd laughed before remembering about Morro. "But now Ninjago's gonna be cursed." Zane smiled gently. "Yes, but now we have you." Jay nodded in agreement. "And now our powers are back." Cole grinned. "As you get strong, so will we. And they haven't even seen us at full strength." They all shot their powers into the air, ready to take down Morro.
Meanwhile in the cursed realm had Morro and the others returned. He slowly walked up towards a throne of bones and bowed. "My queen. We got the crystal. Now our plan is ready to be executed." From the throne stood the queen of the cursed realm. Specteria.
She grinned and grabbed the crystal. "Good, you weren't useless after all. Soon my dear, you'll be free. Aswell as all of us. While the other sixteen realms will be mine." A maniacal laugh came from her while Morro and the other ghosts laughed with her.
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