Enter the digiverse

At Borg's tower was Pixal plugging a cord into himself, giving power so Cyrus could fix with the digiverse. He and Zane smiled at eachother. "I think we should put the main switch over here to keep it tucked away a little. With a little ingenuity and a few more coaxial cables, we may be able to reboot the system with the techno blades lades and erase the digital Overlord for good." Cyrus told them and Jay looked at him in confusion. "I thought you said we needed the stolen hard drive to do that." He said and Cyrus nodded.

"I did. But that was before I truly understood the entire capabilities of what Zane's powers truly allow us." Cole crossed his arms. "And what is that?" He asked and Cyrus smiled. "A chance to enter remotely. By the time we figure out where Lloyd is, it'll be too late to stop the Overlord from draining his golden power." Nya looked at him. "And escaping the digiverse?" Cyrus nodded. "Exactly. But if we digitize the ninja and techno blades using my experimental technology, you could fight him on his own turf inside the digiverse." Jay's eyes shined up a little. "What do you mean, inside the digiverse?" Cole sighed. "He's going to put us into the video game." Jay smiled more. "I know, heh, I just wanted to hear it again!" He exclaimed and was close to exploding.

Pixal turned to Cyrus with a concerned expression. "But, father. If anything were to happen to them inside the program-" Cyrus nodded at hit. "Of course. Every step into the unknown has its dangers." Kaya's eyes widened. "What dangers? What is he talking about?" She asked and Cyrus nervously chuckled. "You know how in video games you get multiple lives?" Jay nodded. "Yeah, the best mechanic ever." Cyrus nodded. "It's not like that." Everyone's eyes widened. "So in other words. We die in real life if we die inside this game. Great time to not remember any ninja skills." Kaya said as some images of her training in the monastery flashed infront of her eyes.

The machine soon started up. "Presto! We're up and running!" Cyrus exclaimed, when the citizens suddenly appeared. "Aha! You see? Borg is holding out on us. He does have power." The postman said and Cyrus sighed in annoyence. "Oh, this is no time for more post-apocalyptic role playing, Postman." But the postman just scoffed. "This isn't a game anymore. We heard about the nindroid activity. What if they come back? We need power to defend ourselves. And I wanna catch up on my shows. Take back the power!" Soon he and the other citizens started to attack the computer.

The ninja tried to hold them back. "No, stop!" Cole exclaimed. "We're trying to help you!" Kaya added when golden energy surrounded them. They all stopped and looked in shock. "Where's all the power coming from?" Nya asked as Cyrus got more nervous. "Golden energy. It's already begun. The Overlord has started the transference." He said, making the others more concerned.

In the mechdragon was Lloyd groaning as his powers got sucked out of him. "Soon you will be utterly powerless. And I will escape this digital prison and become whole, and nothing will stop me from becoming the golden master!" Overlord laughed as Lloyd looked down.

Outside Borg's tower, nindroids started to appere with Pythor and Tech Wu leading them. "Quick, Pixal, we must isolate our server. If he finds out our plan to use the techno blades remotely, the ninja won't stand a chance." Cyrus said and Pixal nodded before isolating the server. "Isolating server. Sir, we have an abnormal mass of power signatures." He pointed out and Cyrus's eyes widened. "Aah! They're already here. Initiate lockdown." With a press, he activate the barricade around the tower. Pythor hissed and turned towards the nindroids. "The techno blades are on the top floor. What are you waiting for? Get rid of that door!" He commanded as the nindroids started to shot at the barricade.

"Be seated, ninja. There isn't much time." Cyrus said as the ninja sat down in the chairs. Nya turned towards the citizens with a serious expression. "Do something useful and make sure those nindroids don't get up here. If you ever wanna see your favorite shows again, you better get downstairs, now!" She exclaimed and the citizens nodded before heading downstairs. "Once we're inside, what do we do?" Zane asked as Cyrus pressed some buttons. "Put simply, reboot the system. All source code travels through the heart of the mainframe. Follow it and you'll find a glowing activation port. The techno blades are the keys to activate the reboot and erase all corruption from the system." This made the ninja nodding understandingly.

Cole then looked at Kaya who seemed a little worried. "Don't worry Kaya. I believe in you. I won't let anything happen to you." Kaya blushed a little and gave a gentle, thankful smile. "Thank you. You're really great with your word." This caused Cole to blush back. "Remember, I wrote the code, but he controls it. His turf, his rules. I'll do my best to keep you hidden from here, but the longer you go unnoticed, the better chance you have to succeed." Cyrus informed the ninja as Pixal connected them to the chairs. He looked at Zane. "Be careful in there." His voice full of concern. With gentle hands, Zane grabbed his hands. "I will come back to you." They shared a quick kiss before Pixal walked up to the control panel.

"Prepare for entry." Cyrus exclaimed as Cole thought about something. "How do we know this is really gonna work and won't disintegrate us instantly?" He asked nervously and Cyrus thought about it. "Hm. I'm not sure. Let's see." With that he pushed a big button, sending the ninja into the digiverse. "Did it work?" Kaya asked while holding her head. Cole looked out of the window and saw all digital code. "I think it did. Look." They all looked around in amazement. "This is most definitely the digiverse." Zane held up his hand, showing the digital code.

Jay was bouncing in excitement. "And this is most definitely awesome! If this is a dream, don't wake me up." He said while running around like a kid in a candy store. Kaya looked around before getting flashes of her and the others retrieving the golden weapons. She shook her head, needing to keep focus. Jay continued to explore before falling on his face. "Ow, that hurt." Zane helped him up. "We know that we can still get hurt in the digiverse. Let's stay on task. We have the keys. Now let's find that activation port." They all held up the techno blades.

Outside the tower, the nindroids broke through the barricade. But that's when the were met with the citizens that attacked them. While that happened, Lloyd was still having his powers extracted. That's when he remembered his father's words. "He who holds the power has a tremendous obligation. You must be prepared to handle this journey alone. Even without me one day." Overlord laughed. "You are all alone, golden ninja. Nothing can save you now." He grinned.

Pixal checked up on the ninja, seeing that they were fine so far. "Vitals are strong." He informed Cyrus who sighed in relief. "So far, so good. He hasn't detected them yet." The ninja arrived at a ledge and looked down. "Borg was right. The source code appears to be moving toward the same location." Zane pointed out. "Then let's follow it." Kaya said, but Cole sighed. "Easier said than done." Jay just grinned in excitement. "Aren't you forgetting, we're in a video game, whoo-hoo!" The other's eyes widened as he jumped off the ledge and landed on a plattform completely unharmed.

"Haha, video games rule!" He laughed in glee. "How did you do that?" Kaya asked. "Just imagine it!" Jay answered before the others shrugged and jumped down aswell. Cole caught Kaya in his arms. The two locked eyes and blushed. "Thank you." Kaya said as Cole let her down. "You're welcome." He answered, getting deja Vu from it. Cyrus continued to check up on them. "They're doing it. They're mastering the digital world. I must buy them more time-" He got interupted by his spider legs attacking him.

"Argh! My legs! They're back!" Nya ran to help him before looking at Pixal. "Stay with them! If the Overlord finds them in the system, it's all over!" She said and Pixal nodded before he checked in on the ninja. That's when he gasped. "He's already found them." The ninja was looking at the code before Cole pointed downwards. "Everything is flowing to the bottom of the building. The ashes of the Overlord." Jay nodded in agreement. "When Lloyd defeated him in the ultimate battle." Zane looked at them. "It must be where the corruption all started." He informed.

Cole turned towards the others with a nod. "We're close. Let's go." As they took a step, they started to get pulled into the ground. "Argh! Who's imagining this? I can't move my feet." Jay exclaimed as the others denied doing it. That's when Overlord's laugh was heard. "You think you can come into my world and get rid of me?" Zane tried to reach a crane, but he couldn't. "I can't get it. I can't reach it." Jay groaned as he tried to get up. "Uh, I have a sinking feeling this is it, guys." Pixal's eyes widened. "The ninja, they're being consumed by the corrupted program." He turned towards Nya and Cyrus who was struggling with the spider legs. "We're all a bit consumed." Nya said while pushing back the spider legs.

The postman appeared on the screen. "We couldn't stop them. They're coming up! This time, the postman does not deliver!" A nindroid attacked him. Now they all were in big trouble. Cyrus turned to Nya. "Unh! Go, these are my legs, and my problem." Nya nodded and headed out of the office. "I'll try to hold the rest of them back." She tapped on her bracelet, calling her mech.

"Pixal, listen to me closely. You need to bypass the main subnet, argh, overwrite the existing corrupted code." Cyrus told Pixal who nodded. "Yes father." He quickly managed to take control of a crane, saving the ninja who sighed in relief. "I temporarily altered the corrupted code. Hurry, I can only resist him for so long." The crane but exploded into code and Cole turned to the others. "We have to get to that activation port, quick!" Jay sighed as he looked down. "Ugh, It's all downhill from here!" Overlord's voice was heard. "Just because your friend thinks he can change the rules doesn't mean I can't play the same game! This is my world!" The digiverse started to rumble before everything turned upside down. Luckily the ninja managed to get inside the building again. "Ugh. Well, that gives us a new perspective." Kaya said with an exhausted sigh.

Pythor entered the tower with Tech Wu and the nindroids. They arrived in the corridor where Nya was standing. "I'll give you one chance to surrender." Cryptor just laughed. "So cute." He teased as Nya smirked before seeing her mech flying towards them. "I hate it when people call me cute." The mech flew into the corridor and Nya jumped inside, changing into her samurai suit. "Huh! Would you look at that? You made me break a nail." She teased before attacking the nindroids. Pythor and Tech Wu used the opportunity to continue upstairs.

The ninja kept climbing upwards. Jay panted in exhaustion. "Ugh, hey. We're not thinking big enough. Why climb when we could do this?" He jumped outside and summoned his raider. The others chuckled a little. "Okay let's make sure he doesn't play that much games when we get out." Cole said before he summoned his mech as Zane summoned his copter. Kaya looked at them a little skeptical before jumping and summoned her elemental bike. "Ha. This baby is ready." She drove up with the others. "Let's get to the top." Cole said and Jay smirked. "You mean bottom." They soon continued to the core.

Cyrus continued to fight with his spider legs, when he suddenly saw Tech Wu and Pythor about to hurt the ninja. "Argh! Ugh! Oh, no. Pixal, protect the ninja!" Pixal turned towards the ninja and quickly attacked both Tech Wu and Pythor, disarming them. Cyrus suddenly got grabbed by a copter. "Father!" Pixal exclaimed and Cyrus looked at him. "Argh! Pixal, it's all up to you now!" He said before the nindroid flew off with him.

The ninja had reached the heart and looked in amazement. "The reboot activation port! It can't be that easy, can it?" Zane pointed out and Cole shrugged. "I'm not gonna stand around to find out." Kaya took up her blade. "Then let's hack it." The others nodded before they put their blades into the port, activating it. "Ninja, go!" The exclaimed when the digital Overlord suddenly appeared, stopping the rebooting.

"Enough! You may have beaten my program, but you cannot beat me!" He used a light to knock them back. "He's blocked the reboot signal. We have to complete the circuit." Zane exclaimed and Jay looked at Overlord nervously. "Unh! We have to move him?" Kaya shrugged. "We can try." They went in for an attack, but Overlord grinned before knocking them back. "And you can fail!" He exclaimed.

Pixal kept fighting Pythor and Tech Wu. But that's when he accidentally threw Tech Wu next to main switch. "Turn off the master switch." Pythor ordered as Pixal's eyes widened. "No! The ninja will be left behind in the program forever." Pythor just grinned. "Just like they left me in the Devourer. Do it!" Tech Wu reached for the switch, when a nindroid suddenly ran up to him and threw him away. It took if tha mask, revealing Garmadon. "You're back." Pixal said in relief as Pythor hissed. "But your oath! You said you'd never fight." Garmadon glared at him with hatred in his eyes.

"When you took my son, all bets were off." A hiss escaped Pythor. "You're too late. Your son's already ours." He escaped and Garmadon turned to Tech Wu who was outside. Quickly, he jumped next to him in battle stance. "Sorry, brother, it ends now." Tech Wu grinned. "Sweet dreams." The two of them started to fight.

The ninja continued to try to fight Overlord. "Fools! All your existence, you have been powered by a lie, that the good guys always win." He mocked. "He's too big." Kaya said, sounding out of breath. "Sadly, they don't." Zane shook his head. "We cannot fail." Overlord grinned and laughed. "I have the power now. Technology has made me infinite! The golden ninja is mine!" Lloyd meanwhile was trying to fight the extraction. "I am not alone. I am not alone." He said determined, when Zane's voice spoke in his head. "You're not alone!" Lloyd stood up.

"I am not alone!" They all heard his voice and Zane turned towards Overlord. "You're wrong, Overlord. Good guys may not always win, but they never give up." His suit suddenly turned golden. "If we can't move him, go around him." With quick feet, he jumped onto the digital Overlord's head. "What? Zane, you're gold." Kaya said and Zane nodded. "Exactly. Even in the darkness, we have the choice to reflect the light. Cole, get into the light." He shot a light as Cole nodded before running towards the light, his suit turning gold too. "Ugh, you're a genius. Catch the light, Jay." Jay ran into the light, getting a golden suit too. "Kaya, run to your position." Kaya nodded as she ran into the light.

But as she was almost there, the digital Overlord hit her. "I'm too big to fail now." Overlord grinned. "Kaya!" The others cried out. "Now, too little, too late. I won't allow!" Overlord grinned as Kaya hit the wall with her head first. As the big blow happened, all her memories cam flowing back. Everything from her training to her relationship with Cole. That's when she remembered what Cyrus told them. "What Zane's powers truly allow." Her eyes opened before she stood up with a smirk. "I allow myself!" Her suit turned golden before she jumped onto her position, shooting the light into the port.

"System reboot initiated." The system said as the digital Overlord started to be deleted. "No, no!" He exclaimed before being completely deleted. In the city was the machines slowly turning back to good, making the citizens cheer. Tech Wu and Garmadon continued to fight before Wu returned to normal. "Brother?" Garmadon sighed in relief and hugged him. "Brother." Wu hugged back.

Cryptor and the nindroids stopped. "They rebooted the system. Switch your power offline. I look forward to our second date." He told Nya before they ran away. Pixal pushed the switch, bringing back the ninja. "I'm just, Zane." Zane said before Pixal hugged him. "You're back!" Zane hugged him back as the others smiled. "You're so much more than just Zane." Jay said before Nya ran in and hugged him. "You did it!" Wu and Garmadon arrived right after her.

"You all did it." The ninja looked at him in relief. "Oh, Sensei, you're back!" Jay hugged him. "I knew you'd be back." Zane added and Wu smiled before turning to Kaya. "I'm sorry Kaya, for what I did." His voice filled with guilt. Kaya hugged him. "It wasn't your fault Sensei. You were under Overlord's control." Wu hugged back. Cole walked up to Kaya. "How's your head. That was a big blow Overlord gave you." Kaya smiled gently. "It's fine. That knocked all memories back in place." Cole's eyes widened. "So that means." He got a gentle smile. "That I remember my wonderful boyfriend." Kaya pulled him into a kiss.

Cole kissed back as the others smiled at the couple. Zane then turned to Pixal. "So the system is completely clear?" Pixal checked the system and gave a nod. "There is no evidence of the digital Overlord. He is erased." They all cheered before Garmadon remembered something. "But, what about Lloyd?" He asked.

Lloyd managed to get out of the extraction chamber and crawled towards the exit, while the mechdragon was falling into the sea. He managed to jump off last minute and got to the surface. The others tried to reach him. "Lloyd, are you there? Do you read me?" Pixal asked as they all got worried. Suddenly Lloyd answered. "I'm here. I'm all right." He exclaimed and they all sighed in relief. "Son, where are you?" Garmadon asked, making Lloyd happy to hear his voice. "Dad? You're alive! Uh, I'm not alone. I'm in a remote village." Wu nodded. "Stay where you are, we're picking you up." A small laugh came from Lloyd. "Ah, good, 'cause, uh, my golden power's, uh, a little spent." They all laughed before Zane noticed Pixal looking at Cyrus's wheelchair.

He pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry, we'll find him. And when we stop Pythor, all of this will be over." Pixal hugged back. "I hope so." He said. What they didn't know, was that under water, Overlord emerged from the mechdragon. Now having a physical form. "I am free. Free." He exclaimed with a grin.

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