Double trouble

Inside dojo was Jay teaching Lloyd how to light a lightbulb with lightning. "Focus Lloyd. Control the power inside of you." Lloyd nodded understandingly. "Got it. I'm in control." He focused his powers, but just then the lightbulb exploded. "Oh. Stupid lightbulb. You're putting to much pressure on me. Let me try again." Kaya walked up to him. "Sorry Green bean. But that was the last one." She pointed at the shadered glass around them.

"Clean up Lloyd. We continue training tomorrow." Cole said and handed Lloyd a broom. He hit a dummy with it as Jay sighed. "What am I doing wrong sensei? I can't seem to teach him to control his powers." Wu looks at him while stroking his beard. "Patience Jay. Sometimes the greatest enemy is ourselves. And that's very true for Lloyd. Remember, that he's the son of lord Garmadon. It's gonna take time for him, to embrace the light." The others nodded in agreement.

Nya soon walked in with mail in her hand. "Hi everyone." The others greeted her and Nya walked up to Jay, giving him a small kiss. "So Jay, you're still coming over to the auto body shop later?" Jay smiled. "Ofcourse. How can I say no to my own girlfriend." Nya smiled back before handing Wu the letter. "Here's a letter for Lloyd." Wu read it and nodded. "It's from Lloyd's old school." The others looked at him confused. "The school for bad kids?" Cole asked.

"Seems like they changed their name to 'Darkley's boarding school for good kids.' interesting." Wu answered. "They turned good?" Kaya said skeptically. Even though Lloyd changed, didn't that mean that the school fully changed. "It's looks like there's gonna be a ceremony." Cole's eyes widened in excitement. "I love ceremonies. That means there's gonna be cake." Kaya giggled. "It's so cute that you love cake so much." Cole blushed a little.

"Lloyd's change inspired them. And now, they want to give him an honorary degree in excellence." They all turned to Lloyd who got hit by the dummy. "Are we sure they're talking about the same Lloyd?" Cole asked.

At the black Bounty was Garmadon gathering the snakes to talk ideas for destroying the ninja. "Okay, let's brainstorm on how to use the mega weapon. Remember, it can only create. Not destroy. And I can only use it once per day. So, any ideas?" He asked and two snakes raised their hands. "Maybe you can make more pirates." One of them said. "Or revive the great devourer." The other suggested. Garmadon glared at them. "Over the side!" With that, they got thrown off the ship.

"How about ideas that haven't failed before." Another snake raised his hand. "Oh, can you do a giant sandwich?" Garmadon looked at him confused. "A poisoned giant sandwich?" The snake shook his head. "Hope not. I'm so hungry." He quickly got thrown off aswell. Garmadon grunted. "Oh, this is Impossible. The ninja refuse to lose. How can I defeat them, if they never lose?" He said and looked at his weapon.

His eyes locked onto his reflection, giving an idea. "I got it! No more brainstorming. Go and get all the belongings of the ninja, and lay them on the deck." The snakes quickly ran under deck and gathered leftover suits from the ninja. Garmadon grinned and held up his mega weapon. "Ninja, I wish that you'll finally meet your upper man." The weapon glew and golden energy swirled around the suits.

They soon glew bright and turned into copies of the ninja. They looked exactly the same. Expect for their eyes that was red. Garmadon was out of breath and looked at them. "I made you to be equal to the ninja. And loyal only to me." The bizzaro ninja bowed. "Yes Lord Garmadon." Garmadon then turned to bizzaro Kaya. "You'll lead them to find the ninja, and destroy them. Don't disappoint me." Bizzaro Kaya grinned and bowed. "As you wish, my lord." She said with amusement in her voice.

The real ninja were flying to Darkley's on the ultra dragon. Lloyd was flying him, and nearly crashed many times. Luckily, they managed to land in one piece. "I'm getting better at this." Lloyd said proudly as the others were still shaking a little. "On our way home, I fly him." Cole suggested and the others nodded in agreement. As they walked inside the gates, a boy around Lloyd's age ran up to them.

"Lloyd! It's so good to see you." He hugged Lloyd that looked at him confused. "Brad? Are you sure. You put fire ants in my bed." Brad looked away in embarrassment. "I know. I regret it, and have seen the errors of my actions." He soon turned towards the other ninja. "And you must be the famous ninja. Please follow me to see the principal." They soon followed him. But when they walked inside the school, Kaya could feel that something didn't feel right.

It was completely empty inside. Not a single teacher to be seen. "How come there aren't any teachers?" Kaya asked and Brad smiled. "Because it's ninja day. A new tradition of the school. Where we stay out of sight, to honor you all, for showing us the light." This made Kaya more suspicious. "Are you okay Kaya?" Cole asked. "Something about this feel off." Kaya answered and Cole smiled gently. "Maybe it's your nerves. The students of this school used to be evil after all." He said comfortably and Kaya sighed. "Maybe you're right." She said. But still was ready, just incase.

Soon they reached the principal office. "Principal Noble. Lloyd and the ninja are here." Brad said and the voice of the principal was heard from the office. "I'll be ready in just a moment." Soon Brad turned towards the ninja. "I better go back to the flowers." He smiled and ran off. The ninja looked at eachother, confused as hell. "Have anyone seen a teacher yet?" Jay asked. "It is odd. Their absent is strange." Zane pointed out.

"I can see you now. Come in come in." Principal Noble told them and they walked inside. Their eyes soon widened when they saw that the principal was a fake skeleton. Just then another boy with glasses jumped onto the desk, grinning. "Welcome back, Lloyd." Lloyd's eyes widened. "Gene?" Gene just grinned. "And welcome ninja, to the new Darkley's for worst kids." He said and cut a rope. Sending heavy sacks onto them. "Gene.. I'm gonna get you fo...." Lloyd said before they blacked out.

Later, the ninja woke up in another room. The teachers were there too. "Oh thank goodness your awake." On of the teachers said in relief. Kaya looked around in concern. "Where's Lloyd?" Another teacher sighed. "The boys tricked him here, to convince him to be their leader." The ninja soon panicked. "You mean that, there's not gonna be cake!!" Cole exclaimed.

Lloyd woke up in another room, tied to a chair. The students appeared and grinned. "Welcome to your ceremony, Lloyd. Or should I say, evil intervention!" Brad said and Lloyd glared at them. "Where's my friends!?" Gene snorted. "They're better of without you. And with friends like you. Who needs enemies?" Brad walked up to him. "You may have forgotten. But we're your true friends. And we want to help you undo the damage you've done to yourself, and our school's reputation. Be honest, doesn't a part of you miss being bad?" He asked and Lloyd thought a little about it.

Meanwhile in Ninjago city, was the bizzaro ninja walking around. The guys had sunglasses while bizzaro Kaya had contacts. As they walked around, the guys caused chaos. Bizzaro Kaya glared at them. "Can you three focus on the mission!? We can't fail, or who knows what lord Garmadon will do to us." The others stopped and followed her to the dojo. They walked inside where Wu was cleaning up the glass.

He looked at them. "You're back. So, how was it?" Bizzaro Kaya smiled. "It was great. We almost forgot where we were." Wu nodded. "And Lloyd had a blast I assume." Bizzaro Kaya nodded. "Yeah. That little kid is still there. He wanted you to come over, right now." This caused Wu to look at them. Noticing something wasn't right. "I'm sure Green bean wouldn't want old me there." Bizzaro Kaya looked at him confused. "Green bean? You mean Lloyd? Almost forgot your nickname for him." Suddenly she got kicked into a wall.

The others looked at him in shock. "The one giving him that nickname, is the real Kaya. You're not my real students!" Wu said and bizzaro Kaya stood up and glared at him. "And you're not our master. Get him!" The others charged towards Wu and fought him. Soon bizzaro Kaya pinned him against the wall in a tight grip. "Okay, I've had enough. Where's the ninja!?" She demanded. Suddenly the phone called, and Nya was heard from the voicemail.

"Jay, babe, are you back yet? Can't wait to see you at the auto body shop. See you then. Love you." She hung up and the bizzaro ninja grinned. They walked outside, but bizzaro Kaya knocked Wu out and grinned at him. "We wish we could stay, but we have other things to do. Sleep well, old man." She grinned and walked off.

At the school had Zane activated his battering ram mode. The others used him to break the door. But it didn't work. "What's these doors made of?" Cole asked. Kaya looked closer at the door. "Old wood. A resistant tree that's not easy to break." Jay then thought about something. "Hold on. I promised Nya to meet her. And thanks to me never being late. She'll know something is wrong and come here to help us." The others looked at him and nodded. Hoping he was right.

But at the auto body shop was bizzaro Jay walking inside and grinned at Nya. Nya noticed him. "Oh, there you are babe. I was worried something happened to you. You're often in time." Bizzaro Jay walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her. Looking at the rader. "It's a new me baby. Nice done with this thing. We should try it out, just you and me. Making people jealous." He stroke her cheek teasingly, making her blush.

"I should have known that spending time at Darkley's would turn you into a bad boy." Nya said and the bizzaro ninja grinned upon hearing this. "Thanks baby. You're always so helping." Bizzaro Jay said and pinned her against the wall. "What's gotten Into you?" Nya said, blushing more. He soon kissed her and took the keys. Soon they sepereted and bizzaro Jay jumped into the rader with the others. "It's something special with bad boys." He winked before they drove off. "Call me!" Nya said, lovestrucked.

Garmadon called them. "Have you found them?" Bizzaro Kaya nodded. "They're at Darkley's school." Garmadon grinned. "Excellent. Now destroy them." The bizzaro ninja nodded. "Our pleasure master." Bizzaro Kaya answered before ending the call. Grinning more. "And our pleasure to use your son to make you obey us." They all laughed evilly.

The real ninja tried to open the door with a ruler. But it didn't work. "If we don't get out, they're going to brainwash Lloyd, and undo all the lessons we taught him." Kaya said worried. "Not to mention, never taste cake again." Cole sighed. Zane then turned to Noble. "Principal Noble. How well do you, and the teachers know this building?" He asked and Noble sighed. "We barely know it at all, actually. We're new. The old teachers were highly committed to teaching evil, and quit in protest when the school went good." Zane nodded understandingly before looking around.

"So, if the school building was originally built for evil, don't we have to assume there are hidden passages. Which none of you would even know about?" The others nodded in agreement. "Hey, you're right. It just wouldn't be an evil school without hidden passages." Cole said and Kaya turned to the teachers. "Okay, everyone. Look for a hidden switch. It could be anything: a book, a tile, a fixture." They all looked around. But they found two wrong levers. Making the ceiling going down towards them, with spikes.

Zane soon tilted a lamp, and a door opened up. "This way!" He shouted and they all went inside. The room they arrived in was pitch black. Jay soon chuckled. "Hahaha! Stop tickling me!" Cole turned to him. "I'm not tickling you." He answered. "Zane, can you give us some light?" Kaya asked and Zane made his head glow. Suddenly they all saw that they were in a cage full of spiders.

The students was still trying to brainwash Lloyd. "Haha. Come on, you can untie me. Really, this is just a huge relief. I couldn't stand being good. Ha. Thank you for saving me." Lloyd said, earning suspicious glares from the others. "How do we know you're not lying to us, just to escape and help the ninja?" Brad asked. "Well, if I am truly good, I wouldn't be able to lie, which I'm not. But even if I was, wouldn't lying make me evil, thus giving you assurance that you could release me?" Lloyd smirked as the students was confused.

"Uh...he's trying to trick us with mind games!" Gene said and Lloyd sighed. Suddenly they heard something in the hallway. They went to look and saw the bizzaro ninja walking through the corridors. "The ninja escaped! Execute Doomsday formations! To glory! Spitball brigade, step forward. Fire!" Brad exclaimed and they spat spitballs at them. The bizzaro ninja grinned and used locker doors as shields.

"Smoke bomb brigade, step forward. Fire!" They threw smoke bombs and the bizzaro ninja used spinjitsu to block them aswell. Brad started to get scared. "Dodgeball brigade. Ready, fire!" But to their fear, the bizzaro ninja caught the balls. "Okay, who wants to play dodge ball?" Bizzaro Kaya asked with a grin before they threw the balls back at the students. Brad unfortunately got hit, and bizzaro Kaya grabbed him. "Okay little brat. We want answers. Where is the ninja?" Brad gulped.

Lloyd used his powers to break a lightbulb and used the glass to break free. Just then, Gene and the others came running in. "Aww, no way! I escaped fair and square." Lloyd pouted and Gene scoffed. "Heh, your friends are pure evil." Lloyd got confused. "What?" Brad lead the bizzaro ninja to where the ninja were. But it was empty. Bizzaro Kaya grabbed his hair and glared at him. "Is this some kind of joke you brat!?" Brad winced in pain. "Uh, that's where they were. Honest!" He said, so scared tears started to appear from his eyes.

Bizzaro Kaya threw him to bizzaro Cole. "Give him another noogie." Brad's eyes widened. "No, no! Anything but that!" Suddenly the real ninja appeared from a secret passage. "Ah. Finally, a way out." Cole said. Suddenly they saw the bizzaro ninja. "Guys, why are we staring at ourselves?" Kaya asked as the teacher hid in the passage. "Drop the boy, uh, me!" Cole demanded and bizzaro Cole let go of Brad who ran off. "He's of no use to us anymore." He grinned. Kaya looked at her copy.

"What are you?" Bizzaro Kaya stepped forward. "Your better selfs. Or worse selfs. Made by our master Garmadon himself. And now. It's time to destroy you." She grinned before the two groups of ninja started to fight. Lloyd and the students watched. "See, I told you my friends wouldn't turn evil. The evil ninja must be my father's doing." He told the students. Gene looked at the ninja in fascination.

"Fascinating. It's like fighting a mirror, where the reflection countermoves in perfect sync. And no one appears to be able to land a blow." He smirked. "We have to help them." Lloyd said, earning suspicious looks from the students. "Just to be clear, which 'them', are we talking about?" Gene asked. "Uh, my friends, of course. Uh, I mean uh, the evil ninja. Mwahahahaha!" Lloyd tried, but got tied up again. "Ugh. Ugh. I am Lloyd Garmadon, evil son of the super evil Lord Garmadon, and I demand you release me! Mwahahahaha!" Gene ignored him.

"Eh, here's my theory on how to help the evil ninja destroy the good ninja. Look what happens when positive energy connects with negative energy. So, if an evil ninja manages to connect a single blow against his opposite, that same spark should be so powerful as to eradicate the good ninja. Trust me. I'm, like, an evil genius." He explained and laughed. "Okay, good enough for me." Brad smiled. Lloyd sighed. "Ugh, alright you win. I'm good. But guess what? So is Brad." Brad blushed in embarrassment. "That's a lie!" He exclaimed.

Lloyd smirked. "Is it? Then explain why on the day we first met, you were nice to me. When I arrived here on my first day, I didn't know how things worked around here and everyone made fun of me. Brad even put fire ants in my bed." Gene laughed. "Hehehe. Yeah, I remember that. That was evil." Brad smiled at his comment. Blushing a little. "But when everyone was gone, he said he was just trying to teach me how things go. And after that, he took me under his wing, and he taught me the art of revenge." Lloyd said, shocking the others.

"Why would you do that?" Gene asked and Brad looked away. "I wanted to get in good with his father." Lloyd shook his head. "No. It's because deep down, he's not all evil. And Brad's not the only one. Face it, all of you have a secret good side that stays quiet out of fear, because it thinks it's alone. But it's not. And I'm living proof. So, who's with me?" The students looked at eachother before Brad sighed. "It's true. And I love planting flowers." Gene got shocked. "You what!?" Brad walked up to Lloyd and set him free.

"Also, the ninja saved my life. A kindness I plan to return." The others walked up to them, but Gene was hesitating. Brad held out his hand, giving him a small smile. Gene blushed before sighing. "Aw, my dad is gonna be so mad." Lloyd smirked. "Yeah, join the club." Gene took Brad's hand and they smiled at eachother. "Now then, I have a plan. Who here can sew?" Lloyd asked before they started to make ninja suits.

Both ninja groups kept fighting eachother, both being equally good. "Ugh, we're so evenly balanced...ugh...this fight could go on...forever." Jay said, out of breath. "We can't give up. Keep fighting!" Kaya said as bizzaro Kaya grinned. "Just give up. You know you'll be destroyed. No matter what you do." Suddenly Lloyd and the students came running. Helping the ninja.

"Hey, it really is Ninja Day!" Cole chuckled and Kaya nodded. "Oh, I see what they're doing! They're trying to confuse them!" They continued to fight. Soon Zane got in a hit on his evil clone. Making him disappear. "It works just like Gene says. If you can land a punch, they'll be defeated!" Lloyd said and Cole nodded before hitting his clone. Bizzaro Jay grinned at Jay. "Don't think you can get rid of us that easily. By the way, did I mention that I kissed Nya?" Jay's eyes widened. "What!!? You did what!?" Bizzaro Jay laughed.

"Hahaha. Yeah." Jay got mad and jumped behind him, before hitting him. "Heh. Nobody kisses my girlfriend!" Both Kayas was still fighting. Making the others confused over who was who. "Who's the real Kaya?" Cole asked. "I'm the real Kaya!" One of them said. "No I am!" The other said. "How do we find out?" Jay asked. One of the Kayas looked at Cole. "Cole, please. Have I ever lied to you?" The other glared at her. "Don't try to trick my boyfriend, you fucking impostor." They all looked at them, really confused.

Cole then thought of something. "Kaya, you wanna know something. I think cake is the best thing in the world." He said and got a glare from one of the Kayas. "You seriously think about stupid cake? You're so idiotic." The other Kaya glared at her. "Hey! His love for cake is cute." Cole smirked and grabbed bizzaro Kaya. "Unhand me! How did you found out!?" She shouted. "The real Kaya thinks my love for cake is cute." Cole said before the real Kaya punched bizzaro Kaya, right in the face.

They all cheered and Brad turned to Lloyd. "It worked, Lloyd! You did it!" Lloyd shook his head. "No, we did it." Soon the teachers walked out from the passage way. "Normally, we'd punish you for holding us captive. But I guess now that we've all learned a valuable lesson, I suppose it's cause for a celebration." Cole's eyes glimmered. "Uh, that wouldn't mean cake, now, would it?" Kaya hugged him. "That's why I love you Cole." She said.

Afterwards, the ninja were heading back. Cole was flying the ultra dragon, eating cake. Everyone else was in the Rader. "Oh, man. So great the have the tank back." Jay said and the others nodded in agreement.

"Can't wait to hear what Sensei says when he hears about this." Kaya said before Garmadon called them. "So, it is true. You have destroyed my evil ninja." The ninja glared at him. "Keep it coming, Garmadon. Your attempts to stop us are only making us stronger." Kaya smirked and Garmadon grunted. "But tomorrow is a new day, ninja. Mark my words, I will find new ways to finish you, once and for al..." The screen malfunctioned. "Nya will be displeased. She just repaired it, and it appears it already has to go back to the shop." Zane said and Lloyd shook his head.

"Nah, it's not broken." He used his powers and fixed it. The others looked at him proudly. "You did that? But it didn't blow up." Jay said and Lloyd smirked. He grabbed a controller and started to play. "Hey, you go to school, and sometimes you might pick up a thing or two." They all laughed all the way home.

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