Day of the dragon
Everyone cheered as Bolobo used his powers to sink Chen's boats. "Sink the ferry. No one's getting off this island." Jay exclaimed while Pyther looked at them, feeling worried and concerned. "What if we need them? Why is no one thinking about that?" Jay turned to him. "Don't worry. We have our jet, so we'll be fine." He said while Pyther rolled his eyes, knowing this would bite them hard. Soon the ninja grouped up. "The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of Chen and Clouse." Cole informed and Kaya sighed. "What about Skylor?" Lloyd put a hand on her shoulder.
"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her." Cole nodded in agreement. "He's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time." Kaya smiled at them gratefully. "I'm proud of you five. You've done what the original elemental masters never could, stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep." Garmadon told them all proudly, making them smile.
Nya meanwhile contacted the others and told them about their progress. "The island is secure. We destroyed the elemental staff and Chen's attempt to turn his army into anacondrai has rolled up snake eyes." Wu nodded. "Good work, Nya." He said Julien spoke up. "How's Zane? They haven't hurt him I hope." Nya smiled. "He's okay. A little different, but then again, aren't we all?" They all chuckled. "The Bounty is nearly finished. As soon as it's done, we'll come by to pick you up.". Misako told her. "I look forward to coming home to see you three." The falcon tapped the screen, making them all laugh. "Heh, I mean, you four." Nya said before ending the call.
Behind I waterfall was Chen and his remaining cultists hiding, Skylor being chained with vengestone cuffs against a rock. "I hate to admit it, but maybe Chen losing his army wasn't such a bad thing." Kapau said with a sigh. "I know, I was thinking the same thing!" Chope answered. Soon Kapau thought about something. "Wait a minute. Look at us. We're in his inner circle!" Chope smiled at this. "And he trusts us to guard his daughter." The two chuckled with glee.
Skylor rolled her eyes before rattling her chains, making the two turn to her. "I have to scratch, my face." She said before Kapau held up his spear so she could scratch her face. "Thank you." Eyezor soon growled at them, making them stand still and guard. Meanwhile both Chen and Clouse was by the giant snake's body. "I couldn't have asked for a better pet. Garmadon will pay for what they've done." Clouse growled and Chen rolled his eyes m "Yeah, yeah, big tear for the snake. Can we get on with it? The copter should be fixed by now, and I have to get off this island. You serve me, remember?" He said and Clouse glared at him.
"He's not a snake, master, he's a serpent. And might I remind you my pet never betrayed us. That was our daughters." Chen just sighed in annoyence. "Leave Skylor out of this! She held up her end of the bargain and used her powers to break them up. It's not her fault she became friends with the fire boy." Suddenly Clouse thought about something. "That's it. She's absorbed all of their powers. How could we be so blind?" Chen nodded, but didn't know what he meant. "Right. We're not blind. We see clearly. Uh, and what is it that we see so clearly?" Clouse grinned. 'Master, perhaps there's another way to get what you want." This made Chen grin aswell.
They soon walked up to Kapau and Chope. "Free her." Chen ordered, making the two look at eachother confused. "Uh, but Master, she still has her powers." Kapau said and Chen glared at them. "And I still have the power to stuff you in a fortune cookie! Free her now!" The two quickly freed her and Chen smiled gently at her. "Skylor, how dare they tie you up. I blame myself for your slip in judgement." Skylor scoffed. "It wasn't a slip in judgement. The ninja were right." She said and Chen sighed.
"And I was wrong. Wrong to steal their powers. Wrong to want to transform myself into a snake. Wrong because you needed a father and I wasn't there." He looked at her with an innocent expression. But that's when Skylor read his mind, her eyes widening. "You think my powers can still turn you into anacondrai." She exclaimed and Clouse nodded. "You have absorbed the powers of every elemental fighter." Skylor glared at them. "But the staff crystal was destroyed." Chen grinned. "And that crystal was obtained from the crystal caves here on the island, which we can go to now to complete the spell. We have everything we need to make everyone happy. Isn't that great news?" He said with a grin.
Skylor shook her head. "But this isn't just my power, it's all of it. Taking everything from me could hurt me. Or worse." She said and Chen shrugged. "Heh, no plan is perfect." This made Skylor glare at him more. "You care more for your power than your own daughter." She pointed out. "Without power, I'm insignificant. Is that what you want? And insignificant father?" Chen tried to convince her. But Skylor just glared at him. "I never had a choice, did I? You should have never taken off the chains. You're not insignificant, you're pitiful!" With that she used shadow to get to a hoverboard and flew off.
"Get her!" Chen exclaimed and the cultists nodded before chasing after her. "Why didn't anyone ever tell me raising a daughter would be this difficult?" Chen growled and Clouse sighed. "I understand how you feel, master." He said.
Griffin and Neuro was guarding the cultists. "Seems like everything's back to normal soon. Maybe we should make our own tournament. Without the power stealing and hate. Just fun and games." Griffin suggested. Before Neuro could answer, he held his head and groaned, making Griffin worried. "What is it?" He asked. "Skylor's sending me a message. We have to tell the ninja." Neuro answered. Griffin quickly ran to the ninja. "Chen just figured out Skylor's powers can finish the spell. She's in danger." He exclaimed, making them all gasp. "He's replaced his elemental staff with the elements in his daughter." Garmadon said and Kaya turned to Griffin. "Where?" She asked. "Other side of the island." Griffin answered.
"I'm going after her." Kaya said and Garmadon nodded. "We all are. Jay, Zane, you take the mech and buggy. Cole and I will take the jet. Lloyd, you've got your dragon, take Selena with you. Everyone else stay here and guard the camp. Let's get a move on!" Pyther slithered up to them. "Oh. Can I come?" He asked with a hopeful smile. "You stay here with Nya, and stay with her this time." Kaya said and Pyther pouted. "Didn't you see me fight the cultists last time? Let me help." Cole gave him a stern glare. "Pyther, you stay here where it's safe." With a sigh, Pyther slithered towards Nya.
Jay laughed a little and looked at Lloyd. "That brings back memories." Lloyd scoffed. "I wasn't like that. Was I?" They all laughed. Lloyd looked at Selena who laughed and blushed in embarrassment before summoning his dragon. Karlof looked at him. "Karlof wish he could do that." He said before they flew off. Jay, Kaya and Zane explored the jungle. "Watch out for booby traps. Chen's rigged this whole island." Nya informed them over the radio. "Read you loud and clear babe." Jay answered as they continued.
"Be careful, Zane. At this speed, I cannot analyze approaching obstacles." Pixal told Zane who shook his head. "There isn't any time. We have to-Whoa!" But Zane fell into a cave, making Jay and Kaya. "Zane!" They exclaimed, luckily Zane was okay. "Whoa! Carry on the mission without me!" Kaya sighed in relief before turning to Jay. "He'll be all right. We have to stay on Skylor. She's too important." Jay nodded before they continued. Zane looked up and sighed. "Perhaps I should've listened to you." He told Pixal who crossed his arms. "Perhaps, it's an understatement." Suddenly Zane got a vision of the ice dragon, making him gasp.
"Your anxiety levels are rising. But there is no visible threat." Pixal pointed out and Zane continued to panic. "The ice dragon from my nightmare. It's quite visible and quite angry." Zane answered and backed up. "There is no dragon. It's only in your head." Pixal tried to calm him down. "No. It's going to devour my head." Zane said, making Pixal sigh. "You didn't listen to me last time. Listen to me now. We must get out of this hole. There is no dragon." He said.
Chen and the cultists was still chasing after Skylor. "Now she's heading east. Now west!" He asked exclaimed before Skylor made Chope and Kapau crash into a wall, thank to her using smoke to face through it. "That wall was awesome." Kapau grunted in pain. "I feel more dead than a dead end rat." Chope added. Chen started to shoot at Skylor, catching up on her. "No where to run. Setting blast to stun!" He grinned before getting shot himself. "Someone stop firing at me!" That's when he saw Lloyd and Selena flying towards them. "Take care of them." He ordered and Clouse nodded before jumping onto the copter and used his magic to make a blast towards them.
Selena quickly stood up. "Promegra!" She shouted and made a shield. Clouse growled before jumping towards them and grabbed Selena, falling to the ground. "Selena!" Lloyd exclaimed before getting shot at, knowing he couldn't help her at the moment. Clouse and Selena landed on the ground and stood up a little hurt. "So, you wanna challenge me? Fine then. Show me what you got!" Clouse said and used his magic towards Selena who blocked his attacks. "Levesava!" She summoned arrows and sent them towards him, but he blocked.
"You think that'll work? My powers are stronger than yours. You haven't even unlocked your true potential." He grinned and made Selena levitate. "I don't need my true potential to stop you!" She hissed before getting thrown into a tree.
Kaya saw Eyezore and Zugu and quickly crashed into them. Skylor saw this and flew up to her. "Kaya!" She said in relief. Kaya looked at the hoverboard and smirked. "That looks fun. Mind if I join you?" She asked before grabbed a hoverboard herself and they flew off. "You okay?" Skylor nodded. "I am." Suddenly Chen appeared behind them. They looked at eachother. "I have an idea." Skylor smirked and Kaya smirked back. "You're reading my mind." Both soon used fire to make a big smoke cloud. "Ah, smoke screen! No fair!" Chen growled before the smoke disappeared, revealing only Kaya who smirked. Chen's eyes widened before groaning. "Oh! Where did she go? Where did she go? Oh, turn around." He ordered before he and the cultists turned around.
That's when Kaya turned to Skylor before the real Kaya flew up and they hugged. "I alerted the team we found you and are heading back." Kaya told her. "Are we in the clear?" Skylor asked and Kaya shrugged. "I guess. Hey, this is a pretty cool place by the way." Skylor chuckled. "You want to play tourist?" Kaya laughed. "No, no. You're right. Let's get back to the good guys. They're all waiting for us." Before they could react, a vengestone net fell onto them. Kapau and Chope laughed gleefully. "Kapow! Haha, vengestone net!" Kapau exclaimed and Chope nodded. "Let's see you work your powers on that. This is awesome." Skylor and Kaya glared at them.
Selena and Clouse continued to fight. "Okay, that's enough." Clouse said and summoned chains that held Selena in place. "Now. I could destroy you for betraying me. But, I think I'll just use my magic to brainwash you." Selena glared at him. "You wouldn't even manage that." This caused Clouse to laugh. "Oh, I will. It worked on your mother after all." That's when Selena's eyes widened. "That's right. The reason she came with me to this island was because of my magic. And now, I'll do the same with you." Clouse walked closer to Selena and it was like time slowed down.
Her own mother was brainwashed to come with her father. Forcing her to get pregnant. It couldn't be true. Selena just looked at the ground, processing everything. "What should I do? I'm powerless." She thought before thinking about Clouse, herself and her mom. As she continued to think about her mom, she knew she never would want Selena to give up. She would want Selena to stand up and fight. Selena soon looked as her eyes flashed purple. Clouse reached towards her before Selena screamed, sending a blast at him that knocked him back.
His eyes widened as he saw a purple aura surrounded Selena. "You're true potential!? How?" Selena broke the chains and glared at him. "I realized that I'll never let anyone control my life ever again." With that she used her magic on Clouse, extracting his powers. He cried out in pain before falling to the ground. "What did you do?" Selena looked at him. "Making sure you'll never escape from where you're going." With that she opened a portal under Clouse that pulled him inside. "No, no. NO!!!" He soon got fully dragged inside before Selena closed it. She fell to the ground exhausted before smiling.
Lloyd flew down and landed by her. "Selena, are you okay?" He asked and helped her up. "I'm okay. I've never felt better." Selena answered and hugged him. The two then realized they were hugging and pulled away with a small blush. "Let's continue look for Skylor." Lloyd said and Selena nodded before they flew off.
Meanwhile Zane was still panicking about the dragon. "But it's there. Right in front of me." He said while Pixal continued to calm him down. "You're not afraid of dragons. You used to have one." Zane just continued to panic. "I know. But this one scares me." The dragon kept growling at him. "You need to find your courage. You're the ninja of ice." Pixal told him. "But my powers can't stop him." Zane exclaimed. "Because there is nothing there. It's all in your head. Close your eyes. Close your eyes and see there is nothing to fear." Pixal said and Zane reluctantly closed his eyes, hearing the dragon's growl.
"But I can hear him." Pixal nodded. "What else do you hear?" He asked. Zane soon found himself in a black void. Suddenly his old form appeared infront of him. "I am not the white ninja. I am not the white ninja." He said and Zane let that sink in. "Who are you then?" Pixal asked. Zane saw his old form disappear and replace him with his new form. "I am...the titanium ninja. I am the titanium ninja!" He exclaimed and opened his eyes. With a brave face, he walked towards the dragon and petted it. "And you are not here." The dragon disappeared and Pixal smiled.
"Yes. Anxiety levels are going down. But the elemental reactor levels are rising! Zane, the readings inside of you are through the roof!" He said and Zane looked at himself with glee. "I am the titanium ninja!" A white flash appeared from him.
At the palace was Cole handing over Zugu and Eyezor to Karlof. "Still no sign of Chen?" He asked and Cole shook his head. "He escaped, but we'll find him. Did Zane ever return?" Karlof thought a little. "Metal man? Karlof have not seen him." Cole sighed before Lloyd and Selena returned. "We're back." Lloyd said before Garmadon hugged him. "I don't see Skylor or Kaya." Garmadon pointed out and Shade nodded. "They said they were on their way." Pyther started to get worried. "Is mom gonna be okay?" He asked before Cole hugged him comfortably. "Don't worry. Your mom's tough." Suddenly Garmadon fell to the ground and cried out in pain, his tattoo starting to glow. "Dad, your tattoo. What's wrong?" Lloyd asked worriedly. "I don't know. Something inside of me. Something is happening." Garmadon said before Selena's eyes widened. "The spell. It getting casted." Everyone's eyes widened.
In a cave was Kapau and Chope reading the spell while Skylor and Kaya was tied to the wall. "Trayeaux, keelie, neptide Eek, mojo, uh...gloop?" Kapau said confused before Chope shook his head. "Not gloop. Glop! Glop!" He said and Kapau sighed before turning to Chen. "Um, master, shouldn't Clouse be reading this?" Chen shook his head. "It doesn't matter. He's not here. Keep reading." He said and Kapau sighed. "Trayeaux, keelie, neptide." Soon they started to change, including Skylor. "It's working. It's working! Finish the spell!" Chen exclaimed as Kapau fainted and Chope took over. "Vein, donner, klactu, barnato." Skylor kept fighting the transformation.
"Kaya, don't look at me." She said and Kaya shook her head. "Fight it, Skylor. Fight it!" Kaya started to burn through the ropes. Soon the transformation was completed. "Now I am the most powerful warrior to ever rule Ninjago!" Chen laughed. Garmadon stood up, now an anacondrai aswell. "The spell...the spell, it's completed. If everyone with the mark of the anacondrai is affected, that means..." He said before they all turned to see the captured cultists, now turned into anacondrai. "Shit." Jay said before they started to attack the cultists. But the cultists was now stronger and faster than them.
"They are too many. Retreat! Get everyone to the palace!" Garmadon exclaimed before they all ran into the palace and closed the door. Jay turned towards Selena. "Wait, how are you not transformed?" He asked confused. "I never got tattooed." Selena answered before walking up to the door. "Feligaro manegrut!" She exclaimed and a wall of magic appeared infront of the door, blocking it while the cultists tried to get inside.
Kapau and Chope looked at eachother with glee, happy over their new forms. "Oh, man. Look at you. You've got a tail! Haha." Kapau exclaimed. "No, look at you! You've got fangs!" Chope laughed before they Kaya shot fire at them. "You're both still ugly. So you get fired!" She said before shooting at Chen who was immune. "You think a little Fire can hurt the thick hide of an anacondrai?" He turned invisible before knocking Kaya back. Skylor used her tail to punch him. "We must get out of here." She said and Kaya nodded before they headed away. "Should we, uh, slither after them?" Kapau asked and Chen scoffed. "Why? They're no longer important. It's time we leave this wretched island." They slithered away.
At the palace was Selena keeping the wall up. "Keep going Selena. We can't let them in." Lloyd said, when it suddenly became quiet. "Where did they go?" Nya asked as Pyther held onto Cole. "Are we safe?" Selena took down the wall before they slowly opened the door, revealing that it was empty. They all soon went up to the roof and saw the cultists and Chen flying in copters and their jet. "Take care of the island, it's yours. We'll be taking Ninjago now!" Chen laughed before they flew off.
"This, this is just priceless. He took the roto jet and all of the copters!" Jay exclaimed in annoyence. "What have we done?" Nya asked as they all got worried. "We all have families in Ninjago." Griffin pointed out and Jay groaned. "Argh! And we had to destroy any other way off the island! Who's idea was that?" Pyther looked at him. "I told you it wasn't a good idea." Jay nervously laughed. "Your father was right, Lloyd. We thought we had the upper hand. Our guard was down and look what happened." Cole said and Lloyd sighed. "I'll go alone." Selena stopped him. "Are you crazy? You can't take on his whole army alone." She sternly said and Lloyd shook his head. "I'm the only one with an elemental dragon." Suddenly Zane's voice was heard.
"Not anymore!" Everyone turned to see him flying on the ice dragon. "He unleashed the dragon, too!" Karlof pointed out and Jay laughed. "Oh, Zane, none of us could do that before. You gotta tell us how you did that!" He asked. "I faced my fear. When I realized it wasn't something in front of me that held me back, but something inside me, I found a deeper power. A dragon power." Kaya soon came flying on a fire dragon. "Zane's right. We all have this power inside of us. But you have to see that it's not the anacondrai we're afraid of, it's our doubt. Divided, we failed. But together, we will succeed." She said before they all started to summon elemental dragons and started to fly towards Ninjago.
"Metal dragon make Karlof very happy, happy." Karlof said, while Pyther held his arms up in joy while flying with Cole. "This is awesome!" Cole laughed without his son and Garmadon looked at everyone proudly. "The battle of our past has returned, but we will rise to meet that challenge." Kaya nodded. "Chen brought us here so that only one would remain. Well, we are one." She said.
Jacob meanwhile tried feeding the giant snake as he got ordered to do. But it didn't eat, thanks to it being dead. Atleast he was okay.
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