Day of the departed
(A/N. Okay. So this chapter take place two weeks after the last chapter.)
The ninja were riding their vehicles over the sea of sand. Kaya jumped into the air with her bike and landed off a hill. "Move, move, move. We're running out of time. Pick up the pace." She exclaimed as Cole landed with a roadster. "Yes, ninja. It's up to us to save the day... again." Nya nodded as she came driving. "Roger that, Kaya. Zane, do you have a read?" Zane answered her. "ETA too late, unless we break all speed limits. Increase velocity." Pixal spoke from the radio, having been given a new body from Cyrus and Julien, which Zane was really happy about. "Already on it." They started to go faster.
Wu soon spoke through the intercom. "Ninja, I have reached the rendezvous point. Where are you?" He asked. "The museum is still 5 clicks away. We're on our way." Lloyd answered as Jay came flying in a jet. "Look out, kids. Jay's here to save the day. Hey, race you there, Lloyd." He teased and Lloyd sighed. "I still don't understand how you got the Supersonic Raider Jet." Jay smirked. "Uh, because I called dibs. Guy who calls dibs first gets it, right, Cole?" He suddenly saw how Cole was drifting off. "Right, Cole? Cole?! Let me go get him! He's drifting off again!" Jay sighed and turned around. Cole soon snapped out of his drifting and tried to steer back to the others, but his hands were ghosting through the controls. "No. No. Come back. Come... No." Luckily he managed to take control again.
Jay drove up to him. "You okay Cole?" He asked. "Yeah. Just started to feel, weird lately." Wu soon spoke again. "Ninja, time is of the essence." Lloyd nodded. "We have one last shot if we wanna make it. Combine for maximum impact." They all combined their vehicles and quickly drove off in with speed. Later they all arrived at the museum in Ninjago city, dressed in their honor suits.
(Kaya's honor suit)
"Master Wu, are we too late?" Jay panted and Wu turned towards them. "There may yet be time." He pointed towards the eclipse before they headed to the gift shop and got lanterns. "Mission accomplished." Lloyd nodded. "Yeah, good thing we got to the gift shop before it closed." He said with a sigh. "Yes, a day of the departed celebration is incomplete without a day of the departed lantern." Zane informed. "Oh, this is my favorite holiday. I love all the lights." Nya smiled and Kaya looked towards some kids who was dressed up. "And the costumes." She chuckled. "And to think about the ones we lost." They turned to see Selena heading towards them. Selena was wearing a kimono and had her hair up.
(Selena's day of the departed outfit)
Lloyd wrapped his arms around Selena. "You're beautiful babe. Like always." Selena giggled and kissed him. "Yes, enjoy the fun and festivities. And that today is about remembrance. We light lanterns to remember our ancestors, and to settle our debts." Wu added and they all smiled, before Jay noticed that someone was missing. "Wait. Where's Pyther?" Before he could react, Pyther appeared right infront of him, dressed as a ghost. "Boo!" Jay screamed and fell backwards, making the others laugh. "I like the scaring best." Pyther smirked and Jay quickly stood up and chuckled nervously. "I didn't get scared. I just pretended to make you feel confident." Zane scanned him and smirked. "According to my scans. You got scared for real." Jay grunted. "Not helping Zane." He complained.
Suddenly a man named Saunders walked up to them. "The ninja. And their master Wu." Wu nodded towards him. "Dr. Saunders." Saunders chuckled. "Oh, please. We are all friends. You must call me by my first name, yes? Sander, yes?" Kaya turned to Nya and whispered. "Dr. Sander Saunders?" They both chuckled, not noticing how Saunders gave them a small glare before smiling at the group. "At your service. I am so pleased to be seeing you at this now. We are opening our new exhibit. Come. You see, come." They followed him into a hall full of different villains they've fought. "Might I be presenting the Hall of Villainy." He exclaimed and they all watched in awe.
All of them past mannequins of Cryptor, Kozu, Chen, Samukai, Specteria, Pythor and Clouse. "Checking this out! We don't just open on day of departed. It's day of departed lunar eclipse. A special eclipse." Saunders said and Wu nodded. "The rarest Yin-Yang eclipse." He said. "Oh, poetic, is it not? Scary holiday, scary exhibit, scary moon. There is magic in the air." Kaya looked around. "It's... every villain we've ever faced." Cole saw a portrait of Yang and walked closer to it. "Not every villain." He looked at it, feeling drawn to it. "No, there are many more to unpack. Overlord, Golden Master. All the ones who tried to destroy you. Exciting." Saunders said and Jay nervously chuckled. "Uh... yeah, exciting." He said as they continued. "As we proceed further on the tour you can..." Cole stayed and looked at the portrait.
"Although known to some as the master without a student, Kodokuna Yang will be remembered by most as the creator of Airjitzu, the most powerful martial art in history. Huh. Actually, I remember Yang as the guy who turned me into a ghost." He sighed before seeing some sort of relic inside of glass case. "Hey, uh, Dr. Saunders? What's the story on this thing?" Cole's hands soon faced through the case, touching the relic. He felt a strange felling over his body before looking around. "Hello? Dr. Saunders? Anyone?" The others soon walked up and Nya saw the relic. "Look at that. Cool." Saunders nodded. "Ah, you have a good eye, Nya." Cole glared at him with his arms crossed. "Her? I'm the one who spotted..." The others just walked through him as if he wasn't even there.
"Uh, hey, watch it. You guys are walking right through me!" He exclaimed but no one seemed to hear him. "The yin blade belonged to master Yang. It is said to possess much dark magic." Saunders said and pointed at the blade, while Cole walked up to Kaya and Pyther. "Kaya, Pyther. Do you hear me?" He waved his hand infront of their faces, but no response. "They don't hear me, o-or see me. It's like I don't exist anymore. And it's all your fault!" His voice hissed as he looked towards tha painting of Yang, when he soon heard a voice. "Cole. Come. Come." Cole's eyes widened as he looked at the others. "Uh....tell me you heard that." The voice continued to call on Cole. "Come, Cole..." Meanwhile the others kept listening to Saunders. "...which is why it is sealed in this case made of Clearstone, the hardest substance known to human. Impenetrable by any living being." He said.
Cole kept listening to the voice, realizing who it was. "Yang." He walked around. "Close the circle." Yang said. "Close the circle?" Cole repeated in confusion before Yang spoke again. "Close the circle." It echoed and Cole nodded. "Close the circle." Suddenly he gasped and snapped out of the trance, noticing that the others were gone. "Huh." With quick steps he walked to a window and saw them outside. "Thank you so much for such an informative tour, Dr. Saunders." Wu thanked and shook Saunders's hand before turning towards the others. "Ninja, at the eclipse's peak we will return here, for the concert. But first, we must go forth and honor those we have lost. Those who have departed." Everyone nodded and headed off, but both Kaya and Pyther stopped. "Kaya, pyther. What is it?" Nya asked.
Kaya looked around. "I have a feeling that I've forgot something. But I don't know what." Pyther nodded. "Same. Something important. But I don't know what." Nya shrugged. "Maybe it's just the moon affecting you." Both Kaya and Pyther nodded. "You're probably right." They soon headed off as Cole's eyes widened. "They don't realize I'm gone. Maybe...I'm departed." His voice echoed. "See you guys soon." Kaya said. "Happy day of the departed, everyone." Nya added before Kaya turned to Pyther. "Are you coming?" Pyther shook his head. "I'm gonna honor some special people." Knowing what he meant, Kaya nodded before they headed off.
Everyone arrived at their destinations, honoring the departed. Lloyd and Misako was in the corridor of elders, releasing a lantern for Garmadon. Kaya and Nya did the same at four weapons, looking at a picture of their parents. In Birchwood forest was Zane celebrating with Pixal, Cyrus and his father. Jay was with his parents, looking through a photo album and enjoying the night. Selena was on Chen's island, visiting her mother's grave with a small smile on her face. Lastly, Pyther was in the anacondrai tomb, honoring his ancestors. "We honor our ancestors. Because if we never look to the past, we cannot envision the future. On the day of the departed, we pause to remember those we've lost. And enjoy our time with those we are still fortunate to have." Wu said as he was at the burnt down monastery, looking at a picture of his father. "I raise this cup of remembrance tea to you, Father. We never forget." He smiled before taking a sip.
Cole meanwhile were heading towards Yang's temple, needing to find answers. His father meanwhile were looking around for him in the city by a stage. "Cole. Cole, where are you? My son was gonna meet me before the show to light a lantern." Lou sighed before heading towards the rest of the royal blacksmiths, practicing their song. "Gave you your voice. Gave you your song. Put music in your heart. Now my heart is gone. To pieces. Pieces, pieces. Pieces, pieces." Dareth walked in. "Hey, guys? Hey, listen." They stopped singing and looked at him. "It's a good thing your manager is here to help you focus on the important things." Lou gave him a confused expression. "What's more important than family?" He asked. "A paying gig for a festival audience." Dareth answered and grabbed a microphone before heading onto the stage.
"Hello, Ninjago. Hey, look at you. Look at that once-in-a-lifetime lunar eclipse. It's really happening. How about a warm day of the departed greeting for the royal blacksmiths!" The crowd cheered as the group started to sing. "Be my day of the departed baby. Cold and spooky-hearted love. Still, my love for her is off the chart-ed." Ronin listened nearby while fixing R.E.X. digging to the music. "Very good. Huh, need some scraps. Don't worry R.E.X., Ed and Edna have some scraps on their junkyard I can use." He said before heading off.
Soon Cole arrived at the temple and stormed inside. "All right, Yang. Show yourself. You hear me? Show yourself." He commanded before Yang appeared. "You received my message." Cole glared at him. "I got it, all right. And I've got one for you. It's direct from the business end of your own weapon." With that he pulled out the yin blade, making Yang gasp. "The yin blade. But how? It's encased in solid clearstone. That case is impenetrable." He pointed out and Cole shook his head. "Not to a ghost. Which, thanks to you, I still am." Yang scoffed. "What are you going to do?" Cole pointed at the eclipse. "There's magic in the air. You know, eclipse and all?" He got a smirk from Yang.
"Please, where is your holiday spirit? It's the day of the departed." Cole glared more at him while raising the blade. "Uh-huh. And I'm settling my debt." With that he rushed towards Yang, ready to strike him. But Yang dodged, making Cole bump into a vase, breaking it as Yang laughed. "What? What's so funny?" Cole asked as the light from the eclipse shined on the vase, making green smoke appere. "This. That. All of it." Yang said, confusing Cole. "What's happening?" He got a grin from Yang. "My plan." The smoke traveled towards the museum and possessed the villain mannequins, letting them move and talk. "You never should have played with dark magic, boy. This day of the departed will be remembered as my night of the return. The yin blade, if you please." Yang said and held out his hand. Cole held the blade tighter and shook his head. "Yeah, I don't think so." A grin appeared on Yang's face. "But I do." Before Cole could react, Yang's students appeared and handcuffed him, aswell as handing Yang the blade.
The resurrected villains looked around in confusion before seeing eachother. "What happened?" Samukai asked as Specteria looked around. "Seems like we returned from the departed realm. Interesting." Kozu looked at her. "Are you behind this, octopus queen?" He asked and Specteria glared at him. "Octopus queen!? How dare you! I'm the queen of the cursed realm, ruler of ghosts!" Cryptor scoffed. "Some queen who got beaten by water." He said and Specteria growled. Chen and Clouse walked up to them, Chen ofcourse being happy with his buttons. "Oh! Buttons, buttons, buttons!" He laughed as Clouse rolled his eyes. "How could I have worked for this man?" They all got more confused. "What is going on here?" Samukai suddenly said and Specteria turned towards Yang's painting.
"Perhaps he can explain." She said and they gathered around the painting, Yang soon taking control of it. "My magic has brought you back from the departed realm to Ninjago, but you can only remain for the duration of the eclipse. Unless..." He said and Chen raised an eyebrow. "Unless?" Yang grinned. "Unless you destroy the ninja who destroyed you. Use your departed blades, and you will take their place among the living." With a clap, the villains got their respective blades. Meanwhile Pythor arrived while reading a map. "Hall of villainy? More like, hall of empty-ny." He scoffed before seeing his own mannequin. "Ha. They got some things right. But I'm not that fat." Soon he took the staff before hearing Yang speaking.
Carefully he slithered into the room. "The ninja are dispersed around Ninjago, and you will have revenge." Yang said and the villains cheered, before hearing Pythor and turned towards him. "Did someone say revenge? I want in. Ah, Cryptor, my loyal friend." He chuckled before seeing Chen. "Chen." Chen scoffed. "Pythor." Specteria smirked. "I feel some drama between them." Yang sighed in annoyence. "You must each choose a ninja and destroy them. Now go, I got my own business to tend to." He soon left, leaving the villains to discuss.
"I have a score to settle with those blacksmith sisters. So they're mine." Chen said and Pythor hissed. "Lloyd, I destroyed the father. Well, more or less. It's finally time to destroy the son." Specteria chuckled. "Technically you didn't do anything." Pythor glared at her. "Shut up." Cryptor grinned. "Zane's mine. Aswell as his boyfriend and their fathers." Specteria rolled her eyes. "Wu. He and I have unfinished business." She said with a grin. "I take Selena. She's my daughter after all. Plus I'm glad to have my powers back." Clouse said while summoning some magic in his hand. Kozu walked towards a window, seeing Dareth. "I'll take him." Samukai groaned. "Ugh. I'm stuck with Jay. But I guess that'll do." They all nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled. Although, the ninja won't go easily. Perhaps we could use some help?" Pythor said before pointing at the hall of sidekicks, making them all grin.
At Yang's temple was Cole being guarded by Yang's students. "So guys, what say you help me out? You know, student-to-ninja? Hello? Look, I know Yang's your master, but how can you be on his side?" Yang arrived with a smirk. "Your pleas are useless. My students, well, they're loyal to no one but me." He informed me and Cole groaned. "Come on, guys. Yang is like the definition of evil." Yang just scoffed. "Actually, yang means good. But I always did aspire for great. I dedicated my life to the study of the martial arts. I mastered them all, and even created my own. Airjitzu was my first achievement, but it was nothing compared to what I would discover next. My research revealed the location of the yin blade, a weapon whose magic was so powerful, it was said to hold the key to eternal life. Control that magic and I'd be forever remembered as Ninjago's greatest master. Immortality was so near. It was time for the ultimate test... myself. But something went...wrong. So while I will live forever, it is only as a ghost. Cursed to haunt this once-proud temple as master of the house. Never able to return. Until tonight, thanks to you." He informed.
Cole looked at him confused. "Thanks to me? How?" Yang grinned. "You said it yourself. There's magic in the air. On the day of the departed, when there's a yin-yang lunar eclipse, the yin blade can cut the rift of return. So thank you for this." He said and Cole glared at him. "You're not welcome. And you won't get away with it. I'm supposed to meet my friends, wife and son soon. When they see I'm missing, they'll come for me." All he got was a scoff. "See you're missing? Ha! Look at you. You can barely see yourself." Yang said, making Cole groan. "Besides, you've caused quite a few problems for your friends and family." This made Cole's eyes widen in worry.
At the blacksmith was Nya and Kaya looking around the place. "It feels strange being back in our parent's shop after all this time." Nya said and Kaya nodded while looking at an old picture of their parents. "Yeah. I wish they were here." Suddenly she felt a little dizzy. "Kaya? What is it? Are you okay?" Nya asked in worry. "I'm fine. It's just. There's something I haven't told Cole yet." Kaya answered and held her belly. Nya's eyes widened in shock. "You're, pregnant? Kaya, that's wonderful." The two hugged eachother. "Yeah. I haven't told Cole yet. Thought I'd do it after tonight." Soon she thought about their parents. "I wonder how mom and dad would react. Wonder if we'll ever find out what happened to them." She said.
Suddenly they heard a familiar voice. "I could tell you. But you have bigger things to worry about." Both sisters turned around and saw Chen. "Chen?" Nya said before Kaya handed her a sword. "I don't know how you're back, but it's two against one." Chen chuckled. "Is it?" Suddenly anacondrai cultists appeared, them too being resurrected. "Goodbye, ninja." He pressed a button and activated weapons. At birchwood forest was Zane celebrating with Pixal and their fathers. "Your new body seems to move perfectly." Pixal smiled and pulled him into a kiss. "And I can finally kiss you again." He said as Julien and Cyrus smiled at them. "Awww. Our sons really have found love." Julien said and Cyrus nodded. "Certainly, they're more human than us." Both smiled.
Suddenly two cages fell on top of them before lifting them into the air. "Ahhh!" Zane and Pixal quickly turned to see them being captured. "Father!" A familiar laugh was heard before Cryptor stepped forward with some evil nindroids. "Oops. Seems like a captured your father's. Or should I say, our fathers?" He mocked as Zane and Pixal got into a battle stance. Jay was happily celebrating with his parents, having a good time. "Uh, Edna, dear, is that crumb cake ready? We're starving." Ed chuckled as Jay rubbed his belly. "Mom's crumb cake, it's the most delicious one. I've have eaten less this week just to make room." He answered, making Ed chuckle more. "Me too, son. Your mother's cake is so good." They soon heard footsteps and turned, thinking it was Edna, but to their shock, it was Samukai who held Edna hostage. "Guess who's back?" He let out a big laugh.
Lloyd and Misako was cleaning Garmadon's statue at the corridor of elders. "I wonder how dad has it in the realm of after. Maybe they're celebrating today too." Misako smiled. "Who knows. But from what I've heard and read, it's suppose to be paradise. A perfect place to live after having a good life." Both of them hugged eachother before heading up the cliff, soon noticing someone behind a boulder. "Pythor?" Lloyd asked as Pythor slithered infront of them with a smirk. "When we last met, I decided to help you and your father, Garmadon, defeat Chen. Do you remember why?" He asked and Lloyd thought a little. "You said something about how if anyone was going to take over the world, you'd rather it be you." Pythor grinned. "Precisely. Time to finish the job." He slithered towards them.
Selena was using her magic to make flowers appere on her mother's grave. "Mom. I wish I got to know you better. But I know you're always watching over me." She said before feeling a presence. "Father." Clouse grinned as she turned towards him. "Thought some water could stop me? Stupid girl." He soon shot a blast at Selena who blocked it. Wu looked up at the eclipse. "An eclipse is always an omen, but is this one a sign of good...or bad?" He asked as Specteria appeared behind him. "Bad. Very bad." She said with a grin. Cole was watching all the events happen as Yang showed him. "Kaya's pregnant? And she and the others are in danger. What have you done!?" He hissed and Yang scoffed.
"No, Cole, what have you done?" That's when Cole realized that he was right. "How? How could I steal the Yin Blade and release all those ghosts?" Yang grinned. "You were scared you were departing, and that your friends and family had forgotten you. So I took advantage of your fragile mental state to trick you. Oh, oh, you weren't literally asking, were you? Give up, Cole. You're by yourself. There's no one to help you. Now, excuse me, I have a rift to open. Watch him, just in case." He said to one of his students before leaving, his student nodding before watching Cole. "All by myself." Cole repeated to himself.
Pythor slithered closer to Lloyd and Misako, attacking them. Luckily Lloyd managed to block them. "Pythor, what are you doing?" Misako said as Pythor grinned. "Giving the kid a one-way ticket to join his daddy in the realm of after." Lloyd kept blocking his attacks. "Sorry, I don't really feel like going on a vacation." He smirked before Pythor hissed. "But it's a holiday. Respect your elders." With that he threw his staff at one of the statues, making it fall towards Lloyd. "Lloyd!" Misako exclaimed as Lloyd managed to catch the statue, holding it up.
Chen and his cultists kept attacking the sisters. "Argh! Just get them already!" He exclaimed before Kaya turned to Nya. "Raider bikes." Nya nodded before pressing her bracelet, summoning their bikes. They jumped on and started to fight the cultists again. Chen pressed a button and aimed a weapon at Nya. "Goodbye." He said before Kaya shot a fireball at the weapon, destroying it before he could shoot. "Don't think so." She smirked. Zane and Pixal fought off the evil nindroids as Cryptor chuckled. "Escape is futile, Zane and Pixal. You and I share programming. I know your every move before you even make it." He said and Zane shook his head. "Not this one." Pixal held tight to him before Zane used airjitzu to reach high up. "If you know it, I know it." Cryptor said before activating jetpacks with the nindroids, surrounding the two.
Wu turned to see Specteria behind him, being ready to fight. "Oh please. I'm not here to fight." She threw her weapon aside. "How have you returned? And why are you here!?" Wu asked. "That's an interesting story." Specteria answered with a smirk.
Cole looked at one of the students, trying to talk to him. "So I didn't get your name." The student didn't speak or look at him. "Okay, I'll just call you, Chuck. Look, Chuck, I know you think you're Yang's student, and maybe you were once, but now you're his prisoner. Don't you see? He's not your friend. He's your captor. You gotta shake off his spell. Then, we can stop him. Together. You and me." Chuck still didn't talk. "Okay, no pressure, but you have three seconds to decide. One, two, three." Cole said before kicking Chuck and unlocking his cuffs. "Guess I'm working solo, Chuck" he said.
Ed tried to charge towards Samukai, but Jay stopped him. "Don't you worry, Edna. I'll take care of those piles of bones." Edna shook her head. "Oh, now, Ed, be careful. Dr. Berkman says not to strain." She said and Jay stepped forward. "I got this, Dad." He said and sent a lightning bolt at Samukai, making him let go of Edna who ran to Ed. "I have no idea what you want with my parents. But I won't let you continue." Samukai chuckled. "It's not your parents I want, Jay. It's you!" The two soon started to fight, while some skeletons grabbed Ed and Edna. "No!" Jay exclaimed before getting tripped.
In the city was the royal blacksmiths still singing. "Be mine. Day of the Departed baby. Cold and spooky-hearted love." The audience cheered before Dareth walked onto the stage. "Royal blacksmiths, everybody. Aren't they fantastic? Hey, speaking of fantastic, it's my duty as manager to remind you that there's fantastic merch available in the gift shop. Hats, CDs, mugs. Show you're a real fan. Now, before my boys continue, I just want to say thank you for coming and getting into the spirit of the night. Look at those costumes. Funny clowns and aliens and astronauts. Wow, those stone warriors." He said as Kozu and stone warriors walked onto the stage, Kozu spoke in their language.
That's when Dareth realized that it wasn't costumes. "Hey, that's no costume." Kozu grinned. "Revenge!" They soon started to chase Dareth who ran towards the museum. "Can we at least talk about it?" He screamed in fear. Selena and Clouse was fully fighting with their magic. "You might be more powerful, but I've got more experience." Clouse grinned before Selena's eyes glew purple. "Infernata!" She is exclaimed and made a big ring of flames appeared around Clouse. "But I've already beaten you twice." Clouse made the ring vanish before they continued to fight.
Cole ran around the temple, trying to find his way. "Yes!" He opened the door, finding himself face to face with more students. "Oops. Hey. So any chance you wanna tell me where Yang is opening that rift?" He nervously asked as the students held up their weapons. "So...that's a no? Whoa, let's not be hasty. This isn't a fair fight. For you." With that he managed to defeat the students. "Okay, sports fans, the score is Cole 3, evil possessed students 0." He continued before seeing Yang heading up the stairs. "Hurry up. I haven't got 3000 years." Yang said to more students, soon seeing Cole. More students surrounded him. "Okay, Cole, it's showtime." Cole said as Yang growled before heading towards the attic. "Deal with him." His students tried to beat Cole, but he managed to defeat them.
"Maybe I can do this myself. Whew!" Cole said and went up to the attic, seeing Yang. "I'm coming for you, Yang. It's over. You don't have any more students. You're all alone." Yang grinned. "Oh, I am not alone. Not at all." More students appeared and Cole smirked. "What's the matter, Yang? Too afraid to take me on by yourself?" A scoff escaped from Yang. ,xToo busy. The eclipse is beginning to fade, Cole. Just like you. Take him." The students quickly started to fight Cole.
Wu held his staff towards Specteria. "Tell me what you want and know. And don't try anything." Specteria rolled her eyes. "Just calm down. Anyway, Yang have put your team in danger." This caused Wu's eyes widen. "What has Yang done?" He asked. "He's made you forget one of your own, one who was already slipping away." Specteria answered and Wu took down his staff. "Why are you telling me this?" This made Specteria smirk. "Because I know when I'm defeated. Plus, I'm not gonna take over an old man's body." Wu sighed. "Tell me more." He said and Specteria nodded. "I will, but aboard the Bounty. We have to warn the others." They headed towards the Bounty.
Kaya and Nya kept riding their bikes as Chen and his cultists kept firing at them. "Duck!" Nya exclaimed and Kaya dodged the attack, sending a blast at Zugu that made him crash, forcing him out of the mannequin. "This is my stop." Kaya said before she and Nya used spinjitsu on the rest of the cultists, forcing them out of the mannequins aswell, only leaving Chen left. "I'm not done yet." He exclaimed and sent a missile towards them, but Nya repealed it with water. "Fuck." Chen said before getting hit and forced out of the mannequin. Misako confronted Pythor while Lloyd tried to hold up the statue. "Can't...hold...on." Lloyd said as Misako turned to him. "Yes, you can." Pythor scoffed. "Fool! You continually underestimate me. You're so like your father." This made Misako smile. "He's right, Lloyd. You're brave and noble and-" Lloyd looked up. "And a master of Spinjitzu. You are still with me, Dad." He said before throwing the statue away with ease.
Both him and Misako kept fighting Pythor on top of the statues, quickly outnumbering him. "Time for you to call it quits." Misako said and Pythor sighed. "Fine. I give up. Don't know why I even bothered." He soon slithered away, accidentally falling off one of the statues. "You think he's okay?" Lloyd asked before they heard Pythor grunt in pain. "Yup. He's okay. Just a little beaten up." The two chuckled a little as Pythor just laid there in pain.
Yang had arrived at the top of the temple, grinning at the eclipse. "Good to see you, rare eclipse. Now help me to finally open up the rift." Cole kept fighting the students. "All right, guys, time to take a break. Or not." He said as they continued to fight. "You guys are more tiresome than Jay!" Yang used the blade to open a rift. "Open the rift. Set me free." He exclaimed as the rift opened. "Yes. It is working." His eyes widening in glee. Zane and Pixal tried to escape the Nindroids. "Zane, they have flight capability. It appears you have miscalculated." Pixal said with worry in his voice. "No, I didn't." Zane smirked before destroying their jetpacks, making them fall and get forced out of the mannequins. Cryptor growled and attacked them. "I know your every move. I know how you hit. I know how you will kick. And I know you never give up." Zane stopped. "Then I give up." He said before Cryptor charged towards them.
But he soon got hit by a blaster from Cyrus's security droids, making him fall and get knocked out of the mannequin. "Enemy down sir." The lead droid said as Cyrus and Julien got let out. "Good thing they didn't take my alarm button." Julien nodded before letting out a big breath. "Let's agree to not do this again." They all chuckled.
Samukai walked towards Jay, towering over him. "For what it's worth, this isn't personal, Jay." He said and Jay looked up at him. "It kind of feels like it is, Samukai." A grin appeared on Samukai's face. "It's only so I can return. I promise that as soon as this is over, I'll release your parents." He laughed before Ronin's voice was heard. "Don't think so." Samukai's eyes widened as Ronin appeared in his salvage mech, freeing Jay's parents by kicking Samukai and some skeletons. "Ronin. Thanks for coming." Jay said and Ronin shrugged. "Just happened to be looking for some scraps before hearing the commosion." He said before chasing after some skeletons and crushed them.
Jay walked up to Samukai who was knocked to the ground. "Old foe, new trick. Watch me, Samukai." Before Samukai could react, Jay shocked him which kicked him out of the mannequin. Later he ate some crumb cake with his parents and Ronin. "Mm. Mm. Great crumb cake, Mom." Ronin nodded. "Absolutely. Perfect after looking for scraps." They all chuckled. Dareth meanwhile was roaming around the museum, looking for the helmet of shadows. "Helmet of shadows, where are you? You control the stone warriors, so I can control the stone warriors." The warriors soon found him and charged towards him. He screamed before seeing the helmet. "Helmet of shadows. I found it." Quickly he put it on, making the warriors stop, including Kozu. "Warriors. Destroy yourselves." He smirked the the warriors fought eachother, destroying eachother in the the process. Their spirits flew out of the broken mannequins as Saunders ran into the room with a glare of despair. "My museum! What have you done?" Dareth nervously laughed. "Sorry." He said.
Selena was sending big blasts towards Clouse, making him back up. "You can't stay away can't you!? Well I'll make sure you'll never return again, wherever you end up!" She exclaimed and summoned a symbol under Clouse. "This symbol. No! You can't do this! Om your father." Clouse desperately said and Selena gave him a cold glare. "Not anymore. Delethra samur!" She is exclaimed and activated the symbol. Clouse screamed in agony as his mannequin body started to burn up, soon disappearing completely. Selena fell to the ground in exhaustion while panting. "Now you'll never return. No matter what happens." She said and looked at her mother's grave, smiling.
Yang saw the rift opening wider. "Ah, here it comes." He grinned as Cole continued to fight the students. "Ugh, they just keep coming. I can't do this much longer. One last time." Before the students could react, Cole used spinjitsu, defeating them all except one. "Don't make me hurt you too." He said and the student ran away in fear. Cole sighed before grabbing a sword and headed upstairs. "Stop it, Yang!" Yang didn't listen. "Freedom. Return. It's all mine." He grinned in glee. "No! You are not going anywhere!" Cole exclaimed and body slammed Yang, making them both fall off the roof. While that happened was Pyther meditating in the tomb, before snapping out of it. "Dad!" He exclaimed.
At the museum was Jay arriving, the others already being there. "Guys, I have the ghost story to end all ghost stories. You will never guess what just happened." He said and the others smirked. "You battled the possessed mannequin of a mortal enemy?" Kaya asked. "Him and his goons tried to send you to the departed realm with magic blades?" Nya added. "But you defeated them first. And saw their ghosts disappear into the night." Zane finished and both Lloyd and Selena chuckled while nodding. Jay scoffed. "Oh, okay, fine. You guessed. Well, since you know so much, why were all those ghosts out here?" He asked before Wu arrived. "Because distracting you was part of master Yang's plan. A very evil one." He informed as they turned to him.
Their eyes widened when they saw Specteria floating out from behind him. "And he had help." She said with a smirked. "Specteria!" Kaya said as they all prepared to fight. "No! She's not here to help." Wu said and they stood down. "How did you return?" Selena asked. "Yang tricked Cole into helping him open a rift to return to Ninjago. If he succeed. Who knows what will happen." Specteria answered and Jay crossed his arms in frustration. "Cole? How'd he trick you?" Zane looked around. "Jay, Cole isn't here." He informed. "Are you sure? He's been fading a lot lately. He's kind of easy to miss." Jay said before Pyther arrived. "Dad is forgotten!" He exclaimed, making the other's eyes widen. "We forgot Cole!" They gasped as Kaya stepped forward. "We need to get to him Quick." She said before they all headed to the Bounty.
Wu turned towards Specteria. "Thank you, Specteria." Specteria scoffed. "Don't bother thanking me. See you." She headed into the museum and stood at her place, making a pose before her spirit returned to the departed realm. Cole and Yang was on the ground and stood up slowly. "Just give up already." Yang said as Cole walked up to him. "No. I'm keeping you here until the eclipse ends and the rift closes. Your evil will never return to Ninjago." Cole exclaimed before they clashed their weapons. Yang just laughed. "What are you even fighting for? Your friends have abandoned you. Your master has abandoned you. Even your wife and son. You are all alone." Cole's eyes widened. "No!" Before he could react, Yang destroyed his sword and knocked him towards the ground.
Cole's body slowly started to fade. "Can't...go on...alone." he said as Yang grinned. "Yes. Yield. Soon I will be gone, but you will remain forever departed, destined to haunt this temple, forever as the new master of the house." He laughed. "I'm...fading away." Cole's voice getting weaker. "Just one more lonely ghost. Not a friend in the world." Yang said with a grin. Slowly Cole closed his eye, accepting his fate. Until he suddenly heard two familiar voices. "Cole!" Kaya's voice broke through to him. "Dad!" Pyther's did aswell, snapping Cole back to reality. "Huh? Kaya? Pyther?" He turned and saw the Bounty, hearing everyone call out for her. "What? Who's that?" Yang exclaimed.
Cole looked at his friends and family, seeing them all calling for him made his heart warm up as he stopped fading away. "My friends and family. Who remember me." He kicked Yang who gasped in shock. "Ghost or not, I'm gonna do what I came here to do, Yang." The two continued to fight. "We have to help him." Kaya said and Nya shook her head. "I can't bring it any closer. The wind's still too strong." She said as he had it hard steering the ship. "And you're wrong. I'm not the one who's alone. You are." Cole said towards Yang who glared at him. "No. I have my family." He pointed towards his students and Cole shook his head. "No, you have prisoners. That's not family. That's captivity!" Suddenly he punched Yang and knocked him into the wall. "Whoa, I feel...different. Like, like, I can punch through...anything." Cole's arm soon glew orange before he ran towards the yin blade and destroyed it.
The students snapped out of the control and took off their hoods. "No. No! You broke my spell!" Yang exclaimed and Cole turned towards them. "The rift! If you hurry, you can be free of this place forever!" The students nodded and used airjitzu to go through the rift. As they did their spirits turned gold and went towards the realm of after. "The rift is almost closed." Wu exclaimed as Yang looked after his students. " students. Leaving me. I...I failed." Cole kneeled infront of him and nodded, not a mean nod, but gentle. "Yeah, you did." Yang clenched his fists. "I always fail." This made Cole's eyes widen. "Wait, what?" He asked. And Yang sighed. "I dedicated my life to studying the martial arts. Alone. I got arrogant, I wanted to live forever." Cole looked at him.
"Why? No one lives forever." Yang looked up at him. "Because I knew the day I was gone, no one would remember me." This made Cole shocked. "All of this was so you wouldn't be forgotten?" The others looked at them. "What is he doing? Is-is he talking to Yang?" Jay asked. "The rift cannot be opened again until the next Yin-Yang eclipse." Wu informed and Zane looked up something. "Which, according to my calculations, won't happen for 3,721 years." Kaya's eyes widened in worry. "Cole, the rift! You gotta pass through the rift!" She exclaimed and Pyther nodded. "Dad! Hurry!" He shouted.
Yang sighed. "You must think I'm a fool for having such a petty desire." Cole looked down at him before helping him up. "No, I get it. Believe me, I get it. I know what it's like to feel forgotten. Alone. It-it hurts. But master Yang, you are already gonna be remembered forever." He said and Yang looked at him in confusion. "Me? How?" Cole rolled his eyes. "You created airjitzu." The rift started to close more. "Cole! It's now or never!" Jay exclaimed and Cole held out his hand towards Yang. "Now come on, there's still time to go through. Both of us." He grabbed him and did airjitzu towards the rift. Yang looked towards the temple and shook his head. "No, I'm afraid that's impossible. The curse of the temple requires that at least one ghost remained behind as master of the house." Cole's eyes widened.
"One of us has to stay here?" He said and Yang looked at him. "It must be this way." Yang grabbed him. "Hey! What are you doing?" Cole exclaimed. "Settling my debt." Yang soon launched Cole towards the rift, just as it closed and the wind got stronger. "Brace yourselves. It's going to be a hard landing." Wu exclaimed before Selena made a protective shield around them. The ship landed safely on the ground and everyone sighed in relief. Misako walked up to them. "Is everyone all right?" She asked as they walked off the ship. "Nothing that tightening a few screws can't fix." Zane said before Lloyd looked around. "I'm okay, but where's Cole?" They all looked around before gasping in worry. "Oh, no!" Jay exclaimed.
Nya's eyes widened. "Did he make it?" Jay shook his head and lowered it. "He was too late. He's gone forever." Both Kaya and Pyther looked down in sorrow and hugged eachother, tears running down their faces. "I'd give anything to have him back." Jay said with a cracking voice. "Anything?" A familiar voice asked, making the others look up in shock. "Anything." Jay exclaimed before hearing Cole's voice. "Even the Sonic Raider Jet?" He asked and they all turned towards him. His body no longer being a ghost, as he was human again with a scare on his forehead. "Cole!" Everyone exclaimed and embraced him. "You're back!" Jay said happily. "And you're not a ghost anymore." Lloyd pointed out as they all looked at him.
"You look good as new." Nya said and Cole smiled. "Ah. Pretty much. Thank you, Nya." He soon saw Kaya and Pyther, quickly hugging them with teary eyes. "You're back." Kaya said before kissing Cole. The others smiled at the family before Selena turned towards the temple. "Speaking of good as new." She pointed towards the temple and they all gasped when thay saw the temple looking completely new and fixed. Wu let out a small sigh. "The temple of the airjitzu master has been returned to its original condition." Zane nodded. "It's beautiful." Cole looked at it and got an idea. "You know, that would be a pretty cool place for a ninja to train." He said before they later on gathered around a campfire, joined by their friends and families.
"Whoa. And was I right or was I right?" Cole said and Jay rolled his eyes. "Yes, you were right. Are you going to retell this story every day of the departed from now on?" He asked and Jay smirked. "Only until you admit that you didn't want to move in because you were scared it's still haunted." Everyone chuckled as Jay glared at him. "I wasn't scared. I was cautious." A sheet soon floated behind him. "Okay Pyther. Very funny, but you can stop now." He said. "Um, I'm right here." Jay's eyes widened when he saw Pyther sitting next to Kaya. "Then, who's this?" In fear he removed the sheet, revealing a purple ghosts. "Boohoo!" It said and Jay screamed in fear. Soon the ghost flew over to Selena, revealing it to be an illusion. Everyone laughed as Jay blushed in embarrassment. "Okay fine, I was scared. And wrong. There's no more ghosts here." Cole shook his head. "Nope. No ghosts." He said and looked up to a window, secretly winking towards Yang who winked at him.
Later on they all released lanterns into the air. "Happy day of the departed." Wu said and Cole turned towards Kaya. "Happy day of the departed. All of you." He said and put his hand on her belly. Kaya looked at him and realized that he knew, smiling at him. "Happy day of the departed." Pyther smiled. "Happy day of the departed." The three shared a family hug and looked up at the stars.
(A/N. Okay, so as I've said. I'm not gonna do chapters of hands of time to seabound. It's not because I hate them. It's just that I haven't watched them that much. So don't hate me. But I am gonna do two bonus chapters. Anyway see you soon.)
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