Darkness shall rise. (Season two, chapter one)
The citizens of Ninjago city were cleaning up after the devourer. Luckily they got help from the ninja. Cole used his strength to put a light pole in place. "Finally. All fixed up and serpentine free." Kaya focused and used her fire to make it stand. That's when her flame went out, thanks to her powers getting drained. Because they gave away their weapons, their powers completely disappeared.
Cole walked up to her. "Take a little rest, Firefly. You used a lot of your last powers." Kaya smiled and sat down to rest. Jay grunted a little. "Just great. We don't have our weapons. Our elemental powers are gone. Our dragon's hurt. Our tank need to be fixed. And we don't have a place to live because our ship is destroyed." He said and Kaya sighed. "Atleast we can do spinjitsu." Zane nodded. "No one ever said that being a hero was easy." Kaya nodded in agreement.
"He's right. Our good deeds might not make us rich. But they can make us richer in another way." Jay rolled his eyes. "I don't feel rich. But I still feel great, pitching in. By the way, where's Nya? Wasn't she suppose to help?" Soon Nya and Wu arrived on a bike. "And I have. I have found a place for us to live." Nya said and the others smiled. "Really? But the list for living in Ninjago city is a mile long. How did you do it?" Jay asked.
Nya Nya just smirked and handed them a paper. "I know a guy that knows a girl. And that she knows this girl that knows this guy. And this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent, and she could help you. If you catch my drift." The ninja looked at them. "And where are you going?" Jay asked. "We need some parts to fix the tank. And the dragon ointment I ordered have finally arrived. It will take a day, but when we're back, he'll fly again." Wu said before they drove off.
The ninja looked at the paper they got. "Patty Keys. Real estate Queen. This is exactly what we need. Ones we get a roof over our heads, we can finally start to probably train Lloyd." Jay said and Cole nodded in agreement. "Good. Because we know that lord Garmadon won't take any breaks. And the serpentine is still out there." The others nodded.
Meanwhile, the serpentine were by the destroyed bounty. "Serpentine, we've been exiled for the last time. Fear not, I will lead you." Skales said and the other snakes looked at him skeptical. "Lead us? To where? The City of Ouroboros has been destroyed. We have no home. You want to lead us so badly, why should we trusssst you?" A random snake said and Skales hissed. "Because I was the one who told you in the first place not to awaken the Devourer. But no, you listened to Pythor." Suddenly they all heard a familiar voice.
"You want a home... I'll give you a home." Right behind them were Garmadon. "Lord Garmadon!" Skales hissed as the snakes looked at him scared. "Forgive me, I haven't been myself lately. But now that I have the golden weapons, it's time that I got back to my roots. If I'm going to rule Ninjago, I know I can't do it all by myself. The Skeletons served their purpose, but I've always been partial to snakes. If you want someone to follow, follow me." He said and the snakes started to consider following him.
Skales hissed. "You are to follow me, not him!" Garmadon then grinned. "You want a home, I give you a home." With that, he used the weapons to rebuild the Bounty. "I give you the black bounty!" All snakes cheered, except for Skales who growled. "Imbeciles! Don't you remember he was just helping the ninja? Now you blindly follow him because of his wizardry? He's not even a Serpentine. Rule with me, and we rule as brothers!" Garmadon pointed the weapons against the serpentine.
"Rule with me... or else." The serpentine cheered before following him onto the ship. They sailed off, leaving the generals behind. Garmadon grinned as they headed to the golden peaks. Where his plan was gonna start
In Ninjago city, the ninja were guided by Patty Keys to an apartment. They didn't look pleased as it was terrible. "This one bedroom, one half bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extra when everything is arms reach. Now wait until you see the lighting." Patty said and tried to turn on the lights. But nothing happened. "Who needs light when you have this view." Patty nervously said and opened the curtains, showing a brick wall. "Why does it smell like old people?" Lloyd asked.
Patty sighed. "Look doll. I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford." The ninja walked up to her. "This looks, promising. Remember what Sensai said. Our main objective is to train Lloyd, not lack around. If this is what we can afford, then it is." Cole said and Jay interupted. "Whoa whoa. Let's not make a decision yet. If it is to train Lloyd, then we should find a place where he can train properly." Kaya nodded in agreement.
"He's right. If Lloyd's gonna save Ninjago from his father one day. He should atleast have his own bedroom." Zane then spoke. "Technically, that does not matter. The only..." Jay interupted him. "We're just thinking about the about the children." Patty thought a little. "I do have another place that you might love." She said and took them to another apartment.
The ninja's eyes widened when they saw how good the apartment looked. "This is the eight room hero suite. Floor to cealing windows. Digital wall television. Latest game console." Cole got a little hesitant. "It looks like it's out of our budget." Patty waved him off with a smile. "It might cost more, but you deserve it. Did I also mention that there's a dragon keep on the roof?" They all heard the ultra dragon roar in satisfaction.
"Maybe we can get a hero discount. I mean, it was actually we that saved the city." Jay said and Patty smirked. "I thought it was Garmadon who did that." Kaya then turned to the others. "We can get day jobs. To pay for the extra expenses." Zane nodded in agreement. "We always said we could use extra responsibility." Kaya then turned to Patty. "Is there somewhere we can train?" Patty nodded. "Did I mention the training room that comes with it." She showed them the room and they all nodded.
"We take it!" They all said. The ninja took different jobs and worked very hard. Jay delivered pizza, Cole was a guard at the bank, Zane worked at a sushi restaurant. And Kaya was helping, teaching kids self-defense. It was going great as they filled the rent jar. But it soon started to go down for them. Jay was late, Cole thought the wrong person was stealing, Zane had to speed himself up. And Kaya was ganged up on, getting hit.
Exhausted, they returned home. Cole put his feet in cold water. "I can't feel my feet." He grunted. Kaya held ice over bruises. "These bruises are gonna take months to heal." Zane was oiling himself. "My gears have locked up several times. I didn't even know that they could do it." Jay layed on the floor, reaching for the gaming console. "I don't even have energy to play video games." He faceplanted on the floor.
Lloyd walked up to them and crossed his arms. "But I thought that you would train me when you got home." Cole sighed. "Sorry kid. But we can't until we have paid the rent. How close are we Jay?" Jay looked at the jar, and his eyes widened. "Is this jar getting bigger? We're not even close." Everyone groaned in frustration. As the rent was due the next day.
"I can work double shift." Cole said. "And I can work over time." Zane added. Jay nodded. "I can maybe deliver more pizzas." Kaya looked at them. "And I can teach all classes at the same time." They all nodded in agreement. "Okay, then we have a plan. Tomorrow we pay rent." Cole said before Lloyd spoke. "And what about me?" Cole handed him a bucket. "You can go and get more ice for me and Kaya, okay." Lloyd nodded and did just so.
The next day, Jay made himself ready to the next delivery to, 21st and union. He only got five minutes before he needed to pay. So he drove the fastest he could. Not even him stopping to help a lady who's getting robbed, slowed him down. Soon he arrived. But there was no house. That's when he heard the generals. "So, after you rob the bank, we embark on phase two. Ingenious!" Skales laughed. "But boss, when are we going to get pizza? I'm hungry." Skalidor whined.
Jay's eyes widened. "Rob the bank?" Before he could react, he got knocked out by Acidicus. The generals tied him up at a train station before driving off towards the bank. Jay woke up and found himself tied up. "Oh, come on, Jay. You gotta warn the others. You can figure a way out of this." He jumped a little before seeing the map, figuring out the general's plans. "So that's the Serpentine master plan. Wicked! Guys, I'm coming! Ugh, hopefully Cole can stop the bank robbery." Quickly he jumped the direction towards the bank.
Cole were sleeping outside the bank, when suddenly the generals arrived into the bank. They sat off the alarm. Cole woke up and headed to the vault, but they were already gone. But he heard their voices. "Let's get out of here.Let's take the subway." Acidicus said and Cole's eyes widened. "Subway?" He said to himself.
Kaya was on break outside when she saw cop cars heading to the bank. "Trouble? Cole needs my help." She said before her boss walked out. "Kaya? Where are you going?" Kaya sighed. "I'm sorry. But I need to go help my friends." Her boss smiled gently. "It's okay. Go. Ninjago needs you." He smiled at her. "Thank you, Nick. Good luck." Kaya thanked and ran off.
Later she meet up with Cole and Zane. Zane had been fired after accidentally dropping and egg on a kid. And ofcourse, Cole got fire for sleeping on the job, and letting the bank get robbed. "Let's go. They're getting away." Cole said as they headed away. "Which way did they go?" Kaya asked. "I overheard them saying something about the subway." Cole informed and the others nodded. "Good call. Let's go!" Zane said before they changed into their ninja suits.
They soon arrived underground and landed on the train. The generals heard them and grinned. "Ugh, isn't there an easier way to get inside?" Cole asked. "Not without a ticket." Kaya answered before getting grabbed and pulled inside. "Kaya!" Cole cried out before he and Zane jumped inside. There they saw Skalidor holding Kaya in a tight grip. "Let me go, snake!" She tried to break free. "Welcome to the part..." Skalidor said before getting hit in the face by Kaya.
Acididcus slithered over to them. "Care for a drink?" He sprayed towards Zane and Cole, but they managed to dodge. "Good thing we didn't get hit." Zane said before Fangtom hit his face with his staff. "But that stings a little. Let me have this dance, snake." He said and threw Fangtom into the wall. They continued to fight the other snakes. "Just keep fighting. We not gonna let these fools get away with this." Cole said before Fangtom grinned.
"Get away? We aren't trying to get away. We're just trying to distract you long enough so that Skales can kidnap Lloyd." The ninja's eyes widened. "We could care less about the money. We just wanted the boy. Who's the fool, now?" He laughed. And he was right. Skales was at their apartment, ready to kidnap Lloyd.
"We have to save Lloyd." Cole said as they continued to fight the snakes. "Okay, I'm done with this." Kaya said and bit Skalidors hand, making him let go of her. Zane then took a pipe and used it as a weapon. The others did the same. Kaya held her pipe against the serpentine. "Unh! Uh, uh, uh...this was all a big misunderstanding." Skalidor nervously said and Kaya glared at them. "Oh, really?" Cole then saw something on the tracks.
"Guys, I think I found Jay." Jay was still jumping on the tracks before seeing the train heading towards him. His eyes widened before he quickly started to jump the other way. Zane and Cole reached the driving seat, just too see it empty. "The train appears to be automatically controlled." Zane pointed out. "So it's not gonna stop?" Cole said before they tried to pull the breaks. But it didn't stop. Kaya was guarded the generals, before noticing the others needing help.
So she quickly ran to them to help. So the generals took the chance and escaped. Jay fell and screamed in the fear as the train got closer. But the others luckily managed to stop the train in time. "Haha! Hey, there you guys are! Ugh. Um, I could use a little hand here, hehe." Jay said, still in shock. Soon they all headed to their apartment where everything was messy. They started to look for Lloyd.
"Lloyd!" Cole shouted. "He's not here." Zane said sadly. Kaya looked down and clenched her fists. "Oh, we shouldn't have left him." Cole nodded. "We shouldn't have taken those jobs in the first place. What were we thinking? Losing Lloyd was by far our greatest loss." They soon heard Wu. "But it could be your greatest lesson." All four turned towards Wu and Nya. And by them stood Lloyd. "Lloyd!" They quickly hugged him. "You're okay!" Kaya said in relief.
"I wasn't going to be, until Nya and Sensei showed up at the last moment." Lloyd answered. "I go away for a day, and everything falls apart." Nya said, completely done. "I guess you could say, we learned that we don't need all the fancy stuff. We just need each other." Kaya said and the others nodded in agreement. "You want us to help you clean up?" Wu asked. "Well, we are a team." Kaya answered. Wu turned to Nya. "Nya, I think it's time for another road trip." Cole then stopped them
"Hold on, I got a better idea." They all soon moved into the first apartment they saw. "It's not much, but this one-bedroom, one-half-bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything is in arm's reach?" Cole said, exactly like Patty said. Lloyd accidentally bumped into Jay, which made him drop a box onto Kaya's foot.
Lloyd accidentally bumped into Jay with a chair. Which made him drop a big box on Kai's foot. "Oh s-sorry Kai. It wasn't my fault." Jay nervously said as Kaya glared at him. "Ow. It was your box. You got three seconds. One. Two. THREE!" She said and cracked her knuckles before chasing Jay. The others laughed. "Ha, feels like home to me. At least we get to stay in Ninjago City for a little while." Nya said to Wu and Zane nodded. "And now without the distractions, we can put all of our energy into training Lloyd." He said.
Lloyd then bumped into him. "Who's there?" Zane helped Lloyd with the boxes. Kaya soon looked at Wu, after punishing Jay who was knocked out on the floor. "I know the serpentine generals got away, but you never told us what happened to Skales?" She asked. "Oh, he found a home, too. But it's not quite as roomy as here." Wu answered. Skales was in prison, and were staying there for awhile.
At the golden peaks, had Garmadon arrived and fused the golden weapons. They glew before turning into the mega weapon. He grabbed it and felt it's energy. "Your eminence, are you okay?" One of the snakes asked and Garmadon grinned. "Yes. In fact, I've never felt more powerful! Now, to destroy the ninja...once and for all!" He laughed. Wu sat outside meditating, when he felt something. "I fear there is a great disturbance in the balance." He said. Worried about what would happen.
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