Every citizen in was celebrating the New Year Festival, laughing and having fun. Inside Chen's noodle house was Ronin sitting by himself, watching TV as it reported about the festival. "Season of change is almost to an end. And residents of Ninjago eagerly await to celebrate tonight's New Year Festival." The reported announced in glee while Skylor walked up to Ronin. "Hard to believe you don't have any friends to usher in the New Year." She said while taking his dishes.
"Let's just say, I'm good at making friends, just not keeping them." Ronin answered with a sigh and Skylor gave him a gentle smile. "Huh. Even a friend who spoils the party every once in a while, is still a better friend than someone who stays." Her eyes soon landed on Ronin's aeroblade as he tried to hide it. "Ah. It's okay. I've been around enough weapons in my day. In fact, kind of reminds me of very good friends." Ronin relaxed a little. "How much do I owe you?" He asked and Skylor smiled. "It's on the house, friend." Ronin got surprised before chuckling. "Huh. Appreciate it." His attention soon turned towards the TV.
"Festival celebration is going on all over Ninjago. But not only in Ninjago. Other cities in every corner are celebrating this festival and no other town likes to celebrate more than the residents in Stiix county." The reported said from Stiix and Skylor looked at the screen. "You know that sewer swamp?" She asked Ronin who chuckled. "Yeah. I used to call it home." The two laughed a little while they continued to watch.
Inside a house in Stiix had Morro arrived. "Now let's shed a little light." He said and used the realm crystal to open a portal to the cursed realm. Out of it came his ghost friends, and Specteria. She floated towards a window and looked out over Stiix. "So many souls, just waiting for me to control." The ghostd kneeled before her. "My queen. When are you fully powered?" Morro asked and Specteria grinned. "The crystal's energy power me enough to charge my full power. Soon I'll be able to take over Ninjago. And then, the other realms." She and the ghosts laughed.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let the festivities begin." Morro exclaimed before Specteria used her amulet to summon more ghosts, letting them take over the town. The citizens screamed in horror as they fleed from them. Specteria looked at them and grinned.
The ninja and the others had arrived at Steep Wisdom, Wu saying that they needed supplies. "Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get." Kaya asked as Wu turned towards them. "We need to stock up." Jay looked at him curiously. "On what? Magic tea that will make us invincible? Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?" He asked while Pyther gave him a judging look. "Why would you want four arms?" Wu shook his head. "Sadly, no magical tea today. I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else." Everyone's eyes widened. "What? You sold your business? But that was for your retirement." Zane informed.
That's when Cyrus and Julien walked up to the. "Ah! Hello again, ninja." Cyrus greeted and Wu walked up to the two. "While we were away, I had Borg and Julien use the money from the tea farm to create us some new toys to balance the scales. They are expensive, you know." He told them who nodded. "It's been so long, I hardly recognize any of you. Lloyd looks older. I see a water ninja. A titanium nindroid. A sorceress. Cole is a...a ghost? Huh? Jay looks shorter. And, and then there's Kaya." Cyrus said and Jay gasped and crossed his arms.
"Hey, what do you mean I look shorter?" Kaya rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, Dr. Borg and Julien, but cut to the chase. We don't have much time." She said and Julien nodded. "Yes, always the impatient one. Come, let us show you." He pressed a button and three vehicles got brought up. "If you want a little muscle with that hustle, we've made Jay a lightning-fast Ghost Taker, GT for short. Front spectral intake, rear incorporeal storage." Cyrus proudly smirked and Jay's eyes widened in glee. "Oh, why did the ghost cross the street? Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause he saw me coming in that!" He exclaimed and jumped inside.
Julien turned to Zane. "Zane's ice mech. Sure it appears to be the same, but I've equipped the underarms with deepstone particle shooters, allowing you to freeze the competition." Zane smirked and got into the mech. "Super cool. And I mean quite literally." Lastly Cyrus showed Cole a motor cycle. "Cole, I've made you a Ghost Cycle. Twin carbine blasters, auto-evasive handling. Made entirely of deepstone, perfectly molded to fit the, uh...bodiless. And I've set all the radio presets to your favorite, soft rock." Cole nodded and jumped in before turning on the radio, hearing his favorite song.
"And for you, Kaya." Cyrus said and tossed her a red headband. "A headband?" She said in confusion and both Cyrus and Julien nervously laughed. "A personal embroidered headband. Thirty-two thread count, easy tie capabilities. I apologize. I lost track of the time building the other vehicles. Eh, same goes for you, Lloyd. To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be making it back." Julien answered and Kaya shrugged while Lloyd smiled gently. "Hey, I'm just happy to be here. We'll take any help we can get." He said.
Cyrus turned towards Wu. "I hear Morro has opened a bridge between our two realms. And Specteria is charging enough energy to take over Ninjago." Wu nodded. "Which is why we need Lloyd to use the realm crystal to send her back and destroy it before that happens. If Ninjago is cursed, the other realms are sure to follow." Nya thought about something. "But they'll be expecting us. And Morro still has the sword of sanctuary. Even with all these fancy new vehicles, how are we supposed to get close?" She pointed out, making the others realize.
"Yeah, we're supposed to take on an army of ghosts?" Jay asked and Lloyd stepped forward. "Maybe I can lure him out. He said he always wanted to be the green ninja." Selena looked at him. "No! I won't risk loosing you again." She said with a serious glare, showing Lloyd she wouldn't let him do it. "Plus, Specteria is dangerous. She could pull you into the cursed realm without hesitation." Wu told them and Cole sighed. "But even with our powers back, he's seen all of our moves." That's when Kaya smirked and looked towards Nya. "Then we'll show him something he hasn't. A water ninja." She said and Nya's eyes widened.
"But I've just started my training. I haven't even found my true potential!" Kaya grabbed her hands. "Nya, when our parents disappeared, you were there for me. Now, I'm here for you." The others nodded in agreement. "She's right. Nya's our greatest weapon." Cole said. "And as teammates sharpen teammates, the same should go for a sister." Zane quoted and Lloyd nodded. "Our greatest power isn't what we can throw at him. It's what we have right here. A united team." Selena smiled at Nya. "Our strength are eachother." They all looked at eachother determined.
Wu nodded and looked at Nya. "So, what do you think, Nya? Are you ready to lead them into battle?" He asked. Nya looked at the others and our on her mask. "I'm in. But if they know we're coming straight for them, how about we show them not every path is a straight line?" Zane looked at her with a questioning look. "Intrigued. Do you have a plan?" Nya nodded. "I'll explain on the way." Pyther smirked. "A plan from aunt Nya. This is gonna be good." He said excitedly.
At Stiix was the ship captain looking over the city as a waiter walked up to him. "Captain, dinner is ready." He said with a giant plate of food. "Ugh. Just keep the food coming. These ghosts' appetites is like nothing I've seen. Go." The captain ordered before the waiter ran through the city, getting scared as he encountered ghosts on the way. Soon he saw citizens inside a cage. "Oh, you poor people." He said before he tried to feed them, but two ghosts appeared and took the food. "Bon appétit." The waiter nervously said before running back to get more food.
Specteria looked over Stiix as Morro and her friends walked in. "My queen, the citizens spirits are breaking down." Soul Archer informed and Specteria grinned. "Good. Any sign of the ninja?" She asked and Wrayth shook his head. "No, but we have two spooks for every nook and cranny in this watering hole. And even if they do show, any one of us they strike down can simply return through you." He said and Specteria nodded before they left, but Morro stayed. "My queen. Since my mission is over. It time for you to hold your end of the our deal." This made Specteria giggle. "Oh. You think your mission is over?" Suddenly a chain appeared around Morro's neck, pulling him to the ground. "I decide when your mission is over! And it's not. Not until you get rid of those ninja. So don't come here and give me demands. Unless you want me to tear your soul apart." Specteria hissed in Morro's face, making him look at her in fear. "Yes, my queen." He said before the chains disappeared. "Good. Because you're my pet. Never forget it." Morro nodded and walked off.
Wu came driving a truck with Misako and Pyther inside. Bansha stopped the truck while glaring at him. "Wu. A special delivery, I presume?" She said as some ghosts checked the truck, only to find it empty. "Let me talk to my pupil. It doesn't have to end this way." Wu said before Morro floated over to them. "Sensei. I was wondering when you were gonna show up." He smirked and Wu gave him a saddened expression. "You think I'll just let you stroll right in? Your wisdom fails you in your old age. And soon Specteria will rule all realms. And set me free, letting me go to the realm of after." Wu shook his head.
"Specteria can't be trusted. She'll take over the realm of after aswell. Last chance, Morro. You may no longer be my pupil, but I still can teach you a lesson. My ninja are well-trained, and they will defeat every last one of you. Give up now, or forever rest in peace." Morro scoffed. "Take them." Ghosts soon took the three to the others captured civilians. "You think I'd ever let the ninja in my town? Foolish old man." Morro grinned before heading off.
What he didn't know was the ninja and Selena was disguised as civilians. Kaya was passing food to the ghosts before talking through a communicator. "Anyone have eyes on the realm crystal?" She asked while Zane looked at Ronin's pawnshop. "It appears to be inside what used to be Ronin's pawnshop in the center of town. I see Specteria there, and it's highly guarded." Jay was on top of a roof and looked around. "Do you think we can get Lloyd in there to destroy it? I don't know if we'll pull Morro away long enough." He asked. "Yeah, well, that's the plan. Everyone in position?" Cole said while hiding behind a corner. "Let's do this." Selena said before walking up to some ghosts.
"May I offer you all with some tea?" She asked and the ghosts nodded. Selena smiled and held up the teapot, before she "accidentally" tripped and splashed one of them with the tea, making him disappear. "Oh my." The ghosts glared at her. "You fool!" They soon chased her, allowing Lloyd to proceed towards the pawnshop. Jay saw him jumped into a crane, looking down at some ghosts. "Hey, move back! Thanks!" The ghosts watched as he lowered down a crate, distracting them so Lloyd could run by.
As he ran, Zane dropped a bucket of water, almost hitting some ghosts. They glared at him and didn't see Lloyd running past them. That's when he stopped and saw some ghosts dancing. Cole smirked and possessed the phonograph, making the music faster. Lloyd continued to run until Morro's ghost dragons saw him and roared. His eyes widened as he got surrounded by Morro and other ghosts. "Look what we have here." Soul Archer said as Morro grinned. "The green ninja. So rude. Hasn't anyone told you it's not polite to be late to the party?" They all laughed as Lloyd glared at them.
"Now that we've got him, what do you want us to do with him?" Bansha asked Morro who walked closer to Lloyd. "Surely it's not just you. I know your ninja are never far." He looked around. "Come out, come out, wherever you are! I have your beloved green ninja!" A sadistic laugh came from him. "You think you can come into my home and steal the crystal I rightfully earned? You think I'll just hand it to you, just like the green gi was handed to you? Tell me. Tell all of us that I'm better than you, and I'll let you go. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Morro said before removing Lloyd's mask.
But his eyes widened, aswell as the other ghosts as it wasn't Lloyd, but Nya who smirked. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I'm still a little wet behind the ears." She said and summoned water in her hand. "She's a water ninja! She's..." Morro said before turning to the other ghosts. "Protect our queen!" Nya soon used spinjitsu to change into her own suit. "Woah. Spinjitzu is very practical." She said before destroying some of the ghosts. Morro growled as they started to fight eachother, Morro dodging her water attacks.
Kaya meanwhile sneakily lead Lloyd towards the pawnshop, him being dressed in his civilian clothes. "Plan to get him away from Specteria and the realm crystal worked. We'll clear a path for you, then you can do the rest." She said and Lloyd nodded. "Let's do this." They headed towards the pawnshop as Specteria summoned more ghosts. "Yes, go forth my pets. Show Ninjago who's it's true rulers." She grinned.
Nya kept fighting Morro before getting knocked into the wall. He smirked and sicked his dragons at her. But suddenly, Zane appeared in his mech and froze the dragons. "Chill out! Hahaha. It feels good to have our powers back." Wu looked at the citizens in the cage and nodded. "It's time we get these people out of here. Everyone, stand back." He said before he summoned his dragon, breaking the cage. "Awesome. Hey buddy." Pyther said as Wu's dragon nuzzled against him.
Jay came driving in the GT, trapping ghosts while excitedly laughing. "Even better to have a new ride." He said before one of the ghosts hit the ride. "Hey, you scratched my brand-new car!" The ghost quickly got captured. "Haha, sucker." Jay laughed before he saw Kaya and Lloyd being surrounded. But he luckily sucked up the ghosts, making Lloyd able to run towards the shop. Specteria watched them and grinned. "How cute. They actually think they'll win." She said wickedly.
Lloyd soon came across ghosts who was eating. "Dinner is served!" Cole exclaimed and arrived on his bike, destroying the ghosts, alerting Morro. "The ninja are winning. Get out there and stop them." He exclaimed before knocking Nya back with his wind. Wu looked ahead and saw Lloyd coming closer to the shop. "Keep going, Lloyd! You're almost there!" But that's when Bansha appeared infront of Lloyd and was about to attack, when Zane froze her. "Go Lloyd!" He said as Lloyd kept running. That's when he saw how Bansha broke loose from the ice. "Particle shooters disabled." Pixal informed and Zane grunted. "My Ice can't stop them!" Cole turned towards him. "I'm coming to help." He drove towards Zane, when Wrayth grinned and threw his chain infront of Cole, making him fall off the bike. "Ow. That's cheating." He grunted.
Nya kept fighting the ghosts and Morro, but started to get tired as more appeared. "He's too strong. I can't keep this going." She said. Kaya fought some ghosts on a roof before turning to her. "You have to, Nya. You can do it." She said before using the headband to zipline down, avoiding Soul Archer's arrows. She landed on the ground and smirked. "Ha! Thirty-two thread count." Selena continued to run from the ghosts before arriving the the docks. "Dead end, little girl." One of them said, but Selena smirked. "For you. Antromta!" She shouted and part of the docks flew up and smacked the ghosts into the sea, destroying them.
As Jay continued to capture ghosts, Ghoultar got captured but his scythe got stuck. "You monster!" Jay exclaimed before the GT exploded, releasing the ghosts. "Fuck." Jay whizzed as he felt pain after the explosion. Nya kept fighting before collapsing on her knees in exhaustion, getting surrounded by ghosts. "Is that all? Is that all you've got?" Morro teased before a ball of energy got shot towards them, saving Nya. "Hey! Looks like this is just between us." Lloyd exclaimed and jumped infront of Nya. "The green gi belongs to me now. You think I'm gonna make this easy? Let's see how good you are." Morro grinned before the two started to fight.
"I'm stronger, Lloyd. I always have been. And I've been inside your head. I know what you're afraid of. You could never do it alone, could you? Weak. You need others, but I, I need no one." He exclaimed before the shop started to float into the air. "Specteria's powers are soon fully charged. Lloyd's running out of time." Wu said in worry as Morro grinned. "What are you waiting for, Lloyd? An invitation? If you want the realm crystal, earn it." Lloyd glared at him. "I did learn a thing or two with you in my head." He used airjitzu to fly towards Morro, but the wind pushed him backwards.
"Lloyd!" Nya exclaimed while Morro laughed. "Watch your step. The fall can be a doozy." He used wind to knock Lloyd towards the edge of a platform. "What's wrong, too hard for ya? This is the end of the line, Lloyd. I'll miss you." As he was about to finish Lloyd, a pile of coins fell onto him. Lloyd got up and saw Ronin over him. "Better late than never. I saved a lot for this moment." Ronin smirked and Lloyd headed into the shop. Nya slowly stood up and saw ghosts getting closer to her. "Fuck." She said before ice and fire hit them, destroying them fully. "What the?" That's when Skylor walked up to Nya. "Skylor. So good to see you." Nya said and Skylor nodded. "After my dad turning into a snake and making an anacondrai army. This isn't really weird." She answered before the two headed off to fight.
Lloyd got inside of the shop and walked towards the crystal. "So, you're Lloyd Garmadon, the green ninja himself." Specteria's voice said as she appeared. "Specteria. Queen of the cursed realm. I won't let you continue." Lloyd said and Specteria sighed. "You're right. I am evil after all, and you're good. So ofcourse you need to trap me in the cursed realm and destroy the crystal." She said in a fake tone. Lloyd nodded. "Exactly. The crystal needs to be destroyed, my grandfather never wanted it to be used." He slowly held up the crystal.
"Yes. It's power is too dangerous in wrong hands. But, why destroy it? When you can see your father again." Specteria said with a sly grin. The others arrived at the shop and looked inside. "There he is." Kaya pointed out as they saw Lloyd talk to Specteria. "Lloyd, get out of there! Don't listen to her!" Selena shouted as Lloyd looked at Specteria. "My father?" Specteria nodded. "Yes. He's talking a lot about you. He really miss you. And I know you miss him. Why not use this chance to see him again?" She slowly started to grow, but Lloyd didn't notice.
The others saw this and tried to get inside. "She's blocked the windows! We can't get in!" Nya said as she tried to punch through the wall. "If you trap me and destroy the crystal. You'll never see him again. So why not let me help you see him again." Specteria slowly floated towards Lloyd. "Lloyd! Get out of there!" Zane exclaimed before Lloyd snapped back to reality. "No! He'd do everything to save Ninjago, and you would do everything to destroy it. So I'll trap you!" He said before Specteria grinned and grew a lot, destroying the house and sending the other back.
Morro got out of the pile and saw her, grinning with the other ghosts. The civilians meanwhile got scared while Wu looked in shock. Specteria laughed maniacally before grabbing Lloyd in a tight grip, lifting him towards her face and taking the crystal. "You're too late, little green ninja. Time to say hi to daddy again." She said and moved him towards her amulet. Lloyd tried to get out of her grip, but it was too late. He got pulled into the cursed realm, while the others watched in horror. "No!" They exclaimed as Specteria just laughed maniacally.
Wu looked at her in fear. "Lloyd couldn't trap her. Her powers are fully charged." Pyther moved closer to him. "We're fudged." He said while Misako looked around. "But where's my son?" Ronin landed next to them. "We need to evacuate everyone out of this town. Like, now!" He said as they ran to help. The ninja and Selena just watched in horror. "Ahh! We're doomed!" Jay exclaimed. "What happened to Lloyd?" Kaya asked and Zane turned towards the others. "Seems like Specteria is not only the ruler of the cursed realm. But she's also physical manifestation of the entire realm." He informed.
"That's really disturbing." Cole shuddered as Nya looked at Specteria. "If we can't stop her, we might lose Ninjago!" She sprayed her with water, but nothing happened. The others tried their powers, but Specteria just laughed. "You think that'll stop me? I'm too powerful for that!" She used grabbed them with her tentacles and threw the into a house. "Ow. Why didn't that work?" Jay asked and Selena gritted her teeth. "She's too big and powerful. We need more to defeat her." Nya turned to Skylor. "Maybe you can absorb my powers." She suggested and Skylor shook her head. "I can't. I can only absorb powers from those who've unlocked their true potential." Nya sighed. "Then we're totally fucked." They dodged one of Specteria's tentacles.
The others were helping people onto a boat. "Hurry, on board!" Wu exclaimed before Misako saw something coming their way. "Look, it's Lloyd!" The others looked and their eyes widened. "That's not Lloyd." Ronin said while Wu glared. "It's Morro." Morro laughed as he flew infront of them, dressed in Lloyd's ninja suit. "You were wrong about me, Sensei. You said destiny didn't want me to be the green ninja. Well, I make my own destiny. And now yours is coming to an end." Wu shook his head. "You've released a tyrant who won't stop until she has cursed all realms. I trained you to be a ninja who protects, not one who destroys." He said and Morro glared at him.
"You made me believe I was to become the green ninja. Now I am!" His eyes glew a little. "Lloyd being the green ninja makes sense. Since he's the grandson to the first spinjitsu master!" Pyther said and Morro glared at him. "I didn't ask you, squirt!" He blew Pyther into a trashcan. "Stupid ghost." Pyther grunted before one of Specteria's tentacles grabbed Misako. "Wu!" Wu's eyes widened. "Misako!" He ran towards her as Morro laughed. "The more souls my queen takes, the more powerful she gets. Say goodbye to your loved ones, and say goodbye to Ninjago!" Ronin turned towards the captain. "Warm up that paddle. We're leaving when they get back." The captain nodded before Ronin ran to help civilians.
The ninja was working on saving people from Specteria. "Get to the ship, hurry!" Nya shouted as she used water to free some people. "I don't know how to stop this thing! It just keeps coming!" Zane informed while Kaya sliced one of Specteria's tentacles, just for two new to grow out. "Ah, you stop one, two more grow in its place. Just like a hydra." Specteria laughed. "Foolish ninja! I'm unstoppable!" She soon destroyed Jay's vehicle. "Ah! My tank!" Jay exclaimed. "If there ever was a time to unlock your true potential, sis, it's now." Kaya said and Nya looked at her. "Let me just flip the switch. Oh yeah, I'm not a nindroid. I don't have a switch!" A tentacle headed their way, when Selena used her magic to push it back.
"If ghosts can't withstand deepstone, perhaps the same goes for Specteria. But we'll need a larger dose." She said and Cole looked at his bike. "My bike's made of deepstone. How about I jam it down her gullet? Cover me!" He said as he charged up some speed. Misako tried to free herself from Specteria's grip, Wu still trying to reach her. "Aww. Human love." Specteria teased before grabbing Wu. "The other son of the first spinjitzu master. I've been waiting for this moment." She grinned and started to squeeze him in her hand. "Wu!" Misako exclaimed before Cole came with his bike.
"Like cake? How's this for your pie hole? Ninja, go!" He exclaimed and jumped with the bike before jumping off. It flew right at Specteria and went right into her chest, making her drop Wu and Misako. "Did it work?" Zane asked before Specteria glared at them with glowing yellow eyes, still alive. "Thanks, Cole. You only made her madder." Jay complained and Cole grunted. "And there goes a perfectly good bike." Specteria sent her tentacles towards them, but they dodged them. "If Lloyd's inside her, we have to get closer!" Kaya said and Jay rolled his eyes. "Yeah, easier said than done!" They continued to dodge the tentacles.
Lloyd meanwhile woke up in the cursed and walked around, avoiding the ghosts. On his way, he past cells with Chen and Clouse, not noticing them. "Who was that? Was that Lloyd?" Chen asked and Clouse shook his head while trying to break the bars with a nail file. "You're seeing things again, master Chen." He said. Lloyd continued before he saw Garmadon, chained up. "Dad!" He exclaimed and ran towards him. "Lloyd?" Garmadon smiled as Lloyd hugged him. "My son." Lloyd soon pulled away and tried to break the chains. "I'll get you out of here, dad." Garmadon sighed and shook his head.
"There's no use. These chains will not break." Reluctantly, Lloyd stopped and looked around. "Where are we?" He asked. "The cursed realm is Specteria, and Specteria is the cursed realm. Son, you're in the belly of the beast. But if you're in here..." Garmadon said and Lloyd lowered his head. "Morro is the green ninja. And he's stolen the realm crystal. I tried, Father..." His voice filled with sorrow and despair. "You must not give up. If he has the crystal, all is endangered." Garmadon told him with a serious expression. "But how? I'm not the green ninja anymore." Lloyd asked and Garmadon shook his head.
"It was never the color of the gi that made you who you are. It was the color of your heart. Don't give up." He said and Lloyd smiled a little. "I won't, father." They both smiled at eachother. "You must leave here and destroy Specteria. Save Ninjago. Save the realms." Garmadon informed before Lloyd looked at him sadly. "But if I destroy her, you'll be destroyed too." He said with a shaky voice. "Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you. There comes a time when every boy must become a man. What sort of man, is up to him." Garmadon said and Lloyd smiled.
The others were trying to restrain Specteria, but without success as they just got knocked around like ragdolls. "I thought you were gonna get closer?" Nya said and Kaya stood up grunting. "You don't think I'm trying?" Wu ran over to them. "It's too late. We have to get to the ship and protect the people." They all looked at him shocked. "But what about Lloyd?" Jay asked and Misako sighed sadly. "Ugh. This is what Lloyd would've wanted." She said and Selena lowered her head before nodding. "To the ship, but we're not leaving anyone else behind!" They all ran towards the boat
Suddenly Specteria slammed one of her tentacles onto Zane's mech, luckily he jumped out last minute. "That was close." He said before getting grabbed. "Oh. Never taken a robot before." Specteria grinned before Skylor used ice and fire at her arm, making her drop Zane who landed by the others. Skylor's eyes widened when she saw how Specteria managed to heal herself. "We need more water at the same time!" She exclaimed before they got to the boat with the last civilians. "That's all of them. We need to get this ship to sea to put as much water between us as possible." Eu said and Ronin nodded.
"No problem." He cut the rope with the sword of sanctuary, making them sail onto the sea. That's when he saw Morro heading towards him. "Maybe one problem." He said as Morro landed infront of him. "It's Morro! Look out, Ronin!" Cole exclaimed before Kaya glared at Morro. "I'll get him." She said charging towards him. But Ronin stopped her. "Go, get out of here! I got this!" He started to fight with Morro, while the others watched. Nya and Selena headed to the captain. "Is this as fast as it goes?" She asked and the captain turned to her. "It's a paddle steamer. It doesn't have rocket boosters." He exclaimed.
Morro continued to fight before disarming Ronin, laughing. "It's over." Suddenly he got kicked in the face and stumbled backwards. "Forgot about me?" His eyes locked onto Lloyd who jumped infront of him and took the sword. He was dressed in Garmadon's sensei robes. "What? You again?" Morro hissed and Lloyd smirked. "Yeah, I'm back. I believe you have something of mine." He pointed at the crystal before Morro attacked him. The others just chuckled gleefully as they watched Lloyd fight back. "Yeah, all right, Lloyd!" Jay exclaimed with a grin. "Look! He got his father's robes." Wu pointed out and Misako smiled.
Skylor soon landed onto the boat. "We need more water to splash her whole body at the same time." She said and Lloyd nodded as he kept fighting Morro. "She's right. Selena, get to the ship and protect the people. Ninja, take out the stilts. We need to drop Specteria into the sea." Jay sighed. "Ugh, why didn't we think of that earlier?" Cole smirked. "That's why he's the leader." They soon used airjitzu to fly to the city, Lloyd turned towards Morro. "Let me handle the blowhard." Morro glared at him. "You think you're better than me? No one is better than me!" He shouted while they kept fight.
The others landed under the bridge. "Let's give that slimeball a bath." Kaya said before they used their aeroblades, breaking the stilts. Skylor flew with gravity and used nature to make the strangle weed crush more stilts. Specteria felt the ground shifting as she lost balance. "They're taking out the support!" She exclaimed as the ninja continued. Morro was busy fighting Lloyd, before using the realm crystal to teleport to the underworld. Lloyd followed him before getting attacked by a giant spider, leaving Morro grinning at him.
The bridge soon broke and Specteria fell into almost fell into the water. "Protect out queen!" Soul Archer ordered before all the ghosts used houses to give Specteria armor. "Just when you thought you've seen it all." Jay said as Specteria started to head towards the boat. "Let's hope she can't swim." Wu hoped before Ronin looked at the steering cockpit. "We need more speed." He said before he and Selena ran towards the steering.
"I've gotta help the ninja." Nya said and used water to fly towards the city. Both Selena and Ronin arrived by the steering. "How are we gonna speed it up?" Ronin asked and Selena smirked. "Let me." She put her hand on the control panel. "Thrilichio!" Bolt of purple magic went into the panel, making the boat go faster. "Wow. The boat have never gone this fast before." The captain said excitedly. "As long as I keep my hand on the panel. We'll have enough speed." Selena said and Ronin nodded in amazement.
The ninja looked at Specteria. "We have to destroy her before she reaches the ship." Kaya said before Specteria threw a house towards the boat, making a big wave. Pyther held onto Misako in fear. "It's okay. The ninja will stop it." She comforted him while Zane scanned Specteria. "Pixal has detected over five hundred ghosts aboard this walking fortress, and the number is climbing." Cole sighed. "If we have to destroy her one ghost at a time, so be it." They started to climb onto Specteria as Nya appeared. "Hey, guys. Need a hand?" She asked and destroyed some of the ghosts. "Thanks, Nya." Cole thanked her before they continued to climb.
Suddenly Zane got grabbed by Wrayth's chain. "Got ya." He laughed before Jay destroyed him with his aeroblade, before Zane got turned into a ghost. Kaya climbed into a house and Nya knocked on the door. "Knock, knock!" She said and Kaya opened the door. "Come on in. Let's rock this house." They all got inside. "Doctor, nurse, it appears our patient needs to have her knee put on ice." Jay smirked and both Zane and Skylor nodded before freezing the house, making Specteria groan in pain. "Argh. Stupid ninja." She said and shock them out of the house, luckily they managed to grab onto some other houses.
Her eyes locked onto the boat before she slowly walked into the water, winching in pain. "Yes! She's unable to follow us to sea!" Wu said and everyone cheered, when Specteria looked up with a grin and walked in the water without problem. "Oh. Come on!" Pyther said and Misako was confused. "I thought ghosts can't stand water. How come she's still after us?" Selena looked at her. "With all those ghosts, it's like a water protective armor." Wu nodded before turning to the civilians. "Throw anything we don't need off the ship. We need to go faster! Much faster!" They all started throwing things off the boat to go faster.
Lloyd managed to get the spider off him before turning to Morro. "You and I could go on fighting forever...or I could just take the realm crystal and leave you behind forever!" Morro grinned and made another portal. "You're not getting away!" Lloyd exclaimed and tackled him through the portal, arriving at the realm of madness. The crystal landed far away from them as they raced to get it. Lloyd grabbed it and opened a portal over the cloud kingdom. They fell through the sky as Nobu and Claudia saw them. "Exactly like it should be." Claudia said Nobu nodded before Lloyd and Morro traveled to a realm of anthropomorphic animals, landing on the ground. A lion looked at them confused. "Huh? Where did you come from?" Morro opened another portal they went through.
Specteria was getting closer to the boat. "It's over. You all better give up." She grinned before Wu turned towards Selena. "Can we go any faster?" Selena focused her powers. "I'm holding as much as I can. But I won't be able to do this forever." She said as she started to get exhausted. "Head for that fog bank for cover!" Misako said and Ronin steered towards the fog. "Please let this work." Pyther prayed.
The ninja continued to destroy the ghosts, but they just returned. "They keep on going!" Kaya exclaimed and Nya sighed. "We obviously aren't doing any good here. We need to protect the ship." They all nodded before heading back to the ship. "If we're gonna destroy Specteria, we're gonna have to do more." Wu said before Ronin shouted towards him. "Speaking of more, we need more fuel. If we turn back now, we'll have just enough to get us to shore. Otherwise, if we reach Hollow's Trench, we'll be sitting ducks out there." Kaya's eyes snapped towards him.
"Hollow's Trench. Do you think it's deep enough to drown her?" She asked and Wu thought about it. "One way to find out. Full steamer ahead!" Suddenly Specteria destroyed the paddles, making everyone scream in terror. "It's over. Ninjago is mine." Morro came out from a portal and laughed as he saw that Lloyd didn't come with him. "I did it. I finally got rid of you!" He grinned as everyone on the boat was panicking.
Nya stood on the deck and remembered what Wu told her. "Until you embrace what holds you back, you'll never discover your true potential. Your weakness is you give up too easily. You only like what comes easy. Don't be afraid to fail, Nya." She got flashbacks from her past. When she was a samurai and how she thought it was easy. She knew she shouldn't give up when it got hard. Instead, she should learn from her mistakes and continue to work. Her eyes glew seafoam green before her whole body started to glow, a vortex of water surrounded her. "Morro?" Jay asked before they turned to Nya.
"Not Morro, Nya!" Cole said and Kaya looked at her proudly. "She's unlocked her true potential!" They all chuckled in glee as Specteria's eyes widened. "No! Impossible!" She exclaimed as Morro flew into the air. "Nooooo! Nooo!" Nya glared at them and summoned a giant wave, hitting Specteria who screamed in pain as she started to disintegrate, the ghost following with her. Soon Nya stopped glowing and fell down, Jay catching her in his arms. "I got you babe." He said with a smile. "Look!" Kaya said and pointed at soul flying out of Specteria. It was Garmadon. He waved at them with a smile before flying into a golden portal. "He got to the realm of after." Misako said with a happy expression.
Everyone cheered before Wu summoned his dragon and flew around. He saw Morro using his powers to fly in the air. Specteria grabbed him with on the her tentacles and pulled him down with him. "No! No!" He exclaimed before Wu flew up to him. "Take my hand!" Morro glared at him. "Why? So you can take the realm crystal and use it to find your own prized pupil?" Wu shook his head. "You are all my prized pupils, but none of us can do this alone. You're strong, Morro, but it takes others to make us stronger. Even me. Take my hand, so we can be stronger together. Please, Morro!" Morro's eyes softened as he took Wu's hand, still getting dragged down.
He looked at Wu with a gentle smile. "You can only save those who want to be saved. Goodbye, Sensei." Before Wu could react, he gave him the crystal before getting pulled into the water, getting destroyed. "Morro!" Wu shouted, when suddenly a golden portal opened up, and he saw Morro coming from the water. He looked up before smiling at Wu who smiled back at him. They shared one last nod before Morro went into the realm of after, finally at peace.
Later everyone started to clean up Stiix, doing some improvements too. Skylor walked up to Nya with a proud smile. "Well done, Nya. Master of water." Nya smirked. "Thanks Skylor. Guess I'm officially in the club now." They fist bumped and Skylor teasingly sprayed Nya with water. "Yup. You are." Both laughed and playfully had a water fight.
Afterwards, Wu opened up a portal and Lloyd came through it. "Haha, all right Green Bean." Kaya said and Misako hugged him. "Lloyd, you made it!" Lloyd hugged back. "And so did you." Zane walked up to him. "Good to have you back. You just missed-" He got interupted by Lloyd who looked at the sword. "Oh, I know what I missed. I caught a glimpse of what would happen next. "And knew Morro had to return alone. Just 'cause I'm the green ninja, doesn't mean I have to save the day. Especially when I have friends to rely on." Selena smiled at him.
"And that's why destiny chose you." Wu nodded. "It appears your father's robe has imparted wisdom, but you still have a lot to master to earn the Sensei title." Lloyd wrapped his arms around Selena and nodded. "If that's the path I'm on, I'll take it one step at a time. The cursed realm is gone...and so is my father...but I know we're all in a better place." He said and Selena gave him a kiss. "Some of us may look a little different, but like our team, some things never change." Cole said and Nya agreed. "And if they do... that's okay. Sometimes, we just need to go with the flow." They all chuckled a little.
Kaya sighed in relief. "Beause even if the path isn't always straight, we go forward, with confidence, because we trust where we're headed." Jay nodded. "Yeah, and speaking of where we're headed, I've been dying to know. What are the other realms like, Lloyd? C'mon, spill it. We have to know what we're saving, right?" Lloyd chuckled. "Let's just say, the future looks bright. For us, and for Ninjago." They all looked at the sky happily.
(A/N. Season 6 is next. But I'll take a break over the holidays. So the next chapter will come after new years. So happy holidays.)
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