Codename: Arcturus
Pythor and the nindroids were diving into the endless sea a searched for the mechdragon. With balloons, they managed to get it to the surface. Pythor's eyes soon saw something in one of the windows, grinning as he saw it.
In the temple of light was the ninja standing on their places. "I can't do this alone anymore. As long as I have all this power, they'll never stop coming for me." Lloyd told the others who nodded at him. "From here on out, we can't let anything separate us again." Zane answered. "He's right." Jay agreed. "Absolutely." Cole nodded. Kaya looked at Lloyd. "Let's do this, Green bean." She said before Lloyd struck the bell above him. His golden powers split up and went into the others, giving them their elemental powers.
Zane used his eyes to make an arch. "The Elemental Power, it's inside us." He smirked as they all used their powers. "Let's bring up the heat." Kaya said while flying around with her fire. Jay made a heart with lightning. "Haha, anyone shocked to see me do this, huh?" Cole made a pile of rocks. "No dirt off my shoulder." They all chuckled while Garmadon shook his head in disapproval. "Foolishness. This decision puts everyone in jeopardy." Wu looked at him. "But it was your son's decision to make." He argued and Garmadon sighed. "The young take too many risks. They should listen to their fathers." A chuckle escaped from Wu.
"Without risks, they'll never know how far they'll truly go. Have faith, brother. We will catch Pythor and find Borg. Maybe then you'll rest easier." Garmadon looked over to Ninjago. "As the protectors of this land, we don't have the luxury of taking a rest." He informed as he could feel that it wasn't over.
And he was right, as the controlled Cyrus was building a rocket. Both Pythor and Cryptor watched. "Pythor, my drones are starting to ask questions. You say this is the Overlord's plan, yet we have not seen him." Cryptor said asked Pythor looked a little nervous. "No. He's, uh, consumed at the moment." His hand stroking his belly sneakily. Cryptor scoffed. "This is an ambitious undertaking. If we find out you are pretending he's alive only to use us, you will pay dearly." Pythor hissed at him. "The Overlord will reveal himself when he chooses to! May I remind you, you can always be reprogrammed." He walked into a different room before puking up Overlord.
"The nindroids are impatient. They doubt your existence." Overlord glared at him. "They mustn't see me in my weakened state. If the ninja hadn't interrupted the transference, I wouldn't look like this. Not...not to worry. Soon, I will be strong. And soon, we will finish project Arcturus." Pythor bowed in respect. "Forgive my ambivalence. It's just that this plan. It's..." Overlord interupted him. "It's the only way I can become the golden master. With news of Lloyd giving away his golden power, there's no use hunting him anymore." He grinned.
In Borg's tower was part of the group trying to locate Pythor and the nindroids. "Any update on the search?" Garmadon asked and Wu shook his head. "Our cameras haven't picked up any trace of Pythor or Borg, but the ninja are in the field where we don't have eyes." Lloyd soon contacted them on the screen. "No sign of Nindroids in the toxic bogs." He informed them as Wu looked at him. "Lloyd, while you're out there, do you have time to search the glacier barrens?" Lloyd nodded. "Hey, I may not be able to move mountains anymore, but I can still cover ground. Over and out." The call ended and Garmadon turned towards Julien who was trying to crack a text.
"Project Arcturus?" Wu nodded. "Two days ago, Zane and Pixal intercepted a coded message. Something with the codename. Project Arcturus." Julien sighed. "I've tried switching the letters around. But it just makes it more confusing." He showed them different text he got from switching the letters around. One of them them being "Carrot Cup Juster", which made Wu confused. "What's a, juster?" Julien shrugged. "No idea. But I'll keep working." Garmadon looked at the name.
"Arcturus. Long ago, didn't we face a serpentine general by that name?" Wu remembered and nodded. "Indeed we did, brother. They even named a celestial zodiac after him. We're not sure how they are related." Suddenly the alarm went off. "What in Ninjago's name is that?" Garmadon asked as the alarm alerted him. "Our facial recognition software picked up someone." Pixal answered before showing them footage off Cryptor driving a truck. "My analysis can only presume they're using Borg to build something." Zane informed them and Pixal got more confused. "But what?" He asked as Wu turned towards them. "We need to know where those trucks are headed. Find me the nearest ninja." Zane and Pixal nodded.
At the cinema, was Cole with Nya and Jay, watching a Starfarer movie. "Fear? Fear isn't a word where I come from." Movie Fritz exclaimed as Jay smiled in excitement. "I love Fritz Donnegan movies." Nya giggled over how cute her boyfriend was. "Samurais in space? Really? Who writes this baloney?" Cole questioned before a man whisper yelled at him. "Could you please be quiet?!" Cole put up his hand apologeticly before whispering to Jay. "How exactly is this suppose to help me propose to Kaya?" Jay snapped out of his enjoyment before turning to him.
"You need to relax a bit, and what's not better then watching a movie with friends." Nya nodded in agreement. "Jay's right, you gotta calm your nerves and focus on something else for awhile. Just enjoy the movie." Cole sighed before smiling and turning towards the movie. Nya's bracelet was beeping, but she didn't notice thanks to it being on silent. "They're not picking up. Kaya is the nearest in proximity." Zane informed and Pixal nodded. "And she should be able to get there quickly in the prototype X-1." He added and Wu nodded. "Good, but tell er not to engage. We can't let them know they're being followed." Zane nodded before sending a signal to Kaya.
Kaya was in a store, looking for some materials for their machines. Suddenly she saw a guy with blonde hair and tanned skinned flirting with a girl outside. The girl was clearly uncomfortable, but the guy didn't really care. "How about we take a ride home to me? You me and you." He grinned as the girl shook her head. "No thank you. I'm not interested." She tried to leave, but the guy grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Come on sweetie. I know you love me." The girl tried to pull away.
"Let go of me, you creep!" She asked exclaimed before Kaya walked up to them. "You better do as she says. Unless you want to regret it." The guy just scoffed. "Oh. I'm so scared. Maybe you wanna join the fun." Kaya smirked and walked up to him. "Maybe I will. Who wouldn't want to have fun with such a guy." She said in a flirtatious tone, making the guy let go of the girl while blushing. "Oh yeah, baby." He walked closer to Kaya before she used spinjitsu to knock him back into a trashcan. The garbage truck came and took him away.
With a grateful smile, the girl turned to Kaya. "Thank you. That guy was such a creep." Kaya nodded. "He was. But hopefully he won't bother anyone for awhile." Soon the girl walked away. Pixal suddenly called and Kaya jumped into the prototype. "Kaya, do you copy?" He said and Kaya answered. "What's the status Pixal?" She drove off as Pixal showed her the footage of Cryptor. "There's a nindroid convoy heading west, and general Cryptor is on it. We need you to follow, but not be spotted." He informed.
"Got it. You can trust me." Kaya answered as she got the coordinates. "Good. If something happens call us." Pixal told her and Kaya nodded. "Got it. Over and out." She hung up before driving towards the location, the others tracking her on the screen. "She's a good ninja. You taught well." Garmadon told Wu who smiled. "She don't only have one Sensei, but two." This caused Garmadon chuckle. Zane checked Kaya's location. "She's ascending the mountain pass now." Pixal contacted Kaya.
"Kaya, you're starting to get close. Remember, keep your distance. We only need to find out where they are headed." He reminded her and Kaya nodded. "Got it. I won't disappoint you." She said as she drove closer. But suddenly, she drove over a rock, sending it into the window where Pythor was sitting. "What's that?" He said and looked in the mirror. His eyes widened when he saw Kaya. "We're being followed. Speed up!" He commanded and Cryptor nodded. "Yes, master." Two nindroids soon came flying towards Kaya, saws being on their vehicles.
Her eyes widened. "Oh No." She said. "What's happening?" Pixal asked. "I accidently revealed myself. And they're starting to attack." Kaya informed as she dodged the attacks. The others looked at eachother in worry. "Try to shake them of." Pixal told her before Kaya started to speed up. She soon managed to make the two nindroids crash into eachother, sighing in relief. "Okay Kaya. Now the plan has changed. You gotta get up on the truck and see what they're transporting." Pixal informed and Kaya nodded. "Understood." She sped up and got closer, when Pythor saw a sign warning for collapsing rocks.
He grinned and turned towards Cryptor. "Shoot the mountain!" Cryptor nodded before a nindroid shot at the mountain, making rocks fall towards Kaya. Luckily, she used missiles to blow them up before getting next to the truck. That's when the driver nindroid slammed into her, making her get behind. Pixal spoke through the radio. "You can't get past him. Get ready to hold on." Kaya got a little confused. "For what?" That's when Pixal ejected a motorcycle, making Kaya able to drive towards the truck easier. She also got a pair of sunglasses. "You also get these sunglasses, so keep them close. They're also a receiver so we can communicate." Pixal informed and Kaya smirked. "Thanks Pixal." She thanked him before jumping onto one of the truck.
Nindroids started to attack her, forcing her to use her fire. A spark flew onto the fabric and burned it off, revealing a big tank of jet fuel. Kaya's eyes widened. "Pixal. I'm sitting on a tanker of jet fuel, and I just lit the match." She said, making the other's eyes widen. "Jet fuel? She needs to get off that tanker before it explodes!" Garmadon said and Wu turned towards Pixal. "Pixal, get her out of there." Pixal nodded and checked up the location. "Kaya, there's a series of one-lane tunnels up ahead. We must time it right to get you off of there." He informed and Kaya nodded understandingly.
More nindroids jumped onto the truck and fought Kaya. She managed to hold them back as Pixal drove the prototype next to the tank. Gas started to spill after one of the nindroids accidentally shooting a hole in it. "Hurry. Jump now!" Kaya nodded and went to jump on, when on of the nindroids grabbed her foot, forcing her to continue to fight. They reached a construction zone, making Pixal drive over some cones that slowed him down. Kaya managed to get the nindroid off her before looking around. "Getting kind of hot up here. Where are you?" Pixal drove a little faster. "Tied up at the moment." He informed.
Mindroid soon started to fight Kaya as they reached a tunnel. She held him against the ceiling, making sparks fly around. One of them hitting the trail of gas, igniting it. Soon Kaya knocked Mindroid off and into the prototype, crashing it. "Pixal, I gotta go! Like, now!" Pixal shook his head with concern. "I can't get to you! There's no time!" Kaya looked ahead and ran. Suddenly the truck exploded, making everyone freeze in worry. "Kaya!" Zane exclaimed. "Kaya! Can you hear me?" Pixal cried out. They all got more nervous, when Kaya's voice soon was heard. "Loud and clear. Well, maybe not so clear on the back of this truck." She said while being under the truck Pythor was in.
The others sighed in relief over her being okay. Kaya got closer to the driver side and heard Pythor talk to Overlord, making her eyes widen. "Hahaha! We lost her. We might've lost one payload, but we still have the other." Pythor said and Overlord laughed. "Excellent. Head to the launch site." He said and Pythor nodded. "On my way." He ended the call as they continued to drive. "Listen up. The Overlord's alive." Kaya informed the others who's eyes widened. "What? Do you know where they're heading?" Wu asked as the truck stopped.
Pythor listened closely before hearing Kaya. "Wait, they're stopping. This might be it. I have to be quiet so they don't find m.." She got interupted by being knocked out by Pythor, ending the communication. The others looked at eachother in concern. "Gather everyone. We have to find out where they're going before it's too late." Wu exclaimed. Cole walked out of the cinema with Jay and Nya, feeling calmer than before.
"Ah! Greatest movie ever! Haha!" Jay said with bounce in his steps. "Yeah, it was pretty good." Nya agreed as Cole smiled at them. "Yeah, it was good to think about something else. And I feel much calmer now." Jay just smirked proudly. "Told you it would work." They all laughed before Nya noticed their symbols in the sky. "Guys look!" Jay and Cole looked up and gasped. "Hey, they need us back at headquarters." Cole exclaimed before they headed to Borg's tower.
They soon arrived. "We got here as fast as we could." Nya said as Zane turned to them. "The Overlord is back. And he has Kaya." The three's eyes widened. "The Overlord?" Cole then looked in worry. "And he captured Kaya? He'll pay for that." Wu nodded. "We know they plan to launch project Arcturus tonight. But we need to figure out what it is in order to save him. Think. Think. The answer must be right in front of us." Everyone started to think. "The Overlord's dire wish is to become the golden master. Maybe that has something to do with it?" Lloyd suggested. "Good, Lloyd, but what sense does all of this make? What is project Arcturus?" Wu pointed out.
Pixal shook his head. "Me and Dr Julien have run every combination of these clues through my database to see how they're connected, but there is no correlation." Julien nodded in agreement. "Maybe there's a reason why it's not in your database." Zane pointed out. "But everything in Ninjago history has been recorded in Pixal." Julien told him and Zane shook his head. "Not everything. Do you remember when we followed Garmadon back in time?" Cole and Jay nodded as Lloyd chuckled. "Oh, yeah. Very confusing day." Garmadon nodded aswell.
"I remember because I was there. You used the golden weapons to destroy my mega weapon. But when they collided, they were shot into..." Wu interupted him. "Space." Everyone looked at the sky. "Since Lloyd gave away his power, the Overlord's going after the only thing that can turn him into the golden master, the golden weapons." Nya said and Garmadon turned towards Julien. "Quick, where do the Serpentine study the stars?" Julien looked it up quickly. "The ancient city of Ouroboros." He answered. "We must go there at once." Garmadon said and Wu stopped him. "How do you know nindroids will be there?" He asked him. "Faith." Garmadon answered before they headed off.
At the launch site was Kaya chained under one of the rocket thrusters. Her mouth being gagged with tape under her mask. Pythor slithered up to her with a grin. "Hope you like barbecues. We're about to have one! And don't try with your powers. Those chains are vengestone, making you powerless." Kaya just kicked his chin, making him mad. "You'll pay for that. One barbecued ninja. Well done, please." He slithered to the control room. "Prepare lunch. Oh, sorry. I mean, launch." They started the launch.
That's when the other ninja reached Ouroboros, looking around without getting a sign of nindroids. "I don't get it. Where are they?" Cole asked and Lloyd looked around confused. "They must be here." Suddenly the ground started to rumble before opening up. "Everyone, run!" Cole exclaimed, but they fell into the launch site. Jay's eyes locked with the name of the rocket. "Arcturus?" He pointed out. Suddenly Lloyd saw Kaya hanging under the thruster. "It's Kaya! We need to save her!" He said.
Zane shook his head. "No, we need that launch key to stop the launch command. If the Overlord gets the golden weapons, he'll be too powerful." Cole turned to them. "You go for the key. I go and save Kaya." He said before they split off. Pythor looked over the rocket before seeing the ninja. "Stop them!" He hissed before the nindroids destroyed the platform, making them fall, except for Lloyd. The ninja quickly fought the nindroids as Lloyd got into the control room.
Cole reached Kaya and destroyed the chains before catching her. Kaya removed the tape and smiled at him. "My knight in shining armor." Cole smirked and kissed her. "Always there for you princess. Now, let's these toasters a lesson." The two joined the others in fighting the nindroids. Lloyd reached for the launch key, when the controlled Cyrus suddenly knocked him out of the room with a grin. Cryptor turned towards the other nindroids. "Retreat!" He exclaimed before he and the other nindroids went into the rocket.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Cole said before he tried to open the door. "Unh! It won't budge!" He said before they heard Lloyd. "Everyone, I need your help!" The others turned to see the controlled Cyrus holding him by his shirt collar. Pythor grinned towards him. "Oh, little Lloyd, needing help. Shouldn't have given up all that power, hmm?" He said and turned the key, starting the launch. "T-minus 30." The computer said as the controlled Cyrus threw Lloyd towards the others, luckily they caught him.
"I need to get back up there!" Lloyd said before Cole stopped him. "Forget them. We need to get out of here." This made Lloyd look conflicted. "But what about the golden weapons?" Jay shook his head. "There's more pressing problems, like an entire rocket ship pressing on us!" Lloyd then looked at a small door on the rocket. "We need to do everything in our power to make sure they don't reach those weapons." He opened the door, shocking the others. "You nuts? Ninja don't belong in space!" Cole exclaimed and Jay nodded in agreement. "I'm with Cole. This is even beyond me." Lloyd just looked at them. "We have to try. You said nothing was ever going to separate us again. Well, I'm going. Are you with me or not?" The others looked at eachother.
Soon the rocket launched as the others arrived and saw it fly off. "They're too late." Nya said before Pixal shook his head. "No. I'm reading Zane's signal aboard that rocket ship, along with four other life forms." Their eyes widened. "Oh, by the grace of the first spinjitzu master." Wu said as Garmadon turned to him. "You wanned them to take risks. To see how far they'd go. Is this what you had in mind? How far? How far must they go?" His voice showing anger. Wu just looked up at the rocket. "Come back safe to us, ninja. Come back safe." He said as the rocket flew into space. Now the ninja needed to be ready.
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